public static void CreatePdf(string htmlPath, IEnumerable <string> styleSheetPaths, string pdfPath) { string princePath = GetPrincePath(); Prince p; if (File.Exists(princePath)) { p = new Prince(princePath); } else { p = new Prince(); //maybe it would look in %path%? } // no: this makes princexml think we're putting out ascii: p.SetHTML(true); using (var log = new TempFile()) { p.SetLog(log.Path); foreach (string styleSheetPath in styleSheetPaths) { p.AddStyleSheet(styleSheetPath); } if (!p.Convert(htmlPath, pdfPath)) { throw new ApplicationException(File.ReadAllText(log.Path)); } } }
protected SingleConvertToPDF() { try { string sPathExe = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Prince\\Engine\\bin\\prince.exe"; if (File.Exists(sPathExe)) { // instantiate Prince by specifying the full path to the engine executable prn = new Prince("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Prince\\Engine\\bin\\prince.exe"); // specify the log file for error and warning messages // make sure that you have write permissions for this file sPathDirectory = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; prn.SetLog(sPathDirectory + "\\HtmlToPdf\\logPrinceHtmlToPdf.txt"); // apply a CSS style sheet (optional) prn.AddStyleSheet(sPathDirectory + "\\css\\bootstrap-theme.css"); prn.AddStyleSheet(sPathDirectory + "\\css\\bootstrap-theme.min.css"); prn.AddStyleSheet(sPathDirectory + "\\css\\bootstrap.min.css"); prn.AddStyleSheet(sPathDirectory + "\\css\\UserPourPdf.css"); // apply an external JavaScript file (optional) //prn.AddScript("C:\\docs\\js\\test.js"); } else { sInitLog = "Fichier exe Prince n'esiste pas en : " + sPathExe; SingleLogFileAsXml.Instance().AjouteLog("Init", sInitLog); } } catch (Exception ex) { sInitLog = ex.Message; SingleLogFileAsXml.Instance().AjouteLog("Init", "SingleConvertToPDF : Exception : " + ex.Message); } }
public static bool CreatePdf(string htmlPath, IEnumerable<string> styleSheetPaths, string pdfPath) { if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { return false; } string princePath = GetPrincePath(); Prince p; if (File.Exists(princePath)) { p = new Prince(princePath); } else { p = new Prince(); //maybe it would look in %path%? } p.SetHTML(true); foreach (string styleSheetPath in styleSheetPaths) { p.AddStyleSheet(styleSheetPath); } return p.Convert(htmlPath, pdfPath); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { isDancing = false; pressedE = false; bear = GameObject.Find("Bear"); prince = GameObject.Find("Prince"); bearScript = bear.GetComponent <Bear>(); princeScript = prince.GetComponent <Prince>(); }
public Chessboard() { #region Black pieces initialisation StartBoard[0, 0] = new Rook(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 0), this); StartBoard[0, 1] = new Knight(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 1), this); StartBoard[0, 2] = new Bishop(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 2), this); StartBoard[0, 3] = new Queen(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 3), this); StartBoard[0, 4] = new King(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 4), this); StartBoard[0, 5] = new Prince(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 5), this); StartBoard[0, 6] = new Knight(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 6), this); StartBoard[0, 7] = new Bishop(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 7), this); StartBoard[0, 8] = new Rook(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(0, 8), this); StartBoard[1, 0] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 0), this); StartBoard[1, 1] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 1), this); StartBoard[1, 2] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 2), this); StartBoard[1, 3] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 3), this); StartBoard[1, 4] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 4), this); StartBoard[1, 5] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 5), this); StartBoard[1, 6] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 6), this); StartBoard[1, 7] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 7), this); StartBoard[1, 8] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.Black, new Cell(1, 8), this); #endregion #region White pieces initialisation StartBoard[7, 0] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 0), this); StartBoard[7, 1] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 1), this); StartBoard[7, 2] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 2), this); StartBoard[7, 3] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 3), this); StartBoard[7, 4] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 4), this); StartBoard[7, 5] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 5), this); StartBoard[7, 6] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 6), this); StartBoard[7, 7] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 7), this); StartBoard[7, 8] = new Pawn(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(7, 8), this); StartBoard[8, 0] = new Rook(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 0), this); StartBoard[8, 1] = new Bishop(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 1), this); StartBoard[8, 2] = new Knight(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 2), this); StartBoard[8, 3] = new Prince(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 3), this); StartBoard[8, 4] = new King(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 4), this); StartBoard[8, 5] = new Queen(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 5), this); StartBoard[8, 6] = new Bishop(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 6), this); StartBoard[8, 7] = new Knight(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 7), this); StartBoard[8, 8] = new Rook(PlayerColor.White, new Cell(8, 8), this); #endregion _whiteKing = StartBoard[8, 4]; _blackKing = StartBoard[0, 4]; _whitePrince = StartBoard[8, 3]; _blackPrince = StartBoard[0, 5]; Reset(); }
private static void AttachPrinceFilter(HttpApplication httpApplication) { var path = GetPrincePath(httpApplication); var prince = new Prince(path); prince.SetBaseURL(httpApplication.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); prince.SetLog("prince.log"); prince.SetInsecure(true); httpApplication.Response.Filter = new PrinceFilter(prince, httpApplication.Response.Filter); }
/// <summary> /// Write the Pdf file /// </summary> /// <param name="outName">Name to use for Pdf file</param> public void Create(string outName) { Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Xhtml), "xhtml not set"); if (Common.UnixVersionCheck()) { if (!File.Exists("/usr/bin/Prince")) { throw new MISSINGPRINCE(); } Common.RunCommand("Prince ", Xhtml + " " + Css + " -o " + outName, 1); return; } RegistryKey regPrinceKey; try { regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\Prince_is1"); if (regPrinceKey == null) { regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{3AC28E9C-8F06-4E2C-ADDA-726E2230A03A}"); } if (regPrinceKey == null) { regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\Prince_is1"); } if (regPrinceKey == null) { regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{3AC28E9C-8F06-4E2C-ADDA-726E2230A03A}"); } } catch (Exception) { regPrinceKey = null; } if (regPrinceKey != null) { object princePath = regPrinceKey.GetValue("InstallLocation"); string princeFullName = Common.PathCombine(princePath as string, "Engine/Bin/Prince.exe"); var myPrince = new Prince(princeFullName); var mc = new MergeCss(); if (File.Exists(Css)) { myPrince.AddStyleSheet(mc.Make(Css, "Temp1.css")); } myPrince.Convert(Xhtml, outName); } else { throw new MISSINGPRINCE(); } }
public FileStreamResult Get() { string princePath = Path.Combine(_env.ContentRootPath, @"prince\bin\prince.exe"); string fontsCssPath = Path.Combine(_env.ContentRootPath, @"fonts\inter.css"); Prince prn = new Prince(princePath, _princeLogger); prn.StyleSheets.Add(fontsCssPath); Stream pdfOutput = new MemoryStream(10000); prn.ConvertString(ExampleHtml, pdfOutput); pdfOutput.Flush(); pdfOutput.Position = 0; return(File(pdfOutput, "application/pdf", "prince-demo.pdf")); }
void Update() { Guard guard = null; if (currentEnemy) { guard = currentEnemy.GetComponent <Guard>(); } if (targetPlayer) { if (!prince) { prince = targetPlayer.GetComponent <Prince>(); } else { GameCore.uIHandler.UpdateUIPrince(prince); } } if (guard) { GameCore.uIHandler.UpdateUIEnemy(guard); if (targetPlayer && guard.canCombat) { canCombat = true; } } else { canCombat = false; } if (targetPlayer && currentEnemy) { if ((isEnemyAttacking && isPlayerParring) && !parringTrigger) { guard.OnTakeParry(); parringTrigger = true; Invoke("ResetParry", 0.5f); } else if ((isEnemyParrying && isPlayerAttacking) && !parringTrigger) { prince.OnTakeParry(); parringTrigger = true; Invoke("ResetParry", 0.5f); } } }
protected void SetPDFOutput(string baseUrl) { string princePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrincePath"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(princePath)) { this.HttpContext.Response.Write("<div style=\"color:red\">PrincePath not set in web.config</div>"); return; } Prince prince = new Prince(princePath); prince.SetBaseURL("file:///" + baseUrl); this.HttpContext.Response.Filter = new PrinceFilter(prince, this.HttpContext.Response.Filter); this.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; this.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=sar-cards.pdf"); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize document. /// </summary> /// <param name="conf">Config object that defines which pages and images to use.</param> /// <param name="princePath">Path to the PrinceXML binary.</param> public PrinceDocument(PDF.Config conf, string princePath) { prince = new Prince(princePath); // We are dealing with Html prince.SetHTML(true); // Add default stylesheets prince.AddStyleSheet(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\assets\\mediawiki.css"); prince.AddStyleSheet(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\assets\\book.css"); prince.AddStyleSheet(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\assets\\ruby.css"); // Add additional stylesheets foreach (Uri path in conf.StyleSheets) { prince.AddStyleSheet(path.AbsolutePath); } this.conf = conf; }
public static bool CreatePdf(string htmlPath, IEnumerable <string> styleSheetPaths, string pdfPath) { bool retval = true; string princePath = GetPrincePath(); Prince p; if (File.Exists(princePath)) { p = new Prince(princePath); } else { p = new Prince(); //maybe it would look in %path%? } // no: this makes princexml think we're putting out ascii: p.SetHTML(true); using (var log = new TempFile()) { p.SetLog(log.Path); foreach (string styleSheetPath in styleSheetPaths) { p.AddStyleSheet(styleSheetPath); } if (!p.Convert(htmlPath, pdfPath)) { string errorString = File.ReadAllText(log.Path); if (errorString.Contains("error: can't open output file: Permission denied")) { Palaso.Reporting.ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem("Sorry! We couldn't generate the PDF file, probably because the old one is still open in your PDF viewer. Close the PDF and then try again. (Permission denied writing to PDF file)"); retval = false; } else { throw new ApplicationException(errorString); } } } return(retval); }
public void UpdateUIPrince(Prince princeScript) { for (int i = 0; i < prince.Length; i++) { prince[i].enabled = false; } var maxHealth = princeScript.MaxHealth; for (int i = 0; i < maxHealth; i++) { prince[i].enabled = true; } for (int i = 0; i < prince.Length; i++) { prince[i].sprite = princeUIHealthSprite[0]; } var currentHealth =; for (int i = 0; i < currentHealth; i++) { prince[i].sprite = princeUIHealthSprite[1]; } }
private byte[] MakePdf(string html) { try { var prince = new Prince(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/CommandLine/PrinceEngine/bin/prince.exe")); prince.SetLicenseFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/CommandLine/PrinceEngine/license/license.dat").Replace("\\", "/")); //prince.SetLicenseFile("../license/license.dat"); prince.SetHtml(true); //prince.SetFileRoot(tempPath.EndsWith("\\") ? tempPath.Substring(0, tempPath.Length - 1) : tempPath); prince.SetLog(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Blobs/prince.log")); using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html)) { Position = 0 }) { using (var pdf = new MemoryStream()) { prince.ConvertMemoryStream(ms, pdf); return(pdf.ToArray()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } finally { } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { prince = GameObject.Find("Prince"); eKey = GameObject.Find("e key"); princeScript = prince.GetComponent <Prince>(); }
private static bool ExportPrince(PublicationInformation projInfo, string xhtmlFileName, bool isUnixOS, RegistryKey regPrinceKey, string defaultCSS) { if (!isUnixOS) { Object princePath = regPrinceKey.GetValue("InstallLocation"); _fullPrincePath = Common.PathCombine((string)princePath, "Engine/bin/prince.exe"); var myPrince = new Prince(_fullPrincePath); if (projInfo.IsReversalExist && projInfo.IsLexiconSectionExist) { string[] xhtmlFiles = new string[2]; var reversalFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(_processedXhtml); xhtmlFiles[0] = _processedXhtml; xhtmlFiles[1] = Common.PathCombine(reversalFile, "FlexRev.xhtml"); myPrince.AddStyleSheet(defaultCSS); myPrince.ConvertMultiple(xhtmlFiles, xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"); } else { if (File.Exists(_fullPrincePath)) { myPrince.AddStyleSheet(defaultCSS); myPrince.Convert(_processedXhtml, xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"); } } } else { if (isUnixOS) { if (!Directory.Exists("/usr/lib/prince/bin")) { return(false); } } Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(projInfo.DefaultXhtmlFileWithPath); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(projInfo.DefaultXhtmlFileWithPath)); string inputArguments; if (projInfo.IsReversalExist) { var reversalFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(_processedXhtml); var reversalFilename = Common.PathCombine(reversalFile, "FlexRev.xhtml"); inputArguments = "-s " + defaultCSS + " " + _processedXhtml + " " + reversalFilename + " " + " -o " + xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"; } else { inputArguments = "-s " + defaultCSS + " " + _processedXhtml + " -o " + xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"; } using (Process p1 = new Process()) { p1.StartInfo.FileName = "prince"; if (File.Exists(_processedXhtml)) { p1.StartInfo.Arguments = inputArguments; } p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput; p1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = !p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput; p1.Start(); p1.WaitForExit(); } } return(true); }
private void Awake() { objectParent = transform.parent.gameObject; prince = GetComponentInParent <Prince>(); }
/// <summary> /// Write the Pdf file /// </summary> /// <param name="outName">Name to use for Pdf file</param> public void Create(string outName) { Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Xhtml), "xhtml not set"); if (Common.UnixVersionCheck()) { if (!File.Exists("/usr/bin/Prince")) throw new MISSINGPRINCE(); Common.RunCommand("Prince ", Xhtml + " " + Css + " -o " + outName, 1); return; } RegistryKey regPrinceKey; try { regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\Prince_is1"); if (regPrinceKey == null) regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{3AC28E9C-8F06-4E2C-ADDA-726E2230A03A}"); if (regPrinceKey == null) regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\Prince_is1"); if (regPrinceKey == null) regPrinceKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{3AC28E9C-8F06-4E2C-ADDA-726E2230A03A}"); } catch (Exception) { regPrinceKey = null; } if (regPrinceKey != null) { object princePath = regPrinceKey.GetValue("InstallLocation"); string princeFullName = Common.PathCombine(princePath as string, "Engine/Bin/Prince.exe"); var myPrince = new Prince(princeFullName); var mc = new MergeCss(); if (File.Exists(Css)) myPrince.AddStyleSheet(mc.Make(Css, "Temp1.css")); myPrince.Convert(Xhtml, outName); } else { throw new MISSINGPRINCE(); } }
private static bool ExportPrince(PublicationInformation projInfo, string xhtmlFileName, bool isUnixOS, RegistryKey regPrinceKey, string defaultCSS) { if (!isUnixOS) { Object princePath = regPrinceKey.GetValue("InstallLocation"); _fullPrincePath = Common.PathCombine((string) princePath, "Engine/bin/prince.exe"); if (File.Exists(_fullPrincePath)) { var myPrince = new Prince(_fullPrincePath); myPrince.AddStyleSheet(defaultCSS); myPrince.Convert(_processedXhtml, xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"); } } else { if (isUnixOS) { if (!Directory.Exists("/usr/lib/prince/bin")) { return false; } } Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(projInfo.DefaultXhtmlFileWithPath); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(projInfo.DefaultXhtmlFileWithPath)); string p1Error = string.Empty; string inputArguments = ""; inputArguments = _processedXhtml + " -o " + xhtmlFileName + ".pdf"; using (Process p1 = new Process()) { p1.StartInfo.FileName = "prince"; if (File.Exists(_processedXhtml)) { p1.StartInfo.Arguments = inputArguments; } p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput; p1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = !p1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput; p1.Start(); p1.WaitForExit(); p1Error = p1.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); } } return true; }