Exemplo n.º 1
        //returns tuple of start and end timestamps for best frame range to splice from existing mp4
        private Tuple <long, long> ProcessAllFrames()
            var coreframeslength = _fps * 2;                            //core sample of frames will be two seconds of video might in future vary depending on user settings
            var computelimit     = _framelist.Count - coreframeslength; //this will keep walking average calcs only happening within range

                if (_framelist != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < _framelist.Count; i++)
                        var currenttimestamp = _framelist.Keys[i];

                        if (i < computelimit) //makes sense to compute because we will can use it
                            var coreframesrange = _framelist.ToList().GetRange(i, coreframeslength);

                            var listofscores = new SortedList <long, double>();
                            foreach (var kvp in coreframesrange)
                                listofscores.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Size() != 0 ? GetImageUsability(Utils.GetSparseFace(kvp.Value)) : -1); //return -1 for usabilty if no face exists

                            var avg = listofscores.Average(x => x.Value);

                            var sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = listofscores.ToList().Select(val => (val.Value - avg) * (val.Value - avg)).Sum();

                            var stdev = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / coreframesrange.Count);

                            Coreframesavg.Add(currenttimestamp, avg - stdev); //avg - std dev should give those with best avg score and lowest deviation
                        else //can't use computations past this point so just need timestamps
                            Coreframesavg.Add(currenttimestamp, 0); //avg - std dev should give those with best avg score and lowest deviation

                        //Log.Info(TAG, "moving average index" + i);

                var bestframegroupkey = Coreframesavg.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key; //gets key of max value (avg-stdev) from dictionary

                bestTSRange = new Tuple <long, long>(bestframegroupkey, Coreframesavg.Keys[Coreframesavg.IndexOfKey(bestframegroupkey) + GetFrameTotal()]);

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(TAG, "Frames Processing messed up", e);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// SWIFT-формат
        /// </summary>
        public string ToSwift()
            // Проверка сообщения:
            string message;

            if (!Check(out message))
                throw new FormatException(message);

            string result =
                                 (current, field) => current + (field.Value.ToSwift() + Environment.NewLine)) + "-}";

Exemplo n.º 3
        public ItemBase GetDrop()
            var random = Random.Range(0, Max());

            ItemBase output = null;

            .Aggregate(0f, (prev, curr) => {
                if (prev < random && random < curr.Key)
                    output = curr.Value;


        //Executes various different heightmap forming functions at random
        public static Heightmap Arbitrary(SortedList<double, Action> functions, int iterations = 10000, Func<int, bool> StepCallback = null)
            //Want to make sure that they're sorted in descending order and normalized.
            double total = functions.Aggregate<KeyValuePair<double, Action>, double>(0, (current, next) => current + next.Key);
            var actionsSorted = (from kvp in functions select new {Key = kvp.Key/total,
                                                                  Value = kvp.Value}).OrderBy((x)=>x.Key);

            List<int> actionsDone = new List<int>(functions.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < functions.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                //try to "roll under" the key value; we perform the first action whose key + cumulative value is higher than this value.
                double randomValue = rand.NextDouble();
                double cumulativeValue = 0;

                for(int j = 0; j < actionsSorted.Count(); j++)
                    var kvp = actionsSorted.ElementAt(j);
                    cumulativeValue += kvp.Key;
                    if (randomValue < cumulativeValue)

                if (StepCallback != null)
                    bool Continue = StepCallback(i);
                    if (!Continue)

            return Map;
 public string GetExtraData()
     return(_responseData.Aggregate("", (current, item) => current + (item.Key + " = " + item.Value)));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void SaveResultTask2(SortedList <int, Triangle> list, string filename)
            var info = list.Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, elem) => current + string.Concat($"Perimeter: {elem.Key}", ", ", elem.Value, "\n"));

            File.AppendAllText(filename, $"{info}\n");