Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool UpdateChildLayers(WmtsTileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet)
            var layersChanged = false;
            var maxScale      = 1.001 * ParentMap.ViewTransform.Scale; // avoid rounding issues

            // show all TileMatrix layers with Scale <= maxScale, at least the first layer
            var currentMatrixes = tileMatrixSet.TileMatrixes
                                  .Where((matrix, i) => i == 0 || matrix.Scale <= maxScale)

            if (this != ParentMap.MapLayer)                                                 // do not load background tiles
                currentMatrixes = currentMatrixes.Skip(currentMatrixes.Count - 1).ToList(); // last element only
            else if (currentMatrixes.Count > MaxBackgroundLevels + 1)
                currentMatrixes = currentMatrixes.Skip(currentMatrixes.Count - MaxBackgroundLevels - 1).ToList();

            var currentLayers = ChildLayers.Where(layer => currentMatrixes.Contains(layer.TileMatrix)).ToList();


            foreach (var tileMatrix in currentMatrixes)
                var layer = currentLayers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.TileMatrix == tileMatrix);

                if (layer == null)
                    layer         = new WmtsTileMatrixLayer(tileMatrix, tileMatrixSet.TileMatrixes.IndexOf(tileMatrix));
                    layersChanged = true;

                if (layer.SetBounds(ParentMap.ViewTransform, ParentMap.RenderSize))
                    layersChanged = true;


Exemplo n.º 2
        public Layer(XElement node, string ns)
            var att = node.Attribute(XName.Get("queryable"));

            Queryable = att != null && att.Value == "1";

            att      = node.Attribute(XName.Get("cascaded"));
            Cascaded = att != null?int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) : 0;

            att    = node.Attribute(XName.Get("opaque"));
            Opaque = att != null && att.Value == "1";

            att       = node.Attribute(XName.Get("noSubsets"));
            NoSubsets = att != null && att.Value == "1";

            att        = node.Attribute(XName.Get("fixedWidth"));
            FixedWidth = att != null?int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) : 0;

            att         = node.Attribute(XName.Get("fixedHeight"));
            FixedHeight = att != null?int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) : 0;

            var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Name", ns));

            Name = element?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("Title", ns));
            Title   = element?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            element  = node.Element(XName.Get("Abstract", ns));
            Abstract = element?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("KeywordList", ns));
            if (element != null)
                _keywordListField = new KeywordList(element, ns);

            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("CRS", ns)))

            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("SRS", ns)))

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("EX_GeographicBoundingBox", ns));
            if (element != null)
                ExGeographicBoundingBox = new ExGeographicBoundingBox(element, ns);

            BoundingBox = new List <BoundingBox>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("BoundingBox", ns)))
                BoundingBox.Add(new BoundingBox(el, ns));

            Dimension = new List <Dimension>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("Dimension", ns)))
                Dimension.Add(new Dimension(el, ns));

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("Attribution", ns));
            if (element != null)
                Attribution = new Attribution(element, ns);

            AuthorityURL = new List <AuthorityURL>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("AuthorityURL", ns)))
                AuthorityURL.Add(new AuthorityURL(el, ns));

            Identifier = new List <Identifier>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("Identifier", ns)))
                Identifier.Add(new Identifier(el, ns));

            MetadataURL = new List <MetadataURL>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("MetadataURL", ns)))
                MetadataURL.Add(new MetadataURL(el, ns));

            DataURL = new List <DataURL>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("DataURL", ns)))
                DataURL.Add(new DataURL(el, ns));

            FeatureListURL = new List <FeatureListURL>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("FeatureListURL", ns)))
                FeatureListURL.Add(new FeatureListURL(el, ns));

            Style = new List <Style>();
            foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("Style", ns)))
                Style.Add(new Style(el, ns));

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("MinScaleDenominator", ns));
            if (element != null)
                MinScaleDenominator = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            element = node.Element(XName.Get("MaxScaleDenominator", ns));
            if (element != null)
                MaxScaleDenominator = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            foreach (var layerNode in node.Elements(XName.Get("Layer", ns)))
                ChildLayers.Add(new Layer(layerNode, ns));