public void ComputeCovarianceMatrix3DWithEmptyList() { var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(new List <Vector3D>()); foreach (var element in result.ToList(MatrixOrder.RowMajor)) { Assert.IsNaN(element); } }
public void CalculateZScoresWho2007() { var who2007 = new AnthStat.Statistics.WHO2007(); double ageMonths = double.Parse(TxtEdadMeses.Text); double Weight = double.Parse(TxtPeso.Text); double Lenght = double.Parse(TxtTalla.Text); double LenghtMeters = Lenght / 100; double imc = Weight / (LenghtMeters * LenghtMeters); double z = 0.0; double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; TxtIMCCalculado.Text = Math.Round(imc, 2).ToString(); if (txtSexo.Text == "Masculino" || txtSexo.Text == "Masculino\t") { if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref z)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z); TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString(); TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref x)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x); TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString(); TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Male, z: ref y)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y); TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString(); TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } } else if (txtSexo.Text == "Femenino" || txtSexo.Text == "Femenino\t") { if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.BodyMassIndexForAge, measurement: imc, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref z)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z); TxtIMCEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(z, 2).ToString(); TxtIMCEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.WeightForAge, measurement: Weight, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref x)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(x); TxtPesoEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(x, 2).ToString(); TxtPesoEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } if (who2007.TryCalculateZScore(indicator: Indicator.HeightForAge, measurement: Lenght, age: ageMonths, sex: Sex.Female, z: ref y)) { double p = StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(y); TxtTallaEdadWho2007Z.Text = Math.Round(y, 2).ToString(); TxtTallaEdadWho2007P.Text = Math.Round(p, 2).ToString(); } } }
public void ComputeCovarianceMatrixFWithVectorsOfDifferentLength() { List <VectorF> points = new List <VectorF>(new[] { new VectorF(new float[] { -1, -2, 1 }), new VectorF(new float[] { 2, -1, 3 }), new VectorF(new float[] { 2, -1, 2, 3 }), }); var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(points); }
public void ComputeCovarianceMatrixDWithVectorsOfDifferentLength() { List <VectorD> points = new List <VectorD>(new[] { new VectorD(new double[] { -1, -2, 1 }), new VectorD(new double[] { 2, -1, 3, 1 }), new VectorD(new double[] { 2, -1, 2 }), }); var result = StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(points); }
//数据库操作成功 private void OperatorSuccess(User user, JObject responseData) { responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_OK); responseData.Add(MyCommon.UID, user.Uid); MySqlUtil.UpdateUserTask(user.Uid); ProgressTaskHandler.ProgressTaskSql(208, user.Uid); StatisticsHelper.StatisticsRegister(user.Uid); }
public void IsApproximatelyEqual_Test_Fractions() { // Positive Tests Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.10D, 0.12D, decimals: 1)); Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.00D, decimals: 1)); Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.009D, decimals: 2)); Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.009D, decimals: 1)); // Negative Tests Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0.01D, 0.00D, decimals: 2)); }
internal PerformanceMetrics() { // _triangleCount = new StatisticsHelper(); _batchCount = new StatisticsHelper(); _drawCount = new StatisticsHelper(); _frameRate = new StatisticsHelper(); // _timer = new Interval(1F); }
private void OperatorSuccess(User user, string channelName, string ip, string versionName, JObject responseData) { responseData.Add(MyCommon.CODE, (int)Consts.Code.Code_OK); responseData.Add(MyCommon.UID, user.Uid); //更新下用户的任务 MySqlUtil.UpdateUserTask(user.Uid); StatisticsHelper.StatisticsLogin(user.Uid); StatictisLogUtil.Login(user.Uid, user.Username, ip, channelName, versionName, MyCommon.OpType.Login); }
public JsonResult Statistics(StatistiscViewModel model) { int userId = UserHelper.GetUserByIdentityName(User.Identity.Name).Id; List <SiteCount> data = StatisticsHelper.GetSitesStatistics( model.CurrentAttribute, userId, model.StartDate, model.EndDate); model.Labels = GetLabels(data); model.CountedData = GetData(data); model.Attributes = GetAttributes(); model.ChartTypes = GetChartTypes(); return(Json(new { labels = model.Labels, countedData = model.CountedData, chartType = model.CurrentChartType })); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BCT.Execute(c => { }); while (true) { #region DEBUG //var caches = BulletinCollector.GetBulletinsByQuery(@"", "iPhone"); //caches = BulletinCollector.GetBulletinsBySheets(caches); #endregion Console.Write("BC> "); var text = Console.ReadLine(); BCT.Execute(c => { var enterArgs = text.Split(new[] { " -" }, StringSplitOptions.None); var command = enterArgs[0]; switch (command) { case "TaskGeneration": GenerationHelpers.GenerationFull(); break; case "TaskGenerationClear": GenerationHelpers.GenerationClearData(); break; case "NextTask": var r2 = BackTaskHelper.Next(); r2 = r2; break; case "RunStatisticsTasks": StatisticsHelper.RunUserStatisticsTask(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5")); break; case "ComputeStatisticsTasks": StatisticsHelper.ComputeUserStatistics(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5")); break; case "GetCalls": StatisticsHelper.GetCallsStatistics(new Guid("43461B22-1BC4-4584-8DB8-FA930CB331C5")); break; case "help": Console.WriteLine(Help); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Command not found"); break; } }); } }
public void IsApproximatelyEqual_Test_NonFractions() { // Positive Tests Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0, 0, decimals: 10)); Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 0D, decimals: 10)); // Negative Tests Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 1D, decimals: 1)); Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0, 1, decimals: 10)); Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(0D, 1D, decimals: 10)); Assert.IsFalse(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(500D, 2D, decimals: 15)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance. /// </returns> public override string ToString( ) { IXmlLineInfo lineInfo = Source; return(string.Format(@" Entity Id: {0} Field Id: {1} Mode: {2} Reason: {3} Value: {4} Node: {5} Line: {6} Position: {7}", EntityUpgradeId.ToString("B"), FieldUpgradeId.ToString("B"), StatisticsHelper.Capitalize(Mode.ToString( )), StatisticsHelper.Capitalize(Reason.ToString( )), Value, Source, lineInfo.HasLineInfo( ) ? lineInfo.LineNumber.ToString( ) : "N/A", lineInfo.HasLineInfo( ) ? lineInfo.LinePosition.ToString( ) : "N/A")); }
public PartnerMonthlyStatistics GetPartnerMonthlyStatistics(Partner partner) { var paymentStatistics = new UserRepository(Db).GetPaymentStatistics(partner.User.Id); var x = new PartnerMonthlyStatistics { MonthlyIncome = paymentStatistics.Single(ps => ps.Month == StatisticsHelper.GetLastMonthNumber()).Value, Balance = partner.User.GetTotalCash() }; return(x); }
public ActionResult ProductsWithDateEnd() { Statistics stat = new Statistics(); stat.DateEnd120 = null; List <Product> productList120 = new List <Product>(); List <Product> productList90 = new List <Product>(); List <Product> productList60 = new List <Product>(); foreach (var item in db.Products) { TimeSpan ts = item.DateEnd - DateTime.Now; int time = ts.Days; Product prod = null; if (time <= 120 && time > 90) { prod = item; //productList.Add(item); //stat.DateEnd120.Add(prod); productList120.Add(item); } else if (time <= 90 && time > 60) { StatisticsHelper statHelper = new StatisticsHelper(); statHelper.Name = item.ProductName; statHelper.Price = item.ProductPrice; statHelper.DateEnd = item.DateEnd; //productList.Add(item); //stat.DateEnd90.Add(statHelper); productList90.Add(item); } else if (time <= 60) { StatisticsHelper statHelper = new StatisticsHelper(); statHelper.Name = item.ProductName; statHelper.Price = item.ProductPrice; statHelper.DateEnd = item.DateEnd; //productList.Add(item); //stat.DateEnd60.Add(statHelper); productList60.Add(item); } stat.DateEnd120 = productList120; stat.DateEnd90 = productList90; stat.DateEnd60 = productList60; } return(View(stat)); }
// Computes the covariance matrix for a list of points. private static MatrixF ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromPoints(IList <Vector3> points) { // Convert IList<Vector3> to IList<VectorF> which is required for PCA. int numberOfPoints = points.Count; List <VectorF> pointsCopy = new List <VectorF>(numberOfPoints); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { var point = points[i]; pointsCopy.Add(point.ToVectorF()); } return(StatisticsHelper.ComputeCovarianceMatrix(pointsCopy)); }
// Methods public override bool ExecuteCommand() { // Initialize the text-to-Id mappers: int gold_i = 0; featureToFeatureId = new TextIdMapper(); classToClassId = new TextIdMapper(); TextIdMapper[] headerToHeaderIds = new TextIdMapper[] { classToClassId }; // Workaround: Read everything from STDIN to a file. (Files are used as the text source throughout this application.) var svmLight_data = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} characters of input received.", svmLight_data.Length); string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); int[] goldClasses; List <FeatureVector> vectors; try { File.WriteAllText(tempFile, svmLight_data); FeatureVectorFile vectorFile = new FeatureVectorFile(path: tempFile, noOfHeaderColumns: 1, featureDelimiter: ' ', isSortRequired: false); vectors = vectorFile.LoadFromSVMLight(featureToFeatureId, headerToHeaderIds, FeatureType.Binary); goldClasses = vectorFile.Headers[gold_i]; } finally { File.Delete(tempFile); } Debug.Assert(vectors.Count > 0); IdValuePair <double>[] chiSquare = new IdValuePair <double> [featureToFeatureId.Count]; //TODO: Make the implementation less binary dependent (i.e. the hardcoded 2 below). double[][,] contingencyTable_f = new double[featureToFeatureId.Count][, ]; for (int f_i = 0; f_i < featureToFeatureId.Count; f_i++) { // Create a contingency table for this vector. contingencyTable_f[f_i] = new double[classToClassId.Count, 2]; for (int v_i = 0; v_i < vectors.Count; v_i++) { FeatureVector v = vectors[v_i]; contingencyTable_f[f_i][v.Headers[gold_i], (int)v.Features[f_i]]++; } chiSquare[f_i] = new IdValuePair <double>(f_i, StatisticsHelper.CalculateChiSquare(contingencyTable_f[f_i])); } ReportChiSquareResults(contingencyTable_f, chiSquare); return(true); }
public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel) { if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow)) { mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max); var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max); mainWindow.GetExpValues(out double lambda); var expValues = ExponentialDistribution(randomValues, lambda).ToList(); StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(expValues, out double expectedValue, out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation); mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation); var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(expValues); mainViewModel.UpdatePlotModel(model); } }
private async Task ViewLoaded() { if (!_viewModelLoaded) { IsBusy = true; var athlete = await _stravaService.GetAthleteAsync(); var statistics = await _stravaService.GetStatsAsync(athlete.Id.ToString()); RunStatistics = StatisticsHelper.GetRunStatistics(statistics); RideStatistics = StatisticsHelper.GetRideStatistics(statistics); _viewModelLoaded = true; IsBusy = false; } }
public void Softmax_Create_Test() { var output = NormalizationHelper.CreateSoftmaxNormalization(givenInput); Assert.IsTrue(!object.ReferenceEquals(output, givenInput)); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < givenInput.Count; i++) { double diff = Math.Abs(expectedOutput[i] - output[i]); Assert.IsTrue(diff < Math.Pow(10, -6)); sum += output[i]; } Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(sum, 1D)); }
public void IsWholeNumber_Success() { double [] wholes = { 0.0, 9.0, 5.0, -5.0, 100.0, 932.0, 454.0, 7983.0 }; double [] notWholes = { 9.7, 7.65, 4.3, -0.1, 0.00000000001, 0.03, 834.56, 99.99 }; foreach (var whole in wholes) { Assert.True(StatisticsHelper.IsWholeNumber(whole)); } foreach (var notWhole in notWholes) { Assert.False(StatisticsHelper.IsWholeNumber(notWhole)); } }
public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel) { if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow)) { mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max); mainWindow.GetSimpsValues(out double A, out double B); var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max, A / 2, B / 2); var simpsonValue = SimpsonDistribution(randomValues).ToList(); StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(simpsonValue, out double expectedValue, out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation); mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation); var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(simpsonValue); mainViewModel.UpdatePlotModel(model); } }
public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel) { if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow)) { mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max); var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max); mainWindow.GetTriangleValue(out bool isMin, out double A, out double B); var triangleValues = TriangleDistribution(randomValues, isMin, A, B).ToList(); StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(triangleValues, out double expectedValue, out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation); mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation); var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(triangleValues); mainViewModel.UpdatePlotModel(model); } }
public void Softmax_InPlace_Test() { var values = givenInput.ToArray(); Assert.IsTrue(!object.ReferenceEquals(values, givenInput)); NormalizationHelper.Softmax(values); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { double diff = Math.Abs(expectedOutput[i] - values[i]); Assert.IsTrue(diff < Math.Pow(10, -6)); sum += values[i]; } Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(sum, 1D)); }
public override void Calculate(MainWindow mainWindow, MainViewModel mainViewModel) { if (InputFieldsIsValid(mainWindow)) { mainWindow.GetValues(out var a, out var r0, out var m, out var max); var randomValues = GenerateValues(a, r0, m, max); mainWindow.GetGaussValues(out double matWait, out double gaussDispersion); var gaussValues = GaussianDistribution(randomValues, matWait, gaussDispersion); StatisticsHelper.CalculateStatistics(gaussValues, out double expectedValue, out double dispersion, out double squareDeviation); mainWindow.UpdateStatistics(expectedValue, dispersion, squareDeviation); var model = PlotModelGenerator.GenerateModel(gaussValues); mainViewModel.UpdatePlotModel(model); } }
internal ParsedEvtcLog(int evtcVersion, FightData fightData, AgentData agentData, SkillData skillData, List <CombatItem> combatItems, List <Player> playerList, IReadOnlyDictionary <uint, AbstractExtensionHandler> extensions, long evtcLogDuration, EvtcParserSettings parserSettings, ParserController operation) { FightData = fightData; AgentData = agentData; SkillData = skillData; PlayerList = playerList; ParserSettings = parserSettings; _operation = operation; var friendlies = new List <AbstractSingleActor>(); friendlies.AddRange(playerList); friendlies.AddRange(fightData.Logic.NonPlayerFriendlies); Friendlies = friendlies; // FriendliesListBySpec = friendlies.GroupBy(x => x.Spec).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()); PlayerAgents = new HashSet <AgentItem>(playerList.Select(x => x.AgentItem)); FriendlyAgents = new HashSet <AgentItem>(friendlies.Select(x => x.AgentItem)); _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating GW2EI Combat Events"); CombatData = new CombatData(combatItems, FightData, AgentData, SkillData, playerList, operation, extensions, evtcVersion); operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Checking CM"); FightData.SetCM(CombatData, AgentData); operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Setting Fight Name"); FightData.SetFightName(CombatData, AgentData); // _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Checking Success"); FightData.Logic.CheckSuccess(CombatData, AgentData, FightData, PlayerAgents); if (FightData.FightDuration <= ParserSettings.TooShortLimit) { throw new TooShortException(FightData.FightDuration, ParserSettings.TooShortLimit); } if (ParserSettings.SkipFailedTries && !FightData.Success) { throw new SkipException(); } _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating GW2EI Log Meta Data"); LogData = new LogData(evtcVersion, CombatData, evtcLogDuration, playerList, extensions, operation); // _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Buff Container"); Buffs = new BuffsContainer(LogData.GW2Build, CombatData, operation); _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Damage Modifier Container"); DamageModifiers = new DamageModifiersContainer(LogData.GW2Build, fightData.Logic.Mode, parserSettings); _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating Mechanic Data"); MechanicData = FightData.Logic.GetMechanicData(); _operation.UpdateProgressWithCancellationCheck("Creating General Statistics Container"); StatisticsHelper = new StatisticsHelper(CombatData, PlayerList, Buffs); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates both the Zscore and Percentile. /// </summary> /// <param name="indicator">The growth indicator</param> /// <param name="measurement">The specified measured value</param> /// <param name="ageInDays">The age in total days</param> /// <param name="sex">Human sex designation per ISO/IEC 5218 code</param> /// <returns>Returns the z-score and percentile for a growth measure using a specified value.</returns> public static async Task <Tuple <double, double> > GetScore(Indicator indicator, double measurement, double ageInDays, Sex sex) { WHO2006 who2006 = new(); double z = 0.0; double p = 0.0; if (who2006.TryCalculateZScore(indicator, measurement, ageInDays, sex, z: ref z)) { p = await Task.FromResult(StatisticsHelper.CalculatePercentile(z)); } z = Math.Round(z, 2); p = Math.Round(p, 1); return(Tuple.Create(z, p)); }
private void Init() { var task = Task.Run(async() => { await PopulateRecordings(); }); task.Wait(); task = Task.Run(async() => { await PopulatePlaces(); }); task.Wait(); CreateFoldersStructure(); if (RecordingsList.Count > 0) { GuessingHelper.PickNewRecord(); } statistics = StatisticsHelper.LoadStatistics(); StatisticsListView.ItemsSource = statistics.StatisticsObservableList; }
public void TestInitialise() { _ClassFactorySnapshot = Factory.TakeSnapshot(); _Statistics = StatisticsHelper.CreateLockableStatistics(); _HeartbeatService = TestUtilities.CreateMockSingleton <IHeartbeatService>(); _Clock = new ClockMock(); Factory.Singleton.RegisterInstance <IClock>(_Clock.Object); _Presenter = Factory.Singleton.Resolve <IStatisticsPresenter>(); _View = TestUtilities.CreateMockInstance <IStatisticsView>(); _View.Setup(r => r.Statistics).Returns(_Statistics.Object); _View.Setup(r => r.AdsbMessageTypeCount).Returns(new long[256]); _View.Setup(r => r.ModeSDFStatistics).Returns(new ModeSDFStatistics[32]); _View.Setup(r => r.AdsbMessageFormatCount).Returns(new long[Enum.GetValues(typeof(MessageFormat)).OfType <MessageFormat>().Select(r => (int)r).Max() + 1]); }
public void ExecuteCommand_MaxEnt_Classify_Test() { // Set up the parameters: using (var vectors_inFile = new TempFile(Resources.SVMLight_TestVectors)) using (var model_inFile = new TempFile(Resources.Model_MaxEnt_Mallet)) using (var sys_outFile = new TempFile()) { // Initialize the commmand parameters: string command = $"maxent_classify {vectors_inFile.Location} {model_inFile.Location} {sys_outFile.Location}"; string[] args = TextHelper.SplitOnWhitespace(command); // Execute the command: double accuracy = (double)CommandPlatform.Execute(args); // Confirm the result: Assert.IsTrue(StatisticsHelper.IsApproximatelyEqual(accuracy, 0.82667D, 5)); } }
/// <summary> /// Logs the trip between this waypoint (the 'origin') and the other waypoint (the 'destination'). /// </summary> /// <param name="destinationWP">The destination waypoint of the trip to log.</param> /// <param name="bot">The bot that did the trip.</param> protected void StatPropagateDestination(Waypoint destinationWP, Bot bot) { // Init logging if not already done if (_statForwardStar == null) { _statForwardStar = new Dictionary <Waypoint, ConnectionStatisticsDataPoint>(); } if (destinationWP._statBackwardStar == null) { destinationWP._statBackwardStar = new Dictionary <Waypoint, ConnectionStatisticsDataPoint>(); } // --> Log forward stars of this origin waypoint if (!_statForwardStar.ContainsKey(destinationWP)) { _statForwardStar[destinationWP] = StatInitTripDataPoint(this, destinationWP, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime); } else { StatisticsHelper.UpdateAvgVarData( ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].Count, ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeAvg, ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeVar, ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeMin, ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeMax, ref _statForwardStar[destinationWP].TravelTimeSum, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime); } // --> Log backward stars of destination waypoint if (!destinationWP._statBackwardStar.ContainsKey(this)) { destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this] = StatInitTripDataPoint(destinationWP, this, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime); } else { StatisticsHelper.UpdateAvgVarData( ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].Count, ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeAvg, ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeVar, ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeMin, ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeMax, ref destinationWP._statBackwardStar[this].TravelTimeSum, Instance.Controller.CurrentTime - bot.StatLastTripStartTime); } }