private IEnumerable<XY> GetPointCollection(Loc[] locations) { foreach (Loc location in locations) { yield return new XY(location.lon,; } }
public Move(Unit actor, Loc start, Loc end, int mvConsumed) { = actor; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.mvConsumed = mvConsumed; }
/// <summary> /// Adjust wait time until next movement allowed and check if can move currently. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if can move, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="dLoc">Attempted change in location.</param> private bool updateWaitTime(Loc dLoc) { if (dLoc.Equals ( { cooldown = 0; return false; } if (cooldown > 0) { cooldown -= Time.deltaTime; return false; } cooldown = waitTime; return true; }
private void updatePosition() { if (!canMove) { return; } Loc dLoc = determineOffset (); // Update wait time and see if cursor can move this tic if (!updateWaitTime (dLoc)) { return; } Loc potLoc = (dLoc); if (World.current.isInBounds (potLoc)) { loc = potLoc; transform.position = World.current.onGround (potLoc); } }
/* The next best thing to a picture in the source code. IsLegal() || || IsKill n/ \y IsSuicide IsKo n/ \y n/ \y PLAY NO PLAY NO */ public IsLegalResponse IsLegal(Loc proposedLoc) { IsLegalResponse response = new IsLegalResponse(); if (isConflict(proposedLoc)) { response.Reason = ReasonEnum.Conflict; return response; } response.Killed = determineKills(proposedLoc); if (response.Killed.Any()) { // IsKill if (isKo(proposedLoc, response.Killed)) { response.Reason = ReasonEnum.Ko; return response; } else { // Determine MergeResultant and AbsorbedByMerge for future use. // Does proposedLoc have any friendly neighbors? List<Chain> friendlyNeighborChains = findFriendlyNeighborChains(proposedLoc); if (friendlyNeighborChains.Any()) { // If so, merge friendlyNeighborChains.Add(new Chain(new Stone(proposedLoc, IsWhiteMove), this.findLiberties(proposedLoc))); response.MergeResultant = this.merge(friendlyNeighborChains); response.AbsorbedInMerge = friendlyNeighborChains; } else { response.MergeResultant = new Chain(new Stone(proposedLoc, IsWhiteMove), this.findLiberties(proposedLoc)); response.AbsorbedInMerge = new List<Chain>(); } return response; } } else { // !IsKill this.determineSuicide(proposedLoc, response); return response; } }
/// <summary> /// Determine change in loc caused by keypresses this tic. /// </summary> /// <returns>Potential offset of cursor.</returns> private Loc determineOffset() { Loc offset = new Loc (); // Add to offset based on keyboard input // Must take perspective (rotation) of camera into consideration if (Input.GetButton ("Up")) offset = (new Loc (0, 1, Cam.main.perspective)); if (Input.GetButton ("Down")) offset = (new Loc (0, -1, Cam.main.perspective)); if (Input.GetButton ("Left")) offset = (new Loc (-1, 0, Cam.main.perspective)); if (Input.GetButton ("Right")) offset = (new Loc (1, 0, Cam.main.perspective)); return offset; }
/// <summary> /// Check if given move is valid/possible. /// </summary> static bool isValid(Move move, Loc lastLoc) { // Check if space is in bounds if ( !World.current.isInBounds(move.end) ) return false; // Check that space not hole if ( World.current.isHole(move.end) ) return false; // Check that is not occupied already if ( Unit.get (move.end) != null ) return false; // Check that height is not too great float dHeight = Mathf.Abs (World.current.getHeight (move.end) - World.current.getHeight (lastLoc)); if ( dHeight > ) return false; // If none of above tests failed, is valid space to move to return true; }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to force someone else to drink some of a drink. Returns true if any interaction took place, /// including generation of pop-up messages. /// </summary> private bool TryForceDrink(EntityUid uid, EntityUid userUid, EntityUid targetUid, DrinkComponent?drink = null) { if (!Resolve(uid, ref drink)) { return(false); } // cannot stack do-afters if (drink.CancelToken != null) { drink.CancelToken.Cancel(); drink.CancelToken = null; return(true); } if (!EntityManager.HasComponent <SharedBodyComponent>(targetUid)) { return(false); } if (!drink.Opened) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-not-open", ("owner", Name: EntityManager.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(drink.Owner).EntityName)), uid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); return(true); } if (!_solutionContainerSystem.TryGetDrainableSolution(uid, out var drinkSolution) || drinkSolution.DrainAvailable <= 0) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-is-empty", ("entity", Name: EntityManager.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(drink.Owner).EntityName)), uid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); return(true); } if (_foodSystem.IsMouthBlocked(targetUid, userUid)) { return(true); } EntityManager.TryGetComponent(userUid, out MetaDataComponent? meta); var userName = meta?.EntityName ?? string.Empty; _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-force-feed", ("user", userName)), userUid, Filter.Entities(targetUid)); drink.CancelToken = new(); _doAfterSystem.DoAfter(new DoAfterEventArgs(userUid, drink.ForceFeedDelay, drink.CancelToken.Token, targetUid) { BreakOnUserMove = true, BreakOnDamage = true, BreakOnStun = true, BreakOnTargetMove = true, MovementThreshold = 1.0f, TargetFinishedEvent = new ForceDrinkEvent(userUid, drink, drinkSolution), BroadcastCancelledEvent = new ForceDrinkCancelledEvent(drink), }); // logging _logSystem.Add(LogType.ForceFeed, LogImpact.Medium, $"{ToPrettyString(userUid):user} is forcing {ToPrettyString(targetUid):target} to drink {ToPrettyString(uid):drink} {SolutionContainerSystem.ToPrettyString(drinkSolution):solution}"); return(true); }
public void Examine(FormattedMessage message, bool inDetailsRange) { message.AddMarkup(Loc.GetString("It's currently on {0} mode, and holds {1} charges.", _mode.ToString(), _ammo)); }
/// <summary> /// Move unit to given space. /// Precondition: Space must be valid. /// Space should be on the ground for current map, so y must be raised from xz plane. /// </summary> public void move(Loc loc, int mvConsumed = 0) { // Change the stored and real location of unit this.loc = loc; self.transform.position = World.current.onGround (loc); // Consume movement mvCur -= mvConsumed; }
private async void PlaceActiveHandItemInHands(IEntity user, string hand) { var hands = Owner.GetComponent <HandsComponent>(); var userHands = user.GetComponent <HandsComponent>(); var item = userHands.GetActiveHand; bool Check() { if (!ActionBlockerSystem.CanInteract(user)) { return(false); } if (item == null) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("You aren't holding anything!")); return(false); } if (!userHands.CanDrop(userHands.ActiveHand !)) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("You can't drop that!")); return(false); } if (!hands.HasHand(hand)) { return(false); } if (hands.TryGetItem(hand, out var _)) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("{0:They} already {0:have} something there!", Owner)); return(false); } if (!hands.CanPutInHand(item, hand, false)) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("{0:They} cannot put that there!", Owner)); return(false); } return(true); } var doAfterSystem = EntitySystem.Get <DoAfterSystem>(); var doAfterArgs = new DoAfterEventArgs(user, StripDelay, CancellationToken.None, Owner) { ExtraCheck = Check, BreakOnStun = true, BreakOnDamage = true, BreakOnTargetMove = true, BreakOnUserMove = true, NeedHand = true, }; var result = await doAfterSystem.DoAfter(doAfterArgs); if (result != DoAfterStatus.Finished) { return; } userHands.Drop(hand, false); hands.PutInHand(item !, hand, false, false); UpdateSubscribed(); }
private void UpdateRemainingFlammability(Structure structure, float delta) { structure.Flammability -= delta / 2; if (structure.Flammability <= 0) { Loc.GetStructureController().SpawnStructure("Debris", structure.Cell, Loc.GetFactionController().WorldFaction); Loc.GetStructureController().DestroyStructure(structure); } }
private void determineSuicide(Loc proposedLoc, IsLegalResponse response) { // Does proposedLoc have any friendly neighbors? List<Chain> friendlyNeighborChains = findFriendlyNeighborChains(proposedLoc); if (friendlyNeighborChains.Any()) { // If so, merge friendlyNeighborChains.Add(new Chain(new Stone(proposedLoc, IsWhiteMove), this.findLiberties(proposedLoc))); Chain mergeResultant = this.merge(friendlyNeighborChains); if (!mergeResultant.Liberties.Any()) { response.Reason = ReasonEnum.Suicide; return; } else { response.MergeResultant = mergeResultant; response.AbsorbedInMerge = friendlyNeighborChains; return; } } else { // If not, if there are any liberties, it's playable if (this.findLiberties(proposedLoc).Any()) { response.MergeResultant = new Chain(new Stone(proposedLoc, IsWhiteMove), this.findLiberties(proposedLoc)); response.AbsorbedInMerge = new List<Chain>(); return; } } // else, it's suicide response.Reason = ReasonEnum.Suicide; }
// TODO: Can also do a quick scan of neighbors if there are any foes, so see if even need to look for kills. private List<Chain> determineKills(Loc proposedLoc) { List<Chain> kills = new List<Chain>(); // Iterate through chains of opposite color. // if any have 1 liberty, it's a kill and is returned in List<Chain> if (IsWhiteMove) foreach (Chain chain in Game.blackChains) { if (chain.Liberties.Count == 1 && chain.Liberties[0].Equals(proposedLoc)) kills.Add(chain); } else foreach (Chain chain in Game.whiteChains) { if (chain.Liberties.Count == 1 && chain.Liberties[0].Equals(proposedLoc)) kills.Add(chain); } return kills; }
private static bool isConflictHelper(List<Chain> chainsOfLikeColor, Loc proposedLoc) { foreach (Chain chain in chainsOfLikeColor) foreach (Stone stone in chain.Stones) if (proposedLoc.Equals(stone.Loc)) return true; return false; }
// Updates lists accordingly with correct location and color. public RequestResponse PlaceStone(Loc loc, IsLegalResponse isLegalResponse) { // By this point, we have MergeResult and KilledChains this.Game.PossibleKoLoc = new Loc(-1, -1); // Update logical groups of Chains by adding the mergeResult and removing what went into the merge this.enactMerge(isLegalResponse.MergeResultant, isLegalResponse.AbsorbedInMerge); // Update logical groups of Chains by removing the killed ones. this.deadifyKilledChains(isLegalResponse.Killed); if (IsWhiteMove) { this.Game.PrisonersTakenByWhite += isLegalResponse.Killed.Sum(chain => chain.Stones.Count); foreach (Chain chain in this.Game.whiteChains) this.reCalcLiberties(chain); } else { this.Game.PrisonersTakenByBlack += isLegalResponse.Killed.Sum(chain => chain.Stones.Count); foreach (Chain chain in this.Game.blackChains) this.reCalcLiberties(chain); } // Update logical groups of Opponent's Chains by removing breath for current Loc this.takeMyBreathAwaaaaay(loc); // Set possibleKoLoc. if (isLegalResponse.Killed.Count == 1 && isLegalResponse.Killed[0].Stones.Count == 1) { this.Game.PossibleKoLoc = isLegalResponse.Killed[0].Stones[0].Loc; } RequestResponse response = new RequestResponse(new Move(new Stone(loc, IsWhiteMove), isLegalResponse.Killed)); this.ChangeTurn(); return response; }
public Stone(Loc loc, bool isWhite) { Loc = loc; IsWhite = isWhite; }
public static Vector3 Loc2Pos(Loc loc) { return new Vector3 ((float)((loc.x - 3) * 2), (float)((loc.y - 2) * 2)); }
public RequestResponse ProposedPlay(Loc loc) { // if it's ==, then it's a PASS if (loc.X == this.boardSize) { if (this.LastWasPass) { this.IsOver = true; // TODO: game-ending logic goes here. } this.LastWasPass = true; this.Logic.ChangeTurn(); return new RequestResponse(ReasonEnum.Pass); } else this.LastWasPass = false; IsLegalResponse isLegalResponse = this.Logic.IsLegal(loc); if (isLegalResponse.Reason == ReasonEnum.Fine) { RequestResponse response = this.Logic.PlaceStone(loc, isLegalResponse); this.Log.Add(new MoveForLog { Move = response.Move });//, Id = this.Log.LastOrDefault().Id + 1 }); return response; } else return new RequestResponse(isLegalResponse.Reason); }
protected override void CreamedEntity(EntityUid uid, CreamPiedComponent creamPied, ThrowHitByEvent args) { creamPied.Owner.PopupMessage(Loc.GetString("cream-pied-component-on-hit-by-message", ("thrower", args.Thrown))); creamPied.Owner.PopupMessageOtherClients(Loc.GetString("cream-pied-component-on-hit-by-message-others", ("owner", creamPied.Owner), ("thrower", args.Thrown))); }
public ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu(ParticleAcceleratorBoundUserInterface owner) { SetSize = (400, 300); _greyScaleShader = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>().Index <ShaderPrototype>("Greyscale").Instance(); Owner = owner; _drawNoiseGenerator = new NoiseGenerator(NoiseGenerator.NoiseType.Fbm); _drawNoiseGenerator.SetFrequency(0.5f); var resourceCache = IoCManager.Resolve <IResourceCache>(); var font = resourceCache.GetFont("/Fonts/Boxfont-round/Boxfont Round.ttf", 13); var panelTex = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/button.svg.96dpi.png"); MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop; _alarmControlAnimation = new Animation { Length = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), AnimationTracks = { new AnimationTrackControlProperty { Property = nameof(Control.Visible), KeyFrames = { new AnimationTrackProperty.KeyFrame(true, 0), new AnimationTrackProperty.KeyFrame(false, 0.75f), } } } }; var back = new StyleBoxTexture { Texture = panelTex, Modulate = Color.FromHex("#25252A"), }; back.SetPatchMargin(StyleBox.Margin.All, 10); var back2 = new StyleBoxTexture(back) { Modulate = Color.FromHex("#202023") }; AddChild(new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = back, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Pass }); _stateSpinBox = new SpinBox { Value = 0, }; _stateSpinBox.IsValid = StrengthSpinBoxValid; _stateSpinBox.InitDefaultButtons(); _stateSpinBox.ValueChanged += PowerStateChanged; _stateSpinBox.LineEditDisabled = true; _offButton = new Button { ToggleMode = false, Text = "Off", StyleClasses = { StyleBase.ButtonOpenRight }, }; _offButton.OnPressed += args => owner.SendEnableMessage(false); _onButton = new Button { ToggleMode = false, Text = "On", StyleClasses = { StyleBase.ButtonOpenLeft }, }; _onButton.OnPressed += args => owner.SendEnableMessage(true); var closeButton = new TextureButton { StyleClasses = { "windowCloseButton" }, HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 8, 0) }; closeButton.OnPressed += args => Close(); var serviceManual = new Label { HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center, StyleClasses = { StyleBase.StyleClassLabelSubText }, Text = Loc.GetString("Refer to p.132 of service manual") }; _drawLabel = new Label(); var imgSize = new Vector2(32, 32); AddChild(new VBoxContainer { Children = { new Control { Margin = new Thickness(2, 2, 0, 0), Children = { new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("Mark 2 Particle Accelerator"), FontOverride = font, FontColorOverride = StyleNano.NanoGold, }, closeButton } }, new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = StyleNano.NanoGold }, MinSize = (0, 2), },
private List<Chain> findFriendlyNeighborChains(Loc loc) { List<Chain> friendlyChains = new List<Chain>(); if (IsWhiteMove) foreach (Chain chain in Game.whiteChains) foreach (Loc liberty in chain.Liberties) { if (liberty.Equals(loc)) friendlyChains.Add(chain); } else foreach (Chain chain in Game.blackChains) foreach (Loc liberty in chain.Liberties) { if (liberty.Equals(loc)) friendlyChains.Add(chain); } return friendlyChains; }
/// <summary> /// For given location, return vector which is that locations position atop ground. /// Effectively taking location, which is in xz plane, and projecting it such that it is atop ground. /// </summary> public Vector3 onGround(Loc l) { return l.asVect () + new Vector3(0, map.getHeight(l), 0); }
private List<Loc> findLiberties(Loc loc) { List<Loc> liberties = new List<Loc>(); // Check Left. Loc left = new Loc(loc.X - 1, loc.Y); if (loc.X > 0 && !Game.LocsPlayed.Contains(left)) liberties.Add(left); // Check Right. Loc right = new Loc(loc.X + 1, loc.Y); if (loc.X < Game.BoardSize - 1 && !Game.LocsPlayed.Contains(right)) liberties.Add(right); // Check Up. Loc up = new Loc(loc.X, loc.Y - 1); if (loc.Y > 0 && !Game.LocsPlayed.Contains(up)) liberties.Add(up); // Check Down. Loc down = new Loc(loc.X, loc.Y + 1); if (loc.Y < Game.BoardSize - 1 && !Game.LocsPlayed.Contains(down)) liberties.Add(down); return liberties; }
public ActionsUI(ClientActionsComponent actionsComponent) { SetValue(LayoutContainer.DebugProperty, true); _actionsComponent = actionsComponent; _actionManager = IoCManager.Resolve <ActionManager>(); _entityManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>(); _gameTiming = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameTiming>(); _gameHud = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameHud>(); _menu = new ActionMenu(_actionsComponent, this); LayoutContainer.SetGrowHorizontal(this, LayoutContainer.GrowDirection.End); LayoutContainer.SetGrowVertical(this, LayoutContainer.GrowDirection.Constrain); LayoutContainer.SetAnchorTop(this, 0f); LayoutContainer.SetAnchorBottom(this, 0.8f); LayoutContainer.SetMarginLeft(this, 13); LayoutContainer.SetMarginTop(this, 110); HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Left; VerticalExpand = true; var resourceCache = IoCManager.Resolve <IResourceCache>(); // everything needs to go within an inner panel container so the panel resizes to fit the elements. // Because ActionsUI is being anchored by layoutcontainer, the hotbar backing would appear too tall // if ActionsUI was the panel container var panelContainer = new PanelContainer() { StyleClasses = { StyleNano.StyleClassHotbarPanel }, HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Top }; AddChild(panelContainer); var hotbarContainer = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical, SeparationOverride = 3, HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Left }; panelContainer.AddChild(hotbarContainer); var settingsContainer = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalExpand = true }; hotbarContainer.AddChild(settingsContainer); settingsContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1 }); _lockTexture = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/lock.svg.192dpi.png"); _unlockTexture = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/lock_open.svg.192dpi.png"); _lockButton = new TextureButton { TextureNormal = _unlockTexture, HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1, Scale = (0.5f, 0.5f), ToolTip = Loc.GetString("ui-actionsui-function-lock-action-slots"), TooltipDelay = CustomTooltipDelay }; settingsContainer.AddChild(_lockButton); settingsContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2 }); _settingsButton = new TextureButton { TextureNormal = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/gear.svg.192dpi.png"), HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1, Scale = (0.5f, 0.5f), ToolTip = Loc.GetString("ui-actionsui-function-open-abilities-menu"), TooltipDelay = CustomTooltipDelay }; settingsContainer.AddChild(_settingsButton); settingsContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1 }); // this allows a 2 column layout if window gets too small _slotContainer = new GridContainer { MaxGridHeight = CalcMaxHeight() }; hotbarContainer.AddChild(_slotContainer); _loadoutContainer = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalExpand = true, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop }; hotbarContainer.AddChild(_loadoutContainer); _loadoutContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1 }); var previousHotbarIcon = new TextureRect() { Texture = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/left_arrow.svg.192dpi.png"), HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1, TextureScale = (0.5f, 0.5f) }; _loadoutContainer.AddChild(previousHotbarIcon); _loadoutContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2 }); _loadoutNumber = new Label { Text = "1", SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1 }; _loadoutContainer.AddChild(_loadoutNumber); _loadoutContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2 }); var nextHotbarIcon = new TextureRect { Texture = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/right_arrow.svg.192dpi.png"), HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1, TextureScale = (0.5f, 0.5f) }; _loadoutContainer.AddChild(nextHotbarIcon); _loadoutContainer.AddChild(new Control { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 1 }); _slots = new ActionSlot[ClientActionsComponent.Slots]; _dragShadow = new TextureRect { MinSize = (64, 64), Stretch = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale, Visible = false, SetSize = (64, 64) }; UserInterfaceManager.PopupRoot.AddChild(_dragShadow); for (byte i = 0; i < ClientActionsComponent.Slots; i++) { var slot = new ActionSlot(this, _menu, actionsComponent, i); _slotContainer.AddChild(slot); _slots[i] = slot; } DragDropHelper = new DragDropHelper <ActionSlot>(OnBeginActionDrag, OnContinueActionDrag, OnEndActionDrag); MinSize = (10, 400); }
private bool isConflict(Loc proposedLoc) { return GameLogic.isConflictHelper(this.Game.blackChains, proposedLoc) || GameLogic.isConflictHelper(this.Game.whiteChains, proposedLoc); }
/// <summary> /// Check if given location on current map is a hole. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if location is a hole, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="l">Location to check for hole status.</param> public bool isHole(Loc l) { return map.isHole (l); }
private bool isKo(Loc proposedLoc, List<Chain> killed) { return proposedLoc.Equals(Game.PossibleKoLoc) && killed.Count == 1 && killed[0].Stones.Count == 1; }
/// <summary> /// Get the height of a given space on the current map. /// </summary> /// <returns>The height of given location.</returns> public float getHeight(Loc loc) { return map.getHeight (loc); }
private void takeMyBreathAwaaaaay(Loc loc) { if (IsWhiteMove) foreach (Chain chain in Game.blackChains) chain.Liberties.Remove(loc); else foreach (Chain chain in Game.whiteChains) chain.Liberties.Remove(loc); }
private bool IsRCDStillValid(AfterInteractEventArgs eventArgs, IMapGrid mapGrid, TileRef tile, MapIndices snapPos, RcdMode startingMode) { //Less expensive checks first. Failing those ones, we need to check that the tile isn't obstructed. if (_ammo <= 0) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("The RCD is out of ammo!")); return(false); } if (_mode != startingMode) { return(false); } var coordinates = mapGrid.GridTileToLocal(tile.GridIndices); if (coordinates == GridCoordinates.InvalidGrid || !eventArgs.InRangeUnobstructed(ignoreInsideBlocker: true, popup: true)) { return(false); } switch (_mode) { //Floor mode just needs the tile to be a space tile (subFloor) case RcdMode.Floors: if (!tile.Tile.IsEmpty) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("You can only build a floor on space!")); return(false); } return(true); //We don't want to place a space tile on something that's already a space tile. Let's do the inverse of the last check. case RcdMode.Deconstruct: if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty) { return(false); } //They tried to decon a turf but the turf is blocked if (eventArgs.Target == null && tile.IsBlockedTurf(true)) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("That tile is obstructed!")); return(false); } //They tried to decon a non-turf but it's not in the whitelist if (eventArgs.Target != null && !eventArgs.Target.TryGetComponent(out RCDDeconstructWhitelist rcd_decon)) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("You can't deconstruct that!")); return(false); } return(true); //Walls are a special behaviour, and require us to build a new object with a transform rather than setting a grid tile, thus we early return to avoid the tile set code. case RcdMode.Walls: if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("You cannot build a wall on space!")); return(false); } if (tile.IsBlockedTurf(true)) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("That tile is obstructed!")); return(false); } return(true); case RcdMode.Airlock: if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Cannot build an airlock on space!")); return(false); } if (tile.IsBlockedTurf(true)) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("That tile is obstructed!")); return(false); } return(true); default: return(false); //I don't know why this would happen, but sure I guess. Get out of here invalid state! } }
public AnimalViewModel GetAnimalAtLoc(InGameRootViewModel viewModel, Loc loc) { return viewModel.AnimalCollections.Where (vm => vm.Loc == loc).SingleOrDefault (); }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to drink some of a drink. Returns true if any interaction took place, including generation of /// pop-up messages. /// </summary> private bool TryUseDrink(EntityUid uid, EntityUid userUid, DrinkComponent?drink = null) { if (!Resolve(uid, ref drink)) { return(false); } // if currently being used to force-feed, cancel that action. if (drink.CancelToken != null) { drink.CancelToken.Cancel(); drink.CancelToken = null; return(true); } if (!drink.Opened) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-not-open", ("owner", Name: EntityManager.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(drink.Owner).EntityName)), uid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); return(true); } if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent(userUid, out SharedBodyComponent? body)) { return(false); } if (!_solutionContainerSystem.TryGetDrainableSolution((drink).Owner, out var drinkSolution) || drinkSolution.DrainAvailable <= 0) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-is-empty", ("entity", Name: EntityManager.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(drink.Owner).EntityName)), uid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); return(true); } if (!_bodySystem.TryGetComponentsOnMechanisms <StomachComponent>(userUid, out var stomachs, body)) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-cannot-drink"), userUid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); return(true); } if (_foodSystem.IsMouthBlocked(userUid, userUid)) { return(true); } var transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Min(drink.TransferAmount, drinkSolution.DrainAvailable); var drain = _solutionContainerSystem.Drain(uid, drinkSolution, transferAmount); var firstStomach = stomachs.FirstOrNull( stomach => _stomachSystem.CanTransferSolution((stomach.Comp).Owner, drain)); // All stomach are full or can't handle whatever solution we have. if (firstStomach == null) { _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-had-enough"), userUid, Filter.Entities(userUid)); if (EntityManager.HasComponent <RefillableSolutionComponent>(uid)) { _spillableSystem.SpillAt(userUid, drain, "PuddleSmear"); return(true); } _solutionContainerSystem.Refill(uid, drinkSolution, drain); return(true); } SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(userUid), drink.UseSound.GetSound(), userUid, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2f)); _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drink-component-try-use-drink-success-slurp"), userUid, Filter.Pvs(userUid)); drain.DoEntityReaction(userUid, ReactionMethod.Ingestion); _stomachSystem.TryTransferSolution((firstStomach.Value.Comp).Owner, drain, firstStomach.Value.Comp); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Move actor to given location if move to location is valid. /// </summary> void potMoveActor(Loc targetLoc) { // Determine which move gets actor to given position, if any Move move = null; foreach (Move m in validMoves) if (m.end.Equals (targetLoc)) move = m; // Move actor to given loc if a valid exists if ( move != null ) { move.perform (); // Record move in log Log.current.push(move); // Remove all markers foreach (GameObject o in markers) Destroy(o); // Reselect actor job = Job.SelectingActor; selectActor (); } }
public override void Apply(T map) { if (!ItemThemes.CanPick) { return; } if (!MobThemes.CanPick) { return; } Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, map.Width, map.Height); //determine the number of free tiles to put items on; trim the maximum item spawn accordingly (maximum <= 1/2 of free tiles) //determine the number of free tiles to put mobs on; trim the maximum mob spawn accordingly (maximum <= 1/2 of free tiles) List <Loc> itemTiles = new List <Loc>(); int mobSpace = 0; for (int x = bounds.X; x < bounds.X + bounds.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = bounds.Y; y < bounds.Y + bounds.Size.Y; y++) { Loc testLoc = new Loc(x, y); if (!map.TileBlocked(testLoc)) { if (!map.HasTileEffect(new Loc(x, y)) && !map.PostProcGrid[x][y].Status[(int)PostProcType.Panel] && !map.PostProcGrid[x][y].Status[(int)PostProcType.Item]) { bool hasItem = false; foreach (MapItem item in map.Items) { if (item.TileLoc == testLoc) { hasItem = true; break; } } if (!hasItem) { itemTiles.Add(testLoc); } } bool hasMob = false; foreach (Team team in map.AllyTeams) { foreach (Character testChar in team.EnumerateChars()) { if (testChar.CharLoc == testLoc) { hasMob = true; break; } } } foreach (Team team in map.MapTeams) { foreach (Character testChar in team.EnumerateChars()) { if (testChar.CharLoc == testLoc) { hasMob = true; break; } } } if (!hasMob) { mobSpace++; } } } } //choose which item theme to work with ItemTheme chosenItemTheme = ItemThemes.Pick(map.Rand); //the item spawn list in this class dictates the items available for spawning //it will be queried for items that match the theme selected List <MapItem> chosenItems = chosenItemTheme.GenerateItems(map, Items); //place the items for (int ii = 0; ii < chosenItems.Count; ii++) { if (itemTiles.Count > 0) { MapItem item = new MapItem(chosenItems[ii]); int randIndex = map.Rand.Next(itemTiles.Count); ((IPlaceableGenContext <MapItem>)map).PlaceItem(itemTiles[randIndex], item); itemTiles.RemoveAt(randIndex); } } //the mob theme will be selected randomly MobTheme chosenMobTheme = MobThemes.Pick(map.Rand); //the mobs in this class are the ones that would be available when the game wants to spawn things outside of the floor's spawn list //it will be queried for monsters that match the theme provided List <MobSpawn> chosenMobs = chosenMobTheme.GenerateMobs(map, Mobs); //cover the room in a check that holds all of the monsters, and covers the room's bounds CheckIntrudeBoundsEvent check = new CheckIntrudeBoundsEvent(); check.Bounds = bounds; { RevealAllEvent reveal = new RevealAllEvent(); check.Effects.Add(reveal); GiveMapStatusSingleEvent statusEvent = new GiveMapStatusSingleEvent(30, 0); check.Effects.Add(statusEvent); MonsterHouseMapEvent house = new MonsterHouseMapEvent(); house.Bounds = bounds; foreach (MobSpawn mob in chosenMobs) { MobSpawn copyMob = mob.Copy(); if (map.Rand.Next(ALT_COLOR_ODDS) == 0) { copyMob.BaseForm.Skin = 1; } house.Mobs.Add(copyMob); } check.Effects.Add(house); } AddIntrudeStep(map, check); }
public LatheQueueMenu(LatheBoundUserInterface owner) { Owner = owner; SetSize = MinSize = (300, 450); Title = Loc.GetString("lathequeue-menu-title"); var vBox = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical }; var hBox = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2, }; _icon = new TextureRect() { HorizontalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2, }; var vBoxInfo = new BoxContainer { Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical, VerticalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 3, }; _nameLabel = new Label() { RectClipContent = true, }; _description = new Label() { RectClipContent = true, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Stretch, VerticalExpand = true }; _queueList = new ItemList() { VerticalExpand = true, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 3, SelectMode = ItemList.ItemListSelectMode.None }; vBoxInfo.AddChild(_nameLabel); vBoxInfo.AddChild(_description); hBox.AddChild(_icon); hBox.AddChild(vBoxInfo); vBox.AddChild(hBox); vBox.AddChild(_queueList); Contents.AddChild(vBox); ClearInfo(); }
private void TryCreatePackage(EntityUid user, UiAction action, string label, int pillAmount, int bottleAmount) { if (BufferSolution.TotalVolume == 0) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("chem-master-window-buffer-empty-text")); return; } var handSys = _sysMan.GetEntitySystem <SharedHandsSystem>(); var solSys = _sysMan.GetEntitySystem <SolutionContainerSystem>(); if (action == UiAction.CreateBottles) { var individualVolume = BufferSolution.TotalVolume / FixedPoint2.New(bottleAmount); if (individualVolume < FixedPoint2.New(1)) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("chem-master-window-buffer-low-text")); return; } var actualVolume = FixedPoint2.Min(individualVolume, FixedPoint2.New(30)); for (int i = 0; i < bottleAmount; i++) { var bottle = _entities.SpawnEntity("ChemistryEmptyBottle01", _entities.GetComponent <TransformComponent>(Owner).Coordinates); //Adding label LabelComponent labelComponent = bottle.EnsureComponent <LabelComponent>(); labelComponent.OriginalName = _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(bottle).EntityName; string val = _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(bottle).EntityName + $" ({label})"; _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(bottle).EntityName = val; labelComponent.CurrentLabel = label; var bufferSolution = BufferSolution.SplitSolution(actualVolume); var bottleSolution = solSys.EnsureSolution(bottle, "drink"); solSys.TryAddSolution(bottle, bottleSolution, bufferSolution); //Try to give them the bottle handSys.PickupOrDrop(user, bottle); } } else //Pills { var individualVolume = BufferSolution.TotalVolume / FixedPoint2.New(pillAmount); if (individualVolume < FixedPoint2.New(1)) { user.PopupMessageCursor(Loc.GetString("chem-master-window-buffer-low-text")); return; } var actualVolume = FixedPoint2.Min(individualVolume, FixedPoint2.New(50)); for (int i = 0; i < pillAmount; i++) { var pill = _entities.SpawnEntity("Pill", _entities.GetComponent <TransformComponent>(Owner).Coordinates); //Adding label LabelComponent labelComponent = pill.EnsureComponent <LabelComponent>(); labelComponent.OriginalName = _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(pill).EntityName; string val = _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(pill).EntityName + $" ({label})"; _entities.GetComponent <MetaDataComponent>(pill).EntityName = val; labelComponent.CurrentLabel = label; var bufferSolution = BufferSolution.SplitSolution(actualVolume); var pillSolution = EntitySystem.Get <SolutionContainerSystem>().EnsureSolution(pill, "food"); solSys.TryAddSolution(pill, pillSolution, bufferSolution); //Change pill Sprite component state if (!_entities.TryGetComponent(pill, out SpriteComponent? sprite)) { return; } sprite?.LayerSetState(0, "pill" + _pillType); //Try to give them the bottle handSys.PickupOrDrop(user, pill); } } if (_bufferSolution?.Contents.Count == 0) { _label = ""; } UpdateUserInterface(); }
[Test] public void ReturnInput() { Assert.AreEqual("Blah", Loc.Resolve("Blah")); }
private static List <Cell> GetFlammableNeighbours(Cell cell) { return(Loc.GetMap().GetCircle(cell, 3) .Where(c => c.Structures.Any(s => s.Flammable())) .ToList()); }
public void PopupDirections(EntityUid entity) { var directions = string.Join(", ", ConnectableDirections()); Owner.PopupMessage(entity, Loc.GetString("disposal-tube-component-popup-directions-text", ("directions", directions))); }
public void ClearInfo() { _icon.Texture = Texture.Transparent; _nameLabel.Text = "-------"; _description.Text = Loc.GetString("lathequeue-menu-not-producing-text"); }
/// <summary> /// Check if given location is within the bounds of the current map. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if location is in bounds, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="l">Location to check.</param> public bool isInBounds(Loc l) { return map.isInBounds (l); }
[Test] public void SimpleString() { Assert.AreEqual("Resolve To Simple", Loc.Resolve("Simple")); }
private void ConnectionStateChanged(ClientConnectionState state) { ConnectStatus.Text = Loc.GetString($"connecting-state-{state}"); }
/** * Static "constructors" */ public static SPPMessage DecodeMessage(byte[] raw) { SPPMessage draft = new SPPMessage(); if (raw.Length < 6) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Message too small (Length: {raw.Length})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); throw new InvalidDataException(Loc.GetString("sppmsg_too_small")); } if ((raw[0] != (byte)Constants.SOM && BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel == Model.Buds) || (raw[0] != (byte)Constants.SOMPlus && BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel != Model.Buds)) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Invalid SOM (Received: {raw[0]})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); throw new InvalidDataException(Loc.GetString("sppmsg_invalid_som")); } draft.Id = (MessageIds)Convert.ToInt32(raw[3]); int size; if (BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel != Model.Buds) { size = raw[1] & 1023; draft.Type = (raw[2] & 16) == 0 ? MsgType.Request : MsgType.Response; } else { draft.Type = (MsgType)Convert.ToInt32(raw[1]); size = Convert.ToInt32(raw[2]); } //Substract Id and CRC from size int rawPayloadSize = size - 3; byte[] payload = new byte[rawPayloadSize]; byte[] crcData = new byte[size]; crcData[0] = raw[3]; //Msg ID for (int i = 0; i < rawPayloadSize; i++) { //Start to read at byte 4 payload[i] = raw[i + 4]; crcData[i + 1] = raw[i + 4]; } byte crc1 = raw[4 + rawPayloadSize]; byte crc2 = raw[4 + rawPayloadSize + 1]; crcData[crcData.Length - 2] = crc2; crcData[crcData.Length - 1] = crc1; draft.Payload = payload; draft.CRC16 = util.CRC16.crc16_ccitt(crcData); if (size != draft.Size) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Invalid size (Reported: {size}, Calculated: {draft.Size})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); throw new InvalidDataException(Loc.GetString("sppmsg_size_mismatch")); } if (draft.CRC16 != 0) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"CRC checksum failed (ID: {draft.Id}, Size: {draft.Size})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); } if (raw[4 + rawPayloadSize + 2] != (byte)Constants.EOM && BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel == Model.Buds) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Invalid EOM (Received: {raw[4 + rawPayloadSize + 2]})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); throw new InvalidDataException(Loc.GetString("sppmsg_invalid_eom")); } else if (raw[4 + rawPayloadSize + 2] != (byte)Constants.EOMPlus && BluetoothService.Instance.ActiveModel != Model.Buds) { Sentry.SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Invalid EOM (Received: {raw[4 + rawPayloadSize + 2]})", "spp", level: Sentry.Protocol.BreadcrumbLevel.Warning); throw new InvalidDataException(Loc.GetString("sppmsg_invalid_eom")); } return(draft); }
public CharacterSetupGui(IEntityManager entityManager, IResourceCache resourceCache, IClientPreferencesManager preferencesManager, IPrototypeManager prototypeManager) { _entityManager = entityManager; _preferencesManager = preferencesManager; var margin = new MarginContainer { MarginBottomOverride = 20, MarginLeftOverride = 20, MarginRightOverride = 20, MarginTopOverride = 20 }; AddChild(margin); var panelTex = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Nano/button.svg.96dpi.png"); var back = new StyleBoxTexture { Texture = panelTex, Modulate = new Color(37, 37, 42) }; back.SetPatchMargin(StyleBox.Margin.All, 10); var panel = new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = back }; margin.AddChild(panel); var vBox = new VBoxContainer { SeparationOverride = 0 }; margin.AddChild(vBox); CloseButton = new Button { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Expand | SizeFlags.ShrinkEnd, Text = Loc.GetString("Save and close"), StyleClasses = { StyleNano.StyleClassButtonBig } }; var topHBox = new HBoxContainer { CustomMinimumSize = (0, 40), Children = { new MarginContainer { MarginLeftOverride = 8, Children = { new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("Character Setup"), StyleClasses = { StyleNano.StyleClassLabelHeadingBigger }, VAlign = Label.VAlignMode.Center, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Expand | SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter } } }, CloseButton } }; vBox.AddChild(topHBox); vBox.AddChild(new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = StyleNano.NanoGold, ContentMarginTopOverride = 2 } }); var hBox = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SeparationOverride = 0 }; vBox.AddChild(hBox); _charactersVBox = new VBoxContainer(); hBox.AddChild(new MarginContainer { CustomMinimumSize = (330, 0), SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Fill, MarginTopOverride = 5, MarginLeftOverride = 5, Children = { new ScrollContainer { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, Children = { _charactersVBox } } } });
public FieldObject(Loc loc, GameObject gobj) { Loc = loc; _gobj = gobj; _isVisible = true; }
public SandboxWindow() { Resizable = false; _gameHud = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameHud>(); Title = "Sandbox Panel"; var vBox = new VBoxContainer { SeparationOverride = 4 }; Contents.AddChild(vBox); RespawnButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Respawn") }; vBox.AddChild(RespawnButton); SpawnEntitiesButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Spawn Entities") }; vBox.AddChild(SpawnEntitiesButton); SpawnTilesButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Spawn Tiles") }; vBox.AddChild(SpawnTilesButton); GiveFullAccessButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Grant Full Access") }; vBox.AddChild(GiveFullAccessButton); GiveAghostButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Ghost") }; vBox.AddChild(GiveAghostButton); ToggleLightButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Toggle Lights"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ToggleLightButton); ToggleFovButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Toggle FOV"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ToggleFovButton); ToggleShadowsButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Toggle Shadows"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ToggleShadowsButton); ToggleSubfloorButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Toggle Subfloor"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ToggleSubfloorButton); SuicideButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Suicide") }; vBox.AddChild(SuicideButton); ShowMarkersButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Show Spawns"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ShowMarkersButton); ShowBbButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Show BB"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(ShowBbButton); MachineLinkingButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Link machines"), ToggleMode = true }; vBox.AddChild(MachineLinkingButton); }
public GasAnalyzerWindow(GasAnalyzerBoundUserInterface owner) { var resourceCache = IoCManager.Resolve <IResourceCache>(); Owner = owner; var rootContainer = new LayoutContainer { Name = "WireRoot" }; AddChild(rootContainer); MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop; var panelTex = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/button.svg.96dpi.png"); var back = new StyleBoxTexture { Texture = panelTex, Modulate = Color.FromHex("#25252A"), }; back.SetPatchMargin(StyleBox.Margin.All, 10); var topPanel = new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = back, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Pass }; var bottomWrap = new LayoutContainer { Name = "BottomWrap" }; rootContainer.AddChild(topPanel); rootContainer.AddChild(bottomWrap); LayoutContainer.SetAnchorPreset(topPanel, LayoutContainer.LayoutPreset.Wide); LayoutContainer.SetMarginBottom(topPanel, -80); LayoutContainer.SetAnchorPreset(bottomWrap, LayoutContainer.LayoutPreset.VerticalCenterWide); LayoutContainer.SetGrowHorizontal(bottomWrap, LayoutContainer.GrowDirection.Both); var topContainerWrap = new VBoxContainer { Children = { (_topContainer = new VBoxContainer()), new Control { MinSize = (0, 110) } } }; rootContainer.AddChild(topContainerWrap); LayoutContainer.SetAnchorPreset(topContainerWrap, LayoutContainer.LayoutPreset.Wide); var font = resourceCache.GetFont("/Fonts/Boxfont-round/Boxfont Round.ttf", 13); var fontSmall = resourceCache.GetFont("/Fonts/Boxfont-round/Boxfont Round.ttf", 10); Button refreshButton; var topRow = new HBoxContainer { Margin = new Thickness(4, 4, 12, 2), Children = { (_nameLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("gas-analyzer-window-name"), FontOverride = font, FontColorOverride = StyleNano.NanoGold, VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center }), new Control { MinSize = (20, 0), HorizontalExpand = true, },
public virtual void SetMapLoc(Loc loc) { MapLoc = loc; }
public override void DoExamine(FormattedMessage message, bool inDetailsRange) { message.AddMarkup(Loc.GetString("Next, add [color=yellow]{0}x[/color] [color=cyan]{1}[/color].", Amount, MaterialPrototype.Name)); }
static ExamineSystem() { _entityNotFoundMessage = new FormattedMessage(); _entityNotFoundMessage.AddText(Loc.GetString("examine-system-entity-does-not-exist")); }
void ShowMaze(Loc[,] Maze) { width = Maze.GetLength(0) - 1; height = Maze.GetLength(1) - 1; GameObject empty = new GameObject("Labyrinth"); empty.isStatic = true; empty.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { //Если есть вертикальная стена - рисуем ее if (Maze[x, y].up_wall) (Instantiate(up_wall, new Vector3(x * cellSize, 0, y * cellSize), Quaternion.identity) as Transform).SetParent(empty.transform); //Если есть горизонтальная стена - рисуем ее if (Maze[x, y].left_wall) (Instantiate(left_wall, new Vector3(x * cellSize - 0.4f, 0, y * cellSize + 0.4f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform).SetParent(empty.transform); } //Рисуем стену снизу и справа от лабиринта for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) (Instantiate(up_wall, new Vector3(i * cellSize, 0, width * cellSize / 1.7f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform).SetParent(empty.transform); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) (Instantiate(left_wall, new Vector3(height * cellSize * 1.7f - 0.4f, 0, i * cellSize + 0.4f), Quaternion.identity) as Transform).SetParent(empty.transform); //Рисуем пол GameObject plane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); plane.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1, 0, 1); plane.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = Resources.Load("planeMaterial", typeof(Material)) as Material; plane.transform.SetParent(empty.transform); //plane.transform.localScale += new Vector3(0.1f * (width - 11), 0, 0.1f * (height - 11)); //Debug.Log(plane.transform.position); plane.transform.position = new Vector3(width * 0.4f, -0.5f, height * 0.4f); //empty.transform.SetParent(empty.transform); }
private void Cycle(bool manual = false) { if (BoltOpen) { return; } var chamberEntity = _chamberContainer.ContainedEntity; if (chamberEntity != null) { _chamberContainer.Remove(chamberEntity); var ammoComponent = chamberEntity.GetComponent <AmmoComponent>(); if (!ammoComponent.Caseless) { EjectCasing(chamberEntity); } } // Try and pull a round from the magazine to replace the chamber if possible var magazine = _magazineContainer.ContainedEntity; var nextRound = magazine?.GetComponent <RangedMagazineComponent>().TakeAmmo(); if (nextRound != null) { // If you're really into gunporn you could put a sound here _chamberContainer.Insert(nextRound); } var soundSystem = EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>(); if (_autoEjectMag && magazine != null && magazine.GetComponent <RangedMagazineComponent>().ShotsLeft == 0) { if (_soundAutoEject != null) { soundSystem.PlayAtCoords(_soundAutoEject, Owner.Transform.GridPosition, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2)); } _magazineContainer.Remove(magazine); SendNetworkMessage(new MagazineAutoEjectMessage()); } if (nextRound == null && !BoltOpen) { if (_soundBoltOpen != null) { soundSystem.PlayAtCoords(_soundBoltOpen, Owner.Transform.GridPosition, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-5)); } if (ContainerHelpers.TryGetContainer(Owner, out var container)) { Owner.PopupMessage(container.Owner, Loc.GetString("Bolt open")); } BoltOpen = true; Dirty(); UpdateAppearance(); return; } if (manual) { if (_soundRack != null) { soundSystem.PlayAtCoords(_soundRack, Owner.Transform.GridPosition, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2)); } } Dirty(); UpdateAppearance(); }
// Move cursor to origin and set starting location void Awake() { transform.position =; loc = new Loc (0, 0); }
public override bool InteractUsing(InteractUsingEventArgs eventArgs) { // Insert magazine if (eventArgs.Using.TryGetComponent(out RangedMagazineComponent magazineComponent)) { if ((MagazineTypes & magazineComponent.MagazineType) == 0) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Wrong magazine type")); return(false); } if (magazineComponent.Caliber != _caliber) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Wrong caliber")); return(false); } if (_magNeedsOpenBolt && !BoltOpen) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Need to open bolt first")); return(false); } if (_magazineContainer.ContainedEntity == null) { if (_soundMagInsert != null) { EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>().PlayAtCoords(_soundMagInsert, Owner.Transform.GridPosition, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2)); } Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Magazine inserted")); _magazineContainer.Insert(eventArgs.Using); Dirty(); UpdateAppearance(); return(true); } Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Already holding a magazine")); return(false); } // Insert 1 ammo if (eventArgs.Using.TryGetComponent(out AmmoComponent ammoComponent)) { if (!BoltOpen) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Cannot insert ammo while bolt is closed")); return(false); } if (ammoComponent.Caliber != _caliber) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Wrong caliber")); return(false); } if (_chamberContainer.ContainedEntity == null) { Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Ammo inserted")); _chamberContainer.Insert(eventArgs.Using); Dirty(); UpdateAppearance(); return(true); } Owner.PopupMessage(eventArgs.User, Loc.GetString("Chamber full")); return(false); } return(false); }
static ExamineSystem() { _entityNotFoundMessage = new FormattedMessage(); _entityNotFoundMessage.AddText(Loc.GetString("That entity doesn't exist")); }
public void Examine(FormattedMessage message, bool inDetailsRange) { message.AddMarkup(Loc.GetString($"There are { Count } slices remaining.")); }
/* * Attempt to allocate a random monster in the dungeon. * * Place the monster at least "dis" distance from the player. * * Use "slp" to choose the initial "sleep" status * * Use "depth" for the monster level */ public static bool pick_and_place_distant_monster(Cave c, Loc loc, int dis, bool slp, int depth) { int py = loc.y; int px = loc.x; int y = 0, x = 0; int attempts_left = 10000; Misc.assert(c != null); /* Find a legal, distant, unoccupied, space */ while (--attempts_left != 0) { /* Pick a location */ y = Random.randint0(c.height); x = Random.randint0(c.width); /* Require "naked" floor grid */ if (!Cave.cave_isempty(c, y, x)) continue; /* Accept far away grids */ if (Cave.distance(y, x, py, px) > dis) break; } if (attempts_left == 0) { if (Option.cheat_xtra.value || Option.cheat_hear.value) { Utilities.msg("Warning! Could not allocate a new monster."); } return false; } /* Attempt to place the monster, allow groups */ if (pick_and_place_monster(c, y, x, depth, slp, true, Object.Origin.DROP)) return (true); /* Nope */ return (false); }
/// <summary> /// Deploy this unit to a given location on the map. /// </summary> /// <param name="loc">The location that the unit is being deployed to.</param> /// <param name="ready">If the unit is ready to act upon being deployed.</param> public void deploy(Loc loc, bool ready = false) { if ( deployed ) throw new System.Exception("Unit you attempted to deploy is already deployed"); // Make an object of unit's type at origin, then move it to current loc self = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load (type),, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; self.transform.Rotate (Vector3.up, 180 * team); move (loc); deployed = true; if (!ready) actCur = mvCur = 0; activeUnits.Add (this); }