Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestMethod1()
            TestStuffLib.TestStuffTransaction TST =
                new TestStuffTransaction(TestStuffLib.TestStuffLib.LoginUser.SQAAUTO);

            TestStuffLib.TestStuffLib TSL = new TestStuffLib.TestStuffLib();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public TestStuffTransaction SubmitTestTransaction(TestStuffTransaction _TestStuffTransaction)
            this.CurrentTestStuffTransaction = _TestStuffTransaction;

            return _TestStuffTransaction;
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal bool SendTestStuffTestStepResult(TestStuffTransaction _TestStuffTransaction)
            bool rc = false;
            // set Web API connectivity parameters
            // replace email, password and serviceX with your account details
            string s_username = "******";
            string s_password = "******";
            string s_url = "https://service2.testuff.com/api/v0/run/";

            // set test scenario parameters
            string s_test_id = "d5e94a3a0eb0970859f2642c9f4786d5";// "2 Automation Smoke tests";
            string s_status = "FAILED";
            string s_steps_failed = "1,3";
            string s_steps_passed = "2";
            string s_steps_maybe = "3";
            string s_comment = "Automated comment";

            string branch_name = "Automated branch1";
            string lab_name = "AutomatedLab1";
            string run_configuration = "Automated config ";
            string version = "Automated version1";

            StringBuilder s_JSON_builder = new StringBuilder();
            s_JSON_builder.Append("{ ");
            s_JSON_builder.Append("\"" + "test_id" + "\": " + "\"" + s_test_id + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "status" + "\": " + "\"" + s_status + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "steps_failed" + "\": " + "\"" + s_steps_failed + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "steps_passed" + "\": " + "\"" + s_steps_passed + "\"");
            //s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "steps_maybe" + "\": " + "\"" + s_steps_maybe + "\"");
            //s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "branch_name" + "\": " + "\"" + branch_name + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "lab_name" + "\": " + "\"" + lab_name + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "run_configuration" + "\": " + "\"" + run_configuration + "\"");
            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "version" + "\": " + "\"" + version + "\"");

            s_JSON_builder.Append(",\"" + "comment" + "\": " + "\"" + s_comment + "\"");
            //s_JSON_builder.Append("{\"test_id\":\"d5e94a3a0eb0970859f2642c9f4786d\",\"status\":\"failed\",\"steps_failed\":\"2\",\"comment\":\"automated test comment\"}");
            string s_JSON = s_JSON_builder.ToString();

            string res = "";// rest.Content;
                // System.Net.HttpWebRequest adds the header 'HTTP header "Expect: 100-Continue"' to every request by default
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
                HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(s_url);
                req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(s_username, s_password); //This line ensures the request is processed through Basic Authentication

                req.ContentType = "application/json";
                req.Method = "POST";
                //req.PreAuthenticate = true;
                req.KeepAlive = true;
                req.Timeout = 50000;
                req.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                req.ContentLength = s_JSON.Length;

                Stream s = req.GetRequestStream();
                s.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s_JSON), 0, s_JSON.Length);

                HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                res = "Created: " + resp.Headers["Location"];
            catch (Exception e)
                res = "Error: " + e.Message + e.Data;


            return rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public TestStuffLib(TestStuffTransaction _TestStuffTransaction)
     this.CurrentTestStuffTransaction = _TestStuffTransaction;