public void ComputeCovarianceMatrix3DWithEmptyList()
            var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(new List <Vector3D>());

            foreach (var element in result.ToList(MatrixOrder.RowMajor))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CalculateZScoresWho2007()
            var    who2007      = new AnthStat.Statistics.WHO2007();
            double ageMonths    = double.Parse(TxtEdadMeses.Text);
            double Weight       = double.Parse(TxtPeso.Text);
            double Lenght       = double.Parse(TxtTalla.Text);
            double LenghtMeters = Lenght / 100;
            double imc          = Weight / (LenghtMeters * LenghtMeters);
            double z            = 0.0;
            double x            = 0.0;
            double y            = 0.0;

            TxtIMCCalculado.Text = Math.Round(imc, 2).ToString();
            if (txtSexo.Text == "Masculino" || txtSexo.Text == "Masculino\t")
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref z))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref x))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref y))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
            else if (txtSexo.Text == "Femenino" || txtSexo.Text == "Femenino\t")
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z);
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString();
                    TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref x))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x);
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString();
                    TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
                if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref y))
                    double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y);
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString();
                    TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void ComputeCovarianceMatrixFWithVectorsOfDifferentLength()
     List <VectorF> points = new List <VectorF>(new[]
         new VectorF(new float[] { -1, -2, 1 }),
         new VectorF(new float[] { 2, -1, 3 }),
         new VectorF(new float[] { 2, -1, 2, 3 }),
     var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(points);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void ComputeCovarianceMatrixDWithVectorsOfDifferentLength()
     List <VectorD> points = new List <VectorD>(new[]
         new VectorD(new double[] { -1, -2, 1 }),
         new VectorD(new double[] { 2, -1, 3, 1 }),
         new VectorD(new double[] { 2, -1, 2 }),
     var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(points);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void OperatorSuccess(User user, JObject responseData)
            responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_OK);
            responseData.Add(MyCommon.UID, user.Uid);

            ProgressTaskHandler.ProgressTaskSql(208, user.Uid);

        public void IsApproximatelyEqual_Test_Fractions()
            // Positive Tests
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.10D, 0.12D, decimals: 1));
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.00D, decimals: 1));
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.009D, decimals: 2));
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.009D, decimals: 1));

            // Negative Tests
            Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.00D, decimals: 2));
Exemplo n.º 7
            internal PerformanceMetrics()
                _triangleCount = new StatisticsHelper();
                _batchCount    = new StatisticsHelper();
                _drawCount     = new StatisticsHelper();
                _frameRate     = new StatisticsHelper();

                _timer = new Interval(1F);
        private void OperatorSuccess(User user, string channelName, string ip, string versionName, JObject responseData)
            responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_OK);
            responseData.Add(MyCommon.UID, user.Uid);



            StatictisLogUtil.Login(user.Uid, user.Username, ip, channelName, versionName, MyCommon.OpType.Login);
        public JsonResult Statistics(StatistiscViewModel model)
            int userId            = UserHelper.GetUserByIdentityName(User.Identity.Name).Id;
            List <SiteCount> data = StatisticsHelper.GetSitesStatistics(
                model.CurrentAttribute, userId, model.StartDate, model.EndDate);

            model.Labels      = GetLabels(data);
            model.CountedData = GetData(data);
            model.Attributes  = GetAttributes();
            model.ChartTypes  = GetChartTypes();
            return(Json(new { labels = model.Labels, countedData = model.CountedData, chartType = model.CurrentChartType }));
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BCT.Execute(c => { });
            while (true)
                #region DEBUG
                //var caches = BulletinCollector.GetBulletinsByQuery(@"", "iPhone");
                //caches = BulletinCollector.GetBulletinsBySheets(caches);
                Console.Write("BC> ");
                var text = Console.ReadLine();
                BCT.Execute(c =>
                    var enterArgs = text.Split(new[] { " -" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    var command   = enterArgs[0];
                    switch (command)
                    case "TaskGeneration":

                    case "TaskGenerationClear":

                    case "NextTask":
                        var r2 = BackTaskHelper.Next();
                        r2     = r2;

                    case "RunStatisticsTasks":
                        StatisticsHelper.RunUserStatisticsTask(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5"));

                    case "ComputeStatisticsTasks":
                        StatisticsHelper.ComputeUserStatistics(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5"));

                    case "GetCalls":
                        StatisticsHelper.GetCallsStatistics(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5"));

                    case "help":

                        Console.WriteLine("Command not found");
        public void IsApproximatelyEqual_Test_NonFractions()
            // Positive Tests
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0, 0, decimals: 10));
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 0D, decimals: 10));

            // Negative Tests
            Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 1D, decimals: 1));
            Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0, 1, decimals: 10));
            Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 1D, decimals: 10));
            Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(500D, 2D, decimals: 15));
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns a <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.
        /// </returns>
        public override string ToString( )
            IXmlLineInfo lineInfo = Source;

            return(string.Format(@"  Entity Id: {0}
  Field Id: {1}
  Mode: {2}
  Reason: {3}
  Value: {4}
  Node: {5}
  Line: {6}
  Position: {7}", EntityUpgradeId.ToString("B"), FieldUpgradeId.ToString("B"), StatisticsHelper.Capitalize(Mode.ToString( )), StatisticsHelper.Capitalize(Reason.ToString( )), Value, Source, lineInfo.HasLineInfo( ) ? lineInfo.LineNumber.ToString( ) : "N/A", lineInfo.HasLineInfo( ) ? lineInfo.LinePosition.ToString( ) : "N/A"));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public PartnerMonthlyStatistics GetPartnerMonthlyStatistics(Partner partner)
            var paymentStatistics = new UserRepository(Db).GetPaymentStatistics(partner.User.Id);

            var x = new PartnerMonthlyStatistics
                MonthlyIncome =
                    paymentStatistics.Single(ps => ps.Month == StatisticsHelper.GetLastMonthNumber()).Value,
                Balance = partner.User.GetTotalCash()

        public ActionResult ProductsWithDateEnd()
            Statistics stat = new Statistics();

            stat.DateEnd120 = null;
            List <Product> productList120 = new List <Product>();
            List <Product> productList90  = new List <Product>();
            List <Product> productList60  = new List <Product>();

            foreach (var item in db.Products)
                TimeSpan ts   = item.DateEnd - DateTime.Now;
                int      time = ts.Days;

                Product prod = null;
                if (time <= 120 && time > 90)
                    prod = item;
                else if (time <= 90 && time > 60)
                    StatisticsHelper statHelper = new StatisticsHelper();
                    statHelper.Name    = item.ProductName;
                    statHelper.Price   = item.ProductPrice;
                    statHelper.DateEnd = item.DateEnd;
                else if (time <= 60)
                    StatisticsHelper statHelper = new StatisticsHelper();
                    statHelper.Name    = item.ProductName;
                    statHelper.Price   = item.ProductPrice;
                    statHelper.DateEnd = item.DateEnd;
                stat.DateEnd120 = productList120;
                stat.DateEnd90  = productList90;
                stat.DateEnd60  = productList60;

Exemplo n.º 15
        // Computes the covariance matrix for a list of points.
        private static MatrixF ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromPoints(IList <Vector3> points)
            // Convert IList<Vector3> to IList<VectorF> which is required for PCA.
            int            numberOfPoints = points.Count;
            List <VectorF> pointsCopy     = new List <VectorF>(numberOfPoints);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                var point = points[i];

Exemplo n.º 16
        // Methods

        public override bool ExecuteCommand()
            // Initialize the text-to-Id mappers:
            int gold_i = 0;

            featureToFeatureId = new TextIdMapper();
            classToClassId     = new TextIdMapper();
            TextIdMapper[] headerToHeaderIds = new TextIdMapper[] { classToClassId };

            // Workaround: Read everything from STDIN to a file. (Files are used as the text source throughout this application.)
            var svmLight_data = Console.In.ReadToEnd();

            Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} characters of input received.", svmLight_data.Length);
            string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            int[] goldClasses;
            List <FeatureVector> vectors;

                File.WriteAllText(tempFile, svmLight_data);
                FeatureVectorFile vectorFile = new FeatureVectorFile(path: tempFile, noOfHeaderColumns: 1, featureDelimiter: ' ', isSortRequired: false);

                vectors     = vectorFile.LoadFromSVMLight(featureToFeatureId, headerToHeaderIds, FeatureType.Binary);
                goldClasses = vectorFile.Headers[gold_i];
            Debug.Assert(vectors.Count > 0);

            IdValuePair <double>[] chiSquare = new IdValuePair <double> [featureToFeatureId.Count];
            //TODO: Make the implementation less binary dependent (i.e. the hardcoded 2 below).
            double[][,] contingencyTable_f = new double[featureToFeatureId.Count][, ];
            for (int f_i = 0; f_i < featureToFeatureId.Count; f_i++)
                // Create a contingency table for this vector.
                contingencyTable_f[f_i] = new double[classToClassId.Count, 2];
                for (int v_i = 0; v_i < vectors.Count; v_i++)
                    FeatureVector v = vectors[v_i];
                    contingencyTable_f[f_i][v.Headers[gold_i], (int)v.Features[f_i]]++;
                chiSquare[f_i] = new IdValuePair <double>(f_i, StatisticsHelper.CalculateChiSquare(contingencyTable_f[f_i]));
            ReportChiSquareResults(contingencyTable_f, chiSquare);
 public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel)
     if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow))
         mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max);
         var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max);
         mainWindow.GetExpValues(out double lambda);
         var expValues = ExponentialDistribution(randomValues, lambda).ToList();
         StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(expValues, out double expectedValue,
                                              out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation);
         mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation);
         var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(expValues);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private async Task ViewLoaded()
            if (!_viewModelLoaded)
                IsBusy = true;
                var athlete = await _stravaService.GetAthleteAsync();

                var statistics = await _stravaService.GetStatsAsync(athlete.Id.ToString());

                RunStatistics    = StatisticsHelper.GetRunStatistics(statistics);
                RideStatistics   = StatisticsHelper.GetRideStatistics(statistics);
                _viewModelLoaded = true;
                IsBusy           = false;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Softmax_Create_Test()
            var output = NormalizationHelper.CreateSoftmaxNormalization(givenInput);

            Assert.IsTrue(!object.ReferenceEquals(output, givenInput));
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < givenInput.Count; i++)
                double diff = Math.Abs(expectedOutput[i] - output[i]);
                Assert.IsTrue(diff < Math.Pow(10, -6));
                sum += output[i];
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(sum, 1D));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void IsWholeNumber_Success()
            double [] wholes    = { 0.0, 9.0, 5.0, -5.0, 100.0, 932.0, 454.0, 7983.0 };
            double [] notWholes = { 9.7, 7.65, 4.3, -0.1, 0.00000000001, 0.03, 834.56, 99.99 };

            foreach (var whole in wholes)

            foreach (var notWhole in notWholes)
 public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel)
     if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow))
         mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max);
         mainWindow.GetSimpsValues(out double A, out double B);
         var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max, A / 2, B / 2);
         var simpsonValue = SimpsonDistribution(randomValues).ToList();
         StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(simpsonValue, out double expectedValue,
                                              out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation);
         mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation);
         var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(simpsonValue);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel)
     if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow))
         mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max);
         var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max);
         mainWindow.GetTriangleValue(out bool isMin, out double A, out double B);
         var triangleValues = TriangleDistribution(randomValues, isMin, A, B).ToList();
         StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(triangleValues, out double expectedValue,
                                              out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation);
         mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation);
         var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(triangleValues);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Softmax_InPlace_Test()
            var values = givenInput.ToArray();

            Assert.IsTrue(!object.ReferenceEquals(values, givenInput));
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                double diff = Math.Abs(expectedOutput[i] - values[i]);
                Assert.IsTrue(diff < Math.Pow(10, -6));
                sum += values[i];
            Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(sum, 1D));
        public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel)
            if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow))
                mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max);
                var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max);
                mainWindow.GetGaussValues(out double matWait, out double gaussDispersion);
                var gaussValues = GaussianDistribution(randomValues, matWait, gaussDispersion);

                StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(gaussValues, out double expectedValue,
                                                     out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation);
                mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation);
                var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(gaussValues);
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal ParsedEvtcLog(int evtcVersion, FightData fightData, AgentData agentData, SkillData skillData,
                               List <CombatItem> combatItems, List <Player> playerList, IReadOnlyDictionary <uint, AbstractExtensionHandler> extensions, long evtcLogDuration, EvtcParserSettings parserSettings, ParserController operation)
            FightData      = fightData;
            AgentData      = agentData;
            SkillData      = skillData;
            PlayerList     = playerList;
            ParserSettings = parserSettings;
            _operation     = operation;
            var friendlies = new List <AbstractSingleActor>();

            Friendlies = friendlies;
            FriendliesListBySpec = friendlies.GroupBy(x => x.Spec).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
            PlayerAgents         = new HashSet <AgentItem>(playerList.Select(x => x.AgentItem));
            FriendlyAgents       = new HashSet <AgentItem>(friendlies.Select(x => x.AgentItem));
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating GW2EI Combat Events");
            CombatData = new CombatData(combatItems, FightData, AgentData, SkillData, playerList, operation, extensions, evtcVersion);
            operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Checking CM");
            FightData.SetCM(CombatData, AgentData);
            operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Setting Fight Name");
            FightData.SetFightName(CombatData, AgentData);
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Checking Success");
            FightData.Logic.CheckSuccess(CombatData, AgentData, FightData, PlayerAgents);
            if (FightData.FightDuration <= ParserSettings.TooShortLimit)
                throw new TooShortException(FightData.FightDuration, ParserSettings.TooShortLimit);
            if (ParserSettings.SkipFailedTries && !FightData.Success)
                throw new SkipException();
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating GW2EI Log Meta Data");
            LogData = new LogData(evtcVersion, CombatData, evtcLogDuration, playerList, extensions, operation);
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Buff Container");
            Buffs = new BuffsContainer(LogData.GW2Build, CombatData, operation);
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Damage Modifier Container");
            DamageModifiers = new DamageModifiersContainer(LogData.GW2Build, fightData.Logic.Mode, parserSettings);
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Mechanic Data");
            MechanicData = FightData.Logic.GetMechanicData();
            _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating General Statistics Container");
            StatisticsHelper = new StatisticsHelper(CombatData, PlayerList, Buffs);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates both the Zscore and Percentile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indicator">The growth indicator</param>
        /// <param name="measurement">The specified measured value</param>
        /// <param name="ageInDays">The age in total days</param>
        /// <param name="sex">Human sex designation per ISO/IEC 5218 code</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the z-score and percentile for a growth measure using a specified value.</returns>
        public static async Task <Tuple <double, double> > GetScore(Indicator indicator, double measurement, double ageInDays, Sex sex)
            WHO2006 who2006 = new();

            double z = 0.0;
            double p = 0.0;

            if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator, measurement, ageInDays, sex, z: ref z))
                p = await Task.FromResult(StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z));

            z = Math.Round(z, 2);
            p = Math.Round(p, 1);

            return(Tuple.Create(z, p));
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void Init()
            var task = Task.Run(async() => { await PopulateRecordings(); });


            task = Task.Run(async() => { await PopulatePlaces(); });

            if (RecordingsList.Count > 0)
            statistics = StatisticsHelper.LoadStatistics();
            StatisticsListView.ItemsSource = statistics.StatisticsObservableList;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void TestInitialise()
            _ClassFactorySnapshot = Factory.TakeSnapshot();

            _Statistics       = StatisticsHelper.CreateLockableStatistics();
            _HeartbeatService = TestUtilities.CreateMockSingleton <IHeartbeatService>();

            _Clock = new ClockMock();
            Factory.Singleton.RegisterInstance <IClock>(_Clock.Object);

            _Presenter = Factory.Singleton.Resolve <IStatisticsPresenter>();
            _View      = TestUtilities.CreateMockInstance <IStatisticsView>();

            _View.Setup(r => r.Statistics).Returns(_Statistics.Object);
            _View.Setup(r => r.AdsbMessageTypeCount).Returns(new long[256]);
            _View.Setup(r => r.ModeSDFStatistics).Returns(new ModeSDFStatistics[32]);
            _View.Setup(r => r.AdsbMessageFormatCount).Returns(new long[Enum.GetValues(typeof(MessageFormat)).OfType <MessageFormat>().Select(r => (int)r).Max() + 1]);
        public void ExecuteCommand_MaxEnt_Classify_Test()
            // Set up the parameters:
            using (var vectors_inFile = new TempFile(Resources.SVMLight_TestVectors))
                using (var model_inFile = new TempFile(Resources.Model_MaxEnt_Mallet))
                    using (var sys_outFile = new TempFile())
                        // Initialize the commmand parameters:
                        string   command = $"maxent_classify {vectors_inFile.Location} {model_inFile.Location} {sys_outFile.Location}";
                        string[] args    = TextHelper.SplitOnWhitespace(command);

                        // Execute the command:
                        double accuracy = (double)CommandPlatform.Execute(args);

                        // Confirm the result:
                        Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(accuracy, 0.82667D, 5));
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Logs the trip between this waypoint (the 'origin') and the other waypoint (the 'destination').
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destinationWP">The destination waypoint of the trip to log.</param>
 /// <param name="bot">The bot that did the trip.</param>
 protected void StatPropagateDestination(Waypoint destinationWP, Bot bot)
     // Init logging if not already done
     if (_statForwardStar == null)
         _statForwardStar = new Dictionary <Waypoint, ConnectionStatisticsDataPoint>();
     if (destinationWP._statBackwardStar == null)
         destinationWP._statBackwardStar = new Dictionary <Waypoint, ConnectionStatisticsDataPoint>();
     // --> Log forward stars of this origin waypoint
     if (!_statForwardStar.ContainsKey(destinationWP))
         _statForwardStar[destinationWP] = StatInitTripDataPoint(this, destinationWP, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime);
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].Count,
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeAvg,
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeVar,
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeMin,
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeMax,
             ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeSum,
             Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime);
     // --> Log backward stars of destination waypoint
     if (!destinationWP._statBackwardStar.ContainsKey(this))
         destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this] = StatInitTripDataPoint(destinationWP, this, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime);
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].Count,
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeAvg,
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeVar,
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeMin,
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeMax,
             ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeSum,
             Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime);