public void Test152() { PlayGame(true, 3, (0, 0), (1, 1)); // Human chooses top middle square viewModel.HumanMove(square2); Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsGameOver); Assert.AreEqual("Please wait, the computer is thinking ...", viewModel.Message); Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square1.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square1.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square1.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square1.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square5.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square5.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square5.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("O", square5.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square2.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square2.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square2.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square2.Piece); }
public async Task Test15() { PlayGame(true, 3, (0, 0)); // Wait for computer to select a square var square = await viewModel.ComputerMove(); // Computer should choose middle square Assert.AreEqual(1, square.row); Assert.AreEqual(1, square.col); Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsGameOver); Assert.AreEqual("Your turn ...", viewModel.Message); Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsTrue(square1.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square1.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square1.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square1.Piece); Assert.IsTrue(square5.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square5.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square5.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("O", square5.Piece); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Cells detail :"); var cells = Console.ReadLine().Trim().Split(','); Console.WriteLine("Enter Dice Output : "); var diceOutputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None); Console.WriteLine("Number of Players : "); var players = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); PlayGame playGame = new PlayGame(cells, diceOutputs, players); playGame.Play(); Console.WriteLine(""); for (int i = 0; i < playGame.ListPlayers.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{playGame.ListPlayers[i].PlayerName} has total money {playGame.ListPlayers[i].Amount} and asset of amount : {playGame.ListPlayers[i].TotalAssets}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Balance at Bank : {playGame.BankAmount}"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void M2Navigation(int id, AppDbContext context, string m) { if (m == "x") { M1 m1 = new M1(); m1.DisplayM1(); } else if (m.Length != 0) { int v; int.TryParse(m.Substring(1), out v); if ((m.Length == 2 || m.Length == 3) && ((int)m.ToUpper()[0] >= 65 && (int)m.ToUpper()[0] < 75) && (v >= 1 && v < 11)) { PlayGame pg = new PlayGame(context, id); pg.ShootBoard(m); DisplayM2(id, context); } else { DisplayM2(id, context); } } else { DisplayM2(id, context); } }
private void Move() { if (true) { int move = CanMove(PlayGame.EmptyPos, gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y); //Debug.Log("Colision " + "cursor " + move); if (move != 0) { PlayGame.UpdateEmpty(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y); if (move == 1) { transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)); } else if (move == 2) { transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, 10, 0)); } else if (move == 3) { transform.Translate(new Vector3(-10, 0, 0)); } else if (move == 4) { transform.Translate(new Vector3(10, 0, 0)); } } } }
public void StartingMenu() { int rowsInput, colsInput; eGameType gameTypeInput; ExitOrCont exitOrCont = ExitOrCont.Continue; string firstName, secondName = "pc"; Console.WriteLine("Hello, Welcome to the game, please enter your name"); GetValidName(out firstName); GetValidChoise(out gameTypeInput); while (exitOrCont != ExitOrCont.Exit) { GetValidBoardSize(out rowsInput, out colsInput); InitLetterArray(rowsInput, colsInput); if (gameTypeInput == eGameType.AgainstPlayer2) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter second player name: "); GetValidName(out secondName); } m_PlayGame = new PlayGame(firstName, secondName, rowsInput, colsInput, gameTypeInput); StartMoves(out exitOrCont); if (exitOrCont == ExitOrCont.Continue) { GetValidExitOrCont(out exitOrCont); } } Console.WriteLine("Have a nice day"); }
private static void ShowAllowedActions(PlayGame game) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Hit)) { sb.Append("H)it"); } if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Stand)) { sb.Append((sb.Length > 0 ? ", " : string.Empty) + "<SPACEBAR> Stand"); } if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.DoubleDown)) { sb.Append((sb.Length > 0 ? ", " : string.Empty) + "D)ouble Down"); } if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Deal)) { sb.Append((sb.Length > 0 ? ", " : string.Empty) + "<ENTER> Deal"); } Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.BufferWidth - 60, GamePlayMsgPosYOffset); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString().PadLeft(60)); Console.ResetColor(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } PlayGame pg = new PlayGame(_context, id); pg.ShootBoard(Game.GMove); Game = await _context.Games .Include(u => u.Player1).ThenInclude(b => b.SelfBoard).ThenInclude(r => r.RowNodes).ThenInclude(n => n.Nodes) .Include(v => v.Player1).ThenInclude(p => p.OppenentBoard).ThenInclude(t => t.RowNodes).ThenInclude(m => m.Nodes) .Include(u => u.Player2).ThenInclude(b => b.SelfBoard).ThenInclude(r => r.RowNodes).ThenInclude(n => n.Nodes) .Include(v => v.Player2).ThenInclude(p => p.OppenentBoard).ThenInclude(t => t.RowNodes).ThenInclude(m => m.Nodes) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.GameId == id); if (Game.Player1.Score >= 15 | Game.Player2.Score >= 15) { return(RedirectToPage("./Edit", new{ id = id, uid = Game.Player1.UserId })); } else { return(RedirectToPage("./Play", new { id = id })); } }
public void SendPlayGame(string _RoleID) { PlayGame szPlayGame = new PlayGame(); szPlayGame.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(_RoleID); MemoryStream msResult = new MemoryStream(); Serializer.Serialize <PlayGame>(msResult, szPlayGame); byte[] msSendData = msResult.ToArray(); TCPOutPacket szTCPOutPacket = TCPOutPacket.MakeTCPOutPacket(m_GSNetClient.OutPacketPool, msSendData, 0, msSendData.Length, (int)CommandID.CMD_PLAY_GAME); if (m_GSNetClient.SendData(szTCPOutPacket)) { SysConOut.WriteLine("发送进入游戏成功"); } else { SysConOut.WriteLine("发送进入游戏失败"); } //TCPOutPacket szTCPOutPacket = TCPOutPacket.MakeTCPOutPacket(m_tcpOutPacketPool, StringUtil.substitute("{0}", _RoleID), // (int)TCPServerCmds.CMD_PLAY_GAME); //if (m_GSNetClient.SendData(szTCPOutPacket)) // SysConOut.WriteLine("发送进入游戏成功"); //else // SysConOut.WriteLine("发送进入游戏失败"); m_GSNetClient.OutPacketPool.Push(szTCPOutPacket); }
private void _PlayChess(byte[] data) { PlayGame result = NetworkUtils.Deserialize <PlayGame>(data); if (!result.isSuc) { Info.Instance.Print("下棋操作失败"); return; } switch (result.Challenger) { case Chess.None: break; case Chess.Black: NetworkPlayer.Instance.OnPlayingChange(false); Info.Instance.Print("黑棋胜利"); break; case Chess.White: NetworkPlayer.Instance.OnPlayingChange(false); Info.Instance.Print("白棋胜利"); break; case Chess.Draw: NetworkPlayer.Instance.OnPlayingChange(false); Info.Instance.Print("平局"); break; } //实例化棋子 NetworkGameplay.Instance.InstChess(result.Chess, new Vec2(result.X, result.Y)); }
public override void Draw() { buttonRect = new Rect((Screen.width - buttonWidth) / 2, (Screen.height - (buttoneHeight * 4) - buttonSpace * 2) / 2, buttonWidth, buttoneHeight); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, local.GetLocalizedValue("help"), style)) { game.gameState =; } buttonRect.y += buttoneHeight + buttonSpace; if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, local.GetLocalizedValue("continue"), style)) { game.gameState =; sounds.Pause(); } buttonRect.y += buttoneHeight + buttonSpace; if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, local.GetLocalizedValue("leaders"), style)) { PlayGame.ShowLeaderboardUI(); } buttonRect.y += buttoneHeight + buttonSpace; if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, local.GetLocalizedValue("exit"), style)) { Application.Quit(); } }
public async Task Test152347() { PlayGame(true, 3, (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0)); // Wait for computer to select a 3nd square var square = await viewModel.ComputerMove(); // Computer should choose bottom left Assert.AreEqual(2, square.row); Assert.AreEqual(0, square.col); Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsGameOver); Assert.AreEqual("Bad luck, the computer beat you!", viewModel.Message); Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square1.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square1.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square1.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square1.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square5.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square5.IsEnabled); Assert.IsTrue(square5.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("O", square5.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square2.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square2.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square2.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square2.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square3.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square3.IsEnabled); Assert.IsTrue(square3.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("O", square3.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square4.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square4.IsEnabled); Assert.IsFalse(square4.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("X", square4.Piece); Assert.IsFalse(square7.IsHumanTurn); Assert.IsFalse(square7.IsEnabled); Assert.IsTrue(square7.HighLight); Assert.AreEqual("O", square7.Piece); // Game Over !!! }
public void ManualGameNotStarted() { var gameStarted = false; var game = new PlayGame(); Assert.AreEqual(gameStarted, game.IsStarted, $@"Expected result: {gameStarted}, Actual result: {game.IsStarted}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Podaj swoje imię:"); string nameofUser = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Witaj {nameofUser} w Quizie."); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Wybierz jedną z 5 opcji:"); MenuActionService menuAction = new MenuActionService(); menuAction.ShowMenu(); int choice; Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice); if (choice == 1) { PlayGame playGame = new PlayGame(); int points = playGame.StartGame(); User user = new User(nameofUser, points); CreateTableOfTheBestResults createTableOfTheBestResults = new CreateTableOfTheBestResults(); createTableOfTheBestResults.AddNewUserAndHisScore(user); } else if (choice == 2) { CategoryManager categoryManager = new CategoryManager(); categoryManager.OpenCategory(); categoryManager.AddNewCategory(); Console.WriteLine("Kliknij Enter, aby przejść z powrotem do menu głównego."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } else if (choice == 3) { QuestionManager questionManager = new QuestionManager(); questionManager.CheckCategoryToAddQuestion(); Console.WriteLine("\r\nPytanie i odpowiedzi zostały pomyślnie dodane."); Console.WriteLine("\r\nNaciśnij Enter, aby przejść do menu głównego."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } else if (choice == 4) { ReturnBestScores returnBestsScores = new ReturnBestScores(); var users = returnBestsScores.ReturningMethod(); ShowInRightOrder showInRightOrder = new ShowInRightOrder(); var usersInRightOrder = showInRightOrder.OrganizeTheList(users); showInRightOrder.ShowOrganizedList(usersInRightOrder); Console.WriteLine("\r\nNaciśnij Enter, aby przejść do menu głównego."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Do zobaczenia!"); break; } } }
public async Task LetsPlayGameAsync_ReturnsGameOverIfNoCardsLeft() { //Arrange var card = new Card( id: Guid.NewGuid(), gameId: Guid.NewGuid(), faceValue: 5453, nextValue: 12432); var game = new Game( Guid.NewGuid(), "Game1", card, true, 0, DateTime.Now, null); var request = new PlayGame { GameId = game.Id, FaceValue = 5453, IsNextNumberHigher = false }; _mockGameRepository .Setup(exec => exec.GetGameByIdAsync( It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .ReturnsAsync(game); //Act var result = await _gameController .LetsPlayGameAsync(request) as OkObjectResult; //Assert _mockGameRepository .Verify(exec => exec.GetGameByIdAsync( It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once); result .Should() .NotBeNull(); result.StatusCode .Should() .Be((int)HttpStatusCode.OK); var gamePlayResult = result.Value as GamePlayResults; gamePlayResult.Message .Should() .Be("The Game is Over!"); }
public void drawCardTest() { var gameRepositoryMock = new GameRepositoryMock(); var playGame = new PlayGame(gameRepositoryMock); var returnObject = playGame.drawCard(0); Assert.AreEqual(null, returnObject);//no deck and card in a new Game }
public async Task <IActionResult> PlayAsync([FromRoute] Guid gameId, [FromBody] PlayGame command) { command.GameId = gameId; await module.DispatchAsync(command); logger.LogInformation("Hand Played by {playerId} - {hand}", command.PlayerId, command.Hand); return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); }
private async void Field_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (Game.GameState == GameState.Lost || Game.GameState == GameState.Won) { return; } var button = (FrameworkElement)sender; var tag = (FieldTag)button.Tag; PlayGame playgameRequest = new PlayGame { Row = tag.Row, Column = tag.Column }; if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left && tag.Field.State == FieldState.Close) { playgameRequest.Action = FieldAction.Open; } else if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right) { if (tag.Field.State == FieldState.Close) { playgameRequest.Action = FieldAction.Flag; } else if (tag.Field.State == FieldState.Flag) { playgameRequest.Action = FieldAction.Mark; } else if (tag.Field.State == FieldState.Mark) { playgameRequest.Action = FieldAction.Reset; } else { return; } } else { return; } var response = await _communication.SendAndRecieveAsync <GameDto>(playgameRequest); if (response == null) { ConnectionLost = true; Close(); return; } UpdateFields(response.Board.Fields); UpdateWindow(response); }
public void getPunishmentTest() { var gameRepositoryMock = new GameRepositoryMock(); var playGame = new PlayGame(gameRepositoryMock); var returnObject = playGame.getPunishment(0); var expected = "test"; Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), returnObject.GetType()); }
public void resetExecutionOfTaskRatingTest() { var gameRepositoryMock = new GameRepositoryMock(); var playGame = new PlayGame(gameRepositoryMock); var returnObject = playGame.resetExecutionOfTaskRating(0); var expected = new ReturnObject(true, "test"); Assert.AreEqual(expected.isSuccess(), returnObject.isSuccess()); }
public void changeActualPlayerTest() { var gameRepositoryMock = new GameRepositoryMock(); var playGame = new PlayGame(gameRepositoryMock); var returnObject = playGame.changeActualPlayer(0, 0); var expected = new ReturnObject(true, "test"); Assert.AreEqual(expected.isSuccess(), returnObject.isSuccess()); }
public void finishGameTest() { var gameRepositoryMock = new GameRepositoryMock(); var playGame = new PlayGame(gameRepositoryMock); var returnObject = playGame.finishGame(new GameEntity(0, "Test")); var expected = new ReturnObject(true, "test"); Assert.AreEqual(expected.isSuccess(), returnObject.isSuccess()); }
public object GetResponse(Request request) { return(request switch { CreateGame createGame => CreateGame(createGame), GetRanking getRanking => GetRanking(getRanking), Handshake handshake => Handshake(handshake), PlayGame playGame => PlayGame(playGame), _ => throw new ArgumentException() });
public void StartManualGame() { var gameStarted = true; var game = new PlayGame(); game.Start(PlayMode.Manual); Assert.AreEqual(gameStarted, game.IsStarted, $@"Expected result: {gameStarted}, Actual result: {game.IsStarted}"); }
private static void ManualGame(string playerName) { var playService = new PlayGame(); var rollCount = 1; playService.Start(Shared.Enums.PlayMode.Manual); if (playService.IsStarted) { Console.Write($"Enter pins bowled on roll {rollCount}: "); var pinsBowled = Console.ReadLine(); while (!playService.IsFinished) { var roll = playService.TrackScore(int.Parse(pinsBowled)); if (roll.RollType == Shared.Enums.RollType.Strike) { Console.WriteLine("You bowled a STRIKE."); } else if (roll.RollType == Shared.Enums.RollType.Spare) { Console.WriteLine("You bowled a Spare."); } rollCount++; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine($"{playerName} your current score is {playService.GameScore}"); Console.WriteLine(""); if (!playService.IsFinished) { Console.Write($"Enter pins bowled on roll {rollCount}: "); pinsBowled = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"{playerName} your final score is {playService.GameScore}"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine($"Press Enter {playerName} to end the game."); Console.ReadLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Game failed to start."); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Exit."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
//public int tanknumber;SB // Use this for initialization void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); initialMaterial = tankMaterial.material; GameObject pGameObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayGameObj"); pgame = pGameObj.GetComponent <PlayGame>(); GameObject commandMenuObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CommandUnitCanvas"); commandMenu = commandMenuObj.GetComponent <Canvas>(); commandUnit = commandMenu.GetComponent <CommandUnit>(); }
public void CmdThrust(float thrusting, int spin) { if (PlayGame.GetComplete() || !tc.alive) { this.thrusting = 0; this.spin = 0; return; } this.thrusting = thrusting; this.spin = spin; }
void Awake() { GameObject temp; temp = GameObject.Find("ScriptsToAttach"); if (temp != null) { playgame = temp.GetComponent <PlayGame>(); } SetGamePiecesSections(); setBorderPercent(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.BufferWidth = Console.WindowWidth = ConsoleWindowWidth; Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight = ConsoleWindowHeight; Console.CursorVisible = false; var game = new PlayGame();// Instantiate the game game.AllowedActionsChanged += OnAllowedActionsChanged; game.LastStateChanged += OnLastStateChanged; game.Dealer.Hand.Changed += OnHandChanged; game.Player.Hand.Changed += OnHandChanged; game.Play(); while (true) { var key = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Enter: //Deal case ConsoleKey.Spacebar: // Stand if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Deal)) { game.DealHands(); } else { game.Stand(); } break; case ConsoleKey.H: // Hit if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Hit)) { game.Hit(); } break; case ConsoleKey.D: // Double Down if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Hit)) { game.Hit(); if (game.IsActionAllowed(Blackjack.Action.Stand)) { game.Stand(); } } break; } } }
public UIPlayGame desrz(PlayGame playGame) { UIPlayGame p = new UIPlayGame(); p.Gamer1 = playGame.Gamer1; p.Gamer2 = playGame.Gamer2; p.Queue = playGame.Queue; p.GameId = playGame.GameId; p.WhiteCoordinate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Coordinate> >(playGame.WhiteCoordinate); p.BlackCoordinate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Coordinate> >(playGame.BlackCoordinate); p.Move = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Move>(playGame.Move); return(p); }
public void play() { PlayGame plyobj = new PlayGame (); PlayCommand plycmd = new ConcretePlay (plyobj); PlayInvoker invobj = new PlayInvoker (); invobj.SetCommand (plycmd); invobj.Execute (); }
public object Any(PlayGame request) { var dds = new DdsConnect(); var game = GameReplayer.Replay(request.PBN); var player = BridgeHelper.GetNextPlayerPosition(game.Declarer); while (game.Tricks.Count != 13) { var result = dds.SolveBoard(game); var card = result.FutureCards.Cards[0]; player = game.PlayCard(card, player); } var play = game.Tricks.Select(x => BridgeHelper.DeckToPbnPlay(x.Deck)); return new PlayGameResponse { Play = string.Join("\n",play) }; }
public ConcretePlay(PlayGame playObj) : base (playObj) { }
public PlayCommand(PlayGame playObj) { this.playObj = playObj; }
void Start() { pg = GameObject.Find ("start_button").GetComponent<PlayGame> (); }