Exemplo n.º 1
 public static void getChartSeries(IDictionary<double, PredictorData> predictorData, PredictionModel model, ChartDataSeries tseries, ChartDataSeries pseries, bool isPace)
     foreach (PredictorData t in predictorData.Values)
         if (t.result.ContainsKey(model))
             TimePredictionResult r = t.result[model];
             float x = (float)UnitUtil.Distance.ConvertFrom(t.Distance);
             if (!x.Equals(float.NaN))
                 if (tseries.Points.IndexOfKey(x) == -1)
                     tseries.Points.Add(x, new PointF(x, (float)r.PredictedTime));
                 float y = (float)UnitUtil.PaceOrSpeed.ConvertFrom(isPace, t.Distance/r.PredictedTime);
                 if (pseries.Points.IndexOfKey(x) == -1)
                     pseries.Points.Add(x, new PointF(x, y));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static String Name(PredictionModel model)
     switch (model)
         case PredictionModel.DAVE_CAMERON:
             return "Dave Cameron";
         case PredictionModel.PETE_RIEGEL:
             return "Pete Riegel";
         case PredictionModel.WAVA:
             return "WAVA";
         case PredictionModel.VDOT:
             return "Vdot";
         case PredictionModel.ELINDER:
             return "Elinder";
         case PredictionModel.PURDY:
             return "Purdy Points";
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static ChartColors Colors(PredictionModel model)
     switch (model)
         case PredictionModel.DAVE_CAMERON:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xf0, 0xc0, 0xc0), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0xf0, 0xa0, 0xa0));
         case PredictionModel.PETE_RIEGEL:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x00, 0x26, 0xff), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xff), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0x77, 0x88, 0xff));
         case PredictionModel.WAVA:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xe8, 0xc9, 0x00), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xee, 0xdd, 0xcc), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0xff, 0xee, 0x77));
         case PredictionModel.VDOT:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x8a), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xcc, 0xff, 0xdd), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0x77, 0xff, 0x99));
         case PredictionModel.ELINDER:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xdc), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xff, 0xcc, 0xee), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0xff, 0x77, 0xee));
         case PredictionModel.PURDY:
             return new ChartColors(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88), Color.FromArgb(0x70, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0xdd), Color.FromArgb(0xc8, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task <PredictionModel <ExchangeRate, ExchangeRatePrediction> > Train()
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(_datapath).CreateFrom <ExchangeRate>(useHeader: true, separator: ','));

            pipeline.Add(new ColumnCopier(("USDToCAD", "Label")));

            pipeline.Add(new CategoricalOneHotVectorizer("USDToEUR",

            pipeline.Add(new ColumnConcatenator("Features",

            pipeline.Add(new FastTreeRegressor());

            PredictionModel <ExchangeRate, ExchangeRatePrediction> model = pipeline.Train <ExchangeRate, ExchangeRatePrediction>();

            await model.WriteAsync(_modelpath);

        //aka NeighborhoodBasedRecs
        public static List <string> CollaborativeBasedRecommendation(int userId, int take)
            List <string> itemIds = new List <string>();

            //TODO 3 - replace the following lines
            int    neighborhoodSize = 15;
            double minSim           = 0.0;
            int    maxCandidates    = 100;

            //inside this we do the implict rating of events for the user...
            Hashtable userRatedItems = GetRatedItems(userId, 100);

            if (userRatedItems.Count == 0)
                return(new List <string>());

            //this is the mean rating a user gave
            double ratingSum = 0;

            foreach (double r in userRatedItems.Values)
                ratingSum += r;

            double userMean = ratingSum / userRatedItems.Count;

            //get similar items
            List <SimilarItem> candidateItems = GetCandidateItems(userRatedItems.Keys, minSim);

            //sort by similarity desc, take only max candidates
            candidateItems = candidateItems.OrderByDescending(c => c.similarity).Take(maxCandidates).ToList();

            Hashtable recs = new Hashtable();

            List <PredictionModel> precRecs = new List <PredictionModel>();

            foreach (SimilarItem candidate in candidateItems)
                int    target = candidate.Target;
                double pre    = 0;
                double simSum = 0;

                List <SimilarItem> ratedItems = candidateItems.Where(c => c.Target == target).Take(neighborhoodSize).ToList();

                if (ratedItems.Count > 1)
                    foreach (SimilarItem simItem in ratedItems)
                            string source = userRatedItems[simItem.sourceItemId].ToString();

                            //rating of the movie - userMean;
                            double r = double.Parse(source) - userMean;

                            pre    += simItem.similarity * r;
                            simSum += simItem.similarity;

                            if (simSum > 0)
                                PredictionModel p = new PredictionModel();
                                p.Prediction = userMean + pre / simSum;
                                p.Items      = ratedItems;
                        catch (Exception ex)

            //sort based on the prediction, only take x of them
            List <PredictionModel> sortedItems = precRecs.OrderByDescending(c => c.Prediction).Take(take).ToList();

            //get first model's items...
            foreach (PredictionModel pm in sortedItems)
                foreach (SimilarItem ri in pm.Items)
                    if (ri.targetItemId != null)

 private async Task <PredictionModel <PivotData, ClusteringPrediction> > LoadModel()
     ConsoleWriteHeader("Read model");
     Console.WriteLine($"Model location: {modelLocation}");
     return(await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <PivotData, ClusteringPrediction>(modelLocation));
Exemplo n.º 7
        // <Snippet4>
        public static PredictionModel <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction> TrainAndPredict()
        // </Snippet4>
            // LearningPipeline allows us to add steps in order to keep everything together
            // during the learning process.
            // <Snippet5>
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            // </Snippet5>

            // The TextLoader loads a dataset with comments and corresponding postive or negative sentiment.
            // When you create a loader you specify the schema by passing a class to the loader containing
            // all the column names and their types. This will be used to create the model, and train it.
            // <Snippet6>
            pipeline.Add(new TextLoader <SentimentData>(_dataPath, useHeader: false, separator: "tab"));
            // </Snippet6>

            // TextFeaturizer is a transform that will be used to featurize an input column.
            // This is used to format and clean the data.
            // <Snippet7>
            pipeline.Add(new TextFeaturizer("Features", "SentimentText"));

            //add a FastTreeBinaryClassifier, the decision tree learner for this project, and
            //three hyperparameters to be used for tuning decision tree performance
            // <Snippet8>
            pipeline.Add(new FastTreeBinaryClassifier()
                NumLeaves = 5, NumTrees = 5, MinDocumentsInLeafs = 2
            // </Snippet8>

            // We train our pipeline based on the dataset that has been loaded, transformed
            // <Snippet9>
            PredictionModel <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction> model =
                pipeline.Train <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>();
            // </Snippet9>

            //add some comments to test the trained model's predictions
            // <Snippet10>
            IEnumerable <SentimentData> sentiments = new[]
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "Contoso's 11 is a wonderful experience",
                    Sentiment     = 0
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "The acting in this movie is very bad",
                    Sentiment     = 0
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "Joe versus the Volcano Coffee Company is a great film.",
                    Sentiment     = 0
            // </Snippet10>

            // Now that we have a model, use that to predict the positive
            // or negative sentiment of the comment data.
            // <Snippet11>
            IEnumerable <SentimentPrediction> predictions = model.Predict(sentiments);

            // </Snippet11>

            // <Snippet12>
            Console.WriteLine("Sentiment Predictions");
            // </Snippet12>

            // Build pairs of (sentiment, prediction)
            // <Snippet13>
            var sentimentsAndPredictions = sentiments.Zip(predictions, (sentiment, prediction) => (sentiment, prediction));

            // </Snippet13>

            // <Snippet14>
            foreach (var item in sentimentsAndPredictions)
                Console.WriteLine($"Sentiment: {item.sentiment.SentimentText} | Prediction: {(item.prediction.Sentiment ? "Positive" : "Negative")}");
            // </Snippet14>

            //return the model we trained to use for evaluation
            // <Snippet15>
            // </Snippet15>
Exemplo n.º 8
        //private void saveDateTimeOfUser(string userID, string connectionString, string loginTime, string date, string publicIP, string publicMAC)
        //    SqlConnection con;
        //    SqlCommand cmd;
        //    con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        //    string currentHostname = System.Environment.MachineName.ToString();
        //    con.Open();
        //    try
        //    {

        //        cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [dbo].[LogAnalysis] (UserID, LoginTime, LoginDate, IpAddress , MacAddress , hostname) VALUES (@UserID, @LoginTime, @LoginDate , @IPAddress , @MACAddress , @HostName)", con);
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", userID);
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LoginTime", loginTime);
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LoginDate", date.ToString());
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IPAddress", publicIP);
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MACAddress", publicMAC);
        //        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HostName", currentHostname);
        //        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        con.Close();
        //    }

        private void ForgotPassword3NextButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string selected_ForgotPasswordCode = UserModel.UserModel.twoFAcode;

            UserModel.UserModel cm = UserModel.UserModel._currentUserModel;
            string userID          = cm.userID;

            if (ForgotPasswordCodeTextBox.Text == selected_ForgotPasswordCode)
                string date      = AlgorithmLibary.PredictionModel.getCurrentDate();
                string loginTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm");
                string publicIP  = PredictionModel.getCurrentPublicIP();
                string publicMAC = PredictionModel.getCurrentMAC();
                Console.WriteLine(publicMAC + "HELLO");
                string riskLevelStatement = "Low";
                //Use the same class for saveDateTime Method - Justin Changed at 1:20 am on 6/8/2017
                UserModel.UserModel.saveDateTimeOfUser(userID, connectionString, loginTime, date, publicIP, publicMAC);
                string exist = UserModel.UserModel.checkFollowUp(userID, connectionString);

                string selected_UserID = (App.Current as App).LoginUserID;

                    string connectionString = conSettings.ConnectionString;

                    con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                    cmd = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM [dbo].[FailedAttempt] where UserID = '" + selected_UserID + "'", con);
                catch (Exception ex)

                if (exist != null)
                    UserModel.UserModel.updateFollowUp(userID, connectionString, "False");
                    UserModel.UserModel.saveFollowUp(userID, connectionString, "False");

                Page cloud = new StartupPage();
                PredictionModel.SessionRiskValue = riskLevelStatement;
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid code! Please Try Again");
                //Remove the statement below because it will conflict with my fe
                if (counter > 3)
                    MessageBox.Show("More than 3 attempts! Account will be locked now!");
                    string exist = UserModel.UserModel.checkFollowUp(userID, connectionString);
                    if (exist != null)
                        UserModel.UserModel.updateFollowUp(userID, connectionString, "True");
                        UserModel.UserModel.saveFollowUp(userID, connectionString, "True");
                    Page LoginPage = new LoginPage();
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates a prediction engine from the model located in the <paramref name="modelPath"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PredictionModel <CountryData, CountrySalesPrediction> > CreatePredictionEngineAsync(string modelPath)
            PredictionModel <CountryData, CountrySalesPrediction> model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <CountryData, CountrySalesPrediction>(modelPath);

        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the predictor.
        /// </summary>
        public void CalcPrediction()
            if (_pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict.ContainsKey(ConfigKey))
                PredictionModelInput predInput = new PredictionModelInput(_pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].SubsystemConfig.SubSystem);

                if (_pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration <= 0)
                    predInput.DeploymentDuration = 1;
                    predInput.DeploymentDuration = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration;

                // Absorption
                predInput.Temperature = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.Commands.CWT;
                predInput.Salinity    = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.Commands.CWS;
                predInput.XdcrDepth   = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.Commands.CTD;

                predInput.CEI = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.Commands.CEI.ToSecondsD();

                predInput.CWPON = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPON;
                predInput.CBTON = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBTON;

                predInput.CBTTBP = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBTTBP;
                predInput.CBTBB_TransmitPulseType = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBTBB_Mode;
                //predInput.CBTBB_TransmitPulseType = Commands.AdcpSubsystemCommands.eCBTBB_Mode.NARROWBAND_LONG_RANGE;   // DEFAULT to narrowband because it autoswitches now

                predInput.CWPTBP = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPTBP;
                predInput.CWPBN  = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPBN;
                predInput.CWPBS  = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPBS;
                predInput.CWPBL  = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPBL;
                predInput.CWPBB_TransmitPulseType = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPBB_TransmitPulseType;
                predInput.CWPBB_LagLength         = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPBB_LagLength;
                predInput.CWPP = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CWPP;

                predInput.BatteryType = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.BatteryType;

                predInput.CBI_BurstInterval   = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBI_BurstInterval.ToSecondsD();
                predInput.CBI_SamplesPerBurst = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBI_NumEnsembles;
                predInput.CBI_IsInterleaved   = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict[ConfigKey].Commands.CBI_BurstPairFlag;

                // Create Prediction model
                PredictionModel Predictor = new PredictionModel();

                // Set the prediction values
                PredictionModel.PredictedRanges ranges = Predictor.GetPredictedRange(predInput);
                PredictedBottomRange    = ranges.BottomTrack;
                PredictedProfileRange   = ranges.WaterProfile;
                ProfileFirstBinPosition = ranges.FirstBinPosition.ToString("0.0000");

                double maxVel = Predictor.GetMaxVelocity(predInput);
                MaximumVelocity = maxVel.ToString("0.0000");

                double std = Predictor.GetStandardDeviation(predInput);
                StandardDeviation = std.ToString("0.0000");

                double numBatts = Predictor.BatteryUsage(predInput);
                NumberBatteryPacks = numBatts;

                if (CBI_NumEnsembles > 0)
                    NumberBytes = Predictor.GetDataStorageBurst(predInput);
                    NumberBytes = Predictor.GetDataStorage(predInput);

                if (RangeVM != null)
                    // Update all the properites
                    RangeVM.WaterProfileRange = ranges.WaterProfile;
                    RangeVM.BottomTrackRange  = ranges.BottomTrack;
                    RangeVM.WpBlank           = predInput.CWPBL;
                    RangeVM.WpFirstBinRange   = ranges.FirstBinPosition;
                    if (_pm.IsProjectSelected && _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration != null)
                        RangeVM.DepthToBottom = predInput.XdcrDepth;

                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPP);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPTBP);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPBS);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPBN);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPBL);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPBB_TransmitPulseType);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CWPBB_LagLength);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CBTON);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CBI_BurstInterval);

                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.DataSize);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.NumberBatteryPackStr);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.PredictedBottomRangeStr);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.PredictedProfileRangeStr);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ProfileFirstBinPosition);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.MaximumVelocity);
                //this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.StandardDeviation);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task start()
            bool   alwayCreateModel = true;                                       //是否建立模型文档
            string labelColumn      = "student";                                  //需要计算的字段 student

            string[] oneHotColumns    = new string[] {  };                        //oneHot编码字段
            string[] features         = new string[] { "teacher", "classCount" }; //特征列, "classCount" "student"
            var      curTypeNameIndex = 4;                                        //幼儿园 1小学 4中学 5大学 6驾校 7教育其他
            var      tableName        = "go007_School";
            var studentExistQuery   = Query.And(Query.Exists("student_new", true), Query.NE("student_new", ""));
            var teachExistQuery     = Query.And(Query.Exists("teacher", true), Query.NE("teacher", ""));
            var classExistQuery     = Query.And(Query.Exists("classCount_new", true), Query.NE("classCount_new", ""));
            var studentNoExistQuery = Query.Or(Query.Exists("student_new", false), Query.EQ("student_new", ""));
            var teachNoExistQuery   = Query.Or(Query.Exists("teacher", false), Query.EQ("teacher", ""));
            var classNoExistQuery   = Query.Or(Query.Exists("classCount_new", false), Query.EQ("classCount_new", ""));
            var conStr = GetConnectionStr("", "SimpleCrawler");
            var dataop = new MongoRepositoryHelperA3(conStr);
            var traningQuery = Query.And(Query.EQ("typeNameIndex", curTypeNameIndex), teachExistQuery, studentExistQuery, classExistQuery);
            var predicQuery = Query.And(Query.EQ("typeNameIndex", curTypeNameIndex), teachExistQuery, classExistQuery, studentNoExistQuery);

            var allExistSchoolDocList = dataop.FindByQuery(tableName, traningQuery).SetFields("id", "typeNameIndex", "teacher", "classCount_new", "cityGuid", "student_new", "buildingArea").OrderBy(c => c["id"]).ToList();
            var allCount           = allExistSchoolDocList.Count();
            int traningCount       = (int)(allCount * 0.7); //评估的数据源个数
            var traningSchoolList  = new List <School>();   //训练数据
            var evaluateSchoolList = new List <School>();   //评估数据

            foreach (var traningSchool in allExistSchoolDocList)
                var curSchool = new School()
                    // buildingArea = traningSchool.Float("buildingArea"),
                    // cityGuid = traningSchool.Text("cityGuid"),
                    classCount    = traningSchool.Float("classCount_new"),
                    student       = traningSchool.Float("student_new"),
                    teacher       = traningSchool.Float("teacher"),
                    typeNameIndex = traningSchool.Float("typeNameIndex")
                if (traningSchoolList.Count <= traningCount)

            PredictionModel <School, SchoolStudentPrediction> model = null;
            var modelFileName = $"{ModelDirectory}/{string.Join("_", features)}-{labelColumn}-{traningSchoolList.Count()}.zip";

            if (!alwayCreateModel && File.Exists(modelFileName))
                model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <School, SchoolStudentPrediction>(modelFileName);

                // await在你的Main方法中添加一个方法意味着该Main方法必须具有async修饰符并返回a Task:
                // using System.Threading.Tasks;
                // 评估模型
            if (model == null)
                //PredictionModel<School, SchoolStudentPrediction> model = TrainAsync();
                //改变的返回类型Train方法意味着你必须一个补充await,以调用codde Train在Method下面的代码如下所示:
                model = await Train(traningSchoolList, modelFileName, labelColumn, oneHotColumns, features);
            Evaluate(evaluateSchoolList, model);

            var prediction1 = model.Predict(TestTrips.Trip1);

            Console.WriteLine($"classCount:{TestTrips.Trip1.classCount}teacher:{TestTrips.Trip1.teacher}  Predicted fare: {(int)prediction1.student}  fare: {TestTrips.Trip1.student}");
            // var query = Query.And(Query.Exists("student", true), Query.Exists("teacher", true), Query.Exists("classCount", false));

            var allSchoolList = dataop.FindByQuery(tableName, predicQuery).SetFields("student_new", "teacher", "typeNameIndex", "classCount_new", "cityGuid", "predicColumns", "predicColumns", "buildingArea").ToList();

            foreach (var school in allSchoolList)
                /// 比如没有班级字段通过模型的学生和老师个数来预测班级数
                var    typeNameIndex     = school.Int("typeNameIndex");
                var    student           = school.Int("student_new");
                var    teacher           = school.Int("teacher");
                var    classCount        = school.Int("classCount_new");
                var    predicBaseColumns = school.Contains("predicBaseColumns") ? school["predicBaseColumns"] as BsonArray ?? new BsonArray(): new BsonArray();
                var    predicColumns     = school.Contains("predicColumns") ? school["predicColumns"] as BsonArray ?? new BsonArray() : new BsonArray();
                School Trip1             = new School
                    typeNameIndex = typeNameIndex,
                    classCount    = classCount,
                    teacher       = teacher,
                    student       = student,
                    //cityGuid = school.Text("cityGuid")
                var prediction = model.Predict(Trip1);
                var doc        = new BsonDocument();
                if (prediction.student != 0)
                    doc.Add($"{labelColumn}_new", (int)prediction.student);
                    #region 操作日志字段
                    foreach (var feature in features)
                        if (!predicBaseColumns.Contains(feature))
                    if (!predicColumns.Contains(labelColumn))
                    doc.Add("isPredic", 1);//是否预测字段
                    doc.Add("predicColumns", predicColumns);
                    doc.Add("predicBaseColumns", predicBaseColumns);

                    DBChangeQueue.Instance.EnQueue(new StorageData()
                        Name = tableName, Document = doc, Query = Query.EQ("_id", ObjectId.Parse(school.Text("_id"))), Type = StorageType.Update
                Console.WriteLine($"student:{Trip1.student}teacher:{Trip1.teacher} classCount:{Trip1.classCount} Predicted fare: {(int)prediction.student}");
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static PredictTime Predictor(PredictionModel model)
     switch (model)
         case PredictionModel.DAVE_CAMERON:
             return Predict.Cameron;
         case PredictionModel.PETE_RIEGEL:
             return Predict.Riegel;
         case PredictionModel.WAVA:
             return Predict.Wava;
         case PredictionModel.VDOT:
             return Predict.Vdot;
         case PredictionModel.ELINDER:
             return Predict.Elinder;
         case PredictionModel.PURDY:
             return Predict.Purdy;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static bool load()
            //Backwards compatibility, read old preferences file
            String prefsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "PerformancePredictorPlugin" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "preferences.xml";

            if (!File.Exists(prefsPath)) return false;
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(prefsPath);
                XmlNode elm = document.ChildNodes[0]["view"];
                windowSize = new Size(int.Parse(elm.Attributes["viewWidth"].Value),
                model = (PredictionModel) Enum.Parse(typeof(PredictionModel), elm.Attributes["metric"].Value);
                showChart = bool.Parse(elm.Attributes["showChart"].Value);
                hsPercentOfDistance = int.Parse(elm.Attributes["percentOfDistance"].Value);
                minPercentOfDistance = int.Parse(elm.Attributes["minPercentOfDistance"].Value);
                //showPrediction = bool.Parse(elm.Attributes["showPrediction"].Value);
                showPace = bool.Parse(elm.Attributes["showPace"].Value);
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void ReadOptions(XmlDocument xmlDoc, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr, XmlElement pluginNode)
            String attr, attr2;

            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.settingsVersion);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { settingsVersion = (Int16)XmlConvert.ToInt16(attr); }
            if (0 == settingsVersion)
                // No settings in Preferences.System found, try read old files

            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.predictionView);
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                    predictionView = (PredictionView)Enum.Parse(typeof(PredictionView), attr);
                catch { }
            //    attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.showPrediction);
            //    if (attr.Length > 0)
            //    {
            //        bool isPrediction = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attr);
            //        if (isPrediction)
            //        {
            //            predictionView = PredictionView.TimePrediction;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            predictionView = PredictionView.Training;
            //        }
            //    }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.elinderBreakEvenTime);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { elinderBreakEvenTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Settings.parseFloat(attr)); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.riegelFatigueFactor);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { riegelFatigueFactor = Settings.parseFloat(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.idealBmi);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { idealBmi = Settings.parseFloat(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.idealShoe);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { idealShoe = Settings.parseFloat(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.showPace);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { showPace = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.showChart);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { showChart = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.minPercentOfDistance);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { minPercentOfDistance = XmlConvert.ToInt16(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.hsPercentOfDistance);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { hsPercentOfDistance = XmlConvert.ToInt16(attr); }

            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.model);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { model = (PredictionModel)Enum.Parse(typeof(PredictionModel), attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.showToolBar);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { showToolBar = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attr); }
            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.distances);
            if (attr.Length > 0) { distances = parseDistances(attr.Split(';')); }

            attr = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.viewWidth);
            attr2 = pluginNode.GetAttribute(xmlTags.viewHeight);
            if (attr.Length > 0 && attr2.Length > 0)
                windowSize = new Size(XmlConvert.ToInt16(attr), XmlConvert.ToInt16(attr2));
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static void PaintChart(PredictionModel <TaxiTrip, TaxiTripFarePrediction> model,
                                       string testDataSetPath,
                                       int numberOfRecordsToRead,
                                       string[] args)
            string chartFileName = "";

            using (var pl = new PLStream())
                // use SVG backend and write to SineWaves.svg in current directory
                if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "svg")
                    chartFileName = "TaxiRegressionDistribution.svg";
                    chartFileName = "TaxiRegressionDistribution.png";

                // use white background with black foreground

                // Initialize plplot

                // set axis limits
                const int xMinLimit = 0;
                const int xMaxLimit = 40; //Rides larger than $40 are not shown in the chart
                const int yMinLimit = 0;
                const int yMaxLimit = 40; //Rides larger than $40 are not shown in the chart
                pl.env(xMinLimit, xMaxLimit, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit, AxesScale.Independent, AxisBox.BoxTicksLabelsAxes);

                // Set scaling for mail title text 125% size of default
                pl.schr(0, 1.25);

                // The main title
                pl.lab("Measured", "Predicted", "Distribution of Taxi Fare Prediction");

                // plot using different colors
                // see http://plplot.sourceforge.net/examples.php?demo=02 for palette indices

                int totalNumber = numberOfRecordsToRead;
                var testData    = new TaxiTripCsvReader().GetDataFromCsv(testDataSetPath, totalNumber).ToList();

                //This code is the symbol to paint
                char code = (char)9;

                // plot using other color
                //pl.col0(9); //Light Green
                //pl.col0(4); //Red
                pl.col0(2); //Blue

                double yTotal       = 0;
                double xTotal       = 0;
                double xyMultiTotal = 0;
                double xSquareTotal = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < testData.Count; i++)
                    var x = new double[1];
                    var y = new double[1];
                    var FarePrediction = model.Predict(testData[i]);

                    x[0] = testData[i].FareAmount;
                    y[0] = FarePrediction.FareAmount;

                    //Paint a dot
                    pl.poin(x, y, code);

                    xTotal += x[0];
                    yTotal += y[0];

                    double multi = x[0] * y[0];
                    xyMultiTotal += multi;

                    double xSquare = x[0] * x[0];
                    xSquareTotal += xSquare;

                    double ySquare = y[0] * y[0];

                    Console.WriteLine($"Predicted : {FarePrediction.FareAmount}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Actual:    {testData[i].FareAmount}");

                // Regression Line calculation explanation:
                // https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/describing-relationships-quantitative-data/more-on-regression/v/regression-line-example

                double minY       = yTotal / totalNumber;
                double minX       = xTotal / totalNumber;
                double minXY      = xyMultiTotal / totalNumber;
                double minXsquare = xSquareTotal / totalNumber;

                double m = ((minX * minY) - minXY) / ((minX * minX) - minXsquare);

                double b = minY - (m * minX);

                //Generic function for Y for the regression line
                // y = (m * x) + b;

                double x1 = 1;
                //Function for Y1 in the line
                double y1 = (m * x1) + b;

                double x2 = 39;
                //Function for Y2 in the line
                double y2 = (m * x2) + b;

                var xArray = new double[2];
                var yArray = new double[2];
                xArray[0] = x1;
                yArray[0] = y1;
                xArray[1] = x2;
                yArray[1] = y2;

                pl.line(xArray, yArray);

                // end page (writes output to disk)

                // output version of PLplot
                pl.gver(out var verText);
                Console.WriteLine("PLplot version " + verText);
            } // the pl object is disposed here

            // Open Chart File In Microsoft Photos App (Or default app, like browser for .svg)

            Console.WriteLine("Showing chart...");
            var    p = new Process();
            string chartFileNamePath = @".\" + chartFileName;

            p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(chartFileNamePath)
                UseShellExecute = true
Exemplo n.º 16
        public List <MetricItem> EvaluateModel(Conductor_Shared.Version pVersion, PredictionModel pModel)
                //check if version defines a special bucketing algorithm
                int bucketing = BucketingType;
                switch (pVersion.DatasetType)
                case DatasetType.Generic:
                    bucketing = 1; break;

                case DatasetType.Cargo2000:
                    bucketing = 2; break;

                    bucketing = 1; break;

                //get raw data
                var data = fsManager.GetModelResults(pVersion, pModel);
                if (data != null && data.Count > 1)
                    //generate lines
                    List <Line> lines = Line.GetLinesFromData(data, pVersion.DatasetType == DatasetType.Generic);

                    //generate buckets from lines
                    List <Bucket> buckets = Bucketing.CreateBuckets(BucketGranularity, BucketingType, lines);

                    List <MetricItem> metrics = new List <MetricItem>();
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MCC)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "MCC", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MCC)).Average(t => t.MCC)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Accuracy)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "Accuracy", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Accuracy)).Average(t => t.Accuracy)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Precision)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "Precision", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Precision)).Average(t => t.Precision)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Recall)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "Recall", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Recall)).Average(t => t.Recall)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.FMeasure)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "FMetric", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.FMeasure)).Average(t => t.FMeasure)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Specificity)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "Speceficity", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.Specificity)).Average(t => t.Specificity)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.NegativePredictedValue)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "Negative Predictions", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.NegativePredictedValue)).Average(t => t.NegativePredictedValue)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.FalsePositiveRate)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "False Positive Rate", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.FalsePositiveRate)).Average(t => t.FalsePositiveRate)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MAE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "MAE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MAE)).Average(t => t.MAE)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MSE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "MSE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.MSE)).Average(t => t.MSE)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RMSE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "RMSE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RMSE)).Average(t => t.RMSE)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RAE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "RAE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RAE)).Average(t => t.RAE)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RSE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "RSE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RSE)).Average(t => t.RSE)
                    if (buckets.Any(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RRSE)))
                        metrics.Add(new MetricItem()
                            Name = "RRSE", Value = buckets.Where(t => !double.IsNaN(t.RRSE)).Average(t => t.RRSE)
            catch (Exception ex)
                NotifyNewLogMessageEvent($"something went wrong while evaluating {pVersion.ToString()} {pModel.ModelFileName}: {ex.Message}");

        public void TrainAndPredictIrisModelTest()
            string dataPath = GetDataPath("iris.txt");

            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            pipeline.Add(new TextLoader <IrisData>(dataPath, useHeader: true, separator: "tab"));
            pipeline.Add(new ColumnConcatenator(outputColumn: "Features",
                                                "SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth"));

            pipeline.Add(new StochasticDualCoordinateAscentClassifier());

            PredictionModel <IrisData, IrisPrediction> model = pipeline.Train <IrisData, IrisPrediction>();

            IrisPrediction prediction = model.Predict(new IrisData()
                SepalLength = 3.3f,
                SepalWidth  = 1.6f,
                PetalLength = 0.2f,
                PetalWidth  = 5.1f,

            Assert.Equal(1, prediction.PredictedLabels[0], 2);
            Assert.Equal(0, prediction.PredictedLabels[1], 2);
            Assert.Equal(0, prediction.PredictedLabels[2], 2);

            prediction = model.Predict(new IrisData()
                SepalLength = 3.1f,
                SepalWidth  = 5.5f,
                PetalLength = 2.2f,
                PetalWidth  = 6.4f,

            Assert.Equal(0, prediction.PredictedLabels[0], 2);
            Assert.Equal(0, prediction.PredictedLabels[1], 2);
            Assert.Equal(1, prediction.PredictedLabels[2], 2);

            prediction = model.Predict(new IrisData()
                SepalLength = 3.1f,
                SepalWidth  = 2.5f,
                PetalLength = 1.2f,
                PetalWidth  = 4.4f,

            Assert.Equal(.2, prediction.PredictedLabels[0], 1);
            Assert.Equal(.8, prediction.PredictedLabels[1], 1);
            Assert.Equal(0, prediction.PredictedLabels[2], 2);

            // Note: Testing against the same data set as a simple way to test evaluation.
            // This isn't appropriate in real-world scenarios.
            string testDataPath = GetDataPath("iris.txt");
            var    testData     = new TextLoader <IrisData>(testDataPath, useHeader: true, separator: "tab");

            var evaluator = new ClassificationEvaluator();

            evaluator.OutputTopKAcc = 3;
            ClassificationMetrics metrics = evaluator.Evaluate(model, testData);

            Assert.Equal(.98, metrics.AccuracyMacro);
            Assert.Equal(.98, metrics.AccuracyMicro, 2);
            Assert.Equal(.06, metrics.LogLoss, 2);
            Assert.InRange(metrics.LogLossReduction, 94, 96);
            Assert.Equal(1, metrics.TopKAccuracy);

            Assert.Equal(3, metrics.PerClassLogLoss.Length);
            Assert.Equal(0, metrics.PerClassLogLoss[0], 1);
            Assert.Equal(.1, metrics.PerClassLogLoss[1], 1);
            Assert.Equal(.1, metrics.PerClassLogLoss[2], 1);

            ConfusionMatrix matrix = metrics.ConfusionMatrix;

            Assert.Equal(3, matrix.Order);
            Assert.Equal(3, matrix.ClassNames.Count);
            Assert.Equal("0", matrix.ClassNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("1", matrix.ClassNames[1]);
            Assert.Equal("2", matrix.ClassNames[2]);

            Assert.Equal(49, matrix[0, 0]);
            Assert.Equal(49, matrix["0", "0"]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix[0, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix["0", "1"]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix[0, 2]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix["0", "2"]);

            Assert.Equal(0, matrix[1, 0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix["1", "0"]);
            Assert.Equal(48, matrix[1, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(48, matrix["1", "1"]);
            Assert.Equal(2, matrix[1, 2]);
            Assert.Equal(2, matrix["1", "2"]);

            Assert.Equal(0, matrix[2, 0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix["2", "0"]);
            Assert.Equal(1, matrix[2, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(1, matrix["2", "1"]);
            Assert.Equal(49, matrix[2, 2]);
            Assert.Equal(49, matrix["2", "2"]);
Exemplo n.º 18
 void Start()
     CLAB            = GameObject.Find("CLAB");
     predictionModel = gameObject.GetComponent <PredictionModel>();
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void defaults()
     predictionView = PredictionView.TimePrediction;
     idealBmi = 18.5f;
     idealShoe = 0.100f;
     showPace = true;
     showChart = false;//show chart by default
     minPercentOfDistance = 10;
     hsPercentOfDistance = 40;
     model = PredictionModelUtil.Default;
     elinderBreakEvenTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);
     riegelFatigueFactor = 1.06f;
     showToolBar = true;
     //Some distances removed by default
     //addDistance(100, Length.Units.Meter, false);
     //addDistance(200, Length.Units.Meter, false);
     //addDistance(400, Length.Units.Meter, false);
     //addDistance(500, Length.Units.Meter, false);
     //addDistance(800, Length.Units.Meter, false);
     addDistance(1, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     //addDistance(1.5, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(1, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(2, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     //addDistance(3, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(2, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     //addDistance(4, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     //addDistance(3, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(5, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     //addDistance(4, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     //addDistance(8, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(5, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(10, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     //addDistance(15, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(10, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(20, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(21097.5, Length.Units.Meter, true);
     //addDistance(15, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(25, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(30, Length.Units.Kilometer, false);
     addDistance(20, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     //addDistance(25, Length.Units.Mile, false);
     addDistance(42195, Length.Units.Meter, true);
     windowSize = new Size(800, 600);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void TestModel(PredictionModel <NumberData, NumberPrediction> model)
            Random    rd = new Random();
            int       pp = 0;
            int       pn = 0;
            int       np = 0;
            int       nn = 0;
            int       randomGuessesRight = 0;
            int       modelGetsRight     = 0;
            int       N          = 10000;
            Hashtable seenBefore = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 0; i < N;)
                BigInteger a = new BigInteger(rd.Next());
                BigInteger b = new BigInteger(rd.Next());

                BigInteger c = a * b + 1;
                if (seenBefore.ContainsKey(c))
                seenBefore.Add(c, true);

                string trueValue      = "";
                string predictedValue = "";
                Predict(model, c, out trueValue, out predictedValue);

                if (trueValue.Equals("Prime") && predictedValue.Equals("Prime"))
                else if (trueValue.Equals("Prime") && predictedValue.Equals("NotPrime"))
                else if (trueValue.Equals("NotPrime") && predictedValue.Equals("Prime"))
                else if (trueValue.Equals("NotPrime") && predictedValue.Equals("NotPrime"))

                //Try here
                a = new BigInteger(rd.Next());
                b = new BigInteger(rd.Next());
                c = a * b - 1;
                bool isPrime = IsPrimeMillerRabin(c);
                Predict(model, c, out trueValue, out predictedValue);
                bool randomGuess = rd.Next(0, (int)Math.Log(N)) == 0;

                if ((isPrime && randomGuess) || (!isPrime && !randomGuess))
                if ((isPrime && predictedValue.Equals("Prime")) || (!isPrime && predictedValue.Equals("NotPrime")))
            Console.WriteLine("Confusion Matrix for N = {0}:", N);
            Console.WriteLine("Positive-Positive: {0}", pp);
            Console.WriteLine("Positive-Negative: {0}", pn);
            Console.WriteLine("Negative-Positive: {0}", np);
            Console.WriteLine("Negative-Negative: {0}", nn);

            Console.WriteLine("Precision: {0}%", (100.0 * pp) / (pp + np));
            Console.WriteLine("Recall: {0}%", (100.0 * pp) / (pp + pn));
            Console.WriteLine("Accuracy Random Guesses: {0}%", (100.0 * randomGuessesRight) / N);
            Console.WriteLine("Accuracy Model: {0}%", (100.0 * modelGetsRight) / N);
Exemplo n.º 21
        static void Predict(PredictionModel <WineData, WinePrediction> model)
            using (var environment = new TlcEnvironment())
                var textLoader = new Microsoft.ML.Data.TextLoader(TestDataPath).CreateFrom <WineData>(useHeader: true, separator: ',', trimWhitespace: false);
                var experiment = environment.CreateExperiment();
                var output     = textLoader.ApplyStep(null, experiment) as ILearningPipelineDataStep;

                textLoader.SetInput(environment, experiment);
                var data      = experiment.GetOutput(output.Data);
                var wineDatas = new List <WineData>();
                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor((a => true)))
                    var getters = new ValueGetter <float>[] {
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(0),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(1),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(2),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(3),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(4),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(5),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(6),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(7),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(8),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(9),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(10),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(11),
                        cursor.GetGetter <float>(12)

                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        float value0  = 0;
                        float value1  = 0;
                        float value2  = 0;
                        float value3  = 0;
                        float value4  = 0;
                        float value5  = 0;
                        float value6  = 0;
                        float value7  = 0;
                        float value8  = 0;
                        float value9  = 0;
                        float value10 = 0;
                        float value11 = 0;
                        float value12 = 0;
                        getters[0](ref value0);
                        getters[1](ref value1);
                        getters[2](ref value2);
                        getters[3](ref value3);
                        getters[4](ref value4);
                        getters[5](ref value5);
                        getters[6](ref value6);
                        getters[7](ref value7);
                        getters[8](ref value8);
                        getters[9](ref value9);
                        getters[10](ref value10);
                        getters[11](ref value11);
                        getters[12](ref value12);

                        var wdata = new WineData()
                            FixedAcidity       = value0,
                            VolatileAcidity    = value1,
                            CitricACID         = value2,
                            ResidualSugar      = value3,
                            Chlorides          = value4,
                            FreeSulfurDioxide  = value5,
                            TotalSulfurDioxide = value6,
                            Density            = value7,
                            PH        = value8,
                            Sulphates = value9,
                            Alcohol   = value10,
                            Quality   = value11,
                            Id        = value12,
                var predictions = model.Predict(wineDatas);

                var wineDataAndPredictions = wineDatas.Zip(predictions, (wineData, prediction) => (wineData, prediction));
                Console.WriteLine($"Wine Id: {wineDataAndPredictions.Last().wineData.Id}, Quality: {wineDataAndPredictions.Last().wineData.Quality} | Prediction: {  wineDataAndPredictions.Last().prediction.PredictionQuality}");
 public ImageWithLabelPrediction(PredictionModel pred, string label)
     Label = label;
     Score = pred.Score;
     PredictedLabelValue = pred.PredictedLabelValue;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static PredictionModel <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction> TrainAndPredict()
            // LearningPipeline allows you to add steps in order to keep everything together
            // during the learning process.
            // <Snippet5>
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            // </Snippet5>

            // The TextLoader loads a dataset with comments and corresponding postive or negative sentiment.
            // When you create a loader, you specify the schema by passing a class to the loader containing
            // all the column names and their types. This is used to create the model, and train it.
            // <Snippet6>
            pipeline.Add(new TextLoader <SentimentData>(_dataPath, useHeader: true, separator: "tab"));
            // </Snippet6>

            // TextFeaturizer is a transform that is used to featurize an input column.
            // This is used to format and clean the data.
            // <Snippet7>
            pipeline.Add(new TextFeaturizer("Features", "SentimentText"));

            // Adds a FastTreeBinaryClassifier, the decision tree learner for this project, and
            // three hyperparameters to be used for tuning decision tree performance.
            // <Snippet8>
            pipeline.Add(new FastTreeBinaryClassifier()
                NumLeaves = 5, NumTrees = 5, MinDocumentsInLeafs = 2
            // </Snippet8>

            // Train the pipeline based on the dataset that has been loaded, transformed.
            // <Snippet9>
            PredictionModel <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction> model =
                pipeline.Train <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>();
            // </Snippet9>

            // Adds some comments to test the trained model's predictions.
            // <Snippet10>
            IEnumerable <SentimentData> sentiments = new[]
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "Please refrain from adding nonsense to Wikipedia."
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "He is the best, and the article should say that."
            // </Snippet10>

            // Now that you have a model, use that to predict the positive
            // or negative sentiment of the comment data.
            // <Snippet11>
            IEnumerable <SentimentPrediction> predictions = model.Predict(sentiments);

            // </Snippet11>

            // <Snippet12>
            Console.WriteLine("Sentiment Predictions");
            // </Snippet12>

            // Builds pairs of (sentiment, prediction)
            // <Snippet13>
            var sentimentsAndPredictions = sentiments.Zip(predictions, (sentiment, prediction) => (sentiment, prediction));

            // </Snippet13>

            // <Snippet14>
            foreach (var item in sentimentsAndPredictions)
                Console.WriteLine($"Sentiment: {item.sentiment.SentimentText} | Prediction: {(item.prediction.Sentiment ? "Positive" : "Negative")}");
            // </Snippet14>

            // Returns the model we trained to use for evaluation.
            // <Snippet15>
            // </Snippet15>
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected IEnumerable <ImageNetData> PredictDataUsingModel(string testLocation, string imagesFolder, PredictionModel <ImageNetData, ImageNetPrediction> model)
            ConsoleWriteHeader("Classificate images");
            Console.WriteLine($"Images folder: {imagesFolder}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Training file: {testLocation}");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            model.TryGetScoreLabelNames(out string[] labels);
            var testData = ImageNetData.ReadFromCsv(testLocation, imagesFolder).ToList();

            // add an extra image to "really" test the model
            testData = testData.Concat(new[] { new ImageNetData()
                                                   ImagePath = Path.Combine(imagesFolder, "teddy5.jpg")
                                               } }).ToList();

            foreach (var sample in testData)
                var probs     = model.Predict(sample).PredictedLabels;
                var imageData = new ImageNetDataProbability()
                    ImagePath = sample.ImagePath,
                (imageData.Label, imageData.Probability) = GetLabel(labels, probs);
                yield return(imageData);
        private static IEnumerable <ClusteringPrediction> PredictDataUsingModel(IEnumerable <PivotData> preProcessData, PredictionModel <PivotData, ClusteringPrediction> model)
            ConsoleWriteHeader("Calculate customer segmentation");
            var predictions = model.Predict(preProcessData);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void TrainAndPredictSentimentModelTest()
            string dataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var    pipeline = new LearningPipeline();

            pipeline.Add(new Data.TextLoader(dataPath)
                Arguments = new TextLoaderArguments
                    Separator = new[] { '\t' },
                    HasHeader = true,
                    Column    = new[]
                        new TextLoaderColumn()
                            Name   = "Label",
                            Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(0) },
                            Type   = Runtime.Data.DataKind.Num

                        new TextLoaderColumn()
                            Name   = "SentimentText",
                            Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(1) },
                            Type   = Runtime.Data.DataKind.Text

            pipeline.Add(new TextFeaturizer("Features", "SentimentText")
                KeepDiacritics       = false,
                KeepPunctuations     = false,
                TextCase             = TextNormalizerTransformCaseNormalizationMode.Lower,
                OutputTokens         = true,
                StopWordsRemover     = new PredefinedStopWordsRemover(),
                VectorNormalizer     = TextTransformTextNormKind.L2,
                CharFeatureExtractor = new NGramNgramExtractor()
                    NgramLength = 3, AllLengths = false
                WordFeatureExtractor = new NGramNgramExtractor()
                    NgramLength = 2, AllLengths = true

            pipeline.Add(new FastTreeBinaryClassifier()
                NumLeaves = 5, NumTrees = 5, MinDocumentsInLeafs = 2
            pipeline.Add(new PredictedLabelColumnOriginalValueConverter()
                PredictedLabelColumn = "PredictedLabel"

            PredictionModel <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction> model = pipeline.Train <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>();
            IEnumerable <SentimentData> sentiments = new[]
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "Please refrain from adding nonsense to Wikipedia."
                new SentimentData
                    SentimentText = "He is a CHEATER, and the article should say that."

            IEnumerable <SentimentPrediction> predictions = model.Predict(sentiments);

            Assert.Equal(2, predictions.Count());

            string testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);
            var    testData     = new Data.TextLoader(testDataPath)
                Arguments = new TextLoaderArguments
                    Separator = new[] { '\t' },
                    HasHeader = true,
                    Column    = new[]
                        new TextLoaderColumn()
                            Name   = "Label",
                            Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(0) },
                            Type   = Runtime.Data.DataKind.Num

                        new TextLoaderColumn()
                            Name   = "SentimentText",
                            Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(1) },
                            Type   = Runtime.Data.DataKind.Text

            var evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
            BinaryClassificationMetrics metrics = evaluator.Evaluate(model, testData);

            Assert.Equal(.5556, metrics.Accuracy, 4);
            Assert.Equal(.8, metrics.Auc, 1);
            Assert.Equal(.87, metrics.Auprc, 2);
            Assert.Equal(1, metrics.Entropy, 3);
            Assert.Equal(.6923, metrics.F1Score, 4);
            Assert.Equal(.969, metrics.LogLoss, 3);
            Assert.Equal(3.083, metrics.LogLossReduction, 3);
            Assert.Equal(1, metrics.NegativePrecision, 3);
            Assert.Equal(.111, metrics.NegativeRecall, 3);
            Assert.Equal(.529, metrics.PositivePrecision, 3);
            Assert.Equal(1, metrics.PositiveRecall);

            ConfusionMatrix matrix = metrics.ConfusionMatrix;

            Assert.Equal(2, matrix.Order);
            Assert.Equal(2, matrix.ClassNames.Count);
            Assert.Equal("positive", matrix.ClassNames[0]);
            Assert.Equal("negative", matrix.ClassNames[1]);

            Assert.Equal(9, matrix[0, 0]);
            Assert.Equal(9, matrix["positive", "positive"]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix[0, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(0, matrix["positive", "negative"]);

            Assert.Equal(8, matrix[1, 0]);
            Assert.Equal(8, matrix["negative", "positive"]);
            Assert.Equal(1, matrix[1, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(1, matrix["negative", "negative"]);
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected IEnumerable <ImageNetPrediction> GetPredictions(string testLocation, string imagesFolder, PredictionModel <ImageNetData, ImageNetPrediction> model)
            var testData = ImageNetData.ReadFromCsv(testLocation, imagesFolder);

            foreach (var sample in testData)
                yield return(model.Predict(sample));
 public async Task Evaluate()
     var model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync<ImageNetData, ImageNetPrediction>(modelLocation);
     var predictions = GetPredictions(dataLocation, imagesFolder, model).ToArray();
     ShowMetrics(dataLocation, model);
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates a prediction engine from the model located in the <paramref name="modelPath"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private PredictionModel <StockPredictionData, StockPrediction> CreatePredictionEngineAsync(string modelPath)
            PredictionModel <StockPredictionData, StockPrediction> model = PredictionModel.ReadAsync <StockPredictionData, StockPrediction>(modelPath).Result;

Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Predict samples using saved model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputModelPath">Model file path</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task TestPrediction(string outputModelPath = "country_month_fastTreeTweedie.zip")
            Console.WriteLine("Testing country forecasting model");

            // Read the model that has been previously saved by the method SaveModel
            var model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <CountryData, CountrySalesPrediction>(outputModelPath);

            // Build sample data
            var dataSample = new CountryData()
                country = "United Kingdom",
                month   = 10,
                year    = 2017,
                med     = 323.4F,
                max     = 616.96F,
                min     = 145.9800F,
                std     = 3041.14133F,
                prev    = 930338.28F,
                count   = 1705,
                sales   = 1075435.72F,
            // Predict sample data
            var prediction = model.Predict(dataSample);

            Console.WriteLine($"Country: {dataSample.country}, month: {dataSample.month + 1}, year: {dataSample.year} - Real value (US$): {Math.Pow(6.207962F, 10)}, Forecasting (US$): {Math.Pow(prediction.Score,10)}");

            dataSample = new CountryData()
                country = "United Kingdom",
                month   = 11,
                year    = 2017,
                med     = 301.04F,
                max     = 515.272F,
                min     = 139.42800F,
                std     = 6580.22797F,
                prev    = 1075435.72F,
                count   = 2387,
                sales   = 1614217.83F,
            prediction = model.Predict(dataSample);
            Console.WriteLine($"Country: {dataSample.country}, month: {dataSample.month + 1}, year: {dataSample.year} - Forecasting (US$):  {Math.Pow(prediction.Score,10)}");

            dataSample = new CountryData()
                country = "Germany",
                month   = 10,
                year    = 2017,
                med     = 410.0349F,
                max     = 912.8460F,
                min     = 148.226F,
                std     = 527.95676F,
                prev    = 19553.63F,
                count   = 58,
                sales   = 33507.58F
            prediction = model.Predict(dataSample);
            Console.WriteLine($"Country: {dataSample.country}, month: {dataSample.month + 1}, year: {dataSample.year} - Real value (US$): {Math.Pow(4.483736F, 10)}, Forecasting (US$): {Math.Pow(prediction.Score,10)}");

            dataSample = new CountryData()
                country = "Germany",
                month   = 11,
                year    = 2017,
                med     = 353.755F,
                max     = 668.076F,
                min     = 123.2400F,
                std     = 403.04297F,
                prev    = 33507.58F,
                count   = 68,
                sales   = 30460.45F,
            prediction = model.Predict(dataSample);
            Console.WriteLine($"Country: {dataSample.country}, month: {dataSample.month + 1}, year: {dataSample.year} - Forecasting (US$):  {Math.Pow(prediction.Score,10)}");
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string arg;

            Console.WriteLine("enter #train, #eval or #predict");
            arg = Console.ReadLine();

            if (arg == "train")
                PredictionModel <ShakVector, ShakPrediction> model = await Train();

            else if (arg == "eval")
                PredictionModel <ShakVector, ShakPrediction> model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <ShakVector, ShakPrediction>(_modelpath);

            else if (arg == "predict")
                PredictionModel <ShakVector, ShakPrediction> model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <ShakVector, ShakPrediction>(_modelpath);

                Console.WriteLine("Write ingridiants:");
                string Tomato, Onion, Garlic, BellPepper, Eggs, Pepper, Salt, BulgerianCheese, Paprika, Water, Resek, Cumun, Eggplant, Tofu, FryingTimeBeforeTomatosMinutes, CookingAfterTomatosMinutes, CookingAfterEggsMinutes;

                Tomato          = Console.ReadLine();
                Onion           = Console.ReadLine();
                Garlic          = Console.ReadLine();
                BellPepper      = Console.ReadLine();
                Eggs            = Console.ReadLine();
                Pepper          = Console.ReadLine();
                Salt            = Console.ReadLine();
                BulgerianCheese = Console.ReadLine();
                Paprika         = Console.ReadLine();
                Water           = Console.ReadLine();
                Resek           = Console.ReadLine();
                Cumun           = Console.ReadLine();
                Eggplant        = Console.ReadLine();
                Tofu            = Console.ReadLine();
                FryingTimeBeforeTomatosMinutes = Console.ReadLine();
                CookingAfterTomatosMinutes     = Console.ReadLine();
                CookingAfterEggsMinutes        = Console.ReadLine();
                ShakVector newVec = new ShakVector
                    TomatoAmount                   = float.Parse(Tomato),
                    OnionAmount                    = float.Parse(Onion),
                    GarlicAmount                   = float.Parse(Garlic),
                    BellPepperAmount               = float.Parse(BellPepper),
                    EggsAmount                     = float.Parse(Eggs),
                    PepperAmount                   = float.Parse(Pepper),
                    SaltAmount                     = float.Parse(Salt),
                    BulgerianCheeseAmount          = float.Parse(BulgerianCheese),
                    PaprikaAmount                  = float.Parse(Paprika),
                    WaterAmount                    = float.Parse(Water),
                    TomatoResekAmount              = float.Parse(Resek),
                    CuminAmount                    = float.Parse(Cumun),
                    EggplantAmount                 = float.Parse(Eggplant),
                    TofuAmount                     = float.Parse(Tofu),
                    FryingTimeBeforeTomatosMinutes = float.Parse(FryingTimeBeforeTomatosMinutes),
                    CookingAfterEggsMinutes        = float.Parse(CookingAfterEggsMinutes),
                    CookingAfterTomatosMinutes     = float.Parse(CookingAfterTomatosMinutes)
                Predict(model, newVec);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public async Task <string> TrainAsync(string trainpath, bool writeToDisk = true)
            // pipeline encapsulates the data loading, data processing/featurization, and learning algorithm
            var pipeline = new LearningPipeline
                // load from CSV --> SubCategory, Description, Bank, Amount,
                new TextLoader(trainpath).CreateFrom <BankStatementLineItem>(separator: ',', useHeader: true),

                //Converts input values (words, numbers, etc.) to index in a dictionary.
                new Dictionarizer(("SubCategory", "Label")),

                // convert the data columns to the feature. For that TextFeaturizer
                // ngram analysis over the transaction description
                new TextFeaturizer("Description", "Description")
                    TextCase             = TextNormalizerTransformCaseNormalizationMode.Lower,
                    WordFeatureExtractor = new NGramNgramExtractor
                        // Term frequency -- the number of times that term t occurs in document d
                        Weighting = NgramTransformWeightingCriteria.Tf
                new TextFeaturizer("Bank", "Bank")
                    TextCase = TextNormalizerTransformCaseNormalizationMode.Lower
                // feature column using bank and description
                new ColumnConcatenator("Features", "Bank", "Description"),

                // classifiers
                //new NaiveBayesClassifier(),
                new StochasticDualCoordinateAscentClassifier {
                    Shuffle = false, NumThreads = 1
                //new LightGbmClassifier(),

                //Transforms a predicted label column to its original values, unless it is of type bool
                new PredictedLabelColumnOriginalValueConverter {
                    PredictedLabelColumn = "PredictedLabel"

            // training
            Console.WriteLine("=============== Start training ===============");

            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            _model = pipeline.Train <BankStatementLineItem, PredictedLabel>();


            Console.WriteLine($"=============== End training ===============");
            Console.WriteLine($"training took {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds");
            Console.WriteLine("The model is saved to {0}", PredictionModelWrapper.Model1Path);

            var converter = new OnnxConverter
                Onnx   = PredictionModelWrapper.Model1Path,
                Json   = PredictionModelWrapper.Model1Path.Replace(".onnx", ".json"),
                Domain = "onnx"


            if (writeToDisk)
                await _model.WriteAsync(PredictionModelWrapper.Model1Path);

                // Strip the version.
                var fileText = File.ReadAllText(converter.Json);
                fileText = Regex.Replace(fileText, "\"producerVersion\": \"([^\"]+)\"",
                                         "\"producerVersion\": \"##VERSION##\"");
                File.WriteAllText(converter.Json, fileText);

Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates a prediction engine from the model located in the <paramref name="modelPath"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PredictionModel <ProductData, ProductUnitPrediction> > CreatePredictionEngineAsync(string modelPath)
            PredictionModel <ProductData, ProductUnitPrediction> model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <ProductData, ProductUnitPrediction>(modelPath);

Exemplo n.º 34
 public async Task LoadModel()
     model = await PredictionModel.ReadAsync <ManifestDataTraining, ManifestPrediction>("model.train");
Exemplo n.º 35
        private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            DatasetBox.IsChecked            = false;
            PerceptronBox.IsChecked         = false;
            LinearSvmBox.IsChecked          = false;
            LogisticRegressionBox.IsChecked = false;
            SdcaBox.IsChecked         = false;
            StartButton.IsEnabled     = false;
            CalculateButton.IsEnabled = false;

            BusyIndicator.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;

            // Prepare datasets.
            DatasetBox.IsChecked = true;
            var trainingDataLocation = await MlDotNet.FilePath(@"ms-appx:///Data/winequality_white_train.csv");

            _testDataPath = await MlDotNet.FilePath(@"ms-appx:///Data/winequality_white_test.csv");

            // Prepare diagram.
            PrepareDiagram(out ColumnSeries accuracySeries, out ColumnSeries entropySeries, out ColumnSeries f1ScoreSeries);

            //// This raises a ArgumentOutOfRangeException because of different Label type expected:
            //// var priorModel = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.Prior());
            //// https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/3119

            //// These raise an exception on System.Diagnostics.Process
            //// 'PlatformNotSupportedException: Retrieving information about local processes is not supported on this platform.'
            //// var fastTreeBinaryModel = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.FastTree());
            //// var fastForestBinaryModel = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.FastForest());
            //// https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/2444

            // Perceptron
            PerceptronBox.IsChecked = true;
            _perceptronBinaryModel  = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.AveragedPerceptron());

            await ViewModel.Save(_perceptronBinaryModel, "perceptronModel.zip");

            var nonCalibratedMetrics = await ViewModel.EvaluateNonCalibrated(_perceptronBinaryModel, _testDataPath);

            accuracySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 0, Value = nonCalibratedMetrics.Accuracy
            entropySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 0, Value = double.NaN
            });                                                                               // metrics.Entropy });
            f1ScoreSeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 0, Value = nonCalibratedMetrics.F1Score

            // Update diagram

            // Linear SVM
            LinearSvmBox.IsChecked = true;
            _linearSvmModel        = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.LinearSvm());

            await ViewModel.Save(_linearSvmModel, "linearSvmModel.zip");

            nonCalibratedMetrics = await ViewModel.EvaluateNonCalibrated(_linearSvmModel, _testDataPath);

            accuracySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 1, Value = nonCalibratedMetrics.Accuracy
            entropySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 1, Value = double.NaN
            });                                                                               // metrics.Entropy });
            f1ScoreSeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 1, Value = nonCalibratedMetrics.F1Score

            // Update diagram

            // Logistic Regression
            LogisticRegressionBox.IsChecked = true;
            _logisticRegressionModel        = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.LbfgsLogisticRegression());

            await ViewModel.Save(_logisticRegressionModel, "logisticRegressionModel.zip");

            var metrics = await ViewModel.Evaluate(_logisticRegressionModel, _testDataPath);

            accuracySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 2, Value = metrics.Accuracy
            entropySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 2, Value = metrics.Entropy
            f1ScoreSeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 2, Value = metrics.F1Score

            // Update diagram

            // Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent
            SdcaBox.IsChecked = true;
            _sdcabModel       = await ViewModel.BuildAndTrain(trainingDataLocation, ViewModel.MLContext.BinaryClassification.Trainers.SdcaLogisticRegression());

            await ViewModel.Save(_sdcabModel, "sdcabModel.zip");

            metrics = await ViewModel.Evaluate(_sdcabModel, _testDataPath);

            accuracySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 3, Value = metrics.Accuracy
            entropySeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 3, Value = metrics.Entropy
            f1ScoreSeries.Items.Add(new ColumnItem {
                CategoryIndex = 3, Value = metrics.F1Score

            // Update diagram

            StartButton.IsEnabled     = true;
            CalculateButton.IsEnabled = true;

            BusyIndicator.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
        /*  public ActionResult PlayLists() {
         *    ViewBag.usuario = spotifyUser.DisplayName;
         *    return View(db.Musicas.Where(m => m.idUsuario.Equals(spotifyUser.UserId)).ToList());
         * }*/

        public ActionResult GenerateNameSortList(string access_token, string error)
            if (error != null || error == "access_denied")

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(access_token))

                _spotifyApi.Token = access_token;
                SpotifyService spotifyService = new SpotifyService(_spotifyApi);
                //Get user_id and user displayName
                spotifyUser      = spotifyService.GetUserProfile();
                ViewBag.UserName = spotifyUser.DisplayName;

                Tracks tocadasRecentemente = spotifyService.GetRecentlyPlayed();

                List <Audio> metaAudios = spotifyService.GetAudioTracks(tocadasRecentemente, spotifyUser);
                // GeraPlayLists();

                 * using (var sw = new StreamWriter(path + nomeArquivo + "musicas.csv"))*/
                string _dataPath   = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Dados/" + spotifyUser.UserId + "_" + spotifyUser.DisplayName + "musicas.csv");
                string _dataPath2  = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Dados/dataSpotify.csv");
                string _modelPath  = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Dados/p1.zip");
                string _modelPath2 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Dados/p2.zip");
                string nomeArq     = spotifyUser.UserId + "_" + spotifyUser.DisplayName + "musicas.csv";
                var    model1      = PredictionModel.ReadAsync <Musica, ClusterPrediction>(_modelPath).Result;
                var    model2      = PredictionModel.ReadAsync <Musica, ClusterPrediction>(_modelPath2).Result;
                var    rec         = spotifyService.geraplay(_dataPath, _dataPath2, model1, model2);
                rec.Nome      = spotifyUser.DisplayName;
                rec.IdUsuario = spotifyUser.UserId;

                foreach (var musicasp1 in rec.P1)
                    musicasp1.IdUsuario = spotifyUser.UserId;
                    // db.Musicas.Add(musicasp1);
                foreach (var musicasp2 in rec.P2)
                    musicasp2.IdUsuario = spotifyUser.UserId;
                foreach (var musicasp3 in rec.P3)
                    musicasp3.IdUsuario = spotifyUser.UserId;

                // db.SaveChanges();
                TempData["rec"]       = rec;
                TempData["nomeArqui"] = nomeArq;

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Musicas"));
                //   return RedirectToAction("Playlists", rec);
                // Post(access_token, error, playlistProntas);
                //return View("Teste", playlistProntas);
            catch (Exception e)
 private void predict_Click(PredictionModel pred)
     Settings.Model = pred;
Exemplo n.º 38
        public JsonResult Predict(PredictionModel model)
            model.UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            return(Json((new PredictionBiz()).AddOrUpdatePrediction(model)));