Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this to remove a waypoint from the path and from the scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deletedWaypoint"> The waypoint which is to be deleted </param>
        public void DeleteWaypoint(Waypoint deletedWaypoint)
            //Sending a ROS DELETE Update
            string curr_id           = deletedWaypoint.id;
            string prev_id           = deletedWaypoint.prevPathPoint.id;
            float  x                 = deletedWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.transform.localPosition.x;
            float  y                 = deletedWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.transform.localPosition.y;
            float  z                 = deletedWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.transform.localPosition.z;
            UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(curr_id, prev_id, x, y, z, "DELETE");

            WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);

            // Removing the new waypoint from the dictionary, waypoints array and placement order

            // Removing from the path linked list by adjusting the next and previous pointers of the surrounding waypoints
            deletedWaypoint.prevPathPoint.nextPathPoint = deletedWaypoint.nextPathPoint;
            // Need to check if this is the last waypoint in the list -- if it has a next or not
            if (deletedWaypoint.nextPathPoint != null)
                deletedWaypoint.nextPathPoint.prevPathPoint = deletedWaypoint.prevPathPoint;

            // Removing line collider
            WaypointProperties tempProperties = deletedWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.GetComponent <WaypointProperties>();


            // Deleting the waypoint gameObject
        /// <summary>
        /// This handles the primary placement states
        /// </summary>
        private void PrimaryPlacementChecks()
            // Checks for right index Pressed
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.IDLE && OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger))
                currentWaypoint = CreateWaypoint(placePoint.transform.position);

                //Check to make sure we have successfully placed a waypoint
                if (currentWaypoint != null)
                    currentControllerState = ControllerState.PLACING_WAYPOINT;

            // Updates new waypoint location as long as the index is held
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.PLACING_WAYPOINT)
                currentWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.transform.position = placePoint.transform.position;
                currentWaypoint.gameObjectPointer.GetComponent <WaypointProperties>().UpdateGroundpointLine();

            // Releases the waypoint when the right index is released
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.PLACING_WAYPOINT && OVRInput.GetUp(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger))
                UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(currentWaypoint, "MODIFY");
                WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);
                currentControllerState = ControllerState.IDLE;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the controller state switch to grabbing
        /// </summary>
        private void GrabbingChecks()
            if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.IDLE &&
                controller_right.GetComponent <VRTK_InteractGrab>().GetGrabbedObject() != null)
                // Updating to note that we are currently grabbing a waypoint
                grabbedWaypoint        = controller_right.GetComponent <VRTK_InteractGrab>().GetGrabbedObject().GetComponent <WaypointProperties>().classPointer;
                currentControllerState = ControllerState.GRABBING;

            else if (currentControllerState == ControllerState.GRABBING &&
                     controller_right.GetComponent <VRTK_InteractGrab>().GetGrabbedObject() == null)
                // Updating the line colliders

                // Sending a ROS MODIFY Update
                UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(grabbedWaypoint, "MODIFY");
                WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);

                // Updating the controller state and noting that we are not grabbing anything
                grabbedWaypoint        = null;
                currentControllerState = ControllerState.IDLE;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this to add a new Waypoint to the end of the drone's path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newWaypoint"> The Waypoint which is to be added to the end of path </param>
        public void AddWaypoint(Waypoint newWaypoint)
            string prev_id;

            // Check to see if we need to add the starter waypoint
            if (waypoints.Count < 1)
                //Creating the starter waypoint
                Waypoint startWaypoint = new Waypoint(this, gameObjectPointer.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));

                // Otherwise, this is the first waypoint.
                startWaypoint.prevPathPoint = null; // This means the previous point of the path is the Drone.

                // Storing this for the ROS message
                prev_id = "DRONE";

                // Swapping the ids so the order makes sense
                string tempId = startWaypoint.id;
                startWaypoint.id = newWaypoint.id;
                newWaypoint.id = tempId;

                // Adding to dictionary, order, and path list
                waypointsDict.Add(startWaypoint.id, startWaypoint);

                // Send a special Userpoint message marking this as the start
                UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(
                    startWaypoint.id, "DRONE", 0, 1, 0, "ADD");
                WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);
                // Otherwise we can add as normal
                Waypoint prevWaypoint = (Waypoint)waypoints[waypoints.Count - 1]; // Grabbing the waypoint at the end of our waypoints path
                newWaypoint.prevPathPoint  = prevWaypoint;                        // setting the previous of the new waypoint
                prevWaypoint.nextPathPoint = newWaypoint;                         // setting the next of the previous waypoint

                // Storing this for the ROS message
                prev_id = prevWaypoint.id;

                // Adding to dictionary, order, and path list
                waypointsDict.Add(newWaypoint.id, newWaypoint);

            // Send a generic ROS ADD Update only if this is not the initial waypoint
            if (prev_id != "DRONE")
                UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(newWaypoint, "ADD");
                WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);
                // Otherwise we have just set the starter waypoint and still need to create the real waypoint
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void tappedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Can only add if in Add_State.
        if (GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <StateHandler> ().add_state)
            var     gesture = sender as TapGesture;
            HitData hit     = gesture.GetScreenPositionHitData();
            //print ("Tapped Position: " + hit.Point);

            // Switch Add_State off.
            GameObject master = GameObject.Find("Master");
            master.GetComponent <StateHandler> ().add_state = false;


        // Delete Functionality.
        if (GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <StateHandler> ().delete_state)
            var     gesture = sender as TapGesture;
            HitData hit     = gesture.GetScreenPositionHitData();

            Vector3 worldHitPoint = new Vector3(hit.Point.x, 2f, hit.Point.z);

            Vector3 origin = new Vector3(worldHitPoint.x, 3f, worldHitPoint.z);

            RaycastHit h = new RaycastHit();
            Ray        r = new Ray(origin, Camera.main.transform.forward);
            //		Debug.DrawRay (origin, Camera.main.transform.forward,Color.red, 100, true);
            if (Physics.Raycast(origin, Camera.main.transform.forward))
                if (Physics.Raycast(r, out h))
                    if (h.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Waypoint"))
                        GameObject waypoint = h.collider.gameObject;

                        if (!waypoint.GetComponent <Waypoint>().WaypointComplete)
                            // ROS COMMUNICATION
                            string prevID            = GetPrevID(waypoint.name, "delete");
                            float  worldX            = waypoint.transform.position.x;
                            float  worldZ            = waypoint.transform.position.z;
                            float  height            = waypoint.GetComponent <Waypoint>().worldPos.y;
                            UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(waypoint.name, prevID, worldX, height, worldZ, "DELETE");
                            GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);


                            // Switch delete_state off.
                            GameObject master = GameObject.Find("Master");
                            master.GetComponent <StateHandler>().delete_state = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
    private void SendROSModifyMessage()
        //TODO: Determine Why Tom has height being set to worldPos on edit (Kind of breaks the ability to edit)
        WorldScript ws = GameObject.Find("World").GetComponent <WorldScript>();

        string prevID            = ws.GetPrevID(this.name, "modify");
        float  worldX            = this.transform.localPosition.x;
        float  worldZ            = this.transform.localPosition.z;
        float  height            = this.worldPos.y;
        UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(this.name, prevID, worldX, height, worldZ, "MODIFY");

        GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void longPressHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Delete Functionality.
        var     gesture = sender as LongPressGesture;
        HitData hit     = gesture.GetScreenPositionHitData();
//		Debug.Log (hit);
        Vector3 worldHitPoint = new Vector3(hit.Point.x, 2f, hit.Point.z);
//		Debug.Log (worldHitPoint);
        // Raycast Approach
        Vector3 origin = new Vector3(worldHitPoint.x, 3f, worldHitPoint.z);

        RaycastHit h = new RaycastHit();
        Ray        r = new Ray(origin, Camera.main.transform.forward);

//		Debug.DrawRay (origin, Camera.main.transform.forward,Color.red, 100, true);
        if (Physics.Raycast(origin, Camera.main.transform.forward))
            if (Physics.Raycast(r, out h))
                if (h.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Waypoint"))
                    GameObject waypoint = h.collider.gameObject;

                    if (!waypoint.GetComponent <Waypoint>().WaypointComplete)
                        // ROS COMMUNICATION
                        string prevID            = GetPrevID(waypoint.name, "delete");
                        float  worldX            = waypoint.transform.position.x;
                        float  worldZ            = waypoint.transform.position.z;
                        float  height            = waypoint.GetComponent <Waypoint>().worldPos.y;
                        UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(waypoint.name, prevID, worldX, height, worldZ, "DELETE");
                        GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this to insert a new waypoint into the path (between two existing waypoints)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newWaypoint"> The Waypoint which is to be added to the path </param>
        /// <param name="prevWaypoint"> The existing Waypoint just before the one which is to be added to the path </param>
        public void InsertWaypoint(Waypoint newWaypoint, Waypoint prevWaypoint)
            // Adding the new waypoint to the dictionary and placement order
            waypointsDict.Add(newWaypoint.id, newWaypoint);

            // Adding the waypoint to the array
            int previousIndex = Mathf.Max(0, waypoints.IndexOf(prevWaypoint));
            int newIndex      = previousIndex + 1;

            waypoints.Insert(newIndex, newWaypoint);

            // Inserting into the path linked list by adjusting the next and previous pointers of the surrounding waypoints
            newWaypoint.prevPathPoint = prevWaypoint;
            newWaypoint.nextPathPoint = prevWaypoint.nextPathPoint;

            newWaypoint.prevPathPoint.nextPathPoint = newWaypoint;
            newWaypoint.nextPathPoint.prevPathPoint = newWaypoint;

            //Sending a ROS INSERT Update
            UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(newWaypoint, "INSERT");

            WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);
 public void PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(UserpointInstruction msg)
     Debug.Log("Published new userpoint instruction: " + msg.ToYAMLString());
     ros.Publish(UserpointPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
 public static string ToYAMLString(UserpointInstruction msg)
Exemplo n.º 11
    IEnumerator WaitHeight(HitData hit)
        // Instantiating waypoint in right place.
        var waypoint = Instantiate(WaypointPrefab) as Transform;

        waypoint.parent = Container;

        String id = CreateWaypointID("A");

        waypoint.name = id;

        // Add more components to waypoint.
        waypoint.gameObject.AddComponent <TapGesture>();
        waypoint.gameObject.AddComponent <TransformGesture>();
        waypoint.gameObject.AddComponent <Waypoint> ();
        waypoint.gameObject.AddComponent <Transformer> ();

        waypoint.localScale = Vector3.one * Scale;// * waypoint.localScale.x;
        waypoint.position   = new Vector3(hit.Point.x, 2f, hit.Point.z);

        waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Waypoint>().setFlatPos(waypoint.position);
        waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Waypoint>().setLastPos(waypoint.position);
        waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Waypoint>().setCurrPos(waypoint.position);


        // Waiting player for height.
        print("Waiting for a height.");
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => TempHeight != 0));


        print("Height received.");
        // Hit coordinates are unreliable...

        float worldX = waypoint.transform.localPosition.x;

        float worldZ = waypoint.transform.localPosition.z;

        //Paxtan: Storing the waypoint with the feet units in the Y value because it displays the waypoint value after letting go of the slider
        float correctHeight;

        if (ButtonHelper.Units == "Metric")
            correctHeight = TempHeight * 3.05f;
            correctHeight = TempHeight * 10f;

        waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Waypoint> ().setWorldPos(new Vector3(worldX, correctHeight, worldZ));
        waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Waypoint>().SetID(id);
        waypoint.GetComponent <Waypoint>().CreateHoverText();

        string prevID = GetPrevID(waypoint.name, "add");

        float ROSHeight          = TempHeight * 3.05f - 0.148f;
        UserpointInstruction msg = new UserpointInstruction(waypoint.name, prevID, worldX, ROSHeight, worldZ, "ADD");

        GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <ROSDroneConnection>().PublishWaypointUpdateMessage(msg);

        // Could be buggy to only add the GameObject.
        wayPoints[currPointIndex] = waypoint.gameObject;
        currPointIndex           += 1;
        numWaypoints += 1;
//		print ("Stored point: " + store);

        // Get waypoint.
        waypoint.gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider> ();

        // Color filled = new Color(0.278F, 0.874F, 1F, 0.9F);
        // waypoint.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = filled;

        // Housekeeping
        TempHeight = 0f;