public static IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> Transpiler(MethodBase original, IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> instructions)

            foreach (CodeInstruction instruction in instructions)
                if (instruction.opcode.Equals(INJECTION_OPCODE) && instruction.operand.Equals(INJECTION_OPERAND))
                     * int prev = GameInput.GetMaximumEnumValue(typeof(GameInput.Button)) + 1;
                     * //  ^ This value is already calculated by the original code, it's stored on top of the stack.
                     * KeyBindingManager keyBindingManager = new KeyBindingManager();
                     * GameButton.numButtons = Math.Max(keyBindingManager.GetHighestKeyBindingValue() + 1, prev);
                    yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Newobj, Reflect.Constructor(() => new KeyBindingManager())));

                    yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Callvirt, Reflect.Method((KeyBindingManager t) => t.GetHighestKeyBindingValue())));

                    yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1));

                    yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Add));

                    yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, Reflect.Method(() => Math.Max(default(int), default(int)))));

                yield return(instruction);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main()
            ConstructorInvoker ctor     = Reflect.Constructor(typeof(long));
            MemberGetter       getValue = Reflect.Getter(typeof(long), "m_value");
            MemberSetter       setValue = Reflect.Setter(typeof(long), "m_value");
            long            integer     = (long)ctor();
            ValueTypeHolder holder      = new ValueTypeHolder(integer);        // IMPORTANT!

            setValue(holder, 8L);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main()
            ConstructorInvoker ctor    = Reflect.Constructor(typeof(Person), typeof(string), typeof(int));
            MemberGetter       getName = Reflect.Getter(typeof(Person), "Name");
            MemberGetter       getAge  = Reflect.FieldGetter(typeof(Person), "Age");
            MemberSetter       setAge  = Reflect.Setter(typeof(Person), "Age");
            MultiSetter        setBoth = Reflect.MultiSetter(typeof(Person), "Age", "Name");

            Person person = (Person)ctor("John Doe", 21);

            setAge(person, 30);
            setBoth(person, 35, "John Wick");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Main()
            ConstructorInvoker ctor    = Reflect.Constructor(typeof(Animal), typeof(string), typeof(int));
            MemberGetter       getName = Reflect.Getter(typeof(Animal), "Name");
            MemberGetter       getAge  = Reflect.FieldGetter(typeof(Animal), "Age");
            MemberSetter       setAge  = Reflect.Setter(typeof(Animal), "Age");
            MultiSetter        setBoth = Reflect.MultiSetter(typeof(Animal), "Age", "Name");

            Animal          animal = (Animal)ctor("Charlie", 5);
            ValueTypeHolder holder = new ValueTypeHolder(animal);             // IMPORTANT!

            setAge(holder, 8);
            setBoth(holder, 10, "Buster");
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a delegate which can create instance based on the constructor <paramref name="ctorInfo"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public static ConstructorInvoker DelegateForCreateInstance(this ConstructorInfo ctorInfo)
            ConstructorInvoker ctor = Reflect.Constructor(ctorInfo);

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a delegate which can invoke the constructor whose parameter types are <paramref name="parameterTypes" />
 /// and matching <paramref name="bindingFlags"/> on the given <paramref name="type"/>.
 /// Leave <paramref name="parameterTypes"/> empty if the constructor has no argument.
 /// </summary>
 public static ConstructorInvoker DelegateForCreateInstance(this Type type, FasterflectFlags bindingFlags,
                                                            params Type[] parameterTypes)
     return(Reflect.Constructor(ReflectLookup.Constructor(type, bindingFlags, parameterTypes)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a delegate which can invoke the constructor whose parameter types are <paramref name="parameterTypes" />
 /// on the given <paramref name="type"/>.  Leave <paramref name="parameterTypes"/> empty if the constructor
 /// has no argument.
 /// </summary>
 public static ConstructorInvoker DelegateForCreateInstance(this Type type, params Type[] parameterTypes)
     return(Reflect.Constructor(type, parameterTypes));
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes a constructor whose parameter types are <paramref name="parameterTypes" /> and
 /// matching <paramref name="bindingFlags"/> on the given <paramref name="type"/>
 /// with <paramref name="parameters" /> being the arguments.
 /// </summary>
 public static object CreateInstance(this Type type, Type[] parameterTypes, FasterflectFlags bindingFlags, params object[] parameters)
     return(Reflect.Constructor(type, bindingFlags, parameterTypes)(parameters));
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes a constructor whose parameter types are inferred from <paramref name="parameters" />
 /// on the given <paramref name="type"/> with <paramref name="parameters" /> being the arguments.
 /// Leave <paramref name="parameters"/> empty if the constructor has no argument.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// All elements of <paramref name="parameters"/> must not be <see langword="null"/>.  Otherwise,
 /// <see cref="NullReferenceException"/> is thrown.  If you are not sure as to whether
 /// any element is <see langword="null"/> or not, use the overload that accepts params <see cref="Type"/> array.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <seealso cref="CreateInstance(Type, Type[], object[])"/>
 public static object CreateInstance(this Type type, params object[] parameters)
     return(Reflect.Constructor(type, parameters.ToTypeArray())(parameters));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Constructor()
            ConstructorInfo method = Reflect.Constructor(() => new KeyBindingManager());

            method.DeclaringType.Should().Be <KeyBindingManager>();