Exemplo n.º 1
        public static LNode ContractsOnMethod(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            LNode oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount >= 4)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(fn.Args[0], fn.Args[1], context);
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 2, rw);
                if (fn.Args[0].HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithArgChanged(0, fn.Args[0].WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Args[0].Attrs, null)));
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));
                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    var body = fn.Args[3];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces))
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(3, body);
Exemplo n.º 2
		LNode AutoRemoveParens(LNode node)
			int i = node.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.TriviaInParens);
			if ((i > -1))
				 return node.WithAttrs(node.Attrs.RemoveAt(i));
			return node;
Exemplo n.º 3
        [LexicalMacro("notnull T method(notnull T arg) {...}; T method([requires(expr)] T arg) {...}; " + "[requires(expr)] T method(...) {...}; [ensures(expr)] T method(...) {...}; " + "[ensuresOnThrow(expr)] T method(...) {...}; [ensuresOnThrow<Exception>(expr)] T method(...) {...}", "Generates Contract checks in a method.\n\n" + "- [requires(expr)] and [assert(expr)] specify an expression that must be true at the beginning of the method; assert conditions are checked in debug builds only, while \"requires\" conditions are checked in all builds. The condition can include an underscore `_` that refers to the argument that the attribute is attached to, if any.\n" + "- [ensures(expr)] and [ensuresAssert(expr)] specify an expression that must be true if-and-when the method returns normally. assert conditions are checked in debug builds only. The condition can include an underscore `_` that refers to the return value of the method.\n" + "- [ensuresFinally(expr)] specifies an expression that must be true when the method exits, whether by exception or by a normal return. This is implemented by wrapping the method in a try-finally block.\n" + "- [ensuresOnThrow(expr)] and [ensuresOnThrow<ExceptionType>(expr)] specify a condition that must be true if the method throws an exception. When #haveContractRewriter is false, underscore `_` refers to the thrown exception object; this is not available in the MS Code Contracts Rewriter.\n" + "- notnull is equivalent to [requires(_ != null)] if applied to an argument, and [ensures(_ != null)] if applied to the method as a whole.\n" + "\nAll contract attributes (except notnull) can specify multiple expressions separated by commas, to produce multiple checks, each with its own error message.", "#fn", "#cons", Mode = MacroMode.Passive | MacroMode.PriorityInternalFallback)] public static LNode ContractsOnMethod(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            LNode fnArgs, oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount >= 4)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(fn.Args[0], fn.Args[1], context);
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 2, rw);
                if (fn.Args[0].HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithArgChanged(0, fn.Args[0].WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Args[0].Attrs, null)));
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));
                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    var body = fn.Args[3];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces))
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(3, body);
Exemplo n.º 4
        [LexicalMacro("([notnull] (x => ...)); ([notnull] x) => ...; ([requires(expr)] x) => ...; " + "([ensures(expr)] (x => ...)); ([ensuresOnThrow(expr)] (x => ...)); ", "Generates Contract checks in a lambda function. See the documentation of " + "ContractsOnMethod for more information about the contract attributes.", "=>", Mode = MacroMode.Passive | MacroMode.PriorityInternalFallback)] public static LNode ContractsOnLambda(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            LNode oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount == 2)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(LNode.Missing, Id_lambda_function, context);
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 0, rw, isLambda: true);
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));
                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    var body = fn.Args[1];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces))
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(1, body);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static LNode ContractsOnLambda(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            LNode oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount == 2)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(LNode.Missing, Id_lambda_function, context);
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 0, rw, isLambda: true);
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));
                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    var body = fn.Args[1];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces))
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(1, body);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void DSOCM_DistributeAttributes(LNodeList attrs, ref LNode newArg, ref LNode propOrFieldDecl)
            // Some word attributes like `public` and `static` move to the field
            // or property, as well as named parameters representing an attribute
            // target `field:` or `property:`; all others belong on the argument.
            // Example: given `[A] [field: B] public params T _arg = value`, we want
            // a field `[B] public T arg` and a parameter `[A] params T arg = value`.
            LNodeList argAttrs = LNodeList.Empty, fieldAttrs = LNodeList.Empty;

            foreach (var attr in attrs)
                var name = attr.Name;
                if (attr.IsId && (FieldCreationAttributes.Contains(name) || name == S.Readonly))
                else if (name == S.TriviaSLComment || name == S.TriviaNewline)
                    fieldAttrs.Add(attr);                     // Put doc comments and leading newline on the field/prop
                else if (attr.Calls(S.NamedArg, 2) && (attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed("field") || attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed("property")))
            propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(fieldAttrs);
            newArg          = newArg.WithAttrs(argAttrs);
Exemplo n.º 7
		public static LNode BackingField(LNode prop, IMessageSink sink)
			LNode type, name, body;
			if (prop.ArgCount != 3 || !(body = prop.Args[2]).Calls(S.Braces))
				return null;

			LNode fieldAttr = null, fieldVarAttr = null;
			LNode fieldName;
			bool autoType = false;
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < prop.Attrs.Count; i++)
				LNode attr = prop.Attrs[i];
				if (attr.IsIdNamed(_field)
					|| attr.Calls(S.Var, 2) 
						&& ((autoType = attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(_field)) ||
							(fieldVarAttr = attr.AttrNamed(_field)) != null && fieldVarAttr.IsId))
					fieldAttr = attr;
			if (fieldAttr == null)
				return null;

			LNode field = fieldAttr;
			type = prop.Args[0];
			if (field.IsId) {
				name = prop.Args[1];
				fieldName = F.Id(ChooseFieldName(Ecs.EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name)));
				field = F.Call(S.Var, type, fieldName).WithAttrs(fieldAttr.Attrs);
			} else {
				fieldName = field.Args[1];
				if (fieldName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
					fieldName = fieldName.Args[0];
			if (autoType)
				field = field.WithArgChanged(0, type);
			if (fieldVarAttr != null)
				field = field.WithoutAttrNamed(_field);

			LNode newBody = body.WithArgs(body.Args.SmartSelect(stmt =>
				var attrs = stmt.Attrs;
				if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.get)) {
					stmt = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Return, fieldName))).WithAttrs(attrs);
					stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
				if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.set)) {
					stmt = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Assign, fieldName, F.Id(S.value)))).WithAttrs(attrs);
					stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
				return stmt;
			if (newBody == body)
				sink.Write(Severity.Warning, fieldAttr, "The body of the property does not contain a 'get;' or 'set;' statement without a body, so no code was generated to get or set the backing field.");

			prop = prop.WithAttrs(prop.Attrs.RemoveAt(i)).WithArgChanged(2, newBody);
			return F.Call(S.Splice, new RVList<LNode>(field, prop));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private Pred TranslateAndPred(LNode andExpr, bool not)
            var expr = andExpr.Args[0];

            // Distinguish between semantic and syntactic predicates
            LNode subexpr = null;
            Pred  subpred = null;

            if (expr.Calls(S.Braces))
                subexpr = expr.ArgCount == 1 ? expr[0] : expr;
                subpred = NodeToPred(expr, Context.And);
            LNode subexpr0 = subexpr;

            // Extract [Local] or [Hoist] attribute
            bool local = false;

            if (subexpr != null)
                local = true;
                if ((subexpr = subexpr.WithoutAttrNamed(_Hoist)) != subexpr0)
                    local = false;
                // also recognize [Local], which was not the default until v1.9.1
                subexpr = subexpr.WithoutAttrNamed(_Local);

            // Extract error message for Check(), if provided.
            string errorString = null;

            if (subexpr != null)
                subexpr = subexpr.WithAttrs(n => {
                    if (n.Value is string)
                        errorString = (string)n.Value;
                        return(NoValue.Value);                        // drop attribute from output
                    else if (n.IsIdNamed("NoCheck"))
                        errorString = "";

            return(new AndPred(expr, (object)subexpr ?? subpred, not, local)
                CheckErrorMessage = errorString
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static LNode AutoRemoveParens(LNode node)
            int i = node.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.TriviaInParens);

            if (i > -1)
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected LNode Attr(params LNode[] attrsAndNode)
            LNode node  = attrsAndNode[attrsAndNode.Length - 1];
            var   attrs = node.Attrs;

            for (int i = 0; i < attrsAndNode.Length - 1; i++)
                attrs.Insert(i, attrsAndNode[i]);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static LNode WithoutAttrNamed(this LNode self, Symbol name, out LNode removedAttr)
            var a = self.Attrs.WithoutNodeNamed(name, out removedAttr);

            if (removedAttr != null)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static LNode WithoutAttrNamed(this LNode self, Symbol name, out LNode removedAttr)
            var a = self.Attrs;

            for (int i = 0, c = a.Count; i < c; i++)
                if (a[i].Name == name)
                    removedAttr = a[i];
            removedAttr = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private LNode StripTrivia(LNode node)
            var strippedNode = node.WithAttrs(
                attr => attr.IsTrivia ? Maybe <LNode> .NoValue : new Maybe <LNode>(attr));

            if (strippedNode.IsCall)
                       .WithArgs(arg => new Maybe <LNode>(StripTrivia(arg))));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static LNode ContractsOnMethod(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            // Performance note: one should keep in mind that this macro usually
            // has no effect. It looks for contracts and usually finds none, so
            // we should try to search quickly. Luckily, LNode methods like
            // n.WithArgChanged(i,N) do not allocate a new node if the new value
            // equals the old value (if n[i] == N).
            LNode oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount >= 4)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(fn.Args[0], fn.Args[1], context);

                // If this thing has an argument list, scan it
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 2, rw);

                // Scan attributes on return type, then attributes on the whole method
                if (fn.Args[0].HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithArgChanged(0, fn.Args[0].WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Args[0].Attrs, null)));
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));

                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    return(null);                       // this is the common case
                    var body = fn.Args[3];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces)                           // Add braces in case of void LambdaMethod() => expr;
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(3, body);
Exemplo n.º 15
 static LNode GrabContractAttrs(LNode node, ref VList <LNode> cAttrs, ContractAppliesTo kinds = ContractAppliesTo.Both)
     if (node.HasAttrs)
         VList <LNode> cAttrs2 = cAttrs;
         var           r       = node.WithAttrs(attr => {
             if ((PropertyContractInterpretation(attr) & kinds) != 0)
         cAttrs = cAttrs2;
Exemplo n.º 16
 static LNode GrabContractAttrs(LNode node, ref VList <LNode> cAttrs, ContractAppliesTo kinds = ContractAppliesTo.Both)
     if (node.HasAttrs)
         VList <LNode> cAttrs2 = cAttrs;                 // because lambdas cannot access cAttrs directly
         var           r       = node.WithAttrs(attr => {
             if ((PropertyContractInterpretation(attr) & kinds) != 0)
                 return(NoValue.Value);                          // remove
         cAttrs = cAttrs2;
Exemplo n.º 17
        LNode ApplyMacrosToChildrenOf(LNode node, int maxExpansions)
            if (maxExpansions <= 0)

            bool          changed = false;
            VList <LNode> old;
            var           newAttrs = ApplyMacrosToList(old = node.Attrs, maxExpansions, true);

            _s.IsAttribute = false;
            if (newAttrs != old)
                node    = node.WithAttrs(newAttrs);
                changed = true;
            LNode target = node.Target;

            if (target != null && target.Kind != LNodeKind.Literal)
                DList <Pair <LNode, int> > _ = null;
                LNode newTarget = ApplyMacros(target, maxExpansions, true, true, ref _);
                if (newTarget != null)
                    if (newTarget.Calls(S.Splice, 1))
                        newTarget = newTarget.Args[0];
                    node    = node.WithTarget(newTarget);
                    changed = true;
            var newArgs = ApplyMacrosToList(old = node.Args, maxExpansions, false);

            if (newArgs != old)
                node    = node.WithArgs(newArgs);
                changed = true;
            return(changed ? node : null);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static LNode ContractsOnLambda(LNode fn, IMacroContext context)
            // Performance note: one should keep in mind that this macro usually
            // has no effect. It looks for contracts and usually finds none.
            LNode oldFn = fn;

            if (fn.ArgCount == 2)
                var rw = new CodeContractRewriter(LNode.Missing, Id_lambda_function, context);

                // If this thing has an argument list, scan it
                fn = ProcessArgContractAttributes(fn, 0, rw, isLambda: true);

                // Scan attributes on the lambda as a whole
                if (fn.HasAttrs)
                    fn = fn.WithAttrs(rw.Process(fn.Attrs, null));

                if (rw.PrependStmts.IsEmpty)
                    return(null);                       // this is the common case
                    var body = fn.Args[1];
                    if (!body.Calls(S.Braces)                           // Add braces in case of void LambdaMethod() => expr;
                        body = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Return, LNode.List(body)))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, rw.PrependStmts));
                    fn   = fn.WithArgChanged(1, body);
Exemplo n.º 19
            LNode ApplyMacrosToChildren(LNode node, int maxExpansions)
                if (maxExpansions <= 0)

                bool           changed = false;
                RVList <LNode> old;
                var            newAttrs = ApplyMacrosToList(old = node.Attrs, maxExpansions);

                if (newAttrs != old)
                    node    = node.WithAttrs(newAttrs);
                    changed = true;
                if (!node.HasSimpleHead())
                    LNode target = node.Target, newTarget = ApplyMacros(target, maxExpansions);
                    if (newTarget != null)
                        if (newTarget.Calls(S.Splice, 1))
                            newTarget = newTarget.Args[0];
                        node    = node.WithTarget(newTarget);
                        changed = true;
                var newArgs = ApplyMacrosToList(old = node.Args, maxExpansions);

                if (newArgs != old)
                    node    = node.WithArgs(newArgs);
                    changed = true;
                return(changed ? node : null);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void ApplyRuleOptions(ref LNode node, Rule rule, IMacroContext context)
            node = node.WithAttrs(node.Attrs.WhereSelect(attr => {
                if (attr.ArgCount > 1)
                LNode key    = attr.Target ?? attr;
                object value = null;
                if (attr.ArgCount == 1)
                    value = attr.Args[0].Value;
                switch (key.Name.Name)
                case "fullLLk":
                case "FullLLk":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.FullLLk = v);

                case "#private":
                case "private":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.IsPrivate = v);
                    return(attr);                            // keep attribute

                case "#public":
                case "#internal":
                case "#protected":
                case "public":
                case "internal":
                case "protected":                            // this is before macros run, and non-special names are used in LES
                    rule.IsPrivate = false;
                    return(attr);                            // keep attribute

                case "token":
                case "Token":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.IsToken = v);

                case "start":
                case "Start":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.IsStartingRule = v);

                case "#extern":
                case "extern":
                case "Extern":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.IsExternal = v);

                case "#inline":
                case "inline":
                case "Inline":
                case "#fragment":
                case "fragment":
                    SetOption <bool>(context, key, value ?? G.BoxedTrue, v => rule.IsInline = v);

                case "k":
                case "K":
                case "LL":
                    SetOption <int>(context, key, value, k => rule.K = k);

                case "recognizer":
                case "Recognizer":
                    LNode sig = attr.Args[0, null];
                    if (sig != null)
                        // Invoke macros here so that LES code like "public fn Foo()::bool"
                        // is transformed into a method signature.
                        sig = context.PreProcess(sig.UnwrapBraces());
                    if (sig != null && sig.CallsMin(S.Fn, 3))
                        sig = sig.WithoutAttrNamed(S.TriviaAppendStatement);                                 // prevent weird-looking output
                        context.Sink.Error(sig, "'recognizer' expects one parameter, a method signature.");

Exemplo n.º 21
 protected LNode Attr(LNode attr, LNode node)
     return(node.WithAttrs(node.Attrs.Insert(0, attr)));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static LNode BackingField(LNode prop, IMessageSink sink)
            LNode type, name, body;

            if (prop.ArgCount != 3 || !(body = prop.Args[2]).Calls(S.Braces))

            LNode fieldAttr = null, fieldVarAttr = null;
            LNode fieldName;
            bool  autoType = false;
            int   i;

            for (i = 0; i < prop.Attrs.Count; i++)
                LNode attr = prop.Attrs[i];
                if (attr.IsIdNamed(_field) ||
                    attr.Calls(S.Var, 2) &&
                    ((autoType = attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(_field)) ||
                     (fieldVarAttr = attr.AttrNamed(_field)) != null && fieldVarAttr.IsId))
                    fieldAttr = attr;
            if (fieldAttr == null)

            LNode field = fieldAttr;

            type = prop.Args[0];
            if (field.IsId)
                name      = prop.Args[1];
                fieldName = F.Id(ChooseFieldName(Ecs.EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name)));
                field     = F.Call(S.Var, type, fieldName).WithAttrs(fieldAttr.Attrs);
                fieldName = field.Args[1];
                if (fieldName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                    fieldName = fieldName.Args[0];
            if (autoType)
                field = field.WithArgChanged(0, type);
            if (fieldVarAttr != null)
                field = field.WithoutAttrNamed(_field);

            LNode newBody = body.WithArgs(body.Args.SmartSelect(stmt =>
                var attrs = stmt.Attrs;
                if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.get))
                    stmt           = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Return, fieldName))).WithAttrs(attrs);
                    stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
                if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.set))
                    stmt           = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Assign, fieldName, F.Id(S.value)))).WithAttrs(attrs);
                    stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;

            if (newBody == body)
                sink.Write(Severity.Warning, fieldAttr, "The body of the property does not contain a 'get;' or 'set;' statement without a body, so no code was generated to get or set the backing field.");

            prop = prop.WithAttrs(prop.Attrs.RemoveAt(i)).WithArgChanged(2, newBody);
            return(F.Call(S.Splice, new RVList <LNode>(field, prop)));
Exemplo n.º 23
		public static LNode BackingField(LNode prop, IMessageSink sink)
			LNode propType, propName, propArgs, body;
			if (prop.ArgCount != 4 || !(body = prop.Args[3]).Calls(S.Braces))
				return null;

			// Look for an attribute of the form [field], [field name] or [field Type name]
			LNode fieldAttr = null, fieldName;
			bool autoType = false;
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < prop.Attrs.Count; i++) {
				LNode attr = prop.Attrs[i];
				if (attr.IsIdNamed(_field)) {
					fieldAttr = attr;
				} else if (attr.Calls(S.Var, 2)) {
					LNode fieldVarAttr = null;
					attr = attr.WithoutAttrNamed(__field, out fieldVarAttr);
					if (fieldVarAttr != null && fieldVarAttr.IsId || (autoType = attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(_field))) {
						fieldAttr = attr;
			if (fieldAttr == null)
				return null;

			// Extract the type and name of the backing field, if specified
			LNode field = fieldAttr;
			propType = prop.Args[0];
			propName = prop.Args[1];
			propArgs = prop.Args[2];
			if (field.IsId) {
				fieldName = F.Id(ChooseFieldName(Loyc.Ecs.EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(propName)));
				field = F.Call(S.Var, propType, fieldName).WithAttrs(fieldAttr.Attrs);
			} else {
				fieldName = field.Args[1];
				if (fieldName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
					fieldName = fieldName.Args[0];
			if (autoType)
				field = field.WithArgChanged(0, propType);

			// Construct the new backing field, fill in the property getter and/or setter
			if (body.ArgCount == 0)
				body = body.WithArgs(LNode.Id(S.get));
			LNode newBody = body.WithArgs(body.Args.SmartSelect(stmt =>
				var fieldAccessExpr = fieldName;
				if (propArgs.ArgCount > 0) {
					// Special case: the property has arguments, 
					// e.g. [field List<T> L] T this[int x] { get; set; } 
					//  ==> List<T> L; T this[int x] { get { return L[x]; } set { L[x] = value; } }
					var argList = GetArgNamesFromFormalArgList(propArgs, formalArg =>
						sink.Error(formalArg, "'field' macro expected a variable declaration here"));
					fieldAccessExpr = F.Call(S.IndexBracks, argList.Insert(0, fieldName));
				var attrs = stmt.Attrs;
				if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.get)) {
					stmt = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Return, fieldAccessExpr))).WithAttrs(attrs);
					stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
				if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.set)) {
					stmt = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Assign, fieldAccessExpr, F.Id(S.value)))).WithAttrs(attrs);
					stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
				return stmt;
			if (newBody == body)
				sink.Warning(fieldAttr, "The body of the property does not contain a 'get;' or 'set;' statement without a body, so no code was generated to get or set the backing field.");

			prop = prop.WithAttrs(prop.Attrs.RemoveAt(i)).WithArgChanged(3, newBody);
			prop.Style &= ~NodeStyle.OneLiner; // avoid collapsing output to one line
			return F.Call(S.Splice, new VList<LNode>(field, prop));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static LNode SetOrCreateMember(LNode fn, IMessageSink sink)
            // Expecting #fn(Type, Name, #(args), {body})
            if (fn.ArgCount < 3 || !fn.Args[2].Calls(S.AltList))
            var   args = fn.Args[2].Args;
            LNode body = null;

            VList <LNode> propOrFieldDecls = VList <LNode> .Empty;
            VList <LNode> setStmts         = VList <LNode> .Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                var    arg             = args[i];
                Symbol a               = S.Property;
                Symbol fieldName       = null;
                Symbol paramName       = null;
                LNode  plainArg        = null;
                LNode  propOrFieldDecl = null;
                if (arg.CallsMin(S.Property, 4))
                    // #property(Type, Name<T>, {...})
                    var name = arg.Args[1];
                    fieldName = EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name);
                    paramName = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                    if (arg.ArgCount == 5)                       // initializer is Args[4]
                        plainArg        = F.Var(arg.Args[0], F.Call(S.Assign, F.Id(paramName), arg.Args[4]));
                        propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgs(arg.Args.First(4));
                        plainArg        = F.Var(arg.Args[0], paramName);
                        propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                    LNode type, defaultValue;
                    if (IsVar(arg, out type, out paramName, out defaultValue))
                        int a_i = 0;
                        foreach (var attr in arg.Attrs)
                            if (attr.IsId)
                                a = attr.Name;
                                if (a == _set ||
                                    a == S.Public || a == S.Internal || a == S.Protected || a == S.Private ||
                                    a == S.ProtectedIn || a == S.Static || a == S.Partial)
                                    fieldName = paramName;
                                    paramName = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                                    if (a == _set)
                                        plainArg = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue).WithAttrs(arg.Attrs.RemoveAt(a_i));
                                        // in case of something like "[A] public params T arg = value",
                                        // assume that "= value" represents a default value, not a field
                                        // initializer, that [A] belongs on the field, except `params`
                                        // which stays on the argument.
                                        plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                                        propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                                        if (arg.Args[1].Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                                            propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgChanged(1,
                                        int i_params = arg.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.Params);
                                        if (i_params > -1)
                                            plainArg        = plainArg.PlusAttr(arg.Attrs[i_params]);
                                            propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(propOrFieldDecl.Attrs.RemoveAt(i_params));
                if (plainArg != null)
                    if (body == null)
                        if (fn.ArgCount < 4 || !fn.Args[3].Calls(S.Braces))
                            return(Reject(sink, arg, Localize.Localized("'{0}': to set or create a field or property, the method must have a body in braces {{}}.", a)));
                        body = fn.Args[3];

                    args[i] = plainArg;
                    LNode assignment;
                    if (fieldName == paramName)
                        assignment = F.Call(S.Assign, F.Dot(F.@this, F.Id(fieldName)), F.Id(paramName));
                        assignment = F.Call(S.Assign, F.Id(fieldName), F.Id(paramName));
                    if (propOrFieldDecl != null)
            if (body != null)             // if this macro has been used...
                var parts = fn.Args;
                parts[2] = parts[2].WithArgs(args);
                parts[3] = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, setStmts));
                fn       = fn.WithArgs(parts);
                if (propOrFieldDecls.IsEmpty)
                    return(F.Call(S.Splice, propOrFieldDecls));
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static void ApplyRuleOptions(ref LNode node, Rule rule, IMessageSink sink)
            node = node.WithAttrs(node.Attrs.Select(attr => {
                switch (attr.Name.Name)
                case "fullLLk":
                case "FullLLk":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.FullLLk = v, true);

                case "#private":
                case "private":
                case "priv":
                case "Private":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.IsPrivate = v, true);

                case "token":
                case "Token":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.IsToken = v, true);

                case "start":
                case "Start":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.IsStartingRule = v, true);

                case "#extern":
                case "extern":
                case "Extern":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.IsExternal = v, true);

                case "#inline":
                case "inline":
                case "Inline":
                    ReadOption <bool>(sink, attr, v => rule.IsInline = v, true);

                case "k":
                case "K":
                case "LL":
                    ReadOption <int>(sink, attr, k => rule.K = k, null);

                case "recognizer":
                case "Recognizer":
                    LNode sig = null;
                    if (attr.ArgCount == 1)
                        sig = attr.Args[0];
                        if (sig.Calls(S.Braces, 1))
                            sig = sig.Args[0];
                        // TODO: we need a way to invoke all applicable macros at a particular location
                        //       e.g. "public fn Foo()::bool;" is not supported by def() alone.
                        sig = LeMP.Prelude.Les.Macros.fn(sig, sink) ?? sig;
                    if (sig != null && sig.CallsMin(S.Fn, 3))
                        sink.Write(Severity.Error, sig, "'recognizer' expects one parameter, a method signature.");

Exemplo n.º 26
        private void InjectTriviaInChildren(LNode parent, out SourceRange triviaRange, out Maybe <Trivia> trivia, int indexInParent, ref LNode node)
            // Current trivia's range is within node's range: Apply it to
            // the node's children, if any. First gather list of children
            // and sort by source-code order, if necessary:
            int min = node.Min;
            InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > children = InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > .Empty;

            children.Resize(node.Max - min + 1);
            bool inOrder = true;
            int  start, prevStart = int.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++, prevStart = start)
                children[i] = Pair.Create(node[i + min], i + min);
                start       = children[i].A.Range.StartIndex;
                if (prevStart > start)
                    inOrder = false;
            if (!inOrder)
                children.Sort((a, b) => a.Item1.Range.StartIndex.CompareTo(b.Item1.Range.StartIndex));

            // Call ourself recursively to apply trivia to children. Usually,
            // newChildren is the same length as children, but it may have extra
            // trivia attributes added.
            InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > newChildren = new InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> >(children.Count);
            var  output  = RunCore(children.GetEnumerator(), node);
            bool changed = false;

            while (output.MoveNext())
                var @new = output.Current;
                if (@new.Item1 != children[@new.Item2 - min].Item1)
                    changed = true;

            // At the end, gather up any remaining trivia in the node's range that wasn't
            // associated with a child.
            // A newline is treated specially here, because sometimes (e.g. in LES3 token
            // lists) a newline can be reified into its own node but also exist in the trivia
            // list. In this case, node will be something like `'\n` when triviaRange equals
            // node.Range. So let's say the node stream is something like Ann, `'\n`, Bob. If
            // we attach the newline to the `'\n` node as usual (using the
            // TriviaLocation.Ambiguous attachment mode, since the newline is neither leading
            // nor trailing), the output node list will be something rather complicated:
            //   Ann, @`%appendStatement` @(`%trailing`(`%newline`)) `'\n`, @`%appendStatement` Bob
            // If we ignore the newline temporarily so that it gets treated as leading trivia
            // of Bob instead, we get simpler output:
            //   Ann, @`%appendStatement` `'\n`, Bob
            InternalList <Trivia> triviaList = InternalList <Trivia> .Empty;

            trivia = CurrentTrivia(out triviaRange);
            while (trivia.HasValue && triviaRange.EndIndex <= node.Range.EndIndex &&
                   !(IsNewline(trivia.Value) && triviaRange == node.Range))
                trivia  = AdvanceTrivia(out triviaRange);
                changed = true;

            if (changed)
                // If this is a call, attach any remaining trivia to the last child.
                if (node.IsCall && !triviaList.IsEmpty)
                    int i    = newChildren.Count - 1;
                    var last = newChildren.InternalArray[i];
                    newChildren.InternalArray[i].A = AttachTriviaTo(last.A, triviaList, TriviaLocation.TrailingExtra, node, last.B) ?? last.A;

                // Put the children back in their "conceptual" order
                if (!inOrder)
                    newChildren.StableSort((a, b) => a.Item2.CompareTo(b.Item2));

                // Update node's attributes, if any
                int numAttrs = newChildren.TakeWhile(p => p.B < -1).Count();
                if (numAttrs > 0)
                    var attrs = LNode.List(newChildren.Slice(0, numAttrs).SelectArray(p => p.A));
                    node = node.WithAttrs(attrs);

                if (node.IsCall)
                    Debug.Assert(newChildren[numAttrs].B == -1);
                    var newArgs = newChildren.Slice(numAttrs + 1).SelectArray(p => p.A);
                    node = node.With(newChildren[numAttrs].A, LNode.List(newArgs));
                else if (!triviaList.IsEmpty)
                    // If current node is not a call, attach any remaining trivia to it.
                    node = AttachTriviaTo(node, triviaList, TriviaLocation.Ambiguous, parent, indexInParent);
Exemplo n.º 27
		private static void DSOCM_DistributeAttributes(VList<LNode> attrs, ref LNode newArg, ref LNode propOrFieldDecl)
			// Some word attributes like `public` and `static` move to the field
			// or property, as well as named parameters representing an attribute 
			// target `field:` or `property:`; all others belong on the argument. 
			// Example: given `[A] [field: B] public params T _arg = value`, we want 
			// a field `[B] public T arg` and a parameter `[A] params T arg = value`.
			VList<LNode> argAttrs = VList<LNode>.Empty, fieldAttrs = VList<LNode>.Empty;
			foreach (var attr in attrs) {
				var name = attr.Name;
				if (attr.IsId && (FieldCreationAttributes.Contains(name) || name == S.Readonly))
				else if (attr.Calls(S.NamedArg, 2) && (attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed("field") || attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed("property")))
			propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(fieldAttrs);
			newArg = newArg.WithAttrs(argAttrs);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static LNode WithoutAttr(this LNode self, LNode node)
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static bool DetectSetOrCreateMember(LNode arg, out Symbol relevantAttribute, out Symbol fieldName, out Symbol paramName, out LNode plainArg, out LNode propOrFieldDecl)
            relevantAttribute = null;
            fieldName         = null;
            paramName         = null;
            plainArg          = null;
            propOrFieldDecl   = null;
            LNode _, type, name, defaultValue, propArgs;

            if (EcsValidators.IsPropertyDefinition(arg, out type, out name, out propArgs, out _, out defaultValue) && propArgs.ArgCount == 0)
                // #property(Type, Name<T>, {...})
                relevantAttribute = S.Property;
                fieldName         = EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name);
                paramName         = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                if (defaultValue != null)                   // initializer is Args[4]
                    plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                    propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgs(arg.Args.First(4));
                    plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName);
                    propOrFieldDecl = arg;
            else if (IsVar(arg, out type, out paramName, out defaultValue))
                int a_i = 0;
                foreach (var attr in arg.Attrs)
                    if (attr.IsId)
                        var a = attr.Name;
                        if (a == _set ||
                            a == S.Public || a == S.Internal || a == S.Protected || a == S.Private ||
                            a == S.ProtectedIn || a == S.Static || a == S.Partial)
                            relevantAttribute = a;
                            fieldName         = paramName;
                            paramName         = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                            if (a == _set)
                                plainArg = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue).WithAttrs(arg.Attrs.Without(attr));
                                // in case of something like "[A] public params T arg = value",
                                // assume that "= value" represents a default value, not a field
                                // initializer, that [A] belongs on the field, except `params`
                                // which stays on the argument.
                                plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                                propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                                if (arg.Args[1].Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                                    propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgChanged(1,
                                int i_params = arg.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.Params);
                                if (i_params > -1)
                                    plainArg        = plainArg.PlusAttr(arg.Attrs[i_params]);
                                    propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(propOrFieldDecl.Attrs.RemoveAt(i_params));
                return(plainArg != null);
Exemplo n.º 30
        private void InjectTriviaInChildren(LNode parent, out SourceRange triviaRange, out Maybe <Trivia> trivia, int indexInParent, ref LNode node)
            // Current trivia's range is within node's range: Apply it to
            // the node's children, if any. First gather list of children
            // and sort by source-code order, if necessary:
            int min = node.Min;
            InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > children = InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > .Empty;

            children.Resize(node.Max - min + 1);
            bool inOrder = true;
            int  start, prevStart = int.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++, prevStart = start)
                children[i] = Pair.Create(node[i + min], i + min);
                start       = children[i].A.Range.StartIndex;
                if (prevStart > start)
                    inOrder = false;
            if (!inOrder)
                children.Sort((a, b) => a.Item1.Range.StartIndex.CompareTo(b.Item1.Range.StartIndex));

            // Call ourself recursively to apply trivia to children. Usually,
            // newChildren is the same length as children, but it may have extra
            // trivia attributes added.
            InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> > newChildren = new InternalList <Pair <LNode, int> >(children.Count);
            var  output  = RunCore(children.GetEnumerator(), node);
            bool changed = false;

            while (output.MoveNext())
                var @new = output.Current;
                if (@new.Item1 != children[@new.Item2 - min].Item1)
                    changed = true;

            // At the end, gather up any remaining trivia
            InternalList <Trivia> triviaList = InternalList <Trivia> .Empty;

            trivia = CurrentTrivia(out triviaRange);
            while (trivia.HasValue && triviaRange.EndIndex <= node.Range.EndIndex)
                trivia  = AdvanceTrivia(out triviaRange);
                changed = true;

            if (changed)
                // If this is a call, attach any remaining trivia to the last child.
                if (node.IsCall && !triviaList.IsEmpty)
                    int i    = newChildren.Count - 1;
                    var last = newChildren.InternalArray[i];
                    newChildren.InternalArray[i].A = AttachTriviaTo(last.A, triviaList, TriviaLocation.TrailingExtra, node, last.B) ?? last.A;

                // Put the children back in their "conceptual" order
                if (!inOrder)
                    newChildren.StableSort((a, b) => a.Item2.CompareTo(b.Item2));

                // Update node's attributes, if any
                int numAttrs = newChildren.TakeWhile(p => p.B < -1).Count();
                if (numAttrs > 0)
                    var attrs = LNode.List(newChildren.Slice(0, numAttrs).SelectArray(p => p.A));
                    node = node.WithAttrs(attrs);

                if (node.IsCall)
                    Debug.Assert(newChildren[numAttrs].B == -1);
                    var newArgs = newChildren.Slice(numAttrs + 1).SelectArray(p => p.A);
                    node = node.With(newChildren[numAttrs].A, LNode.List(newArgs));
                else if (!triviaList.IsEmpty)
                    // If current node is not a call, attach any remaining trivia to it.
                    node = AttachTriviaTo(node, triviaList, TriviaLocation.Ambiguous, parent, indexInParent);
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>Adds additional trailing trivia to a node.</summary>
 public static LNode PlusTrailingTrivia(this LNode node, LNode trivia)
     return(node.WithAttrs(PlusTrailingTrivia(node.Attrs, trivia)));
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>Removes a node's trailing trivia and adds a new list of trailing trivia.</summary>
 public static LNode WithTrailingTrivia(this LNode node, LNodeList trivia)
     return(node.WithAttrs(WithTrailingTrivia(node.Attrs, trivia)));
Exemplo n.º 33
		protected LNode Attr(LNode attr, LNode node)
			return node.WithAttrs(node.Attrs.Insert(0, attr));
Exemplo n.º 34
        public static LNode BackingField(LNode prop, IMessageSink sink)
            LNode propType, propName, propArgs, body;

            if (prop.ArgCount != 4 || !(body = prop.Args[3]).Calls(S.Braces))

            // Look for an attribute of the form [field], [field name] or [field Type name]
            LNode fieldAttr = null, fieldName;
            bool  autoType = false;
            int   i;

            for (i = 0; i < prop.Attrs.Count; i++)
                LNode attr = prop.Attrs[i];
                if (attr.IsIdNamed(_field))
                    fieldAttr = attr;
                else if (attr.Calls(S.Var, 2))
                    LNode fieldVarAttr = null;
                    attr = attr.WithoutAttrNamed(__field, out fieldVarAttr);
                    if (fieldVarAttr != null && fieldVarAttr.IsId || (autoType = attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(_field)))
                        fieldAttr = attr;
            if (fieldAttr == null)

            // Extract the type and name of the backing field, if specified
            LNode field = fieldAttr;

            propType = prop.Args[0];
            propName = prop.Args[1];
            propArgs = prop.Args[2];
            if (field.IsId)
                fieldName = F.Id(ChooseFieldName(Loyc.Ecs.EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(propName)));
                field     = F.Call(S.Var, propType, fieldName).WithAttrs(fieldAttr.Attrs);
                fieldName = field.Args[1];
                if (fieldName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                    fieldName = fieldName.Args[0];
            if (autoType)
                field = field.WithArgChanged(0, propType);

            // Construct the new backing field, fill in the property getter and/or setter
            if (body.ArgCount == 0)
                body = body.WithArgs(LNode.Id(S.get));
            LNode newBody = body.WithArgs(body.Args.SmartSelect(stmt =>
                var fieldAccessExpr = fieldName;
                if (propArgs.ArgCount > 0)
                    // Special case: the property has arguments,
                    // e.g. [field List<T> L] T this[int x] { get; set; }
                    //  ==> List<T> L; T this[int x] { get { return L[x]; } set { L[x] = value; } }
                    var argList = GetArgNamesFromFormalArgList(propArgs, formalArg =>
                                                               sink.Write(Severity.Error, formalArg, "'field' macro expected a variable declaration here"));
                    fieldAccessExpr = F.Call(S.IndexBracks, argList.Insert(0, fieldName));
                var attrs = stmt.Attrs;
                if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.get))
                    stmt           = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Return, fieldAccessExpr))).WithAttrs(attrs);
                    stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;
                if (stmt.IsIdNamed(S.set))
                    stmt           = F.Call(stmt.WithoutAttrs(), F.Braces(F.Call(S.Assign, fieldAccessExpr, F.Id(S.value)))).WithAttrs(attrs);
                    stmt.BaseStyle = NodeStyle.Special;

            if (newBody == body)
                sink.Write(Severity.Warning, fieldAttr, "The body of the property does not contain a 'get;' or 'set;' statement without a body, so no code was generated to get or set the backing field.");

            prop = prop.WithAttrs(prop.Attrs.RemoveAt(i)).WithArgChanged(3, newBody);
            return(F.Call(S.Splice, new VList <LNode>(field, prop)));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static bool MatchesPattern(LNode candidate, LNode pattern, ref MMap <Symbol, LNode> captures, out RVList <LNode> attrs)
            // [$capture] (...)
            if (!AttributesMatch(candidate, pattern, ref captures, out attrs))

            // $capture
            LNode sub;

            if (pattern.Calls(S.Substitute, 1) && (sub = pattern.Args.Last).IsId)
                if (candidate.AttrCount > attrs.Count)
                    candidate = candidate.WithAttrs(attrs);
                AddCapture(captures, sub.Name, candidate);
                attrs = RVList <LNode> .Empty;

            var kind = candidate.Kind;

            if (kind != pattern.Kind)

            if (candidate.Name != pattern.Name)
            if (kind == NodeKind.Literal)
                return(object.Equals(candidate.Value, pattern.Value));
            else if (kind == NodeKind.Call)
                if (!MatchesPatternNested(candidate.Target, pattern.Target, ref captures, ref attrs))
                var cArgs = candidate.Args;
                var pArgs = pattern.Args;

                if (pArgs.Count != cArgs.Count && !pArgs.Any(IsParamsCapture))

                // Scan from the end of the list to the beginning (RVLists is good at this),
                // matching args one-by-one. Use MatchThenParams() in case of $(params capture).
                while (!pArgs.IsEmpty)
                    LNode pArg = pArgs.Pop();
                    if (IsParamsCapture(pArg))
                        return(MatchThenParams(cArgs, pArgs, pArg, ref captures, ref attrs));
                    if (cArgs.IsEmpty)
                    if (!MatchesPatternNested(cArgs.Pop(), pArg, ref captures, ref attrs))
            else               // kind == Id