Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ActivityUsedVar()
            Activity a1 = new Activity()
                ActivityName = "a1"
            ActDummy act1 = new ActDummy();

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                InitialStringValue = "abc"

            act1.Value = "{Var Name=v1}";

            List <string> usedVars = new List <string>();

            VariableBase.GetListOfUsedVariables(a1, ref usedVars);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, usedVars.Count, "usedVars.Count");
            Assert.AreEqual("v1", usedVars[0], "usedVars[0]=v1");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpHeadersTest()
            string headersValue = "Cookie: Blah\nHost: www.google.com";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo   = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString  = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo   = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            VariableString textString  = mockTextString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(headersValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockHttpMessage.SetupSet(mock => mock.Headers = It.IsAny <HttpHeaders>()).Callback((HttpHeaders httpHeaders) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(headersValue, httpHeaders.ToString());

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.HttpHeaders

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockHttpMessage.VerifySet(mock => mock.Headers = It.IsAny <HttpHeaders>(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpVersionTest()
            string textValue = "Http/2";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo      = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage    = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <HttpStatusLine> mockHttpStatusLine = new Mock <HttpStatusLine>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString     = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo      = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage    = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            HttpStatusLine httpStatusLine = mockHttpStatusLine.Object;
            VariableString textString     = mockTextString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(textValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockHttpMessage.Setup(mock => mock.StatusLine).Returns(httpStatusLine);
            mockHttpStatusLine.SetupSet(mock => mock.Version = It.IsAny <string>());

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.HttpVersion

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockHttpStatusLine.VerifySet(mock => mock.Version = It.IsAny <string>(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetMessageTest()
            string textValue = "Blah blah blah";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo  = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <Message>        mockMessage    = new Mock <Message>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo  = mockEventInfo.Object;
            Message        message    = mockMessage.Object;
            VariableString textString = mockTextString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(textValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(message);

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.Message

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockMessage.VerifySet(mock => mock.RawText = textValue, Times.Once);
            mockMessage.Verify(mock => mock.ResetCheckedEntity(HttpMessage.EntityFlag), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpMessageTest()
            string httpTextValue = File.ReadAllText(@"TestFiles\HttpTestRequest.txt");

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo      = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage    = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockHttpTextString = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo      = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage    = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            VariableString httpTextString = mockHttpTextString.Object;

            mockHttpTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(httpTextValue);
            mockEventInfo.SetupGet(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockEventInfo.SetupSet(mock => mock.Message = It.IsAny <Message>()).Callback((Message message) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(httpTextValue, message.ToString());

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = httpTextString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.Message

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockEventInfo.VerifySet(mock => mock.Message = It.IsAny <Message>(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpStatusLineTest()
            string textValue = "GET https://www.telerik.com/UpdateCheck.aspx?isBeta=False HTTP/1.1";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo      = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage    = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <HttpStatusLine> mockHttpStatusLine = new Mock <HttpStatusLine>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString     = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo      = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage    = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            HttpStatusLine httpStatusLine = mockHttpStatusLine.Object;
            VariableString textString     = mockTextString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(textValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockHttpMessage.SetupSet(mock => mock.StatusLine = It.IsAny <HttpStatusLine>()).Callback((HttpStatusLine statusLine) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(textValue, statusLine.ToString());

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.HttpStatusLine

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockHttpMessage.VerifySet(mock => mock.StatusLine = It.IsAny <HttpStatusLine>(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void UpdateActivityVars(Activity a, string Name)
            if (a.Variables.Count == 0)
            string s = Name;
            int    i = 0;

            while (s.Contains('%'))
                //TODO: user const for %p everywhere
                string num = General.GetStringBetween(s, "%p", " ");
                // in case of EOL then there might not be space, so we search from %p until end of line
                if (num == "")
                    int ii = s.IndexOf("%p");
                    num = s.Substring(ii + 2);
                s = s.Replace("%p" + i, "");
                VariableString v = (VariableString)a.GetVariable("p" + i);
                v.InitialStringValue = GetParamByIndex(a.ActivityName, int.Parse(num));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpHeaderTest()
            string identifierValue = "Cookie";
            string headerValue     = "value";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo        = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage      = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <HttpHeaders>    mockHttpHeaders      = new Mock <HttpHeaders>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString       = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);
            Mock <VariableString> mockIdentifierString = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo        = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage      = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            HttpHeaders    httpHeaders      = mockHttpHeaders.Object;
            VariableString textString       = mockTextString.Object;
            VariableString identifierString = mockIdentifierString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(headerValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockHttpMessage.Setup(mock => mock.Headers).Returns(httpHeaders);
            mockHttpHeaders.SetupSet(mock => mock[identifierValue] = It.IsAny <string>());
            mockIdentifierString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(identifierValue);

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationIdentifier   = identifierString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.HttpHeader

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockHttpHeaders.VerifySet(mock => mock[identifierValue] = headerValue, Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ActXMLProcessingTest()
            ActXMLProcessing action = new ActXMLProcessing();

            var templateFile = TestResources.GetTestResourcesFile(@"XML\TemplateVU.xml");

            action.GetOrCreateInputParam(ActXMLProcessing.Fields.TemplateFileName, templateFile);
            action.TemplateFileName.ValueForDriver = templateFile;

            var targetFile = TestResources.GetTestResourcesFile(@"XML\TargetFile.xml");

            action.GetOrCreateInputParam(ActXMLProcessing.Fields.TargetFileName, targetFile);
            action.TargetFileName.ValueForDriver = targetFile;

            VariableString stringVar = new VariableString();

            stringVar.Name  = "env";
            stringVar.Value = "xyz";


            ObservableList <ActInputValue> paramList = new ObservableList <ActInputValue>();

            paramList.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "PAR_ENV", Value = "{Var Name=env}"
            paramList.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "PAR_USER", Value = "abc"
            paramList.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "PAR_PASS", Value = "abc123"
            paramList.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "PAR_BUCKET", Value = "pqrst"
            paramList.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "PAR_QUERY", Value = "test1234"

            action.DynamicElements    = paramList;
            action.Active             = true;
            action.AddNewReturnParams = true;
            mBF.CurrentActivity.Acts.CurrentItem = action;

            mGR.RunAction(action, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(eRunStatus.Passed, action.Status, "Action Status");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, action.ReturnValues.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("xyz", action.ReturnValues[0].Actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(action.Error, null, "Act.Error");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ThenSetValue_Perform_SetHttpBodyTest()
            string textValue = "value";

            Mock <EventInfo>      mockEventInfo   = new Mock <EventInfo>();
            Mock <HttpMessage>    mockHttpMessage = new Mock <HttpMessage>();
            Mock <HttpBody>       mockHttpBody    = new Mock <HttpBody>();
            Mock <VariableString> mockTextString  = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);

            EventInfo      eventInfo   = mockEventInfo.Object;
            HttpMessage    httpMessage = mockHttpMessage.Object;
            HttpBody       httpBody    = mockHttpBody.Object;
            VariableString textString  = mockTextString.Object;

            mockTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(textValue);
            mockEventInfo.Setup(mock => mock.Message).Returns(httpMessage);
            mockHttpMessage.SetupSet(mock => mock.Body = It.IsAny <HttpBody>()).Callback((HttpBody body) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(textValue, body.Text);

            ThenSetValue then = new ThenSetValue()
                Text = textString,
                DestinationMessageValue = MessageValue.HttpBody

            Assert.AreEqual(ThenResponse.Continue, then.Perform(eventInfo));

            mockHttpMessage.VerifySet(mock => mock.Body = It.IsAny <HttpBody>(), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Fire Fox";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString busFlowV1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "BFV1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR          = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.Executor = new GingerExecutionEngine(mGR);

            mGR.Executor.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            a.AgentType = Agent.eAgentType.Service; // Simple agent which anyhow we don't need to start for this test and will work on Linux

            ((GingerExecutionEngine)mGR.Executor).SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a
            mGR.Executor.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.Executor.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"

            WorkSpace.Init(new WorkSpaceEventHandler());
            WorkSpace.Instance.RunningFromUnitTest = true;
            WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository  = GingerSolutionRepository.CreateGingerSolutionRepository();

            string path         = Path.Combine(TestResources.GetTestResourcesFolder(@"Solutions" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "BasicSimple"));
            string solutionFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, @"Ginger.Solution.xml");

            solution = SolutionOperations.LoadSolution(solutionFile);
            WorkSpace.Instance.Solution = solution;
            if (WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.SolutionOperations == null)
                WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.SolutionOperations = new SolutionOperations(WorkSpace.Instance.Solution);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void TestActivityVariablesSyncWithRepo_v2()
            string variableName = "ACTVAR2";
            string initialValue = "123";
            string updatedValue = "abc123";

            mBF = new BusinessFlow()
                Name = "TestActvVarSyncV2", Active = true
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            VariableString V1 = new VariableString()
                Name = variableName, InitialStringValue = initialValue

            // add variable to the activity
            Activity activity = new Activity()
                ActivityName = "Activity1"


            // add business flow to the solution repository

            // prepare to add the variable to the shared repository
            UploadItemSelection uploadItemSelection = new UploadItemSelection()
                UsageItem = V1, ItemUploadType = UploadItemSelection.eItemUploadType.New

            (new SharedRepositoryOperations()).UploadItemToRepository(new Context()
                BusinessFlow = mBF
            }, uploadItemSelection);

            // find the newly added variable in the shared repo
            VariableBase   sharedVariableBase = (from x in mSolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <VariableBase>() where x.Name == variableName select x).SingleOrDefault();
            VariableString sharedV1           = (VariableString)sharedVariableBase;

            //update the new value in the shared repo variable
            sharedV1.InitialStringValue = updatedValue;

            //sync the updated instance with the business flow instance
            sharedV1.UpdateInstance(V1, "All", mBF.Activities[0]);

            // get the updated value from the business flow
            VariableString V2 = (VariableString)mBF.Activities[0].Variables[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, mBF.Activities.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, mBF.Activities[0].Variables.Count);
            Assert.AreNotSame(V1, V2);
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedValue, V2.InitialStringValue);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private VariableString GetMockVariableString(string returnValue)
            Mock <VariableString> mockMatchTextString = new Mock <VariableString>(It.IsAny <string>(), null);
            VariableString        matchTextString     = mockMatchTextString.Object;

            mockMatchTextString.Setup(mock => mock.GetText(It.IsAny <Variables>())).Returns(returnValue);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void AddNewVariable()
            var e = new VariableString();

            e.Init("new var");

Exemplo n.º 15
        public void BizFlowSaveLoad()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 5;


            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";
            string FileName = TestResources.GetTempFile("bf1.xml");

            BF.RepositorySerializer.SaveToFile(BF, FileName);

            // Assert

            NewRepositorySerializer newRepositorySerializer = new NewRepositorySerializer();
            BusinessFlow            BF2 = (BusinessFlow)newRepositorySerializer.DeserializeFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), FileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Name, BF.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Description, BF.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Activities.Count, ActivitiesToCreate);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Variables.Count, 1);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public void SetMessageValue(EventInfo eventInfo, string value, string messageValue, string messageValueType, string identifier)
            MessageValueHandler handler             = new MessageValueHandler();
            MessageValue        rawMessageValue     = (MessageValue)GetStringAsEnum <MessageValue>(messageValue);
            MessageValueType    rawMessageValueType = (MessageValueType)GetStringAsEnum <MessageValueType>(messageValueType);
            VariableString      rawIdentifier       = (identifier == null) ? null : VariableString.GetAsVariableString(identifier, false);

            handler.SetValue(eventInfo, rawMessageValue, rawMessageValueType, rawIdentifier, value);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public string Connect(string destinationHost, int?destinationPort)
            ThenConnect then = new ThenConnect()
                DestinationHost = (destinationHost == null) ? null : VariableString.GetAsVariableString(destinationHost.ToString(), false),
                DestinationPort = (destinationPort == null) ? null : VariableString.GetAsVariableString(destinationPort.ToString(), false)

Exemplo n.º 18
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            VariableString varStr = null;

            if (value != null)
                varStr = VariableString.GetAsVariableString(value.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void BizFlowAddActivitiesFromSharedRepoSaveLoad()
            int    ActivitiesToCreate = 5;
            string FileName           = TestResources.GetTempFile("BFSaveLoad.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow()
                Name = "Biz flow 1", Description = "Desc 1"

            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity()
                    ActivityName = "Activity " + i, Description = "desc" + i, Status = eRunStatus.Passed

                //for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                //    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                //    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                //    t.LocateBy = Act.eLocatorType.ByID;
                //    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
                //    a.Acts.Add(t);

                //    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                //    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                //    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
                //    a.Acts.Add(g);
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";

            //ValidationDB vdb = new ValidationDB() { Description ="DBV1", Expected ="exp1" };

            BF.RepositorySerializer.SaveToFile(BF, FileName);

            // Assert
            NewRepositorySerializer newRepositorySerializer = new NewRepositorySerializer();
            BusinessFlow            BF2 = (BusinessFlow)newRepositorySerializer.DeserializeFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), FileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Activities.Count(), ActivitiesToCreate);
            //Assert.AreEqual(BF2. Activities[0].Asserts.Count(), 1);
            //BF2.Description = "aaa";
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void TestRunsetConfigBFVariables()
            ObservableList <BusinessFlow> bfList = SR.GetAllRepositoryItems <BusinessFlow>();
            BusinessFlow BF1 = bfList[0];

            ObservableList <Activity> activityList = BF1.Activities;

            Activity activity = activityList[0];

            ActDummy act1 = new ActDummy()
                Value = "", Active = true


            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "aaa"


            BF1.Active = true;


            //Adding Same Business Flow Again to GingerRunner
            BusinessFlow bfToAdd = (BusinessFlow)BF1.CreateCopy(false);

            bfToAdd.ContainingFolder = BF1.ContainingFolder;
            bfToAdd.Active           = true;
            bfToAdd.InstanceGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

            WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository = SR;

            //Changing initial value of 2nd BF from BusinessFlow Config
            mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].Value = "bbb";
            mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].DiffrentFromOrigin = true;


            Assert.AreEqual(BF1.RunStatus, eRunStatus.Passed);
            Assert.AreEqual(activity.Status, eRunStatus.Passed);

            Assert.AreEqual(bfToAdd.RunStatus, eRunStatus.Passed);

            Assert.AreEqual(mGR.BusinessFlows[1].Variables[0].Value, "aaa");
            Assert.AreEqual(mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].Value, "bbb");
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void tviAddNewVarTreeItem_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            VariableString  newStringVar = new VariableString();
            eVariablesLevel varLevel     = (eVariablesLevel)((sender as TreeViewItem).Tag);

            switch (varLevel)
            case eVariablesLevel.Solution:

            case eVariablesLevel.BusinessFlow:

            case eVariablesLevel.Activity:

            VariableEditPage varEditPage = new VariableEditPage(newStringVar);


            //make sure name is unique
            switch (varLevel)
            case eVariablesLevel.Solution:

            case eVariablesLevel.BusinessFlow:

            case eVariablesLevel.Activity:

            if (newStringVar != null)
                TreeViewItem newTvi        = new TreeViewItem();
                string       VarExpression = "{Var Name=" + newStringVar.Name + "}";
                SetItemView(newTvi, newStringVar.Name, VarExpression, "@Variable_16x16.png");
                TreeViewItem parentTvi = (TreeViewItem)((TreeViewItem)xObjectsTreeView.SelectedItem).Parent;
                parentTvi.Items.Insert(parentTvi.Items.Count - 1, newTvi);

                //TODO: make added variable as selected item
                //newTvi.IsSelected = true;//Not working
                newTvi.MouseDoubleClick += tvi_MouseDoubleClick;
                AddExpToValue(newTvi.Tag + "");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            VariableString varStr         = value as VariableString;
            string         convertedValue = null;

            if (varStr != null)
                convertedValue = varStr?.GetFormattedString();
        public void StringVar_TestImageType()
            VariableString variableString = new VariableString();

            eImageType eImageType = variableString.Image;

            Assert.AreEqual(eImageType.Label, eImageType, "Image Type");
        public void StringVar_TestVariableType()
            VariableString variableString = new VariableString();

            string varType = variableString.VariableType;

            Assert.AreEqual("String", varType, "String Variable Type");
Exemplo n.º 25
        public string AddMessage(string direction, string messageText, bool insertAtBeginning)
            ThenAddMessage then = new ThenAddMessage()
                Direction         = (DataDirection)GetStringAsEnum <DataDirection>(direction),
                MessageText       = VariableString.GetAsVariableString(messageText, false),
                InsertAtBeginning = insertAtBeginning

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void BizFlowCheckIsDirtyTrue()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 2;

            string TempFilepath = TestResources.GetTempFile("bfIsDirtyTrue.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";

            BF.RepositorySerializer.SaveToFile(BF, TempFilepath);

            // Assert
            NewRepositorySerializer newRepositorySerializer = new NewRepositorySerializer();
            BusinessFlow            BF2 = (BusinessFlow)newRepositorySerializer.DeserializeFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), TempFilepath);

            BF2.Description = "aaa";
            Assert.IsTrue(BF2.DirtyStatus == Amdocs.Ginger.Common.Enums.eDirtyStatus.Modified);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void BizFlowCheckIsDirtyTrue()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 2;

            string TempFilepath = TestResources.GetTempFile("bfIsDirtyTrue.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";


            // Assert
            BusinessFlow BF2 = (BusinessFlow)RepositoryItem.LoadFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), TempFilepath);

            BF2.SaveBackup();//dirty now just indicate if backup exist
            BF2.Description = "aaa";

        public void StringVar_TestVariableUIType()
            VariableString variableString = new VariableString();

            GingerTerminology.TERMINOLOGY_TYPE = eTerminologyType.Default;
            string varType = variableString.VariableUIType;

            Assert.AreEqual("Variable String", varType, "String Variable UI Type");
Exemplo n.º 29
 private void CreateVariables()
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in Dictionary_Variables)
         VariableString v = new VariableString();
         v.Description = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " added from Calendar";
         v.Name        = entry.Key;
         v.Value       = entry.Value;
        public void StringVar_TestVal()
            VariableString variableString = new VariableString();

            variableString.Name  = "test";
            variableString.Value = "testVal";


            Assert.AreEqual("testVal", variableString.Value, "String Value");