static void Main(string[] args) { // Set Header PrintMe.PrintHeader(); #region Load Console.Write(" Performing some task... "); using (var progress = new ProgressBar()) { for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { progress.Report((double)i / 100); Thread.Sleep(10); } } Console.WriteLine("Done. Type 'help' for help."); #endregion if (!CheckFileDb()) { PrintMe.PrintInfo("ERR ", ConsoleColor.Red, "No databse file found."); } while (true) { ReadCommand(); } // Console.ReadLine(); }
private void printDocumentOtp_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { ///////////////// LogMe //////////////////////// String function = this.GetType().FullName + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; String usedQC = "Print"; String data = ""; String Result = ""; LogWriter lw = new LogWriter(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// if (includeInOTP.Checked && !comboBox5.Text.Equals("")) { PrintMe pr = new PrintMe(cmpR, cmpS, sifrarnikArr, partListPrint, OTPNumber, napomenaOTPPrint, Properties.strings.DELIVERY, Properties.strings.customer, true, br); pr.Print(e); data = cmpR + ", " + cmpS + ", " + sifrarnikArr + ", " + partListPrint + ", " + OTPNumber + ", " + napomenaOTPPrint + ", " + Properties.strings.DELIVERY + ", " + Properties.strings.customer + ", true, " + br; } else { PrintMe pr = new PrintMe(cmpR, cmpS, sifrarnikArr, partListPrint, OTPNumber, napomenaOTPPrint, Properties.strings.DELIVERY, Properties.strings.customer, true); pr.Print(e); data = cmpR + ", " + cmpS + ", " + sifrarnikArr + ", " + partListPrint + ", " + OTPNumber + ", " + napomenaOTPPrint + ", " + Properties.strings.DELIVERY + ", " + Properties.strings.customer + ", true"; } Result = "Print page called"; lw.LogMe(function, usedQC, data, Result); if (!e.HasMorePages) { Properties.Settings.Default.pageNbr = 1; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
private void printDocumentIIS_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { ///////////////// LogMe //////////////////////// String function = this.GetType().FullName + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; String usedQC = "Print"; String data = ""; String Result = ""; LogWriter lw = new LogWriter(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PrintMe pr = new PrintMe(cmpR, cmpS, sifrarnikArr, partListPrint, IISNumber, napomenaIISPrint, "IIS", "customer", false); pr.Print(e); data = cmpS + ", " + cmpR + ", " + sifrarnikArr + ", " + partListPrint + ", " + IISNumber + ", " + napomenaIISPrint + ", IIS, customer, false"; Result = "Print page called"; lw.LogMe(function, usedQC, data, Result); if (!e.HasMorePages) { Properties.Settings.Default.pageNbr = 1; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
private void printDocumentPrim_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { ///////////////// LogMe //////////////////////// String function = this.GetType().FullName + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; String usedQC = "Print"; String data = ""; String Result = ""; LogWriter lw = new LogWriter(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// if (br.FilID != 0) { PrintMe pr = new PrintMe(cmpS, cmpR, sifrarnikArr, partListPrint, PRIMNumber, napomenaPRIMPrint, Properties.strings.RECEIPT, Properties.strings.customer, false, br); pr.datumIzrade = datumIzradeM; pr.izradioUser = izradioUserM; pr.izradioRegija = izradioRegijaM; pr.Print(e); data = cmpR + ", " + cmpS + ", " + sifrarnikArr + ", " + partListPrint + ", " + PRIMNumber + ", " + napomenaPRIMPrint + ", " + Properties.strings.DELIVERY + ", " + Properties.strings.customer + ", true, " + br; } else { PrintMe pr = new PrintMe(cmpS, cmpR, sifrarnikArr, partListPrint, PRIMNumber, napomenaPRIMPrint, Properties.strings.RECEIPT, Properties.strings.customer, false); pr.datumIzrade = datumIzradeM; pr.izradioUser = izradioUserM; pr.izradioRegija = izradioRegijaM; pr.Print(e); data = cmpR + ", " + cmpS + ", " + sifrarnikArr + ", " + partListPrint + ", " + PRIMNumber + ", " + napomenaPRIMPrint + ", " + Properties.strings.DELIVERY + ", " + Properties.strings.customer + ", false"; } Result = "Print page called"; lw.LogMe(function, usedQC, data, Result); if (!e.HasMorePages) { Properties.Settings.Default.pageNbr = 1; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
private static string ReadCommand() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("\n$> "); var cmd = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (cmd == "help") { PrintMe.PrintHelp(); } else if (cmd == "dump" && !cmd.Contains("-p")) { // DUMP COMMAND var rows = Decrypt(""); if (rows == 0) { PrintMe.PrintInfo("ERR ", ConsoleColor.Red, $"$> Something goes wrong.. Retry"); return(null); } PrintMe.PrintInfo(" OK ", ConsoleColor.Green, $"$> DUMP DONE! {rows} Items."); } else if (cmd.Contains("dump -p") && !cmd.Contains("-d")) { // DUMP PATH COMMAND var spath = cmd.Split('-'); // remove 'p' spath[1] = spath[1].Remove(0, 1); var rows = Decrypt(spath[1]); if (rows == 0) { PrintMe.PrintInfo("ERR ", ConsoleColor.Red, $"$> Something goes wrong.. Retry"); return(null); } PrintMe.PrintInfo(" OK ", ConsoleColor.Green, $"$> DUMP DONE! {rows} Items."); } else if ((cmd.Contains("-d") && cmd.Contains("dump -d")) && !cmd.Contains("-p")) { // DUMP DESKTOP var rows = Decrypt(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)); if (rows == 0) { PrintMe.PrintInfo("ERR ", ConsoleColor.Red, $"$> Something goes wrong.. Retry"); return(null); } PrintMe.PrintInfo(" OK ", ConsoleColor.Green, $"$> DUMP DONE! {rows} Items."); } else if (cmd == "clear" && !cmd.Contains("dump -d") && !cmd.Contains("-p")) { KillChrome(); Thread.Sleep(20); string db_way = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Login Data"; // path to database file try { File.Delete(db_way); } catch { Thread.Sleep(20); string db_way1 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Login Data"; // path to database file try { File.Delete(db_way1); } catch { } } PrintMe.PrintInfo(" OK ", ConsoleColor.Green, $"$> CLEAR DONE!"); } else if (cmd.Contains("dump") && cmd.Contains("-m") && !cmd.Contains("-d") && !cmd.Contains("-p")) { // DUMP MAIL COMMAND PrintMe.PrintInfo("INFO", ConsoleColor.Yellow, $"$> Attention: This method send an email from your account to your same account. If you use double autentication this may not work. Password are not saved or logged. Email system use TSL/SSL"); Console.Write("$> Your Email (i.e. [email protected]): "); var mail = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Console.Write("$> Your Email Password (Requied for your SMTP Server aka "); var pwd = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(mail, mail);//replace the address value mailMessage.Subject = "Chromy"; mailMessage.Body = "ciao"; var res = SendMail(mail, pwd, mailMessage); PrintMe.PrintInfo(" ", ConsoleColor.Red, $"$> Not working now."); } return(null); }
private static int Decrypt(string path) { try { PrintMe.PrintInfo("INFO", ConsoleColor.Yellow, $"$> Killing Chrome"); KillChrome(); Thread.Sleep(20); if (path == "") { path += "ChromyDump.html"; } else { path += "\\ChromyDump.html"; } StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(path, false, Encoding.UTF8); string db_way = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Login Data"; // path to database file //Console.WriteLine("$> DB file = " + db_way); string db_field = "logins"; // DB table field name byte[] entropy = null; // DPAPI class does not use entropy but requires this parameter string description; // I could not understand the purpose of a this mandatory parameter // Output always is Null // Connect to DB string ConnectionString = "data source=" + db_way + ";New=True;UseUTF16Encoding=True"; DataTable DB = new DataTable(); string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} {1} {2}", db_field, "", ""); int rows = 0; // for better closing use using key using (SQLiteConnection connect = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, connect); SQLiteDataAdapter adapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command); adapter.Fill(DB); rows = DB.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { Writer.Write(i + 1 + "] "); // Here we print order number of our trinity "site-login-password" Writer.WriteLine(DB.Rows[i][1] + "<br>"); // site URL Writer.WriteLine(DB.Rows[i][3] + "<br>"); // login // Here the password description byte[] byteArray = (byte[])DB.Rows[i][5]; byte[] decrypted = DPAPI.Decrypt(byteArray, entropy, out description); string password = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetString(decrypted); Writer.WriteLine(password + "<br><br>"); } } Writer.Close(); return(rows); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintMe.PrintInfo("ERR ", ConsoleColor.Red, ex.Message); // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // ex = ex.InnerException; return(0); } }