Exemplo n.º 1
        }         // Dispose()


        #region Render
        /// <summary>
        /// Render
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderMatrix">Render matrix</param>
        public void Render(Matrix renderMatrix, float alpha)
            // Make sure alpha is valid
            if (alpha <= 0)
                return;                 // skip, no reason to render this!
            if (alpha > 1)
                alpha = 1;

            float distanceSquared = Vector3.DistanceSquared(
                BaseGame.CameraPos, renderMatrix.Translation);

            // Check out if object is behind us or not visible, then we can skip
            // rendering. This is the GREATEST performance gain in the whole game!
            // Object must be away at least 20 units!
            if (distanceSquared > 20 * 20)
                Vector3 objectDirection =
                    Vector3.Normalize(BaseGame.CameraPos - renderMatrix.Translation);

                // Half field of view should be fov / 2, but because of
                // the aspect ratio (1.33) and an additional offset we need
                // to include to see objects at the borders.
                float objAngle = Vector3Helper.GetAngleBetweenVectors(
                    BaseGame.CameraRotation, objectDirection);
                if (objAngle > BaseGame.FieldOfView)                //.ViewableFieldOfView)
                // Skip.
            }             // if (distanceSquared)

            // Just render the only renderable mesh we got. The mesh part adds
            // the render matrix to be picked up in the mesh rendering later.
                new MeshRenderManager.MatrixAndAlpha(objectMatrix * renderMatrix, alpha));
        }         // Render(renderMatrix, alpha)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Render
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderMatrix">Render matrix</param>
        public void Render(Matrix renderMatrix)
            // Optimization to skip smaller objects, which are very far away!
            // Display 1 meter big objects only if in a distance of 250 meters!
            // Scaling is guessed by the length of the first vector in our matrix,
            // because we always use the same scaling for x, y, z this should be
            // correct!
            float maxDistance     = maxViewDistance * scaling;
            float distanceSquared = Vector3.DistanceSquared(
                BaseGame.CameraPos, renderMatrix.Translation);

            if (distanceSquared > maxDistance * maxDistance)
                // Don't render, too far away!

            // Check out if object is behind us or not visible, then we can skip
            // rendering. This is the GREATEST performance gain in the whole game!
            // Object must be away at least 20 units!
            if (distanceSquared > 20 * 20 &&
                // And the object size must be small
                distanceSquared > (10 * scaling) * (10 * scaling))
                Vector3 objectDirection =
                    Vector3.Normalize(BaseGame.CameraPos - renderMatrix.Translation);

                // Half field of view should be fov / 2, but because of
                // the aspect ratio (1.33) and an additional offset we need
                // to include to see objects at the borders.
                float objAngle = Vector3Helper.GetAngleBetweenVectors(
                    BaseGame.CameraRotation, objectDirection);
                if (objAngle > BaseGame.ViewableFieldOfView)
                    // Skip.

            // Multiply object matrix by render matrix, result is used multiple
            // times here.
            renderMatrix = objectMatrix * renderMatrix;

            // Go through all meshes in the model
            for (int meshNum = 0; meshNum < xnaModel.Meshes.Count; meshNum++)
                ModelMesh mesh = xnaModel.Meshes[meshNum];

                // Assign world matrix
                Matrix worldMatrix =
                    transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] *

                // Got animation?
                if (animatedMesh == mesh)
                    worldMatrix =
                            // Use pseudo number for this object for different rotations
                            renderMatrix.Translation.Length() * 3 +
                            renderMatrix.Determinant() * 5 +
                            (1.0f + ((int)(renderMatrix.M42 * 33.3f) % 100) * 0.00123f) *
                            BaseGame.TotalTime / 0.654f) *
                        transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] *

                // Just add this world matrix to our render matrices for each part.
                for (int partNum = 0; partNum < mesh.MeshParts.Count; partNum++)
                    // Find mesh part in the renderableMeshes dictionary and add the
                    // new render matrix to be picked up in the mesh rendering later.