Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        action = GameObject.Find("Surface").GetComponent <Actions>();
        speed  = action.userSpeed;
        task   = action.task;
        dict   = task.dict;

        //to get the right shoulder position
        ik            = GameObject.Find("Assistant").GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        R_shoulderPos = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[0].transform;
        R_hand        = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[2].transform;

        startTime = Time.time;

        for (int i = 0; i < task.activeNum; i++)
            if (dict[i].hitTarget() == false)
                for (int j = 0; j < task.activeNum; j++)
                    if (Vector3.Distance(dict[i].oriObject.transform.position, dict[j].targHolder.transform.position) < 0.05f && i != j)
                        pointNum.Add(i);  //check all the cubes that are in the wrong positions
                        pointNum.Add(j);  //find a pair of cubes
        index = pointNum[0];
Exemplo n.º 2
    void Start()
        action = GameObject.Find("Surface").GetComponent <Actions>();
        speed  = action.userSpeed;
        task   = action.task;
        dict   = task.dict;

        //to get the right shoulder position
        ik            = GameObject.Find("Assistant").GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        R_shoulderPos = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[0].transform;
        R_hand        = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[2].transform;

        startTime = Time.time;

        for (int i = 0; i < task.activeNum; i++)
            if (dict[task.matNum[i]].hitTarget() == false)
                temp1.Add(task.matNum[i]);  //find the objects first

        for (int i = 0; i < temp1.Count; i++)
            temp2.Add(FindtargHolder(temp1[i])); //find the target holder for each objects

        temp3 = SortIndex(temp2);  //sort the target holder

        for (int i = 0; i < temp1.Count; i++)
            pointNum.Add(FindObjectOnHolder(temp3[i])); //find the objects on the sorted holder

        //for (int i = 0; i < task.activeNum; i++)

        //    if (dict[task.matNum[i]].hitTarget() == false)
        //    {

        //        pointNum.Add(task.matNum[i]);  //check all the cubes that are in the wrong positions

        //    }
        index = pointNum[0];

        index_holder = FindtargHolder(index);

        red   = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/ObjectColor/red") as Material;
        white = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/ObjectColor/white") as Material;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Initialize(Task4Rules t)  // init actions(action number, task)
        task = t;

        dict = t.dict;

        easePoser    = GameObject.Find("RH_ease");
        grabPoser    = GameObject.Find("RH_grab");
        releasePoser = GameObject.Find("RH_release");
        pointPoser   = GameObject.Find("RH_point");

Exemplo n.º 4
    private float threshold = 0.03f; //can also use to adjust the pose will stuck somewhere or not

    void Start()
        action = GameObject.Find("Surface").GetComponent <Actions>();
        speed  = action.userSpeed;
        task   = action.task;
        dict   = task.dict;

        //to get the right shoulder position
        ik            = GameObject.Find("Assistant").GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        R_shoulderPos = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[0].transform;
        R_hand        = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[2].transform;

        startTime = Time.time;
Exemplo n.º 5
    void Start()
        //head = GameObject.Find("Head").transform;
        surface = GameObject.Find("Surface");

        //help = GameObject.Find("HelpPanel");
        assistant = GameObject.Find("Assistant");

        //setup lookat bones
        lookAt    = assistant.GetComponent <LookAtIK>();
        centerEye = GameObject.Find("CenterEyeAnchor").transform;

        agent_rightHand = GameObject.Find("RightHand").transform;
        user_rightHand  = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;
        //initialize the task
        task = surface.AddComponent <Task4Rules>();
        action = surface.AddComponent <Actions>();
        dict = task.dict;
        // InitOVRHand();

        //test correctAction


        ////load audio source
        audioSource = assistant.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        PlayAudio(clips[0]);  //start to music and say the introduction of the system

        ////start the level loop
        keywords.Add("start", () => { StartCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("repeat", () => { StartCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("demostration", () => { DemoCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("continue", () => { ContinueCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("done", () => { DoneCalled(); });

        keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(keywords.Keys.ToArray());
        keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KWRegOnPhraseRecognized;
Exemplo n.º 6
    void Start()
        action = GameObject.Find("Surface").GetComponent <Actions>();
        speed  = action.userSpeed;
        task   = action.task;
        dict   = task.dict;

        //to get the right shoulder position
        ik            = GameObject.Find("Assistant").GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        R_shoulderPos = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[0].transform;
        R_hand        = ik.solver.rightArmChain.nodes[2].transform;

        startTime = Time.time;

        index = getIndex(); //the first cube that is in the wrong position

        for (int i = 0; i < task.activeNum; i++)
            dict[i].grabHolder.transform.parent = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
    //Material red, m1;
    void Start()
        surface = GameObject.Find("Surface");

        //help = GameObject.Find("HelpPanel");
        assistant = GameObject.Find("Assistant");

        //ik = assistant.GetComponent<FullBodyBipedIK>();
        //setup lookat bones
        lookAt    = assistant.GetComponent <LookAtIK>();
        centerEye = GameObject.Find("CenterEyeAnchor").transform;

        agent_rightHand = GameObject.Find("RightHand").transform;
        user_rightHand  = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;
        //initialize the task
        task = surface.AddComponent <Task4Rules>();
        action = surface.AddComponent <Actions>();
        dict = task.dict;

        //s_action = gameObject.GetComponent<SuggestAction>();
        // InitOVRHand();

        //test correctAction


        ////load audio source
        audioSource = assistant.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        PlayAudio(clips[0]);  //start to music and say the introduction of the system
        ////start the level loop
        keywords.Add("start", () => { StartCalled(); });
        //keywords.Add("repeat", () => { StartCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("demostration", () => { DemoCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("continue", () => { ContinueCalled(); });
        keywords.Add("done", () => { DoneCalled(); });

        keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(keywords.Keys.ToArray());
        keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KWRegOnPhraseRecognized;

        Debug.Log("play audio 3");

        if (File.Exists(dataPath) == false)
            var outfile = new StreamWriter(dataPath, true);
            outfile.WriteLine("Create File  " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
            outfile.WriteLine("------  " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());
            var outfile = new StreamWriter(dataPath, true);
            outfile.WriteLine("*****************************PARTICIPANT***CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK*****************************" + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());
            outfile.WriteLine("****************************** system 1 with picture set 1 ************************");
            //outfile.WriteLine("------  " + sce_name.name + "  ------  " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());