public static void RunErrorMessages(Employee employee)
            var engine = new Engine();
                    .Setup(m => m.Name)
                        .WithMessage("Name must not be empty") //Only when name is null or empty
                        .WithMessage("Name contains invalid characters") //Only when name contains invalid characters

                    .Setup(m => m.Email)
                        .WithMessage("Invalid email address") //For any rule breakers on the Email property.

            engine.For<Employee>() //Member will inherit rules set for a Person.
                    .Setup(m => m.EmployeeNumber)
                        .WithMessage("Employee number is not valid")

            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var result = report.Validate(employee).ToString();
            var errors = report.GetErrorMessages(employee);
            employee.IsValid = result;
            string flatErrors = string.Empty;
            foreach (string s in errors)
                flatErrors += s;
            employee.Errors = flatErrors;
 public PersonValidationTests()
     personValidator = new PersonValidator();
     validator = new Validator();
        // personValidator.Define(engine);
     report = new ValidationReport(engine);
        public ValidationReportModel(ValidationReport validationReport)
            if (validationReport == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(validationReport));
            this.validationReport = validationReport;

        public void ShouldValidateAllItemsInEnumeration()
            var member1 = new Member(null);
            var member2 = new Member(null);
            var club = new Club(new Member("president"), member1, member2);
            var report = new ValidationReport();
            _en1.Validate(club, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);

            var memberNameExp = new EquatableExpression(ExpressionHelper.New<Member, string>(mm => mm.Name));
            Assert.IsTrue(report.HasError(member1, memberNameExp), "Expected validation failure for member1. Name was null...");
            Assert.IsTrue(report.HasError(member2, memberNameExp), "Expected validation failure for member2. Name was null...");
 public void DoggieReportNoError()
     XmlDocument dogs = new XmlDocument();
       <dog petname='spot'><nose/><ear/><bone/><ear/></dog>
      StringBuilder svrl = new StringBuilder();
      SchematronValidator validator = new SchematronValidator("Schematron/Samples/Dog.sch");
      ValidationReport report = new ValidationReport(validator, svrl);
 public void DoggieConsoleReport()
     XmlDocument dogs = new XmlDocument();
       <dog petname='spot'><nose/><ear/><bone/><ear/></dog>
       <dog petname='hungry'><nose/><ear/><ear/></dog>
       <dog petname='emanon'><nose/><ear/><bone/></dog>
       <dog petname='smelly'><ear/><bone/><ear/></dog>
      SchematronValidator validator = new SchematronValidator("Schematron/Samples/Dog.sch");
      ValidationReport report = new ValidationReport(validator, Console.Out);
        public void ShouldShortCircuit()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
                .MustPassGenericRule(m => { throw new AssertFailedException("Should have short-circuited."); });
            var en2 = builder.Build(_builder1);

            var member1 = new Member(null);
            var memberNameExp = ExpressionHelper.New<Member, string>(mm => mm.Name);
            var report = new ValidationReport();

            //Only short-circuit here would work...Others would throw exception...
            _en1.Validate(member1, report, ValidationReportDepth.ShortCircuit);
        public void DoggieReport()
            XmlDocument dogs = new XmlDocument();
              <dog petname='spot'><nose/><ear/><bone/><ear/></dog>
              <dog petname='hungry'><nose/><ear/><ear/></dog>
              <dog petname='emanon'><nose/><ear/><bone/></dog>
              <dog petname='smelly'><ear/><bone/><ear/></dog>
             StringBuilder svrl = new StringBuilder();
             SchematronValidator validator = new SchematronValidator("Schematron/Samples/Dog.sch");
             ValidationReport report = new ValidationReport(validator, svrl);

             XmlDocument doggieReport = new XmlDocument();
             validator = new SchematronValidator(Schematron.Default.ValidationReportLanguage);
        public void ShouldFindErrorMessage2()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();

                    .Setup(c => c.Value)
                    .Setup(c => c.C)
                    .Setup(c => c.C.C)
                        .WithMessage("Composed value is not valid")
                        .MustBeBetween(1, 10, Rules.BetweenRuleBoundsOption.BothInclusive)
            var engine = builder.Build();
            var o = new CompositeClass() { C = new ClassC() };
            var r = new ValidationReport(engine);
            Assert.AreEqual("Composed value is not valid", r.GetErrorMessage(o.C, f => f.C));
            //NOTE: There are no errors on ClassC! Should return null.
            Assert.IsNull(r.GetErrorMessage(o, f => f.C.C));

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestMessageForProperty()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
                .WithMessage("Object is not valid")
                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("Property A is not valid.")
                    .WithMessage("Must not equal zero")
                .Setup(m => m.B)

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new MyMessageTestClass(11, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual("Property A is not valid.", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

            report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            obj = new MyMessageTestClass(5, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual("Property A is not valid.", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

            report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            obj = new MyMessageTestClass(0, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual("Must not equal zero", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

            report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            obj = new MyMessageTestClass(9, 1);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual("Object is not valid", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.B));
Exemplo n.º 11
 internal virtual void HandleCommandValidationFailure(ICommand command, ValidationReport validationReport)
     throw new CommandValidationException(
               $"Validation error while applying {command.CommandName} to a {GetType().Name}.",
Exemplo n.º 12
 void Because(Post post)
     _report = _sut.Validate(post);
		protected override void Because()
			_report = _sut.Validate(_settings);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;
                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsSpeed))
                    // Get the speed range and validate
                    this.speed = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.speed.min = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMin);
                    this.speed.max = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMax);
                    this.speed.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsSpeed driver = new DriverVoltageVsSpeed(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsField))
                    // Get the field range and validate
                    this.field = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.field.min = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMin);
                    this.field.max = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMax);
                    this.field.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsField driver = new DriverVoltageVsField(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsLoad))
                    // Get the load range and validate
                    this.load = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.load.min = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadMin);
                    this.load.max = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadMax);
                    this.load.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsLoad driver = new DriverVoltageVsLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SpeedVsVoltage))
                    // Get the speed range and validate
                    this.speed = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.speed.min = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMin);
                    this.speed.max = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMax);
                    this.speed.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedStep);


                    DriverSpeedVsVoltage driver = new DriverSpeedVsVoltage(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SpeedVsField))
                    // Get the field range and validate
                    this.field = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.field.min = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMin);
                    this.field.max = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMax);
                    this.field.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldStep);


                    DriverSpeedVsField driver = new DriverSpeedVsField(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime + TIME_SECS_AdministrationExecution;
                validationReport.accepted = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();
            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return validationReport;
Exemplo n.º 15

        public override ExperimentInfo RunExperiment(ExperimentInfo experimentInfo)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "RunExperiment";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Create a result report ready to fill in
            experimentInfo.resultReport = new ResultReport();

                // Parse the XML specification string to generate a validation report (should be accepted!)
                Specification    specification    = new Specification(this.configuration, this.equipmentServiceProxy);
                ValidationReport validationReport = specification.Parse(experimentInfo.xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException(validationReport.errorMessage);
                experimentInfo.setupId = specification.SetupId;

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // execute the experiment and return the result information
                ResultInfo resultInfo = null;
                if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsTime) ||
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy != null)
                        // Hardware is available to this unit, run it there
                        DriverRadioactivity driver = new DriverRadioactivity(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                        resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                        // This unit does not have hardware available, run the simulation instead
                        DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                        resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsAbsorber))
                    DriverAbsorbers driver = new DriverAbsorbers(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTime) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTimeNoDelay) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment, false);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);

                // Create an instance of LabExperimentResult to convert the experiment results to an XML string
                ExperimentResult experimentResult = new ExperimentResult(
                    experimentInfo.experimentId, experimentInfo.sbName, DateTime.Now,
                    this.unitId, (Configuration)this.labConfiguration, specification, resultInfo);

                // Fill in the result report
                experimentInfo.resultReport.experimentResults = experimentResult.ToString();
                experimentInfo.resultReport.statusCode        = (int)resultInfo.statusCode;
                experimentInfo.resultReport.errorMessage      = resultInfo.errorMessage;
            catch (Exception ex)
                experimentInfo.resultReport.statusCode   = (int)StatusCodes.Failed;
                experimentInfo.resultReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public void ShouldCulpabiliseComposition()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
                    .Setup(f => f.Foo1.Value)

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var foo = new Foo(1) { Foo1 = new Foo(0) };
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            ValidationError[] errors;
            Assert.IsTrue(report.HasError(foo.Foo1, f => f.Value, out errors));

Exemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string pathToSign      = Path.Combine("Resources", "test.pdf");
            string pathCertificate = Path.Combine("Resources", "test.p12");
            string pathSigned      = "test.pdf.p7m";

            Document             toBeSigned = new FileDocument(pathToSign);
            Pkcs12SignatureToken token      = new Pkcs12SignatureToken("password", pathCertificate);
            IDssPrivateKeyEntry  privateKey = token.GetKeys()[0];

            SignatureParameters parameters = new SignatureParameters();

            parameters.SignaturePackaging = SignaturePackaging.ENVELOPING;
            parameters.SigningCertificate = privateKey.GetCertificate();
            parameters.CertificateChain   = privateKey.GetCertificateChain();
            parameters.SigningDate        = DateTime.Now;
            parameters.DigestAlgorithm    = DigestAlgorithm.SHA256;

            CAdESService service = new CAdESService();

            parameters.SignatureFormat = EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Signature.SignatureFormat.CAdES_BES;

             * var ocspSource1 = new OnlineOcspSource();
             * var crlSource1 = new FileCacheCrlSource();
             * var crlOnline1 = new OnlineCrlSource();
             * crlOnline1.IntermediateAcUrl = @"";
             * crlSource1.CachedSource = crlOnline1;
             * var verifier1 = new OCSPAndCRLCertificateVerifier(crlSource1, ocspSource1);
             * var estado = verifier1.Check(privateKey.GetCertificate(), privateKey.GetCertificateChain()[1], DateTime.Now);

             * //parameters.SignatureFormat = SignatureFormat.CAdES_T; //Se añade TSA.
             * parameters.SignatureFormat = EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Signature.SignatureFormat.CAdES_C; //Se añade CRL y OCSP.
             * //parameters.SignatureFormat = SignatureFormat.CAdES_X; //No se añade nada más al código.
             * //parameters.SignatureFormat = EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Signature.SignatureFormat.CAdES_XL; //No se añade nada más al código.
             * string urlTss = @"";
             * string username = "";
             * string password = "";
             * OnlineTspSource tspSource = new OnlineTspSource(urlTss, username, password);
             * service.TspSource = tspSource;
             * OnlineOcspSource ocspSource = new OnlineOcspSource();
             * TrustedListCertificateVerifier verifier = new TrustedListCertificateVerifier();
             * FileCacheCrlSource crlSource = new FileCacheCrlSource();
             * OnlineCrlSource crlOnline = new OnlineCrlSource();
             * crlOnline.IntermediateAcUrl = @"";
             * //@""
             * crlSource.CachedSource = crlOnline;
             * verifier.CrlSource = crlSource;
             * verifier.OcspSource = ocspSource;
             * ValidationContext validationContext = verifier.ValidateCertificate(parameters.SigningCertificate, DateTime.Now,
             *  new EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Validation.Certificate.CompositeCertificateSource(
             *      new EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Validation.Certificate.ListCertificateSource(parameters.CertificateChain)), null, null);
             * service.Verifier = verifier;

            /* DOUBLE-SIGN
             * Document contentInCMS = null;
             * try
             * {
             *  CmsSignedData cmsData = new CmsSignedData(toBeSigned.OpenStream());
             *  if (cmsData != null && cmsData.SignedContent != null
             *      && cmsData.SignedContent.GetContent() != null)
             *  {
             *      Stream buf = new MemoryStream();
             *      cmsData.SignedContent.Write(buf);
             *      buf.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             *      contentInCMS = new InMemoryDocument(Streams.ReadAll(buf));
             *  }
             * }
             * catch (CmsException)
             * {
             * }
             * Stream iStream = service.ToBeSigned(contentInCMS ?? toBeSigned, parameters);
             * byte[] signatureValue = token.Sign(iStream, parameters.DigestAlgorithm, privateKey);
             * // We invoke the service to sign the document with the signature value obtained in the previous step.
             * Document signedDocument = contentInCMS != null
             *  ? service.AddASignatureToDocument(toBeSigned, parameters, signatureValue)
             *  : service.SignDocument(toBeSigned, parameters, signatureValue);
             * FileStream fs = new FileStream(pathParaFirmado, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * Streams.PipeAll(signedDocument.OpenStream(), fs);
             * fs.Close();
             * return;

            Document signedDocument = service.SignDocument(toBeSigned, parameters,
                                                           (hashbytes) => privateKey.Encrypt(hashbytes));

            FileStream fs = new FileStream(pathSigned, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

            Streams.PipeAll(signedDocument.OpenStream(), fs);


            // Already signed document
            Document document = new FileDocument(pathSigned);

            SignedDocumentValidator validator;

            validator = SignedDocumentValidator.FromDocument(document);
            //validator.CertificateVerifier = verifier;
            validator.ExternalContent = document;

            ValidationReport     report = validator.ValidateDocument();
            SignatureInformation info   = report.SignatureInformationList[0];

            Console.WriteLine("--> Final_Conclusion: ");
            Console.WriteLine(info.FinalConclusion); // --> AdES
Exemplo n.º 18
		void Because(Post post)
			_report = _sut.Validate(post);
Exemplo n.º 19

        public override ExperimentInfo RunExperiment(ExperimentInfo experimentInfo)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "RunExperiment";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Create a result report ready to fill in
            experimentInfo.resultReport = new ResultReport();

                // Parse the XML specification string to generate a validation report (should be accepted!)
                Specification    specification    = new Specification(this.configuration, this.equipmentServiceProxy);
                ValidationReport validationReport = specification.Parse(experimentInfo.xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException(validationReport.errorMessage);
                experimentInfo.setupId = specification.SetupId;

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // execute the experiment and return the result information
                ResultInfo resultInfo = null;
                if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_LockedRotor))
                    DriverLockedRotor driver = new DriverLockedRotor(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_NoLoad))
                    DriverNoLoad driver = new DriverNoLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SynchronousSpeed))
                    DriverSynchronousSpeed driver = new DriverSynchronousSpeed(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);
                else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_FullLoad))
                    DriverFullLoad driver = new DriverFullLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration, this.labExperimentInfo.cancelExperiment);
                    resultInfo = (ResultInfo)driver.Execute(specification);

                // Create an instance of LabExperimentResult to convert the experiment results to an XML string
                ExperimentResult experimentResult = new ExperimentResult(
                    experimentInfo.experimentId, experimentInfo.sbName, DateTime.Now,
                    this.unitId, (Configuration)this.labConfiguration, specification, resultInfo);

                // Fill in the result report
                experimentInfo.resultReport.experimentResults = experimentResult.ToString();
                experimentInfo.resultReport.statusCode        = (int)resultInfo.statusCode;
                experimentInfo.resultReport.errorMessage      = resultInfo.errorMessage;
            catch (Exception ex)
                experimentInfo.resultReport.statusCode   = (int)StatusCodes.Failed;
                experimentInfo.resultReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

Exemplo n.º 20

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_LockedRotor))
                    DriverLockedRotor driver = new DriverLockedRotor(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_NoLoad))
                    DriverNoLoad driver = new DriverNoLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SynchronousSpeed))
                    DriverSynchronousSpeed driver = new DriverSynchronousSpeed(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_FullLoad))
                    DriverFullLoad driver = new DriverFullLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime + TIMESECS_AdministrationExecution;
                validationReport.accepted   = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();

            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

        public void ShouldFindErrorMessage3()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();

            builder.For<ClassC>().WithMessage("ClassC is not valid")
                .Setup(c => c.C)
                    .MustBeBetween(1, 10);

                    .Setup(c => c.C)
            var engine = builder.Build();
            var o = new CompositeClass() { C = new ClassC() };
            var r = new ValidationReport(engine);
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC is not valid", r.GetErrorMessage(o, f => f.C));
Exemplo n.º 22

        public override ExecuteCommandInfo ProcessCommand(ExecuteCommandInfo executeCommandInfo)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "ProcessCommand";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            CommandInfo commandInfo = (CommandInfo)executeCommandInfo;

            bool   success      = false;
            string errorMessage = null;

                // Process the execute command
                ExecuteCommands executeCommand = (ExecuteCommands)commandInfo.command;

                switch (executeCommand)
                case ExecuteCommands.StartExecution:
                    // Get the specification in XML format from the parameters and parse
                    string           xmlSpecification = (string)commandInfo.parameters[0];
                    Specification    specification    = new Specification(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig);
                    ValidationReport validationReport = specification.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                    if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                        errorMessage = validationReport.errorMessage;

                    // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup
                    // and then start the driver with the specification
                    if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_OpenCircuitVaryField) == true)
                        this.driverMachine = new DriverMachine_OCVF(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, specification);
                    else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_OpenCircuitVarySpeed) == true)
                        this.driverMachine = new DriverMachine_OCVS(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, specification);
                    else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_ShortCircuitVaryField) == true)
                        this.driverMachine = new DriverMachine_SCVF(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, specification);
                    else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_PreSynchronisation) == true)
                        this.driverMachine = new DriverMachine_PreSync(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, specification);
                    else if (specification.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_Synchronisation) == true)
                        this.driverMachine = new DriverMachine_Sync(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, specification);
                        // Unknown SetupId
                        throw new Exception(STRERR_UnknownSetupId + specification.SetupId);

                    // Start execution of the specified setup
                    if ((success = this.driverMachine.Start()) == false)
                        errorMessage = this.driverMachine.LastError;

                    // Unknown command
                    throw new Exception(STRERR_UnknownCommand + executeCommand.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                success      = false;
                errorMessage = ex.Message;

            // Update success of command execution
            executeCommandInfo.success = success;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Success + success.ToString();

            if (success == false)
                executeCommandInfo.errorMessage = errorMessage;
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ErrorMessage + errorMessage;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

Exemplo n.º 23
 protected void ThrowCommandValidationException(ICommand command, ValidationReport validationReport) => HandleCommandValidationFailure(command, validationReport);
Exemplo n.º 24

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Get the time format name and check that it is valid - search is case-sensitive
                string formatName = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_formatName, false);
                int    index      = Array.IndexOf(this.configuration.TimeFormats, formatName);
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InvalidTimeFormat, formatName);
                this.formatName = this.configuration.TimeFormats[index];

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_LocalClock))
                    DriverLocal driver = new DriverLocal(this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_NTPServer))
                    // Get the server URL from the specification
                    this.serverUrl = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_serverUrl, false);

                    DriverNetwork driver = new DriverNetwork(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime;
                validationReport.accepted   = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();

            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

 internal virtual void HandleCommandValidationFailure(ICommand command, ValidationReport validationReport)
     throw new CommandValidationException(
         string.Format("Validation error while applying {0} to a {1}.",
Exemplo n.º 26
 public Validator()
     report = new ValidationReport(rulesEngine);
 internal virtual void Validate(StyleSheet styleSheet, ValidationReport report)
     Report = report;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void Validate(QuestionForm form, ValidationReport report)
     Report = report;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;
                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Validate the specification
                // Nothing to do here

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;

                // All setups use the equipment driver
                DriverEquipment driver = new DriverEquipment(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime + TIME_SECS_AdministrationExecution;
                validationReport.accepted = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();
            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return validationReport;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Task UploadReport(ValidationReport report)
        public virtual ValidationReport Validate(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Validate";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            ValidationReport validationReport = new ValidationReport(false);

            // Parse the XML specification string to generate a validation report
                ExperimentSpecification experimentSpecification = new ExperimentSpecification(this.labConfiguration, this.equipmentServiceProxy);
                validationReport = experimentSpecification.Parse(xmlSpecification);
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            return validationReport;
Exemplo n.º 32
 internal virtual void HandleCommandValidationFailure(ICommand command, ValidationReport validationReport)
     throw new CommandValidationException(
         $"Validation error while applying {command.CommandName} to a {GetType().Name}.",
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void TestMessagesCount()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
                .WithMessage("Object is not valid")
                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("Property A is not valid.")
                    .MustBeBetween(1, 10)
                .Setup(m => m.B)
                    .WithMessage("Property B is not valid.")
                    .MustBeBetween(1, 10);

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new MyMessageTestClass(0, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, report.GetErrorMessages(obj).Length);

            obj = new MyMessageTestClass(0, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, report.GetErrorMessages(obj).Length);

            //There should be a total of 4 error messages...
            Assert.AreEqual(4, report.GetErrorMessages().Length);
Exemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;
                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Validate the specification

                // Get the source name and check that it is valid - search is case-sensitive
                string strSourceName = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_sourceName, false);
                int index = Array.IndexOf(this.configuration.SourceNames, strSourceName);
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InvalidSource, strSourceName);
                this.sourceName = this.configuration.SourceNames[index];
                this.sourceLocation = this.configuration.SourceLocations[index];

                // Get the absorber list and validate - search is case-sensitive
                string csvAbsorbers = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_absorberName, false);
                string[] csvAbsorbersSplit = csvAbsorbers.Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter });
                this.absorberList = new Absorber[csvAbsorbersSplit.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < csvAbsorbersSplit.Length; i++)
                    index = Array.IndexOf(this.configuration.AbsorberNames, csvAbsorbersSplit[i]);
                    if (index < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InvalidAbsorber, csvAbsorbersSplit[i]);
                    string name = this.configuration.AbsorberNames[index];
                    char location = this.configuration.AbsorberLocations[index];
                    this.absorberList[i] = new Absorber(name, location);

                // Get duration and validate
                this.duration = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_duration);

                // Get repeat count and validate
                this.repeat = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_repeat);

                // Get distance list and validate
                string csvDistances = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_distance, false);
                string[] csvDistancesSplit = csvDistances.Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter });
                this.distanceList = new int[csvDistancesSplit.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < csvDistancesSplit.Length; i++)
                        this.distanceList[i] = Int32.Parse(csvDistancesSplit[i]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_distance);

                // Sort the distance list with smallest distance first keeping duplicates

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsTime) ||
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy != null)
                        // Hardware is available to this unit, run it there
                        DriverRadioactivity driver = new DriverRadioactivity(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                        // This unit does not have hardware available, run the simulation instead
                        DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsAbsorber))
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy != null)
                        // Hardware is available to this unit, run it there
                        DriverAbsorbers driver = new DriverAbsorbers(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_EquipmentServiceNotAvailable, this.setupId);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTime) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTimeNoDelay) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration, false);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_SetupIdInvalid, this.SetupId);

                // Validate total execution time

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime;
                validationReport.accepted = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();
            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return validationReport;
Exemplo n.º 35
 protected override void Because()
     _report = _sut.Validate(_settings);
        public ValidationReport Validate(string experimentSpecification, string userGroup)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Validate";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

            // Get the identity of the caller
            string sbName = GetCallerName(authHeader);

            // Check caller access is authorised
            if (sbName != null)
                // Pass on to experiment manager
                validationReport = Global.experimentManager.Validate(experimentSpecification, userGroup);
                validationReport = new ValidationReport(false);
                validationReport.errorMessage = STRLOG_AccessDenied;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            return (validationReport);
Exemplo n.º 37

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsSpeed))
                    // Get the speed range and validate
                    this.speed      = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.speed.min  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMin);
                    this.speed.max  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMax);
                    this.speed.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsSpeed driver = new DriverVoltageVsSpeed(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsField))
                    // Get the field range and validate
                    this.field      = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.field.min  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMin);
                    this.field.max  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMax);
                    this.field.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsField driver = new DriverVoltageVsField(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_VoltageVsLoad))
                    // Get the load range and validate
                    this.load      = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.load.min  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadMin);
                    this.load.max  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadMax);
                    this.load.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_loadStep);


                    DriverVoltageVsLoad driver = new DriverVoltageVsLoad(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SpeedVsVoltage))
                    // Get the speed range and validate
                    this.speed      = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.speed.min  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMin);
                    this.speed.max  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedMax);
                    this.speed.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_speedStep);


                    DriverSpeedVsVoltage driver = new DriverSpeedVsVoltage(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SpeedVsField))
                    // Get the field range and validate
                    this.field      = new MinMaxStep();
                    this.field.min  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMin);
                    this.field.max  = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldMax);
                    this.field.step = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_fieldStep);


                    DriverSpeedVsField driver = new DriverSpeedVsField(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime + TIME_SECS_AdministrationExecution;
                validationReport.accepted   = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();

            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

 protected void ThrowCommandValidationException(ICommand command, ValidationReport validationReport)
     HandleCommandValidationFailure(command, validationReport);
 public void SetUp()
     this.validator = new TestValidator();    = this.validator.Validate(new TestClass()).Result;
 public void ShouldValidate()
     var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
     builder.For<ClassA>().Setup(a => a.A).MustBeGreaterThan(0);
     var engine = builder.Build();
     var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
     Assert.IsFalse(report.Validate(new ClassA()));
        public void TestMessageInheritedClass3()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();
                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassA validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassB validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassC validation for A.1")
                    .WithMessage("ClassC validation for A.2");

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new ClassC(2, 0, 0);
            //m=>m.A will hit A.1 because the rules for base types are executed first. m=>m.A will fail because of rule defined on ClassA!.
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC validation for A.1", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

            obj = new ClassC(1, 0, 0);
            //m=>m.A will hit A.2 because the rules for base types are fine. m=>m.A will fail because of rule defined on ClassC!.
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC validation for A.2", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method. Return 'accepted'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public virtual ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Create a new validation report ready to fill in
            ValidationReport validationReport = new ValidationReport();

            // Process the XML specification string
                // Load XML specification string
                XmlDocument xmlDocument = XmlUtilities.GetXmlDocument(xmlSpecification);

                // Get a copy of the specification XML node
                XmlNode xmlNode = XmlUtilities.GetXmlRootNode(xmlDocument, Consts.STRXML_experimentSpecification);
                this.xmlNodeSpecification = xmlNode.Clone();

                // Get the setup id and check that it exists - search is case-sensitive
                this.setupId = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_setupId, false);
                int setupIndex = Array.IndexOf(this.labConfiguration.SetupIds, this.setupId);
                if (setupIndex < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_SetupIdInvalid, this.setupId);

                // Get the specified setup XML node
                XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNodeList(this.xmlNodeConfiguration, Consts.STRXML_setup, true);
                this.xmlNodeSetup = xmlNodeList.Item(setupIndex);

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_EquipmentGeneric))
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_EquipmentServiceNotAvailable, this.setupId);

                    DriverEquipmentGeneric driver = new DriverEquipmentGeneric(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.labConfiguration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_ModuleGeneric))
                    DriverModuleGeneric driver = new DriverModuleGeneric(this.labConfiguration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime;
                validationReport.accepted = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            return validationReport;
        public void TestMessageInheritedClass4()
            //NOTE: This test is the same as No.3, with definition of rules order changed.
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassA validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassB validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassC validation for A.1")
                    .WithMessage("ClassC validation for A.2");

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new ClassC(2, 0, 0);
            //m=>m.A will hit A.1 because the rules for base types are executed first. m=>m.A will fail because of rule defined on ClassA!.
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC validation for A.1", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

            report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            obj = new ClassC(1, 0, 0);
            engine.Validate(obj, report, ValidationReportDepth.FieldShortCircuit);
            //m=>m.A will hit A.2 because the rules for base types are fine. m=>m.A will fail because of rule defined on ClassC!.
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC validation for A.2", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));

        public void TestMessageInheritedClass6()
            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassA validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassB validation for A");

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new ClassB(2, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassB validation for A", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassB validation for A", report.GetErrorMessage((ClassA)obj, o => o.A));
        public void TestMessageInheritedClass2()
            //NOTE: Same as TestMessageInheritedClass, with order of registrations changed.

            var builder = new Fluent.FluentBuilder();

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassC validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassB validation for A");

                .Setup(m => m.A)
                    .WithMessage("ClassA validation for A");

            var engine = builder.Build();
            var report = new ValidationReport(engine);
            var obj = new ClassC(2, 0, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual("ClassC validation for A", report.GetErrorMessage(obj, o => o.A));
        private ValidationReport ConvertType(Proxy.ValidationReport proxyValidationReport)
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

            if (proxyValidationReport != null)
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();
                validationReport.Accepted = proxyValidationReport.accepted;
                validationReport.ErrorMessage = proxyValidationReport.errorMessage;
                validationReport.EstimatedRuntime = proxyValidationReport.estRuntime;
                validationReport.WarningMessages = proxyValidationReport.warningMessages;

            return validationReport;
Exemplo n.º 47

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method. Return 'accepted'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;

                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_OpenCircuitVaryField))
                    DriverMachine_OCVF driver = new DriverMachine_OCVF(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, this);
                    validationReport.estRuntime = driver.GetExecutionTime();
                else if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_OpenCircuitVarySpeed))
                    DriverMachine_OCVS driver = new DriverMachine_OCVS(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, this);
                    validationReport.estRuntime = driver.GetExecutionTime();
                else if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_ShortCircuitVaryField))
                    DriverMachine_SCVF driver = new DriverMachine_SCVF(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, this);
                    validationReport.estRuntime = driver.GetExecutionTime();
                else if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_PreSynchronisation))
                    DriverMachine_PreSync driver = new DriverMachine_PreSync(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, this);
                    validationReport.estRuntime = driver.GetExecutionTime();
                else if (this.setupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_Synchronisation))
                    DriverMachine_Sync driver = new DriverMachine_Sync(this.xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, this);
                    validationReport.estRuntime = driver.GetExecutionTime();
                    validationReport.accepted = false;
                    throw new Exception(STRERR_UnknownSetupId + this.setupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();

            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);
