Exemplo n.º 1
        static void UpdateColors(Apk apk, CustomColors colors, InvocationResult res)
            SerializedAssets colorAssets = SerializedAssets.FromBytes(
                apk.ReadEntireEntry(apk.ColorsFile()), apk.version);
            // There should only be one color manager
            var colorManager = colorAssets.FindScript <ColorManager>(cm => true);

            colorManager.UpdateColor(colorAssets, colors.colorA, ColorManager.ColorSide.A);
            colorManager.UpdateColor(colorAssets, colors.colorB, ColorManager.ColorSide.B);
            apk.ReplaceAssetsFile(apk.ColorsFile(), colorAssets.ToBytes());
            res.newColors = new CustomColors()
                colorA = colorManager.colorA.FollowToScript <SimpleColor>(colorAssets),
                colorB = colorManager.colorB.FollowToScript <SimpleColor>(colorAssets),
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void SyncLevels(
            Apk apk,
            SerializedAssets mainAssets,
            Invocation inv,
            InvocationResult res
            if (inv.levels == null || inv.packs == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Either the 'levels' or 'packs' key is missing. Note the 'levels' key changed names from 'ensureInstalled' in the new version.");

            Dictionary <string, ulong> existingLevels = mainAssets.FindLevels();
            ulong maxBasePathID = mainAssets.MainAssetsMaxBaseGamePath();

            // === Load root level pack
            SerializedAssets rootPackAssets = SerializedAssets.FromBytes(apk.ReadEntireEntry(apk.RootPackFile()), apk.version);
            string           mainFileName   = apk.MainAssetsFileName();
            int mainFileI = rootPackAssets.externals.FindIndex(e => e.pathName == mainFileName) + 1;
            BeatmapLevelPackCollection rootLevelPack = rootPackAssets.FindMainLevelPackCollection();
            // Might be null if we're on a version older than v1.1.0
            AlwaysOwnedBehaviorData alwaysOwned = mainAssets.FindScript <AlwaysOwnedBehaviorData>(x => true);

            // === Remove existing custom packs
            rootLevelPack.beatmapLevelPacks.RemoveAll(ptr => ptr.fileID == mainFileI && ptr.pathID > maxBasePathID);
            if (alwaysOwned != null)
                alwaysOwned.levelPacks.RemoveAll(ptr => ptr.fileID == 0 && ptr.pathID > maxBasePathID);

            // === Remove old-school custom levels from Extras pack
            var extrasCollection = mainAssets.FindExtrasLevelCollection();

            extrasCollection.levels.RemoveAll(ptr => ptr.pathID > maxBasePathID);

            // === Remove existing levels
            var toRemove = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var entry in existingLevels)
                if (inv.levels.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    continue;                                   // requested
                if (entry.Value <= maxBasePathID)
                    continue;                              // base game level
            foreach (string levelID in toRemove)
                var ao     = mainAssets.GetAssetObjectFromScript <LevelBehaviorData>(p => p.levelID == levelID);
                var apkTxn = new Apk.Transaction();
                Utils.RemoveLevel(mainAssets, ao, apkTxn);
            res.removedLevels = toRemove.ToList();

            // === Install new levels
            var toInstall = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var entry in inv.levels)
                if (existingLevels.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    continue;                                       // already installed
            Program.Install(apk, mainAssets, toInstall, res, inv.levels);

            // === Create new custom packs
            Dictionary <string, ulong> availableLevels = mainAssets.FindLevels();

            foreach (LevelPack pack in inv.packs)
                if (pack.name == null || pack.id == null || pack.levelIDs == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Packs require name, id and levelIDs list");
                var            txn  = new SerializedAssets.Transaction(mainAssets);
                CustomPackInfo info = LevelPackBehaviorData.CreateCustomPack(
                    txn, pack.id, pack.name, pack.coverImagePath

                var customCollection = info.collection.FollowToScript <LevelCollectionBehaviorData>(mainAssets);
                foreach (string levelID in pack.levelIDs)
                    ulong levelPathID;
                    if (!availableLevels.TryGetValue(levelID, out levelPathID))
                    customCollection.levels.Add(new AssetPtr(0, levelPathID));

                rootLevelPack.beatmapLevelPacks.Add(new AssetPtr(mainFileI, info.pack.pathID));
                if (alwaysOwned != null)
            res.presentLevels = availableLevels.Keys.ToList();

            apk.ReplaceAssetsFile(apk.RootPackFile(), rootPackAssets.ToBytes());