Exemplo n.º 1
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        audioSources [2].Play();

        /*Busyo View*/
        //Delete Previous
        foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find("BusyoView").transform)
        //Jinkei Flg
        if (jinkeiFlg)
            string     iconPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/Jinkei";
            GameObject jinkei   = Instantiate(Resources.Load(iconPath)) as GameObject;
            jinkei.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);
            jinkei.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(220, 200);
            jinkei.name = "jinkei";

        //Make New Busyo
        string busyoId;

        busyoId = this.name.Remove(0, 4);
        string     path  = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/BusyoUnit";
        GameObject Busyo = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        Busyo.name = busyoId.ToString();
        Busyo.transform.localScale = new Vector2(4, 4);
        Busyo.GetComponent <DragHandler> ().enabled = false;

        RectTransform rect_transform = Busyo.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        rect_transform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(300, 200, 0);
        rect_transform.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(100, 100);

        //Ship Rank
        string     shipPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/ShipSts";
        GameObject ShipObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shipPath)) as GameObject;

        preKaisen kaisenScript = new preKaisen();
        int       shipId       = kaisenScript.getShipSprite(ShipObj, int.Parse(busyoId));

        ShipObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-40, -40, 0);
        ShipObj.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);
        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            if (shipId == 1)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "High";
            else if (shipId == 2)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Mid";
            else if (shipId == 3)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Low";
            if (shipId == 1)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上";
            else if (shipId == 2)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中";
            else if (shipId == 3)
                ShipObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "下";
        //Text Modification
        GameObject text = Busyo.transform.FindChild("Text").gameObject;

        text.GetComponent <Text> ().color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        RectTransform text_transform = text.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        text_transform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-70, 30, 0);
        text_transform.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(630, 120);
        text.transform.localScale         = new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f);

        //Rank Text Modification
        GameObject    rank           = Busyo.transform.FindChild("Rank").gameObject;
        RectTransform rank_transform = rank.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        rank_transform.anchoredPosition3D   = new Vector3(20, -50, 0);
        rank_transform.sizeDelta            = new Vector2(200, 200);
        rank.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 200;

        /*Busyo Status*/
        NowOnBusyo   NowOnBusyoScript   = GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnBusyo> ();
        BusyoInfoGet busyoInfoGetScript = new BusyoInfoGet();

        if (GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnButton> ().onButton == "Ronkou")
            int       lv  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(busyoId);
            StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
            int       hp  = sts.getHp(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       atk = sts.getAtk(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       dfc = sts.getDfc(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       spd = sts.getSpd(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);

            int adjHp  = hp * 100;
            int adjAtk = atk * 10;
            int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

            //add lv
            string addLvTmp = "addlv" + busyoId.ToString();
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(addLvTmp))
                string addLvValue = "+" + PlayerPrefs.GetString(addLvTmp);
                GameObject.Find("addLvValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = addLvValue.ToString();
                GameObject.Find("addLvValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "";
            int maxLv = 100 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(addLvTmp);

            GameObject.Find("LvValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text       = lv.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("TosotsuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = adjHp.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("BuyuuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = adjAtk.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = adjDfc.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("SpeedValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = spd.ToString();

            string expId       = "exp" + busyoId.ToString();
            string expString   = "";
            int    nowExp      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(expId);
            Exp    exp         = new Exp();
            int    requiredExp = 0;
            if (lv != maxLv)
                requiredExp = exp.getExpforNextLv(lv);
                requiredExp = exp.getExpLvMax(maxLv);

            expString = nowExp + "/" + requiredExp;
            GameObject.Find("ExpValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = expString;

            //Kahou status
            KahouStatusGet kahouSts         = new KahouStatusGet();
            string[]       KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId, adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd);
            int            totalBusyoHp     = 0;

            string kanniTmp      = "kanni" + busyoId;
            float  addAtkByKanni = 0;
            float  addHpByKanni  = 0;
            float  addDfcByKanni = 0;

            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
                int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
                if (kanniId != 0)
                    Kanni  kanni     = new Kanni();
                    string kanniIkai = kanni.getIkai(kanniId);
                    string kanniName = kanni.getKanni(kanniId);
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kanniIkai + "\n" + kanniName;

                    string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                    int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                    if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                        addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                        addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                        addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100;
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Rank";
                        GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "官位無し";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "No Rank";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "官位無し";

            string jyosyuTmp = "jyosyuBusyo" + busyoId;
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(jyosyuTmp))
                int      kuniId   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(jyosyuTmp);
                KuniInfo kuni     = new KuniInfo();
                string   kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName + "\nLord";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = kuniName + "\n城主";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Feud";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "城無し";

            //Show Additional Status
            int finalAtk = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
            int finalHp  = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni);
            int finalDfc = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni);
            int finalSpd = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [3]);

            GameObject.Find("KahouAtkValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "+" + finalAtk.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("KahouHpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text   = "+" + finalHp.ToString();
            totalBusyoHp = adjHp + finalHp;
            GameObject.Find("KahouDfcValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + finalDfc.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("KahouSpdValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + finalSpd.ToString();

            //Butai Status
            string heiId   = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
            string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");

            if (chParam == "0" || chParam == "")
                StatusGet statusScript = new StatusGet();
                string    heisyu       = statusScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyoId));
                chParam = heisyu + ":1:1:1";
                PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

            if (chParam.Contains(":"))
                char[]   delimiterChars = { ':' };
                string[] ch_list        = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

                string ch_type   = ch_list [0];
                int    ch_num    = int.Parse(ch_list [1]);
                int    ch_lv     = int.Parse(ch_list [2]);
                float  ch_status = float.Parse(ch_list [3]);

                string  heisyu = "";
                Message msg    = new Message();
                if (ch_type == "KB")
                    heisyu = msg.getMessage(55);
                else if (ch_type == "YR")
                    heisyu = msg.getMessage(56);
                else if (ch_type == "TP")
                    heisyu = msg.getMessage(57);
                else if (ch_type == "YM")
                    heisyu = msg.getMessage(58);

                GameObject.Find("ChildNameValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = heisyu;
                GameObject.Find("ChildQtyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = ch_num.ToString();
                GameObject.Find("ChildLvValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text   = ch_lv.ToString();

                //Jyosyu Handling
                JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
                float          addHei    = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId);
                float          hei       = ch_status * 10;
                GameObject.Find("ChildHeiryokuValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = hei.ToString();
                float newHei = finalHp + addHei;
                GameObject.Find("KahouHpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + newHei.ToString();

                int    chAtkDfc       = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc((int)hei, totalBusyoHp);
                string chAtkDfcString = chAtkDfc.ToString() + "/" + chAtkDfc.ToString();
                GameObject.Find("ChildStatusValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = chAtkDfcString;

                //Child Image
                foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find("Img").transform)
                string     chPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + ch_type;
                GameObject chObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(chPath)) as GameObject;
                RectTransform chTransform = chObj.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                chTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-200, -50, 0);
                chTransform.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(40, 40);
                chObj.transform.localScale     = new Vector2(4, 4);

                GameObject chigyo = GameObject.Find("ButtonCyouhei");
                if (ch_num < 20)
                    chigyo.GetComponent <Image> ().color = OKClorBtn;
                    chigyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKClorTxt;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = true;

                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type   = ch_type;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num    = ch_num;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp     = hei;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp     = totalBusyoHp / 100;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn;
                    chigyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt;
                    chigyo.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                GameObject kunren = GameObject.Find("ButtonKunren");
                if (ch_lv < 100)
                    kunren.GetComponent <Image> ().color = OKClorBtn;
                    kunren.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKClorTxt;
                    kunren.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = true;

                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type   = ch_type;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_lv     = ch_lv;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num    = ch_num;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp     = hei;
                    kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp     = totalBusyoHp / 100;
                    kunren.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn;
                    kunren.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt;
                    kunren.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;

            //Parametor Setting
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyo     = busyoId;
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyoName = busyoInfoGetScript.getName(int.Parse(busyoId));
        else if (GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnButton> ().onButton == "Senpou")
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyo     = busyoId;
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyoName = busyoInfoGetScript.getName(int.Parse(busyoId));
            SenpouScene scene = new SenpouScene();
        else if (GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnButton> ().onButton == "Kahou")
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyo     = busyoId;
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyoName = busyoInfoGetScript.getName(int.Parse(busyoId));
            KahouScene kahou = new KahouScene();
        else if (GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnButton> ().onButton == "Syogu")
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyo     = busyoId;
            NowOnBusyoScript.OnBusyoName = busyoInfoGetScript.getName(int.Parse(busyoId));
            SyoguScene syogu = new SyoguScene();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void GetPlayerSenryoku(string busyoId)
        int  i      = 0;
        bool result = int.TryParse(busyoId, out i);

        if (result)
            int myDaimyoBusyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyoBusyo");
            if (int.Parse(busyoId) == myDaimyoBusyo)
                myDaimyoBusyoFlg = true;

            BusyoInfoGet busyo = new BusyoInfoGet();
            belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoId(int.Parse(busyoId));
            if (belongDaimyoId == 0)
                belongDaimyoId = busyo.getDaimyoHst(int.Parse(busyoId));
            shipId = busyo.getShipId(int.Parse(busyoId));

            lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(busyoId, 1);
            StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
            int       hp  = sts.getHp(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       atk = sts.getAtk(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       dfc = sts.getDfc(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
            int       spd = sts.getSpd(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);

            int adjHp  = hp * 100;
            int adjAtk = atk * 10;
            int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

            JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei    = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
            int            addJyosyuHei = jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId.ToString());

            KahouStatusGet kahouSts         = new KahouStatusGet();
            string[]       KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId, adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd);
            int            totalBusyoHp     = 0;
            int            totalBusyoAtk    = 0;
            int            totalBusyoDfc    = 0;

            string kanniTmp      = "kanni" + busyoId;
            float  addAtkByKanni = 0;
            float  addHpByKanni  = 0;
            float  addDfcByKanni = 0;

            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
                int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
                if (kanniId != 0)
                    Kanni kanni = new Kanni();

                    string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                    int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                    if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                        addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                        addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                        addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100;

            totalBusyoAtk = adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
            totalBusyoHp  = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni) + addJyosyuHei;
            totalBusyoDfc = adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni);
            totalSpd      = spd + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3]);
            if (Application.loadedLevelName == "preKaisen")
                if (shipId == 1)
                    totalBusyoHp = totalBusyoHp * 2;
                else if (shipId == 2)
                    totalBusyoHp = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)totalBusyoHp * 1.5f);

            string heiId   = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
            string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");
            if (chParam == "0" || chParam == "")
                StatusGet statusScript = new StatusGet();
                string    heisyu       = statusScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyoId));
                chParam = heisyu + ":1:1:1";
                PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

            char[] delimiterChars = { ':' };
            if (chParam.Contains(":"))
                string[] ch_list = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

                chQty = int.Parse(ch_list [1]);
                chlv  = int.Parse(ch_list [2]);
                int ch_status    = int.Parse(ch_list [3]);
                int totalChldHp  = 0;
                int totalChldAtk = 0;
                int totalChldDfc = 0;

                ch_status = ch_status * 10;
                int atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, totalBusyoHp);

                totalChldHp  = ch_status * chQty;
                totalChldAtk = atkDfc * chQty;
                totalChldDfc = atkDfc * chQty;

                //Set value
                totalHp  = totalBusyoHp + totalChldHp;
                totalAtk = totalBusyoAtk + totalChldAtk;
                totalDfc = totalBusyoDfc + totalChldDfc;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void makeKaisenInstance(int mapId, int busyoId, int shipId, int lv, string ch_type, int ch_num, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, string busyoName, int linkNo, bool taisyo, ArrayList senpouArray)
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Kaisen/" + shipId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name  = busyoId.ToString();
        prefab.tag   = "Enemy";
        prefab.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
        prefab.AddComponent <EnemyHP> ();
        prefab.AddComponent <EnemyAttack>();

        //Senpou Script Parametor
        StatusGet senpouScript = new StatusGet();
        bool      shipFlg      = senpouScript.getSenpouShipFlg((int)senpouArray[0]);

        if (shipFlg)
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouId     = (int)senpouArray[0];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTyp    = senpouArray[1].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouName   = senpouArray[2].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouEach   = (float)senpouArray[4];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouRatio  = (float)senpouArray[5];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTerm   = (float)senpouArray[6];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouLv     = (int)senpouArray[8];
            Entity_serihu_mst serihuMst = Resources.Load("Data/serihu_mst") as Entity_serihu_mst;
            string            serihu    = "";
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsgEng;
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsg;
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouSerihu = serihu;
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

        //Script Adjust
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>());
        prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();

        //Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
        string dtlPath = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlEnemyEng";
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlEnemy";
        GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dtlPath)) as GameObject;

        dtl.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1, -1);
        dtl.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
        dtl.name = "BusyoDtlEnemy";

        GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;

        nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = busyoName;
        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize = 40;
        //Location by map id
        if (mapId == 1)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 16);
        else if (mapId == 2)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 16);
        else if (mapId == 3)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 16);
        else if (mapId == 4)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 16);
        else if (mapId == 5)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 16);
        else if (mapId == 6)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 8);
        else if (mapId == 7)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 8);
        else if (mapId == 8)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 8);
        else if (mapId == 9)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 8);
        else if (mapId == 10)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 8);
        else if (mapId == 11)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 0);
        else if (mapId == 12)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 0);
        else if (mapId == 13)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 0);
        else if (mapId == 14)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 0);
        else if (mapId == 15)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 0);
        else if (mapId == 16)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, -8);
        else if (mapId == 17)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, -8);
        else if (mapId == 18)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, -8);
        else if (mapId == 19)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, -8);
        else if (mapId == 20)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, -8);
        else if (mapId == 21)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, -16);
        else if (mapId == 22)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, -16);
        else if (mapId == 23)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, -16);
        else if (mapId == 24)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, -16);
        else if (mapId == 25)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, -16);

        //Link Adjustment
        float linkAdjst = (float)linkNo / 10;

        hp  = hp * 100;
        dfc = dfc * 10;

        if (linkNo != 0)
            float adjstHp = hp * linkAdjst;
            hp = hp + (int)adjstHp;
            float adjstDfc = dfc * linkAdjst;
            dfc = dfc + (int)adjstDfc;

        float adjSpd = (float)spd / 10;

        if (adjSpd <= 0)
            adjSpd = 1;

        if (shipId == 1)
            hp     = hp * 2;
            dfc    = dfc * 2;
            adjSpd = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.5f);
        else if (shipId == 2)
            hp     = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)hp * 1.5f);
            dfc    = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)dfc * 1.5f);
            adjSpd = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.6f);
        else if (shipId == 3)
            adjSpd = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.8f);
        atk = atk * 10;
        if (linkNo != 0)
            float adjstAtk = atk * linkAdjst;
            atk = atk + (int)adjstAtk;
        if (adjSpd <= 0)
            adjSpd = 1;
        GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;

        minHpBar.GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = hp;
        prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().life          = hp;
        prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack>().attack    = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed          = adjSpd;
        prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().dfc           = dfc;

        if (taisyo)
            prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().taisyo = true;

        AudioController audio = new AudioController();

        audio.addComponentMoveAttack(prefab, "SHP");

        //Child Instantiate
        //set child object
        string    ch_path = "Prefabs/Kaisen/3";
        StatusGet sts     = new StatusGet();

        for (int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++)
            //Make Relationship
            GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(ch_path)) as GameObject;
            ch_prefab.name = "Child" + i.ToString();
            ch_prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f);
            ch_prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 3;
            ch_prefab.tag = "EnemyChild";

            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <Kunkou>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

            if (i == 1)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 0);
            else if (i == 2)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 3)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 4)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 5)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 6)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 7)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 8)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 9)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 10)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 0);
            else if (i == 11)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 12)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 13)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 14)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 15)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 16)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -1.5f);
            else if (i == 17)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 18)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -1.5f);
            else if (i == 19)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 20)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -1.5f);

            int ch_status = getChildStatus(lv, ch_type, linkNo);

            //Round up because of Link adjustment might be under 0
            int atkDfc = Mathf.CeilToInt(sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp));

            if (i == 1)
                //Child Qty
                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().childQty = ch_num;

                //Child Unit HP
                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().childHP = ch_status;

                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack>().attack = prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack>().attack + (ch_num * atkDfc);

                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().dfc = prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().dfc + (ch_num * atkDfc);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void makeInstance(int mapId, int busyoId, int lv, string ch_type, int ch_num, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, string busyoName, int linkNo, bool taisyo, ArrayList senpouArray, string kahouList)
        /*Roujyo Start*/
        bool       shiroFlg    = false;
        bool       torideFlg   = false;
        GameObject buildingObj = null;
        bool       pvpFlg      = GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <GameScene>().pvpFlg;

        if (!pvpFlg)
            string eSRMap = "eSRMap" + mapId.ToString();
            shiroFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool(eSRMap);

            if (!shiroFlg)
                string eTRMap = "eTRMap" + mapId.ToString();
                torideFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool(eTRMap);

            if (shiroFlg)
                string objPath = "Prefabs/Kassen/eShiro";
                buildingObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(objPath)) as GameObject;
                buildingObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(2, 1.5f);
                setEnemyObjectOnMap(mapId, buildingObj);
                buildingObj.name = "shiro";

                string stageName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("activeStageName");
                buildingObj.transform.FindChild("BusyoDtlEnemy").transform.FindChild("NameLabel").GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = stageName;

                int    powerType = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("activePowerType");
                string Type      = "";
                if (powerType == 1)
                    Type = "s";
                else if (powerType == 2)
                    Type = "m";
                else if (powerType == 3)
                    Type = "l";
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Shiro/Sprite/shiro_" + Type;
                buildingObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                if (torideFlg)
                    string objPath = "Prefabs/Kassen/eToride";
                    buildingObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(objPath)) as GameObject;
                    buildingObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(3, 3);
                    setEnemyObjectOnMap(mapId, buildingObj);
                    buildingObj.name = "toride";

                    int    powerType = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("activePowerType");
                    string Type      = "";
                    if (powerType == 1)
                        Type = "s";
                    else if (powerType == 2)
                        Type = "m";
                    else if (powerType == 3)
                        Type = "l";

                    string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kassen/kassenTrd_" + Type;
                    buildingObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                        Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
        /*Roujyo End*/

        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();

        /**Player to Enemy**/
        Vector3 scale = prefab.transform.localScale;
        float   x     = prefab.transform.localScale.x;

        scale.x = scale.x * -1;
        prefab.transform.localScale = scale;
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        prefab.AddComponent <EnemyHP>();
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <Kunkou>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>());
        if (prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
            prefab.AddComponent <EnemyAttack>();
            prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();
            prefab.AddComponent <HomingLong>();
            if (ch_type == "YM")
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>().bullet = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Enemy/EnemyArrow") as GameObject;
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>().bullet = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Enemy/EnemyBullet") as GameObject;
        prefab.tag   = "Enemy";
        prefab.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");
        /**Player to Enemy End**/

        //Senpou Script Parametor
        StatusGet senpouScript = new StatusGet();
        bool      onlySeaFlg   = senpouScript.getSenpouOnlySeaFlg((int)senpouArray[0]);

        if (!onlySeaFlg)
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouId     = (int)senpouArray[0];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTyp    = senpouArray[1].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouName   = senpouArray[2].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouEach   = (float)senpouArray[4];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouRatio  = (float)senpouArray[5];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTerm   = (float)senpouArray[6];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouLv     = (int)senpouArray[8];
            Entity_serihu_mst serihuMst = Resources.Load("Data/serihu_mst") as Entity_serihu_mst;
            string            serihu    = "";
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsgEng;
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsg;
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouSerihu = serihu;
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

        //Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
        string dtlPath = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlEnemyEng";
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlEnemy";
        GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dtlPath)) as GameObject;

        dtl.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.3f, -1);
        dtl.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(-1.3f, 1.3f, 0);
        dtl.name = "BusyoDtlEnemy";

        GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;

        nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;

        //Location by map id
        if (mapId == 1)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 2)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 3)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 4)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 5)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 6)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 7)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 8)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 9)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 10)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 11)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 12)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 13)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 14)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 15)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 16)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 17)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 18)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 19)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 20)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 21)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(5, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 22)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(20, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 23)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(35, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 24)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(50, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 25)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(65, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

        //Link Adjustment
        float linkAdjst = (float)linkNo / 10;

        hp  = hp * 100;
        atk = atk * 10;
        dfc = dfc * 10;
        if (linkNo != 0)
            float adjstHp = hp * linkAdjst;
            hp = hp + (int)adjstHp;
            float adjstDfc = dfc * linkAdjst;
            dfc = dfc + (int)adjstDfc;

        /*Kahou Adjustment*/
        string[] KahouStatusArray;
        float    spdWithKahou = (float)spd;

        if (pvpFlg)
            KahouStatusGet KahouStatusGet = new KahouStatusGet();
            KahouStatusArray = KahouStatusGet.getPvPKahouForStatus(kahouList, hp, atk, dfc, spd);
            hp           = hp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]);
            atk          = atk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]);
            dfc          = dfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]);
            spdWithKahou = ((float)spd + float.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3]));

        //HP Bar
        GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;

        minHpBar.GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = hp;
        prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().life          = hp;

        //adjust spd
        float adjSpd = spdWithKahou / 10;

        if (prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack> ())
            if (linkNo != 0)
                float adjstAtk = atk * linkAdjst;
                atk = atk + (int)adjstAtk;
            prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack> ().attack = atk;
            if (adjSpd <= 0)
                adjSpd = 1;
            prefab.GetComponent <Homing> ().speed  = adjSpd;
            prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().leftFlg = true;
            if (ch_type == "YM")
                atk = atk * 3;
            else if (ch_type == "TP")
                atk = atk * 5;
            if (linkNo != 0)
                float adjstAtk = atk * linkAdjst;
                atk = atk + (int)adjstAtk;

            prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().attack = atk;
            if (adjSpd <= 0)
                adjSpd = 1;
            prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong> ().speed  = adjSpd;
            prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong>().leftFlg = true;
        prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP> ().dfc = dfc;

        if (taisyo)
            prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP> ().taisyo = true;

        AudioController audio = new AudioController();

        audio.addComponentMoveAttack(prefab, ch_type);

        //Child Instantiate
        //set child object
        string    ch_path = "Prefabs/Enemy/" + ch_type;
        float     y1      = 3.0f;
        float     y2      = 3.0f;
        float     y3      = 3.0f;
        float     y4      = 3.0f;
        StatusGet sts     = new StatusGet();

        for (int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++)
            //Make Relationship
            GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(ch_path)) as GameObject;
            ch_prefab.name = "Child" + i.ToString();

            //Sashimono Making
            string sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
            //string sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/1";
            GameObject sashimono = Instantiate(Resources.Load(sashimono_path)) as GameObject;

            //reverse Horizonal
            sashimono.transform.localScale       = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);
            sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles.x, sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles.y, 10);

            if (ch_type == "YR")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1, 0.6f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 3, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 6, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 9, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 12, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "KB")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f, 1);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "TP")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "YM")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

            int ch_status = getChildStatus(lv, ch_type, linkNo);

            //Round up because of Link adjustment might be under 0
            int atkDfc = Mathf.CeilToInt(sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp));

            if (i == 1)
                //Child Qty
                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().childQty = ch_num;

                //Child Unit HP
                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().childHP = ch_status;

                if (ch_type == "YM")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 3;
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk             = atkDfc * 3;
                else if (ch_type == "TP")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 5;
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk             = atkDfc * 5;
                    prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack> ().attack = prefab.GetComponent <EnemyAttack> ().attack + (ch_num * atkDfc);
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk         = atkDfc;

                prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP> ().dfc = prefab.GetComponent <EnemyHP> ().dfc + (ch_num * atkDfc);
                prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().dfc  = atkDfc;

        //Busyo Config in Shiro or Toride
        if (shiroFlg || torideFlg)
            //Choose AI Type
            int baseAtk = sts.getBaseAtk(busyoId);
            int baseDfc = sts.getBaseDfc(busyoId);
            int AIType  = getAIType(baseAtk, baseDfc, taisyo);

            buildingObj.GetComponent <ShiroSearch> ().busyoObjList.Add(prefab);
            if (ch_type == "YM" || ch_type == "TP")
                prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong> ().backShiroObj = buildingObj;
                prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong> ().enabled      = false;
                prefab.GetComponent <Homing> ().backShiroObj = buildingObj;
                prefab.GetComponent <Homing> ().enabled      = false;

                //YR & KB
                if (shiroFlg && AIType == 3)
                    AIType = 1;

            buildingObj.GetComponent <ShiroSearch> ().busyoObjSize.Add(prefab.transform.localScale);
            prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0, 0);

            buildingObj.GetComponent <ShiroSearch> ().AITypeList.Add(AIType);

            List <float> randomList = new List <float>()
                1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f
            int   rdm         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, randomList.Count);
            float randomValue = randomList [rdm];
            buildingObj.transform.FindChild("BusyoDtlEnemy").transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = (float)hp * randomValue;
            buildingObj.GetComponent <EnemyHP>().life = (float)hp * randomValue;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void createBusyoStatusView(string busyoId)
        bool tutorialDoneFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("tutorialDoneFlg");
        int  lv = 1;

        if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo")
            lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(busyoId);

        StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
        int       hp  = sts.getHp(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
        int       atk = sts.getAtk(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
        int       dfc = sts.getDfc(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);
        int       spd = sts.getSpd(int.Parse(busyoId), lv);

        int adjHp  = hp * 100;
        int adjAtk = atk * 10;
        int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

        //add lv
        string addLvTmp = "addlv" + busyoId.ToString();

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(addLvTmp))
            string addLvValue = "+" + PlayerPrefs.GetString(addLvTmp);
            GameObject.Find("addLvValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = addLvValue.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("addLvValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "";
        int maxLv = 100 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt(addLvTmp);

        GameObject.Find("LvValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text       = lv.ToString();
        GameObject.Find("TosotsuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = adjHp.ToString();
        GameObject.Find("BuyuuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = adjAtk.ToString();
        GameObject.Find("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = adjDfc.ToString();
        GameObject.Find("SpeedValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = spd.ToString();

        string expId     = "exp" + busyoId.ToString();
        string expString = "";
        int    nowExp    = 0;

        if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo")
            nowExp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(expId);
        Exp exp         = new Exp();
        int requiredExp = 0;

        if (lv != maxLv)
            requiredExp = exp.getExpforNextLv(lv);
            requiredExp = exp.getExpLvMax(maxLv);

        expString = nowExp + "/" + requiredExp;
        GameObject.Find("ExpValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = expString;

        //Kahou status
        int totalBusyoHp = 0;
        int finalAtk     = 0;
        int finalHp      = 0;
        int finalDfc     = 0;
        int finalSpd     = 0;

        if (tutorialDoneFlg && Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo")
            KahouStatusGet kahouSts         = new KahouStatusGet();
            string[]       KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId, adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd);

            string kanniTmp      = "kanni" + busyoId;
            float  addAtkByKanni = 0;
            float  addHpByKanni  = 0;
            float  addDfcByKanni = 0;

            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
                int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
                if (kanniId != 0)
                    Kanni  kanni     = new Kanni();
                    string kanniIkai = kanni.getIkai(kanniId);
                    string kanniName = kanni.getKanni(kanniId);
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kanniIkai + "\n" + kanniName;

                    string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                    int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                    if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                        addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                        addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                        addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100;
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Rank";
                        GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "官位無し";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Rank";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "官位無し";

            string jyosyuTmp = "jyosyuBusyo" + busyoId;
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(jyosyuTmp))
                int      kuniId   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(jyosyuTmp);
                KuniInfo kuni     = new KuniInfo();
                string   kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);

                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = kuniName + "\nLord";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = kuniName + "\n城主";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Feud";
                    GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "城無し";

            //Show Additional Status
            finalAtk = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
            finalHp  = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni);
            finalDfc = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni);
            finalSpd = int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [3]);

            GameObject.Find("KahouAtkValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "+" + finalAtk.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("KahouHpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text   = "+" + finalHp.ToString();
            totalBusyoHp = adjHp + finalHp;
            GameObject.Find("KahouDfcValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + finalDfc.ToString();
            GameObject.Find("KahouSpdValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + finalSpd.ToString();
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Rank";
                GameObject.Find("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "官位無し";

            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "No Feud";
                GameObject.Find("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "城無し";

        //Butai Status
        string heiId   = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
        string chParam = "";

        if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialBusyo")
            chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");
            //retry tutorial
            chParam = "TP: 1:1:1";

        if (chParam == "0" || chParam == "")
            StatusGet statusScript  = new StatusGet();
            string    chParamHeisyu = statusScript.getHeisyu(int.Parse(busyoId));
            chParam = chParamHeisyu + ":1:1:1";
            PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

        char[]   delimiterChars = { ':' };
        string[] ch_list        = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

        string ch_type   = ch_list [0];
        int    ch_num    = int.Parse(ch_list [1]);
        int    ch_lv     = int.Parse(ch_list [2]);
        float  ch_status = float.Parse(ch_list [3]);

        string heisyu = "";

        Message msg = new Message();

        if (ch_type == "KB")
            heisyu = msg.getMessage(55);
        else if (ch_type == "YR")
            heisyu = msg.getMessage(56);
        else if (ch_type == "TP")
            heisyu = msg.getMessage(57);
        else if (ch_type == "YM")
            heisyu = msg.getMessage(58);

        GameObject.Find("ChildNameValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = heisyu;
        GameObject.Find("ChildQtyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = ch_num.ToString();
        GameObject.Find("ChildLvValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text   = ch_lv.ToString();

        //Jyosyu Handling
        JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
        float          addHei    = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId);
        float          hei       = ch_status * 10;

        GameObject.Find("ChildHeiryokuValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = hei.ToString();
        float newHei = finalHp + addHei;

        GameObject.Find("KahouHpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "+" + newHei.ToString();

        int    chAtkDfc       = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc((int)hei, totalBusyoHp);
        string chAtkDfcString = chAtkDfc.ToString() + "/" + chAtkDfc.ToString();

        GameObject.Find("ChildStatusValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = chAtkDfcString;

        //Child Image
        foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find("Img").transform)
        string     chPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + ch_type;
        GameObject chObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(chPath)) as GameObject;

        RectTransform chTransform = chObj.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();

        chTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-200, -50, 0);
        chTransform.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(40, 40);
        chObj.transform.localScale     = new Vector2(4, 4);

        GameObject chigyo = GameObject.Find("ButtonCyouhei");

        if (ch_num < 20)
            chigyo.GetComponent <Image> ().color = OKClorBtn;
            chigyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKClorTxt;
            chigyo.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = true;

            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type   = ch_type;
            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num    = ch_num;
            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp     = hei;
            chigyo.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp     = totalBusyoHp / 100;
            chigyo.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn;
            chigyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt;
            chigyo.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
        GameObject kunren = GameObject.Find("ButtonKunren");

        if (ch_lv < 100)
            kunren.GetComponent <Image> ().color = OKClorBtn;
            kunren.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKClorTxt;
            kunren.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = true;

            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type   = ch_type;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_lv     = ch_lv;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp     = hei;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num    = ch_num;
            kunren.GetComponent <BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp     = totalBusyoHp / 100;
            kunren.GetComponent <Image> ().color = NGClorBtn;
            kunren.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGClorTxt;
            kunren.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
        //Parametor Setting
        GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo = busyoId;

        //Jinkei Flg
        GameObject BusyoView = GameObject.Find("BusyoView");

        if (!BusyoView.transform.FindChild("jinkei"))
            if (jinkeiBusyoCheck(int.Parse(busyoId)))
                string     iconPath = "Prefabs/Busyo/Jinkei";
                GameObject jinkei   = Instantiate(Resources.Load(iconPath)) as GameObject;
                jinkei.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);
                jinkei.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(220, 200);
                jinkei.name = "jinkei";
Exemplo n.º 6
	public void makeInstance(int mapId, int busyoId, int lv, string ch_type, int ch_num, int hp, int atk, int dfc,int spd, string busyoName, int linkNo, bool taisyo){
		string path = "Prefabs/Enemy/" + busyoId;
		GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;

		//Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
		string dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlEnemy";
		GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load (dtlPath)) as GameObject;
		dtl.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
		GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;
		nameLabel.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;

		//Location by map id
		if (mapId == 1) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (5, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 2) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (20, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 3) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (35, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 4) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (50, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 5) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (65, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 6) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (5, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
		} else if (mapId == 7) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (20, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
		} else if (mapId == 8) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (35, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
		} else if (mapId == 9) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (50, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
		} else if (mapId == 10) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (65, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
		} else if (mapId == 11) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (5, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
		} else if (mapId == 12) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (20, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
		} else if (mapId == 13) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (35, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
		} else if (mapId == 14) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (50, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
		} else if (mapId == 15) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (65, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
		} else if (mapId == 16) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (5, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
		} else if (mapId == 17) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (20, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
		} else if (mapId == 18) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (35, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
		} else if (mapId == 19) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (50, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
		} else if (mapId == 20) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (65, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
		} else if (mapId == 21) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (5, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
		} else if (mapId == 22) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (20, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
		} else if (mapId == 23) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (35, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
		} else if (mapId == 24) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (50, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
		} else if (mapId == 25) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (65, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		//Link Adjustment
		float linkAdjst = (float)linkNo/10;
		hp = hp * 100;
		dfc = dfc * 10;

		if (linkNo != 0) {
			float adjstHp = hp * linkAdjst;
			hp = hp + (int)adjstHp;

			float adjstDfc = dfc * linkAdjst;
			dfc = dfc + (int)adjstDfc;

		//HP Bar
		GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;
		minHpBar.GetComponent<BusyoHPBar>().initLife = hp;

		//parametor setting
		prefab.GetComponent<EnemyHP>().life = hp;
		if (prefab.GetComponent<EnemyAttack> ()) {
			atk = atk * 10;
			if (linkNo != 0) {
				float adjstAtk = atk * linkAdjst;
				atk = atk + (int)adjstAtk;

			prefab.GetComponent<EnemyAttack> ().attack = atk;
			prefab.GetComponent<Homing> ().speed = spd;
			prefab.GetComponent<Homing>().leftFlg = true;

		} else {
			if(ch_type == "YM"){
				atk = atk * 30;
			}else if(ch_type == "TP"){
				atk = atk * 50;
			if (linkNo != 0) {
				float adjstAtk = atk * linkAdjst;
				atk = atk + (int)adjstAtk;

			prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atk;
			prefab.GetComponent<HomingLong> ().speed = spd;
			prefab.GetComponent<HomingLong>().leftFlg = true;
		prefab.GetComponent<EnemyHP> ().dfc = dfc;

		if (taisyo) {
			prefab.GetComponent<EnemyHP> ().taisyo = true;


		/*Child Instantiate*/
		//set child object
		string ch_path = "Prefabs/Enemy/" + ch_type;
		float y1 = 3.0f;
		float y2 = 3.0f;
		float y3 = 3.0f;
		float y4 = 3.0f;

		for(int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++){
			//Make Relationship
			GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (ch_path)) as GameObject;
			ch_prefab.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
			ch_prefab.name = ch_prefab.name + "_" + prefab.name;

			//Sashimono Making
			string sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
			GameObject sashimono = Instantiate(Resources.Load (sashimono_path)) as GameObject;
			sashimono.transform.parent = ch_prefab.transform;

			//reverse Horizonal
			sashimono.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.3f,0.3f);
			sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles.x, sashimono.transform.localEulerAngles.y, 10);

			if(ch_type == "YR"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1,0.6f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 3,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 6,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 9,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 12,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "KB"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f,1);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "TP"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "YM"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x + 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

			StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
			int ch_status = getChildStatus(lv, ch_type, linkNo);

			//Round up because of Link adjustment might be under 0
			int atkDfc = Mathf.CeilToInt(sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp));

			ch_prefab.GetComponent<EnemyHP>().life = ch_status;
			if(ch_prefab.GetComponent<EnemyAttack> ()){
				ch_prefab.GetComponent<EnemyAttack> ().attack =atkDfc;
				ch_prefab.GetComponent<HomingPrnt>().leftFlg = true;
				if (ch_type == "TP") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 5;
				} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 3;
				ch_prefab.GetComponent<HomingLongPrnt>().leftFlg = true;
			ch_prefab.GetComponent<EnemyHP>().dfc = atkDfc;

Exemplo n.º 7
    public void makeSimpleEnemy(int busyoId, GameObject battleArea, int xAdjust, GameObject YesBtn)
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();
        prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(-0.4f, 0.6f);
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "UI";
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder     = 350;

        /**Player to Enemy**/
        prefab.tag   = "Enemy";
        prefab.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");
        /**Player to Enemy End**/

        float xAdjust2 = (float)xAdjust / 5;

        prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(9 - xAdjust2, 1.8f);
        prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = 1;

        //Set Scirpt
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>());
        if (prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong>());
            prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();
        if (prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>());
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleAttack>();
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleHP>();
        prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();
        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed   = 50;
        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().enabled = false;

        YesBtn.GetComponent <StartSimpleKassen>().busyoObjList.Add(prefab);

        StartKassen stksn       = GameObject.Find("BattleButton").GetComponent <StartKassen>();
        int         lv          = stksn.activeBusyoLv;
        string      busyoString = busyoId.ToString();
        StatusGet   sts         = new StatusGet();
        int         hp          = 100 * sts.getHp(busyoId, lv);
        int         atk         = 10 * sts.getAtk(busyoId, lv);
        int         dfc         = 10 * sts.getDfc(busyoId, lv);
        float       spd         = sts.getSpd(busyoId, lv);

        //Child Parametor
        int           chlv          = stksn.activeButaiLv;
        int           chQty         = stksn.activeButaiQty;
        EnemyInstance enemyInstance = new EnemyInstance();
        string        ch_type       = sts.getHeisyu(busyoId);
        int           ch_status     = enemyInstance.getChildStatus(lv, ch_type, 0);
        int           totalChldHp   = 0;
        int           totalChldAtk  = 0;
        int           totalChldDfc  = 0;
        int           atkDfc        = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp);

        totalChldHp  = ch_status * chQty;
        totalChldAtk = atkDfc * chQty;
        totalChldDfc = atkDfc * chQty;

        //Set value
        hp  = hp + totalChldHp;
        atk = atk + totalChldAtk;
        dfc = dfc + totalChldDfc;

        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed         = spd / 20;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().atk     = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().dfc         = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().baseAtk = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().baseDfc     = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().life        = hp;
Exemplo n.º 8
	public void createBusyoStatusView(string busyoId){
		int lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (busyoId);
		StatusGet sts = new StatusGet ();
		int hp = sts.getHp (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int atk = sts.getAtk (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int dfc = sts.getDfc (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int spd = sts.getSpd (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int adjHp = hp * 100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;
		GameObject.Find ("LvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = lv.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("TosotsuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjHp.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("BuyuuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjAtk.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjDfc.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("SpeedValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = spd.ToString ();

		string expId = "exp" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string expString = "";
		int nowExp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(expId);
		Exp exp = new Exp ();
		int requiredExp = 0;
		if (lv != 100) {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpforNextLv (lv);
		} else {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpLv100();

		expString = nowExp + "/" + requiredExp;
		GameObject.Find ("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = expString;

		//Kahou status
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet ();
		string[] KahouStatusArray =kahouSts.getKahouForStatus (busyoId,adjHp,adjAtk,adjDfc,spd);
		int totalBusyoHp =0;

		string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId;
		float addAtkByKanni = 0;
		float addHpByKanni = 0;
		float addDfcByKanni = 0;

		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (kanniTmp)) {
			int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (kanniTmp);
			Kanni kanni = new Kanni ();
			string kanniIkai = kanni.getIkai (kanniId);
			string kanniName = kanni.getKanni (kanniId);
			GameObject.Find ("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kanniIkai + "\n" + kanniName;

			string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
			int effect = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
				addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="hp"){
				addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="dfc"){
				addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect)/100;

		} else {
			GameObject.Find ("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "官位無し";

		string jyosyuTmp = "jyosyuBusyo" + busyoId;
		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (jyosyuTmp)) {
			int kuniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(jyosyuTmp);
			KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
			string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);

			GameObject.Find ("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kuniName + "\n城主";

		} else {
			GameObject.Find ("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "城無し";

		//Show Additional Status
		int finalAtk = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni);
		int finalHp = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addHpByKanni);
		int finalDfc= int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addDfcByKanni);
		int finalSpd = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [3]);

		GameObject.Find ("KahouAtkValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "+" + finalAtk.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("KahouHpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalHp.ToString();
		totalBusyoHp = adjHp + finalHp;
		GameObject.Find ("KahouDfcValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalDfc.ToString();
		GameObject.Find ("KahouSpdValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalSpd.ToString();

		//Butai Status
		string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString (heiId, "0");
		char[] delimiterChars = {':'};
		string[] ch_list = chParam.Split (delimiterChars);
		string ch_type = ch_list [0];
		int ch_num = int.Parse (ch_list [1]);
		int ch_lv = int.Parse (ch_list [2]);
		float ch_status = float.Parse (ch_list [3]);
		string heisyu = "";
		if (ch_type == "KB") {
			heisyu = "騎馬隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YR") {
			heisyu = "槍隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "TP") {
			heisyu = "鉄砲隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
			heisyu = "弓隊";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildNameValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heisyu;
		GameObject.Find ("ChildQtyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_num.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChildLvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_lv.ToString ();

		//Jyosyu Handling
		JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku ();
		float addHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku (busyoId);
		float hei = ch_status * 10;
		string heiText = hei.ToString() + "<size=150><Color=#35D74BFF>+" + addHei + "</Color></size>";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildHeiryokuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heiText;

		int chAtkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc ((int)hei, totalBusyoHp);
		string chAtkDfcString = chAtkDfc.ToString () + "/" + chAtkDfc.ToString (); 
		GameObject.Find ("ChildStatusValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = chAtkDfcString;
		//Child Image
		foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find ("Img").transform) {
			GameObject.Destroy (n.gameObject);
		string chPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + ch_type;
		GameObject chObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (chPath)) as GameObject;
		chObj.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Img").transform);
		RectTransform chTransform = chObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
		chTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (-200, -50, 0);
		chTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (40, 40);
		chObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (4, 4);

		GameObject chigyo = GameObject.Find ("ButtonCyouhei");
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		GameObject kunren = GameObject.Find ("ButtonKunren");
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_lv = ch_lv;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei ;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		//Parametor Setting
		GameObject.Find ("GameScene").GetComponent<NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo = busyoId;

Exemplo n.º 9
	public void GetPlayerSenryoku(string busyoId){

		lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (busyoId);
		StatusGet sts = new StatusGet ();
		int hp = sts.getHp (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int atk = sts.getAtk (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int dfc = sts.getDfc (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int spd = sts.getSpd (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int adjHp = hp * 100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet ();
		string[] KahouStatusArray =kahouSts.getKahouForStatus (busyoId,adjHp,adjAtk,adjDfc,spd);
		int totalBusyoHp =0;
		int totalBusyoAtk =0;
		int totalBusyoDfc =0;

		string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId;
		float addAtkByKanni = 0;
		float addHpByKanni = 0;
		float addDfcByKanni = 0;

		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (kanniTmp)) {
			int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (kanniTmp);
			Kanni kanni = new Kanni ();

			string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
			int effect = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
				addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="hp"){
				addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="dfc"){
				addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect)/100;

		totalBusyoAtk = adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni);
		totalBusyoHp = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addHpByKanni);
		totalBusyoDfc = adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addDfcByKanni);

		string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString (heiId, "0");
		char[] delimiterChars = {':'};
		string[] ch_list = chParam.Split (delimiterChars);
		int ch_num = int.Parse (ch_list [1]);
		chlv = int.Parse (ch_list [2]);
		int ch_status = int.Parse (ch_list [3]);
		int totalChldHp = 0;
		int totalChldAtk = 0;
		int totalChldDfc = 0;

		ch_status = ch_status * 10;
		int atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, totalBusyoHp);
		JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku ();
		int addHei = jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku (busyoId.ToString());

		totalChldHp = ch_status * ch_num;
		totalChldAtk = atkDfc * ch_num;
		totalChldDfc = atkDfc * ch_num;
		//Set value
		totalHp = totalBusyoHp + totalChldHp;
		totalAtk = totalBusyoAtk + totalChldAtk;
		totalDfc = totalBusyoDfc + totalChldDfc;

Exemplo n.º 10
    public void makeSimplePlayer(int busyoId, bool soudaisyoFlg, GameObject battleArea, int xAdjust, GameObject YesBtn)
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();
        prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.6f);
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "UI";
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder     = 350;
        if (soudaisyoFlg)
            prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.8f);
            float xAdjust2 = (float)xAdjust / 20;
            prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(3 - xAdjust2, 1.8f);
        prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = 1;

        //Set Scirpt
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <Kunkou>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>());
        if (prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>());
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleAttack>();
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleHP>();
        prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();

        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().enabled = false;

        YesBtn.GetComponent <StartSimpleKassen>().busyoObjList.Add(prefab);

        string    busyoString = busyoId.ToString();
        int       lv          = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(busyoString);
        StatusGet sts         = new StatusGet();
        int       hp          = 100 * sts.getHp(busyoId, lv);
        int       atk         = 10 * sts.getAtk(busyoId, lv);
        int       dfc         = 10 * sts.getDfc(busyoId, lv);
        float     spd         = sts.getSpd(busyoId, lv);

        JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei    = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
        int            addJyosyuHei = jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId.ToString());

        KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet();

        string[] KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId.ToString(), hp, atk, dfc, (int)spd);
        string   kanniTmp         = "kanni" + busyoId;
        float    addAtkByKanni    = 0;
        float    addHpByKanni     = 0;
        float    addDfcByKanni    = 0;

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
            int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
            if (kanniId != 0)
                Kanni kanni = new Kanni();

                string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                    addAtkByKanni = ((float)atk * (float)effect) / 100;
                else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                    addHpByKanni = ((float)hp * (float)effect) / 100;
                else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                    addDfcByKanni = ((float)dfc * (float)effect) / 100;

        atk = atk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
        hp  = hp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni) + addJyosyuHei;
        dfc = dfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni);

        //Child Parametor
        string heiId   = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
        string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");

        if (chParam == "0" || chParam == "")
            StatusGet statusScript = new StatusGet();
            string    heisyu       = statusScript.getHeisyu(busyoId);
            chParam = heisyu + ":1:1:1";
            PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

        char[] delimiterChars = { ':' };
        if (chParam.Contains(":"))
            string[] ch_list = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

            int chQty        = int.Parse(ch_list[1]);
            int chlv         = int.Parse(ch_list[2]);
            int ch_status    = int.Parse(ch_list[3]);
            int totalChldHp  = 0;
            int totalChldAtk = 0;
            int totalChldDfc = 0;

            ch_status = ch_status * 10;
            int atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp);

            totalChldHp  = ch_status * chQty;
            totalChldAtk = atkDfc * chQty;
            totalChldDfc = atkDfc * chQty;

            //Set value
            hp  = hp + totalChldHp;
            atk = atk + totalChldAtk;
            dfc = dfc + totalChldDfc;

        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed         = spd / 20;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().atk     = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().dfc         = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().baseAtk = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().baseDfc     = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().life        = hp;

        int myDaimyoBusyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyoBusyo");

        if (busyoId == myDaimyoBusyo)
            myDaimyoBusyoFlg = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
	public void makeInstance(int busyoId, int mapId, int hp, int atk, int dfc,int spd, ArrayList senpouArray, string busyoName, int soudaisyo, int boubi){

		/*Parent Instantiate*/
		string path = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
		GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;

		//Senpou Script Parametor
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouId = (int)senpouArray[0];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouTyp = senpouArray[1].ToString();
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouName = senpouArray[2].ToString();
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouEach = (float)senpouArray[4];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouRatio = (float)senpouArray[5];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouTerm = (float)senpouArray[6];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouLv = (int)senpouArray[8];

		/*Player Status Setting*/
		//parametor setting
		int adjHp = hp*100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

		BusyoInfoGet info = new BusyoInfoGet ();
		string heisyu = info.getHeisyu (busyoId);

		//Kahou Adjustment
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet();
		string[] KahouStatusArray =kahouSts.getKahouForStatus (busyoId.ToString(),adjHp,adjAtk,adjDfc,spd);

		//Kanni Adjustment
		string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId;
		float addAtkByKanni = 0;
		float addHpByKanni = 0;
		float addDfcByKanni = 0;
		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (kanniTmp)) {
			int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (kanniTmp);
			Kanni kanni = new Kanni ();
			string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
			int effect = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
				addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="hp"){
				addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="dfc"){
				addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect)/100;

		//Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
		string dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayer";
		GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load (dtlPath)) as GameObject;
		dtl.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
		GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;
		nameLabel.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;
		//HP Bar
		GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;
		minHpBar.GetComponent<BusyoHPBar>().initLife = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addHpByKanni);

		//Location by map id
		if (mapId == 1) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-65, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 2) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-50, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
		} else if (mapId == 3) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-35, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;

		} else if (mapId == 4) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;

		} else if (mapId == 5) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-5, 16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;

		} else if (mapId == 6) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-65, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;

		} else if (mapId == 7) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-50, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;

		} else if (mapId == 8) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-35, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;

		} else if (mapId == 9) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;

		} else if (mapId == 10) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-5, 8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;

		} else if (mapId == 11) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-65, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;

		} else if (mapId == 12) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-50, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;

		} else if (mapId == 13) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-35, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;

		} else if (mapId == 14) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;

		} else if (mapId == 15) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-5, 0);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;

		} else if (mapId == 16) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-65, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;

		} else if (mapId == 17) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-40, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;

		} else if (mapId == 18) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-35, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;

		} else if (mapId == 19) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;

		} else if (mapId == 20) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-5, -8);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;

		} else if (mapId == 21) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-65, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		} else if (mapId == 22) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-50, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		} else if (mapId == 23) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-45, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		} else if (mapId == 24) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		} else if (mapId == 25) {
			prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-5, -16);
			prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;


		int adjHpWithKahou = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addHpByKanni);
		prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP> ().life = adjHpWithKahou;

		if (prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ()) {
			prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ().attack = adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni);
			prefab.GetComponent<Homing> ().speed = spd + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3]);
		} else {
			if (heisyu == "TP") {
				prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = 5 * (adjAtk + int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni));
			} else if (heisyu == "YM") {
				prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = 3 * (adjAtk + int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni));
			prefab.GetComponent<HomingLong> ().speed = spd + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3]);

		prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().dfc = adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addDfcByKanni) + boubi;

		if (busyoId == soudaisyo) {
			prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP> ().taisyo = true;

		/*Child Instantiate*/
		//set child object
		string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
		string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId,"0");

		char[] delimiterChars = {':'};
		string[] ch_list = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

		string ch_type = ch_list[0];
		int ch_num = int.Parse (ch_list[1]);
		int ch_lv = int.Parse (ch_list[2]);
		float ch_status = float.Parse (ch_list[3]);
		ch_status = ch_status * 10;

		string ch_path = "Prefabs/Player/" + ch_type;

		float y1 = 3.0f;
		float y2 = 3.0f;
		float y3 = 3.0f;
		float y4 = 3.0f;

		for(int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++){
			//Make Relationship
			GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (ch_path)) as GameObject;
			ch_prefab.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
			ch_prefab.name = ch_prefab.name + "_" + prefab.name;

			//Sashimono Making
			string sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
			GameObject sashimono = Instantiate(Resources.Load (sashimono_path)) as GameObject;
			sashimono.transform.parent = ch_prefab.transform;
			sashimono.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.3f,0.3f);

			if(ch_type == "YR"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1,0.6f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 3,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;

				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 6,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;

				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 9,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;

				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 12,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "KB"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f,1);

					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "TP"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "YM"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

			//Jyosyu Handling
			JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku ();
			float addHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku (busyoId.ToString());
			float addTotalHei = ch_status + addHei;

			StatusGet sts = new StatusGet();
			int atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc((int)ch_status, adjHpWithKahou);

			ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().life = addTotalHei;
			if(ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ()){
				ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ().attack = atkDfc;
				if (ch_type == "TP") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 5;
				} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 3;
			ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().dfc = atkDfc;

Exemplo n.º 12
	/*make engun instance*/
	public void makeEngunInstance(int busyoId, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, ArrayList senpouArray, string busyoName, int ch_num, int ch_lv){
		/*Parent Instantiate*/
		string path = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
		GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (path)) as GameObject;
		//Senpou Script Parametor
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouId = (int)senpouArray[0];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouTyp = senpouArray[1].ToString();
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouName = senpouArray[2].ToString();
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouEach = (float)senpouArray[4];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouRatio = (float)senpouArray[5];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouTerm = (float)senpouArray[6];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
		prefab.GetComponent<SenpouController>().senpouLv = (int)senpouArray[8];

		//Engun Flg
		prefab.GetComponent<Kunkou> ().engunFlg = true;

		/*Player Status Setting*/
		//parametor setting
		int adjHp = hp*100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

		//Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
		string dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayer";
		GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load (dtlPath)) as GameObject;
		dtl.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
		GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;
		nameLabel.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;
		//HP Bar
		GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;
		minHpBar.GetComponent<BusyoHPBar>().initLife = adjHp;
		//Location by map id
		prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (-20, -16);
		prefab.GetComponent<LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

		BusyoInfoGet info = new BusyoInfoGet ();
		string ch_type = info.getHeisyu (busyoId);
		prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP> ().life = adjHp;		
		if (prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ()) {
			prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ().attack = adjAtk;
			prefab.GetComponent<Homing> ().speed = spd;
		} else {
			if (ch_type == "TP") {
				prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = 5* adjAtk;
			} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
				prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = 3 * adjAtk;
			prefab.GetComponent<HomingLong> ().speed = spd;
		prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().dfc = adjDfc;
		/*Child Instantiate*/
		//set child object
		Entity_lvch_mst lvMst  = Resources.Load ("Data/lvch_mst") as Entity_lvch_mst;
		int startline = 0;
			startline = 0;
		}else if(ch_type=="YR"){
			startline = 1;
		}else if(ch_type=="TP"){
			startline = 2;
		}else if(ch_type=="YM"){
			startline = 3;
		object stslst = lvMst.param[startline];
		Type t = stslst.GetType();
		String param = "lv" + ch_lv.ToString();
		FieldInfo f = t.GetField(param);
		int sts = (int)f.GetValue(stslst);

		float ch_status = (float)sts;
		ch_status = ch_status * 10;

		string ch_path = "Prefabs/Player/" + ch_type;
		float y1 = 3.0f;
		float y2 = 3.0f;
		float y3 = 3.0f;
		float y4 = 3.0f;
		for(int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++){
			//Make Relationship
			GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (ch_path)) as GameObject;
			ch_prefab.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
			ch_prefab.name = ch_prefab.name + "_" + prefab.name;
			//Sashimono Making
			string sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
			GameObject sashimono = Instantiate(Resources.Load (sashimono_path)) as GameObject;
			sashimono.transform.parent = ch_prefab.transform;
			sashimono.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.3f,0.3f);
			if(ch_type == "YR"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1,0.6f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 3,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 6,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 9,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 12,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "KB"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f,1);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "TP"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
			}else if(ch_type == "YM"){
				sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f,0.5f);
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4,prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
					y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
				}else if(5<i && i<11){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7,prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
					y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
				}else if(10<i && i<16){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10,prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
					y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
				}else if(15<i && i<21){
					ch_prefab.transform.position =  new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13,prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
					y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

			StatusGet stsScript = new StatusGet();
			int atkDfc = (int)stsScript.getChAtkDfc((int)ch_status, adjHp);

			ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().life = ch_status;
			if(ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ()){
				ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerAttack> ().attack = atkDfc;
				if (ch_type == "TP") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 5;
				} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
					ch_prefab.GetComponent<AttackLong> ().attack = atkDfc * 3;
			ch_prefab.GetComponent<PlayerHP>().dfc = atkDfc;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public void makeKaisenInstance(int busyoId, int shipId, int mapId, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, ArrayList senpouArray, string busyoName, int soudaisyo, int boubi, bool engunFlg, int engunButaiQty, int engunButaiSts)
        /*Parent Instantiate*/
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Kaisen/" + shipId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();

        //Senpou Script Parametor
        StatusGet senpouScript = new StatusGet();
        bool      shipFlg      = senpouScript.getSenpouShipFlg((int)senpouArray[0]);

        if (shipFlg)
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouId     = (int)senpouArray[0];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTyp    = senpouArray[1].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouName   = senpouArray[2].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouEach   = (float)senpouArray[4];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouRatio  = (float)senpouArray[5];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTerm   = (float)senpouArray[6];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouLv     = (int)senpouArray[8];
            Entity_serihu_mst serihuMst = Resources.Load("Data/serihu_mst") as Entity_serihu_mst;
            string            serihu    = "";
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsgEng;
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsg;
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouSerihu = serihu;
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

        /*Player Status Setting*/
        //parametor setting
        int adjHp  = hp * 100;
        int adjAtk = atk * 10;
        int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

        //Kahou Adjustment
        float addAtkByKanni = 0;
        float addHpByKanni  = 0;
        float addDfcByKanni = 0;

        //Jyosyu Adjustment
        float addJyosyuHei = 0;

        string[] KahouStatusArray = null;
        if (!engunFlg)
            KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet();
            KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId.ToString(), adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd);
            //Kanni Adjustment
            string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId;

            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
                int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
                if (kanniId != 0)
                    Kanni kanni = new Kanni();

                    string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                    int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                    if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                        addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                        addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100;
                    else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                        addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100;
            JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
            addJyosyuHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId.ToString());

        //Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
        string dtlPath = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayerEng";
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayer";
        GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dtlPath)) as GameObject;

        dtl.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1, -1);
        dtl.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
        dtl.name = "BusyoDtlPlayer";
        GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;

        nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = busyoName;
        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize = 40;
        //Location by map id
        if (mapId == 1)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 16);
        else if (mapId == 2)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 16);
        else if (mapId == 3)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 16);
        else if (mapId == 4)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 16);
        else if (mapId == 5)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 16);
        else if (mapId == 6)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 8);
        else if (mapId == 7)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 8);
        else if (mapId == 8)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 8);
        else if (mapId == 9)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 8);
        else if (mapId == 10)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 8);
        else if (mapId == 11)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 0);
        else if (mapId == 12)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 0);
        else if (mapId == 13)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 0);
        else if (mapId == 14)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 0);
        else if (mapId == 15)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 0);
        else if (mapId == 16)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, -8);
        else if (mapId == 17)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, -8);
        else if (mapId == 18)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, -8);
        else if (mapId == 19)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, -8);
        else if (mapId == 20)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, -8);
        else if (mapId == 21)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, -16);
        else if (mapId == 22)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, -16);
        else if (mapId == 23)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-45, -16);
        else if (mapId == 24)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, -16);
        else if (mapId == 25)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, -16);

        //Add Senryoku
        if (!engunFlg)
            string key = "addSenryokuSlot" + mapId;
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
                string        atkDfc          = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key);
                List <string> atkDfcList      = new List <string>();
                char[]        delimiterChars2 = { ',' };
                atkDfcList = new List <string>(atkDfc.Split(delimiterChars2));
                adjAtk     = adjAtk + int.Parse(atkDfcList[0]);
                adjDfc     = adjDfc + int.Parse(atkDfcList[1]);

        //Adjust Status & Set
        int   adjHpWithKahou  = 0;
        float adjAtkWithKahou = 0;
        float adjDfcWithKahou = 0;
        float adjSpd          = 0;

        if (!engunFlg)
            adjHpWithKahou  = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni);
            adjAtkWithKahou = (float)adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
            adjDfcWithKahou = (float)adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni) + boubi;
            adjSpd          = ((float)spd + float.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3])) / 10;
            adjHpWithKahou  = adjHp;
            adjAtkWithKahou = (float)adjAtk;
            adjDfcWithKahou = (float)adjDfc;
            adjSpd          = (float)spd / 10;

        if (shipId == 1)
            adjHpWithKahou  = adjHpWithKahou * 2;
            adjDfcWithKahou = adjDfcWithKahou * 2;
            adjSpd          = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.5f);
        else if (shipId == 2)
            adjHpWithKahou  = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjHpWithKahou * 1.5f);
            adjDfcWithKahou = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjDfcWithKahou * 1.5f);
            adjSpd          = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.6f);
        else if (shipId == 3)
            adjSpd = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)adjSpd * 0.8f);
        if (adjSpd <= 0)
            adjSpd = 1;
        GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;

        minHpBar.GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = adjHpWithKahou;
        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().life         = adjHpWithKahou + addJyosyuHei;
        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>().attack   = adjAtkWithKahou;
        prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>().speed       = adjSpd;
        prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>().heisyu      = "SHP";
        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().dfc          = adjDfcWithKahou;

        if (!engunFlg)
            if (busyoId == soudaisyo)
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().taisyo = true;

        AudioController audio = new AudioController();

        audio.addComponentMoveAttack(prefab, "SHP");

        /*Child Instantiate*/
        //set child object
        int   ch_num    = 0;
        int   ch_lv     = 0;
        float ch_status = 0;

        if (!engunFlg)
            string heiId   = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
            string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");
            if (chParam == "0")
                StatusGet statusScript  = new StatusGet();
                string    chParamHeisyu = statusScript.getHeisyu(busyoId);
                chParam = chParamHeisyu + ":1:1:1";
                PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

            char[]   delimiterChars = { ':' };
            string[] ch_list        = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);
            ch_num    = int.Parse(ch_list[1]);
            ch_lv     = int.Parse(ch_list[2]);
            ch_status = float.Parse(ch_list[3]);
            ch_num    = engunButaiQty;
            ch_status = engunButaiSts;
        ch_status = ch_status * 10;

        string ch_path = "Prefabs/Kaisen/3";

        for (int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++)
            //Make Relationship
            GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(ch_path)) as GameObject;
            ch_prefab.name = "Child" + i.ToString();
            ch_prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f);
            ch_prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 3;
            ch_prefab.tag = "PlayerChild";

            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <Kunkou>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
            Destroy(ch_prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

            if (i == 1)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 0);
            else if (i == 2)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 3)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 4)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 5)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 6)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 7)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 8)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 9)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 10)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 0);
            else if (i == 11)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 0.5f);
            else if (i == 12)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -0.5f);
            else if (i == 13)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 1.0f);
            else if (i == 14)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -1.0f);
            else if (i == 15)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 16)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(1.8f, -1.5f);
            else if (i == 17)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 18)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -1.5f);
            else if (i == 19)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, 1.5f);
            else if (i == 20)
                ch_prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1.8f, -1.5f);

            StatusGet sts    = new StatusGet();
            int       atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc((int)ch_status, adjHpWithKahou);

            if (i == 1)
                //Child Qty
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childQty = ch_num;

                //Child Unit HP
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childHP = (int)ch_status;

                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>().attack = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>().attack + (ch_num * atkDfc);

                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().dfc = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().dfc + (ch_num * atkDfc);
Exemplo n.º 14
    public void makeInstance(int busyoId, int mapId, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, ArrayList senpouArray, string busyoName, int soudaisyo, int boubi)
        /*Parent Instantiate*/
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();

        //Senpou Script Parametor
        StatusGet senpouScript = new StatusGet();
        bool      onlySeaFlg   = senpouScript.getSenpouOnlySeaFlg((int)senpouArray[0]);

        if (!onlySeaFlg)
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouId     = (int)senpouArray[0];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTyp    = senpouArray[1].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouName   = senpouArray[2].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouEach   = (float)senpouArray[4];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouRatio  = (float)senpouArray[5];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTerm   = (float)senpouArray[6];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouLv     = (int)senpouArray[8];

            Entity_serihu_mst serihuMst = Resources.Load("Data/serihu_mst") as Entity_serihu_mst;
            string            serihu    = "";
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsgEng;
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsg;
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouSerihu = serihu;
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

        /*Player Status Setting*/
        //parametor setting
        int adjHp  = hp * 100;
        int adjAtk = atk * 10;
        int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

        BusyoInfoGet info   = new BusyoInfoGet();
        string       heisyu = info.getHeisyu(busyoId);

        JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei    = new JyosyuHeiryoku();
        float          addJyosyuHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku(busyoId.ToString());

        //Kahou Adjustment
        KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet();

        string[] KahouStatusArray = kahouSts.getKahouForStatus(busyoId.ToString(), adjHp, adjAtk, adjDfc, spd);

        //Kanni Adjustment
        string kanniTmp      = "kanni" + busyoId;
        float  addAtkByKanni = 0;
        float  addHpByKanni  = 0;
        float  addDfcByKanni = 0;

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(kanniTmp))
            int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(kanniTmp);
            if (kanniId != 0)
                Kanni kanni = new Kanni();

                string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
                int    effect      = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
                if (kanniTarget == "atk")
                    addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect) / 100;
                else if (kanniTarget == "hp")
                    addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect) / 100;
                else if (kanniTarget == "dfc")
                    addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect) / 100;

        //Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
        string dtlPath = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayerEng";
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayer";
        GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dtlPath)) as GameObject;

        dtl.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.3f, -1);
        dtl.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1.3f, 1.3f, 0);
        dtl.name = "BusyoDtlPlayer";

        GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;

        nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;

        //Location by map id
        if (mapId == 1)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 2)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 3)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 4)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 5)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 1;
        else if (mapId == 6)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 7)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 8)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 9)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 10)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 2;
        else if (mapId == 11)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 12)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 13)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 14)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 15)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, 0);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 3;
        else if (mapId == 16)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 17)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 18)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-35, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 19)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 20)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, -8);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 4;
        else if (mapId == 21)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-65, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 22)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-50, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 23)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-45, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 24)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;
        else if (mapId == 25)
            prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-5, -16);
            prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

        //Add Senryoku
        string key = "addSenryokuSlot" + mapId;

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
            string        atkDfc          = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key);
            List <string> atkDfcList      = new List <string> ();
            char[]        delimiterChars2 = { ',' };
            atkDfcList = new List <string> (atkDfc.Split(delimiterChars2));
            adjAtk     = adjAtk + int.Parse(atkDfcList [0]);
            adjDfc     = adjDfc + int.Parse(atkDfcList [1]);

        //HP Status
        int        adjHpWithKahou = adjHp + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addHpByKanni);
        GameObject minHpBar       = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;

        minHpBar.GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = adjHpWithKahou;
        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().life        = adjHpWithKahou + addJyosyuHei;

        //spd adjust
        float adjSpd = ((float)spd + float.Parse(KahouStatusArray[3])) / 10;

        prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover> ().heisyu = heisyu;
        if (prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ())
            prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack = adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni);
            prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>().speed      = adjSpd;
            if (heisyu == "TP")
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().attack = 5 * (adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni));
            else if (heisyu == "YM")
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().attack = 3 * (adjAtk + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addAtkByKanni));
            prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover> ().speed = adjSpd;

        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().dfc = adjDfc + int.Parse(KahouStatusArray[2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt(addDfcByKanni) + boubi;

        if (busyoId == soudaisyo)
            prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().taisyo = true;

        AudioController audio = new AudioController();

        audio.addComponentMoveAttack(prefab, heisyu);

        /*Child Instantiate*/
        //set child object
        string heiId           = "hei" + busyoId.ToString();
        string chParam         = "";
        bool   tutorialDoneFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("tutorialDoneFlg");

        if (!tutorialDoneFlg || Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialKassen")
            chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString(heiId, "0");
            //retry tutorial
            if (busyoId == 19)
                chParam = "TP:2:1:1";
                StatusGet statusScript  = new StatusGet();
                string    chParamHeisyu = statusScript.getHeisyu(busyoId);
                chParam = chParamHeisyu + ":1:1:1";

        if (chParam == "0")
            StatusGet statusScript  = new StatusGet();
            string    chParamHeisyu = statusScript.getHeisyu(busyoId);
            chParam = chParamHeisyu + ":1:1:1";
            PlayerPrefs.SetString(heiId, chParam);

        char[]   delimiterChars = { ':' };
        string[] ch_list        = chParam.Split(delimiterChars);

        string ch_type   = ch_list[0];
        int    ch_num    = int.Parse(ch_list[1]);
        int    ch_lv     = int.Parse(ch_list[2]);
        float  ch_status = float.Parse(ch_list[3]);

        ch_status = ch_status * 10;

        string ch_path = "Prefabs/Player/" + ch_type;

        float y1 = 3.0f;
        float y2 = 3.0f;
        float y3 = 3.0f;
        float y4 = 3.0f;

        for (int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++)
            //Make Relationship
            GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(ch_path)) as GameObject;
            ch_prefab.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
            ch_prefab.name             = "Child" + i.ToString();

            //Sashimono Making
            string     sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
            GameObject sashimono      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(sashimono_path)) as GameObject;
            sashimono.transform.parent     = ch_prefab.transform;
            sashimono.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);

            if (ch_type == "YR")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1, 0.6f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 3, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 6, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 9, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 12, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "KB")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f, 1);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "TP")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "YM")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

            StatusGet sts    = new StatusGet();
            int       atkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc((int)ch_status, adjHpWithKahou);

            if (i == 1)
                //Child Qty
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childQty = ch_num;

                //Child Unit HP
                float addTotalHei = ch_status;
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childHP = (int)addTotalHei;

                if (ch_type == "YM")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 3;
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk             = atkDfc * 3;
                else if (ch_type == "TP")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 5;
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk             = atkDfc * 5;
                    prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack + (ch_num * atkDfc);
                    prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().atk          = atkDfc;

                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().dfc = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().dfc + (ch_num * atkDfc);
                prefab.GetComponent <Heisyu> ().dfc   = atkDfc;
Exemplo n.º 15
    /*make engun instance*/
    public void makeEngunInstance(int busyoId, int hp, int atk, int dfc, int spd, ArrayList senpouArray, string busyoName, int ch_num, int ch_lv)
        /*Parent Instantiate*/
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();

        //Senpou Script Parametor
        StatusGet senpouScript = new StatusGet();
        bool      onlySeaFlg   = senpouScript.getSenpouOnlySeaFlg((int)senpouArray[0]);

        if (!onlySeaFlg)
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouId     = (int)senpouArray[0];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTyp    = senpouArray[1].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouName   = senpouArray[2].ToString();
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouEach   = (float)senpouArray[4];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouRatio  = (float)senpouArray[5];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouTerm   = (float)senpouArray[6];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouStatus = (int)senpouArray[7];
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouLv     = (int)senpouArray[8];

            Entity_serihu_mst serihuMst = Resources.Load("Data/serihu_mst") as Entity_serihu_mst;
            string            serihu    = "";
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsgEng;
                serihu = serihuMst.param[busyoId - 1].senpouMsg;
            prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>().senpouSerihu = serihu;
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());

        //Engun Flg
        prefab.GetComponent <Kunkou> ().engunFlg = true;

        /*Player Status Setting*/
        //parametor setting
        int adjHp  = hp * 100;
        int adjAtk = atk * 10;
        int adjDfc = dfc * 10;

        //Busyo Detail Info [Name & HP Bar]
        string dtlPath = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayerEng";
            dtlPath = "Prefabs/BusyoDtl/BusyoDtlPlayer";
        GameObject dtl = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dtlPath)) as GameObject;

        dtl.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.3f, -1);
        dtl.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1.3f, 1.3f, 0);
        dtl.name = "BusyoDtlPlayer";
        GameObject nameLabel = dtl.transform.FindChild("NameLabel").gameObject;

        nameLabel.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = busyoName;

        //HP Bar
        GameObject minHpBar = dtl.transform.FindChild("MinHpBar").gameObject;

        minHpBar.GetComponent <BusyoHPBar>().initLife = adjHp;

        //Location by map id
        prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(-20, -16);
        prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>().nowLine = 5;

        BusyoInfoGet info    = new BusyoInfoGet();
        string       ch_type = info.getHeisyu(busyoId);

        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().life = adjHp;

        //adjust spd
        float adjSpd = (float)spd / 10;

        if (prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ())
            prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack = adjAtk;
            prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover> ().speed     = adjSpd;
            if (ch_type == "TP")
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().attack = 5 * adjAtk;
            else if (ch_type == "YM")
                prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().attack = 3 * adjAtk;
            prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover> ().speed = adjSpd;
        prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().dfc     = adjDfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <UnitMover>().heisyu = ch_type;

        AudioController audio = new AudioController();

        audio.addComponentMoveAttack(prefab, ch_type);

        /*Child Instantiate*/
        //set child object
        Entity_lvch_mst lvMst     = Resources.Load("Data/lvch_mst") as Entity_lvch_mst;
        int             startline = 0;

        if (ch_type == "KB")
            startline = 0;
        else if (ch_type == "YR")
            startline = 1;
        else if (ch_type == "TP")
            startline = 2;
        else if (ch_type == "YM")
            startline = 3;
        object    stslst = lvMst.param[startline];
        Type      t      = stslst.GetType();
        String    param  = "lv" + ch_lv.ToString();
        FieldInfo f      = t.GetField(param);
        int       sts    = (int)f.GetValue(stslst);

        float ch_status = (float)sts;

        ch_status = ch_status * 10;

        string ch_path = "Prefabs/Player/" + ch_type;

        float y1 = 3.0f;
        float y2 = 3.0f;
        float y3 = 3.0f;
        float y4 = 3.0f;

        for (int i = 1; i <= ch_num; i++)
            //Make Relationship
            GameObject ch_prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(ch_path)) as GameObject;
            ch_prefab.transform.parent = prefab.transform;
            ch_prefab.name             = "Child" + i.ToString();

            //Sashimono Making
            string     sashimono_path = "Prefabs/Sashimono/" + busyoId;
            GameObject sashimono      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(sashimono_path)) as GameObject;
            sashimono.transform.parent     = ch_prefab.transform;
            sashimono.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);

            if (ch_type == "YR")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-1, 0.6f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 3, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 6, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 9, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 12, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "KB")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f, 1);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "TP")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;
            else if (ch_type == "YM")
                sashimono.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-0.8f, 0.5f);
                if (i < 6)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 4, prefab.transform.position.y + y1);
                    y1 = y1 - 1.5f;
                else if (5 < i && i < 11)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 7, prefab.transform.position.y + y2);
                    y2 = y2 - 1.5f;
                else if (10 < i && i < 16)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 10, prefab.transform.position.y + y3);
                    y3 = y3 - 1.5f;
                else if (15 < i && i < 21)
                    ch_prefab.transform.position = new Vector2(prefab.transform.position.x - 13, prefab.transform.position.y + y4);
                    y4 = y4 - 1.5f;

            if (i == 1)
                //Child Qty
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childQty = ch_num;

                //Child Unit HP
                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>().childHP = (int)ch_status;

                StatusGet stsScript = new StatusGet();
                int       atkDfc    = (int)stsScript.getChAtkDfc((int)ch_status, adjHp);

                if (ch_type == "YM")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 3;
                else if (ch_type == "TP")
                    prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong> ().childAttack = atkDfc * 5;
                    prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attack + (ch_num * atkDfc);

                prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().dfc = prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP> ().dfc + (ch_num * atkDfc);