Exemplo n.º 1
        // Return a type's transitive implemeted interface list using the runtime type system. If the underlying runtime type system does not support
        // this operation, return null and TypeInfo.ImplementedInterfaces will fall back to metadata. Note that returning null is not the same thing
        // as returning a 0-length enumerable.
        public static IEnumerable <RuntimeTypeHandle> TryGetImplementedInterfaces(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle)
            EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr();

            RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification eeTypeClassification = RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(eeType);
            if (eeTypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.GenericTypeDefinition ||
                eeTypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.UnmanagedPointer)

            uint numInterfaces = RuntimeImports.RhGetNumInterfaces(eeType);
            LowLevelList <RuntimeTypeHandle> implementedInterfaces = new LowLevelList <RuntimeTypeHandle>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < numInterfaces; i++)
                EETypePtr         ifcEEType = RuntimeImports.RhGetInterface(eeType, i);
                RuntimeTypeHandle ifcrth    = new RuntimeTypeHandle(ifcEEType);
                if (Callbacks.IsReflectionBlocked(ifcrth))

Exemplo n.º 2
        // Returns a new delegate of the specified type whose implementation is provied by the
        // provided delegate.
        internal static Delegate CreateObjectArrayDelegate(Type t, Func <object[], object> handler)
            EETypePtr delegateEEType;

            if (!t.TryGetEEType(out delegateEEType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification delegateEETypeClassification = RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(delegateEEType);
            if (!(delegateEETypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Regular || delegateEETypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Generic))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            Delegate del = (Delegate)(RuntimeImports.RhNewObject(delegateEEType));

            IntPtr objArrayThunk = del.GetThunk(Delegate.ObjectArrayThunk);

            if (objArrayThunk == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            del.m_helperObject    = handler;
            del.m_functionPointer = objArrayThunk;
            del.m_firstParameter  = del;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected const int ObjectArrayThunk    = 7;                  // This may not exist

        // If the thunk does not exist, the function will return IntPtr.Zero.
        protected virtual IntPtr GetThunk(int whichThunk)
            // The GetThunk function should be overriden on all delegate types, except for universal
            // canonical delegates which use calling convention converter thunks to marshal arguments
            // for the delegate call. If we execute this version of GetThunk, we can at least assert
            // that the current delegate type is a generic type.
            Debug.Assert(RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(this.EETypePtr) == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Generic);
            return(TypeLoaderExports.GetDelegateThunk(this, whichThunk));
Exemplo n.º 4
            protected sealed override RuntimeType Factory(EETypePtr eeType)
                RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification classification = RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(eeType);
                switch (classification)
                case RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Regular:
                    return(new RuntimeEENamedNonGenericType(eeType));

                case RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Array:
                    return(new RuntimeEEArrayType(eeType));

                case RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.UnmanagedPointer:
                    return(new RuntimeEEPointerType(eeType));

                case RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.GenericTypeDefinition:
                    return(new RuntimeEENamedGenericType(eeType));

                case RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Generic:
                    // Reflection blocked constructed generic types simply pretend to not be generic
                    // This is reasonable, as the behavior of reflection blocked types is supposed
                    // to be that they expose the minimal information about a type that is necessary
                    // for users of Object.GetType to move from that type to a type that isn't
                    // reflection blocked. By not revealing that reflection blocked types are generic
                    // we are making it appear as if implementation detail types exposed to user code
                    // are all non-generic, which is theoretically possible, and by doing so
                    // we avoid (in all known circumstances) the very complicated case of representing
                    // the interfaces, base types, and generic parameter types of reflection blocked
                    // generic type definitions.
                    if (RuntimeAugments.Callbacks.IsReflectionBlocked(new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType)))
                        return(new RuntimeEENamedNonGenericType(eeType));

                    if (RuntimeImports.AreTypesAssignable(eeType, typeof(MDArrayRank2).TypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()))
                        return(new RuntimeEEArrayType(eeType, rank: 2));
                    if (RuntimeImports.AreTypesAssignable(eeType, typeof(MDArrayRank3).TypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()))
                        return(new RuntimeEEArrayType(eeType, rank: 3));
                    if (RuntimeImports.AreTypesAssignable(eeType, typeof(MDArrayRank4).TypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()))
                        return(new RuntimeEEArrayType(eeType, rank: 4));
                    return(new RuntimeEEConstructedGenericType(eeType));

                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidRuntimeTypeHandle);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Return a type's base type using the runtime type system. If the underlying runtime type system does not support
        // this operation, return false and TypeInfo.BaseType will fall back to metadata.
        // Note that "default(RuntimeTypeHandle)" is a valid result that will map to a null result. (For example, System.Object has a "null" base type.)
        public static bool TryGetBaseType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle baseTypeHandle)
            EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr();

            RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification eeTypeClassification = RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(eeType);
            if (eeTypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.GenericTypeDefinition ||
                eeTypeClassification == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.UnmanagedPointer)
                baseTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle);
            baseTypeHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType.BaseType);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Note: This works on both Enum's and underlying integer values.
        // This returns the underlying enum values as "ulong" regardless of the actual underlying type. Signed integral
        // types get sign-extended into the 64-bit value, unsigned types get zero-extended.
        // The return value is "bool" if "value" is not an enum or an "integer type" as defined by the BCL Enum apis.
        private static bool TryGetUnboxedValueOfEnumOrInteger(Object value, out ulong result)
            EETypePtr eeType = value.EETypePtr;

            // For now, this check is required to flush out pointers.
            RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification classification = RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(eeType);
            if (classification != RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Regular)
                result = 0;
            RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType corElementType = eeType.CorElementType;
                fixed(IntPtr *pEEType = &value.m_pEEType)
                    IntPtr pValue = Object.GetAddrOfPinnedObjectFromEETypeField(pEEType);

                    switch (corElementType)
                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                        result = (*(bool *)pValue) ? 1UL : 0UL;

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(char *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I1:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(sbyte *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U1:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(byte *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I2:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(short *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U2:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(ushort *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(int *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U4:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(uint *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I8:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(long *)pValue);

                    case RuntimeImports.RhCorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U8:
                        result = (ulong)(long)(*(ulong *)pValue);

                        result = 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static bool IsGenericTypeDefinition(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle)
     return(RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle)) == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.GenericTypeDefinition);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static bool IsUnmanagedPointerType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle)
     return(RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle)) == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.UnmanagedPointer);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static bool IsArrayType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle)
     return(RuntimeImports.RhGetEETypeClassification(CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle)) == RuntimeImports.RhEETypeClassification.Array);