Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SaveDataSubscriber(string resp, int status, string TransactionID, string amount)
            int      Regulatery = 0;
            DateTime today      = DateTime.Today;
            // DateTime date = new DateTime(2017, 07, 20);
            DataSet  dsReg = svc.GetRegulatery();
            DateTime date  = Convert.ToDateTime(dsReg.Tables[0].Rows[0]["StartDate"]);

            if (date <= today)
                Regulatery = 1;
                Regulatery = 0;

            SPayment sp = new SPayment();

            sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(amount);
            sp.PaymentType       = 5;
            sp.PayeeID           = 1;
            sp.PaymentFrom       = 8;
            sp.ActivationType    = 7;
            sp.ActivationStatus  = status;
            sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
            sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
            sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
            sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);
            sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = "";
            sp.TransactionId     = TransactionID;

            sp.PaymentId           = 0;
            sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber PortIn";
            sp.TransactionStatus   = "Fail";
            sp.TransactionStatusId = 25;
            sp.CusName             = txtCustomerName.Text.Trim();
            sp.Address             = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
            sp.Mobile     = txtAlternateNumber.Text.Trim();
            sp.EmailID    = txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim();
            sp.Regulatery = Regulatery;
            int    dist      = 1;
            int    loginID   = 1;
            string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
            string Language  = "ENGLISH";
            string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");

                int s = svc.InsertSubscriberActivationDetailService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when sim not activated In Subscriber Case");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when sim not activated In Subscriber Case");
            //ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 2
        //--In case of company topupbutton
        protected void btnCompanyTopup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (ddlDistributor.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(txtTopupAmount.Text.Trim()) > 0)
                        SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                        sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTopupAmount.Text.Trim());
                        sp.PaymentType         = 3;
                        sp.PayeeID             = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDistributor.SelectedValue);
                        sp.PaymentFrom         = 9;
                        sp.ActivationVia       = 17;
                        sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";
                        sp.CheckSumm           = "";
                        sp.Remarks             = Convert.ToString(txtReason.Text.Trim());
                        sp.PaymentMode         = "Company Topup";
                        sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;
                        sp.Currency            = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"]);
                        int dist    = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDistributor.SelectedValue);
                        int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                        int a       = svc.InsertCompanyTopupBalanceService(dist, loginID, sp);

                        if (a > 0)
                            Distributor[] dst = svc.GetSingleDistributorService(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDistributor.SelectedValue));
                            if (dst.Length > 0)
                                lblBalanceAmount.Text   = Convert.ToString(Session["CurrencyName"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(dst[0].balanceAmount);
                                hddnDistributorID.Value = Convert.ToString(dst[0].distributorID);
                            ShowPopUpMsg("Topup Successful");
                            txtTopupAmount.Text = "0.00";
                            txtReason.Text      = string.Empty;
                            lblwarning.Text     = "";
                            lblwarning.Style.Add("display", "none");
                            ShowPopUpMsg("Topup Unsuccessful\n Please Try Again");
                        lblwarning.Text = "Amount Should be Greater Than Zero";
                        lblwarning.Style.Add("display", "block");
                    ShowPopUpMsg("Please Select Distributor");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowPopUpMsg("Topup Unsuccessfull\n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 3
        // GET: /Payment/Create

        public ActionResult Refund(int id)
            SPayment payment = serviceProxy.GetPayment(id);

            PaymentData pd = new PaymentData();

            pd.Amount      = payment.amount;
            pd.FilmTitle   = payment.filmtitle;
            pd.ID          = payment.rental_id.Value;
            pd.customerID  = payment.customer_id;
            pd.rentalID    = payment.rental_id.Value;
            pd.staffID     = payment.staff_id;
            pd.PaymentDate = payment.payment_date;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void SaveDataSubscriber(string resp, int status, string TransactionID, string amount)
            SPayment sp = new SPayment();

            sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(amount);
            sp.PaymentType       = 4;
            sp.PayeeID           = 1;
            sp.PaymentFrom       = 8;
            sp.ActivationType    = 6;
            sp.ActivationStatus  = status;
            sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
            sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
            sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
            sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);
            sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = "";
            sp.TransactionId     = TransactionID;

            sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber EasyGo Activation";
            sp.TransactionStatus   = "Fail";
            sp.TransactionStatusId = 25;

            sp.CusName = txtCustomerName.Text.Trim();
            sp.Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
            sp.Mobile  = txtAlternateNumber.Text.Trim();
            sp.EmailID = txtEmail.Text.Trim();

            int    dist      = 1;
            int    loginID   = 1;
            string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
            string Language  = "ENGLISH";
            string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");

                int s = svc.InsertSubscriberActivationDetailService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when EasyGo sim not activated In Subscriber Case");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when EasyGo sim not activated In Subscriber Case");
            //ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public int InsertPayment(string ststus)
            int     a  = 0;
            DataSet ds = null;

                if (Session["LoginID"] != null)
                    SPayment sp = new SPayment();

                    sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["Amount"]);
                    sp.PaymentType         = 3;
                    sp.PayeeID             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                    sp.PaymentFrom         = 9;
                    sp.ActivationVia       = 18;
                    sp.TransactionStatusId = 23;
                    sp.TransactionStatus   = ststus;
                    sp.PaymentMode         = "PayPal Topup";
                    sp.TxnDate             = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    sp.Currency            = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"]);

                    int dist    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                    int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                    ds = svc.InsertPaypalTopupService(dist, loginID, sp);
                    if (ds != null)
                        a = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void SaveDataCompany(string resp, int status, string TransactionID, string Amount)
            SPayment sp = new SPayment();

            sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(Amount);
            sp.PaymentType       = 5;
            sp.PayeeID           = 1;// Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            sp.PaymentFrom       = 9;
            sp.ActivationType    = 7;
            sp.ActivationStatus  = status;
            sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
            sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
            sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
            sp.TariffID          = 0;
            sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = "";
            sp.TransactionId     = TransactionID;

            sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber PortIn";
            sp.TransactionStatusId = 25;
            sp.TransactionStatus   = "Fail";

            int    dist      = 1; //Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            int    loginID   = 1; // Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
            string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
            string Language  = "ENGLISH";
            string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");

                int s = svc.UpdateAccountBalanceService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when sim PortIn Not Success In Subscriber Case");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when sim PortIn Not Success In Subscriber Case");
            //ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void SaveData(string resp, int status, string TransactionID)
            SPayment sp = new SPayment();

            sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(AmountPay);
            sp.PaymentType         = 4;
            sp.PayeeID             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            sp.PaymentFrom         = 9;
            sp.ActivationType      = 6;
            sp.ActivationStatus    = status;
            sp.ActivationVia       = 18;
            sp.ActivationResp      = resp;
            sp.ActivationRequest   = ActivationRequestString;
            sp.TariffID            = Convert.ToInt32(TariffID);
            sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN    = "";
            sp.TransactionId       = TransactionID;
            sp.PaymentId           = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PaymentId"]);
            sp.TransactionStatusId = 25;
            int    dist      = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            int    loginID   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
            string sim       = SIMCARD;
            string zip       = ZIPCode;
            string Language  = "ENGLISH";
            string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");

                int s = svc.UpdatePaypalAccountBalanceService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save success when sim Not activated In Distributor Case");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when sim not activate In Distributor Case");
            //ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void WriteLog(int dist, int loginID, string sim, string zip, string Language, string ChannelID, SPayment sp, string msgg)
                StringBuilder logdata = new StringBuilder();
                logdata.Append(dist + "|");
                logdata.Append(loginID + "|");
                logdata.Append(sim + "|");
                logdata.Append(zip + "|");
                logdata.Append(Language + "|");
                logdata.Append(ChannelID + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ChargedAmount + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.PaymentType + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.PayeeID + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.PaymentFrom + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ActivationType + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ActivationStatus + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ActivationVia + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ActivationRequest + "|");
                logdata.Append(sp.ActivationResp + "|");

                string data = logdata.ToString();
                Log1(data, msgg);
                Log1("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void btnSubscriber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch { }

            int       distr     = 1;
            int       clnt      = 3;
            string    simnumber = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string    transact  = "";
            DataTable dtTrans   = svc.GetTransactionIDService();

            int id = Convert.ToInt32(dtTrans.Rows[0]["TRANSACTIONID"]);

            transact = id.ToString("00000");
            transact = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES") + transact;
            Boolean ValidSim     = false;
            string  TariffAmount = "";
            string  TariffPlan   = "";
            string  Network      = "EasyGo";
            string  erormsg      = "";

                string ss = "";
                ss = "Simnumber- " + simnumber + "|" + "Zipcode- " + txtZIPCode.Text + "|" + "Pin- " + txtPIN.Text + "|" + "Account- " + txtACCOUNT.Text + "|" + "Phone to port- " + txtPHONETOPORT.Text + "|" + "Customer name- " + txtCustomerName.Text + "|" + "address- " + txtAddress.Text + "|" + "Email- " + txtEmailAddress.Text;
                ss = ss + "Current Service Provider Name- " + txtServiceProvider.Text + "|" + "State- " + txtState.Text + "|" + "City- " + txtCity.Text + "|" + "Customer 1st and Last Name- " + txtCustomerName.Text;

                Log1(ss, "Subscriber EasyGo PORTIN Information");
                Log1("", "split");
                DataSet ds = svc.CheckSimPortINService(distr, clnt, simnumber);
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        erormsg = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                        if (erormsg == "Ready to Activation")
                            //RequestRes = ss;
                            ValidSim = true;
                            hddnTariffTypeID.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffTypeID"]);
                            hddnTariffType.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffType"]);
                            hddnTariffCode.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffCode"]);
                            hddnTariffAmount.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"]);
                            TariffAmount           = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                            hddnTariffID.Value     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"]);
                            TariffPlan             = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TrariffPlan"]);
                            hddnMonths.Value       = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Months"]);
                            Log1("Sim Not Ready For EasyGo PortIN", "Reason");
                            Log1(ss, "Detail");
                            Log1(simnumber, "Simnumber");
                            Log1(txtPHONETOPORT.Text, "Phone to port");
                            Log1(txtZIPCode.Text, "");
                            Log1("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ValidSim = false;
                erormsg  = ex.Message;
            if (ValidSim == false)

            string InvoiceNo = DateTime.Now.ToString().GetHashCode().ToString("X");

            // ENK.net.emida.ws.webServicesService ws = new webServicesService();
            // string ss1 = ws.LycaPortinPin("01", "3756263", "1234", hddnTariffCode.Value, txtSIMCARD.Text, txtPHONETOPORT.Text, txtACCOUNT.Text, txtPIN.Text, txtZIPCode.Text, "1", txtEmailAddress.Text, "$10", txtAmountPay.Text, InvoiceNo, "1");

                // SendMail(txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(), "Sim PortIn", "", txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim(), "");
                SendMailH20AndEasyGo(txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(), "EasyGo Sim PortIn", "", txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim(), "", Network, TariffPlan, TariffAmount);

                SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(TariffAmount);
                sp.PaymentType       = 5;
                sp.PayeeID           = distr;
                sp.PaymentFrom       = 9;
                sp.ActivationType    = 7;
                sp.ActivationStatus  = 15;
                sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
                sp.ActivationResp    = "";
                sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
                sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);
                sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = "";
                sp.TransactionId     = transact;

                sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber EasyGo PortIn";
                sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;
                sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";

                int    dist      = 1; // Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                int    loginID   = 1; // Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
                string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
                string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                string ChannelID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");
                    int s = svc.UpdateAccountBalanceService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);

                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when EasyGo sim PortIn Success In Subscriber Case");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when EasyGo sim PortIn Success  In Subscriber Case");
                ShowPopUpMsg("EasyGo PORTIN Request submitted Successfully\n With Sim Number - " + txtSIMCARD.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SaveDataCompany(txtSIMCARD.Text, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
                //ShowPopUpMsg(ex.Message + "\n" + resp);

            //    SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
            //    ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public int UpdatePayment(string resp, string ststus, string transactionid, int TranactionStatusId)
            int a = 0;

                if (Session["PaymentId"] != null)
                    if (transactionid == null)
                        transactionid = "";
                    if (Session["LoginID"] != null)
                        if (TranactionStatusId != 25)
                            string[]      sd     = resp.Split('\n');
                            List <string> sdlist = new List <string>();

                            SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                            sp.PaymentId           = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PaymentId"]);
                            sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["Amount"]);
                            sp.TxnId               = transactionid;
                            sp.TxnAmount           = sd[27].Replace("payment_fee=", "");
                            sp.TransactionStatus   = ststus;
                            sp.TransactionStatusId = TranactionStatusId;
                            sp.ReceiptId           = "";
                            sp.PayerId             = sd[4].Replace("payer_id=", "");
                            sp.TxnDate             = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            sp.CheckSumm           = resp;

                            int dist    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                            int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                            a = svc.UpdatePaypalTopupService(dist, loginID, sp);
                            Session["PaymentId"] = null;
                            Session["Amount"]    = null;
                            SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                            sp.PaymentId           = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PaymentId"]);
                            sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["Amount"]);
                            sp.TxnId               = transactionid;
                            sp.TxnAmount           = "";
                            sp.TransactionStatus   = ststus;
                            sp.TransactionStatusId = TranactionStatusId;
                            sp.ReceiptId           = "";
                            sp.PayerId             = "";
                            sp.TxnDate             = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            sp.CheckSumm           = resp;

                            int dist    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                            int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                            a = svc.UpdatePaypalTopupService(dist, loginID, sp);
                            Session["PaymentId"] = null;
                            Session["Amount"]    = null;
                        Log("Session null in database insertion block", "Reason");
                        Log(resp, "");
                        Log("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log("database insertion catch block" + ex.Message, "Reason");
                Log(resp, "");
                Log("", "split");
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void btnSubscriber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch { }

            ENK.net.emida.ws.webServicesService ws = new webServicesService();

            int     distr        = 1; // Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            int     clnt         = 3; //Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientTypeID"]);
            string  simnumber    = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string  City         = txtCity.Text.Trim();
            string  transact     = "";
            string  TariffAmount = "";
            Boolean ValidSim     = false;
            string  erormsg      = "";

                string ss = "";
                ss = "Simnumber- " + simnumber + "|" + "Zipcode- " + txtZIPCode.Text + "|" + "Customer name- " + txtCustomerName.Text + "|" + "address- " + txtAddress.Text + "|" + "Alternate Mobile number- " + txtAlternateNumber.Text + "|" + "Email- " + txtEmail.Text + "|" + "City- " + txtCity.Text;
                Log2(ss, "Subscriber Activate EasyGo SIM Information");
                Log2("", "split");
                DataSet ds = svc.CheckSimActivationService(distr, clnt, simnumber, "Activate");
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        erormsg = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                        if (erormsg == "Ready to Activation")
                            ValidSim = true;
                            int id = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TRANSACTIONID"]);
                            transact = id.ToString("00000");
                            transact = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES") + transact;
                            hddnTariffTypeID.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffTypeID"]);
                            hddnTariffType.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffType"]);
                            hddnTariffCode.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffCode"]);
                            hddnTariffAmount.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"]);
                            TariffAmount           = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                            hddnTariffID.Value     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"]);

                            hddnMonths.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Months"]);
                            Log2("Subscriber Activate  EasyGo Sim Not Ready For Activation", "Reason");

                            Log2(ss, "Request");
                            Log2(simnumber, "Simnumber");
                            Log2(TariffAmount, "Amount");
                            Log2(hddnTariffCode.Value, "PLan");

                            Log2("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
                erormsg  = ex.Message;
                ValidSim = false;
            //ValidSim = true;
            if (ValidSim == false)

            string InvoiceNo = DateTime.Now.ToString().GetHashCode().ToString("X");

            InvoiceNo = "AC" + InvoiceNo;
            string ss2  = ws.GetPinProductsForActivation("01", "3756263", "1234", hddnTariffCode.Value, InvoiceNo, "1");
            string resp = "";

            StringReader theReader  = new StringReader(Convert.ToString(ss2));
            DataSet      theDataSet = new DataSet();

            if (theDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                if (theDataSet.Tables.Count > 1)
                    dt = theDataSet.Tables[1];
                    SaveDataSubscriber(ss2, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                    //WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, ss2);
                    ShowPopUpMsg("NO RECORDS FOUND.");

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns.Contains("PinProductId"))
                    string PINid = dt.Rows[0]["PinProductId"].ToString();

                    string ProductDescription = dt.Rows[0]["PinProductDescription"].ToString();
                    if (PINid != "")
                        //resp = ws.LocusActivateGSMsim("3756263", PINid, "1234", hddnTariffCode.Value, "1", InvoiceNo, "01", "305", simnumber, City, txtZIPCode.Text);
                        resp = ws.LocusActivateGSMsim("3756263", PINid, "1234", hddnTariffCode.Value, "1", InvoiceNo, "01", "305", simnumber, City, txtZIPCode.Text);

                        //resp = ws.LocusActivateGSMsim("3756263", PINid, "1234", "93000030", "1", InvoiceNo, "01", "305", simnumber, City, zip);

                        StringReader Reader = new StringReader(resp);
                        DataSet      ds     = new DataSet();
                        string Currency = Convert.ToString("$");
                        // Save Record ProductMaster

                        int NetworkID = 16;// EasyGo
                        svc.SaveProductMaster(Convert.ToInt32(NetworkID), Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value), ProductDescription, ProductDescription, Currency, TariffAmount, Convert.ToInt32(1));

                        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                            DataTable dtMsg = ds.Tables[0];
                            if (dtMsg.Rows.Count > 0)
                                string ResponseCode    = dtMsg.Rows[0]["ResponseCode"].ToString();
                                string ResponseMessage = dtMsg.Rows[0]["ResponseMessage"].ToString();
                                if (ResponseCode == "00")
                                    string ALLOCATED_MSISDN = dtMsg.Rows[0]["min"].ToString();;
                                    SendMail(txtEmail.Text.Trim(), "EasyGo Sim Activation", ALLOCATED_MSISDN, txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim(), "");

                                    SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                                    sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(TariffAmount);
                                    sp.PaymentType       = 4;
                                    sp.PayeeID           = 1;
                                    sp.PaymentFrom       = 8;
                                    sp.ActivationType    = 6;
                                    sp.ActivationStatus  = 15;
                                    sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
                                    sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
                                    sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
                                    sp.TransactionId     = transact;
                                    sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);
                                    sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = ALLOCATED_MSISDN;

                                    sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber EasyGo Activation";
                                    sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";
                                    sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;

                                    sp.CusName = txtCustomerName.Text.Trim();
                                    sp.Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
                                    sp.Mobile  = txtAlternateNumber.Text.Trim();
                                    sp.EmailID = txtEmail.Text.Trim();

                                    int    dist    = 1;
                                    int    loginID = 1;
                                    string sim     = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
                                    string zip     = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();

                                    string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                                    string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");

                                    svc.SaveTransactionDetails(Convert.ToInt32(NetworkID), Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value), "10", PINid, simnumber, InvoiceNo, TariffAmount, Currency, City, txtZIPCode.Text, "305", 1, TariffAmount);

                                        int s = svc.InsertSubscriberActivationDetailService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                                        WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when EasyGo sim activated In Subscriber Case");
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save fail when EasyGo sim activated In Subscriber Case");
                                    ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation done successfully\n with Mobile Number - " + ALLOCATED_MSISDN);
                                    SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                                    ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");

                                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                                ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                            SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                            ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                        SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                        ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                    SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                    ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static string InsertGlobalRechargeDetails(string respString)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                Service1Client svcStatic = new Service1Client();
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginID"] != null)
                    DataTable dtTrans  = svcStatic.GetTransactionIDService();
                    int       id       = Convert.ToInt32(dtTrans.Rows[0]["TRANSACTIONID"]);
                    string    transact = id.ToString("00000");
                    transact = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES") + transact;
                    //string res =  "0|1000|15.86|null|null|Complete|1|IN_ID_TopUp_1000.00|15.86|USD|910000000000|1234567";  // Demo Response
                    string[] parameters        = respString.Split('|');
                    string   TransferRef       = parameters[0];
                    string   ReceiveValue      = parameters[1];
                    decimal  TxnAmount         = Convert.ToDecimal(parameters[2]); //SendValue
                    string   StartedUtc        = parameters[3];
                    string   TxnDate           = parameters[4];                    //CompletedUtc
                    string   RespMsg           = parameters[5];                    //ProcessingState
                    string   RespCode          = parameters[6];                    //ResultCode
                    string   SkuTariffCode     = parameters[7];
                    string   SendCurrencyIso   = parameters[9];
                    string   MobileNumber      = parameters[10]; //AccountNumber
                    string   DistributorRef    = parameters[11];
                    string   req               = "{SkuCode: " + SkuTariffCode + ",  SendValue: " + TxnAmount + ",  SendCurrencyIso: USD,  AccountNumber: " + MobileNumber + ",  DistributorRef: " + transact + ",  ValidateOnly: true}";
                    string   resp              = "{TransferRef: " + TransferRef + ",  SkuCode: " + SkuTariffCode + ",  ReceiveValue: " + ReceiveValue + ",  SendValue: " + TxnAmount + ",  StartedUtc: " + StartedUtc + ",  CompletedUtc: " + TxnDate + ", ProcessingState: " + RespMsg + ",  AccountNumber: " + MobileNumber + ",  ResultCode: " + RespCode + "}";
                    string   TariffDescription = SkuTariffCode + "SendValue" + TxnAmount;
                    string   Country           = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["Country"]);
                    string   Operator          = parameters[12];

                    //Get the discount
                    DataView DvDiscount = new DataView();
                    DvDiscount.Table     = (DataTable)(HttpContext.Current.Session["Discount"]);
                    DvDiscount.RowFilter = "ProviderCode='" + Operator + "'";
                    DataTable Dis      = DvDiscount.ToTable();
                    decimal   Discount = Convert.ToDecimal(Dis.Rows[0]["Discount"]);

                    if (respString.Trim() != null && respString.Trim() != "")
                            SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                            sp.ChargedAmount       = ((Convert.ToDecimal(TxnAmount) / Convert.ToDecimal(100.00)) * (Convert.ToDecimal(100.00) - Convert.ToDecimal(Discount)));
                            sp.PaymentType         = 26;
                            sp.PayeeID             = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["DistributorID"]);
                            sp.PaymentFrom         = 9;  // Distributor
                            sp.ActivationType      = 6;  //Recharge
                            sp.ActivationStatus    = 15; //Active
                            sp.ActivationVia       = 17; //Account balance
                            sp.ActivationResp      = resp;
                            sp.ActivationRequest   = req;
                            sp.TransactionId       = transact;
                            sp.PaymentMode         = "Global Recharge";
                            sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;
                            sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";
                            int    dist      = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["DistributorID"]);
                            int    loginID   = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginID"]);
                            string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                            string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("CHANNEL");
                                int s = svcStatic.UpdateAccountDingRecharge(dist, loginID, MobileNumber, ChannelID, Language, sp, SkuTariffCode, TariffDescription, TransferRef, TxnAmount, RespCode, RespMsg, TxnDate, Country, Operator, SendCurrencyIso);
                                WriteLog(dist, loginID, MobileNumber, transact, Language, ChannelID, "Record Save Success when Ding Recharge is processed");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                WriteLog(dist, loginID, MobileNumber, ex.Message, Language, ChannelID, "Record Save Success when Ding Recharge is processed");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                    if (RespMsg == "Complete")
                        return("Print.aspx?Tid=" + transact + "&URL=Global Recharge");
                        return("Recharge Got failed, Please try again");
                    return("Session Out");
                return("Session Out");
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ActivationProcess(string request)
            string resp = ActivateSim(request);

            Session["RequestString"] = null;
            //DataSet ds = svc.GetTestDataService();
            //string resp = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
            if (resp.Trim() != null && resp.Trim() != "")
                    StringReader theReader  = new StringReader(resp);
                    DataSet      theDataSet = new DataSet();

                    if (theDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        DataTable dt = theDataSet.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string errorDesc = dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_DESC"].ToString();
                            if (dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_CODE"].ToString() == "0")
                                ActivationResult = true;
                                ALLOCATED_MSISDN = theDataSet.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ALLOCATED_MSISDN"].ToString();
                                SendMail(email, "Sim Activation", ALLOCATED_MSISDN, SIMCARD, "");

                                SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                                sp.ChargedAmount       = Convert.ToDecimal(AmountPay);
                                sp.PaymentType         = 4;
                                sp.PayeeID             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                                sp.PaymentFrom         = 9;
                                sp.ActivationType      = 6;
                                sp.ActivationStatus    = 15;
                                sp.ActivationVia       = 18;
                                sp.ActivationResp      = resp;
                                sp.ActivationRequest   = request;
                                sp.TariffID            = Convert.ToInt32(TariffID);
                                sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN    = ALLOCATED_MSISDN;
                                sp.TransactionId       = TransactionID;
                                sp.PaymentId           = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PaymentId"]);
                                sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;
                                int    dist      = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
                                int    loginID   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginID"]);
                                string sim       = SIMCARD;
                                string zip       = ZIPCode;
                                string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                                string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");;
                                    int s = svc.UpdatePaypalAccountBalanceService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);

                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when sim activated In Distributor Case");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when sim activated  In Distributor Case");
                                // ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation done successfully\n with Mobile Number - " + ALLOCATED_MSISDN);
                                SaveData(resp, 16, TransactionID);
                                //ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                            SaveData(resp, 16, TransactionID);
                            // ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                        SaveData(resp, 16, TransactionID);
                        //ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SaveData(resp, 16, TransactionID);
                    //ShowPopUpMsg(ex.Message + "\n" + resp);
                SaveData(resp, 16, TransactionID);
                //ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void btnSubscriber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch { }

            int       Regulatery = 0;
            int       distr      = 1;
            int       clnt       = 3;
            string    simnumber  = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string    transact   = "";
            DataTable dtTrans    = svc.GetTransactionIDService();

            int id = Convert.ToInt32(dtTrans.Rows[0]["TRANSACTIONID"]);

            transact = id.ToString("00000");
            transact = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES") + transact;
            Boolean ValidSim     = false;
            string  TariffAmount = "";
            string  erormsg      = "";

                string ss = "";
                ss = "Simnumber- " + simnumber + "|" + "Zipcode- " + txtZIPCode.Text + "|" + "Pin- " + txtPIN.Text + "|" + "Account- " + txtACCOUNT.Text + "|" + "Phone to port- " + txtPHONETOPORT.Text + "|" + "Customer name- " + txtCustomerName.Text + "|" + "address- " + txtAddress.Text + "|" + "Alternate Mobile number- " + txtAlternateNumber.Text + "|" + "Email- " + txtEmailAddress.Text;
                Log1(ss, "Subscriber Lyca PORTIN Information");
                Log1("", "split");
                DataSet ds = svc.CheckSimPortINService(distr, clnt, simnumber);
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        erormsg = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                        if (erormsg == "Ready to Activation")
                            ValidSim = true;
                            hddnTariffTypeID.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffTypeID"]);
                            hddnTariffType.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffType"]);
                            hddnTariffCode.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffCode"]);
                            hddnTariffAmount.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"]);
                            TariffAmount           = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                            hddnTariffID.Value     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"]);
                            hddnMonths.Value       = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Months"]);

                            //  Add Rerulatry 1 $ from 1 jully 2017

                            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                            // DateTime date = new DateTime(2017, 07, 20);
                            DataSet  dsReg = svc.GetRegulatery();
                            DateTime date  = Convert.ToDateTime(dsReg.Tables[0].Rows[0]["StartDate"]);
                            if (date <= today)
                                double Amt = 0.0;
                                Amt          = Convert.ToDouble(hddnTariffAmount.Value) + 1;
                                TariffAmount = Convert.ToString(Amt);
                                Regulatery   = 1;
                                TariffAmount = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                                Regulatery   = 0;
                            Log1("Sim Not Ready For PortIN", "Reason");
                            Log1(ss, "Detail");
                            Log1(simnumber, "Simnumber");
                            Log1(txtPHONETOPORT.Text, "Phone to port");
                            Log1(txtZIPCode.Text, "");
                            Log1("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ValidSim = false;
                erormsg  = ex.Message;
            if (ValidSim == false)

            string resp = ActivateSim(hddnTariffTypeID.Value, hddnTariffType.Value, hddnTariffCode.Value, txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(), transact, TariffAmount);

            if (resp.Trim() != null && resp.Trim() != "")
                    StringReader theReader  = new StringReader(resp);
                    DataSet      theDataSet = new DataSet();

                    if (theDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        DataTable dt = theDataSet.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string errorDesc = dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_DESC"].ToString();
                            if (dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_CODE"].ToString() == "0")
                                string ALLOCATED_MSISDN = theDataSet.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ALLOCATED_MSISDN"].ToString();
                                SendMail(txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(), "Lycamobile Sim PortIn", ALLOCATED_MSISDN, txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim(), "");

                                SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                                sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(TariffAmount);
                                sp.PaymentType       = 5;
                                sp.PayeeID           = 1;
                                sp.PaymentFrom       = 8;
                                sp.ActivationType    = 7;
                                sp.ActivationStatus  = 15;
                                sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
                                sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
                                sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
                                sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);

                                sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN = ALLOCATED_MSISDN;
                                sp.TransactionId    = transact;

                                sp.PaymentId           = 0;
                                sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber  PortIn";
                                sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";
                                sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;

                                sp.CusName    = txtCustomerName.Text.Trim();
                                sp.Address    = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
                                sp.Mobile     = txtAlternateNumber.Text.Trim();
                                sp.EmailID    = txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim();
                                sp.Regulatery = Regulatery;
                                int    dist      = 1;
                                int    loginID   = 1;
                                string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
                                string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
                                string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                                string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");
                                    int s = svc.InsertSubscriberActivationDetailService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);

                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when sim PortIn Success In Subscriber Case");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Fail when sim PortIn Success  In Subscriber Case");
                                ShowPopUpMsg("Lycamobile PortIN Request submitted successfully\n with Mobile Number - " + ALLOCATED_MSISDN);
                                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                                ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
                            SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                            ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
                        SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                        ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                    ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
                    //ShowPopUpMsg(ex.Message + "\n" + resp);
                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                ShowPopUpMsg("PORTIN Request Fail \n Please Try Again");
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void btnSubscriber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch {}

            int     Regulatery   = 0;
            int     distr        = 1; // Convert.ToInt32(Session["DistributorID"]);
            int     clnt         = 3; //Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientTypeID"]);
            string  simnumber    = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
            string  transact     = "";
            string  TariffAmount = "";
            Boolean ValidSim     = false;
            string  erormsg      = "";

                string ss = "";
                ss = "Simnumber- " + simnumber + "|" + "Zipcode- " + txtZIPCode.Text + "|" + "Customer name- " + txtCustomerName.Text + "|" + "address- " + txtAddress.Text + "|" + "Alternate Mobile number- " + txtAlternateNumber.Text + "|" + "Email- " + txtEmail.Text;
                Log2(ss, "Subscriber Activate SIM Information");
                Log2("", "split");
                DataSet ds = svc.CheckSimActivationService(distr, clnt, simnumber, "Activate");
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        erormsg = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                        if (erormsg == "Ready to Activation")
                            ValidSim = true;
                            int id = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TRANSACTIONID"]);
                            transact = id.ToString("00000");
                            transact = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES") + transact;
                            hddnTariffTypeID.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffTypeID"]);
                            hddnTariffType.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffType"]);
                            hddnTariffCode.Value   = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TariffCode"]);
                            hddnTariffAmount.Value = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"]);
                            TariffAmount           = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                            hddnTariffID.Value     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"]);
                            hddnMonths.Value       = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Months"]);

                            //  Add Rerulatry 1 $ from 1 jully 2017

                            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                            // DateTime date = new DateTime(2017, 07, 20);
                            DataSet  dsReg = svc.GetRegulatery();
                            DateTime date  = Convert.ToDateTime(dsReg.Tables[0].Rows[0]["StartDate"]);
                            if (date <= today)
                                double Amt = 0.0;

                                if (hddnMonths.Value == "1")
                                    Regulatery        = 1;
                                    txtRegulatry.Text = "1";
                                    Amt = Convert.ToDouble(hddnTariffAmount.Value) + 1;
                                else if (hddnMonths.Value == "2")
                                    Regulatery        = 2;
                                    txtRegulatry.Text = "2";
                                    Amt = Convert.ToDouble(hddnTariffAmount.Value) + 2;
                                else if (hddnMonths.Value == "3")
                                    Regulatery = 3;

                                    txtRegulatry.Text = "3";
                                    Amt = Convert.ToDouble(hddnTariffAmount.Value) + 3;

                                TariffAmount = Convert.ToString(Amt);;
                                Regulatery   = 0;
                                TariffAmount = hddnTariffAmount.Value;
                            Log2("Subscriber Activate Sim Not Ready For Activation", "Reason");

                            Log2(ss, "Request");
                            Log2(simnumber, "Simnumber");
                            Log2(TariffAmount, "Amount");
                            Log2(hddnTariffCode.Value, "PLan");

                            Log2("", "split");
            catch (Exception ex)
                erormsg  = ex.Message;
                ValidSim = false;
            //ValidSim = true;
            if (ValidSim == false)

            string resp = ActivateSim(hddnTariffTypeID.Value, hddnTariffType.Value, hddnTariffCode.Value, txtEmail.Text.Trim(), transact, TariffAmount);

            if (resp.Trim() != null && resp.Trim() != "")
                    StringReader theReader  = new StringReader(resp);
                    DataSet      theDataSet = new DataSet();

                    if (theDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        DataTable dt = theDataSet.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string errorDesc = dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_DESC"].ToString();
                            if (dt.Rows[0]["ERROR_CODE"].ToString() == "0")
                                string ALLOCATED_MSISDN = theDataSet.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ALLOCATED_MSISDN"].ToString();
                                SendMail(txtEmail.Text.Trim(), "Lycamobile Sim Activation", ALLOCATED_MSISDN, txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim(), "");

                                SPayment sp = new SPayment();
                                sp.ChargedAmount     = Convert.ToDecimal(TariffAmount);
                                sp.PaymentType       = 4;
                                sp.PayeeID           = 1;
                                sp.PaymentFrom       = 8;
                                sp.ActivationType    = 6;
                                sp.ActivationStatus  = 15;
                                sp.ActivationVia     = 17;
                                sp.ActivationResp    = resp;
                                sp.ActivationRequest = RequestRes;
                                sp.TransactionId     = transact;
                                sp.TariffID          = Convert.ToInt32(hddnTariffID.Value);
                                sp.ALLOCATED_MSISDN  = ALLOCATED_MSISDN;

                                sp.PaymentMode         = "Subscriber Activation";
                                sp.TransactionStatus   = "Success";
                                sp.TransactionStatusId = 24;

                                sp.CusName = txtCustomerName.Text.Trim();
                                sp.Address = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
                                sp.Mobile  = txtAlternateNumber.Text.Trim();
                                sp.EmailID = txtEmail.Text.Trim();

                                sp.Regulatery = Regulatery;

                                int    dist      = 1;
                                int    loginID   = 1;
                                string sim       = txtSIMCARD.Text.Trim();
                                string zip       = txtZIPCode.Text.Trim();
                                string Language  = "ENGLISH";
                                string ChannelID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TXN_SERIES");
                                    int s = svc.InsertSubscriberActivationDetailService(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp);
                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save Success when sim activated In Subscriber Case");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    WriteLog(dist, loginID, sim, zip, Language, ChannelID, sp, "Record Save fail when sim activated In Subscriber Case");
                                ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation done successfully\n with Mobile Number - " + ALLOCATED_MSISDN);
                                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                                ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                            SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                            ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                        SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                        ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                    ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");
                    //ShowPopUpMsg(ex.Message + "\n" + resp);
                SaveDataSubscriber(resp, 16, transact, TariffAmount);
                ShowPopUpMsg("SIM activation Fail \n Please Try Again");