Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static VList <LNode> GetArgNamesFromFormalArgList(LNode args, Action <LNode> onError)
            VList <LNode> formalArgs = args.Args;
            VList <LNode> argList    = VList <LNode> .Empty;

            foreach (var formalArg in formalArgs)
                if (!formalArg.Calls(S.Var, 2))
                    LNode argName = formalArg.Args[1];
                    if (argName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                        argName = argName.Args[0];
                    LNode @ref = formalArg.AttrNamed(S.Ref) ?? formalArg.AttrNamed(S.Out);
                    if (@ref != null)
                        argName = argName.PlusAttr(@ref);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TriviaTest_Comments()
            LNode node;

            node = Foo.PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " after "));
            Exact("/* before */Foo; /* after */", node);
            node = one.PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, " after "));
            Exact("// before \n1;\t// after ", node);
            node = F.Call(F.Id(S.Eq).PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "[")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, "]")),
                          Foo, x.PlusAttrs(F.TriviaNewline, F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "{")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "}"))
                          ).PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " after "));
            Exact("/* before */Foo /*[*/== //]\n  /*{*/x /*}*/; /* after */", node);

            node = F.Call(Foo).PlusAttrs(a.PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, "Comment after a")),
                                         b, F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "Comment before c"), c);
            Exact("@[a\t//Comment after a\n" +
                  "  , b] /*Comment before c*/@[c] Foo();", node);
            // TODO: The following example parses as shown but is printed out differently.
            // Either we should change AbstractTriviaInjector to emit the comment at the
            // "top level" of the attribute list (not attached to `a`) or we should change
            // the node printer to print the comma before it prints trailing trivia.
            node = F.Call(Foo).PlusAttrs(a, F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, "Comment after a"),
                                         b, F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "Comment before c"), c);
            Exact("@[a] //Comment after a\n" +
                  "@[b] /*Comment before c*/@[c] Foo();", node);
Exemplo n.º 3
            LNode ConvertVarDeclToRunSequence(VList <LNode> attrs, LNode varType, LNode varName, LNode initValue)
                initValue = BubbleUpBlocks(initValue);
                varType   = varType ?? F.Missing;
                LNode @ref;

                attrs = attrs.WithoutNodeNamed(S.Ref, out @ref);
                var varName_apos = varName.PlusAttr(_trivia_isTmpVar);

                if (@ref != null)
                    varName_apos = varName_apos.PlusAttr(@ref);
                    LNode         resultValue;
                    VList <LNode> stmts;
                    if (initValue.CallsMin((Symbol)"#runSequence", 1) && (resultValue = initValue.Args[initValue.Args.Count - 1]) != null)
                        stmts = initValue.Args.WithoutLast(1);
                        var newVarDecl = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.Var, LNode.List(varType, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Assign, LNode.List(varName, resultValue))));
                        var newVarDecl = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.Var, LNode.List(varType, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Assign, LNode.List(varName, initValue))));
                        return(LNode.Call((Symbol)"#runSequence", LNode.List(newVarDecl, varName_apos)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static LNode ArrayLiteral(LNode node, IMacroContext context)
            var value = node.Value;

            if (value is Array array)
                Type   elementType     = value.GetType().GetElementType();
                string elementTypeName = elementType.NameWithGenericArgs();
                LNode  elementTypeN    = LNode.Call(S.CsRawText, LNode.List(LNode.Literal(elementTypeName)));

                Func <object, LNode, LNode> newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal(el, pnode);
                // Reduce output text size by preventing the printer from using casts
                // e.g. print `23` instead of `(byte) 23` or `(short) 23`. Also, unbox
                // ints to save memory (ideally we'd do this for all Value Types)
                if (elementType == typeof(byte))
                    newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal((int)(byte)el, pnode);
                if (elementType == typeof(sbyte))
                    newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal((int)(sbyte)el, pnode);
                if (elementType == typeof(short))
                    newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal((int)(short)el, pnode);
                if (elementType == typeof(ushort))
                    newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal((int)(ushort)el, pnode);
                if (elementType == typeof(int))
                    newLiteral = (el, pnode) => LNode.Literal((int)(int)el, pnode);

                if (array.Rank == 1)
                    var initializers = new List <LNode>();
                    int count        = 0;
                    foreach (object element in array)
                        LNode elemNode = newLiteral(element, node);
                        if ((count++ & 7) == 0 && array.Length > 8)
                            elemNode = elemNode.PlusAttr(LNode.Id(S.TriviaNewline));
                    return(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.New, LNode.List().Add(LNode.Call(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Of, LNode.List(LNode.Id(CodeSymbols.Array), elementTypeN)))).AddRange(initializers)));
                    return(null);                       // TODO
                    //Stmt("int[,] Foo = new[,] { {\n 0 }, {\n 1,\n 2, }, };", F.Call(S.Var, F.Of(S.TwoDimensionalArray, S.Int32),
                    //	F.Call(S.Assign, Foo, F.Call(S.New, F.Call(S.TwoDimensionalArray), F.Braces(zero), F.Braces(one, two)))));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public LNode InParens(LNode inner, int startIndex = -1, int endIndex = -1)
     Debug.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex);
     _inParens = _inParens ?? Id(S.TriviaInParens);
     inner     = inner.PlusAttr(_inParens);
     if (startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
         return(inner.WithRange(startIndex, endIndex));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TriviaTest_Comments()
            LNode node;

            node = Foo.PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " after "));
            Exact("/* before */Foo /* after */", node);
            node = one.PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, " after "));
            Exact("// before \n1\t// after ", node);

            Exact("Foo(a,\t// Commentary\n  b)",
                  F.Call(Foo, a.PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, " Commentary")), OnNewLine(b)));

            node = F.Call(F.Id(S.Eq).PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "[")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, "]")),
                          Foo, x.PlusAttrs(F.TriviaNewline, F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "x"))
                          ).PlusAttr(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " before ")).PlusTrailingTrivia(F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, " after "));
            Exact("/* before */Foo /*[*/==\t//]\n/*x*/x /* after */", node);

            node = F.Call(Foo).PlusAttrs(a, F.Trivia(S.TriviaSLComment, "Comment after a"),
                                         b, F.Trivia(S.TriviaMLComment, "Comment before c"), c);
            Exact("@a //Comment after a\n" +
                  "@b /*Comment before c*/@c Foo()", node);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static LNode ForwardMethod(LNode fn, IMessageSink sink)
            LNode args, fwd, body;

            if (fn.ArgCount != 4 || !(fwd = fn.Args[3]).Calls(S.Forward, 1) || !(args = fn.Args[2]).Calls(S.List))

            RVList <LNode> formalArgs = args.Args;
            RVList <LNode> argList    = RVList <LNode> .Empty;

            foreach (var formalArg in formalArgs)
                if (!formalArg.Calls(S.Var, 2))
                    return(Reject(sink, formalArg, "'==>' expected a variable declaration here"));
                LNode argName = formalArg.Args[1];
                if (argName.Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                    argName = argName.Args[0];
                LNode @ref = formalArg.AttrNamed(S.Ref) ?? formalArg.AttrNamed(S.Out);
                if (@ref != null)
                    argName = argName.PlusAttr(@ref);

            LNode target = GetForwardingTarget(fwd, fn.Args[1]);
            LNode call   = F.Call(target, argList);

            bool isVoidFn = fn.Args[0].IsIdNamed(S.Void);

            body = F.Braces(isVoidFn ? call : F.Call(S.Return, call));
            return(fn.WithArgChanged(3, body));
Exemplo n.º 8
 static LNode TranslateWordAttr(LNode node, IMacroContext ctx, Symbol attr)
     if (node.ArgCount == 0)
         if (node.IsId && ctx.IsAttribute)
         if (node.ArgCount == 1)
         else                 // designed for LESv1; this branch is not very useful in LESv2
             return(node.PlusAttr(F.Id(attr)).With(node.Args[0], node.Args.RemoveAt(0)));
Exemplo n.º 9
		public LNode InParens(LNode inner, int startIndex = -1, int endIndex = -1)
			if (endIndex < startIndex) endIndex = startIndex;
			_inParens = _inParens ?? Id(S.TriviaInParens);
			inner = inner.PlusAttr(_inParens);
			if (startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
				return inner.WithRange(startIndex, endIndex);
				return inner;
Exemplo n.º 10
		LNode MethodArgListAndBody(int startIndex, RVList<LNode> attrs, Symbol kind, LNode type, LNode name)
			TokenType la0;
			var lp = Match((int) TT.LParen);
			var rp = Match((int) TT.RParen);
			WhereClausesOpt(ref name);
			#line 1279 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
			LNode r, baseCall = null;
			#line default
			// Line 1280: (TT.Colon (@`.`(TT, noMacro(@base))|@`.`(TT, noMacro(@this))) TT.LParen TT.RParen)?
			la0 = LA0;
			if (la0 == TT.Colon) {
				var target = Match((int) TT.@base, (int) TT.@this);
				var baselp = Match((int) TT.LParen);
				var baserp = Match((int) TT.RParen);
				#line 1282 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
				baseCall = F.Call((Symbol) target.Value, ExprListInside(baselp), target.StartIndex, baserp.EndIndex);
				if ((kind != S.Cons)) {
					Error(baseCall, "This is not a constructor declaration, so there should be no ':' clause.");
				#line default
			#line 1289 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
			for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) {
				var attr = attrs[i];
				if (IsNamedArg(attr) && attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(S.Return)) {
					type = type.PlusAttr(attr.Args[1]);
			#line default
			// Line 1298: (default TT.Semicolon | MethodBodyOrForward)
			do {
				switch (LA0) {
				case TT.Semicolon:
					goto match1;
				case TT.At:
				case TT.Forward:
				case TT.LambdaArrow:
				case TT.LBrace:
						var body = MethodBodyOrForward();
						#line 1310 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
						if (kind == S.Delegate) {
							Error("A 'delegate' is not expected to have a method body.");
						if (baseCall != null) {
							body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.Insert(0, baseCall)).WithRange(baseCall.Range.StartIndex, body.Range.EndIndex);
						#line 1314 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
						var parts = new RVList<LNode> { 
							type, name, ArgList(lp, rp), body
						r = F.Call(kind, parts, startIndex, body.Range.EndIndex);
						#line default
					goto match1;
					var end = Match((int) TT.Semicolon);
					#line 1300 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
					if (kind == S.Cons && baseCall != null) {
						Error(baseCall, "A method body is required.");
						var parts = new RVList<LNode> { 
							type, name, ArgList(lp, rp), LNode.Call(S.Braces, new RVList<LNode>(baseCall), baseCall.Range)
						return F.Call(kind, parts, startIndex, baseCall.Range.EndIndex);
					#line 1306 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
					r = F.Call(kind, type, name, ArgList(lp, rp), startIndex, end.EndIndex);
					#line default
			} while (false);
			#line 1318 "EcsParserGrammar.les"
			return r.PlusAttrs(attrs);
			#line default
Exemplo n.º 11
		static LNode TranslateWordAttr(LNode node, IMacroContext ctx, Symbol attr)
			if (node.ArgCount == 0) {
				if (node.IsId && ctx.IsAttribute)
					return node.WithName(attr);
				return null;
			} else {
				if (node.ArgCount == 1)
					return node.Args[0].PlusAttrs(node.Attrs.Add(F.Id(attr)));
				else // designed for LESv1; this branch is not very useful in LESv2
					return node.PlusAttr(F.Id(attr)).With(node.Args[0], node.Args.RemoveAt(0));
Exemplo n.º 12
			LNode ConvertVarDeclToRunSequence(VList<LNode> attrs, LNode varType, LNode varName, LNode initValue)
				initValue = BubbleUpBlocks(initValue);
				varType = varType ?? F.Missing;
				LNode @ref;
				attrs = attrs.WithoutNodeNamed(S.Ref, out @ref);
				var varName_apos = varName.PlusAttr(_trivia_isTmpVar);
				if (@ref != null)
					varName_apos = varName_apos.PlusAttr(@ref);
					LNode resultValue;
					VList<LNode> stmts;
					if (initValue.CallsMin((Symbol) "#runSequence", 1) && (resultValue = initValue.Args[initValue.Args.Count - 1]) != null) {
						stmts = initValue.Args.WithoutLast(1);
						var newVarDecl = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.Var, LNode.List(varType, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Assign, LNode.List(varName, resultValue))));
						return initValue.WithArgs(stmts.Add(newVarDecl).Add(varName_apos));
					} else {
						var newVarDecl = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.Var, LNode.List(varType, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Assign, LNode.List(varName, initValue))));
						return LNode.Call((Symbol) "#runSequence", LNode.List(newVarDecl, varName_apos));
Exemplo n.º 13
		LNode MethodArgListAndBody(int startIndex, int targetIndex, VList<LNode> attrs, Symbol kind, LNode type, LNode name)
			TokenType la0;
			Token lit_colon = default(Token);
			var lp = Match((int) TT.LParen);
			var rp = Match((int) TT.RParen);
			WhereClausesOpt(ref name);
			// line 1686
			LNode r, _, baseCall = null;
			// line 1686
			int consCallIndex = -1;
			// Line 1687: (TT.Colon (TT.Base|TT.This) TT.LParen TT.RParen)?
			la0 = LA0;
			if (la0 == TT.Colon) {
				lit_colon = MatchAny();
				var target = Match((int) TT.Base, (int) TT.This);
				var baselp = Match((int) TT.LParen);
				var baserp = Match((int) TT.RParen);
				// line 1689
				baseCall = F.Call((Symbol) target.Value, ExprListInside(baselp), target.StartIndex, baserp.EndIndex, target.StartIndex, target.EndIndex);
				if ((kind != S.Constructor)) {
					Error(baseCall, "This is not a constructor declaration, so there should be no ':' clause.");
				consCallIndex = lit_colon.StartIndex;
			// line 1697
			for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) {
				var attr = attrs[i];
				if (IsNamedArg(attr) && attr.Args[0].IsIdNamed(S.Return)) {
					type = type.PlusAttr(attr.Args[1]);
			// Line 1706: (default TT.Semicolon | MethodBodyOrForward)
			do {
				switch (LA0) {
				case TT.Semicolon:
					goto match1;
				case TT.At: case TT.Forward: case TT.LambdaArrow: case TT.LBrace:
						var body = MethodBodyOrForward(false, out _, false, consCallIndex);
						// line 1720
						if (kind == S.Delegate) {
							Error("A 'delegate' is not expected to have a method body.");
						if (baseCall != null) {
							if ((!body.Calls(S.Braces))) {
								body = F.Braces(LNode.List(body), startIndex, body.Range.EndIndex);
							body = body.WithArgs(body.Args.Insert(0, baseCall));
						var parts = new VList<LNode> { 
							type, name, ArgList(lp, rp), body
						r = F.Call(kind, parts, startIndex, body.Range.EndIndex, targetIndex, targetIndex);
					goto match1;
					var end = Match((int) TT.Semicolon);
					// line 1708
					if (kind == S.Constructor && baseCall != null) {
						Error(baseCall, "A method body is required.");
						var parts = LNode.List(type, name, ArgList(lp, rp), LNode.Call(S.Braces, new VList<LNode>(baseCall), baseCall.Range));
						r = F.Call(kind, parts, startIndex, baseCall.Range.EndIndex, targetIndex, targetIndex);
					} else {
						var parts = LNode.List(type, name, ArgList(lp, rp));
						r = F.Call(kind, parts, startIndex, end.EndIndex, targetIndex, targetIndex);
			} while (false);
			// line 1731
			return r.PlusAttrs(attrs);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static LNode Prop(LNode node, IMacroContext context)
            LNode visibility = node.Target;

            if (visibility.Name != sy__numprop)
                node = node.PlusAttr(visibility);

                LNode     getExpr, init = null, name, tmp_12 = null, tmp_13 = null, tmp_14, tmp_15, type;
                LNodeList content;
                if (node.Args.Count == 2 && (tmp_12 = node.Args[0]) != null && tmp_12.Calls(CodeSymbols.Colon, 2) && (name = tmp_12.Args[0]) != null && (type = tmp_12.Args[1]) != null && node.Args[1].Calls(CodeSymbols.Braces) && (content = node.Args[1].Args).IsEmpty | true || node.Args.Count == 3 && (tmp_13 = node.Args[0]) != null && tmp_13.Calls(CodeSymbols.Colon, 2) && (name = tmp_13.Args[0]) != null && (type = tmp_13.Args[1]) != null && node.Args[1].Calls(CodeSymbols.Braces) && (content = node.Args[1].Args).IsEmpty | true && node.Args[2].Calls((Symbol)"#initially", 1) && (init = node.Args[2].Args[0]) != null)
                    LNode args    = GetArgList(ref name);
                    var   newBody = LNode.List();
                    foreach (var part_ in content)
                        LNode part = part_;
                            LNode body, value;
                            if (part.Calls((Symbol)"#get", 0))
                                part = LNode.Id(S.get, part);
                            else if (part.Calls((Symbol)"#get", 1) && (body = part.Args[0]) != null)
                                part = part.WithName(S.get);
                                if (body.Calls(S.Braces))
                                    part = part.SetBaseStyle(NodeStyle.Special);
                                    part = part.With(S.Lambda, part.Target, body);
                            else if (part.Calls((Symbol)"#set", 0))
                                part = LNode.Id(S.set, part);
                            else if (part.Calls((Symbol)"#set", 1) && (body = part.Args[0]) != null)
                                part = part.WithName(S.set);
                                if (body.Calls(S.Braces))
                                    part = part.SetBaseStyle(NodeStyle.Special);
                                    part = part.With(S.Lambda, part.Target, body);
                            else if (part.Calls((Symbol)"#init", 1) && (value = part.Args[0]) != null)
                                init = value;
                                part = null;
                        if (part != null)
                    if (init != null)
                        if (newBody.IsEmpty)
                        return(node.With(S.Property, type, name, args, F.Braces(newBody), init));
                        return(node.With(S.Property, type, name, args, F.Braces(newBody)));
                else if (node.Args.Count == 1 && (tmp_14 = node.Args[0]) != null && tmp_14.Calls(CodeSymbols.Colon, 2) && (name = tmp_14.Args[0]) != null && (tmp_15 = tmp_14.Args[1]) != null && tmp_15.Calls(CodeSymbols.Lambda, 2) && (type = tmp_15.Args[0]) != null && (getExpr = tmp_15.Args[1]) != null)
                    var args = GetArgList(ref name);
                    return(node.With(S.Property, type, name, args, getExpr));
            return(Les2.Reject(context, node, "Unrecognized property syntax"));

            LNode GetArgList(ref LNode name_apos)
                if (name_apos.Calls(S.IndexBracks))
                    var args = name_apos.Args.RemoveAt(0);
                    name_apos = name_apos[0].PlusAttrs(name_apos.Attrs);
                    return(F.Call(S.AltList, args));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public LNode Attr(LNode attr, LNode node)
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static bool DetectSetOrCreateMember(LNode arg, out Symbol relevantAttribute, out Symbol fieldName, out Symbol paramName, out LNode plainArg, out LNode propOrFieldDecl)
            relevantAttribute = null;
            fieldName         = null;
            paramName         = null;
            plainArg          = null;
            propOrFieldDecl   = null;
            LNode _, type, name, defaultValue, propArgs;

            if (EcsValidators.IsPropertyDefinition(arg, out type, out name, out propArgs, out _, out defaultValue) && propArgs.ArgCount == 0)
                // #property(Type, Name<T>, {...})
                relevantAttribute = S.Property;
                fieldName         = EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name);
                paramName         = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                if (defaultValue != null)                   // initializer is Args[4]
                    plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                    propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgs(arg.Args.First(4));
                    plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName);
                    propOrFieldDecl = arg;
            else if (IsVar(arg, out type, out paramName, out defaultValue))
                int a_i = 0;
                foreach (var attr in arg.Attrs)
                    if (attr.IsId)
                        var a = attr.Name;
                        if (a == _set ||
                            a == S.Public || a == S.Internal || a == S.Protected || a == S.Private ||
                            a == S.ProtectedIn || a == S.Static || a == S.Partial)
                            relevantAttribute = a;
                            fieldName         = paramName;
                            paramName         = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                            if (a == _set)
                                plainArg = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue).WithAttrs(arg.Attrs.Without(attr));
                                // in case of something like "[A] public params T arg = value",
                                // assume that "= value" represents a default value, not a field
                                // initializer, that [A] belongs on the field, except `params`
                                // which stays on the argument.
                                plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                                propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                                if (arg.Args[1].Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                                    propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgChanged(1,
                                int i_params = arg.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.Params);
                                if (i_params > -1)
                                    plainArg        = plainArg.PlusAttr(arg.Attrs[i_params]);
                                    propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(propOrFieldDecl.Attrs.RemoveAt(i_params));
                return(plainArg != null);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static LNode SetOrCreateMember(LNode fn, IMessageSink sink)
            // Expecting #fn(Type, Name, #(args), {body})
            if (fn.ArgCount < 3 || !fn.Args[2].Calls(S.AltList))
            var   args = fn.Args[2].Args;
            LNode body = null;

            VList <LNode> propOrFieldDecls = VList <LNode> .Empty;
            VList <LNode> setStmts         = VList <LNode> .Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                var    arg             = args[i];
                Symbol a               = S.Property;
                Symbol fieldName       = null;
                Symbol paramName       = null;
                LNode  plainArg        = null;
                LNode  propOrFieldDecl = null;
                if (arg.CallsMin(S.Property, 4))
                    // #property(Type, Name<T>, {...})
                    var name = arg.Args[1];
                    fieldName = EcsNodePrinter.KeyNameComponentOf(name);
                    paramName = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                    if (arg.ArgCount == 5)                       // initializer is Args[4]
                        plainArg        = F.Var(arg.Args[0], F.Call(S.Assign, F.Id(paramName), arg.Args[4]));
                        propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgs(arg.Args.First(4));
                        plainArg        = F.Var(arg.Args[0], paramName);
                        propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                    LNode type, defaultValue;
                    if (IsVar(arg, out type, out paramName, out defaultValue))
                        int a_i = 0;
                        foreach (var attr in arg.Attrs)
                            if (attr.IsId)
                                a = attr.Name;
                                if (a == _set ||
                                    a == S.Public || a == S.Internal || a == S.Protected || a == S.Private ||
                                    a == S.ProtectedIn || a == S.Static || a == S.Partial)
                                    fieldName = paramName;
                                    paramName = ChooseArgName(fieldName);
                                    if (a == _set)
                                        plainArg = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue).WithAttrs(arg.Attrs.RemoveAt(a_i));
                                        // in case of something like "[A] public params T arg = value",
                                        // assume that "= value" represents a default value, not a field
                                        // initializer, that [A] belongs on the field, except `params`
                                        // which stays on the argument.
                                        plainArg        = F.Var(type, paramName, defaultValue);
                                        propOrFieldDecl = arg;
                                        if (arg.Args[1].Calls(S.Assign, 2))
                                            propOrFieldDecl = arg.WithArgChanged(1,
                                        int i_params = arg.Attrs.IndexWithName(S.Params);
                                        if (i_params > -1)
                                            plainArg        = plainArg.PlusAttr(arg.Attrs[i_params]);
                                            propOrFieldDecl = propOrFieldDecl.WithAttrs(propOrFieldDecl.Attrs.RemoveAt(i_params));
                if (plainArg != null)
                    if (body == null)
                        if (fn.ArgCount < 4 || !fn.Args[3].Calls(S.Braces))
                            return(Reject(sink, arg, Localize.Localized("'{0}': to set or create a field or property, the method must have a body in braces {{}}.", a)));
                        body = fn.Args[3];

                    args[i] = plainArg;
                    LNode assignment;
                    if (fieldName == paramName)
                        assignment = F.Call(S.Assign, F.Dot(F.@this, F.Id(fieldName)), F.Id(paramName));
                        assignment = F.Call(S.Assign, F.Id(fieldName), F.Id(paramName));
                    if (propOrFieldDecl != null)
            if (body != null)             // if this macro has been used...
                var parts = fn.Args;
                parts[2] = parts[2].WithArgs(args);
                parts[3] = body.WithArgs(body.Args.InsertRange(0, setStmts));
                fn       = fn.WithArgs(parts);
                if (propOrFieldDecls.IsEmpty)
                    return(F.Call(S.Splice, propOrFieldDecls));
Exemplo n.º 18
		public LNode Attr(LNode attr, LNode node)
			return node.PlusAttr(attr);
Exemplo n.º 19
		static LNode TranslateWordAttr(LNode node, IMessageSink sink, Symbol attr)
			//LNode result = TranslateId(node, attr);
			//if (result == null && node.ArgCount >= 1) {
			if (node.ArgCount < 1) 
				return null;
			else {
				if (node.ArgCount > 1)
					return node.PlusAttr(F.Id(attr)).With(node.Args[0], node.Args.RemoveAt(0));
					return node.Args[0].PlusAttr(F.Id(attr));