Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(RenderContext renderContext, GameTime gameTime)
            if (renderContext.layerPass != RenderContext.LayerPass.UI_PASS)
            var basicEffect = new BasicEffect(renderContext.graphicsDevice);

            var basicEffect3 = new BasicEffect(renderContext.graphicsDevice);

            basicEffect3.Projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, renderContext.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, renderContext.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 0, 1, 1000);
            List <VertexPosition> markerVertices = new List <VertexPosition>();
            Vector3 v = Vector3Helper.UnitSphere(longitude * Mathf.PI / 180, latitude * Mathf.PI / 180);

            v = camera.Project(renderContext.graphicsDevice, v);
            if (v.Z < 1)
                float z = -10;
                markerVertices.Add(new VertexPosition(new Vector3(v.X - HALF_SIZE, v.Y + HALF_SIZE, z)));
                markerVertices.Add(new VertexPosition(new Vector3(v.X - HALF_SIZE, v.Y - HALF_SIZE, z)));
                markerVertices.Add(new VertexPosition(new Vector3(v.X + HALF_SIZE, v.Y + HALF_SIZE, z)));
                markerVertices.Add(new VertexPosition(new Vector3(v.X + HALF_SIZE, v.Y - HALF_SIZE, z)));
                foreach (EffectPass pass in basicEffect3.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                    renderContext.graphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives <VertexPosition>(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, markerVertices.ToArray());
            // city text
            Vector2 measured = GlobalContent.Arial.MeasureString(name);

            // apparently was setting the depthstencialstate to null and it would never get reset
            // this caused me so much confusion!
            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, DepthStencilState.Default, null, null, null);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(GlobalContent.Arial, name, new Vector2(v.X + HALF_SIZE * 1.5f, v.Y - measured.Y / 2), Color.White);