Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void StartCobolProgram(ProgramIdentification programIdentification, LibraryCopyCodeElement libraryCopy)
            if (Program == null)
                if (SyntaxTree.Root.MainProgram == null)
                    SyntaxTree.Root.MainProgram = new SourceProgram(TableOfGlobals, programIdentification);
                    Program = SyntaxTree.Root.MainProgram;
                    Program = new StackedProgram(TableOfGlobals, programIdentification);

                programsStack  = new Stack <Program>();
                CurrentProgram = Program;
                Enter(CurrentProgram, programIdentification, CurrentProgram.SymbolTable);
                var enclosing = CurrentProgram;
                CurrentProgram = new NestedProgram(enclosing, programIdentification);
                Enter(CurrentProgram, programIdentification, CurrentProgram.SymbolTable);

            if (libraryCopy != null)
            { // TCRFUN_LIBRARY_COPY
                var cnode = new LibraryCopy(libraryCopy);
                Enter(cnode, libraryCopy, CurrentProgram.SymbolTable);

            TableOfNamespaces.AddProgram(CurrentProgram); //Add Program to Namespace table.
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadCopies method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">AbstractErrorWriter</param>
        /// <param name="paths">List<string></param>
        /// <param name="copyDocumentFormat">DocumentFormat</param>
        /// <returns>SymbolTable</returns>
        private static SymbolTable LoadDependencies(AbstractErrorWriter writer, List <string> paths, DocumentFormat format, SymbolTable intrinsicTable)
            var parser = new Parser(intrinsicTable);
            var table  = new SymbolTable(intrinsicTable, SymbolTable.Scope.Namespace); //Generate a table of NameSPace containing the dependencies programs based on the previously created intrinsic table.

            var dependencies = new List <string>();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                dependencies.AddRange(Tools.FileSystem.GetFiles(path, parser.Extensions, true)); //Get File by name or search the directory for all files

            foreach (string path in dependencies)
                    parser.Init(path, new TypeCobolOptions {
                        ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck
                    }, format);
                    parser.Parse(path); //Parse the dependencie file

                    foreach (var diagnostic in parser.Results.AllDiagnostics())
                        Server.AddError(writer, MessageCode.DependenciesLoading,
                                        diagnostic.ColumnStart, diagnostic.ColumnEnd, diagnostic.Line,
                                        "Error during parsing of " + path + ": " + diagnostic, path);
                    if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program == null)
                        Server.AddError(writer, MessageCode.DependenciesLoading, "Error: Your dependency file is not included into a program.", path);

                    table.AddProgram(parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program); //Add program to Namespace symbol table
                catch (Exception e)
                    Server.AddError(writer, MessageCode.DependenciesLoading, e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, path);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static SymbolTable LoadDependencies(List <string> paths, DocumentFormat format, SymbolTable intrinsicTable, List <string> inputFiles, EventHandler <DiagnosticsErrorEvent> diagEvent)
            var parser      = new Parser(intrinsicTable);
            var diagnostics = new List <Diagnostic>();
            var table       = new SymbolTable(intrinsicTable, SymbolTable.Scope.Namespace); //Generate a table of NameSPace containing the dependencies programs based on the previously created intrinsic table.

            var dependencies = new List <string>();

            string[] extensions = { ".tcbl", ".cbl", ".cpy" };
            foreach (var path in paths)
                dependencies.AddRange(Tools.FileSystem.GetFiles(path, extensions, true)); //Get File by name or search the directory for all files

            //Create list of inputFileName according to our naming convention in the case of an usage with RDZ
            var inputFileNames = new List <string>();
            foreach (var inputFile in inputFiles)
                var inputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFile);
                if (inputFileName != null)
                    //our inputFiles contains a temporary file : the first 8 chars are the program name then there are random chars and then .cbl extension
                    if (inputFileName.Length > 8)
                        inputFileName = inputFileName.Substring(0, 8);

            foreach (string path in dependencies)
                //Issue #583, ignore a dependency if the same file will be parsed as an input file just after

                //Our dependency folder contains file named with 8 chars + tcbl extension
                string depFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

                if (depFileName != null &&
                    inputFileNames.Any(inputFileName => depFileName.Equals(inputFileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    parser.Init(path, new TypeCobolOptions {
                        ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck
                    }, format);
                    parser.Parse(path); //Parse the dependencie file


                    if (diagEvent != null && diagnostics.Count > 0)
                        diagnostics.ForEach(d => diagEvent(null, new DiagnosticsErrorEvent()
                            Path = path, Diagnostic = d

                    if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs == null || parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs.Count() == 0)
                        throw new DepedenciesLoadingException("Your dependency file is not included into a program", path, null, logged: true, needMail: false);

                    foreach (var program in parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs)
                        table.AddProgram(program); //Add program to Namespace symbol table
                catch (DepedenciesLoadingException depLoadingEx)
                    throw depLoadingEx;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DepedenciesLoadingException(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, path, e);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static ReturnCode runOnce2(TypeCobolConfiguration config, AbstractErrorWriter errorWriter)
            SymbolTable baseTable = null;

            #region Dependencies parsing
            var  depParser    = new Parser();
            bool diagDetected = false;
            if (config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.Preprocessor)
                #region Event Diags Handler
                EventHandler <Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent> DiagnosticsErrorEvent = delegate(object sender, Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent diagEvent)
                    //Delegate Event to handle diagnostics generated while loading dependencies/intrinsics
                    diagDetected = true;
                    var diagnostic = diagEvent.Diagnostic;
                    Server.AddError(errorWriter, MessageCode.IntrinsicLoading,
                                    diagnostic.ColumnStart, diagnostic.ColumnEnd, diagnostic.Line,
                                    "Error while parsing " + diagEvent.Path + ": " + diagnostic, diagEvent.Path);
                EventHandler <Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent> DependencyErrorEvent = delegate(object sender, Tools.APIHelpers.DiagnosticsErrorEvent diagEvent)
                    //Delegate Event to handle diagnostics generated while loading dependencies/intrinsics
                    Server.AddError(errorWriter, diagEvent.Path, diagEvent.Diagnostic);

                depParser.CustomSymbols = Tools.APIHelpers.Helpers.LoadIntrinsic(config.Copies, config.Format, DiagnosticsErrorEvent);                                                                         //Load intrinsic
                depParser.CustomSymbols = Tools.APIHelpers.Helpers.LoadDependencies(config.Dependencies, config.Format, depParser.CustomSymbols, config.InputFiles, config.CopyFolders, DependencyErrorEvent); //Load dependencies

                if (diagDetected)
                    throw new CopyLoadingException("Diagnostics detected while parsing Intrinsic file", null, null, logged: false, needMail: false);

            baseTable = depParser.CustomSymbols;

            var typeCobolOptions = new TypeCobolOptions(config);

            typeCobolOptions.AutoRemarksEnable = config.AutoRemarks;

            ReturnCode    returnCode = ReturnCode.Success;
            List <Parser> parsers    = new List <Parser>();
            List <Compiler.Report.AbstractReport> reports = new List <AbstractReport>();
            bool copyAreMissing           = false;
            List <Diagnostic> diagnostics = new List <Diagnostic>();

            foreach (var inputFilePath in config.InputFiles)
                var parser = new Parser();
                parser.CustomSymbols = baseTable;

                if (config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck) //If inferior to semantic, use the execstep given by the user.
                    typeCobolOptions.ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck;

                    parser.Init(inputFilePath, typeCobolOptions, config.Format, config.CopyFolders); //Init parser create CompilationProject & Compiler before parsing the given file
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.ParserInit, ex.Message, inputFilePath, ex); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                #region Copy Report Init

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.CrossCheck)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ReportCopyMoveInitializeFilePath))
                        if (config.UseAntlrProgramParsing)
                            Compiler.Parser.NodeDispatcher <Antlr4.Runtime.ParserRuleContext> .RegisterStaticNodeListenerFactory(
                                () => {
                                var report = new Compiler.Report.CopyMoveInitializeReport <Antlr4.Runtime.ParserRuleContext>(config.ReportCopyMoveInitializeFilePath);
                                reports.Add(report); return(report);
                            Compiler.Parser.NodeDispatcher <Compiler.CodeElements.CodeElement> .RegisterStaticNodeListenerFactory(
                                () => {
                                var report = new Compiler.Report.CopyMoveInitializeReport <Compiler.CodeElements.CodeElement>(config.ReportCopyMoveInitializeFilePath);
                                reports.Add(report); return(report);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ReportZCallFilePath))
                        if (config.UseAntlrProgramParsing)
                            Compiler.Parser.NodeDispatcher <Antlr4.Runtime.ParserRuleContext> .RegisterStaticNodeListenerFactory(
                                () => {
                                var report = new Compiler.Report.ZCallPgmReport <Antlr4.Runtime.ParserRuleContext>(config.ReportZCallFilePath);
                                reports.Add(report); return(report);
                            Compiler.Parser.NodeDispatcher <Compiler.CodeElements.CodeElement> .RegisterStaticNodeListenerFactory(
                                () => {
                                var report = new Compiler.Report.ZCallPgmReport <Compiler.CodeElements.CodeElement>(config.ReportZCallFilePath);
                                reports.Add(report); return(report);

                //Parse input file

                diagnostics.AddRange(parser.Results.AllDiagnostics()); //Get all diags
                                      diagnostics.Take(config.MaximumDiagnostics == 0
                        ? diagnostics.Count
                        : config.MaximumDiagnostics)); //Write diags into error file

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath))
                    if (parser.MissingCopys.Count > 0)
                        //Collect the missing copies
                        copyAreMissing = true;
                        File.WriteAllLines(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath, parser.MissingCopys);
                        //Delete the file

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Preprocessor && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExtractedCopiesFilePath))
                    if (parser.Results.CopyTextNamesVariations.Count > 0)
                        IEnumerable <string> copiesName;
                        if (config.UseEuroInformationLegacyReplacingSyntax)
                            copiesName = parser.Results.CopyTextNamesVariations.Select(cp => cp.TextName).Distinct(); //Get copies without suffix
                            copiesName = parser.Results.CopyTextNamesVariations.Select(cp => cp.TextNameWithSuffix).Distinct(); //Get copies with suffix
                        var copiesName = parser.Results.CopyTextNamesVariations.Select(cp => cp.TextNameWithSuffix).Distinct(); //Get copies with suffix
                        //Create an output document of all the copy encountered by the parser
                        File.WriteAllLines(config.ExtractedCopiesFilePath, copiesName);

                if (copyAreMissing)
                    throw new MissingCopyException("Some copy are missing", inputFilePath, null, logged: false, needMail: false);

                if (parser.Results.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.Preprocessor)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + inputFilePath + "\" has syntactic error(s) preventing codegen (CodeElements).", inputFilePath); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()
                else if (parser.Results.TemporaryProgramClassDocumentSnapshot == null && config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.SyntaxCheck)
                    throw new ParsingException(MessageCode.SyntaxErrorInParser, "File \"" + inputFilePath + "\" has semantic error(s) preventing codegen (ProgramClass).", inputFilePath); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck)
                    foreach (var program in parser.Results.TemporaryProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs)
                        var previousPrograms = baseTable.GetPrograms();
                        foreach (var previousProgram in previousPrograms)

                        baseTable.AddProgram(program); //Add program to Namespace symbol table

                if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Preprocessor && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExpandingCopyFilePath))
                        StringBuilder generatedCobolStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                        var           generator = GeneratorFactoryManager.Instance.Create(TypeCobol.Tools.Options_Config.OutputFormat.ExpandingCopy.ToString(),
                                                                                          parser.Results, generatedCobolStringBuilder, null, null);
                        var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(config.ExpandingCopyFilePath);
                        generator.Generate(parser.Results, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new GenerationException(e.Message, inputFilePath, e);

            //Then do the CrossCheck when all the programs are loaded in SymbolTable
            if (config.ExecToStep > ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck)
                int fileIndex = 0;
                foreach (var parser in parsers)
                    parser.Results.RefreshProgramClassDocumentSnapshot();  //Do Cross Check phase for each file
                    diagnostics.AddRange(parser.Results.AllDiagnostics()); //Get all diags
                    errorWriter.Errors.Clear();                            //Clear errorWriter because of the potential previous diags
                                          diagnostics.Take(config.MaximumDiagnostics == 0
                            ? diagnostics.Count
                            : config.MaximumDiagnostics)); //Write diags into error file

                    if (diagnostics.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var diag in diagnostics)
                            if (diag.CatchedException != null)
                                AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.TrackException(diag.CatchedException, config.InputFiles[fileIndex]);
                                AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.SendMail(diag.CatchedException, config.InputFiles,
                                                                    config.CopyFolders, config.CommandLine);

                    if (diagnostics.Count == 0)
                        if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.CrossCheck && reports != null && reports.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var report in reports)
                                    string msg = string.Format(
                                        "Succeed to emit report '{0}'",
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new GenerationException(e.Message, report.Filepath, e);

                    if (diagnostics.Any(d => d.Info.Severity == Compiler.Diagnostics.Severity.Error))
                        throw new PresenceOfDiagnostics("Diagnostics Detected", config.InputFiles[fileIndex]); //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                    if (diagnostics.Any(d => d.Info.Severity == Compiler.Diagnostics.Severity.Warning))
                        returnCode = ReturnCode.Warning;

                    if (config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Generate)
                            //Load skeletons if necessary
                            List <Skeleton> skeletons = null;
                            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.skeletonPath)))
                                skeletons = TypeCobol.Codegen.Config.Config.Parse(config.skeletonPath);

                            var sb = new StringBuilder();
                            //Get Generator from specified config.OutputFormat
                            var generator = GeneratorFactoryManager.Instance.Create(config.OutputFormat.ToString(),
                                                                                    sb, skeletons, AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.TypeCobolVersion);

                            if (generator == null)
                                throw new GenerationException("Unknown OutputFormat=" + config.OutputFormat + "_",

                            //Generate and check diagnostics
                            generator.Generate(parser.Results, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
                            if (generator.Diagnostics != null)
                                                      generator.Diagnostics); //Write diags into error file
                                throw new PresenceOfDiagnostics("Diagnostics Detected", config.InputFiles[fileIndex]);
                                //Make ParsingException trace back to RunOnce()

                            var outputDirectory = new FileInfo(config.OutputFiles[fileIndex]).Directory;
                            var lockFilePath    = outputDirectory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "~.lock";
                            if (File.Exists(lockFilePath))
                                                      new Diagnostic(MessageCode.GenerationFailled, 0, 0, 0));
                                var lockWriter = new StreamWriter(lockFilePath);

                                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(config.OutputFiles[fileIndex]))
                                        streamWriter.Write(sb); //Write generated Cobol inside file
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        File.Delete(lockFilePath); //Remove lock to allow watchers to read the file
                        catch (PresenceOfDiagnostics)
                            throw; //Throw the same exception to let runOnce() knows there is a problem
                        catch (GenerationException)
                            throw; //Throw the same exception to let runOnce() knows there is a problem
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //Otherwise create a new GenerationException
                            throw new GenerationException(e.Message, config.InputFiles[fileIndex], e);


Exemplo n.º 5
        public static SymbolTable LoadDependencies([NotNull] List <string> paths, DocumentFormat format, SymbolTable intrinsicTable,
                                                   [NotNull] List <string> inputFiles, EventHandler <DiagnosticsErrorEvent> diagEvent)
            var parser      = new Parser(intrinsicTable);
            var diagnostics = new List <Diagnostic>();
            var table       = new SymbolTable(intrinsicTable, SymbolTable.Scope.Namespace); //Generate a table of NameSPace containing the dependencies programs based on the previously created intrinsic table.

            var dependencies = new List <string>();

            string[] extensions = { ".tcbl", ".cbl", ".cpy" };
            foreach (var path in paths)
                var dependenciesFound = Tools.FileSystem.GetFiles(path, extensions, true);
                //Issue #668, warn if dependencies path are invalid
                if (diagEvent != null && dependenciesFound.Count == 0)
                    diagEvent(null, new DiagnosticsErrorEvent()
                        Path = path, Diagnostic = new ParserDiagnostic(path + ", no dependencies found", 1, 1, 1, null, MessageCode.DependenciesLoading)
                dependencies.AddRange(dependenciesFound); //Get File by name or search the directory for all files

            //Create list of inputFileName according to our naming convention in the case of an usage with RDZ
            var programsNames = new List <string>();
            foreach (var inputFile in inputFiles)
                string PgmName = null;
                foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(inputFile))
                    if (line.StartsWith("       PROGRAM-ID.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        PgmName = line.Split('.')[1].Trim();


            foreach (string path in dependencies)
                //Issue #583, ignore a dependency if the same file will be parsed as an input file just after

                string depFileNameRaw = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).Trim();

                if (depFileNameRaw != null)
                    // substring in case of MYPGM.rdz.tcbl
                    var depFileName = depFileNameRaw.Substring(0,
                                                               depFileNameRaw.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ?
                                                               depFileNameRaw.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) :
                    if (programsNames.Any(inputFileName => String.Compare(depFileName, inputFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
                    parser.CustomSymbols = table; //Update SymbolTable
                    parser.Init(path, new TypeCobolOptions {
                        ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck
                    }, format);
                    parser.Parse(path); //Parse the dependency file


                    if (diagEvent != null && diagnostics.Count > 0)
                        diagnostics.ForEach(d => diagEvent(null, new DiagnosticsErrorEvent()
                            Path = path, Diagnostic = d

                    if (parser.Results.TemporaryProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs == null || !parser.Results.TemporaryProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs.Any())
                        throw new DepedenciesLoadingException("Your dependency file is not included into a program", path, null, logged: true, needMail: false);

                    foreach (var program in parser.Results.TemporaryProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Root.Programs)
                        var declarationTable = program.SymbolTable.GetTableFromScope(SymbolTable.Scope.Declarations);
                        var globalTable      = program.SymbolTable.GetTableFromScope(SymbolTable.Scope.Global);

                        var previousPrograms = table.GetPrograms();
                        foreach (var previousProgram in previousPrograms)

                        //If there is no public types or functions, then call diagEvent
                        if (diagEvent != null &&
                            !globalTable.Types.Values.Any(tds => tds.Any(td => td.CodeElement().Visibility == AccessModifier.Public)) &&            //No Public Types in Global table
                            !declarationTable.Types.Values.Any(tds => tds.Any(td => td.CodeElement().Visibility == AccessModifier.Public)) &&       //No Public Types in Declaration table
                            !declarationTable.Functions.Values.Any(fds => fds.Any(fd => fd.CodeElement().Visibility == AccessModifier.Public)))     //No Public Functions in Declaration table
                            diagEvent(null, new DiagnosticsErrorEvent()
                                Path = path, Diagnostic = new ParserDiagnostic(string.Format("No public types or procedures/functions found in {0}", program.Name), 1, 1, 1, null, MessageCode.Warning)
                        table.AddProgram(program); //Add program to Namespace symbol table
                catch (DepedenciesLoadingException depLoadingEx)
                    throw depLoadingEx;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DepedenciesLoadingException(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, path, e);

            //Reset symbolTable of all dependencies
