Exemplo n.º 1
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              Application app = uiapp.Application;
              Document doc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( doc.PathName ) )
            message = "Please store RVT file "
              + "before launching this command";

            return Result.Failed;

              // Retrieve LMV credentials.

              string client_key;
              string client_secret;

              if( !Util.GetLvmCredentials(
            out client_key, out client_secret ) )
            message = _key_secret_prompt;
            return Result.Failed;

              // Upload and translate model file.
              // Todo: add linked files as well.

              ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
              //fileList.Add( asm.FullFileName );
              //fileList.Add( doc.PathName );

              // Revit blocks the current file.
              // Copy it to a location with no spaces in the name.
              // From then on, the whole upload process could be spawned off into a separate thread.
              // Well, no, we do need the URN.

              string filename = Path.Combine(
            Path.GetFileName( doc.PathName ) );
              filename.Replace( ' ', '_' );
              Debug.Print( filename );
              File.Delete( filename );
              File.Copy( doc.PathName, filename, true );
              fileList.Add( filename );

              //foreach( Document oRefDoc in asm.AllReferencedDocuments )
              //  fileList.Add( oRefDoc.FullDocumentName );

              MultiFileUploader.Util u = new MultiFileUploader.Util(
            "https://developer.api.autodesk.com" );

              string urn = u.UploadFilesWithReferences(
            client_key, client_secret, "comphoundrvtbucket",
            fileList, null, true );

              if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( urn ) )
            message = "View and Data API upload and "
              + "translation failed.";

            return Result.Failed;

              Transform projectLocationTransform
            = Util.GetProjectLocationTransform( doc );

              // Loop through all family instance elements
              // and export their data.

              FilteredElementCollector instances
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfClass( typeof( FamilyInstance ) );

              Result rc = Result.Succeeded;

              InstanceData instanceData;

              int n = 0;

              foreach( FamilyInstance e in instances )
            Debug.Print( e.Id.IntegerValue.ToString() );

            instanceData = new InstanceData( e,
              projectLocationTransform, urn );

            if( !Util.Put( "instances/" + e.UniqueId,
              instanceData, out message ) )
              rc = Result.Failed;
            "CompHound uploaded {0} instance{1}.",
            n, ( 1 == n ? "" : "s" ) );

              return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.PathName))
                message = "Please store RVT file "
                          + "before launching this command";


            // Retrieve LMV credentials.

            string client_key;
            string client_secret;

            if (!Util.GetLvmCredentials(
                    out client_key, out client_secret))
                message = _key_secret_prompt;

            // Upload and translate model file.
            // Todo: add linked files as well.

            ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
            //fileList.Add( asm.FullFileName );
            //fileList.Add( doc.PathName );

            // Revit blocks the current file.
            // Copy it to a location with no spaces in the name.
            // From then on, the whole upload process could be spawned off into a separate thread.
            // Well, no, we do need the URN.

            string filename = Path.Combine(

            filename.Replace(' ', '_');
            File.Copy(doc.PathName, filename, true);

            //foreach( Document oRefDoc in asm.AllReferencedDocuments )
            //  fileList.Add( oRefDoc.FullDocumentName );

            MultiFileUploader.Util u = new MultiFileUploader.Util(

            string urn = u.UploadFilesWithReferences(
                client_key, client_secret, "comphoundrvtbucket",
                fileList, null, true);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urn))
                message = "View and Data API upload and "
                          + "translation failed.";


            Transform projectLocationTransform
                = Util.GetProjectLocationTransform(doc);

            // Loop through all family instance elements
            // and export their data.

            FilteredElementCollector instances
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            Result rc = Result.Succeeded;

            InstanceData instanceData;

            int n = 0;

            foreach (FamilyInstance e in instances)

                instanceData = new InstanceData(e,
                                                projectLocationTransform, urn);

                if (!Util.Put("instances/" + e.UniqueId,
                              instanceData, out message))
                    rc = Result.Failed;
                "CompHound uploaded {0} instance{1}.",
                n, (1 == n ? "" : "s"));
