// 查到结果 private void onFindPlayer(Dictionary <string, object> data, string guid, object param) { if (data == null || param == null) { return; } try { if (data.ContainsKey("IsBot")) { bool isbot = Convert.ToBoolean(data["IsBot"]); // 是机器人就加 if (isbot) { AddMoneyParam p = (AddMoneyParam)param; int playerid = Convert.ToInt32(data["Id"]); _addPlayerMoney(playerid, p.m_gold, p.m_gem, p.m_dbId); } } else { LOG.Info("批量查询玩家数据时,有错,玩家guid [{0}]", guid); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.Message); LOG.Info(ex.StackTrace); } }
// 将数据保存到tablename内 public bool save(string tablename, Dictionary <string, object> data, IMongoQuery query, int serverid, int dbid) { if (data == null) { return(false); } try { Dictionary <string, object> tmp = m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteGetByQuery(tablename, query); // 没有数据,新插入一行 if (tmp == null) { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteInsert(tablename, data)); } else // 有,则替换 { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteStoreByQuery(tablename, query, data)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
public void _Init() { float start = JHSTime.Time; dbService = DbService.Instance; leagueManager = LeagueManager.Instance; leagueManager.RequiredGames = Settings.MIN_GAMES_TO_DECIDE_RANKING_SKILLS; List <RankConfig> configs = ConfigManager.GetRankConfigs(); leagueManager._Configure(configs); leagueManager.OnPlayerChanged = OnPlayerChanged; leagueManager.OnPlayerDemoted = OnPlayerDemoted; leagueManager.OnPlayerPromoted = OnPlayerPromoted; leagueManager.OnPlayerRemoved = OnPlayerRemoved; foreach (RankConfig config in configs) { LeagueType rank = config.RankId; IList <Rankings> usr = DbService.Instance.GetRank(rank); foreach (Rankings usrrank in usr) { RankinngOBJ obj = dbService.GetRankinData(new RankinngOBJ(usrrank.UserId, usrrank.PlayerName)); if (obj != null) { KnownPlayers.Add(usrrank.UserId, obj); leagueManager._AddPlayer(obj.RefLeagueData); } } } LOG.Info("Finished loading ranking, time-consuming:" + (JHSTime.Time - start) + " sec."); LOG.Info(leagueManager.ToString()); }
public static bool loadXml <T>(string file, T obj) where T : IUserTabe { if (obj == null) { LOG.Info("loadXml 传入了空的引用"); return(false); } XmlReader cr = new XmlReader(); if (!cr.load(file)) { return(false); } int row = 0; cr.gotoLine(row); obj.beginRead(); while (!cr.isFinish()) { obj.readLine(cr); row++; cr.gotoLine(row); } obj.endRead(); return(true); }
public bool load(string file, char end_flag) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { LOG.Info("文件[{0}]不存在!", file); return(false); } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file, Encoding.Default); string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { if (!init(line)) { return(false); } } int row = 0; line = readLine(sr, end_flag);//sr.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { if (!isEmptyLine(line)) { addLine(line, row); row++; } line = readLine(sr, end_flag); //sr.ReadLine(); } m_totalRows = row; sr.Close(); return(true); }
public Dictionary <string, object> ExecuteGetByQuery(string table, IMongoQuery queries, string[] fields = null) { Dictionary <string, object> retval = null; try { var cb = check_table(table); var retf = cb.Find(queries); if (fields != null) { retf = retf.SetFields(fields); } var it = retf.GetEnumerator(); if (it.MoveNext()) { if (it.Current.Contains("_id")) { it.Current.Remove("_id"); } retval = it.Current.ToDictionary(); } return(retval); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.ToString()); } return(retval); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Api api = new Api(); try { api.ServerName = "BattleServer"; api.Init(args); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.Error("{0} init failed:{1}", api.ServerName, e.ToString()); api.Exit(); return; } Thread thread = new Thread(api.Run); thread.Start(); LOG.Info("{0} OnReady..", api.ServerName); while (thread.IsAlive) { api.ProcessInput(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } api.Exit(); LOG.Info("{0} Exit..", api.ServerName); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Surf Shark Server"; var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Configs/Net4Log.xml"))); configs = new IniFile(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Configs/Config.ini")); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CleanupBeforeExit; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); JHSDebug.LogReciver = new LOG(); NetConfig.logFilter = JHSLogFilter.Error; var v = DbService.GetDBSession; var x = UserManager.Instance; SharkServer.Start(); WAIT_REGION: string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == "exit") { goto EXIT_REGION; } goto WAIT_REGION; EXIT_REGION: LOG.Info("Saving Database."); if (DbService.ForceQuit()) { LOG.Info("Server is now down."); } }
public void GenerateReport() { LOG.Info("正在写入基础信息..."); Dictionary <string, string> Pict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); WordHelper helper = SetReportBasicInfo(true); //选择试验生成图片 //MessageBox.Show("HI"); if (File.Exists(图片路径)) { if (MainForm.test == 6) { //string key = "位移时间曲线"; Pict.Add("$动态油缸位移时间曲线$", 图片路径); helper.Insertpicture(Pict); LOG.Debug("正在写入图片"); helper.SaveDocument(保存路径); } else if (MainForm.test == 8) { // string key = "负载效率曲线"; Pict.Add("$动态油缸负载效率试验曲线$", 图片路径); helper.Insertpicture(Pict); LOG.Debug("正在写入图片"); helper.SaveDocument(保存路径); } } else { LOG.Error("因为本次实验没有保存图片,无法生成试验报告"); } MessageBox.Show("本次试验报告文档保存在项目MainProj的report中,请查收"); }
// 给指定玩家加钱,gold金币, gem钻石 public bool addPlayerMoney(int playerid, int gold, int gem, GMUser account) { if (gold < 0 || gem < 0 || account == null) { LOG.Info("给玩家id [{0}]增加金币时出错,传入的值为负!", playerid); return(false); } bool res = _addPlayerMoney(playerid, gold, gem, account.getDbServerID()); if (res) { Dictionary <string, object> data = null; // DBMgr.getInstance().getTableData("EtPlayer", "Id", playerid, account.getDbServerID(), DbName.DB_FISH_LORD); if (data != null) { if (data.ContainsKey("IsBot")) { bool isbot = Convert.ToBoolean(data["IsBot"]); if (!isbot) { OpLogMgr.getInstance().addLog(LogType.ADD_MONEY, new ParamAddMoney(playerid, gold, gem), account); } } } } account.setOpResult(res ? OpRes.opres_success : OpRes.op_res_failed); return(res); }
// 将数据保存到tablename内 public bool save(string tablename, Dictionary <string, object> data, string filedname, object val, int serverid, int dbid) { if (data == null) { return(false); } try { Dictionary <string, object> tmp = m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteGetBykey(tablename, filedname, val); // 没有数据,新插入一行 if (tmp == null) { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteInsert(tablename, data)); } else // 有,则替换 { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteStoreBykey(tablename, filedname, val, data)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.Message); LOG.Info(ex.StackTrace); } return(false); }
public void Start() { float start = JHSTime.Time; LOG.Info("Loading database service ..."); try { XmlConfigurator.Configure(new Uri(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Configs/Net4Log.xml"))); config = new Configuration().Configure(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Configs/hibernate.xml")); Type[] typelist = GetTypesInNamespace(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "LoginServer.MYSQL.Tables"); bool Added = false; for (int i = 0; i < typelist.Length; i++) { Added = false; string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"; xml += "<hibernate-mapping xmlns=\"urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2\">"; xml += "<class name=\"LoginServer.MYSQL.Tables." + typelist[i].Name + ", LoginServer\" table=\"" + typelist[i].Name.ToLower() + "\">"; foreach (PropertyInfo prop in typelist[i].GetProperties()) { if (prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(IndexAttribute)) != null && !Added) { IndexAttribute att = (IndexAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(IndexAttribute)); if (!att.IsEnum) { xml += "<id name=\"" + prop.Name + "\" column=\"" + prop.Name + "\" type=\"" + prop.PropertyType.Name + "\">"; if (att.IsAutoGenerate) { xml += "<generator class=\"native\"></generator>"; } xml += "</id>"; } else { xml += "<property name=\"" + prop.Name + "\" type =\"" + att.ClassName + "\" />"; } Added = true; } else { xml += "<property name=\"" + prop.Name + "\" column=\"" + prop.Name + "\" type =\"" + prop.PropertyType.Name + "\"></property>"; } } xml += "</class>"; xml += "</hibernate-mapping>"; config.AddXmlString(xml); } factory = config.BuildSessionFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Timer aTimer = new Timer(); aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); aTimer.Interval = UpdateEvery * 1000; aTimer.Enabled = true; LOG.Info("Finished loading database service, time-consuming:" + (JHSTime.Time - start) + " sec."); }
/// <summary> /// Make the process use less memory by emptying the working set /// </summary> public static void EmptyWorkingSet() { LOG.Info("Calling EmptyWorkingSet"); using (Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { EmptyWorkingSet(currentProcess.Handle); } }
private static void CleanupBeforeExit(object sender, EventArgs e) { LOG.Info("Saving Database."); if (DbService.ForceQuit()) { LOG.Info("Server is now down."); } }
private static void CurrentDomain_ProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e) { LOG.Info("Saving Database."); if (DbService.ForceQuit()) { LOG.Info("Server is now down."); } }
public MongodbHelper getDB(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= DbName.DB_NAME_MAX) { LOG.Info("获取某数据库服务器上某个db时出错,索引超出范围, index = {0}", index); return(null); } return(m_client[index]); }
// 发放福利的接口 public OpRes doGrantBenefit(object param, GrantType type, GMUser user) { if (!m_items.ContainsKey(type)) { LOG.Info("不存在名称为[{0}]的发放福利功能", type); return(OpRes.op_res_failed); } return(m_items[type].doGrantBenefit(param, user)); }
/// <summary> /// The real save implementation, this first disables the watch otherwise we would be informed of our own changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="iniLocation"></param> private static void SaveInternally(string iniLocation) { WatchConfigFile(false); try { LOG.Info("Saving configuration to: " + iniLocation); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(iniLocation))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(iniLocation)); } using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(iniLocation, false, Encoding.UTF8)) { foreach (IniSection section in sectionMap.Values) { // Only save EditorConfiguration if (section != null && section.IniSectionAttribute != null && section.IniSectionAttribute.Name == "Editor") { section.Write(writer, false); // Add empty line after section writer.WriteLine(); section.IsDirty = false; } } writer.WriteLine(); // Write left over properties foreach (string sectionName in sections.Keys) { // Check if the section is one that is "registered", if so skip it! if (!sectionMap.ContainsKey(sectionName)) { writer.WriteLine("; The section {0} hasn't been 'claimed' since the last start of Greenshot, therefor it doesn't have additional information here!", sectionName); writer.WriteLine("; The reason could be that the section {0} just hasn't been used, a plugin has an error and can't claim it or maybe the whole section {0} is obsolete.", sectionName); // Write section name writer.WriteLine("[{0}]", sectionName); Dictionary <string, string> properties = sections[sectionName]; // Loop and write properties foreach (string propertyName in properties.Keys) { writer.WriteLine("{0}={1}", propertyName, properties[propertyName]); } writer.WriteLine(); } } } } finally { try { WatchConfigFile(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error("A problem occured while enabling the WatchConfigFile: ", ex); } } }
protected override void InBlock(string shcode, bool isNext = false) { var szTrCode = _resModel.Name; LOG.Debug($"trCountLimit : {_query.GetTRCountLimit(szTrCode)}, trCountRequest : {_query.GetTRCountRequest(szTrCode)}, trCountBaseSec : {_query.GetTRCountBaseSec(szTrCode)}, trCountPerSec : {_query.GetTRCountPerSec(szTrCode)}"); if (_query.GetTRCountLimit(szTrCode) != 0) { while (_query.GetTRCountLimit(szTrCode) <= _query.GetTRCountRequest(szTrCode)) { LOG.Debug($"sleep {szTrCode} {_query.GetTRCountLimit(szTrCode)}, {_query.GetTRCountRequest(szTrCode)}"); Thread.Sleep(10000); } } if (isNext == false) { fi = new FileInfo(Settings.Default.data_path + "\\xing\\" + szTrCode + "-" + shcode + ".csv"); if (fi.Directory != null && !fi.Directory.Exists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(fi.DirectoryName); } fi.Delete(); var today = DateTime.Now; _inBlock = new _t4201InBlock() { shcode = shcode, gubun = "0", ncnt = 1, qrycnt = 500, tdgb = "0", sdate = today.AddDays(-5).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), edate = today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), }; } var block = _resModel.Blocks[szTrCode + "InBlock"]; _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "shcode", 0, _inBlock.shcode); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "gubun", 0, _inBlock.gubun); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "ncnt", 0, _inBlock.ncnt.ToString()); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "qrycnt", 0, _inBlock.qrycnt.ToString()); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "tdgb", 0, _inBlock.tdgb); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "sdate", 0, _inBlock.sdate); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "edate", 0, _inBlock.edate); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "cts_date", 0, _inBlock.cts_date); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "cts_time", 0, _inBlock.cts_time); _query.SetFieldData(block.Name, "cts_daygb", 0, _inBlock.cts_daygb); _query.Request(isNext); LOG.Info("s==============InBlock================="); LOG.Info("=========== GetTrCode"); LOG.Info(_query.GetTrCode()); LOG.Info("=========== GetTrDesc"); LOG.Info(_query.GetTrDesc()); LOG.Info("=========== InBlock Data"); LOG.Info(PrintUtil.PrintProperties(_inBlock)); LOG.Info("e==============InBlock================="); }
public override void init() { LOG.Info("AccountBalance: " + AccountBalance()); LOG.Info("AccountCompany: " + AccountCompany()); LOG.Info("AccountEquity: " + AccountEquity()); LOG.Info("AccountFreeMargin: " + AccountFreeMargin()); LOG.Info("AccountName: " + AccountName()); LOG.Info("AccountNumber: " + AccountNumber()); ObjectCreate(ChartID(), "test", OBJECT_TYPE.OBJ_TREND, 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), iHigh(Symbol(), (int)TIMEFRAME.PERIOD_D1, 1), DateTime.Now.AddDays(+1), 1.086); LOG.Info("init() done: "); }
public FieldCsv fetch(string col_name) { if (!m_nameToCol.ContainsKey(col_name)) { LOG.Info("表格中列名[{0}]不存在!", col_name); return(null); } int col = m_nameToCol[col_name]; return(get(m_curRow, col)); }
public void RemoveServer(uint connectionId) { lock (servers) { if (!servers.ContainsKey(connectionId)) { return; } servers.Remove(connectionId); LOG.Info("OnDelSession ServerId[" + connectionId + "]"); } }
/// <summary> /// check if the form was closed with an OK, if so store the values in the GreenshotControls /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode && !_storeFieldsManually) { if (DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { LOG.Info("Form was closed with OK: storing field values."); StoreFields(); } } base.OnClosed(e); }
// 从数据库移除记录 public bool remove(string tablename, string filedname, object val, int serverid, int dbid) { try { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteRemoveBykey(tablename, filedname, val)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
// 返回表tablename中满足条件的记录个数 public long getRecordCount(string tablename, IMongoQuery query, int serverid, int dbid) { try { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteGetCount(tablename, query)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.ToString()); } return(0); }
public SettingsPageObject CheckingSpecialization(string spec) { try { WaitUntil.WaitElement(_webDriver, _specializationInput, TestSettings.WaitTime); _webDriver.FindElement(_specializationInput).Equals(spec); } catch (Exception) { LOG.Info("Элемент не соответствует заявленным данным: " + spec); } return(this); }
public SettingsPageObject CheckingRealName(string name) { try { WaitUntil.WaitElement(_webDriver, _realNameInput, TestSettings.WaitTime); _webDriver.FindElement(_realNameInput).Equals(name); } catch (Exception) { LOG.Info("Элемент не соответствует заявленным данным: " + name); } return(this); }
public void Info() { using (ILOGInstance instance = new AsyncLOGInstance(true, SyncType.EventWaitHandle, true, new[] { new TestOutputter() }, new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("SessionID", "TestSession") })) { _testingAdditionalfields.Add("SessionID", "TestSession"); _testingMessage = "test info message"; _testingTag = "info"; _testingSeverity = LogSeverity.Info; instance.Info(_testingMessage, _testingTag); LOG.Info(_testingMessage, _testingTag); } }
// 取得表tablename中, 字段名fieldname 为value行 public Dictionary <string, object> getTableData(string tablename, string fieldname, object val, string[] fields, int serverid, int dbid) { try { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteGetOneBykey(tablename, fieldname, val, fields)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.Message); LOG.Info(ex.StackTrace); } return(null); }
// 取得表tablename中, 字段名fieldname 为value行 public Dictionary <string, object> getTableData(string tablename, int serverid, int dbid, IMongoQuery query, string[] fields = null) { try { return(m_mongoServer[serverid].getDB(dbid).ExecuteGetByQuery(tablename, query, fields)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LOG.Info(ex.Message); LOG.Info(ex.StackTrace); } return(null); }