Exemplo n.º 1
        MMOServer(int port)
            m_plugin = new Plugin(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            NetAppConfiguration config = new NetAppConfiguration("MMO Mahjong", port);
            config.MaximumConnections = 128;
            config.Port = port;
            config.ServerName = Environment.MachineName + " server";

            m_log = new NetLog();
            m_log.IgnoreTypes = NetLogEntryTypes.None;
            m_log.LogEvent += new EventHandler<NetLogEventArgs>(OnLogEvent);

            Server = new NetServer(config, m_log);
            Server.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(OnStatusChange);

            Server.ConnectionRequest += new EventHandler<NetConnectRequestEventArgs>(OnConnectionRequest);

            while (true)

                NetMessage msg;
                while ((msg = Server.ReadMessage()) != null)

Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for a server instance
		/// </summary>
		public NetServer(NetAppConfiguration config, NetLog log)
			NetBase.CurrentContext = this;
			InitBase(config, log);
			Connections = new NetConnection[config.MaximumConnections];
			m_connectionsLookUpTable = new Dictionary<int, NetConnection>();
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Get IP address from notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or hostname
		/// </summary>
		public static IPAddress Resolve(NetLog log, string ipOrHost)
			if (log == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipOrHost))
				throw new ArgumentException("Supplied string must not be empty", "ipOrHost");

			ipOrHost = ipOrHost.Trim();

			if (m_regIP == null)
				string expression = "\\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\b";
				RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Compiled;
				m_regIP = new Regex(expression, options);

			// is it an ip number string?
			IPAddress ipAddress = null;
			if (m_regIP.Match(ipOrHost).Success && IPAddress.TryParse(ipOrHost, out ipAddress))
				return ipAddress;

			// ok must be a host name
			IPHostEntry entry;
				entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(ipOrHost);
				if (entry == null)
					return null;

				// check each entry for a valid IP address
				foreach (IPAddress ipCurrent in entry.AddressList)
					string sIP = ipCurrent.ToString();
					bool isIP = m_regIP.Match(sIP).Success && IPAddress.TryParse(sIP, out ipAddress);
					if (isIP)
				if (ipAddress == null)
					return null;

				return ipAddress;
			catch (SocketException ex)
				if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostNotFound)
					log.Error(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to resolve host '{0}'.", ipOrHost));
					return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IPlayer(String dns, int port)
            NetAppConfiguration myConfig = new NetAppConfiguration("MMO Mahjong");

            m_log = new NetLog();
            m_client = new NetClient(myConfig, m_log);
            m_client.Connect(dns, port);
            m_client.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(StatusChanged);
            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(ApplicationLoop);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Dump all statistics to log
        /// </summary>
        public void DumpToLog(NetLog log)
            if (log == null)

            double timespan;

            if (End == 0.0f)
                timespan = NetTime.Now - Start;
                timespan = End - Start;

            log.Debug("--- Statistics for " + m_forConnection + " @ " + NetTime.Now + "--------------");
            log.Debug("Timespan: " + timespan + " seconds");
            log.Debug("Sent " + PacketsSent + " packets (" + FPS(PacketsSent, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug("Sent " + BytesSent + " bytes (" + FPS(BytesSent, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(BytesSent, (double)PacketsSent) + " per packet, " + FPS(BytesSent, (double)MessagesSent) + " per message)");
            log.Debug("Sent " + MessagesSent + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesSent, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(MessagesSent, (double)PacketsSent) + " per packet)");

            int libMessagesSent = MessagesSent - (UserMessagesSent + AckMessagesSent);

            log.Debug(" ... of which " + UserMessagesSent + " were user messages (" + FPS(UserMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug(" ... of which " + AckMessagesSent + " were acknowledge messages (" + FPS(AckMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug(" ... of which " + libMessagesSent + " were other system messages (" + FPS(libMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");

            log.Debug("Received " + PacketsReceived + " packets (" + FPS(PacketsReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug("Received " + BytesReceived + " bytes (" + FPS(BytesReceived, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(BytesReceived, (double)PacketsReceived) + " per packet, " + FPS(BytesReceived, (double)MessagesReceived) + " per message)");
            log.Debug("Received " + MessagesReceived + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(MessagesReceived, (double)PacketsReceived) + " per packet)");

            int libMessagesReceived = MessagesReceived - (UserMessagesReceived + AckMessagesReceived);

            log.Debug(" ... of which " + UserMessagesReceived + " were user messages (" + FPS(UserMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug(" ... of which " + AckMessagesReceived + " were acknowledge messages (" + FPS(AckMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug(" ... of which " + libMessagesReceived + " were other system messages (" + FPS(libMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
            log.Debug("Resent " + MessagesResent + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesResent, timespan) + " per second)");

                // windows specific stuff
                IPGlobalProperties ipProps  = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
                UdpStatistics      udpStats = ipProps.GetUdpIPv4Statistics();

                log.Debug("System wide datagrams sent: " + (udpStats.DatagramsSent - m_sysSent));
                log.Debug("System wide datagrams received: " + (udpStats.DatagramsReceived - m_sysReceived));
            catch (NotSupportedException)
Exemplo n.º 6
      public BBServer()
         // Create a log
         Log = new NetLog();
         // Ignore net events of type 'verbose'
         Log.IgnoreTypes = NetLogEntryTypes.Verbose; // Quiet, you !
         // Save log output to this file
         Log.OutputFileName = "serverlog.html";

         // Create the player list
         PList = new PlayerList();
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the network engine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strName">The name of the user</param>
        public SpiderClient(String strName)
            spiderName = strName;
            spiderConfig = new NetAppConfiguration("ymfas",DEFAULT_PORT);
            spiderLog = new NetLog();
            spiderLog.OutputFileName = "YMFAS Net Log (Port " + DEFAULT_PORT + ").html";
            localSessionQueue = new Queue(50);
            messageQueue = new Queue(50);
            disconnectQueue = new Queue(50);

            spiderNet = new NetClient(spiderConfig,spiderLog);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the network engine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Client or Server</param>
        /// <param name="strName">The name of the user</param>
        public SpiderServer(String strName)
            spiderName = strName;
            spiderConfig = new NetAppConfiguration("ymfas",DEFAULT_PORT);
            spiderLog = new NetLog();
            spiderLog.OutputFileName = "YMFAS Net Log (Port 30803).html";
            messageQueue = new Queue(50);
            disconnectQueue = new Queue(50);

            spiderConfig.MaximumConnections = MAX_CONNECTIONS;
            spiderConfig.ServerName = spiderName + "'s Game";
            spiderNet = new NetServer(spiderConfig,spiderLog);
            spiderNet.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(SpiderNet_StatusChangedHandler);
            clients = new ArrayList();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Dump all statistics for this connection to the log specified
        /// </summary>
        public void DumpStatisticsToLog(NetLog log)

            for (int i = 0; i < NetConstants.NumSequenceChannels; i++)
                NetChannel channel = (NetChannel)i;
                if (m_savedReliableMessages[i] != null && m_savedReliableMessages[i].Count > 0)
                    log.Debug("Saved reliable messages left in " + channel + ": " + m_savedReliableMessages[i].Count);
                    foreach (NetMessage mmm in m_savedReliableMessages[i])
                        log.Debug("... " + mmm + " - next resend time: " + mmm.m_nextResendTime + " numresends: " + mmm.m_numResends);
            log.Debug("Unsent acknowledges: " + m_unsentAcknowledges.Count);
            log.Debug("Withheld messages: " + m_withheldMessages.Count);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Program()
            NetAppConfiguration myConfig = new NetAppConfiguration("MMO Mahjong", 14242);

            NetLog log = new NetLog();

            NetClient Client = new NetClient(myConfig, log);
            Client.Connect("localhost", 14242); // takes IP number or hostnameHow to detect connects/disconnects
            Client.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(StatusChanged);// to track connect/disconnect etc

            bool keepGoing = true;
            while (keepGoing)

                NetMessage msg;
                while ((msg = Client.ReadMessage()) != null)
                    string str = msg.ReadString(); // <- for example
                    System.Console.WriteLine("You got a packet containing: " + str);
Exemplo n.º 11
      static void Main()
         //PList = new PlayerList();
         MainForm = new ChatForm();
         AppConfig = new Configuration();
         IsAppHidden = AppConfig.RunMinimized;

         // Create a configuration for the client
         Program.ChatApplicationBusiness.Config = new NetAppConfiguration("BBTcpTest");

         Program.BBBotBusiness = new BBBotBusiness(Program.ChatApplicationBusiness);

         // enable encryption; this key was generated using the 'GenerateEncryptionKeys' application
              "AQABwV1rQ1NDWzkkhUsYtMiRGjyxSn/zI13tros2RlXHlW6PA7Cvw2nOyMhDmweM+" +
              "T/+FWzssAWLh8qd+YHaMCCFskVdaZfRzquZlNOs9mX/vtxkLrXgBUaJQD/XOuBeJF" +
              "o3RfAKA4uhrEr7Bk1iB3zJQW1bSHK7KmmEWzMErk6iA7c=", null);

         Log = new NetLog();
         Log.IgnoreTypes = NetLogEntryTypes.Verbose; //  Verbose;
         Log.IsOutputToFileEnabled = false;

         Log.OutputFileName = "clientlog.html";

         // uncomment this if you want to start multiple instances of this process on the same computer
         //Log.OutputFileName = "clientlog" + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + ".html";

         //Log.LogEvent += new EventHandler<NetLogEventArgs>(Log_LogEvent);

         Client = new NetClient(Config, Log);
         Client.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(Client_StatusChanged);

         Application.Idle += new EventHandler(ApplicationLoop);
         //MainForm.TypingStateChanged += new EventHandler<ChatForm.TypingEvent>(MainForm_TypingStateChanged);


         if (Client != null)
            Client.Shutdown("Application exiting");

         if (notifyIconNA != null)
            notifyIconNA.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void HostClicked()
     this.Window.Title = "Hosting....";
     nac = new NetAppConfiguration("ZombieSim", 12345);
     nac.MaximumConnections = 32;
     nac.ServerName = "ZombieSim!";
     Log = new NetLog();
     server = new NetServer(nac, Log);
     server.StatusChanged += new
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ClientClicked()
            this.Window.Title = "Trying To Connect....";

            //Since this is a client we dont have to specify a port here
            nac = new NetAppConfiguration("ZombieSim");
            Log = new NetLog();

            //Im Using this to show how to log files, So we pick that we want
            //to ignore nothing, Change this depending on what your
            //wanting to log for various debugging.
            Log.IgnoreTypes = NetLogEntryTypes.None;

            //Specify if you want to enable output to a file which we do.
            Log.IsOutputToFileEnabled = true;

            //If we output to a file we have to pick a filename to output it to.
            Log.OutputFileName = "Client.html";

            //We Initiate the client here, it has not connected to the server yet.
            client = new NetClient(nac, Log);

            //We Want to Log Events that are fired from the client
            client.StatusChanged +=
                new EventHandler<NetStatusEventArgs>(client_StatusChanged);

            //Finally we connect to the server, Specify the IP Address and
            //port if your wanting to connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
            //we would change this line to "",12345
            client.Connect("", 12345);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public NetClient(NetAppConfiguration config, NetLog log)
     NetBase.CurrentContext = this;
     InitBase(config, log);
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void InitBase(NetAppConfiguration config, NetLog log)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            IsLittleEndian = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian;
            //if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
            BitWriter = new LittleEndianBitWriter();
            //	BitWriter = new BigEndianBitWriter();

            Configuration = config;
            Log = log;

            Configuration.m_isLocked = true; // prevent changes

            // validate config
            if (config.ApplicationIdentifier == NetConstants.DefaultApplicationIdentifier)
                log.Error("Warning! ApplicationIdentifier not set in configuration!");

            if (this is NetServer)
                if (config.MaximumConnections == -1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("MaximumConnections must be set in configuration!");
                if (config.ServerName == NetConstants.DefaultServerName)
                    log.Warning("Warning! Server name not set!");

            // create buffers
            m_sendBuffer = new NetBuffer(config.SendBufferSize);
            m_receiveBuffer = new NetBuffer(config.ReceiveBufferSize);

            // Bind to port
                IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, config.Port);
                EndPoint ep = (EndPoint)iep;

                m_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                m_socket.Blocking = false;
                if (iep.Port != 0)
                    Log.Info("Bound to port " + iep.Port);
            catch (SocketException sex)
                if (sex.SocketErrorCode != SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse)
                    throw new NetException("Failed to bind to port " + config.Port + " - Address already in use!", sex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new NetException("Failed to bind to port " + config.Port, ex);

            m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, config.ReceiveBufferSize);
            m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendBuffer, config.SendBufferSize);

            m_senderRemote = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            #if DEBUG
            m_lagLoss = new NetLogLossInducer(log);

Exemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Dump all statistics for this connection to the log specified
		/// </summary>
		public void DumpStatisticsToLog(NetLog log)

			for(int i=0;i<NetConstants.NumSequenceChannels;i++)
				NetChannel channel = (NetChannel)i;
				if (m_savedReliableMessages[i] != null && m_savedReliableMessages[i].Count > 0)
					log.Debug("Saved reliable messages left in " + channel + ": " + m_savedReliableMessages[i].Count);
					foreach (NetMessage mmm in m_savedReliableMessages[i])
						log.Debug("... " + mmm + " - next resend time: " + mmm.m_nextResendTime + " numresends: " + mmm.m_numResends);
			log.Debug("Unsent acknowledges: " + m_unsentAcknowledges.Count);
			log.Debug("Withheld messages: " + m_withheldMessages.Count);
Exemplo n.º 17
		public NetLogLossInducer(NetLog log)
			m_log = log;
			m_delayed = new List<DelayedPacket>();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public NetClient(NetAppConfiguration config, NetLog log)
     NetBase.CurrentContext = this;
     InitBase(config, log);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get IP address from notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or hostname
        /// </summary>
        public static IPAddress Resolve(NetLog log, string ipOrHost)
            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipOrHost))
                throw new ArgumentException("Supplied string must not be empty", "ipOrHost");

            ipOrHost = ipOrHost.Trim();

            if (m_regIP == null)
                string       expression = "\\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\b";
                RegexOptions options    = RegexOptions.Compiled;
                m_regIP = new Regex(expression, options);

            // is it an ip number string?
            IPAddress ipAddress = null;

            if (m_regIP.Match(ipOrHost).Success&& IPAddress.TryParse(ipOrHost, out ipAddress))

            // ok must be a host name
            IPHostEntry entry;

                entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(ipOrHost);
                if (entry == null)

                // check each entry for a valid IP address
                foreach (IPAddress ipCurrent in entry.AddressList)
                    string sIP  = ipCurrent.ToString();
                    bool   isIP = m_regIP.Match(sIP).Success&& IPAddress.TryParse(sIP, out ipAddress);
                    if (isIP)
                if (ipAddress == null)

            catch (SocketException ex)
                if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostNotFound)
                    log.Error(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to resolve host '{0}'.", ipOrHost));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public NetLogLossInducer(NetLog log)
     m_log     = log;
     m_delayed = new List <DelayedPacket>();
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void InitBase(NetAppConfiguration config, NetLog log)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            IsLittleEndian = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian;
            //if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
            BitWriter = new LittleEndianBitWriter();
            //	BitWriter = new BigEndianBitWriter();

            Configuration = config;
            Log           = log;

            Configuration.m_isLocked = true;             // prevent changes

            // validate config
            if (config.ApplicationIdentifier == NetConstants.DefaultApplicationIdentifier)
                log.Error("Warning! ApplicationIdentifier not set in configuration!");

            if (this is NetServer)
                if (config.MaximumConnections == -1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("MaximumConnections must be set in configuration!");
                if (config.ServerName == NetConstants.DefaultServerName)
                    log.Warning("Warning! Server name not set!");

            // create buffers
            m_sendBuffer    = new NetBuffer(config.SendBufferSize);
            m_receiveBuffer = new NetBuffer(config.ReceiveBufferSize);

            // Bind to port
                IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, config.Port);
                EndPoint   ep  = (EndPoint)iep;

                m_socket          = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                m_socket.Blocking = false;
                if (iep.Port != 0)
                    Log.Info("Bound to port " + iep.Port);
            catch (SocketException sex)
                if (sex.SocketErrorCode != SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse)
                    throw new NetException("Failed to bind to port " + config.Port + " - Address already in use!", sex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new NetException("Failed to bind to port " + config.Port, ex);

            m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, config.ReceiveBufferSize);
            m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendBuffer, config.SendBufferSize);

            m_senderRemote = (EndPoint) new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            m_lagLoss = new NetLogLossInducer(log);

Exemplo n.º 22
		/// <summary>
		/// Dump all statistics to log
		/// </summary>
		public void DumpToLog(NetLog log)
			if (log == null)

			double timespan;
			if (End == 0.0f)
				timespan = NetTime.Now - Start;
				timespan = End - Start;

			log.Debug("--- Statistics for " + m_forConnection + " @ " + NetTime.Now + "--------------");
			log.Debug("Timespan: " + timespan + " seconds");
			log.Debug("Sent " + PacketsSent + " packets (" + FPS(PacketsSent, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug("Sent " + BytesSent + " bytes (" + FPS(BytesSent, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(BytesSent, (double)PacketsSent) + " per packet, " + FPS(BytesSent, (double)MessagesSent) + " per message)");
			log.Debug("Sent " + MessagesSent + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesSent, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(MessagesSent, (double)PacketsSent) + " per packet)");

			int libMessagesSent = MessagesSent - (UserMessagesSent + AckMessagesSent);
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + UserMessagesSent + " were user messages (" + FPS(UserMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + AckMessagesSent + " were acknowledge messages (" + FPS(AckMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + libMessagesSent + " were other system messages (" + FPS(libMessagesSent, timespan) + " per second)");

			log.Debug("Received " + PacketsReceived + " packets (" + FPS(PacketsReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug("Received " + BytesReceived + " bytes (" + FPS(BytesReceived, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(BytesReceived, (double)PacketsReceived) + " per packet, " + FPS(BytesReceived, (double)MessagesReceived) + " per message)");
			log.Debug("Received " + MessagesReceived + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second, " + FPS(MessagesReceived, (double)PacketsReceived) + " per packet)");

			int libMessagesReceived = MessagesReceived - (UserMessagesReceived + AckMessagesReceived);
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + UserMessagesReceived + " were user messages (" + FPS(UserMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + AckMessagesReceived + " were acknowledge messages (" + FPS(AckMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug(" ... of which " + libMessagesReceived + " were other system messages (" + FPS(libMessagesReceived, timespan) + " per second)");
			log.Debug("Resent " + MessagesResent + " messages (" + FPS(MessagesResent, timespan) + " per second)");

				// windows specific stuff
				IPGlobalProperties ipProps = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
				UdpStatistics udpStats = ipProps.GetUdpIPv4Statistics();

				log.Debug("System wide datagrams sent: " + (udpStats.DatagramsSent - m_sysSent));
				log.Debug("System wide datagrams received: " + (udpStats.DatagramsReceived - m_sysReceived));
			catch (NotSupportedException)