Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        if (Screen.dpi < 1)
            dpiScale = 1;
        if (Screen.dpi < 200)
            dpiScale = 1;
            dpiScale = Screen.dpi / 200f;
        guiStyleHeader.fontSize         = (int)(15f * dpiScale);
        guiStyleHeader.normal.textColor = guiColor;
        guiStyleHeaderMobile.fontSize   = (int)(17f * dpiScale);


        startSunIntensity        = Sun.intensity;
        startSunRotation         = Sun.transform.rotation;
        startAmbientLight        = RenderSettings.ambientLight;
        startAmbientIntencity    = RenderSettings.ambientIntensity;
        startReflectionIntencity = RenderSettings.reflectionIntensity;
        startLightShadows        = Sun.shadows;

        if (isMobile)
        // RFX1_DistortionAndBloom = Camera.main.GetComponent<RFX1_DistortionAndBloom>();
        void SetShaderKeywords(CommandBuffer cmd, ref CameraData cameraData, ref LightData lightData, ref ShadowData shadowData)
            int vertexLightsCount = lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount - lightData.pixelAdditionalLightsCount;

            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.AdditionalLights, lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount > 0);
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.MixedLightingSubtractive, m_MixedLightingSetup == MixedLightingSetup.Subtractive);
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.VertexLights, vertexLightsCount > 0);

            // TODO: We have to discuss cookie approach on LWRP.
            // CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.MainLightCookieText, mainLightIndex != -1 && LightweightUtils.IsSupportedCookieType(visibleLights[mainLightIndex].lightType) && visibleLights[mainLightIndex].light.cookie != null);

            LightShadows directionalShadowQuality = shadowData.renderedDirectionalShadowQuality;
            LightShadows localShadowQuality       = shadowData.renderedLocalShadowQuality;

            // Currently shadow filtering keyword is shared between local and directional shadows.
            bool hasSoftShadows = (directionalShadowQuality == LightShadows.Soft || localShadowQuality == LightShadows.Soft) &&

            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.DirectionalShadows, directionalShadowQuality != LightShadows.None);
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.LocalShadows, localShadowQuality != LightShadows.None);
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.SoftShadows, hasSoftShadows);
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.CascadeShadows, shadowData.directionalLightCascadeCount > 1);

            // TODO: Remove this. legacy particles support will be removed from Unity in 2018.3. This should be a shader_feature instead with prop exposed in the Standard particles shader.
            CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, "SOFTPARTICLES_ON", cameraData.requiresSoftParticles);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binaryReader"></param>
        public override void Deserialize(BinaryReader binaryReader)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
            lightShape          = (LightShape)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            colorTemperature    = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            useColorTemperature = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            renderingLayerMask  = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            lightType         = (LightType)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            range             = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            spotAngle         = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            innerSpotAngle    = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            cookieSize        = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            m_colorKun        = SerializerKun.DesirializeObject <ColorKun>(binaryReader);
            intensity         = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            bounceIntensity   = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            cookie            = binaryReader.ReadString();
            shadowsType       = (LightShadows)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            shadowsStrength   = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            shadowsResolution = (UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            shadowsBias       = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            shadowsNormalBias = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            shadowsNearPlane  = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
            halo        = binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            flare       = binaryReader.ReadString();
            renderMode  = (LightRenderMode)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
            cullingMask = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GetFrom(Light light)
            name     = light.name;
            modThis  = true;
            isActive = light.gameObject.activeSelf;

            Transform t = light.transform;

            position = t.localPosition;
            rotation = t.localRotation.eulerAngles;

            type      = light.type;
            range     = light.range;
            spotAngle = light.spotAngle;
            color     = light.color;
            intensity = light.intensity;
            shadows   = light.shadows;

            GameStateLight gameStateLight = light.GetComponent <GameStateLight>();

            dependentOnGameState = gameStateLight != null && gameStateLight.enabled;
            if (dependentOnGameState)
                intensityWaiting = gameStateLight.intensityWaiting;
                intensityPlaying = gameStateLight.intensityPlaying;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public ShadowSettings(LightShadows shadows, ShadowProjection shadowProjection, int shadowCascades, float shadowDistance)
     this.shadows          = shadows;
     this.shadowProjection = shadowProjection;
     this.shadowCascades   = shadowCascades;
     this.shadowDistance   = shadowDistance;
Exemplo n.º 6
	static void OpenGeovoxIntegrationWindow(){
		Resolution res = Screen.currentResolution;
		if ( window == null ){
			window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AGF_IntegrationWindow>();
			window.position = new Rect( res.width * 0.25f, res.height * 0.25f, 500.0f, 200 );
			window.title = "Geovox Scene Loader";
			window.maxSize = new Vector2( window.position.width, window.position.height );
			window.minSize = new Vector2( window.position.width, window.position.height );
			window.integrationType = IntegrationType.Geovox;
			m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
		} else {

		lightShadows = (LightShadows)PlayerPrefs.GetInt (Main.gameName + "ShadowType", 2);
		terrainShadows = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (Main.gameName + "TerrainShadowType", 1) == 1;
		grassShadows = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (Main.gameName + "GrassShadowType", 1) == 1;
		prefabShadows = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (Main.gameName + "PrefabShadowType", 1) == 1;
		terrainSpecular = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (Main.gameName + "TerrainSpecular", 1) == 1;
		prevRunInBackground = Application.runInBackground;
		Application.runInBackground = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Awake()
            _light = GetComponent <Light>();

            switch (_light.shadows)
            case LightShadows.None:
                _hardShadowsValue = LightShadows.None;
                _softShadowsValue = LightShadows.None;

            case LightShadows.Hard:
                _hardShadowsValue = LightShadows.Hard;
                _softShadowsValue = LightShadows.Hard;

            case LightShadows.Soft:
                _hardShadowsValue = LightShadows.Hard;
                _softShadowsValue = LightShadows.Soft;

            UpdatesManager.Subscribe(OnUpdate, 0.1f); // 10 times per second
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void CheckIfQualitySettingsAreApplied()
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.msaaSampleCount == (int)DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.antiAliasing, "antiAliasing mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.renderScale == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.renderScale, "renderScale mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.supportsMainLightShadows == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadows, "shadows mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.supportsSoftShadows == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.softShadows, "softShadows mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.mainLightShadowmapResolution == (int)DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadowResolution, "shadowResolution mismatch");

            LightShadows shadowType = LightShadows.None;

            if (DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadows)
                shadowType = DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.softShadows ? LightShadows.Soft : LightShadows.Hard;
            Assert.IsTrue(environmentLight.shadows == shadowType, "shadows (environmentLight) mismatch");
            Bloom bloom;

            if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGetSettings(out bloom))
                Assert.IsTrue(bloom.enabled.value == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.bloom, "bloom mismatch");
            ColorGrading colorGrading;

            if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGetSettings(out colorGrading))
                Assert.IsTrue(colorGrading.enabled.value == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.colorGrading, "colorGrading mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstPersonCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance, "cameraDrawDistance (firstPersonCamera) mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance, "cameraDrawDistance (freeLookCamera) mismatch");
        public static void SetCityLightShadows(LightShadows spotLightShadows, LightShadows pointLightShadows)
            if (isHousingIsland)

            var lights = GetCityLights();

            if (lights.IsNullOrEmpty())

            foreach (var light in lights)
                if (light.type == LightType.Spot)
                    light.shadows = spotLightShadows;

                if (light.type == LightType.Point)
                    light.shadows = pointLightShadows;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void CheckIfQualitySettingsAreApplied()
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.msaaSampleCount == (int)DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.antiAliasing, "antiAliasing mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.renderScale == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.renderScale, "renderScale mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.supportsMainLightShadows == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadows, "shadows mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.supportsSoftShadows == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.softShadows, "softShadows mismatch");
            Assert.IsTrue(lwrpAsset.mainLightShadowmapResolution == (int)DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadowResolution, "shadowResolution mismatch");

            LightShadows shadowType = LightShadows.None;

            if (DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.shadows)
                shadowType = DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.softShadows ? LightShadows.Soft : LightShadows.Hard;

            Assert.IsTrue(environmentLight.shadows == shadowType, "shadows (environmentLight) mismatch");

            if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGet <Bloom>(out Bloom bloom))
                Assert.IsTrue(bloom.active == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.bloom, "bloom mismatch");

            if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGet <Tonemapping>(out Tonemapping toneMapping))
                Assert.IsTrue(toneMapping.active == DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.colorGrading, "colorGrading mismatch");

            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual(firstPersonCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane, DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance, "cameraDrawDistance (firstPersonCamera) mismatch");
            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual(freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane, DCL.Settings.i.qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance, "cameraDrawDistance (freeLookCamera) mismatch");
Exemplo n.º 11
    void Awake()
        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            switch (Device.generation)
            case DeviceGeneration.iPhone5S:
                shadowType = LightShadows.Hard;

            case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6:
                shadowType = LightShadows.Soft;

            case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6Plus:
                shadowType = LightShadows.Soft;

                shadowType = LightShadows.None;
            GameObject.Find("Directional Light").GetComponent <Light>().shadows = shadowType;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void ReadFromImpl(object obj)
            Light uo = (Light)obj;

            shadows                  = uo.shadows;
            shadowStrength           = uo.shadowStrength;
            shadowResolution         = uo.shadowResolution;
            layerShadowCullDistances = uo.layerShadowCullDistances;
            cookieSize               = uo.cookieSize;
            cookie                 = ToID(uo.cookie);
            renderMode             = uo.renderMode;
            areaSize               = uo.areaSize;
            lightmapBakeType       = uo.lightmapBakeType;
            type                   = uo.type;
            spotAngle              = uo.spotAngle;
            color                  = uo.color;
            colorTemperature       = uo.colorTemperature;
            intensity              = uo.intensity;
            bounceIntensity        = uo.bounceIntensity;
            shadowCustomResolution = uo.shadowCustomResolution;
            shadowBias             = uo.shadowBias;
            shadowNormalBias       = uo.shadowNormalBias;
            shadowNearPlane        = uo.shadowNearPlane;
            range                  = uo.range;
            flare                  = ToID(uo.flare);
            bakingOutput           = uo.bakingOutput;
            cullingMask            = uo.cullingMask;
            lightShadowCasterMode  = uo.lightShadowCasterMode;
            shadowRadius           = uo.shadowRadius;
            shadowAngle            = uo.shadowAngle;
Exemplo n.º 13
    void Start()
        if (Screen.dpi < 1)
            dpiScale = 1;
        if (Screen.dpi < 200)
            dpiScale = 1;
            dpiScale = Screen.dpi / 200f;
        guiStyleHeader.fontSize = (int)(15f * dpiScale);
        //guiStyleHeader.normal.textColor = new Color(0.15f,0.15f,0.15f);
        guiStyleHeaderMobile.fontSize = (int)(17f * dpiScale);


        startSunIntensity        = Sun.intensity;
        startSunRotation         = Sun.transform.rotation;
        startAmbientLight        = RenderSettings.ambientLight;
        startAmbientIntencity    = RenderSettings.ambientIntensity;
        startReflectionIntencity = RenderSettings.reflectionIntensity;
        startLightShadows        = Sun.shadows;

Exemplo n.º 14
    static int IntToEnum(IntPtr L)
        int          arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 1);
        LightShadows o    = (LightShadows)arg0;

        LuaScriptMgr.PushEnum(L, o);
Exemplo n.º 15
 //Sets the shadows for all of the lights to none, soft or hard
 void SetShadowsOfAllLights(LightShadows lightShadows)
     Light[] lights = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Light> ();
     foreach (Light light in lights)
         light.shadows = lightShadows;
Exemplo n.º 16
 //Sets the shadows for all of the lights to none, soft or hard
 void SetShadowsOfAllLights(LightShadows lightShadows)
     Light[] lights = Object.FindObjectsOfType <Light> ();
     foreach (Light light in lights)
         light.shadows = lightShadows;
Exemplo n.º 17
    private void Update()
        LightShadows lightShadow = (LightShadows)Mathf.Clamp(ConVar.Graphics.shadowmode, 1, 2);

        if (this.light.shadows != lightShadow)
            this.light.shadows = lightShadow;
Exemplo n.º 18
    public void ApplyQualitySetting(Light light, LightShadows defaultValue)
        LightShadows lightShadows = (this.ShadowLevel >= TheForestQualitySettings.ShadowLevels.Low) ? LightShadows.None : defaultValue;

        if (light.shadows != lightShadows)
            light.shadows = lightShadows;
Exemplo n.º 19
        void Awake()
            mainLight1Shadows = MainLight1.shadows;
            mainLight2Shadows = MainLight2.shadows;
            mainLight3Shadows = MainLight3.shadows;

            FillLight1.shadows = LightShadows.None;

Exemplo n.º 20
 public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
     if (this.light == null)
         Debug.LogWarning("Light is null");
     this.light.shadows = this.shadows;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void Start()
            light = GetComponent <Light>();
            DesiredLightShadowQuality = light.shadows;

            //Replace this with your "Player" object
            LocalPlayer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FreeCamera>();

Exemplo n.º 22
    private void Update()
        LightShadows lightShadows = (LightShadows)Mathf.Clamp(Graphics.shadowmode, 1, 2);

        if (this.light.get_shadows() == lightShadows)
 public void SetShadowsType(LightShadows type)
     Light[] lights = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Light>();
     if (lights != null)
         foreach (Light light in lights)
             light.shadows = type;
Exemplo n.º 24

        private static Light CreateBaseLight(Color color, LightShadows shadows, float intensity)
            var go = new GameObject("Light");

            var cmp = go.AddComponent <Light>();

            cmp.color     = color;
            cmp.shadows   = shadows;
            cmp.intensity = intensity;

Exemplo n.º 25
        private void Start()
            light = GetComponent <Light>();
            DesiredLightShadowQuality = light.shadows;
            InspectorShadowResolution = light.shadowResolution;
            InitiallyOn = light.enabled;

            //Replace this with your "Player" object
            LODCameras = new List <LightLODCamera>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <LightLODCamera>());

Exemplo n.º 26
        public LightKun(Component component) : base(component)
            componentKunType = BehaviourKun.ComponentKunType.Light;
            cookie           = "";
            flare            = "";
            m_colorKun       = new ColorKun();
            var light = component as Light;

            if (light)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
                lightShape          = light.shape;
                useColorTemperature = light.useColorTemperature;
                colorTemperature    = light.colorTemperature;
                renderingLayerMask  = light.renderingLayerMask;
                enabled        = light.enabled;
                lightType      = light.type;
                range          = light.range;
                spotAngle      = light.spotAngle;
                innerSpotAngle = light.spotAngle;
                cookieSize     = light.cookieSize;
                if (light.cookie != null)
                    cookie = light.cookie.name;
                    cookie = "";
                if (light.flare != null)
                    flare = light.flare.name;
                    flare = "";
                color           = light.color;
                intensity       = light.intensity;
                bounceIntensity = light.bounceIntensity;

                shadowsType       = light.shadows;
                shadowsStrength   = light.shadowStrength;
                shadowsBias       = light.shadowBias;
                shadowsNormalBias = light.shadowNormalBias;
                shadowsNormalBias = light.shadowNormalBias;
                // halo
                renderMode  = light.renderMode;
                cullingMask = light.cullingMask;
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void Update()
            if (!lightComponent)

            if (lightComponent.isBaked)

            if (lastShadowMode == LightShadows.None && lightComponent.shadows == LightShadows.None)
                //Light doesnt have shadows.

            Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;

            if (!mainCamera)

            Vector3 center      = GetCenter();
            float   distToLight = Vector3.Distance(mainCamera.transform.position, center);

            float distanceRatio = Mathf.Clamp01(distToLight / maxShadowDistance);

            if (distanceRatio >= 1)
                if (lightComponent.shadows != LightShadows.None)
                    lastShadowMode         = lightComponent.shadows;
                    lightComponent.shadows = LightShadows.None;
                if (lightComponent.shadows == LightShadows.None)
                    lightComponent.shadows = lastShadowMode;

                float fade = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01((distanceRatio - shadowFadeRatio) / (1.0f - shadowFadeRatio));
                if (lightComponent.shadowStrength != fade)
                    lightComponent.shadowStrength = fade;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void Update()
            if (light == null)
                this.light = base.GetComponent <Light>();
            LightShadows lightShadows = 0;

            if (this.light.shadows != lightShadows)
                this.light.shadows = lightShadows;
Exemplo n.º 29
    public LightComponent(Component comp)
        : base(comp)
        Light light = comp as Light;

        if (light != null)
            lightType  = light.type;
            color      = light.color;
            lightMode  = light.lightmapBakeType;
            intensity  = light.intensity;
            shadowType = light.shadows;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public override void Read(BinaryReader br)
     this.firstRun           = false;
     this.type               = (LightType)br.ReadInt32();
     this.color              = new Color(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle());
     this.intensity          = br.ReadSingle();
     this.shadows            = (LightShadows)br.ReadInt32();
     this.shadowStrength     = br.ReadSingle();
     this.shadowBias         = br.ReadSingle();
     this.shadowSoftness     = br.ReadSingle();
     this.shadowSoftnessFade = br.ReadSingle();
     this.range              = br.ReadSingle();
     this.spotAngle          = br.ReadSingle();
     this.cullingMask        = br.ReadInt32();
 void OnEnable()
     lightTarget       = GetComponent <LightTarget>();
     intensity         = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.intensity;
     indirectIntensity = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.indirectIntensity;
     range             = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.range;
     colorTemperature  = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.colorTemperature;
     colorFilter       = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.colorFilter;
     lightAngle        = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.lightAngle;
     shadows           = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.shadows;
     shadowQuality  = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.shadowQuality;
     ShadowNearClip = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.ShadowNearClip;
     shadowBias     = lightTarget.lightTargetParameters.shadowBias;
Exemplo n.º 32
        void ApplyQualitySettings(SettingsData.QualitySettings qualitySettings)
            UnitySettings.masterTextureLimit = (int)qualitySettings.textureQuality;

            if (lightweightRenderPipelineAsset)
                lightweightRenderPipelineAsset.msaaSampleCount = (int)qualitySettings.antiAliasing;
                lightweightRenderPipelineAsset.renderScale     = qualitySettings.renderScale;

                lwrpaShadowField?.SetValue(lightweightRenderPipelineAsset, qualitySettings.shadows);
                lwrpaSoftShadowField?.SetValue(lightweightRenderPipelineAsset, qualitySettings.softShadows);
                lwrpaShadowResolutionField?.SetValue(lightweightRenderPipelineAsset, qualitySettings.shadowResolution);

            if (environmentLight)
                LightShadows shadowType = LightShadows.None;
                if (qualitySettings.shadows)
                    shadowType = qualitySettings.softShadows ? LightShadows.Soft : LightShadows.Hard;
                environmentLight.shadows = shadowType;

            if (postProcessVolume)
                Bloom bloom;
                if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGetSettings(out bloom))
                    bloom.enabled.value = qualitySettings.bloom;
                ColorGrading colorGrading;
                if (postProcessVolume.profile.TryGetSettings(out colorGrading))
                    colorGrading.enabled.value = qualitySettings.colorGrading;

            if (thirdPersonCamera)
                thirdPersonCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance;

            if (firstPersonCamera)
                firstPersonCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = qualitySettings.cameraDrawDistance;
Exemplo n.º 33
 private void OnPreCull()
     if (!this.GoodToGo)
     if (this.ShadowsActive)
         this._lightShadows = Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.shadows;
         this._lightRenderMode = Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.renderMode;
         Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.shadows = LightShadows.None;
         Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.renderMode = LightRenderMode.ForcePixel;
     if (Sunshine.Instance.RequiresPostprocessing && (this.AttachedCamera.depthTextureMode & DepthTextureMode.Depth) == DepthTextureMode.None && SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat.Depth))
         this.AttachedCamera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
Exemplo n.º 34
    void OnPreCull()



            _lightShadows = Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.shadows;
            _lightRenderMode = Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.renderMode;
            Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.shadows = LightShadows.None; //Disable built-in shadows
            Sunshine.Instance.SunLight.renderMode = LightRenderMode.ForcePixel; //Force per-pixel lighting

            //Check for existing depth textures...
            bool usingDepth = (AttachedCamera.depthTextureMode & DepthTextureMode.Depth) != 0;
                    AttachedCamera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
 public ShadowSettings(LightShadows shadows, ShadowProjection shadowProjection, int shadowCascades, float shadowDistance)
     this.shadows = shadows;
     this.shadowProjection = shadowProjection;
     this.shadowCascades = shadowCascades;
     this.shadowDistance = shadowDistance;
Exemplo n.º 36
	private void OnGUI(){
		float currentHeight = 10.0f;
		Rect thisRect = window.position;

		string integrationPrefix = "";
		if(integrationType == IntegrationType.AGF){
			integrationPrefix = "AGF";
		else if(integrationType == IntegrationType.Geovox){
			integrationPrefix = "Geovox";

		if ( sourceDirectory == "" ){
		if (m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.ModeSelect) {

			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText (ref currentHeight, 15, integrationPrefix + " Scene Loader");
			// Help Box
			float helpBoxSideMargin = 20.0f, helpBoxHeight = 20.0f;
			EditorGUI.HelpBox (new Rect (helpBoxSideMargin, currentHeight, thisRect.width - (helpBoxSideMargin * 2.0f), helpBoxHeight), "Choose which task you would like to perform.", MessageType.Info);
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			float buttonWidth = 400.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;

			if (integrationType == IntegrationType.AGF) {
				//Warning label
				GUI.Label (new Rect (20, currentHeight, thisRect.width - 40, 60), "TURN OFF DIRECTX3D11\nTHE AGF TERRAIN SHADER DOES NOT WORK WITH " +
				currentHeight += 60;
			// Buttons
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width / 2.0f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, currentHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Select default directory")) {
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.SetDirectory;
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width / 2.0f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, currentHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Import Geovox Scene")){
				if (!GameObject.Find ("Geovox_Integration")) {
					string path = "Assets/AGF_SceneLoader/AGF_Assets/Prefabs/Geovox_Integration.prefab";
					GameObject integrationPrefab = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate ((GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (path, typeof(GameObject)));
					integrationPrefab.name = "Geovox_Integration";
					Debug.Log ("Integration prefab created");
				if (GameObject.Find ("Geovox_Integration")) {
					int returnCode = LoadGeovoxScene ();
					if (returnCode != AGF_ReturnCode.Success) {
						HandleLoadSceneError (returnCode);
				} else {
					Debug.LogError ("Failed to create integration prefab from Assets/AGF_SceneLoader/AGF_Assets/Prefabs/Geovox_Integration.prefab");
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width / 2.0f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, currentHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Import Settings")) {
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Settings;
				m_PrevWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			buttonWidth = 70.0f;
			buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Help")) {
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Help;
				m_PrevWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;

//			if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20, thisRect.height - 40, 20, 20), "+")){
//				foreach(Transform chunk in FindObjectsOfType<Transform>()){
//					if(chunk.name == "HiResChunk"){
//						if(!AGF_IntegrationWindow.terrainSpecular){
//							chunk.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("Standard");
//						}
//						else{
//							chunk.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("Standard (Specular setup)");
//						}
//					}
//				}
//			}
//			if(GUI.Button(new Rect(50, thisRect.height - 40, 20, 20), "+")){
//				foreach(Transform chunk in FindObjectsOfType<Transform>()){
//					if(chunk.name == "HiResChunk"){
//						if(!AGF_IntegrationWindow.terrainSpecular){
//							chunk.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("Voxel/Standard");
//						}
//						else{
//							chunk.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.shader = Shader.Find("Voxel/Standard (Specular setup)");
//						}
//					}
//				}
//			}
		} else if (m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.Help) {
			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText (ref currentHeight, 15, "Help");
			float buttonWidth = 400.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width / 2.0f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, currentHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "My Unity Scene does not have a camera. What should I do?")) {
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.HelpCamera;
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			buttonWidth = 70.0f;
			buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Back")) {
				m_CurrentWindowState = m_PrevWindowState;
		} else if (m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.Settings) {
			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText (ref currentHeight, 15, "Settings");
			float buttonWidth = 400.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;

			GUI.Label(new Rect(30, currentHeight, 200, 20), "Shadow type:");
			lightShadows = (LightShadows)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(new Rect(thisRect.width - 230, currentHeight, 200, 20), lightShadows);
			currentHeight += 20;
			GUI.Label(new Rect(30, currentHeight, 200, 20), "Terrain Shadows:");
			terrainShadows = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(thisRect.width - 50, currentHeight, 20, 20), terrainShadows);
			currentHeight += 20;
			GUI.Label(new Rect(30, currentHeight, 200, 20), "Grass Shadows:");
			grassShadows = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(thisRect.width - 50, currentHeight, 20, 20), grassShadows);
			currentHeight += 20;
			GUI.Label(new Rect(30, currentHeight, 200, 20), "Prefab Shadows:");
			prefabShadows = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(thisRect.width - 50, currentHeight, 20, 20), prefabShadows);
			currentHeight += 20;
			GUI.Label(new Rect(30, currentHeight, 200, 20), "Use Terrain Specular:");
			terrainSpecular = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(thisRect.width - 50, currentHeight, 20, 20), terrainSpecular);
			currentHeight += 20;
			buttonWidth = 70.0f;
			buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Back")) {
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Main.gameName + "ShadowType", (int)lightShadows);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Main.gameName + "TerrainShadowType", terrainShadows ? 1 : 0);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Main.gameName + "GrassShadowType", grassShadows ? 1 : 0);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Main.gameName + "PrefabShadowType", prefabShadows ? 1 : 0);
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Main.gameName + "TerrainSpecular", terrainSpecular ? 1 : 0);

				m_CurrentWindowState = m_PrevWindowState;
		else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.HelpCamera ){
			DisplayCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 15, "Camera Information" );
			DisplayWordWrappedCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 11, 
				"Unity provides a quick method of inserting a basic camera and character controller into your scene. " +
				"In the Menu Bar, navigate to Assets > Import Package. From there, click on \"Character Controller\", and import. " +
				"Drag in the \"First Person Controller\" prefab. You will notice that the prefab includes a main camera as one of its children.\n\n" +
				"When importing an " + integrationPrefix + " scene, select this new camera. Your " + integrationPrefix + " scene will load, apply all the necessary filters and skybox textures to the camera, and be ready to go!", 450.0f, true );
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Help;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.ConfigureCamera ){
			DisplaySceneImport( ref currentHeight, "Import Camera Settings from "+integrationPrefix + " Scene", "Use this utility if you have added a camera to your Unity scene after already performing the " +integrationPrefix + " scene import process.", AGF_LevelLoader.LoadSceneMode.CameraOnly, integrationType );
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth * 2.0f - 10.0f, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Help" ) ){
				m_PrevWindowState = WindowState.ConfigureCamera;
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Help;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.SceneImport ){
			DisplaySceneImport( ref currentHeight, "Import "+integrationPrefix + " Scene", "This utility will load a target "+integrationPrefix + " scene into the current active Unity scene. Note that a camera must exist within this Unity scene in order for the process to complete. (See help for more info.)", 
			                   AGF_LevelLoader.LoadSceneMode.All, integrationType );
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth * 2.0f - 10.0f, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Help" ) ){
				m_PrevWindowState = WindowState.SceneImport;
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Help;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.SetDirectory ){
				sourceDirectory = Main.GetUserDataHomeFolder();
				System.IO.File.WriteAllText( Application.dataPath + "/SourceDirectory.txt", sourceDirectory );

			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 15, "Set Source Directory" );
			currentHeight = 50.0f;
			DisplayWordWrappedCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 11, "Select the default directory to search for Geovox scenes.\n" +
				"If this is not set, it will default to the directory of this scene loader.", 450.0f );
			currentHeight += 30.0f;
			GUI.TextField ( new Rect( thisRect.width/2.0f - 400.0f/2.0f, currentHeight, 400.0f, 18.0f ), sourceDirectory );
			currentHeight += 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width/2.0f - 400.0f/2.0f, currentHeight, 180.0f, 20.0f ), "Select Directory..." ) ){
				string newSourceDir = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel( "Set Source Directory", sourceDirectory, "" );
				if ( newSourceDir != "" ){
					sourceDirectory = newSourceDir;
					System.IO.File.WriteAllText( Application.dataPath + "/SourceDirectory.txt", sourceDirectory );
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width/2.0f - 400.0f/2.0f + 220.0f, currentHeight, 180.0f, 20.0f ), "Use Default" ) ){
				sourceDirectory = Main.GetUserDataHomeFolder();
				System.IO.File.WriteAllText( Application.dataPath + "/SourceDirectory.txt", sourceDirectory );
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.RuntimeLoader ){
			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 15, "Runtime Loader Setup" );
			DisplayCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 18, "Coming soon!", true );
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.LoadingScene ){
			// Title Text
			DisplayCenteredText( ref currentHeight, 15, "Loading Scene...", true );
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.ErrorMissingAssetBundle ){
			int prevLabelSize = GUI.skin.label.fontSize;
			bool prevWordWrap = GUI.skin.label.wordWrap;
			GUIContent errorText = new GUIContent("Error! An Asset Bundle was missing. "
				+ "Make sure all asset bundles required for loading the scene exist within: " 
				+ sourceDirectory + "/Asset Packs/ " 
				+ "(Refer to the console for more information.) ");
			GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 15;
			GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = true;
			float height = GUI.skin.label.CalcHeight( errorText, 400.0f );
			GUI.Label ( new Rect( thisRect.width/2.0f - 400.0f/2.0f, thisRect.height/2.0f - height/2.0f, 400.0f, height ), errorText );
			GUI.skin.label.fontSize = prevLabelSize;
			GUI.skin.label.wordWrap = prevWordWrap;
			float buttonWidth = 70.0f, buttonHeight = 20.0f;
			if ( GUI.Button ( new Rect( thisRect.width - 20.0f - buttonWidth, thisRect.height - 10.0f - buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ), "Back" ) ){
				m_CurrentWindowState = WindowState.ModeSelect;
		} else if ( m_CurrentWindowState == WindowState.ErrorVersionNumber ){