Exemplo n.º 1
 // The constructor needs to take the target pawn as an argument--the pawn to which the comps will be copied.
 public PawnCompsSaver(Pawn source, PawnCompRules rules)
     this.comps = source.AllComps ?? new List <ThingComp>();
     this.Rules = rules ?? new PawnCompExclusionRules();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public PawnCompsSaver(IEnumerable <ThingComp> comps, PawnCompRules rules)
     this.comps = new List <ThingComp>(comps);
     this.Rules = rules;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public PawnCompsLoader(Pawn target, PawnCompRules rules)
     this.TargetPawn = target;
     this.Rules      = rules ?? new PawnCompInclusionRules();