Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Number of surjective functions from N to K where |N|=n and |K|=k, k!{n k}.
        /// </summary>
        public static BigInteger Stirling2KF(BigInteger n, BigInteger k)
            if (n > int.MaxValue)
                throw new OverflowException();
            if (n < 0 || k < 0)
            if (k > n)

            int        smallN = (int)n;
            BigInteger sum    = 0;

            for (BigInteger j = 0; j <= k; j++)
                sum += AlternateSign(Binomial(k, j).Top *BigInteger.Pow(j, smallN), k - j);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public byte[] BlindData(Dictionary <string, object> blindKey, Dictionary <string, object> signKey, byte[] data)
            var r          = BigInt.Parse(blindKey.GetString("r"));
            var e          = BigInt.Parse(signKey.GetString("e"));
            var n          = BigInt.Parse(signKey.GetString("n"));
            var multiplier = BigInt.Pow(r, (int)e);
            var m          = new BigInt(data);
            var result     = BigInt.ModPow(m * multiplier, 1, n);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <string> CheckTransactionAndFindHackerContractAddr(string transaction, string contractAddr, decimal flagSumEth)
            var trace = await TransactionTracer.TraceTransactionAsync(transaction, parityRpcUrl);

            if (trace == null)
                log.Info($"Refused addr {contractAddr} hacking transaction candidate {transaction}: transaction trace returned zero result");

            var moneyTransfersDict = trace
                                     .Select(item => item.action)
                                     .Select(action => new
                fromAddr = action.fromAddr?.ToLowerInvariant(),
                toAddr   = action.toAddr?.ToLowerInvariant(),
                sum      = BigInteger.Parse("0" + (action.value?.Substring(2) ?? "0"), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
                                     .Where(mt => mt.fromAddr == contractAddr && mt.sum > 0)
                                     .GroupBy(mt => mt.toAddr)
                                     .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping);

            if (moneyTransfersDict.Count != 1)
                log.Info($"Refused addr {contractAddr} hacking transaction candidate {transaction}: has {moneyTransfersDict.Count} money recepients, but expected 1");

            var hacker     = moneyTransfersDict.First();
            var hackerAddr = hacker.Key;

            BigInteger receivedSumInWei = 0;

            foreach (var mt in hacker.Value)
                receivedSumInWei += mt.sum;

            var ten        = new BigInteger(10);
            var weisInEth  = BigInteger.Pow(ten, 18);
            var flagSumWei = new BigInteger(flagSumEth) * weisInEth;

            if (receivedSumInWei < flagSumWei)
                log.Info($"Refused addr {contractAddr} hacking transaction candidate {transaction}: hacker contract address {hackerAddr} received {receivedSumInWei} wei < expected {flagSumEth} eth");

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static BigInt Power(this BigInt self, long exp)
            if (exp < 0)
                throw ExceptionUtils.MakeArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(exp), exp, "Must be at least 0");

            // redirection possible?
            if (exp <= int.MaxValue)
                return(BigInt.Pow(self, (int)exp));

            // manual implementation
            if (self.IsOne)
            else if (self.IsZero)
            else if (self == BigInt.MinusOne)
                if (exp % 2 == 0)

            BigInt result = BigInt.One;

            while (exp != 0)
                if (exp % 2 != 0)
                    result *= self;
                exp >>= 1;
                self *= self;

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns phi(n), the totient function.
        /// </summary>
        public static BigInteger Totient(BigInteger n)
            BigInteger result = 1;

            if (n <= 0)

            foreach (var factor in PrimeFactors(n))
                result *= BigInteger.Pow(factor.First, factor.Second - 1) * (factor.First - 1);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public String ToDecimalString(int maxDigits)
            string s      = this.mantissa.ToString();
            int    digits = (this.mantissa >= 0) ? s.Length : s.Length - 1;
            BIM    max    = BIM.Pow(10, maxDigits);
            BIM    min    = -max;

            if (this.exponent >= 0)
                if (maxDigits < digits || maxDigits - digits < this.exponent)
                    return(String.Format("{0}.0", (this.mantissa >= 0) ? max.ToString() : min.ToString()));
                    return(String.Format("{0}{1}.0", s, new string('0', this.exponent)));
                int exp = -this.exponent;

                if (exp < digits)
                    int intDigits = digits - exp;
                    if (maxDigits < intDigits)
                        return(String.Format("{0}.0", (this.mantissa >= 0) ? max.ToString() : min.ToString()));
                        int fracDigits = Math.Min(maxDigits, digits - intDigits);
                        return(String.Format("{0}.{1}", s.Substring(0, intDigits), s.Substring(intDigits, fracDigits)));
                    int fracDigits = Math.Min(maxDigits, digits);
                    return(String.Format("0.{0}{1}", new string('0', exp - fracDigits), s.Substring(0, fracDigits)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static BigInteger Eulerian(BigInteger n, BigInteger k)
            if (n > int.MaxValue)
                throw new OverflowException();
            if (k > n)

            int        smallN = (int)n;
            BigInteger sum    = 0;

            for (BigInteger j = 0; j <= k; j++)
                sum += AlternateSign(Binomial(n + 1, j).Top *BigInteger.Pow(k + 1 - j, smallN), j);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public BigInteger Power(int exp)
     return(new BigInteger(BigInt.Pow(Value, exp)));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static BigInt Power(this BigInt self, int exp)
     return(BigInt.Pow(self, exp));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static BigFloat FromString(String s)
             * String must be either of the format [-]0x^.^e*f*e*
             * or of the special value formats: 0NaN*e* 0nan*e* 0+oo*e* 0-oo*e*
             * Where ^ indicates a hexadecimal value and * indicates an integer value

            int posLastE = s.LastIndexOf('e');

            int expSize = int.Parse(s.Substring(posLastE + 1));

            if (expSize <= 1)
                throw new FormatException("Exponent size must be greater than 1");

            int posLastF = s.LastIndexOf('f');
            int posSig   = posLastF + 1;

            if (posLastF == -1)
                //NaN, +oo, -oo
                posSig = 4;

            int sigSize = int.Parse(s.Substring(posSig, posLastE - posSig));

            if (sigSize <= 1)
                throw new FormatException("Significand size must be greater than 1");

            if (posLastF == -1)
                //NaN, +oo, -oo
                return(new BigFloat(s.Substring(1, 3), sigSize, expSize));

            bool isSignBitSet = s[0] == '-';

            int posX           = s.IndexOf('x');
            int posSecondLastE = s.LastIndexOf('e', posLastE - 1);

            string hexSig = s.Substring(posX + 1, posSecondLastE - (posX + 1));
            BIM    oldExp = BIM.Parse(s.Substring(posSecondLastE + 1, posLastF - (posSecondLastE + 1)));

            string binSig = string.Join(string.Empty,
                                            c => (c == '.' ? "." : Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(4, '0'))

            int posDec = binSig.IndexOf('.');

            binSig = binSig.Remove(posDec, 1);

            int posFirstOne = binSig.IndexOf('1');
            int posLastOne  = binSig.LastIndexOf('1');

            if (posFirstOne == -1)
                return(new BigFloat(isSignBitSet, 0, 0, sigSize, expSize));

            binSig = binSig.Substring(posFirstOne, posLastOne - posFirstOne + 1);

            BIM bias       = BIM.Pow(2, expSize - 1) - 1;
            BIM upperBound = 2 * bias + 1;

            BIM newExp = 4 * oldExp + bias + (posDec - posFirstOne - 1);

            if (newExp <= 0)
                if (-newExp <= (sigSize - 1) - binSig.Length)
                    binSig = new string('0', (int)-newExp) + binSig;
                    newExp = 0;
                binSig = binSig.Substring(1);

            if (newExp < 0 || newExp >= upperBound)
                throw new FormatException("The given exponent cannot fit in the bit size " + expSize);

            binSig = binSig.PadRight(sigSize - 1, '0');

            if (binSig.Length > sigSize - 1)
                throw new FormatException("The given significand cannot fit in the bit size " + (sigSize - 1));

            BIM newSig = 0;

            foreach (char b in binSig)
                if (b != '.')
                    newSig <<= 1;
                    newSig  += b - '0';

            return(new BigFloat(isSignBitSet, newSig, newExp, sigSize, expSize));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static BigFloat operator *(BigFloat x, BigFloat y)
            Contract.Requires(x.exponentSize == y.exponentSize);
            Contract.Requires(x.significandSize == y.significandSize);

            if (x.value == "NaN" || y.value == "NaN" || (x.value == "+oo" || x.value == "-oo") && y.IsZero ||
                (y.value == "+oo" || y.value == "-oo") && x.IsZero)
                return(new BigFloat("NaN", x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

            if (x.value != "" || y.value != "")
                bool xSignBitSet = x.value == "" ? x.isSignBitSet : x.value[0] == '-';
                bool ySignBitSet = y.value == "" ? y.isSignBitSet : y.value[0] == '-';
                return(new BigFloat((xSignBitSet ^ ySignBitSet ? "-" : "+") + "oo", x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

            BIM xsig = x.significand, ysig = y.significand;
            BIM xexp = x.exponent, yexp = y.exponent;

            BIM hiddenBitPow = BIM.Pow(2, x.significandSize - 1);

            if (xexp > 0)
                xsig += hiddenBitPow;

            if (yexp > 0)
                ysig += hiddenBitPow;

            ysig *= xsig;
            yexp += xexp - (BIM.Pow(2, x.exponentSize - 1) - 1) - (x.significandSize - 1);

            while (ysig >= hiddenBitPow * 2 || yexp <= 0)
                ysig >>= 1;

            while (ysig < hiddenBitPow && yexp > 1)
                ysig <<= 1;

            if (ysig < hiddenBitPow)
                yexp = 0;
                ysig -= hiddenBitPow;

            if (yexp >= BIM.Pow(2, x.exponentSize) - 1)
                return(new BigFloat(x.isSignBitSet ^ y.isSignBitSet ? "-oo" : "+oo", x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

            return(new BigFloat(x.isSignBitSet ^ y.isSignBitSet, ysig, yexp, x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static BigFloat operator +(BigFloat x, BigFloat y)
            Contract.Requires(x.exponentSize == y.exponentSize);
            Contract.Requires(x.significandSize == y.significandSize);

            if (x.value != "" || y.value != "")
                if (x.value == "NaN" || y.value == "NaN" || x.value == "+oo" && y.value == "-oo" ||
                    x.value == "-oo" && y.value == "+oo")
                    return(new BigFloat("NaN", x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

                if (x.value != "")
                    return(new BigFloat(x.value, x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

                return(new BigFloat(y.value, y.significandSize, y.exponentSize));

            if (x.exponent > y.exponent)
                BigFloat temp = x;
                x = y;
                y = temp;

            BIM xsig = x.significand, ysig = y.significand;
            BIM xexp = x.exponent, yexp = y.exponent;

            if (yexp - xexp > x.significandSize) //One of the numbers is relatively insignificant
                return(new BigFloat(y.isSignBitSet, y.significand, y.exponent, y.significandSize, y.exponentSize));

            BIM hiddenBitPow = BIM.Pow(2, x.significandSize - 1);

            if (xexp > 0)
                xsig += hiddenBitPow;

            if (yexp > 0)
                ysig += hiddenBitPow;

            if (x.isSignBitSet)
                xsig = -xsig;

            if (y.isSignBitSet)
                ysig = -ysig;

            xsig >>= (int)(yexp - xexp); //Guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer

            ysig += xsig;

            bool isNeg = ysig < 0;

            ysig = BIM.Abs(ysig);

            if (ysig == 0)
                return(new BigFloat(x.isSignBitSet && y.isSignBitSet, 0, 0, x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

            if (ysig >= hiddenBitPow * 2)
                ysig >>= 1;

            while (ysig < hiddenBitPow && yexp > 1)
                ysig <<= 1;

            if (ysig < hiddenBitPow)
                yexp = 0;
                ysig -= hiddenBitPow;

            if (yexp >= BIM.Pow(2, x.exponentSize) - 1)
                return(new BigFloat(y.isSignBitSet ? "-oo" : "+oo", x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));

            return(new BigFloat(isNeg, ysig, yexp, x.significandSize, x.exponentSize));
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Conversion operations

        // ``floor`` rounds towards negative infinity (like SMT-LIBv2's to_int).
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the floor and ceiling of this BigFloat. Note the choice of rounding towards negative
        /// infinity rather than zero for floor is because SMT-LIBv2's to_int function floors this way.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="floor">Floor (rounded towards negative infinity)</param>
        /// <param name="ceiling">Ceiling (rounded towards positive infinity)</param>
        public void FloorCeiling(out BIM floor, out BIM ceiling)
            Contract.Requires(value == "");

            BIM sig = significand;
            BIM exp = exponent;

            BIM hiddenBitPow = BIM.Pow(2, significandSize - 1);

            if (exponent > 0)
                sig += hiddenBitPow;

            exp -= (BIM.Pow(2, exponentSize - 1) - 1) + (significandSize - 1);

            if (exp >= BIM.Zero)
                while (exp >= int.MaxValue)
                    sig <<= int.MaxValue;
                    exp  -= int.MaxValue;

                sig <<= (int)exp;
                floor = ceiling = (isSignBitSet ? -sig : sig);
                exp = -exp;

                if (exp > significandSize)
                    if (sig == 0)
                        floor = ceiling = 0;
                        ceiling = isSignBitSet ? 0 : 1;
                        floor   = ceiling - 1;
                    BIM frac = sig & ((BIM.One << (int)exp) - 1);
                    sig >>= (int)exp; //Guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer

                    if (frac == 0)
                        floor = ceiling = (isSignBitSet ? -sig : sig);
                        ceiling = isSignBitSet ? -sig : sig + 1;
                        floor   = ceiling - 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override string /*!*/ ToString()
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <string>() != null);
            if (value == "")
                byte[]        sigBytes = significand.ToByteArray();
                StringBuilder binSig   = new StringBuilder();

                if (exponent == 0)
                    binSig.Append('1'); //hidden bit

                for (int i = significandSize - 2; i >= 0; --i)
                    //little endian
                    if (i / 8 < sigBytes.Length)
                        binSig.Append((char)('0' + ((sigBytes[i / 8] >> (i % 8)) & 1)));

                BIM bias = BIM.Pow(2, exponentSize - 1) - 1;
                if (exponent == 0)

                int moveDec  = ((int)((exponent - bias) % 4) + 4) % 4;
                BIM finalExp = (exponent - bias - moveDec) / 4;

                string leftBinSig  = binSig.ToString().Substring(0, moveDec + 1);
                string rightBinSig = binSig.ToString().Substring(moveDec + 1);

                leftBinSig  = new string('0', 4 - leftBinSig.Length % 4) + leftBinSig;
                rightBinSig = rightBinSig + new string('0', 4 - rightBinSig.Length % 4);

                StringBuilder leftHexSig  = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder rightHexSig = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < leftBinSig.Length / 4; ++i)
                    leftHexSig.AppendFormat("{0:X}", Convert.ToByte(leftBinSig.Substring(i * 4, 4), 2));

                for (int i = 0; i < rightBinSig.Length / 4; ++i)
                    rightHexSig.AppendFormat("{0:X}", Convert.ToByte(rightBinSig.Substring(i * 4, 4), 2));

                return(String.Format("{0}0x{1}.{2}e{3}f{4}e{5}", isSignBitSet ? "-" : "", leftHexSig, rightHexSig, finalExp,
                                     significandSize, exponentSize));

            return(String.Format("0{0}{1}e{2}", value, significandSize, exponentSize));