public SceneData(Enigma.D3.Scene scene) { scene_id = scene.x000_Id; scene_sno_id = scene.x0E8_SceneSnoId; area_sno_id = scene.x018_LevelAreaSnoId; min = new Vec3(scene.x0FC_MeshMinX, scene.x100_MeshMinY, scene.x104_MeshMinZ); max = new Vec3(scene.x174_MeshMaxX, scene.x178_MeshMaxY, scene.x104_MeshMinZ); //there is no max z, so consider all grid cells flat }
public AttackTask(Weapon weapon, Dynamic target) { this.taskTime = 0f; this.weapon = weapon; this.targetPosition = new Vec3(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); this.targetEntity = target; }
public ExploreCell(AABB aabb, List<Cell> cells, Vec3 position, int id = -1) : base(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Min.Y, 0, aabb.Max.X, aabb.Max.Y, 0, MovementFlag.None, id) { InitExploreCell(); Position = position; Cells = cells; }
public DirectionalLight(SceneGraph graph, Vec3 intensity, Vec3 direction, float maxShadowDepth) : base(graph) { Intensity = intensity; MaxShadowDepth = maxShadowDepth; Direction = direction.Normalized; }
public bool CellsContains2D(Vec3 p) { if (!Contains2D(p)) return false; return Cells.Exists(c => c.Contains2D(p)); }
public Mat33(float exx, float exy, float exz, float eyx, float eyy, float eyz, float ezx, float ezy, float ezz) { ex = new Vec3(exx, exy, exz); ey = new Vec3(eyx, eyy, eyz); ez = new Vec3(ezx, ezy, ezz); }
public Vertex(Vec3 position, Vec3 normal, Vec2 texCoord, Vec3 tangent) { this.position = position; this.normal = normal; this.texCoord = texCoord; this.tangent = tangent; }
public override float GetIllumination( Vec3 position, Vec3 normal ) { //normal float normalCoef = Vec3.Dot( normal, -lightDirection ); MathFunctions.Saturate( ref normalCoef ); return normalCoef; }
/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnTick()"/>.</summary> protected override void OnTick() { //we call this before OnTick for saving old value of MainBody.LinearVelocity mainBodyVelocity = GetGroundRelativeVelocity(); base.OnTick(); }
static void JetPackTick() { if (JetPackCtl) { float rotz = Mem.ReadFloat(ADDRESSES.DISPLAY.CAMERA_Z_ROT); var xVal = Math.Abs((float)Math.Cos(rotz)) * (rotz > 0 && rotz < HALF_PI || (rotz > (PI * 2 - HALF_PI) && rotz < PI * 2) ? -1 : 1); var yVal = Math.Abs((float)Math.Sin(rotz)) * (rotz > PI && rotz < PI * 2 ? 1 : -1); var coords = new Vec3(Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.COORDS_X_OFFSET)); coords.X += xVal * JetPackSpeed; coords.Y += yVal * JetPackSpeed; if ((bool)Config.jetPackCtlEnableZ.Value) { float rotx = Mem.ReadFloat(ADDRESSES.DISPLAY.CAMERA_X_ROT); coords.Z += rotx / HALF_PI * JetPackSpeed; } coords.MemWrite(Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.COORDS_X_OFFSET)); } new Vec3(0, 0, 0.0066016f).MemWrite(Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.X_MOVE_SPEED)); if (JetPackUp) Mem.WriteFloat(ADDRESSES.IsInVehicle ? Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.VEHICLE.VehiclePointer, ADDRESSES.VEHICLE.SPEED_Z_OFFSET) : Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.Z_MOVE_SPEED), JetPackSpeed * PI * 2); else if (JetPackDown) Mem.WriteFloat(ADDRESSES.IsInVehicle ? Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.VEHICLE.VehiclePointer, ADDRESSES.VEHICLE.SPEED_Z_OFFSET) : Mem.PtrToAddr(ADDRESSES.PLAYER.PlayerPointer, ADDRESSES.PLAYER.Z_MOVE_SPEED), -JetPackSpeed * PI * 2); }
public static unsafe extern IntPtr Initialize( ref Vec3 bmin, ref Vec3 bmax, float tileSize, float cellSize, float cellHeight, int minRegionSize, int mergeRegionSize, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )] bool monotonePartitioning, float maxEgdeLength, float maxEdgeError, int vertsPerPoly, float detailSampleDistance, float detailMaxSampleError, float agentHeight, float agentRadius, float agentMaxClimb, float agentMaxSlope );
public MovementUpdate(Entity entity) { id = entity.Id; newPosition = entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Position; newRotation = entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Rotation; newVel = entity.Get<MovementComponent>().Velocity; }
protected override void OnGetCameraTransform( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward, out Vec3 up, ref Degree cameraFov ) { position = Vec3.Zero; forward = Vec3.XAxis; up = Vec3.ZAxis; Unit unit = GetPlayerUnit(); if( unit == null ) return; PlayerIntellect.Instance.FPSCamera = false; //To use data about orientation the camera if the cut scene is switched on if( IsCutSceneEnabled() ) { if( CutSceneManager.Instance.GetCamera( out position, out forward, out up, out cameraFov ) ) return; } float distance = 25; position = unit.GetInterpolatedPosition() + new Vec3( 0, -distance, 0 ); forward = Vec3.YAxis; up = Vec3.ZAxis; }
public AttackTask(Weapon weapon, Vec3 target) { this.taskTime = 0f; this.weapon = weapon; this.targetPosition = target; this.targetEntity = null; }
public TransformNode(SceneGraph graph, SceneNode node, Vec3 offset, Vec3 orientation, Vec3 scale) : base(graph, node) { _offset = offset; _orientation = orientation; _scale = scale; UpdateTransform (); }
public override Ray GetCheckVisibilityRay( Vec3 position ) { Vec3 dataPosition = position - lightDirection * 10000.0f; Vec3 diff = position - dataPosition; Vec3 dir = diff.GetNormalize(); return new Ray( dataPosition, diff - dir * .01f ); }
public override void Update(double dt) { base.Update(dt); var len = (Entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Position - prevPos).Length; a += len * 5; k = GMath.Clamp(k + len * 10 - dt * 10, 0, 1); prevPos = Entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Position; }
// Position callback public static void myPositionCallback(Object sender, TimeValue timestamp, Int32 sensor, Vec3 report) { Console.WriteLine("Got POSITION report: Position = ({0}, {1}, {2}), Sensor = ({3})", report.x, report.y, report.z, sensor); }
public void Update(double dt) { nextSend -= dt; if (Entity.Local) { var dv = pushV * GMath.Clamp(dt * PUSH_SPEED, 1); Entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Position += dv; pushV -= dv; } }
public override void GetFirstPersonCameraPosition( out Vec3 position, out Vec3 forward, out Vec3 up ) { position = GetInterpolatedPosition() + Type.FPSCameraOffset * GetInterpolatedRotation(); if( PlayerIntellect.Instance != null ) forward = PlayerIntellect.Instance.LookDirection.GetVector(); else forward = Vec3.XAxis; up = Vec3.ZAxis; }
public void SetForceFireRotationLookTo( Vec3 lookTo ) { setForceFireRotation = true; Vec3 diff = lookTo - Position; //Vec3 diff = lookTo - GetFirePosition( false ); forceFireRotation = Quat.FromDirectionZAxisUp( diff ); }
public override void PhysX_GetDrivePosition( out Vec3 position, out Quat rotation ) { if( nativeJoint == IntPtr.Zero ) { position = Vec3.Zero; rotation = Quat.Identity; return; } PhysXNativeWrapper.PhysXNativeD6Joint.GetDrivePosition( nativeJoint, out position, out rotation ); }
public override void PhysX_GetDriveVelocity( out Vec3 linear, out Vec3 angular ) { if( nativeJoint == IntPtr.Zero ) { linear = Vec3.Zero; angular = Vec3.Zero; return; } PhysXNativeWrapper.PhysXNativeD6Joint.GetDriveVelocity( nativeJoint, out linear, out angular ); }
public void SetMomentaryTurnToPosition( Vec3 pos ) { if( ( pos - Position ).Length() < 4.0f ) { Vec3 dir = ( pos - Position ).GetNormalize(); pos += dir * 10; } MomentaryTurnToPositionUpdate( pos ); }
protected override bool OnGetEditorSelectionByRay( Ray ray, out Vec3 pos, ref float priority ) { float scale1, scale2; bool ret = GetBox().RayIntersection( ray, out scale1, out scale2 ); if( ret ) pos = ray.GetPointOnRay( Math.Min( scale1, scale2 ) ); else pos = Vec3.Zero; return ret; }
public void Push(Vec3 v) { if (!Entity.Local) { pushV += v; } else if (Entity.Model.Server != null) { Entity.Get<PositionComponent>().Position += v; } else { pushV += v; } }
public static float solveLeastSquares(Mat3 a, Vec3 b, out Vec3 x, float svd_tol, int svd_sweeps, float pinv_tol) { Mat3 at; SMat3 ata; Vec3 atb; MatUtils.transpose(out at, a); MatUtils.mmul_ata(out ata, a); MatUtils.vmul(out atb, at, b); return Svd.solveSymmetric(ata, atb, out x, svd_tol, svd_sweeps, pinv_tol); }
public void UpdateOnce(double dt) { if (!Entity.Local && nextSend < 0 && pushV.Length != 0) { nextSend = Server.LAG; if (Entity.Model.Server != null) Entity.Model.Server.SendTo(new Messages.PushEntity(Entity, pushV), Entity.OwnerId); else Entity.Model.Client.AddToSend(new Messages.PushEntity(Entity, pushV)); pushV = Vec3.Zero; } }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //NeoAxis initialization if (!WinFormsAppWorld.Init(new ExampleEngineApp(EngineApp.ApplicationTypes.Simulation), this, "user:Logs/WinFormsAppExample.log", true, null, null, null, null)) { Close(); return; } UpdateVolume(); renderTargetUserControl1.AutomaticUpdateFPS = 60; renderTargetUserControl1.KeyDown += renderTargetUserControl1_KeyDown; renderTargetUserControl1.KeyUp += renderTargetUserControl1_KeyUp; renderTargetUserControl1.MouseDown += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseDown; renderTargetUserControl1.MouseUp += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseUp; renderTargetUserControl1.MouseMove += renderTargetUserControl1_MouseMove; renderTargetUserControl1.Tick += renderTargetUserControl1_Tick; renderTargetUserControl1.Render += renderTargetUserControl1_Render; renderTargetUserControl1.RenderUI += renderTargetUserControl1_RenderUI; const string startMapName = "Maps\\MainMenu\\"; //generate map list { string[] mapList = VirtualDirectory.GetFiles("", "*.map", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string mapName in mapList) { comboBoxMaps.Items.Add(mapName); if (mapName == startMapName) comboBoxMaps.SelectedIndex = comboBoxMaps.Items.Count - 1; } } //load map WinFormsAppWorld.MapLoad(startMapName, true); //set camera position if (Map.Instance != null) { MapCamera mapCamera = FindFirstMapCamera(); if (mapCamera != null) { freeCameraPosition = mapCamera.Position; freeCameraDirection = SphereDir.FromVector(mapCamera.Rotation.GetForward()); } else { freeCameraPosition = Map.Instance.EditorCameraPosition; freeCameraDirection = Map.Instance.EditorCameraDirection; } } }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { var vector3 = (Vector3)value; var vec3 = new Vec3() { x = vector3.x, y = vector3.y, z = vector3.z }; serializer.Serialize(writer, vec3); }
public void addForce(Vec3 force) { forceAccum += force; }
private static void DecodeSource( Source src, ESemantic semantic, int offset, int set, int maxSets, BasePrimitive prim, int[] indices, Vertex[][] vertices, InfluenceDef[] infList, Matrix4 bindMatrix, Matrix4 invTranspBindMatrix) { var acc = src.TechniqueCommonElement.AccessorElement; int stride = (int)acc.Stride; int startIndex, pointIndex; float[] list = src.GetArrayElement <FloatArray>().StringContent.Values; for (int i = 0, x = 0; i < prim.PointCount; ++i, x += prim.InputElements.Length) { if (vertices[i] == null) { vertices[i] = new Vertex[maxSets]; } startIndex = (pointIndex = indices[x + offset]) * stride; Vertex vtx = vertices[i][set]; if (vtx == null) { vtx = new Vertex(); } switch (semantic) { case ESemantic.POSITION: Vec3 position = new Vec3( list[startIndex], list[startIndex + 1], list[startIndex + 2]); position = Vec3.TransformPosition(position, bindMatrix); vtx.Position = position; if (infList != null) { vtx.Influence = infList[pointIndex]; } break; case ESemantic.NORMAL: Vec3 normal = new Vec3( list[startIndex], list[startIndex + 1], list[startIndex + 2]); vtx.Normal = Vec3.TransformVector(normal, invTranspBindMatrix); break; case ESemantic.BINORMAL: case ESemantic.TEXBINORMAL: Vec3 binormal = new Vec3( list[startIndex], list[startIndex + 1], list[startIndex + 2]); vtx.Binormal = Vec3.TransformVector(binormal, invTranspBindMatrix); break; case ESemantic.TANGENT: case ESemantic.TEXTANGENT: Vec3 tangent = new Vec3( list[startIndex], list[startIndex + 1], list[startIndex + 2]); vtx.Tangent = Vec3.TransformVector(tangent, invTranspBindMatrix); break; case ESemantic.TEXCOORD: vtx.TexCoord = new Vec2( list[startIndex], ImportOptions.InvertTexCoordY ? 1.0f - list[startIndex + 1] : list[startIndex + 1]); break; case ESemantic.COLOR: vtx.Color = new ColorF4( list[startIndex], list[startIndex + 1], list[startIndex + 2], list[startIndex + 3]); break; } vertices[i][set] = vtx; } }
public void ProcessKeyboard(Vec3 direction, float deltaTime) { float velocity = MovementSpeed * deltaTime; Position += direction * velocity; }
public void SetLightDirection(int lightIndex, ref Vec3 direction) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetLightDirection(this.Pointer, lightIndex, direction);
public void RenderDebugLine(Vec3 position, Vec3 direction, uint color = 4294967295, bool depthCheck = false, float time = 0) => OriginalDebugManager.RenderDebugLine(position, direction, color, depthCheck, time);
public void SetSunLight(ref Vec3 color, ref Vec3 direction) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetSunLight(this.Pointer, color, direction);
private Unit ServerOrSingle_CreatePlayerUnit(PlayerManager.ServerOrSingle_Player player, MapObject spawnPoint) { string unitTypeName; if (!player.Bot) { if (player.Intellect.Faction.Name == "AssaultKnights" && GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights) { unitTypeName = "AKSoldier"; } else if (player.Intellect.Faction.Name == "Omni" && GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights) { unitTypeName = "OmniSoldier"; } else if (GameMap.Instance.PlayerUnitType != null) { unitTypeName = GameMap.Instance.PlayerUnitType.Name; } else { unitTypeName = "Girl"; } } else if (player.Bot) { unitTypeName = player.Name; } else { unitTypeName = "Rabbit"; } Unit unit = (Unit)Entities.Instance.Create(unitTypeName, Map.Instance); Vec3 posOffset = new Vec3(0, 0, 1.5f); unit.Position = spawnPoint.Position + posOffset; unit.Rotation = spawnPoint.Rotation; unit.PostCreate(); if (player.Intellect != null) { player.Intellect.ControlledObject = unit; unit.SetIntellect(player.Intellect, false); } Teleporter teleporter = spawnPoint as Teleporter; if (teleporter != null) { teleporter.ReceiveObject(unit, null); } //Incin -- Custom Box teleporter BoxTeleporter boxteleporter = spawnPoint as BoxTeleporter; if (boxteleporter != null) { boxteleporter.ReceiveObject(unit, null); } return(unit); }
public void Move(Vec2 delta) { Eye += Right * delta.X * MovementScale; Eye += Dir * delta.Y * MovementScale; }
private static extern bool Transform_getTranslation(IntPtr transform_reference, ref Vec3 translation);
public bool GetTranslation(out Vec3 translation) { translation = new Vec3(); return(Transform_getTranslation(GetNativeReference(), ref translation)); }
public void DrawLine(Vec3 p1, Vec3 p2) { //_graphics.DrawLine(Brushes.Red, new Point((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y), new Point((int)p2.x, (int)p2.y)); }
public override void OnAgentShootMissile(Agent shooterAgent, EquipmentIndex weaponIndex, Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, Mat3 orientation, bool hasRigidBody, int forcedMissileIndex) { if (!_fireArrowEnabled) { return; } bool allowed = false; MissionWeapon weapon = shooterAgent.Equipment[weaponIndex]; switch (weapon.CurrentUsageItem.WeaponClass) { case WeaponClass.Arrow: case WeaponClass.Bolt: case WeaponClass.Bow: case WeaponClass.Crossbow: allowed = true; break; case WeaponClass.ThrowingAxe: case WeaponClass.ThrowingKnife: case WeaponClass.Javelin: allowed = FireLordConfig.AllowFireThrownWeapon; break; } if (allowed) { foreach (Mission.Missile missile in Mission.Current.Missiles) { if (!_missileParticles.ContainsKey(missile)) { MatrixFrame localFrame = new MatrixFrame(Mat3.Identity, new Vec3(0, 0, 0)); ParticleSystem particle = ParticleSystem.CreateParticleSystemAttachedToEntity( "psys_game_burning_agent", missile.Entity, ref localFrame); Light light = Light.CreatePointLight(FireLordConfig.FireArrowLightRadius); light.Intensity = FireLordConfig.FireArrowLightIntensity; light.LightColor = FireLordConfig.FireArrowLightColor; missile.Entity.AddLight(light); _missileParticles.Add(missile, particle); } } } }
protected virtual void CreateBullet(Mode mode) { Bullet obj = (Bullet)Entities.Instance.Create(mode.typeMode.BulletType, Parent); obj.SourceUnit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect(); obj.Position = GetFirePosition(mode.typeMode); //Correcting position at a shot in very near object (when the point of a shot inside object). { Vec3 startPos = Position; if (AttachedMapObjectParent != null) { startPos = AttachedMapObjectParent.Position; } Ray ray = new Ray(startPos, obj.Position - startPos); if (ray.Direction != Vec3.Zero) { RayCastResult[] piercingResult = PhysicsWorld.Instance.RayCastPiercing( ray, (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact); foreach (RayCastResult result in piercingResult) { MapObject mapObject = MapSystemWorld.GetMapObjectByBody(result.Shape.Body); if (mapObject != null) { if (mapObject == this) { continue; } if (mapObject == this.AttachedMapObjectParent) { continue; } } obj.Position = result.Position - ray.Direction * .01f; break; } } } Quat rot = GetFireRotation(mode.typeMode); Radian dispersionAngle = mode.typeMode.DispersionAngle; if (dispersionAngle != 0) { EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random; Mat3 matrix; matrix = Mat3.FromRotateByX(random.NextFloat() * MathFunctions.PI * 2); matrix *= Mat3.FromRotateByZ(random.NextFloat() * dispersionAngle); rot *= matrix.ToQuat(); } obj.Rotation = rot; obj.PostCreate(); //set damage coefficient float coef = obj.DamageCoefficient; Unit unit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect(); if (unit != null && unit.BigDamageInfluence != null) { coef *= unit.BigDamageInfluence.Type.Coefficient; } obj.DamageCoefficient = coef; }
public void SetSun(ref Vec3 color, float altitude, float angle, float intensity) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetSun(this.Pointer, color, altitude, angle, intensity);
public void SetSunDirection(ref Vec3 direction) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetSunDirection(this.Pointer, direction);
extern internal static void ActivateOutputVec3(IntPtr nodePtr, int port, Vec3 value);
public DiffuseAndSpecular(Vec3 diff, Vec3 spec) { diffuse = diff; specular = spec; }
SerializableVector3 ReadVec3(Vec3 vec) { return(new SerializableVector3(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z)); }
public void RenderDebugSphere(Vec3 position, float radius, uint color = 4294967295, bool depthCheck = false, float time = 0) => OriginalDebugManager.RenderDebugSphere(position, radius, color, depthCheck, time);
public void SetFogAmbientColor(ref Vec3 fogAmbientColor) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetFogAmbientColor(this.Pointer, ref fogAmbientColor);
/// <summary> /// Calculates the position of the vertex. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual Vec3 CalculateVertex(Vec3 origin, float[] values, int edgeMask) { return(origin); }
public MD5Weight(int boneIndex, float weight, Vec3 ofs) { this.boneIndex = boneIndex; this.weight = weight; this.offset = ofs; }
protected override void PostStep(int x, int y, int z, Vec3 origin) { // Pointer to buffer var pointer = z + y * (_gridZ) + (_gridZ) * (_gridY) * x; // Calculate cube corners! Vec3[] corners = new Vec3[8]; float[] values = new float[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var p = origin + cornersDiff[i]; corners[i] = p; values[i] = _obj.Distance(p); } // Calculate 8bit mask for fast sign checks! byte mask = 0; if (values[0] <= 0) { mask |= 1; } if (values[1] <= 0) { mask |= 2; } if (values[2] <= 0) { mask |= 4; } if (values[3] <= 0) { mask |= 8; } if (values[4] <= 0) { mask |= 16; } if (values[5] <= 0) { mask |= 32; } if (values[6] <= 0) { mask |= 64; } if (values[7] <= 0) { mask |= 128; } // Check for early termination if (mask == 0 || mask == 255) { return; } // Calculate sum of edges! var edgeMask = edge_table[mask]; //Calculate vertex var vertex = CalculateVertex(origin, values, edgeMask); // Store all vertices generated buffer[pointer] = vertices.Count; vertices.Add(vertex); // Add faces for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { //The first three entries of the edge_mask count the crossings along the edge if ((edgeMask & (1 << i)) == 0) { continue; } var iu = (i + 1) % 3; var iv = (i + 2) % 3; if ((z == minz && (iu == 0 || iv == 0)) || (y == miny && (iu == 1 || iv == 1)) || (x == minx && (iu == 2 || iv == 2))) { continue; } var du = offsets[iu]; var dv = offsets[iv]; //Remember to flip orientation depending on the sign of the corner. if ((mask & 1) == 0) { _builder.Append(vertices[buffer[pointer]], vertices[buffer[pointer - du]], vertices[buffer[pointer - du - dv]]); _builder.Append(vertices[buffer[pointer - du - dv]], vertices[buffer[pointer - dv]], vertices[buffer[pointer]]); } else { _builder.Append(vertices[buffer[pointer]], vertices[buffer[pointer - dv]], vertices[buffer[pointer - du - dv]]); _builder.Append(vertices[buffer[pointer - du - dv]], vertices[buffer[pointer - du]], vertices[buffer[pointer]]); } } }
public void SetLightPosition(int lightIndex, ref Vec3 position) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetLightPosition(this.Pointer, lightIndex, position);
public void SetFog(float fogDensity, ref Vec3 fogColor, float fogFalloff) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetFog(this.Pointer, fogDensity, ref fogColor, fogFalloff);
public int AddDirectionalLight(ref Vec3 position, ref Vec3 direction, float radius) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.AddDirectionalLight(this.Pointer, position, direction, radius);
public void SetLightDiffuseColor(int lightIndex, ref Vec3 diffuseColor) => EngineApplicationInterface.IScene.SetLightDiffuseColor(this.Pointer, lightIndex, diffuseColor);
public override MyColor GetColor(Ray ray, Light lightSample, Vec3 normal, Vec3 position) { return(materialColor); }
public void setCurrentPos(Vec3 np) { this.currentPosition = np; }
private Vector3 ToVector3(Vec3 v) { return(new Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)); }