Exemplo n.º 1
 public static Models.Workout.WorkoutSchedule fromDb(WorkoutSchedule dbSchedule)
     return(new Models.Workout.WorkoutSchedule
         DayOfTheWeek = dbSchedule.DayOfTheWeek.ToString(),
         Description = dbSchedule.Description,
         Id = dbSchedule.Id,
         TimeOfTheDay = dbSchedule.TimeOfTheDay.ToString("c"),
         WorkoutId = dbSchedule.Workout.Id,
         WorkoutName = dbSchedule.Workout.Name
Exemplo n.º 2
        public WorkoutScheduleCreateForm(string accessToken, WorkoutSchedule workoutSchedule)

            timePicker.Format       = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
            timePicker.CustomFormat = "HH:mm";
            timePicker.ShowUpDown   = true;

            _accessToken               = accessToken;
            _workoutSchedule           = workoutSchedule;
            _workoutApiService         = new ApiService("workout", _accessToken);
            _workoutScheduleApiService = new ApiService("workoutSchedule", _accessToken);

            _ = initFormData();
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void DgvSchedules_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int selectedRowIndex = dgvSchedules.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
            int id = int.Parse(dgvSchedules.Rows[selectedRowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString());

            WorkoutSchedule workoutSchedule = _workoutScheduleList.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();

            WorkoutScheduleCreateForm workoutForm = new WorkoutScheduleCreateForm(_accessToken, workoutSchedule);

            workoutForm.MdiParent   = this.MdiParent;
            workoutForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
            workoutForm.ControlBox  = false;
            workoutForm.MaximizeBox = false;
            workoutForm.MinimizeBox = false;
            workoutForm.ShowIcon    = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //GET: Result
        public ActionResult Result(string userWeight, string userHeight, string userAge, string userGender, string userTargetWeight, string userActivityLevel)
            //Muscle Growth Meal Plan
            LinkedList <NutritionPlan> nutritionListMuscle = new LinkedList <NutritionPlan>();

            NutritionPlan Mushroom_Egg = new NutritionPlan();

            Mushroom_Egg.NutritionName      = "Mushroom & Pepper Egg White Omelet";
            Mushroom_Egg.MealType           = "Breakfast";
            Mushroom_Egg.ServingAmount      = "2 Omelet";
            Mushroom_Egg.CalorieOfNutrition = 643;


            NutritionPlan Yogurt = new NutritionPlan();

            Yogurt.NutritionName      = "Non-Fat Yogurt";
            Yogurt.MealType           = "Breakfast";
            Yogurt.ServingAmount      = "2 Bowl";
            Yogurt.CalorieOfNutrition = 274;


            NutritionPlan Apple = new NutritionPlan();

            Apple.NutritionName      = "Apple";
            Apple.MealType           = "Breakfast";
            Apple.ServingAmount      = "1 Apple";
            Apple.CalorieOfNutrition = 94;


            NutritionPlan Cottage_Cheese = new NutritionPlan();

            Cottage_Cheese.NutritionName      = "Cottage Cheese and Salsa";
            Cottage_Cheese.MealType           = "Lunch";
            Cottage_Cheese.ServingAmount      = "2 Serving";
            Cottage_Cheese.CalorieOfNutrition = 688;


            NutritionPlan Granola = new NutritionPlan();

            Granola.NutritionName      = "Granola";
            Granola.MealType           = "Lunch";
            Granola.ServingAmount      = "60 Grams";
            Granola.CalorieOfNutrition = 293;


            NutritionPlan Salmon = new NutritionPlan();

            Salmon.NutritionName      = "Balsamic Salmon";
            Salmon.MealType           = "Dinner";
            Salmon.ServingAmount      = "2 Serving";
            Salmon.CalorieOfNutrition = 598;


            NutritionPlan Artichokes = new NutritionPlan();

            Artichokes.NutritionName      = "Artichokes";
            Artichokes.MealType           = "Dinner";
            Artichokes.ServingAmount      = "2 Serving";
            Artichokes.CalorieOfNutrition = 365;


            //Cardio Meal Plan
            LinkedList <NutritionPlan> nutritionListCardio = new LinkedList <NutritionPlan>();

            NutritionPlan Steak_Egg = new NutritionPlan();

            Steak_Egg.NutritionName      = "Steak and Egg Hash";
            Steak_Egg.MealType           = "Breakfast";
            Steak_Egg.ServingAmount      = "1 Serving";
            Steak_Egg.CalorieOfNutrition = 516;


            NutritionPlan Blueberries = new NutritionPlan();

            Blueberries.NutritionName      = "Blueberries";
            Blueberries.MealType           = "Breakfast";
            Blueberries.ServingAmount      = "150 Grams";
            Blueberries.CalorieOfNutrition = 87;


            NutritionPlan Butter_Berry = new NutritionPlan();

            Butter_Berry.NutritionName      = "Almond Butter Berry Protein Smoothie";
            Butter_Berry.MealType           = "Lunch";
            Butter_Berry.ServingAmount      = "1 Smoothie";
            Butter_Berry.CalorieOfNutrition = 448;


            NutritionPlan Butter_Celery = new NutritionPlan();

            Butter_Celery.NutritionName      = "Almond Butter & Celery";
            Butter_Celery.MealType           = "Lunch";
            Butter_Celery.ServingAmount      = "1 Serving";
            Butter_Celery.CalorieOfNutrition = 217;


            NutritionPlan Pasta = new NutritionPlan();

            Pasta.NutritionName      = "Pasta la Checca";
            Pasta.MealType           = "Dinner";
            Pasta.ServingAmount      = "1 Serving";
            Pasta.CalorieOfNutrition = 360;


            NutritionPlan Cottage = new NutritionPlan();

            Cottage.NutritionName      = "Cottage Cheese & Cantaloupe";
            Cottage.MealType           = "Dinner";
            Cottage.ServingAmount      = "1 Serving";
            Cottage.CalorieOfNutrition = 190;


            EstimatedCalories upToTen = new EstimatedCalories();

            upToTen.MaxAge           = 10;
            upToTen.MinAge           = 2;
            upToTen.Sedentary        = 1200;
            upToTen.ModeratelyActive = 1400;
            upToTen.Active           = 1650;


            EstimatedCalories upToTwenty = new EstimatedCalories();

            upToTwenty.MaxAge           = 20;
            upToTwenty.MinAge           = 11;
            upToTwenty.Sedentary        = 2200;
            upToTwenty.ModeratelyActive = 2530;
            upToTwenty.Active           = 2870;


            EstimatedCalories upToThirty = new EstimatedCalories();

            upToThirty.MaxAge           = 30;
            upToThirty.MinAge           = 21;
            upToThirty.Sedentary        = 2150;
            upToThirty.ModeratelyActive = 2400;
            upToThirty.Active           = 2700;


            EstimatedCalories upToFourtyFive = new EstimatedCalories();

            upToFourtyFive.MaxAge           = 45;
            upToFourtyFive.MinAge           = 31;
            upToFourtyFive.Sedentary        = 2100;
            upToFourtyFive.ModeratelyActive = 2300;
            upToFourtyFive.Active           = 2530;


            EstimatedCalories upToSixty = new EstimatedCalories();

            upToSixty.MaxAge           = 60;
            upToSixty.MinAge           = 46;
            upToSixty.Sedentary        = 1930;
            upToSixty.ModeratelyActive = 2130;
            upToSixty.Active           = 2460;


            EstimatedCalories infinityAndBeyond = new EstimatedCalories();

            infinityAndBeyond.MinAge           = 61;
            infinityAndBeyond.Sedentary        = 1800;
            infinityAndBeyond.ModeratelyActive = 2025;
            infinityAndBeyond.Active           = 2400;


            LinkedList <WorkoutSchedule> workoutList = new LinkedList <WorkoutSchedule>();

            WorkoutSchedule Back_Squat = new WorkoutSchedule();

            Back_Squat.WorkoutName       = "Back Squat";
            Back_Squat.SetNumber         = 4;
            Back_Squat.RepeatNumber      = "8";
            Back_Squat.WorkoutTargetArea = "Abs & Legs";


            WorkoutSchedule Barbell_Lunge = new WorkoutSchedule();

            Barbell_Lunge.WorkoutName       = "Barbell Lunge";
            Barbell_Lunge.SetNumber         = 4;
            Barbell_Lunge.RepeatNumber      = "12";
            Barbell_Lunge.WorkoutTargetArea = "Abs & Legs";


            WorkoutSchedule Dumbell_Press = new WorkoutSchedule();

            Dumbell_Press.WorkoutName       = "Dumbbell Bench Press";
            Dumbell_Press.SetNumber         = 2;
            Dumbell_Press.RepeatNumber      = "12";
            Dumbell_Press.WorkoutTargetArea = "Chest & Triceps";


            WorkoutSchedule Double_Crunch = new WorkoutSchedule();

            Double_Crunch.WorkoutName       = "Double Crunch";
            Double_Crunch.SetNumber         = 4;
            Double_Crunch.RepeatNumber      = "20";
            Double_Crunch.WorkoutTargetArea = "Shoulders & Traps";


            WorkoutSchedule Barbell_Deadlift = new WorkoutSchedule();

            Barbell_Deadlift.WorkoutName       = "Barbell Deadlift";
            Barbell_Deadlift.SetNumber         = 4;
            Barbell_Deadlift.RepeatNumber      = "8";
            Barbell_Deadlift.WorkoutTargetArea = "Back & Biceps";


            UserResult res = new UserResult();

            res.Weight            = userWeight;
            res.Height            = userHeight;
            res.Age               = userAge;
            res.Gender            = userGender;
            res.TargetWeight      = userTargetWeight;
            res.UserActivityLevel = userActivityLevel;

            //Estimated calorie consumption
            if (Convert.ToInt16(userAge) < 11)
                res.EstimatedCalories = upToTen;
            else if (Convert.ToInt16(userAge) > 10 && Convert.ToInt16(userAge) < 21)
                res.EstimatedCalories = upToTwenty;
            else if (Convert.ToInt16(userAge) > 20 && Convert.ToInt16(userAge) < 31)
                res.EstimatedCalories = upToThirty;
            else if (Convert.ToInt16(userAge) > 30 && Convert.ToInt16(userAge) < 46)
                res.EstimatedCalories = upToFourtyFive;
            else if (Convert.ToInt16(userAge) > 45 && Convert.ToInt16(userAge) < 60)
                res.EstimatedCalories = upToSixty;
                res.EstimatedCalories = infinityAndBeyond;

            double BFP = 0.0;

            int kgDeficit = Convert.ToInt16(userWeight) - Convert.ToInt16(userTargetWeight);

            if (userGender.Equals("Female"))
                double height = Convert.ToDouble(userHeight) / 100;

                double bmi = (Convert.ToInt16(userWeight)) / (height * height);

                BFP = (1.20 * bmi) + (0.23 * Convert.ToInt16(userAge)) - 5.4;

                if (BFP <= 13.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Essential Fat";
                else if (BFP > 14.0 && BFP <= 20.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Athletes";
                else if (BFP > 20.0 && BFP <= 24.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Fitness";
                else if (BFP > 24.0 && BFP <= 31.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Average";
                else if (BFP >= 31.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Obese";

            else if (userGender.Equals("Male"))
                double height = Convert.ToDouble(userHeight) / 100;

                double bmi = (Convert.ToInt16(userWeight)) / (height * height);

                BFP = (1.20 * bmi) + (0.23 * Convert.ToInt16(userAge)) - 10.8 - 5.4;

                if (BFP <= 5.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Essential Fat";
                else if (BFP > 5.0 && BFP <= 13.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Athletes";
                else if (BFP > 13.0 && BFP <= 17.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Fitness";
                else if (BFP > 17.0 && BFP <= 24.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Average";
                else if (BFP >= 25.0)
                    res.BFResult = "Obese";

            res.FatPerc = Math.Round(BFP, 2);

            res.CalorieToBurn = 7860 * Math.Abs(kgDeficit);

            double result = 0.0;

            //Control of the workout schedules
            if (Convert.ToInt16(userTargetWeight) > Convert.ToInt16(userWeight))
                res.NutritionPlan = nutritionListMuscle;

                res.Message = "You need to gain " + res.CalorieToBurn;

                res.WorkoutSchedule = workoutList;

                //also do estimations, using fixed 3k calorie for muscle growth
                if (userActivityLevel.Equals("Sedentary"))
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.Sedentary - 100);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
                else if (userActivityLevel.Equals("Moderately Active"))
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.ModeratelyActive + 70);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.Active + 150);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
            else if (Convert.ToInt16(userTargetWeight) < Convert.ToInt16(userWeight))
                res.NutritionPlan = nutritionListCardio;

                res.Message = "You need to burn " + res.CalorieToBurn;

                //remove last 3 entries which are belong to muscle growth schedule

                //add cardio workout schedule items
                WorkoutSchedule Jogging = new WorkoutSchedule();
                Jogging.WorkoutName       = "Jogging-Treadmill";
                Jogging.SetNumber         = 1;
                Jogging.RepeatNumber      = "800 Meters";
                Jogging.WorkoutTargetArea = "Fat Burn & Cardio";


                WorkoutSchedule Rope_Jumping = new WorkoutSchedule();
                Rope_Jumping.WorkoutName       = "Rope Jumping";
                Rope_Jumping.SetNumber         = 6;
                Rope_Jumping.RepeatNumber      = "1 Minute";
                Rope_Jumping.WorkoutTargetArea = "Fat Burn & Cardio";


                WorkoutSchedule Bicycling = new WorkoutSchedule();
                Bicycling.WorkoutName       = "Bicycling";
                Bicycling.SetNumber         = 6;
                Bicycling.RepeatNumber      = "2 Minutes";
                Bicycling.WorkoutTargetArea = "Fat Burn & Cardio";


                res.WorkoutSchedule = workoutList;

                //also do estimations, using fixed 3k calories for muscle growth
                if (userActivityLevel.Equals("Sedentary"))
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.Sedentary - 100);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
                else if (userActivityLevel.Equals("Moderately Active"))
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.ModeratelyActive - 250);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
                    result = (res.CalorieToBurn) / (res.EstimatedCalories.Active - 400);
                    //res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7);
            res.EstimatedTimeToReachTarget = (int)Math.Ceiling(result / 7) + 7;
