Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestKNearest()
            int K = 10;
            int trainSampleCount = 100;

            #region Generate the training data and classes

            Matrix <float> trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 2);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainSampleCount, 1);

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(500, 500);

            Matrix <float> sample = new Matrix <float>(1, 2);

            Matrix <float> trainData1 = trainData.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            trainData1.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(200), new MCvScalar(50));
            Matrix <float> trainData2 = trainData.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);
            trainData2.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(300), new MCvScalar(50));

            Matrix <float> trainClasses1 = trainClasses.GetRows(0, trainSampleCount >> 1, 1);
            Matrix <float> trainClasses2 = trainClasses.GetRows(trainSampleCount >> 1, trainSampleCount, 1);

            Matrix <float> results, neighborResponses;
            results           = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, 1);
            neighborResponses = new Matrix <float>(sample.Rows, K);
            //dist = new Matrix<float>(sample.Rows, K);

            using (KNearest knn = new KNearest())
                knn.DefaultK     = K;
                knn.IsClassifier = true;
                knn.Train(trainData, MlEnum.DataLayoutType.RowSample, trainClasses);
                //ParamDef[] defs =  knn.GetParams();
                //TODO: find out when knn.save will be implemented

                for (int i = 0; i < img.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < img.Width; j++)
                        sample.Data[0, 0] = j;
                        sample.Data[0, 1] = i;

                        // estimates the response and get the neighbors' labels
                        float response = knn.Predict(sample); //knn.FindNearest(sample, K, results, null, neighborResponses, null);

                        int accuracy = 0;
                        // compute the number of neighbors representing the majority
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            if (neighborResponses.Data[0, k] == response)
                        // highlight the pixel depending on the accuracy (or confidence)
                        img[i, j] =
                            response == 1 ?
                            (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(90, 0, 0) : new Bgr(90, 40, 0)) :
                            (accuracy > 5 ? new Bgr(0, 90, 0) : new Bgr(40, 90, 0));

                String knnModelStr;
                //save stat model to string
                using (FileStorage fs = new FileStorage(".yml", FileStorage.Mode.Write | FileStorage.Mode.Memory))

                    knnModelStr = fs.ReleaseAndGetString();

                //load stat model from string
                using (FileStorage fs = new FileStorage(knnModelStr, FileStorage.Mode.Read | FileStorage.Mode.Memory))
                    KNearest knn2 = new KNearest();

            // display the original training samples
            for (int i = 0; i < (trainSampleCount >> 1); i++)
                PointF p1 = new PointF(trainData1[i, 0], trainData1[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p1, 2.0f), new Bgr(255, 100, 100), -1);
                PointF p2 = new PointF(trainData2[i, 0], trainData2[i, 1]);
                img.Draw(new CircleF(p2, 2.0f), new Bgr(100, 255, 100), -1);
