Exemplo n.º 1
        protected double TryPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, out System.Collections.Generic.List <Hop> hops, bool acceptIncomplete)
            var result = Pather.FindPath(start, end);

            Assert.Greater(result.Count, 0);

            // make sure we didn't get an incomplete path
            if (!acceptIncomplete)
                Assert.Less((end - result[result.Count - 1].Location).Length(), 5f);

            foreach (var hop in result)
                float tx, ty;
                Pather.GetTileByLocation(hop.Location.ToRecast().ToFloatArray(), out tx, out ty);
                Console.WriteLine("TX: " + tx + " TY: " + ty + " X: " + hop.Location.X + " Y: " + hop.Location.Y + " Z: " + hop.Location.Z);
            Console.WriteLine("Memory: " + (Pather.MemoryPressure / 1024 / 1024) + "MB");

            double length = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count - 1; i++)
                length += (result[i].Location - result[i + 1].Location).Length();
            hops = result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CrossingTest()
            byte[] dataA, dataB;

            // Build tile A
                var builder = new TileBuilder("Azeroth", 31, 49);
                dataA = builder.Build(new ConsoleLog());

            // Build tile B
                var builder = new TileBuilder("Azeroth", 32, 49);
                dataB = builder.Build(new ConsoleLog());

            // Load into mesh
            var pather = new Pather("Azeroth");


            // and try pathing, coords from AzerothMeshTest -> TileCrossing which is a non-building version of this
            var start = new Vector3(-9467.8f, 64.2f, 55.9f);
            var end   = new Vector3(-9248.9f, -93.35f, 70.3f);
            var path  = pather.FindPath(start, end);

            // check result
            Assert.Greater(path.Count, 0);
            Assert.Less((end - path[path.Count - 1].Location).Length(), 3f);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void TryPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
            var result = Pather.FindPath(start, end);

            Assert.Greater(result.Count, 0);
            // make sure we didn't get an incomplete path
            Assert.Less((end - result[result.Count - 1].Location).Length(), 5f);

            foreach (var hop in result)
                Console.WriteLine("X: " + hop.Location.X + " Y: " + hop.Location.Y + " Z: " + hop.Location.Z);
            Console.WriteLine("Memory: " + (Pather.MemoryPressure / 1024) + "kB");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void MoveTomephisto()
            PC me = new PC();

            AreaMap map = new AreaMap(me.Area);


            Pather p = me.GetSkillLevel(SkillType.Teleport) > 0 ? new Pather(map, new TeleportReducer(25)) : p = new Pather(map, new WalkingReducer(7, 13));

            p.FindPath(me.Position, new System.Drawing.Point(17564, 8069));

            Pathing.Mover m = new Pathing.Mover(p);

            m.Move(me.GetSkillLevel(SkillType.Teleport) > 0 ? Reduction.TeleportReduction : Reduction.WalkingReduction);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected double TryPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, out System.Collections.Generic.List <Hop> hops, bool acceptIncomplete)
            var result = Pather.FindPath(start, end);

            if (result == null || result.Count == 0)
                hops = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Hop>();
            //Assert.Greater(result.Count, 0);

            // make sure we didn't get an incomplete path
            if (!acceptIncomplete)
                Assert.Less((end - result[result.Count - 1].Location).Length(), 5f);

            double length = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count - 1; i++)
                length += (result[i].Location - result[i + 1].Location).Length();

            Console.WriteLine("Total distance flying : " + (end - start).Length() + ", walking : " + length);
            Console.WriteLine("Distance to end : " + (end - result[result.Count - 1].Location).Length());

/*            foreach (var hop in result)
 *          {
 *              float tx, ty;
 *              Pather.GetTileByLocation(hop.Location.ToRecast().ToFloatArray(), out tx, out ty);
 *              Console.WriteLine("TX: " + tx + " TY: " + ty + " X: " + hop.Location.X + " Y: " + hop.Location.Y + " Z: " + hop.Location.Z);
 *          }*/
            Console.WriteLine("Number of hops : " + result.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Memory: " + (Pather.MemoryPressure / 1024 / 1024) + "MB");

            hops = result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool PathTo(Location from, Location to, bool preferRoads = true)
                // Reinstate the pather with our current continent/dungeon
                _Pather = new Pather(WoWWorld.CurrentMap);
                if (_Pather == null)
                    Log.WriteLine("Unable to instantiate the pather on map {0} (#{1})",

                if (preferRoads)
                    // Use only water if necessary
                    _Pather.Filter.SetAreaCost((int)PolyArea.Water, 10);
                    // Roads and terrain keeps their priority
                    _Pather.Filter.SetAreaCost((int)PolyArea.Road, 1);
                    _Pather.Filter.SetAreaCost((int)PolyArea.Terrain, 1);

                    // Exclude flightmasters as they arent properly implemented (yet)
                    // Remember that they are implemented in the mesh, just not into the pather!
                    _Pather.Filter.ExcludeFlags = (int)PolyFlag.FlightMaster;  // Eventually add (int)PolyFlag.Swim

                // Convert our locations to XNA and request a path
                var hops = _Pather.FindPath(from.ToXNA(), to.ToXNA());

                if (hops == null)
                    Log.WriteLine("Unable to generate path to {0}", to);

                // Since we now know that we're ready to move, we can let the rest of the both know that we have a destination
                Destination   = to;
                _lastLocation = from;

                stuckCheckTimer = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);

                if (_GeneratedPath == null)
                    _GeneratedPath = new Queue <Location>();
                foreach (var hop in hops)
                    _GeneratedPath.Enqueue(new Location(hop.Location.X, hop.Location.Y, hop.Location.Z));
            catch (NavMeshException ex)
                Log.WriteLine("Exception in NavMesh (Status: {0}):", ex.Status);
                Exception inner;
                while ((inner = ex.InnerException) != null)

                Status = MovementStatus.Error;

            catch (Exception ex)

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">From.</param>
        /// <param name="to">To.</param>
        /// <param name="continentNameMpq">The continent name MPQ.</param>
        /// <param name="resultSuccess">if set to <c>true</c> [result success].</param>
        /// <param name="addFromAndStart">if set to <c>true</c> [add from and start].</param>
        /// <param name="loadAllTile"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <Point> FindPath(Point from, Point to, string continentNameMpq, out bool resultSuccess,
                                             bool addFromAndStart, bool loadAllTile, bool ShortPath, bool hideMe = false)
            // Prevent Z modified with "GetZ" to be passed as reference to original points/lists.
            from = new Point(from);
            to   = new Point(to);
            if (!hideMe)
                // should be run only from the function that allow pathfinder patchwerk, nowhere else
                Logging.WriteError("FindPath: Error, accessed from unknown location.");
            if (from.DistanceTo(to) <= 1f)
                resultSuccess = true;
                return(new List <Point> {
                    from, to
            if (from.Type.ToLower() == "swimming")
                if (TraceLine.TraceLineGo(new Point(to.X, to.Y, to.Z + 1000), to, Enums.CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestLiquid))
                    // The destination is in water
                    if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(from, to))
                        Logging.WriteNavigator("Swimmming right to the destination");
                        resultSuccess = true;
                        return(new List <Point> {
                            from, to
                    Logging.WriteNavigator("Swimming to the destination using the PathFinder");
                    from.Z = GetZPosition(from); // get to the bottom of the ocean to avoid infinite 0 count path
                    Logging.WriteNavigator("Using the PathFinder to destination out of water");
            if (from.Type.ToLower() == "flying")
                from.Z = GetZPosition(from);
                Logging.WriteNavigator("Using the PathFinder while flying");
            List <Point> locList = new List <Point>();

            resultSuccess = true;
                if (!UsePatherFind || continentNameMpq == "None")

                if (_pather == null)
                    _pather = new Pather(continentNameMpq);
                if (_pather.Continent != continentNameMpq)
                    _pather = new Pather(continentNameMpq);

                if (addFromAndStart)

                if (loadAllTile)

                bool failedPolyref;
                locList = ShortPath ? _pather.FindPathSimple(from, to, out resultSuccess, out failedPolyref, true) : _pather.FindPath(from, to, out resultSuccess, out failedPolyref);
                if (addFromAndStart && resultSuccess)

                if (!resultSuccess && failedPolyref)
                    /*Logging.WriteDebug("Reloading PathFinder...");
                     * _pather.Dispose();
                     * _pather = new Pather(continentNameMpq);
                     * locList = ShortPath ? _pather.FindPathSimple(from, to, out resultSuccess, out failedPolyref, true) : _pather.FindPath(from, to, out resultSuccess, out failedPolyref);
                     * if (addFromAndStart && resultSuccess)
                     *  locList.Add(to);*/

                // Clean list:
                for (int i = 0; i <= locList.Count - 2; i++)
                    if (locList[i].DistanceTo(locList[i + 1]) < 0.5 || !locList[i + 1].IsValid)
                        locList.RemoveAt(i + 1);
                // Offset all points except origin and end to pass around obstacles by some distance.
                // We stop at 2.0 before each point in MovementManager and the meshes are done for a player of 0.6 in diameter.
                // So 2.0-0.6=1.4 is the strick minimum offset needed. Since 'click to point' has a precision of 0.5,
                // 1.4+0.5=1.9 is a pretty good value here.
                for (int i = locList.Count - 2; i > 0; i--)
                    Point offset = Helpful.Math.GetPositionOffsetBy3DDistance(locList[i - 1], locList[i], 1.9f);
                    locList[i] = offset;

                Logging.WriteNavigator("Path Count: " + locList.Count() + (resultSuccess ? "" : " but incomplete"));

            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.WriteError("ToRecast(this Point v): PATH FIND ERROR: " + e);
                Console.WriteLine("Path find ERROR.");

                resultSuccess = false;
                locList       = new List <Point>();

                if (addFromAndStart)
                    if (from != null)
                        if (from.X != 0 || from.Y != 0 || from.Z != 0)

                    if (to != null)
                        if (to.X != 0 || to.Y != 0 || to.Z != 0)
