public void Merge(ref AABB box)
            m_min.X = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(m_min.X, box.m_min.X);
            m_min.Y = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(m_min.Y, box.m_min.Y);
            m_min.Z = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(m_min.Z, box.m_min.Z);

            m_max.X = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(m_max.X, box.m_max.X);
            m_max.Y = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(m_max.Y, box.m_max.Y);
            m_max.Z = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(m_max.Z, box.m_max.Z);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //! transcache is the transformation cache from box to this AABB
        public bool OverlappingTransCache(ref AABB box, ref BT_BOX_BOX_TRANSFORM_CACHE transcache, bool fulltest)

            //Taken from OPCODE
            IndexedVector3 ea, eb;//extends
            IndexedVector3 ca, cb;//extends
            GetCenterExtend(out ca, out ea);
            box.GetCenterExtend(out cb, out eb);

            IndexedVector3 T = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);
            float t, t2;
            int i;

            // Class I : A's basis vectors

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                T[i] = transcache.m_R1to0[i].Dot(ref cb) + transcache.m_T1to0[i] - ca[i];
                t = transcache.m_AR[i].Dot(ref eb) + ea[i];

                if (BoxCollision.BT_GREATER(T[i], t))
                    return false;
            // Class II : B's basis vectors
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t = Mat3DotCol(ref transcache.m_R1to0, ref T, i);
                t2 = Mat3DotCol(ref transcache.m_AR, ref ea, i) + eb[i];
                if (BoxCollision.BT_GREATER(t, t2))
                    return false;
            // Class III : 9 cross products
            if (fulltest)
                // check to see if these need to be restored back or are read-only
                float[,] m_R1to0 = MathUtil.BasisMatrixToFloatArray(ref transcache.m_R1to0);
                float[,] m_AR = MathUtil.BasisMatrixToFloatArray(ref transcache.m_AR);

                int j, m, n, o, p, q, r;
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    m = (i + 1) % 3;
                    n = (i + 2) % 3;
                    o = i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                    p = i == 2 ? 1 : 2;
                    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        q = j == 2 ? 1 : 2;
                        r = j == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                        t = T[n] * m_R1to0[m, j] - T[m] * m_R1to0[n, j];
                        t2 = ea[o] * m_AR[p, j] + ea[p] * m_AR[o, j] +
                            eb[r] * m_AR[i, q] + eb[q] * m_AR[i, r];
                        if (BoxCollision.BT_GREATER(t, t2)) return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public bool OverlappingTransConservative2(ref AABB box,
     BT_BOX_BOX_TRANSFORM_CACHE trans1_to_0)
     AABB tbox = box;
     tbox.ApplyTransformTransCache(ref trans1_to_0);
     return HasCollision(ref tbox);
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere(ref BoundingSphere sphere, Vector3? referenceNormalVector, float? maxAngle, List<MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals> retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
            var aabb = BoundingBoxHelper.InitialBox;
            BoundingBoxHelper.AddSphere(ref sphere, ref aabb);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(ref aabb.Min, ref aabb.Max);
            if (m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles))
                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    //  If we reached end of the buffer of neighbour triangles, we stop adding new ones. This is better behavior than throwing exception because of array overflow.
                    if (retTriangles.Count == maxNeighbourTriangles) return;

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (MyUtils.IsBoxIntersectingSphere(triangleBoundingBox, ref sphere) == true)
                        //if (m_triangleIndices[value] != ignoreTriangleWithIndex)
                            //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                            MyTriangle_Vertexes triangle;
                            MyTriangle_Normals triangleNormals;
                            MyTriangle_Normals triangleBinormals;
                            MyTriangle_Normals triangleTangents;

                            MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                            m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0, triangleIndices.I2, triangleIndices.I1, out triangle.Vertex0, out triangle.Vertex1, out triangle.Vertex2);

                            triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                            triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                            triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                            triangleNormals.Normal0 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I0);
                            triangleNormals.Normal1 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I2);
                            triangleNormals.Normal2 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I1);

                            if (MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Render.MyRenderConstants.RenderQualityProfile.ForwardRender)
                                triangleBinormals.Normal0 = triangleNormals.Normal0;
                                triangleBinormals.Normal1 = triangleNormals.Normal1;
                                triangleBinormals.Normal2 = triangleNormals.Normal2;

                                triangleTangents.Normal0 = triangleNormals.Normal0;
                                triangleTangents.Normal1 = triangleNormals.Normal1;
                                triangleTangents.Normal2 = triangleNormals.Normal2;
                                triangleBinormals.Normal0 = m_model.GetVertexBinormal(triangleIndices.I0);
                                triangleBinormals.Normal1 = m_model.GetVertexBinormal(triangleIndices.I2);
                                triangleBinormals.Normal2 = m_model.GetVertexBinormal(triangleIndices.I1);

                                triangleTangents.Normal0 = m_model.GetVertexTangent(triangleIndices.I0);
                                triangleTangents.Normal1 = m_model.GetVertexTangent(triangleIndices.I2);
                                triangleTangents.Normal2 = m_model.GetVertexTangent(triangleIndices.I1);

                            MyPlane trianglePlane = new MyPlane(ref triangle);

                            if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphere, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                                Vector3 triangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangle);

                                if ((referenceNormalVector.HasValue == false) || (maxAngle.HasValue == false) ||
                                    ((MyUtils.GetAngleBetweenVectors(referenceNormalVector.Value, triangleNormal) <= maxAngle)))
                                    MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals retTriangle;
                                    retTriangle.Vertexes = triangle;
                                    retTriangle.Normals = triangleNormals;
                                    retTriangle.Binormals = triangleBinormals;
                                    retTriangle.Tangents = triangleTangents;

        protected void GImpactTrimeshpartVsPlaneCollision(
                          CollisionObject body0,
                          CollisionObject body1,
                          GImpactMeshShapePart shape0,
                          StaticPlaneShape shape1, bool swapped)
            IndexedMatrix orgtrans0 = body0.GetWorldTransform();
            IndexedMatrix orgtrans1 = body1.GetWorldTransform();

            IndexedVector4 plane;
            PlaneShape.GetPlaneEquationTransformed(shape1,ref orgtrans1, out plane);

            //test box against plane

            AABB tribox = new AABB();
            shape0.GetAabb(ref orgtrans0, out tribox.m_min, out tribox.m_max);

            if (tribox.PlaneClassify(ref plane) != BT_PLANE_INTERSECTION_TYPE.BT_CONST_COLLIDE_PLANE) return;


            float margin = shape0.GetMargin() + shape1.GetMargin();

            IndexedVector3 vertex;
            int vi = shape0.GetVertexCount();
            while (vi-- != 0)
                shape0.GetVertex(vi, out vertex);
                vertex = orgtrans0 * vertex;

                float distance = IndexedVector3.Dot(vertex, MathUtil.Vector4ToVector3(ref plane)) - plane.W - margin;

                if (distance < 0.0f)//add contact
                    if (swapped)
                        AddContactPoint(body1, body0,
                        AddContactPoint(body0, body1,
                            MathUtil.Vector4ToVector3(ref plane),


        protected void GImpactVsGImpactFindPairs(
                          ref IndexedMatrix trans0,
                          ref IndexedMatrix trans1,
                          GImpactShapeInterface shape0,
                          GImpactShapeInterface shape1, PairSet pairset)
            if (shape0.HasBoxSet() && shape1.HasBoxSet())
                GImpactQuantizedBvh.FindCollision(shape0.GetBoxSet(), ref trans0, shape1.GetBoxSet(), ref trans1, pairset);
                AABB boxshape0 = new AABB();
                AABB boxshape1 = new AABB();
                int i = shape0.GetNumChildShapes();

                while (i-- != 0)
                    shape0.GetChildAabb(i, ref trans0, out boxshape0.m_min, out boxshape0.m_max);

                    int j = shape1.GetNumChildShapes();
                    while (j-- != 0)
                        shape1.GetChildAabb(i, ref trans1, out boxshape1.m_min, out boxshape1.m_max);

                        if (boxshape1.HasCollision(ref boxshape0))
                            pairset.PushPair(i, j);
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGimpactAlgo)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("GImpactAglo::GImpactVsGImpactFindPairs [{0}]", pairset.Count);
 //! Merges a Box
 public void Merge(AABB box)
     Merge(ref box);
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere(ref BoundingSphereD sphere, List<MyTriangle_Vertex_Normal> retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
            Vector3? referenceNormalVector = null;
            float? maxAngle = null;

            var aabb = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid();
            BoundingSphere sphereF = (BoundingSphere)sphere;
            aabb.Include(ref sphereF);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(aabb.Min.ToBullet(), aabb.Max.ToBullet());

           // VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("m_bvh.BoxQuery"); // This code is called recursively and cause profiler to lag
            bool res = m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles);
           // VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().EndProfilingBlock();

            if (res)
                //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("m_overlappedTriangles");  // This code is called recursively and cause profiler to lag

                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    //  If we reached end of the buffer of neighbour triangles, we stop adding new ones. This is better behavior than throwing exception because of array overflow.
                    if (retTriangles.Count == maxNeighbourTriangles) return;

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (triangleBoundingBox.Intersects(ref sphere))
                        //if (m_triangleIndices[value] != ignoreTriangleWithIndex)
                            //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                            MyTriangle_Vertices triangle;

                            MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                            triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                            triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                            triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);
                            Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangle);

                            PlaneD trianglePlane = new PlaneD(triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex1, triangle.Vertex2);

                            if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphere, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                                Vector3 triangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangle);

                                if ((referenceNormalVector.HasValue == false) || (maxAngle.HasValue == false) ||
                                    ((MyUtils.GetAngleBetweenVectors(referenceNormalVector.Value, triangleNormal) <= maxAngle)))
                                    MyTriangle_Vertex_Normal retTriangle;
                                    retTriangle.Vertexes = triangle;
                                    retTriangle.Normal = calculatedTriangleNormal;


Exemplo n.º 9
 public AABB(ref AABB other)
     m_max = other.m_max;
     m_min = other.m_min;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void ProcessAllTriangles(ITriangleCallback callback, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            AABB box = new AABB();
            box.m_min = aabbMin;
            box.m_max = aabbMax;

            ObjectArray<int> collided = new ObjectArray<int>();
            m_box_set.BoxQuery(ref box, collided);

            if (collided.Count == 0)

            int part = GetPart();
            PrimitiveTriangle triangle = new PrimitiveTriangle();
            int i = collided.Count;
            while (i-- != 0)
                GetPrimitiveTriangle(collided[i], triangle);
                callback.ProcessTriangle(triangle.m_vertices, part, collided[i]);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public virtual void GetPrimitiveBox(int prim_index, out AABB primbox)
     PrimitiveTriangle triangle = new PrimitiveTriangle();
     GetPrimitiveTriangle(prim_index, triangle);
     primbox = new AABB();
         ref triangle.m_vertices[0],
         ref triangle.m_vertices[1], ref triangle.m_vertices[2], triangle.m_margin);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public virtual void GetPrimitiveBox(int prim_index, out AABB primbox)
     IndexedMatrix prim_trans;
     if (m_compoundShape.ChildrenHasTransform())
         prim_trans = m_compoundShape.GetChildTransform(prim_index);
         prim_trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
     CollisionShape shape = m_compoundShape.GetChildShape(prim_index);
     shape.GetAabb(prim_trans, out primbox.m_min, out primbox.m_max);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected GImpactQuantizedBvh m_box_set = new GImpactQuantizedBvh();// optionally boxset

        //! declare Quantized trees, (you can change to float based trees)
        //typedef btGImpactQuantizedBvh btGImpactBoxSet;

        //! Base class for gimpact shapes
        //class btGImpactShapeInterface : public ConcaveShape
        //    btAABB m_localAABB;
        //    bool m_needs_update;
        //    btVector3  localScaling;
        //    btGImpactBoxSet m_box_set;// optionally boxset

        //! use this function for perfofm refit in bounding boxes
        //! use this function for perfofm refit in bounding boxes
        protected virtual void CalcLocalAABB()
            if (m_box_set.GetNodeCount() == 0)

            m_localAABB = m_box_set.GetGlobalBox();

        public virtual void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix t, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            IndexedVector3 tv0 = t * m_vertices1[0];
            IndexedVector3 tv1 = t * m_vertices1[1];
            IndexedVector3 tv2 = t * m_vertices1[2];

            AABB trianglebox = new AABB(ref tv0, ref tv1, ref tv2, m_collisionMargin);
            aabbMin = trianglebox.m_min;
            aabbMax = trianglebox.m_max;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere(ref BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3? referenceNormalVector, float? maxAngle, List<MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals> retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
            var aabb = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid();
            BoundingSphere sphereF = (BoundingSphere)sphere;
            aabb.Include(ref sphereF);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(aabb.Min.ToBullet(), aabb.Max.ToBullet());
            if (m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles))
                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    //  If we reached end of the buffer of neighbour triangles, we stop adding new ones. This is better behavior than throwing exception because of array overflow.
                    if (retTriangles.Count == maxNeighbourTriangles) return;

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (triangleBoundingBox.Intersects(ref sphere))
                        //if (m_triangleIndices[value] != ignoreTriangleWithIndex)
                            //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                            MyTriangle_Vertices triangle;
                            MyTriangle_Normals triangleNormals;
                            //MyTriangle_Normals triangleTangents;

                            MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                            m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0, triangleIndices.I2, triangleIndices.I1, out triangle.Vertex0, out triangle.Vertex1, out triangle.Vertex2);

                            triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                            triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                            triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                            triangleNormals.Normal0 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I0);
                            triangleNormals.Normal1 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I2);
                            triangleNormals.Normal2 = m_model.GetVertexNormal(triangleIndices.I1);

                            PlaneD trianglePlane = new PlaneD(triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex1, triangle.Vertex2);

                            if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphere, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                                Vector3 triangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangle);

                                if ((referenceNormalVector.HasValue == false) || (maxAngle.HasValue == false) ||
                                    ((MyUtils.GetAngleBetweenVectors(referenceNormalVector.Value, triangleNormal) <= maxAngle)))
                                    MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals retTriangle;
                                    retTriangle.Vertices = triangle;
                                    retTriangle.Normals = triangleNormals;

Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool GetIntersectionWithSphere(IMyEntity entity, ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
            //  Transform sphere from world space to object space
            MatrixD worldInv = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
            Vector3 positionInObjectSpace = (Vector3)Vector3D.Transform(sphere.Center, ref worldInv);
            BoundingSphereD sphereInObjectSpace = new BoundingSphereD(positionInObjectSpace, (float)sphere.Radius);

            var aabb = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid();
            BoundingSphere sphereF = (BoundingSphere)sphereInObjectSpace;
            aabb.Include(ref sphereF);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(aabb.Min.ToBullet(), aabb.Max.ToBullet());
            if (m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles))
                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                //  Triangles that are directly in this node
                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (triangleBoundingBox.Intersects(ref sphereInObjectSpace))
                        //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                        MyTriangle_Vertices triangle;
                        MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                        triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                        triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                        triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                        PlaneD trianglePlane = new PlaneD(triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex1, triangle.Vertex2);

                        if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphereInObjectSpace, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                            //  If we found intersection we can stop and dont need to look further
                            return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public AABB(ref AABB other, float margin)
            m_max = other.m_max;
            m_min = other.m_min;

            m_min.X -= margin;
            m_min.Y -= margin;
            m_min.Z -= margin;
            m_max.X += margin;
            m_max.Y += margin;
            m_max.Z += margin;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingAABB(ref BoundingBoxD aabb, List<MyTriangle_Vertex_Normal> retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)  
            BoundingBox boxF = (BoundingBox)aabb;
            IndexedVector3 min = boxF.Min.ToBullet();
            IndexedVector3 max = boxF.Max.ToBullet();
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(ref min, ref max);


            bool res = m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles);

            if (res)

                //foreach (var triangleIndex in m_overlappedTriangles)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    //  If we reached end of the buffer of neighbour triangles, we stop adding new ones. This is better behavior than throwing exception because of array overflow.
                    if (retTriangles.Count == maxNeighbourTriangles)

                    MyTriangleVertexIndices triangle = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                    MyTriangle_Vertices triangleVertices = new MyTriangle_Vertices();
                    m_model.GetVertex(triangle.I0, triangle.I1, triangle.I2, out triangleVertices.Vertex0, out triangleVertices.Vertex1, out triangleVertices.Vertex2);

                    IndexedVector3 iv0 = triangleVertices.Vertex0.ToBullet();
                    IndexedVector3 iv1 = triangleVertices.Vertex1.ToBullet();
                    IndexedVector3 iv2 = triangleVertices.Vertex2.ToBullet();

                    MyTriangle_Vertex_Normal retTriangle;
                    retTriangle.Vertexes = triangleVertices;
                    retTriangle.Normal = Vector3.Forward;


Exemplo n.º 19
        public void CopyWithMargin(ref AABB other, float margin)
            m_min.X = other.m_min.X - margin;
            m_min.Y = other.m_min.Y - margin;
            m_min.Z = other.m_min.Z - margin;

            m_max.X = other.m_max.X + margin;
            m_max.Y = other.m_max.Y + margin;
            m_max.Z = other.m_max.Z + margin;
Exemplo n.º 20
        //! Finds the intersecting box between this box and the other.
        public void FindIntersection(ref AABB other, ref AABB intersection)
            intersection.m_min.X = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(other.m_min.X, m_min.X);
            intersection.m_min.Y = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(other.m_min.Y, m_min.Y);
            intersection.m_min.Z = BoxCollision.BT_MAX(other.m_min.Z, m_min.Z);

            intersection.m_max.X = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(other.m_max.X, m_max.X);
            intersection.m_max.Y = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(other.m_max.Y, m_max.Y);
            intersection.m_max.Z = BoxCollision.BT_MIN(other.m_max.Z, m_max.Z);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public bool HasCollision(ref AABB other)
     if (m_min.X > other.m_max.X ||
        m_max.X < other.m_min.X ||
        m_min.Y > other.m_max.Y ||
        m_max.Y < other.m_min.Y ||
        m_min.Z > other.m_max.Z ||
        m_max.Z < other.m_min.Z)
         return false;
     return true;
        protected void GImpactVsShapeFindPairs(
                          ref IndexedMatrix trans0,
                          ref IndexedMatrix trans1,
                          GImpactShapeInterface shape0,
                          CollisionShape shape1,
                          ObjectArray<int> collided_primitives)
            AABB boxshape = new AABB();

            if (shape0.HasBoxSet())
                IndexedMatrix trans1to0 = trans0.Inverse();
                //trans1to0 *= trans1;
                trans1to0 = trans1to0 * trans1;
                //trans1to0 = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(trans1,trans1to0);
                shape1.GetAabb(ref trans1to0, out boxshape.m_min, out boxshape.m_max);
                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGimpactAlgo)
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "GImpactAglo::GImpactVsShapeFindPairs trans1to0", trans1to0);
                    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "box min", boxshape.m_min);
                    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "box max", boxshape.m_max);
                shape0.GetBoxSet().BoxQuery(ref boxshape, collided_primitives);
                shape1.GetAabb(ref trans1, out boxshape.m_min, out boxshape.m_max);

                AABB boxshape0 = new AABB();
                int i = shape0.GetNumChildShapes();

                while (i-- != 0)
                    shape0.GetChildAabb(i, ref trans0, out boxshape0.m_min, out boxshape0.m_max);

                    if (boxshape.HasCollision(ref boxshape0))


Exemplo n.º 23
 public bool OverlappingTransConservative(ref AABB box, ref IndexedMatrix trans1_to_0)
     AABB tbox = box;
     tbox.ApplyTransform(ref trans1_to_0);
     return HasCollision(ref tbox);
Exemplo n.º 24
        void IPrimitiveManagerBase.GetPrimitiveBox(int prim_index, out AABB primbox)
            BoundingBox bbox = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid();
            Vector3 v1 = GetVertex(Triangles[prim_index].I0);
            Vector3 v2 = GetVertex(Triangles[prim_index].I1);
            Vector3 v3 = GetVertex(Triangles[prim_index].I2);
                ref v1,
                ref v2,
                ref v3);

            primbox = new AABB() { m_min = bbox.Min.ToBullet(), m_max = bbox.Max.ToBullet() };
Exemplo n.º 25
        public bool GetIntersectionWithSphere(MyEntity physObject, ref BoundingSphere sphere)
            //  Transform sphere from world space to object space
            Matrix worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixInverted();
            Vector3 positionInObjectSpace = MyUtils.GetTransform(sphere.Center, ref worldInv);
            BoundingSphere sphereInObjectSpace = new BoundingSphere(positionInObjectSpace, sphere.Radius);

            var aabb = BoundingBoxHelper.InitialBox;
            BoundingBoxHelper.AddSphere(ref sphereInObjectSpace, ref aabb);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(ref aabb.Min, ref aabb.Max);
            if (m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles))
                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                //  Triangles that are directly in this node
                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (MyUtils.IsBoxIntersectingSphere(triangleBoundingBox, ref sphereInObjectSpace) == true)
                        //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                        MyTriangle_Vertexes triangle;
                        MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                        triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                        triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                        triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                        MyPlane trianglePlane = new MyPlane(ref triangle);

                        if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphereInObjectSpace, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                            //  If we found intersection we can stop and dont need to look further
                            return true;

            return false;