Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window*/)
            // snippet 1
            // assume a registration is in context.
            MIRSRegistration mirsReg = context.Registration;

            if (mirsReg == null)
                MessageBox.Show("This script requires a registration to be selected.", "Varian Developer");

            // look for MatchPoints structure on source and target image.
            MIRSImage registeredImage = mirsReg.RegisteredImage;
            MIRSImage sourceImage     = mirsReg.SourceImage;

            MessageBox.Show("Fixed image ID = " + registeredImage.Id);
            MessageBox.Show("Moving image ID = " + sourceImage.Id);
            // snippet 1

            // get the match points from the fixed image
            var             listSS             = registeredImage.Image.StructureSets;
            PointsStructure matchPtsRegistered = null;

            foreach (Structure s in listSS.First().Structures)
                if (s is PointsStructure && s.StructureType == StructureType.Registration)
                    matchPtsRegistered = (PointsStructure)s;
#if false
            // Equivalent LINQ query:
            PointsStructure matchPtsFixed =
                (from s in listSS.First().Structures
                 where (s is PointsStructure) && (s.StructureType == StructureType.Registration)
                 select s).FirstOrDefault();

            // get the match points from the moving image
            listSS = sourceImage.Image.StructureSets;
            PointsStructure matchPtsSource = null;
            foreach (Structure s in listSS.First().Structures)
                if (s is PointsStructure && s.StructureType == StructureType.Registration)
                    matchPtsSource = (PointsStructure)s;

            // transform points through the registration matrix.
            VVector[] transformed = mirsReg.TransformPoints(matchPtsSource.Points);

            // compute some TRE statistics
            RegStats stats = new RegStats();
            stats.computeStats(matchPtsSource.Points, matchPtsRegistered.Points, transformed);

            // generate a report
            string htmlReportPath =
                GenerateReport(context, mirsReg, matchPtsSource.Points, matchPtsRegistered.Points, transformed, stats);

            // 'Start' generated HTML file to launch browser window
            // Sleep for a few seconds to let internet browser window to start