Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestBlockAtEnqueueDueToLength()
            ManualResetEvent allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent   jobProcessed = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            // process handler for the jobs in queue. It blocks on a job till the queue gets full and the handler sets the
            // event allowHandlerToProceed.
            Action <string> processHandler = (job) =>
                if (job.Equals("job11", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            using (JobQueueWrapper queue = new JobQueueWrapper(processHandler, 5, int.MaxValue, true, allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed))
                // run the same thing multiple times to ensure that the queue isn't in a erroneous state after being blocked.
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    queue.QueueJob("job1", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job2", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job3", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job4", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job5", 0);

                    // At this point only 5 jobs have been queued. Even if all are still in queue, still the need to block shouldn't have
                    // risen. So queue.enteredBlockingMethod would be false.
                    Assert.IsFalse(queue.IsEnqueueBlocked, "Entered the over-ridden blocking method at a wrong time.");

                    queue.QueueJob("job6", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job7", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job8", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job9", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job10", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job11", 0);

                    // By this point surely the queue would have blocked atleast once, hence setting queue.enteredBlockingMethod true.
                    Assert.IsTrue(queue.IsEnqueueBlocked, "Did not enter the over-ridden blocking method");

                    // We wait till all jobs are finished, so that for the next iteration the queue is in a deterministic state.

                    // queue.enteredBlockingMethod is set to false to check it again in next iteration. Also
                    // allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed is reset to block the handler again in next iteration.
                    queue.IsEnqueueBlocked = false;

                    // if we reach here it means that the queue was successfully blocked at some point in between job6 and job11
                    // and subsequently unblocked.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestBlockingDisabled()
            ManualResetEvent allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent   jobProcessed = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            // process handler for the jobs in queue. It blocks on a job till the test method sets the
            // event allowHandlerToProceed.
            Action <string> processHandler = (job) =>
                if (job.Equals("job5", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            using (JobQueueWrapper queue = new JobQueueWrapper(processHandler, 2, int.MaxValue, false, allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed))
                // run the same thing multiple times to ensure that the queue isn't in a erroneous state after first run.
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    queue.QueueJob("job1", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job2", 0);

                    // At this point only 2 jobs have been queued. Even if all are still in queue, still the need to block shouldn't have
                    // risen. So queue.enteredBlockingMethod would be false regardless of the blocking disabled or not.
                    Assert.IsFalse(queue.IsEnqueueBlocked, "Entered the over-ridden blocking method at a wrong time.");

                    queue.QueueJob("job3", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job4", 0);
                    queue.QueueJob("job5", 0);

                    // queue.enteredBlockingMethod should still be false as the queue should not have blocked.
                    Assert.IsFalse(queue.IsEnqueueBlocked, "Entered the over-ridden blocking method though blocking is disabled.");

                    // allow handlers to proceed.

                    // We wait till all jobs are finished, so that for the next iteration the queue is in a deterministic state.

                    // queue.enteredBlockingMethod is set to false to check it again in next iteration. Also
                    // allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed is reset to allow blocking the handler again in next iteration.
                    queue.IsEnqueueBlocked = false;

                    // if we reach here it means that the queue was never blocked.
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestDisposeUnblocksBlockedThreads()
            var allowJobProcessingHandlerToProceed = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            using (var gotBlocked = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                var job1Running = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                // process handler for the jobs in queue. It blocks on a job till the test method sets the
                // event allowHandlerToProceed.
                Action <string> processHandler = (job) =>
                    if (job.Equals("job1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


                var jobQueue = new JobQueueWrapper(processHandler, 1, int.MaxValue, true, gotBlocked);

                var queueThread = new Thread(
                    source =>
                    jobQueue.QueueJob("job1", 0);
                    jobQueue.QueueJob("job2", 0);
                    jobQueue.QueueJob("job3", 0);
