Exemplo n.º 1
 public void NameSaves()
     // just testing that we get the right name out
     const string name = "name";
     var target = new TestIndicator(name);
     Assert.AreEqual(name, target.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void NameSaves()
            // just testing that we get the right name out
            const string name   = "name";
            var          target = new TestIndicator(name);

            Assert.AreEqual(name, target.Name);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ThrowsOnPastTimes()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time, 1m));
            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time.AddMilliseconds(-1), 2m));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ThrowsOnDifferentDataType()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                target.Update(new Tick());
            }, "expected to be of type");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ThrowsOnPastTimes()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time, 1m));
            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time.AddMilliseconds(-1), 2m));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ThrowsOnPastTimes()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time, TimeZone.Utc, 1m));

            Action act = () => target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time.AddMilliseconds(-1), TimeZone.Utc, 2m));

            act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>()
            .Where(x => x.Message.StartsWith("This is a forward only indicator:"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void EqualsMethodShouldNotThrowExceptions()
            var indicator = new TestIndicator();
            var res       = true;

            try {
                res = indicator.Equals(new Exception(""));
            } catch (InvalidCastException) {

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void PassesOnDuplicateTimes()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            const decimal value1 = 1m;
            var data = new IndicatorDataPoint(time, value1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value1, target.Current.Value);

            // this won't update because we told it to ignore duplicate
            // data based on time
            Assert.AreEqual(value1, target.Current.Value);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void PassesOnDuplicateTimes()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            const decimal value1 = 1m;
            var           data   = new IndicatorDataPoint(time, value1);

            Assert.AreEqual(value1, target.Current.Value);

            // this won't update because we told it to ignore duplicate
            // data based on time
            Assert.AreEqual(value1, target.Current.Value);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void TestComparisonOperators <TValue>()
            var indicator = new TestIndicator();

            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "GreaterThan", true, false);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "GreaterThan", false, false);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "GreaterThanOrEqual", true, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "GreaterThanOrEqual", false, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "LessThan", true, false);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "LessThan", false, false);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "LessThanOrEqual", true, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "LessThanOrEqual", false, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "Equality", true, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "Equality", false, true);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "Inequality", true, false);
            TestOperator(indicator, default(TValue), "Inequality", false, false);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void GetCurrentView_ReturnsArrayOfGrayCharactersMadeOfStringArray()
            // arrange
            var indicator = new TestIndicator();

            // act
            var result = indicator.GetCurrentView();

            // assert
            var expectedResult = new[, ]
                    new ColoredCharacter('H', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('w', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('e', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('o', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('l', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('r', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('l', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('l', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('o', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('d', ConsoleColor.Gray),
                    new ColoredCharacter('!', ConsoleColor.Gray),

            for (var x = 0; x < expectedResult.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < expectedResult.GetLength(1); y++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[x, y], result[x, y]);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void UpdatesProperly()
            // we want to make sure the initialized value is the default value
            // for a datapoint, and also verify the our indicator updates as we
            // expect it to, in this case, it should return identity
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.MinValue, target.Current.Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(0m, target.Current.Value);

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var data = new IndicatorDataPoint(time, 1m);

            Assert.AreEqual(1m, target.Current.Value);

            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time.AddMilliseconds(1), 2m));
            Assert.AreEqual(2m, target.Current.Value);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void UpdatesProperly()
            // we want to make sure the initialized value is the default value
            // for a datapoint, and also verify the our indicator updates as we
            // expect it to, in this case, it should return identity
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.MinValue, target.Current.Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(0m, target.Current.Value);

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var data = new IndicatorDataPoint(time, 1m);

            Assert.AreEqual(1m, target.Current.Value);

            target.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(time.AddMilliseconds(1), 2m));
            Assert.AreEqual(2m, target.Current.Value);
        public static WalkerIndicator getIndicatorByString(string input)
            string[] args;

            if (input.Contains("_") == false)
                args = new string[] { input }
                args = input.Split('_');

            WalkerIndicator selected = null;

            if (args[0] == BolingerBandsIndicator.Name)
                selected = new BolingerBandsIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == MACDContinousIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MACDContinousIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]), long.Parse(args[3]));

            if (args[0] == MACDIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MACDIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]), long.Parse(args[3]));

            if (args[0] == MovingAverageIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MovingAverageIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == MovingAveragePriceSubtractionIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MovingAveragePriceSubtractionIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == MovingAverageSubtractionIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MovingAverageSubtractionIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == MovingAverageSubtractionCrossoverIndicator.Name)
                selected = new MovingAverageSubtractionCrossoverIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == RangeIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RangeIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == RSIBorderCrossoverIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RSIBorderCrossoverIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == RSIBorderIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RSIBorderIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == RSIIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RSIIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == RSIMACrossoverContinousIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RSIMACrossoverContinousIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == RSIMACrossoverIndicator.Name)
                selected = new RSIMACrossoverIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), long.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == StandartDeviationIndicator.Name)
                selected = new StandartDeviationIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == StochBorderCrossoverIndicator.Name)
                selected = new StochBorderCrossoverIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == StochBorderIndicator.Name)
                selected = new StochBorderIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]));

            if (args[0] == StochIndicator.Name)
                selected = new StochIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]));

            if (args[0] == TestIndicator.Name)
                selected = new TestIndicator();

            if (args[0] == TimeDayOfWeekIndicator.Name)
                selected = new TimeDayOfWeekIndicator();

            if (args[0] == TimeOfDayIndicator.Name)
                selected = new TimeOfDayIndicator();

            if (args[0] == TimeOpeningHoursIndicator.Name)
                selected = new TimeOpeningHoursIndicator();

            if (args[0] == VolumeAtPriceIndicator.Name)
                selected = new VolumeAtPriceIndicator(long.Parse(args[1]), double.Parse(args[2]), long.Parse(args[3]));

            if (selected == null)
                throw new Exception("Name not found: " + args[0]);

            if (selected.getName() != input)
                throw new Exception(input + " != " + selected.getName());

 private void SetupIndicators()
     const string title = "Тест №";
     int number = 1;
     foreach (Guid testId in this.controller.Task.Tests)
         TestIndicator testIndicator = new TestIndicator(testId, title + number);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void RunHistory()
     History   = _history = new TestHistory(this);
     Indicator = _indicator = new TestIndicator();
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void ThrowsOnDifferentDataType()
            var target = new TestIndicator();

            target.Update(new Tick());