Exemplo n.º 1
        public string CreateTeam(string teamname, string userid, string agentid, string clientid)
            string teamid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            bool bl = SystemDAL.BaseProvider.CreateTeam(teamid, teamname, userid, agentid, clientid);

            if (bl)
                if (!Teams.ContainsKey(agentid))

                Teams[agentid].Add(new TeamEntity()
                    TeamID       = teamid.ToLower(),
                    TeamName     = teamname,
                    Status       = 1,
                    CreateTime   = DateTime.Now,
                    CreateUserID = userid,
                    ClientID     = clientid,
                    Users        = new List <Users>()

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Handle(TeamGameCompleted e)
            var teamId = e.TeamId;

            //HACK: Old TeamGameCompleted events used teamid instead of bowlerid for POA singles 8'(
            if ((e.Division.Contains("Teaching") || e.Division.Contains("Senior")) && e.Division.Contains("Single"))
                teamId = PoaSingles[e.TeamId];

            if (!Teams.ContainsKey(teamId))
                Teams.Add(teamId, new Team
                    Id       = teamId,
                    Name     = e.Division,
                    Province = e.Contingent

            var team = Teams[teamId];

            //Remove any previous entries as they could re-enter the scores
            team.Scores.RemoveAll(x => x.MatchId == e.Id);

            team.Scores.Add(new Score
                MatchId    = e.Id,
                Number     = e.Number,
                Scratch    = e.Score,
                POA        = e.POA,
                WinLossTie = e.TotalPoints > e.OpponentPoints
                    ? "W" : e.TotalPoints < e.OpponentPoints
                    ? "L" : "T",
                Lane            = e.Lane,
                Centre          = e.Centre,
                Opponent        = e.Opponent,
                OpponentScratch = e.OpponentScore,
                OpponentPOA     = e.OpponentPOA,
                OpponentPoints  = e.OpponentPoints,
                IsPOA           = e.IsPOA,
                Points          = e.TotalPoints

            team.TotalGames             = team.Scores.Count;
            team.TotalWins              = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.Points);
            team.TotalLoss              = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.OpponentPoints);
            team.TotalScratch           = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.Scratch);
            team.TotalOpponentScratch   = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.OpponentScratch);
            team.TotalPOA               = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.POA);
            team.TotalOpponentPOA       = team.Scores.Sum(x => x.OpponentPOA);
            team.AverageWinsPerGame     = (decimal)team.TotalWins / team.TotalGames;
            team.AverageLossPerGame     = (decimal)team.TotalLoss / team.TotalGames;
            team.AverageScratch         = (decimal)team.TotalScratch / team.TotalGames;
            team.AveragePOA             = (decimal)team.TotalPOA / team.TotalGames;
            team.AverageOpponentScratch = (decimal)team.TotalOpponentScratch / team.TotalGames;
            team.AverageOpponentPOA     = (decimal)team.TotalOpponentPOA / team.TotalGames;
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected string GetTeamNameNational(string code)
     if (Teams.ContainsKey(code))
         OutputStream.AppendLine($"Squadra non trovata ({code})");
 public virtual void UnsetControllerFromTeam(IDNumber ctrl, IDNumber team)
     if (!controllers.ContainsKey(ctrl))
         throw new ArgumentException("Controller ID number " + ctrl + " does not exist in the current match.");
     if (!Teams.ContainsKey(team))
         throw new ArgumentException("Team ID number " + team + " does not exist in the current match.");
     ApplyEvent(new PlayerTeamUnassignEvent(ctrl, team));
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void MasterDictionary(int[] DicpView, string[] DicTeam, bool[] DicPlayer, int[] DicHero, int pViewID)
        int pVID = pViewID / 1000;

        if (myID == 0)
            myID = pVID;
        for (int i = 0; i < DicpView.Length; i++)
            if (!Players.ContainsKey(DicpView[i]))
                Players.Add(DicpView[i], DicPlayer[i]);
                Players[DicpView[i]] = DicPlayer[i];
            if (!Teams.ContainsKey(DicpView[i]))
                Teams.Add(DicpView[i], DicTeam[i]);
                Teams[DicpView[i]] = DicTeam[i];
            if (!Heros.ContainsKey(DicpView[i]))
                Heros.Add(DicpView[i], (hcp.E_HeroType)DicHero[i]);
                Heros[DicpView[i]] = (hcp.E_HeroType)DicHero[i];
        PlayerTeam[] objs = FindObjectsOfType <PlayerTeam>();
        foreach (PlayerTeam items in objs)
            if (items.photonView.IsMine)
 protected internal IDNumber GetTeam(string name, bool internalTeam)
     foreach (var team in Teams)
         if (team.Value.Name == name)
     for (int i = 0; i <= Teams.Count; i++)
         if (!Teams.ContainsKey(i))
             ApplyEvent(new MatchTeamCreateEvent(new Team(i, name, internalTeam)));
     throw new InvalidProgramException("Not supposed to happen.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public List <TeamEntity> GetTeams(string agentid)
            if (Teams.ContainsKey(agentid))

            List <TeamEntity> list = new List <TeamEntity>();
            DataTable         dt   = SystemDAL.BaseProvider.GetTeams(agentid);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                TeamEntity model = new TeamEntity();
                model.Users = OrganizationBusiness.GetUsers(agentid).Where(m => m.TeamID == model.TeamID).ToList();
            Teams.Add(agentid, list);

Exemplo n.º 8
    //플레이어가 나갈 경우 딕셔너리 제거 성공 여부
    public void RemoveDictionary(int pViewID)
        bool RemoveSuccess = true;

        if (Players.ContainsKey(pViewID))
            RemoveSuccess = RemoveSuccess && Players.Remove(pViewID);
        if (Teams.ContainsKey(pViewID))
            RemoveSuccess = RemoveSuccess && Teams.Remove(pViewID);
        if (Heros.ContainsKey(pViewID))
            RemoveSuccess = RemoveSuccess && Heros.Remove(pViewID);
        if (Names.ContainsKey(pViewID))
            RemoveSuccess = RemoveSuccess && Names.Remove(pViewID);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected async Task LoadTeamDataAsync()
            List <Team> allTeams = await(from team in _context.Teams
                                         where team.Event == Event
                                         select team).ToListAsync();

            Teams = await(from team in _context.Teams
                          where team.Event == Event
                          join teamMember in _context.TeamMembers on team equals teamMember.Team
                          group teamMember by teamMember.Team into teamCounts
                          select new { Team = teamCounts.Key, Count = teamCounts.Count() }).ToDictionaryAsync(x => x.Team, x => x.Count);

            foreach (Team team in allTeams)
                if (!Teams.ContainsKey(team))
                    Teams[team] = 0;
                    PlayerCount += Teams[team];
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void AssignMatches()
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(Data);

            // Load Teams and Matches
            foreach (var l in lines)
                var line     = l.Split(',');
                var dateData = line[0].Split('.');
                var date     = new DateTime(int.Parse(dateData[2]), int.Parse(dateData[1]), int.Parse(dateData[0])); // date has incorrect format
                //Create team
                // check for existing teams, create them
                if (!Teams.ContainsKey(line[2]))
                    Teams.Add(line[2], new Team(line[2]));

                if (!Teams.ContainsKey(line[3]))
                    Teams.Add(line[3], new Team(line[3]));

                // assign goals
                var homeTeam = Teams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == line[2]);
                var awayTeam = Teams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == line[3]);

                var goalsHome = int.Parse(line[4].Split(':')[0]);
                var goalsAway = int.Parse(line[4].Split(':')[1].Split('(')[0]);

                homeTeam.Value.GoalsGivenHome += goalsHome;
                homeTeam.Value.GoalsTakenHome += goalsAway;

                awayTeam.Value.GoalsGivenAway += goalsAway;
                awayTeam.Value.GoalsTakenAway += goalsHome;

                // calculate points - normal win 3p, PP/SN win 2p, PP/SN lose 1p, normal lose 0p
                if (goalsHome > goalsAway)
                    if (line[4].Contains("PP") || line[4].Contains("SN"))
                        homeTeam.Value.Points += 2;
                        awayTeam.Value.Points += 1;
                        homeTeam.Value.Points += 3;
                    if (line[4].Contains("PP") || line[4].Contains("SN"))
                        homeTeam.Value.Points += 1;
                        awayTeam.Value.Points += 2;
                        awayTeam.Value.Points += 3;

                // create Match
                var type = "N";
                if (line[4].Contains("PP"))
                    type = "PP";
                else if (line[4].Contains("SN"))
                    type = "SN";

                Matches.Add(new Match(date, int.Parse(line[1]), line[2], line[3], int.Parse(line[4].Split(':')[0]), int.Parse(line[4].Split(':')[1].Split('(')[0]), type));
Exemplo n.º 11
    public void Join(int pViewID)
        int pVID = pViewID / 1000;

        if (!Players.ContainsKey(pVID))
            if (myID == 0)
                myID = pVID;
            Players.Add(pVID, false);
            //Debug.Log(" ID : " + pVID + " Joined");
        if (!Heros.ContainsKey(pVID))
            Heros.Add(pVID, hcp.E_HeroType.Soldier);
            //Debug.Log("My Hero is Soldier");
        if (!Teams.ContainsKey(pVID))
            TeamACount = 0;
            TeamBCount = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> pair in Teams)
                if (pair.Value == hcp.Constants.teamA_LayerName)
                else if (pair.Value == hcp.Constants.teamB_LayerName)
            if ((TeamACount <= TeamBCount))
                //Debug.Log("Assigned A");
                Teams.Add(pVID, hcp.Constants.teamA_LayerName);
                //Debug.Log("Assigned B");
                Teams.Add(pVID, hcp.Constants.teamB_LayerName);
        int[] DicpView = new int[Players.Count];
        Players.Keys.CopyTo(DicpView, 0);
        string[] DicTeam = new string[Teams.Count];
        Teams.Values.CopyTo(DicTeam, 0);
        bool[] DicPlayer = new bool[Players.Count];
        Players.Values.CopyTo(DicPlayer, 0);
        int[] DicHero = new int[Heros.Count];
        int   count   = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, hcp.E_HeroType> items in Heros)
            DicHero[count] = (int)items.Value;

        photonView.RPC("MasterDictionary", RpcTarget.Others, DicpView, DicTeam, DicPlayer, DicHero, pViewID);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private async Task ResolveScans()
            var policyTask = PopulatePolicies();

            var presetsTask = PopulatePresets();

            var teamsTask = PopulateTeams();

            _log.Debug("Resolving projects.");

            var projects = await Task.Run(() => CxProjects.GetProjects(RestContext, CancelToken), CancelToken);

            Policies = await policyTask;
            Teams    = await teamsTask;
            Presets  = await presetsTask;

            Parallel.ForEach(projects, new ParallelOptions {
                CancellationToken = CancelToken
            }, (p) =>
                if (p.ProjectName == null)

                String combinedPolicyNames = String.Empty;

                if (Policies != null)
                        IEnumerable <int> projectPolicyList = CxMnoPolicies.GetPolicyIdsForProject
                                                                  (RestContext, CancelToken, p.ProjectId);

                        if (projectPolicyList != null)
                            Policies.CorrelateProjectToPolicies(p.ProjectId, projectPolicyList);
                            combinedPolicyNames = GetFlatPolicyNames(Policies, projectPolicyList);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _log.Warn($"Unable to correlate policies to project {p.ProjectId}: {p.ProjectName}. " +
                                  $"Policy statistics will be unavalable.", ex);

                var cfDict = new SortedDictionary <String, String>();
                p.CustomFields.ForEach((cf) => cfDict.Add(cf.FieldName, cf.FieldValue));

                // Load the projects
                String teamName = Teams.ContainsKey(p.TeamId) ? Teams[p.TeamId] : String.Empty;
                if (String.Empty == teamName)
                    _log.ErrorFormat("Unable to find a team name for team id [{0}] when adding project {1}:{2}", p.TeamId,
                                     p.ProjectId, p.ProjectName);


                String presetName = Presets.ContainsKey(p.PresetId) ? Presets[p.PresetId] : String.Empty;
                if (String.Empty == presetName)
                    _log.ErrorFormat("Unable to find a preset name for preset id [{0}] " +
                                     "when adding project {1}:{2}; project may be assigned an invalid preset.", p.PresetId,
                                     p.ProjectId, p.ProjectName);


                if (!Filter.Matches(teamName, p.ProjectName))
                    if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _log.Debug($"FILTERED: Team: [{teamName}] Project: [{p.ProjectName}]");


                if (!_loadedProjects.TryAdd(p.ProjectId,
                                            new ProjectDescriptor()
                    ProjectId = p.ProjectId,
                    ProjectName = p.ProjectName,
                    TeamName = teamName,
                    TeamId = p.TeamId,
                    PresetId = p.PresetId,
                    PresetName = presetName,
                    Policies = combinedPolicyNames,
                    CustomFields = cfDict
                    _log.WarnFormat("Rejected changed when adding new project with duplicate id {0}: New name: [{1}] current name: [{2}].",
                                    p.ProjectId, p.ProjectName, _loadedProjects[p.ProjectId].ProjectName);


            // _loadedProjects has a collection of projects loaded from the SAST system
            _state.ConfirmProjects(new List <ProjectDescriptor>(_loadedProjects.Values));

            _log.Info($"{_state.ProjectCount} projects are targets to check for new scans. Since last scan: {_state.DeletedProjects}"
                      + $" projects removed, {_state.NewProjects} new projects.");

            _log.Debug("Resolving scans.");

            // Load the scans for each project
            Parallel.ForEach(_state.Projects, new ParallelOptions {
                CancellationToken = CancelToken
                             (p) =>
                // SAST Scans
                var sastScans = CxSastScans.GetScans(RestContext, CancelToken, CxSastScans.ScanStatus.Finished, p.ProjectId);

                foreach (var s in sastScans)
                    // Add to crawl state.
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.Trace($"SAST scan record: {s}");
                    _state.AddScan(s.ProjectId, s.ScanType, ScanProductType.SAST, s.ScanId, s.FinishTime);
                    SastScanCache.TryAdd(s.ScanId, s);

                // OSA scans
                var osaScans = CxOsaScans.GetScans(RestContext, CancelToken, p.ProjectId);
                foreach (var s in osaScans)
                    // Add to crawl state.
                    if (_log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        _log.Trace($"OSA scan record: {s}");
                    _state.AddScan(s.ProjectId, "Composition", ScanProductType.SCA, s.ScanId, s.FinishTime);
                    ScaScanCache.TryAdd(s.ScanId, s);