//Apply the hinge rotation limit

    private Quat LimitHinge(Quat rotation)
        // If limit is zero return rotation fixed to axis
        if (min == 0 && max == 0 && useLimits)
            return(Quat.AngleAxis(0, axis));

        // Get 1 degree of freedom rotation along axis
        Quat free1DOF = Limit1DOF(rotation, axis);

        if (!useLimits)

        // Get offset from last rotation in angle-axis representation
        Quat addR = free1DOF * Quat.Inverse(lastRotation);

        float addA = Quat.Angle(Quat.identity, addR);

        Vec3 secondaryAxis = new Vec3(axis.z, axis.x, axis.y);
        Vec3 cross         = secondaryAxis.CrossProduct(axis);

        if (cross.DotProduct(addR * secondaryAxis) > 0f)
            addA = -addA;

        // Clamp to limits
        lastAngle = Mathf.Clamp(lastAngle + addA, min, max);

        return(Quat.AngleAxis(lastAngle, axis));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UpdateCollisionSpheres(Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, ItemObject missileItem)
            MissionWeapon missionWeapon = new MissionWeapon(missileItem, (ItemModifier)null, (Banner)null);
            Vec3          vec3_1        = velocity;
            double        num1          = (double)vec3_1.Normalize();
            Vec3          va            = vec3_1;
            double        num2          = (double)va.Normalize();
            float         x             = va.x;
            float         y             = va.y;
            float         z             = va.z;
            float         num3          = (float)((double)x * (double)position.x + (double)y * (double)position.y + (double)z * (double)position.z);
            Vec3          vb            = new Vec3(1f, 1f);
            float         num4          = (double)Math.Abs(z - 0.0f) < 1.40129846432482E-45 ? 1f : z;

            vb.z = (float)(-(double)num3 - (double)x * (1.0 - (double)position.x) - (double)y * (1.0 - (double)position.y) + (double)num4 * (double)position.z) / num4;
            double num5   = (double)vb.Normalize();
            Vec3   vec3_2 = Vec3.CrossProduct(va, vb);
            double num6   = (double)vec3_2.Normalize();

            Vec3[] vec3Array = new Vec3[0];
            for (int index = 0; index < 0; ++index)
                float num7 = (float)((double)index * 360.0 / 0.0 * 3.14159274101257 / 180.0);
                vec3Array[index] = va + vb * (float)Math.Sin((double)num7) * 0.1f + vec3_2 * (float)Math.Cos((double)num7) * 0.1f;
            for (int index = 0; index < vec3Array.Length; ++index)
                Vec3        missileDirection      = vec3Array[index];
                WeaponData  weaponData            = missionWeapon.GetWeaponData(false);
                Vec3        missileCollisionPoint = Mission.Current.GetMissileCollisionPoint(position, missileDirection, velocity.Length, in weaponData);
                MatrixFrame frame = this.collisionEntity[index].GetFrame();
                frame.origin = missileCollisionPoint;
                this.collisionEntity[index].SetFrame(ref frame);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void HandleCursor()
            Vec3 zero1         = Vec3.Zero;
            Vec3 zero2         = Vec3.Zero;
            Vec2 viewportPoint = this.MissionScreen.SceneLayer.SceneView.ScreenPointToViewportPoint(new Vec2(0.5f, 0.5f));

            this.MissionScreen.CombatCamera.ViewportPointToWorldRay(ref zero1, ref zero2, viewportPoint);
            PathFaceRecord currentFace = new PathFaceRecord();
            Vec3           intersectionPoint;

            GetCursorIntersectionPoint(ref zero1, ref zero2, out float _, out intersectionPoint, ref currentFace, BodyFlags.CommonFocusRayCastExcludeFlags);
            this.MissionScreen.SceneLayer.SceneView.ProjectedMousePositionOnGround(ref intersectionPoint, false, false);
            MatrixFrame frame = this._cursor.GetFrame();

            frame.origin       = intersectionPoint;
            frame.rotation.f   = this.MissionScreen.CombatCamera.Frame.rotation.f;
            frame.rotation.f.z = 0.0f;
            double num1 = (double)frame.rotation.f.Normalize();

            frame.rotation.s   = this.MissionScreen.CombatCamera.Frame.rotation.s;
            frame.rotation.s.z = 0.0f;
            double num2 = (double)frame.rotation.s.Normalize();

            frame.rotation.u = Vec3.CrossProduct(frame.rotation.s, frame.rotation.f);
            BoundingBox boundingBox = this._cursor.GetMetaMesh(0).GetBoundingBox();
            float       num3        = boundingBox.max.y - boundingBox.min.y;

            this._cursor.SetFrame(ref frame);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CrossProductTest3()
            // Arrange
            Vec3 a = new Vec3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            Vec3 b = new Vec3(2f, 2f, 2f);
            // Act
            var r = Vec3.CrossProduct(a, b);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(0f, r.X, 5);
            Assert.Equal(0f, r.Y, 5);
            Assert.Equal(0f, r.Z, 5);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CrossProductTest2()
            // Arrange
            Vec3 a = new Vec3(-100f, 4.23f, -5f);
            Vec3 b = new Vec3(-2f, 0f, 0f);
            // Act
            var r = Vec3.CrossProduct(a, b);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(0f, r.X, 5);
            Assert.Equal(10f, r.Y, 5);
            Assert.Equal(8.46f, r.Z, 5);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void CrossProductTest1()
            // Arrange
            Vec3 a = new Vec3(1f, 4f, -5f);
            Vec3 b = new Vec3(-2f, 2f, 1f);
            // Act
            var r = Vec3.CrossProduct(a, b);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(14f, r.X, 5);
            Assert.Equal(9f, r.Y, 5);
            Assert.Equal(10f, r.Z, 5);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static Quat RotateFromTo(Vec3 source, Vec3 target)

        Vec3 axis = source.CrossProduct(target);

        Vec3 oldLength = axis.Normalize();

        if (oldLength != Vec3.zero)
            float halfCosAngle = 0.5f * source.DotProduct(target);
            float cosHalfAngle = Mathf.Sqrt(0.5f + halfCosAngle);
            float sinHalfAngle = Mathf.Sqrt(0.5f - halfCosAngle);
            return(new Quat(axis.x * sinHalfAngle, axis.y * sinHalfAngle, axis.z * sinHalfAngle, cosHalfAngle));
            return(new Quat(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void UpdateMapCamera()
            //Camera with Updated Values
            MatrixFrame mapCamera = ComputeMapCamera(ref this._cameraTarget, this._cameraBearing, this._cameraElevation, this.CameraDistance, ref this._lastUsedIdealCameraTarget);

            bool positionChanged = !mapCamera.origin.NearlyEquals(this._cameraFrame.origin, 1E-05f);
            bool rotationChanged = !mapCamera.rotation.NearlyEquals(this._cameraFrame.rotation, 1E-05f);

            //IDK If I can currnetly Handle this?
            if (rotationChanged | positionChanged)
                Game.Current.EventManager.TriggerEvent <MainMapCameraMoveEvent>(new MainMapCameraMoveEvent(rotationChanged, positionChanged));

            //Sets Camera Frame
            this._cameraFrame = mapCamera;
            float height1 = 0.0f;

            //Gets Height at a Position?
            this.Mission.Scene.GetHeightAtPoint(this._cameraFrame.origin.AsVec2, BodyFlags.CommonCollisionExcludeFlagsForMissile, ref height1);
            float height2 = height1 + 0.5f;

            ///Updates Camera Left Drag
            if ((double)this._cameraFrame.origin.z < (double)height2)
                //Checks if ButtonDragginMode is On!!!!!! Breakpoint here
                if (this._leftButtonDraggingMode)
                    //Does some Math Magic
                    Vec3  clickedPosition = this._clickedPosition;
                    Vec3  vec3_1          = clickedPosition - Vec3.DotProduct(clickedPosition - this._cameraFrame.origin, this._cameraFrame.rotation.s) * this._cameraFrame.rotation.s;
                    Vec3  va     = (vec3_1 - this._cameraFrame.origin).NormalizedCopy();
                    Vec3  vec3_2 = vec3_1 - (this._cameraFrame.origin + new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, height2 - this._cameraFrame.origin.z, -1f));
                    Vec3  vb     = vec3_2.NormalizedCopy();
                    Vec3  vec    = Vec3.CrossProduct(va, vb);
                    float a      = vec.Normalize();
                    this._cameraFrame.origin.z   = height2;
                    this._cameraFrame.rotation.u = this._cameraFrame.rotation.u.RotateAboutAnArbitraryVector(vec, a);
                    ref Mat3 local = ref this._cameraFrame.rotation;
                    vec3_2 = Vec3.CrossProduct(this._cameraFrame.rotation.u, this._cameraFrame.rotation.s);
                    Vec3 vec3_3 = vec3_2.NormalizedCopy();
                    local.f = vec3_3;
                    this._cameraFrame.rotation.s = Vec3.CrossProduct(this._cameraFrame.rotation.f, this._cameraFrame.rotation.u);
                    Vec3  planeNormal  = -Vec3.Up;
                    Vec3  rayDirection = -this._cameraFrame.rotation.u;
                    float t;

                    //Do I need idealCameraTarget?
                    if (MBMath.GetRayPlaneIntersectionPoint(ref planeNormal, ref this._idealCameraTarget, ref this._cameraFrame.origin, ref rayDirection, out t))
                        this._idealCameraTarget = this._cameraFrame.origin + rayDirection * t;
                        this._cameraTarget      = this._idealCameraTarget;

                    // Sets cameraElevation and CameraDistance
                    Vec2 vec2 = this._cameraFrame.rotation.f.AsVec2;
                    vec2 = new Vec2(vec2.Length, this._cameraFrame.rotation.f.z);
                    this._cameraElevation = -vec2.RotationInRadians;
                    vec3_2 = this._cameraFrame.origin - this._idealCameraTarget;
                    this.CameraDistance             = vec3_2.Length - 2f;
                    this._targetCameraDistance      = this.CameraDistance;
                    this._additionalElevation       = this._cameraElevation - CalculateCameraElevation(this.CameraDistance);
                    this._lastUsedIdealCameraTarget = this._idealCameraTarget.AsVec2;
                    ComputeMapCamera(ref this._cameraTarget, this._cameraBearing, this._cameraElevation, this.CameraDistance, ref this._lastUsedIdealCameraTarget);
                    float num1 = 0.4712389f;
                    int   num2 = 0;
                        this._cameraElevation    += (double)this._cameraFrame.origin.z < (double)height2 ? num1 : -num1;
                        this._additionalElevation = this._cameraElevation - CalculateCameraElevation(this.CameraDistance);
                        float val1_1   = 700f;
                        float num3     = (Campaign.Current.UseFreeCameraAtMapScreen ? 1f : 0.3f) / val1_1;
                        float val1_2   = 50f;
                        float minValue = (float)-((double)val1_1 - (double)Math.Min(val1_1, Math.Max(val1_2, this.CameraDistance))) * num3;
                        float maxValue = Math.Max(minValue + 1E-05f, 1.555088f - CalculateCameraElevation(this.CameraDistance));
                        this._additionalElevation = MBMath.ClampFloat(this._additionalElevation, minValue, maxValue);
                        this._cameraElevation     = this._additionalElevation + CalculateCameraElevation(this.CameraDistance);
                        Vec2 zero = Vec2.Zero;
                        this._cameraFrame = ComputeMapCamera(ref this._cameraTarget, this._cameraBearing, this._cameraElevation, this.CameraDistance, ref zero);
                        this.Mission.Scene.GetHeightAtPoint(this._cameraFrame.origin.AsVec2, BodyFlags.CommonCollisionExcludeFlagsForMissile, ref height2);
                        height2 += 0.5f;
                        if ((double)num1 > 9.99999974737875E-05)
                            num1 *= 0.5f;
                    }while ((double)num1 > 9.99999974737875E-05 || (double)this._cameraFrame.origin.z < (double)height2 && num2 < 5);
                    if ((double)this._cameraFrame.origin.z < (double)height2)
                        this._cameraFrame.origin.z = height2;
                        Vec3  planeNormal  = -Vec3.Up;
                        Vec3  rayDirection = -this._cameraFrame.rotation.u;
                        float t;
                        if (MBMath.GetRayPlaneIntersectionPoint(ref planeNormal, ref this._idealCameraTarget, ref this._cameraFrame.origin, ref rayDirection, out t))
                            this._idealCameraTarget = this._cameraFrame.origin + rayDirection * t;
                            this._cameraTarget      = this._idealCameraTarget;
                        this.CameraDistance             = (this._cameraFrame.origin - this._idealCameraTarget).Length - 2f;
                        this._lastUsedIdealCameraTarget = this._idealCameraTarget.AsVec2;
                        ComputeMapCamera(ref this._cameraTarget, this._cameraBearing, this._cameraElevation, this.CameraDistance, ref this._lastUsedIdealCameraTarget);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static MBVec3 CrossProduct(MBVec3 va, MBVec3 vb) => Vec3.CrossProduct(va, vb);
Exemplo n.º 10
    // Running the solver - all the joints are iterated through once every frame
    void Update()
        // if the target hasn't been reached
        if (!done)
            // if the Max number of tries hasn't been reached
            if (tries <= Mtries)
                // starting from the second last joint (the last being the end effector)
                // going back up to the root
                for (int i = joints.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                    // The vector from the ith joint to the end effector
                    Vec3 r1 = joints[joints.Length - 1].transform.position - joints[i].transform.position;
                    // The vector from the ith joint to the target
                    //Vector3 r2 = TODO2
                    Vec3 r2 = tpos - new Vec3(joints[i].transform.position);

                    // to avoid dividing by tiny numbers
                    if (r1.Module() * r2.Module() <= 0.001f)
                        // cos will be 1 and sin will be 0
                        cos[i] = 1;
                        sin[i] = 0;
                        // find the components (cos i sin) using dot and cross product
                        cos[i] = r1.DotProduct(r2) / (r1.Module() * r2.Module());
                        sin[i] = r1.CrossProduct(r2).Module() / (r1.Module() * r2.Module());

                    // The axis of rotation
                    Vec3 axis = r1.CrossProduct(r2).Normalize();

                    // find the angle between r1 and r2 (and clamp values if needed avoid errors)
                    theta[i] = Mathf.Acos(Mathf.Max(-1, Mathf.Min(1, cos[i])));

                    //Optional. correct angles if needed, depending on angles invert angle if sin component is negative
                    if (sin[i] < 0)
                        theta[i] = -theta[i];

                    // obtain an angle value between -pi and pi, and then convert to degrees
                    //theta[i] = TODO8
                    theta[i] = (float)SimpleAngle(theta[i]) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                    // rotate the ith joint along the axis by theta degrees in the world space.
                    // TODO9
                    joints[i].transform.rotation = Quat.AngleAxis(theta[i], axis) * new Quat(joints[i].transform.rotation);


                // increment tries

        // find the difference in the positions of the end effector and the target
        // TODO10
        //float f = (tpos - new Vec3(joints[joints.Length - 1].transform.position)).Module();
        float x = Mathf.Abs(joints[joints.Length - 1].transform.position.x - targ.transform.position.x);
        float y = Mathf.Abs(joints[joints.Length - 1].transform.position.y - targ.transform.position.y);
        float z = Mathf.Abs(joints[joints.Length - 1].transform.position.z - targ.transform.position.z);

        // if target is within reach (within epsilon) then the process is done
        if (x < epsilon && y < epsilon && z < epsilon)
            done = true;
        // if it isn't, then the process should be repeated
            done = false;

        // the target has moved, reset tries to 0 and change tpos
        if (targ.transform.position != tpos)
            tries = 0;
            tpos  = targ.transform.position;