private void butAddI_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Instrument ins = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <Instrument>(comInstrumentI); if (ins != null) { MasterProduct pro = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MasterProduct>(comProductI); if (pro != null) { //if (! _consum.IsExsistProductUsage(ins.Id, pro.Id)) // { if (comPeriodI.SelectedValue != null) { if (!_consum.IsExsistUsageRatePerInst(ins.Id, pro.Id)) { ConsumableUsage cu = new ConsumableUsage(); cu.Period = comPeriodI.Text; cu.PerInstrument = true; cu.Product = pro; cu.Instrument = ins; cu.ProductUsageRate = 1; cu.MasterConsumable = _consum; _consum.ConsumableUsages.Add(cu); BindProductUsageI(); if (OnDataUsageEdit != null) { OnDataUsageEdit(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } } }
private void BindProcurement() { lvproductQinstock.Items.Clear(); lvproductQinstock.BeginUpdate(); int index = 0; foreach (MorbiditySupplyProcurement p in _supplyProcurement) { LQTListViewTag tag = new LQTListViewTag(); tag.GroupTitle = (p.PlatformEnum.ToString()); tag.Id = p.Id; tag.Index = index; MasterProduct product = DataRepository.GetProductById(p.ProductId); ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(product.ProductName) { Tag = tag }; li.SubItems.Add(p.PackSize.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(product.BasicUnit); li.SubItems.Add(p.QuantityNeeded.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(p.QuantityInStock.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(p.QuantityToPurchase.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", p.UnitCost).ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:C}", p.TotalCost).ToString()); LqtUtil.AddItemToGroup(lvproductQinstock, li); lvproductQinstock.Items.Add(li); index++; } lvproductQinstock.EndUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// sample referral /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> public void SetTestsReceivedFromReferringSites(ClassOfChemistryTests[] result) { ChemistryTestNameEnum[] chemTests = LqtUtil.EnumToArray <ChemistryTestNameEnum>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { for (int x = 0; x < chemTests.Length; x++) { ChemistrySymptomDirectedTest csdt = _chemMonthlyOutputs[i].GetChemSymptomDirectedTestById(chemTests[x]); if ((i + 1) >= PeriodInfo.FirstMonth && (i + 1) <= PeriodInfo.LastMonth) { csdt.TestsonInstrumentForecastPeriodFromReferringSites = result[i - 1].GetChemTestValue(chemTests[x]); } if ((i + 1) > PeriodInfo.LastMonth) { csdt.TestsonInstrumentBufferStockFromReferringSites = result[i - 1].GetChemTestValue(chemTests[x]); } } if ((i + 1) >= PeriodInfo.FirstMonth && (i + 1) <= PeriodInfo.LastMonth) { _chemMonthlyOutputs[i].TotalSampleForecastPeriodRecivedFromReferrSites = result[i - 1].TotalSamples; } if ((i + 1) > PeriodInfo.LastMonth) { _chemMonthlyOutputs[i].TotalSampleBufferStockRecivedFromReferrSites = result[i - 1].TotalSamples; } } _testsReceivedFromReferringSitesBeyondForecast = result[12]; }
private void chartSiteCategory_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _morbiditySP = DataRepository.GetMorbiditySPByForecastId(_ForecastId); chart1.Titles[0].Text = " Supply Procurement Forecast"; ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum[] platforms = LqtUtil.EnumToArray <ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum>(); double[] yval = new double[platforms.Length]; string[] xval = new string[platforms.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum m in platforms) { xval[i] = m.ToString(); foreach (MorbiditySupplyProcurement mp in _morbiditySP) { if (m == mp.PlatformEnum) { yval[i] = mp.TotalCost + yval[i]; } } i++; } chart1.Series["morbiditySP"].Points.DataBindXY(xval, yval); }
public LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { if (txtAreaname.Text.Trim() == "") { throw new LQTUserException("Group name must not be empty."); } this._testingGroup.GroupName = this.txtAreaname.Text.Trim(); TestingArea ta = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); if (ta == null) { throw new LQTUserException("A testing-area must be selected."); } if (_testingGroup.TestingArea == null) { this._testingGroup.TestingArea = ta; ta.TestingGroups.Add(_testingGroup); } else if (!ta.TestingGroups.Contains(_testingGroup)) { this._testingGroup.TestingArea = ta; ta.TestingGroups.Add(_testingGroup); } DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateTestingArea(ta); return(new LQTUserMessage("Testing Group was saved or updated successfully.")); }
public override LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { if (txtName.Text.Trim() == "") { throw new LQTUserException("Product name must not be empty."); } else if (DataRepository.GetProductByName(txtName.Text.Trim()) != null && _product.Id <= 0) { throw new LQTUserException("The Product Name already exists."); } _product.ProductName = this.txtName.Text; _product.BasicUnit = this.txtBasicunit.Text; _product.ProductNote = this.txtNote.Text; _product.SerialNo = this.txtSerialno.Text; _product.Specification = this.txtSpecification.Text; _product.MinimumPackSize = int.Parse(txtminimumPacks.Text); if (_product.ProductType == null) { _product.ProductType = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ProductType>(comCategory); } DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateProduct(_product); return(new LQTUserMessage("Product was saved or updated successfully.")); }
private void butSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int len = lvProductAll.SelectedItems.Count; QuantifyMenu qm = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <QuantifyMenu>(comClass); IList <QuantificationMetric> templits = new List <QuantificationMetric>(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { QuantificationMetric metric = new QuantificationMetric(); metric.ClassOfTest = qm.ClassOfTest; metric.CollectionSupplieAppliedTo = CollectionSupplieAppliedToEnum.Testing.ToString(); metric.Product = (MasterProduct)lvProductAll.SelectedItems[i].Tag; metric.QuantifyMenu = qm; metric.UsageRate = 1; qm.QuantificationMetrics.Add(metric); templits.Add(metric); } lstSelectedPro.BeginUpdate(); foreach (QuantificationMetric m in templits) { ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(m.Product.ProductName) { Tag = m }; li.SubItems.Add(qm.DisplayTitle); lstSelectedPro.Items.Add(li); } lstSelectedPro.EndUpdate(); }
private void butAddP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MasterProduct pro = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MasterProduct>(comProductP); if (pro != null) { if (comPeriodP.SelectedValue != null) { if (!_consum.IsExsistUsageRatePerPeriod(pro.Id)) { ConsumableUsage cu = new ConsumableUsage(); cu.Period = comPeriodP.SelectedValue.ToString(); cu.PerPeriod = true; cu.Product = pro; cu.ProductUsageRate = 1; cu.MasterConsumable = _consum; _consum.ConsumableUsages.Add(cu); BindProductUsageP(); if (OnDataUsageEdit != null) { OnDataUsageEdit(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } }
private void BindProductUsage() { lsvProductUsage.BeginUpdate(); lsvProductUsage.Items.Clear(); int index = 0; foreach (ProductUsage r in _test.ProductUsages) { LQTListViewTag tag = new LQTListViewTag(); tag.GroupTitle = r.Instrument.InstrumentName; tag.Id = r.Id; tag.Index = index; ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(r.Product.ProductName) { Tag = tag }; li.SubItems.Add(r.Rate.ToString()); //li.SubItems.Add(r.ProductUsedIn); LqtUtil.AddItemToGroup(lsvProductUsage, li); lsvProductUsage.Items.Add(li); index++; } lsvProductUsage.EndUpdate(); }
private void butAddT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MasterProduct pro = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MasterProduct>(comProductT); if (pro != null) { if (!_consum.IsExsistUsageRatePerTest(pro.Id)) { if (txtNoofTest.Text != "0") { ConsumableUsage cu = new ConsumableUsage(); cu.NoOfTest = int.Parse(txtNoofTest.Text); cu.PerTest = true; cu.Product = pro; cu.ProductUsageRate = 1; cu.MasterConsumable = _consum; _consum.ConsumableUsages.Add(cu); BindProductUsage(); if (OnDataUsageEdit != null) { OnDataUsageEdit(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } }
private void BindProductUsageI() { lsvProductUsageI.BeginUpdate(); lsvProductUsageI.Items.Clear(); int index = 0; foreach (ConsumableUsage r in _consum.ConsumableUsages) { if (r.PerInstrument == true) { LQTListViewTag tag = new LQTListViewTag(); tag.GroupTitle = r.Instrument.InstrumentName; tag.Id = r.Id; tag.Index = index; ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(r.Product.ProductName) { Tag = tag }; li.SubItems.Add(r.Period.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(r.ProductUsageRate.ToString()); LqtUtil.AddItemToGroup(lsvProductUsageI, li); lsvProductUsageI.Items.Add(li); index++; } } lsvProductUsageI.EndUpdate(); }
private void butAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Instrument ins = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <Instrument>(comInstrument); if (ins != null) { MasterProduct pro = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MasterProduct>(comProduct); if (pro != null) { if (!_test.IsExsistProductUsage(ins.Id, pro.Id)) { ProductUsage pu = new ProductUsage(); pu.Test = _test; pu.Instrument = ins; pu.Product = pro; pu.Rate = 1; _test.ProductUsages.Add(pu); BindProductUsage(); if (OnDataUsageEdit != null) { OnDataUsageEdit(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } }
private void PopInstruments() { // _fCategoryInstrument = DataRepository.GetFCInstrumentByFinfoId(_Fid); lsvInstrument.BeginUpdate(); lsvInstrument.Items.Clear(); int index = 0; foreach (ForecastCategoryInstrument s in _fCategoryInstrument) { LQTListViewTag tag = new LQTListViewTag(); tag.Id = s.Id; tag.Index = index; tag.GroupTitle = s.Instrument.TestingArea.AreaName; ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(s.Instrument.InstrumentName) { Tag = tag }; //i.SubItems.Add(s.Instrument.InstrumentName); li.SubItems.Add(s.TestRunPercentage.ToString()); LqtUtil.AddItemToGroup(lsvInstrument, li); lsvInstrument.Items.Add(li); index++; } if (_fCategoryInstrument.Count <= 0) { lbtRemove.Enabled = false; } lsvInstrument.EndUpdate(); }
private void AddSubItemToPlatformView() { ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum[] ctest = LqtUtil.EnumToArray <ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum>(); _sPlatformView.Items.Clear(); _sPlatformView.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ARTSite site in _artSites) { ListViewGroup group = new ListViewGroup(site.Id.ToString(), site.MorbidityCategory.CategoryName + "-> " + site.Site.SiteName); _sPlatformView.Groups.Add(group); for (int i = 0; i < ctest.Length; i++) { EXListViewItem item = new EXListViewItem(ctest[i].ToString()) { Tag = site }; string remark = IsValidRow(site, ctest[i]); if (remark != null) { item.BackColor = Color.Tomato; } item.SubItems.Add(new EXBoolListViewSubItem(site.TestWasSelected(ctest[i])) { BackColor = item.BackColor }); if (ctest[i] == ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum.RapidTest || ctest[i] == ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum.Consumable) { item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem()); item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem()); item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem()); item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem()); } else { item.SubItems.Add(new EXBoolListViewSubItem(site.TestWasReffered(ctest[i])) { BackColor = item.BackColor }); item.SubItems.Add(new EXBoolListViewSubItem(site.HasPlatform(ctest[i])) { BackColor = item.BackColor }); item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem(site.NoOfPlatform(ctest[i]).ToString()) { BackColor = item.BackColor }); item.SubItems.Add(new EXListViewSubItem(remark) { BackColor = item.BackColor }); } item.Group = group; _sPlatformView.Items.Add(item); } } _platformVisted = true; _sPlatformView.EndUpdate(); }
public LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { if (txtName.Text.Trim() == "") { throw new LQTUserException("Product name must not be empty."); } else if (DataRepository.GetProductByName(txtName.Text.Trim()) != null && _product.Id <= 0) { throw new LQTUserException("The Product Name already exists."); } if (txtBasicunit.Text.Trim() == "")//b { throw new LQTUserException("Basic Unit must not be empty."); } if (txtminimumPacks.Text.Trim() == "")//b { throw new LQTUserException("Package Size must not be empty."); } if (_product.ProductPrices.Count <= 0) { throw new LQTUserException("Price must not be empty."); } _product.ProductName = this.txtName.Text.Trim(); _product.BasicUnit = this.txtBasicunit.Text; _product.ProductNote = this.txtNote.Text; _product.SerialNo = this.txtSerialno.Text; _product.Specification = this.txtSpecification.Text; _product.MinimumPackSize = int.Parse(txtminimumPacks.Text); if (_product.ProductType == null) { _product.ProductType = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ProductType>(comCategory); } if (_product.ProductType.UseInDemography) { if (_product.ProductType.ClassOfTestToEnum == ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum.RapidTest) { _product.RapidTestGroup = comSpecification.Text; } else { _product.RapidTestGroup = null; } } else { _product.RapidTestGroup = null; } DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateProduct(_product); return(new LQTUserMessage("Product was saved or updated successfully.")); }
private void PopInstrument() { TestingArea ta = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); if (ta != null) { comInstrument.DataSource = DataRepository.GetListOfInstrumentByTestingArea(ta.Id); } }
private void PopPeriod() { PeriodEnum[] period = LqtUtil.EnumToArray <PeriodEnum>(); comPeriodP.DataSource = period; comPeriodP.SelectedIndex = -1; comPeriodI.DataSource = period; comPeriodI.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void butImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFilename.Text.Trim())) { return; } try { var ds = LqtUtil.ReadExcelFile(txtFilename.Text, 13); _rdata = GetDataRow(ds); lvImport.BeginUpdate(); lvImport.Items.Clear(); foreach (var rd in _rdata) { var li = new ListViewItem(rd.RowNo.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.RegionName); li.SubItems.Add(rd.SiteName); li.SubItems.Add(rd.PatientOnTreatment.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.PatientOnPreTreatment.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.EverStartedPonT.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.EverStartedPonPreT.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.Vct.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.CD4.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.Chemistry.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.Hematology.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.ViralLoad.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.OtherTest.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.Consumable.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.IsExist ? "Yes" : "No"); li.SubItems.Add(rd.ErrorDescription); if (rd.HasError) { li.BackColor = Color.Red; } else if (rd.IsExist) { li.BackColor = Color.Green; } lvImport.Items.Add(li); } lvImport.EndUpdate(); butClear.Enabled = true; butSave.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Importing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnviewreport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (_parentId == 3) { _mforecast = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MorbidityForecast>(cobforecast); LoadReport(_subreportId); } else { FileInfo filinfo = null; _finfo = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForecastInfo>(cobforecast); List <ReportParameter> param = new List <ReportParameter>(); ReportParameter finfo = new ReportParameter("ForecastId", _finfo.Id.ToString()); param.Add(finfo); FillReportDataSet(); if (cobreporttype.SelectedIndex == 0) { filinfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(AppSettings.GetReportPath, String.Format("{0}.rdlc", OReports.ServiceQSummary))); } else { filinfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(AppSettings.GetReportPath, String.Format("{0}.rdlc", OReports.FullQSummary))); } _fileToLoad = filinfo; FrmReportViewer frmRV = new FrmReportViewer(_fileToLoad, _rDataSet, param); frmRV.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // Close(); frmRV.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { new FrmShowError(new ExceptionStatus() { message = "", ex = ex }).ShowDialog(); } }
private void buttonLaunchReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (comMethodologey.Text == MethodologyEnum.DEMOGRAPHIC.ToString()) { _mforecast = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <MorbidityForecast>(cbomforecast); LoadReport(cboreport.SelectedIndex); } else { FileInfo filinfo = null; _finfo = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForecastInfo>(comForecastinfo); List <ReportParameter> param = new List <ReportParameter>(); ReportParameter finfo = new ReportParameter("ForecastId", _finfo.Id.ToString()); param.Add(finfo); FillReportDataSet(); if (rdosite.Checked) { filinfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(AppSettings.GetReportPath, String.Format("{0}.rdlc", OReports.ServiceQSummary))); } else { filinfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(AppSettings.GetReportPath, String.Format("{0}.rdlc", OReports.FullQSummary))); } _fileToLoad = filinfo; FrmReportViewer frmRV = new FrmReportViewer(_fileToLoad, _rDataSet, param); frmRV.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Close(); frmRV.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { new FrmShowError(new ExceptionStatus() { message = "", ex = ex }).ShowDialog(); } }
private void butImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFilename.Text.Trim())) { return; } try { DataSet ds = LqtUtil.ReadExcelFile(txtFilename.Text, 4); _rdata = GetDataRow(ds); bool haserror = false; lvImport.BeginUpdate(); lvImport.Items.Clear(); foreach (ImportQVariableData rd in _rdata) { ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(rd.RowNo.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.ProductName); li.SubItems.Add(rd.UsageRate.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(rd.QuantifyMenu); li.SubItems.Add(rd.AppliedTo); li.SubItems.Add(rd.IsExist ? "Yes" : "No"); li.SubItems.Add(rd.ErrorDescription); if (rd.HasError) { li.BackColor = Color.Red; haserror = true; } else if (rd.IsExist) { li.BackColor = Color.Green; } lvImport.Items.Add(li); } lvImport.EndUpdate(); butClear.Enabled = true; //if (!haserror) butSave.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Importing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public override LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { ForlabRegion region = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForlabRegion>(comRegion); if (txtName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { throw new LQTUserException("Site Name must not be empty."); } if (LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForlabRegion>(comRegion) == null) { throw new LQTUserException("A Region must be selected."); } if (DataRepository.GetSiteByName(txtName.Text.Trim(), LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForlabRegion>(comRegion).Id) != null && _site.Id <= 0) { throw new LQTUserException("The Site Name already exists in the region."); } if (txtworkingdays.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { throw new LQTUserException("General Working Days Can not be empty."); } _site.SiteName = txtName.Text; _site.CD4TestingDaysPerMonth = int.Parse(txtCd4Td.Text); _site.ChemistryTestingDaysPerMonth = int.Parse(txtChemTd.Text); _site.HematologyTestingDaysPerMonth = int.Parse(txthemaTd.Text); _site.ViralLoadTestingDaysPerMonth = int.Parse(txtViralTd.Text); _site.OtherTestingDaysPerMonth = int.Parse(txtOtherTd.Text); _site.CD4RefSite = int.Parse(comCD4RefSite.Tag.ToString()); _site.ChemistryRefSite = int.Parse(comChemistryRefSite.Tag.ToString()); _site.HematologyRefSite = int.Parse(comHematologyRefSite.Tag.ToString()); _site.ViralLoadRefSite = int.Parse(comViralLoadRefSite.Tag.ToString()); _site.OtherRefSite = int.Parse(comOtheRefSite.Tag.ToString()); _site.WorkingDays = int.Parse(txtworkingdays.Text); if (_site.Region == null) { _site.Region = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ForlabRegion>(comRegion); } _site.SiteCategory = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <SiteCategory>(comCategory); AddDefaultStatus(); DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateSite(_site); return(new LQTUserMessage("Site was saved or updated successfully.")); }
private void PopTest() { TestingArea ta = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); if (ta != null) { comTest.DataSource = ta.Tests;//////////////////// } if (comTest.Items.Count > 0) { comTest.SelectedIndex = -1; // EnableSaveButton(this, new EventArgs()); } // else // DisableSaveButton(this, new EventArgs()); }
private void PopTestingGroup() { TestingArea ta = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); comGroup.DataSource = ta.TestingGroups; //comGroup.DisplayMember = "GroupName"; //comGroup.ValueMember = "Id"; if (comGroup.Items.Count > 0) { OnEnableSaveButton(); } else { OnDisableSaveButton(); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void comCategory_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductType pt = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <ProductType>(comCategory); if (pt != null) { if (pt.UseInDemography) { if (pt.ClassOfTestToEnum == ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum.RapidTest) { comSpecification.Enabled = true; return; } } } comSpecification.Enabled = false; }
public LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { if (comTestarea.SelectedIndex < 0) { throw new LQTUserException("Testing Area can not be empty."); } if (_consum.TestingArea == null) { _consum.TestingArea = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); } if (comTest.SelectedIndex > -1) { _consum.Test = (Test)_consum.TestingArea.Tests[comTest.SelectedIndex];// LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue<Test>(comTest); } DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateConsumables(_consum); return(new LQTUserMessage("Consumable was saved or updated successfully.")); }
private void SearchSelectedPro() { if (_selectedPro == null) { _selectedPro = new List <int>(); } else { _selectedPro.Clear(); } QuantifyMenu qm = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <QuantifyMenu>(comClass); foreach (QuantificationMetric m in qm.QuantificationMetrics) { _selectedPro.Add(m.Product.Id); } }
private LQTUserMessage SaveOrUpdateObject() { if (_morbidityTest.Id <= 0) { Instrument ins = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <Instrument>(comInstrument); if (ins == null) { throw new LQTUserException("Platform must not be empty."); } this._morbidityTest.Instrument = ins; this._morbidityTest.TestName = ManageQuantificationMenus.BuildTestName(ins.InstrumentName, _morbidityTest.ClassOfTestEnum); ManageQuantificationMenus.CreateQuantifyMenus(_morbidityTest); } DataRepository.SaveOrUpdateMorbidityTest(_morbidityTest); return(new LQTUserMessage("Test was saved or updated successfully.")); }
private bool ISValidReferralSite(string Referralsite, string siten, string platform, out ForlabSite refSite) { IList <ForlabSite> _referingSites = new List <ForlabSite>(); IList <ForlabSite> _validsites = new List <ForlabSite>(); refSite = null; bool isvalid = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Referralsite)) { refSite = DataRepository.GetSiteByName(Referralsite); if (refSite != null) { if (refSite.SiteName != siten) { _validsites = DataRepository.GetAllSiteByRegionandPlatform(-1, LqtUtil.RemoveWhitespace(platform)); _referingSites = DataRepository.GetReferingSiteByPlatform(LqtUtil.RemoveWhitespace(platform)); if (_validsites.Contains(refSite) && !_referingSites.Contains(refSite)) { isvalid = true; } else { isvalid = false; } } else { isvalid = false; } } else { isvalid = false; } } else { isvalid = false; } return(isvalid); }
private void PopTestingGroup() { TestingArea ta = LqtUtil.GetComboBoxValue <TestingArea>(comTestarea); if (ta != null) { comGroup.DataSource = ta.TestingGroups; } if (comGroup.Items.Count > 0) { comGroup.SelectedIndex = -1; EnableSaveButton(this, new EventArgs()); } else { DisableSaveButton(this, new EventArgs()); } }