Exemplo n.º 1
        public override Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow CreateWindow(bool autoCreateWindow, GLRenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle)
            RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                EngineConfig.DisplayModeRow[] modes =
                    (EngineConfig.DisplayModeRow[])engineConfig.DisplayMode.Select("Selected = true");

                EngineConfig.DisplayModeRow mode = modes[0];

                int  width      = mode.Width;
                int  height     = mode.Height;
                int  bpp        = mode.Bpp;
                bool fullscreen = mode.FullScreen;

                // create a default form to use for a rendering target
                DefaultForm form = CreateDefaultForm(windowTitle, 0, 0, width, height, fullscreen);

                // create the window with the default form as the target
                autoWindow = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow(windowTitle, width, height, bpp, fullscreen, 0, 0, true, false, form.Target);

                // set the default form's renderwindow so it can access it internally
                form.RenderWindow = autoWindow;

                // show the window

Exemplo n.º 2
		public override void Create( string name, int width, int height, bool isFullScreen, NamedParameterList miscParams )
			if ( _hWindow != IntPtr.Zero )
				dispose( true );

			_hWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
			this.name = name;
			this.IsFullScreen = isFullScreen;
			this._isClosed = false;

			// load window defaults
			this.left = this.top = -1; // centered
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;
			this._displayFrequency = 0;
			this.isDepthBuffered = true;
			this.colorDepth = IsFullScreen ? 32 : 16;

			IntPtr parentHwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
			string title = name;
			bool vsync = false;
			int fsaa = 0;
			string border = "";
			bool outerSize = false;

			#region Parameter Handling
			if ( miscParams != null )
				foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in miscParams )
					switch ( entry.Key )
						case "title":
							title = entry.Value.ToString();
						case "left":
							left = Int32.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "top":
							top = Int32.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "depthBuffer":
							isDepthBuffered = bool.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "vsync":
							vsync = entry.Value.ToString() == "Yes" ? true : false;
						case "fsaa":
							fsaa = Int32.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "externalWindowHandle":
							_hWindow = (IntPtr)entry.Value;
							if ( _hWindow != IntPtr.Zero )
								_isExternal = true;
								IsFullScreen = false;
						case "externalGLControl":
						case "border":
                            border = ( (string)miscParams[ "border" ] ).ToLower(); 
						case "outerDimensions":
						case "displayFrequency":
							if ( IsFullScreen )
								_displayFrequency = Int32.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "colorDepth":
							if ( IsFullScreen )
								colorDepth = Int32.Parse( entry.Value.ToString() );
						case "parentWindowHandle":
							if ( !IsFullScreen )
								parentHwnd = (IntPtr)entry.Value;
			#endregion Parameter Handling

			if ( !_isExternal )
				DefaultForm form = new DefaultForm();

				form.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size( width, height );
				form.MaximizeBox = false;
				form.MinimizeBox = false;
				form.StartPosition = SWF.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

				if ( IsFullScreen )
					// Set the display to the desired resolution
					Gdi.DEVMODE screenSettings = new Gdi.DEVMODE();
					screenSettings.dmSize = (short)Marshal.SizeOf( screenSettings );
					screenSettings.dmPelsWidth = width;                         // Selected Screen Width
					screenSettings.dmPelsHeight = height;                       // Selected Screen Height
					screenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = ColorDepth;                         // Selected Bits Per Pixel
					screenSettings.dmFields = Gdi.DM_BITSPERPEL | Gdi.DM_PELSWIDTH | Gdi.DM_PELSHEIGHT;

					// Try To Set Selected Mode And Get Results.  NOTE: CDS_FULLSCREEN Gets Rid Of Start Bar.
					int result = User.ChangeDisplaySettings( ref screenSettings, User.CDS_FULLSCREEN );

					if ( result != User.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL )
						throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to change user display settings." );

					// Adjust form to size the screen
					form.Top = 0;
					form.Left = 0;
					form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.None;
					form.WindowState = SWF.FormWindowState.Maximized;
#if !DEBUG
					form.TopMost = true;
					form.TopLevel = true;
					if ( parentHwnd != IntPtr.Zero )
						form.Owner = (SWF.Form)SWF.Control.FromHandle( parentHwnd );
                        if ( border == "none" )
                            form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.None;
                        else if ( border == "fixed" )
                            form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                            form.MaximizeBox = false;

					form.Top = top;
					form.Left = left;
					//form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
					form.WindowState = SWF.FormWindowState.Normal;
					form.Text = title;

                WindowEventMonitor.Instance.RegisterWindow( this );

				form.RenderWindow = this;
				_hWindow = form.Handle;


			IntPtr old_hdc = Wgl.wglGetCurrentDC();
			IntPtr old_context = Wgl.wglGetCurrentContext();

			SWF.Control ctrl = SWF.Form.FromHandle( _hWindow );
			//Form frm = (Form)ctrl.TopLevelControl;
			this.top = ctrl.Top;
			this.left = ctrl.Left;
			this.width = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width;
			this.height = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height;

			_hDeviceContext = User.GetDC( _hWindow );

			// Do not change vsync if the external window has the OpenGL control
			if ( !_isExternalGLControl )
				if ( !_glSupport.SelectPixelFormat( _hDeviceContext, ColorDepth, fsaa ) )
					if ( fsaa == 0 )
						throw new Exception( "selectPixelFormat failed" );

					LogManager.Instance.Write( "FSAA level not supported, falling back" );
					if ( !_glSupport.SelectPixelFormat( _hDeviceContext, ColorDepth, 0 ) )
						throw new Exception( "selectPixelFormat failed" );

			// attempt to get the rendering context
			_hRenderingContext = Wgl.wglCreateContext( _hDeviceContext );

			if ( _hRenderingContext == IntPtr.Zero )
				throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to create a GL rendering context." );

			if ( !Wgl.wglMakeCurrent( _hDeviceContext, _hRenderingContext ) )
				throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to activate the GL rendering context." );

			// Do not change vsync if the external window has the OpenGL control
			if ( !_isExternalGLControl )
				// Don't use wglew as if this is the first window, we won't have initialised yet
				//IntPtr wglSwapIntervalEXT = Wgl.wglGetProcAddress( "wglSwapIntervalEXT" );
				//if ( wglSwapIntervalEXT != IntPtr.Zero )
				//Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT( wglSwapIntervalEXT, vsync );
				if ( Wgl.IsExtensionSupported( "wglSwapIntervalEXT" ) )
					Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT( vsync ? 1 : 0 ); // Tao 2.0

			if ( old_context != IntPtr.Zero )
				// Restore old context
				if ( !Wgl.wglMakeCurrent( old_hdc, old_context ) )
					throw new Exception( "wglMakeCurrent() failed" );

				// Share lists with old context
				if ( !Wgl.wglShareLists( old_context, _hRenderingContext ) )
					throw new Exception( "wglShareLists() failed" );

			// Create RenderSystem context
			_glContext = new Win32Context( _hDeviceContext, _hRenderingContext );

			// make this window active
			this.IsActive = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Create(string name, int width, int height, bool isFullScreen, NamedParameterList miscParams)
            if (_hWindow != IntPtr.Zero)

            _hWindow          = IntPtr.Zero;
            this.name         = name;
            this.IsFullScreen = isFullScreen;
            this._isClosed    = false;

            // load window defaults
            this.left              = this.top = -1; // centered
            this.width             = width;
            this.height            = height;
            this._displayFrequency = 0;
            this.isDepthBuffered   = true;
            this.colorDepth        = IsFullScreen ? 32 : 16;

            IntPtr parentHwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
            string title      = name;
            bool   vsync      = false;
            int    fsaa       = 0;
            string border     = "";
            bool   outerSize  = false;

            #region Parameter Handling
            if (miscParams != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in miscParams)
                    switch (entry.Key)
                    case "title":
                        title = entry.Value.ToString();

                    case "left":
                        left = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "top":
                        top = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "depthBuffer":
                        isDepthBuffered = bool.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "vsync":
                        vsync = entry.Value.ToString() == "Yes" ? true : false;

                    case "fsaa":
                        fsaa = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "externalWindowHandle":
                        _hWindow = (IntPtr)entry.Value;
                        if (_hWindow != IntPtr.Zero)
                            _isExternal  = true;
                            IsFullScreen = false;

                    case "externalGLControl":

                    case "border":
                        border = ((string)miscParams["border"]).ToLower();

                    case "outerDimensions":

                    case "displayFrequency":
                        if (IsFullScreen)
                            _displayFrequency = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "colorDepth":
                        if (IsFullScreen)
                            colorDepth = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    case "parentWindowHandle":
                        if (!IsFullScreen)
                            parentHwnd = (IntPtr)entry.Value;

            #endregion Parameter Handling

            if (!_isExternal)
                DefaultForm form = new DefaultForm();

                form.ClientSize    = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);
                form.MaximizeBox   = false;
                form.MinimizeBox   = false;
                form.StartPosition = SWF.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

                if (IsFullScreen)
                    // Set the display to the desired resolution
                    Gdi.DEVMODE screenSettings = new Gdi.DEVMODE();
                    screenSettings.dmSize       = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(screenSettings);
                    screenSettings.dmPelsWidth  = width;                                            // Selected Screen Width
                    screenSettings.dmPelsHeight = height;                                           // Selected Screen Height
                    screenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = ColorDepth;                                       // Selected Bits Per Pixel
                    screenSettings.dmFields     = Gdi.DM_BITSPERPEL | Gdi.DM_PELSWIDTH | Gdi.DM_PELSHEIGHT;

                    // Try To Set Selected Mode And Get Results.  NOTE: CDS_FULLSCREEN Gets Rid Of Start Bar.
                    int result = User.ChangeDisplaySettings(ref screenSettings, User.CDS_FULLSCREEN);

                    if (result != User.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL)
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to change user display settings.");

                    // Adjust form to size the screen
                    form.Top             = 0;
                    form.Left            = 0;
                    form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.None;
                    form.WindowState     = SWF.FormWindowState.Maximized;
#if !DEBUG
                    form.TopMost  = true;
                    form.TopLevel = true;
                    if (parentHwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                        form.Owner = (SWF.Form)SWF.Control.FromHandle(parentHwnd);
                        if (border == "none")
                            form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.None;
                        else if (border == "fixed")
                            form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                            form.MaximizeBox     = false;

                    form.Top  = top;
                    form.Left = left;
                    //form.FormBorderStyle = SWF.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                    form.WindowState = SWF.FormWindowState.Normal;
                    form.Text        = title;


                form.RenderWindow = this;
                _hWindow          = form.Handle;

            IntPtr old_hdc     = Wgl.wglGetCurrentDC();
            IntPtr old_context = Wgl.wglGetCurrentContext();

            SWF.Control ctrl = SWF.Form.FromHandle(_hWindow);
            //Form frm = (Form)ctrl.TopLevelControl;
            this.top    = ctrl.Top;
            this.left   = ctrl.Left;
            this.width  = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width;
            this.height = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height;

            _hDeviceContext = User.GetDC(_hWindow);

            // Do not change vsync if the external window has the OpenGL control
            if (!_isExternalGLControl)
                if (!_glSupport.SelectPixelFormat(_hDeviceContext, ColorDepth, fsaa))
                    if (fsaa == 0)
                        throw new Exception("selectPixelFormat failed");

                    LogManager.Instance.Write("FSAA level not supported, falling back");
                    if (!_glSupport.SelectPixelFormat(_hDeviceContext, ColorDepth, 0))
                        throw new Exception("selectPixelFormat failed");

            // attempt to get the rendering context
            _hRenderingContext = Wgl.wglCreateContext(_hDeviceContext);

            if (_hRenderingContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to create a GL rendering context.");

            if (!Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(_hDeviceContext, _hRenderingContext))
                throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Unable to activate the GL rendering context.");

            // Do not change vsync if the external window has the OpenGL control
            if (!_isExternalGLControl)
                // Don't use wglew as if this is the first window, we won't have initialised yet
                //IntPtr wglSwapIntervalEXT = Wgl.wglGetProcAddress( "wglSwapIntervalEXT" );
                //if ( wglSwapIntervalEXT != IntPtr.Zero )
                //Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT( wglSwapIntervalEXT, vsync );
                if (Wgl.IsExtensionSupported("wglSwapIntervalEXT"))
                    Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT(vsync ? 1 : 0);                       // Tao 2.0

            if (old_context != IntPtr.Zero)
                // Restore old context
                if (!Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(old_hdc, old_context))
                    throw new Exception("wglMakeCurrent() failed");

                // Share lists with old context
                if (!Wgl.wglShareLists(old_context, _hRenderingContext))
                    throw new Exception("wglShareLists() failed");

            // Create RenderSystem context
            _glContext = new Win32Context(_hDeviceContext, _hRenderingContext);

            // make this window active
            this.IsActive = true;