Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add decorators to the instantiated objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jObject">decorator jobject</param>
        /// <param name="paintBase">paint element to decorate</param>
        /// <returns>Decorated paintbase of paintbase when there are no decorated in jobject</returns>
        private PaintBase AddDecorators(JObject jObject, PaintBase paintBase)
            if (jObject.GetValue("decorators") is JArray decorators)
                foreach (JToken decorator in decorators)
                    // Check for valid decorator
                    if (decorator is JObject jDecorator &&
                        (jDecorator.ContainsKey("position") && jDecorator.ContainsKey("decoration")))
                        // Decorate paintBase
                        switch (jDecorator.GetValue("position").ToString())
                        case "Top":
                            paintBase = new TopDecoration(paintBase, jDecorator.GetValue("decoration").ToString());

                        case "Bottom":
                            paintBase = new BottomDecoration(paintBase, jDecorator.GetValue("decoration").ToString());

                        case "Left":
                            paintBase = new LeftDecoration(paintBase, jDecorator.GetValue("decoration").ToString());

                        case "Right":
                            paintBase = new RightDecoration(paintBase, jDecorator.GetValue("decoration").ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task PointerPressedExecuteAsync()
            // Add entry to UndoStack

            // Set pointer starting point
            _pointerStart = PointerEventArgs.GetCurrentPoint(Canvas).Position;

            // Create new shape
            PaintBase shape = new PaintShape(ShapeType);

            shape.X = _pointerStart.X;
            shape.Y = _pointerStart.Y;

            shape.Width  = 2;
            shape.Height = 2;

            current = shape;


Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task PointerReleasedExecuteAsync()
            // remove current item
            current = null;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace a PaintBase item in the ShapeList
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">Item to replace</param>
        /// <param name="newItem">Item to replace with</param>
        private void ReplaceShapelistEntry(PaintBase current, PaintBase newItem)
            int currentIndex = ShapeList.IndexOf(current);

            ShapeList.Insert(currentIndex, newItem);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert PaintBase into jsonObject
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="paintBase"></param>
 /// <returns>JSON object of PaintBase</returns>
 private JObject getBaseJObject(PaintBase paintBase)
     return(new JObject
         { "width", paintBase.Width },
         { "height", paintBase.Height },
         { "x", paintBase.X },
         { "y", paintBase.Y }
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new decorator to an element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paintBase">element to be decorated</param>
        private async Task AddNewDecorator(PaintBase paintBase)
            // Open dialog
            DecoratorDialog dialog = new DecoratorDialog();

            ContentDialogResult result = await dialog.ShowAsync();

            if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                ReplaceShapelistEntry(paintBase, CreateNewTextDecoration(paintBase, dialog.Decoration, dialog.Position));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Crate json object for visited element
        /// If visited element is a group,
        /// Visit its children recursively
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element to visit</param>
        public void Visit(PaintBase element)
            // Create JObject for visited element
            JObject masterJObject = new JObject();
            // Array of decorators
            JArray decorators = null;

            // If visited element is decoration, add them to jArray
            if (element is TextDecoration decoration)
                decorators = GetDecoratorArray(decoration);
                element    = decoration.GetDrawable();

            if (element is PaintShape shape)
                // Convert PaintShape to JObject
                masterJObject = new JObject
                    { "type", (int)PaintType.Shape },
                    { "shapeType", shape.ToString() }
            else if (element is PaintGroup group)
                // Convert PaintGroup to JObject and add it's children recursively
                masterJObject = new JObject
                    { "type", (int)PaintType.Group }

                // Add children
                JArray children = new JArray();

                foreach (PaintBase paintBase in group.Children)
                    paintBase.Accept(new WriteFileVisitor(children));

                masterJObject.Add("children", children);

            // If decorators are found, add them to JObject
            if (decorators != null)
                masterJObject.Add("decorators", decorators);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Scale visited element
        /// If visited element is a group,
        /// Visit its children recursively
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element to visit</param>
        public void Visit(PaintBase element)
            // Get inner non decorated element if element is decorated
            if (element is TextDecoration decor)
                element = decor.GetDrawable();

            if (element is PaintShape shape)
                // If element is a shape, apply the transforamtion
                if (shape.Width + _deltaX > 0 && shape.Height + _deltaY > 0)
                    shape.Width  += _deltaX;
                    shape.Height += _deltaY;
            else if (element is PaintGroup group)
                // If element is a group, make sure inner element stay in correct place
                double originalX = group.X;
                double originalY = group.Y;

                // Percentage x and y transformation in regards to the new group size
                double groupXMultiplier = (group.Width + _deltaX) / group.Width;
                double groupYMultiplier = (group.Height + _deltaY) / group.Height;

                // Make sure scale is not negative
                if (group.Width + _deltaX > 0 && group.Height + _deltaY > 0)
                    // Apply new size to group
                    group.Width  += _deltaX;
                    group.Height += _deltaY;

                    foreach (PaintBase paintBase in group.Children)
                        double newX = (paintBase.X - originalX) * groupXMultiplier + originalX;
                        double newY = (paintBase.Y - originalY) * groupYMultiplier + originalY;

                        double newXScale = (paintBase.Width * groupXMultiplier) - paintBase.Width;
                        double newYScale = (paintBase.Height * groupYMultiplier) - paintBase.Height;

                        // Move child according to transformation of parent group.
                        paintBase.Accept(new MoveVisitor(newX - paintBase.X, newY - paintBase.Y));
                        // Scale child accoarding to transformation of parent group.
                        paintBase.Accept(new ScaleVisitor(newXScale, newYScale));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Shape GetDrawShape(PaintBase paintBase)
            Shape drawShape = new Ellipse();

            double x = paintBase.Width < 0 ? paintBase.X + paintBase.Width : paintBase.X;
            double y = paintBase.Height < 0 ? paintBase.Y + paintBase.Height : paintBase.Y;

            drawShape.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, x);
            drawShape.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, y);
            drawShape.Width  = paintBase.Width < 0 ? paintBase.Width * -1 : paintBase.Width;
            drawShape.Height = paintBase.Height < 0 ? paintBase.Height * -1 : paintBase.Height;

            drawShape.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task ExecuteUserActionAsync()
            // Get all selected elements that are of the type PaintGroup
            List <PaintBase> selected = ShapeList.Where(pb => pb.Selected &&
                                                        !(pb is PaintShape) &&
                                                        (pb is PaintGroup || (pb as TextDecoration).InnerPaintBase is PaintGroup)).ToList();

            // Only run if 1 or more groups are selected
            if (selected.Count > 0)
                // Add undo entry to the undo stack

                foreach (PaintBase paintBase in selected)
                    PaintBase element = paintBase;
                    // Check if element is wrapped in a decorator
                    if (element is TextDecoration decor)
                        // If so, get inner group
                        element = decor.GetDrawable();

                    if (element is PaintGroup group)
                        // Remove group from canvas

                        // Add the groups children back onto the canvas
                        foreach (PaintBase groupChild in group.Children.ToList())


Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new decorator instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decoratable">Item to be decorated</param>
        /// <param name="decoration">Decoration text</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position of the decoration</param>
        /// <returns>Decorated instance</returns>
        private TextDecoration CreateNewTextDecoration(PaintBase decoratable, string decoration,
                                                       DecoratorAnchor position)
            switch (position)
            case DecoratorAnchor.Top:
                return(new TopDecoration(decoratable, decoration));

            case DecoratorAnchor.Bottom:
                return(new BottomDecoration(decoratable, decoration));

            case DecoratorAnchor.Left:
                return(new LeftDecoration(decoratable, decoration));

            case DecoratorAnchor.Right:
                return(new RightDecoration(decoratable, decoration));

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Move visited element
        /// If visited element is a group,
        /// Visit its children recursively
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element to visit</param>
        public void Visit(PaintBase element)
            if (element is TextDecoration decor)
                element = decor.GetDrawable();

            if (element is PaintShape shape)
                shape.X += _deltaX;
                shape.Y += _deltaY;
            else if (element is PaintGroup group)
                group.X += _deltaX;
                group.Y += _deltaY;

                foreach (PaintBase paintBase in group.Children)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public RightDecoration(PaintBase paintBase, string decorationText) : base(paintBase)
     DecorationText = decorationText;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public RightDecoration(PaintBase paintBase) : base(paintBase)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public BottomDecoration(PaintBase paintBase) : base(paintBase)
Exemplo n.º 16
 public BottomDecoration(PaintBase paintBase, string decorationText) : base(paintBase, decorationText)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public LeftDecoration(PaintBase paintBase) : base(paintBase)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public TopDecoration(PaintBase paintBase) : base(paintBase)
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task PointerPressedExecuteAsync()
            // Check where the click was executed
            Point pointer = PointerEventArgs.GetCurrentPoint(Canvas).Position;

            // Querry a list of selected items
            List <PaintBase> selected = ShapeList.Where(pb => pb.Selected).ToList();

            // Check
            // if only one item is selected
            if (selected.Count == 1)
                PaintBase paintBase = selected.First();

                // Check if the selected item is a decorator
                if (paintBase is TextDecoration decoration)
                    // Check if a decorator was clicked
                    TextDecoration deco = decoration.GetClickedDecoration(pointer.X, pointer.Y);
                    if (deco != null)
                        // Create dialog for Decorator editing
                        DecoratorDialog dialog =
                            new DecoratorDialog(deco.DecorationText, deco.GetDecoratorPosition());

                        // When editing add a delete button
                        dialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Delete";

                        ContentDialogResult result = await dialog.ShowAsync();

                        if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                            deco.DecorationText = dialog.Decoration;


                            // Check if decorator should be moved
                            if (dialog.Position != GetDecoratorPosition(deco))
                                TextDecoration newDecoration = decoration.MovePosition(deco, dialog.Position);

                                ReplaceShapelistEntry(decoration, newDecoration);


                            // Return to prevent 2 decorations in one action
                        else if (result == ContentDialogResult.Secondary)

                            PaintBase newElement = decoration.RemoveDecorator(deco);
                            ReplaceShapelistEntry(decoration, newElement);


                // when the item itself is clicked, add a new decorator
                if ((pointer.X > paintBase.X && pointer.X < paintBase.X + paintBase.Width) &&
                    (pointer.Y > paintBase.Y && pointer.Y < paintBase.Y + paintBase.Height))

                    await AddNewDecorator(paintBase);

                // Show error
                ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title           = "Failed adding decorator",
                    Content         = "You may only select one item to add a decorator to",
                    CloseButtonText = "Ok"

                await dialog.ShowAsync();