Exemplo n.º 1
    void FixedUpdate()
        //** Ground Check **//
        grdInfo = GroundCheck();

        //** Rotation to normal **//
        float normalAdjustSpeed = (grdInfo.rayType == RayType.ForwardRay) ? forwardNormalAdjustSpeed : groundNormalAdjustSpeed;

        Vector3    slerpNormal  = Vector3.Slerp(transform.up, grdInfo.groundNormal, 0.02f * normalAdjustSpeed);
        Quaternion goalrotation = getLookRotation(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(transform.right, slerpNormal), slerpNormal);

        // Save last Normal for access
        lastNormal = transform.up;

        //Apply the rotation to the spider
        if (Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, goalrotation) > Mathf.Epsilon)
            transform.rotation = goalrotation;

        // Dont apply gravity if close enough to ground
        if (grdInfo.distanceToGround > getGravityOffDistance())
            rb.AddForce(-grdInfo.groundNormal * gravityMultiplier * 0.0981f * getScale()); //Important using the groundnormal and not the lerping normal here!
    public void Move(Vector3 move)
        //normalize the move vector
        if (move.magnitude > 1.0f)
            move = Vector3.Normalize(move);

        //Debug.Log ("updated move vector: " + move);
        //on screen debug
        //moveText.text = "Move: x = "+move.x+" y = "+move.y+" z = "+move.z;

        //convert world relative input move vector to local relative
        move = transform.InverseTransformDirection(move);

        //check for player ground condition
        groundInfo currentGround = playerGrounded();

        isGrounded   = currentGround.onGround;
        distToGround = currentGround.distance;
        groundNormal = currentGround.normal;
        landingPoint = currentGround.landing;

        //ragdoll death if fall distance is large
        if (distToGround > maxFallDistance)
            ragDoll = true;

        //determine local relative player movement if ground conditions are okay
        move    = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(move, groundNormal);
        forward = move.z;
        turn    = Mathf.Atan2(move.x, move.z);

        //update mecanim AC parameters
        //move allows for updating the AC using polar coordinates

        animSpeed     = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(move);      //transition between walk (0.0) and run (1.0)-magnitude not used to improve runtime
        animDirection = turn;                            //radians to rotate: +ve - turn right; -ve - turn left
        updateAC(animSpeed, animDirection, landingPoint);

        /*on screen debug for what is passed to mecanim
         * speedText.text = "Speed: " + forward;
         * directionText.text = "Direction: " + turn;
         * groundedText.text = "Grounded: " + isGrounded;
         * distanceText.text = "Distance to Ground: " + distToGround;*/
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Start()
     groundInfoComponent = GetComponent <groundInfo>();
     gInfo = groundInfoComponent.ground;
     Owner = groundInfoComponent.owner;