Exemplo n.º 1
 public Chunk(Vector3 chunkSize, Vector3 location, Island island)
     this.mChunkSize = chunkSize;
     this.mChunkLocation = location;
     this.mVisible = new bool[16, 16, 16, 6];
     this.mIsland = island;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void populate(Island curr, Random random)
            int x = random.Next(2, (int)curr.getSize().x) * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE;
            int z = random.Next(2, (int)curr.getSize().z) * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE;
            int y = curr.getSurfaceHeight(x, z);

            while (y == -1)
                x = random.Next(2, (int)curr.getSize().x) * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE;
                z = random.Next(2, (int)curr.getSize().z) * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE;
                y = curr.getSurfaceHeight(x, z);

            int size = ((int)(curr.getSize().x + curr.getSize().z) / 2) / 5;

            for(int i = 0; i < size * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE; i += 5) {
                for (int j = 0, max = random.Next(4, 10); j < max; j++) {
                    double angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * random.NextDouble();

                    int treeX = (int)(x + i * Math.Cos(angle)) + (random.Next(-10, 11) / 5);
                    int treeZ = (int)(y + i * Math.Sin(angle)) + (random.Next(-10, 11) / 5);
                    int treeY = curr.getSurfaceHeight(treeX, treeZ, "Grass");

                    if(treeY != -1) { this.createTree(curr, random, treeX, treeY, treeZ); }
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void makeCross(Island current, Vector3 loc)
     current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x + 1, (int)loc.y, (int)loc.z, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
     current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x - 1, (int)loc.y, (int)loc.z, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
     current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x, (int)loc.y, (int)loc.z + 1, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
     current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x, (int)loc.y, (int)loc.z - 1, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void populate(Island curr, Random random)
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(curr.getSize().x * 8, curr.getSize().y * 16 + 16, curr.getSize().z * 8);
            Vector3 center = p + (8) * Vector3.UNIT_X  + (8) * Vector3.UNIT_Y + (8) * Vector3.UNIT_Z;

            for(float x = p.x; x < p.x + 18; x++) {
                for(float y = p.y; y < p.y + 18; y++) {
                    for(float z = p.z; z < p.z + 16; z++) {
                        if(isInSphere(x, y, z, center.x, center.y, center.z, 9)) {
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)x, (int)y, (int)z, 2, true);
                        if(y == center.y) {
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)x, (int)y, (int)z, "Grass", true);


            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x + 7, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z - 3);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z + 7);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x + 2, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z + 7);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x + 5, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z - 7);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x + 4, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z + 4);

            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x - 2, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z + 3);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x - 2, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z + 4);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x - 6, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z - 7);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x - 5, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z - 5);
            createTree(curr, random, (int)center.x - 8, (int)center.y + 1, (int)center.z - 3);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void reSpawnCurrentIsland(int verticeCount, float amplitude, float roughness)
     // (currently not directly in use)
     Destroy (currentIsland.getGameObject (), 0f);
     currentIsland = spawnIsland (verticeCount, amplitude, roughness);
     spawnCamera ();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Zone(int index, int levelIndex, string name, Island island)
     Index = index;
       LevelIndex = levelIndex;
       Name = name;
       Island = island;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void build(Island current, Random rd, Vector3 loc)
            int towerHeight = rd.Next(15, 30);
            for(int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
                for(int z = 0; z < zMax; z++) {
                    for(int y = 0; y <= towerHeight; y++) {
                        if((x == 0 && z == 0) || (x == 0 && z == zMax - 1) || (x == xMax - 1 && z == 0) || (z == zMax - 1 && x == xMax - 1)) { //corners
                            current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x + x, (int)loc.y + y, (int)loc.z + z, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
                        } else if((x == 0 || z == 0 || x == xMax - 1 || z == zMax - 1) && y != towerHeight) { //borders
                            current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x + x, (int)loc.y + y, (int)loc.z + z, "DarkWood", true);

                        if(y == 0 || y == 1 || y == towerHeight - 1) {
                            if(x == 0 || z == 0 || x == xMax - 1 || z == zMax - 1) { //borders
                                current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x + x, (int)loc.y + y, (int)loc.z + z, "TowerWoodBlock", true);
                            } else {
                                current.setBlockAt((int)loc.x + x, (int)loc.y + y, (int)loc.z + z, "DarkWood", true);

            new DarkBeard().makeDarkBeard(current, towerHeight, loc, xMax, zMax);
            new RoofBuilder().build(current, loc + Vector3.UNIT_Y * towerHeight, new Vector2(xMax, zMax), rd);
            new Bridge(this.mSourceBuilding, this.getEntrance(this.mSourceBuilding, 1, loc), new NullTower()).build(current);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public List<Node> getAdjacent(Island current, Vector3 destination)
            Vector3[] adjacent = new Vector3[] {
                Vector3.UNIT_X, Vector3.UNIT_Z,
                Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_X, Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z,
                Vector3.UNIT_X + Vector3.UNIT_Z, Vector3.UNIT_X + Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z,
                Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_X + Vector3.UNIT_Z, Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_X + Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z,

            List<Node> returnList = new List<Node>();

            Vector3 adj = Vector3.ZERO;

                for(int i = 0; i < adjacent.Length; i++) {
                    adj = adjacent[i] + this.pos;
                    if(current.getBlock(adj, false) is Air && !(current.getBlock(adj + Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y, false) is Air)) {
                        returnList.Add(new Node(destination, adj, this));
                    } else if(current.getBlock(adj + Vector3.UNIT_Y, false) is Air && !(current.getBlock(adj, false) is Air)) {
                        returnList.Add(new Node(destination, adj + Vector3.UNIT_Y, this));
                    } else if(current.getBlock(adj - Vector3.UNIT_Y, false) is Air && !(current.getBlock(adj - 2 * Vector3.UNIT_Y, false) is Air)) {
                        returnList.Add(new Node(destination, adj - Vector3.UNIT_Y, this));
            return returnList;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void makePortal(int val, Island current, Vector3 position)
            switch(val) {
                case 1:
                    for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
                        for(int y = -1; y < 5; y++) {
                            if(x == 0 || x == 3 || y == -1 || y == 4) { current.setBlockAt((int)position.x + x, (int)position.y + y, (int)position.z, "Crystal", true); }
                            else { current.setBlockAt((int)position.x + x, (int)position.y + y, (int)position.z, "CrystalGate H", true); }
                case 2:
                for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
                    for(int z = 0; z < 4; z++) {
                        if(x == 0 || z == 0 || x == 3 || z == 3) { current.setBlockAt((int)position.x + x, (int)position.y, (int)position.z + z, "Crystal", true); }
                        else {
                            current.setBlockAt((int)position.x + x, (int)position.y, (int)position.z + z, "CrystalGate H", true);


Exemplo n.º 10
 public BuildingManager(StateManager stateMgr, Island island, RTSManager RTSMgr)
     this.mStateMgr = stateMgr;
     this.mIsland = island;
     this.mRTSManager = RTSMgr;
     this.Buildings = new Dictionary<Vector3, Building>();
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void Update(Island island, float movementProbability, float eatGrassProbability)
     age += Time.deltaTime;
     Move(island, movementProbability);
     if (type == AnimalType.Sheep)
         EatGrass(island, eatGrassProbability);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void populate(Island curr, Random random)
                for (int i = 0; i < (curr.getSize().x + curr.getSize().z) * 4; i++)
                    Vector3 pos = this.findRandomPoint(curr, random, "Grass");

                    if ((curr.getBlock((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, true) is AirBlock))
                        for (int p = 1; p < 6; p++)
                            int tmp = 0;
                            for (int y = 6 * p; y < 9 * p; y++)
                                for (int x = 0 + tmp; x < 7 - tmp; x++)
                                    for (int z = 0 + tmp; z < 7 - tmp; z++)
                                        curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + x - 3, (int)pos.y + y, (int)pos.z + z - 3, "Leaves", true);

                        for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y + y, (int)pos.z, "DarkWood", true);
 public void AddIsland(Island island)
     if (islands == null) {
         islands = new List<Island> ();
     islands.Add (island);
 public void GoToLevel(Island island)
     //		Debug.Log(island.LevelName);
     //		string levelName = island.LevelName;
     //Todo goto level with this name
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void createTree(Island curr, Random random, int x, int y, int z)
            for(int i = 0, height = random.Next(6, 12); i < height; i++) {
                if(i != height - 1) { curr.setBlockAt(x, y + i, z, "Wood", true); } else { curr.setBlockAt(x, y + i, z, "Leaves", true); }
                if(i >= height - 5 && i < height - 3) {
                    for(int j = -2; j < 3; j++) {
                        for(int k = -2; k < 3; k++) {
                            if(j == 0 && k == 0) { continue; }
                            if((j == -2 && (k == -2 || k == 2)) || (j == 2 && (k == -2 || k == 2))) {
                                if(random.Next(0, 100) > 15) { curr.setBlockAt(x + j, y + i, z + k, "Leaves", true); }
                            } else {
                                curr.setBlockAt(x + j, y + i, z + k, "Leaves", true);
                } else if(i >= height - 3) {
                    for(int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
                        for(int k = -1; k < 2; k++) {
                            if(j == 0 && k == 0) { continue; }
                            if(i == height - 3 && (j == -1 && (k == -1 || k == 1)) || (j == 1 && (k == -1 || k == 1))) {
                                if(random.Next(0, 100) > 75) { curr.setBlockAt(x + j, y + i, z + k, "Leaves", true); }
                            } else {
                                curr.setBlockAt(x + j, y + i, z + k, "Leaves", true);

Exemplo n.º 16
 public Player(PlayerIndex playerIndex, IShip ship, Island homeIsland, Map map)
     this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
     this.ship = ship;
     this.homeIsland = homeIsland;
     this.map = map;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Sloop CreateSloop(Color color, Vector2 shipLocation, Island playerIsland, float shipAngle)
     Sloop ship = new Sloop(base.Game, shipLocation, CannonBallManager, shipAngle);
     SloopView shipView = new SloopView(base.Game, color, Color.White, SpriteBatch, ship);
     return ship;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public Cutter CreateCutter(Color color, Vector2 shipLocation, Island playerIsland, float shipAngle)
     Cutter ship = new Cutter(base.Game, shipLocation, CannonBallManager, shipAngle);
     CutterView shipView = new CutterView(base.Game, color, Color.White, SpriteBatch, ship);
     return ship;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void display(Island currentIsland, API.Geo.World currentWorld)
     if (this.faceNumber > 0) {
         this.node = this.mIsland.Node.CreateChildSceneNode("MultiBlockNode-" + this.mName);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Island CreateIsland(Vector2 position, int goldAmount)
     Island island = new Island(base.Game, position, goldAmount);
     GameObjectView islandView = new GameObjectView(base.Game, Content.Island, Color.White, SpriteBatch, island, ZIndexManager.getZIndex(ZIndexManager.drawnItemOrders.island));
     return island;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Island spawnIsland(int verticeCount, float amplitude, float roughness)
     // Spawn a new island and return a reference
     Island theIsland = new Island (GameObject.Find ("Root"), "Island 01");
     theIsland.spawnTerrain (10.0f, 4, amplitude, roughness);
     theIsland.spawnDelauney (verticeCount, 10f);
     return theIsland;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void addNewIsland(int verticeCount, float amplitude, float roughness)
     // Add a new island to the buffer, switch the view, drop cam
     currentIsland.setVisible (false);
     currentIsland = spawnIsland (verticeCount, amplitude, roughness);
     theIslands.Add (currentIsland);
     spawnCamera ();
Exemplo n.º 23
	public void InitializeVals(int nVikings, int nSheep, Island source, GameObject island){
		numVikings = nVikings;
		numSheep = nSheep;
		sourceIsland = source.gameObject;
		targettedIsland = island;
		rotAngle = this.transform.rotation.y;
		//this.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// An AIController should have access to all information a user of the system has.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="game">The game</param>
 /// <param name="controlledShip">The ship that the AI is controlling</param>
 /// <param name="homeIsland">The ship's home island</param>
 /// <param name="islands">All islands in the game(excluding the ships home island)</param>
 public AIController(Game game, IShip controlledShip, Island homeIsland, List<Island> otherIslands, IShip targetShip)
     : base(game)
     this.ControlledShip = controlledShip;
     this.HomeIsland = homeIsland;
     this.OtherIslands = otherIslands;
     this.ProximityRadius = 50.0f;
     this.TargetShip = targetShip;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void populate(Island curr, Random random)
            Vector3 pos = this.findRandomPoint(curr, random);
            int tmp = 0;

            string brick = "Sand";

            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, brick, true);
            for (int y = 0; y < 18; y++)
                for (int x = 0 + tmp; x < _width - tmp; x++)
                    for (int z = 0 + tmp; z < _width - tmp; z++) {

                        if (y == 0 || y == 7)
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + x, (int)pos.y + y - 7, (int)pos.z + z, brick, true);
                        else if ((x == 0 || z == 0 || x == _width - 1 || z == _width - 1) && y <= 6)
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + x, (int)pos.y + y - 7, (int)pos.z + z, brick, true);
                        else if (y > 7)
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + x, (int)pos.y + y - 7, (int)pos.z + z, brick, true);
                            curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + x, (int)pos.y + y - 7, (int)pos.z + z, "Air", true);
                if (y >= 7)

            CharacterInfo iaInfo = new CharacterInfo("Robot-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Faction.Red);

            iaInfo.SpawnPoint = new Vector3(pos.x + _width / 2 - 4, (int)pos.y - 5, (int)pos.z + _width / 2) * Cst.CUBE_SIDE;

            iaInfo = new CharacterInfo("Robot-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Faction.Red);
            iaInfo.SpawnPoint = new Vector3(pos.x + _width / 2 + 4, (int)pos.y - 5, (int)pos.z + _width / 2) * Cst.CUBE_SIDE;

            Portals.makePortal(1, curr, new Vector3((int)pos.x + _width / 2 - 2, (int)pos.y - 7, (int)pos.z + _width / 2 - 3));

            int tmp2 = 0;
            for (int y = 1; y < 6; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    for (int z = tmp2; z < tmp2 + 2; z++)
                        curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + _width / 2 - 1 + x, (int)pos.y + y - 8, (int)pos.z + _width - 1 + z, brick, true);
                        curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + _width / 2 - 1 + x, (int)pos.y + y - 7, (int)pos.z + _width - 1 + z, "Air", true);
                        curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + _width / 2 - 1 + x, (int)pos.y + y - 5, (int)pos.z + _width - 1 + z, "Air", true);
                        curr.setBlockAt((int)pos.x + _width / 2 - 1 + x, (int)pos.y + y - 6, (int)pos.z + _width - 1 + z, "Air", true);

Exemplo n.º 26
 public void EatGrass(Island island, float eatGrassProbability)
     if (island.RandFloat(0f, 1f) < eatGrassProbability) {
         foreach (var grass in island.grasses) {
             if (grass.row == row && grass.column == column) {
Exemplo n.º 27
        public MultiBlock(string mat, Island current, World mainWorld, int meshType)
            this.mMaterial = mat;
            this.mName = this.mMaterial + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            this.mIsland = current;
            this.mWorld = mainWorld;

            block = new ManualObject("MultiBlock-" + this.mName);
            block.Begin(this.mMaterial, RenderOperation.OperationTypes.OT_TRIANGLE_LIST);
            this.meshType = meshType;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void build(Island current, Vector3 location, Vector2 size, Random rd)
            for(int x = 0; x < size.x; x++) {
                for(int z = 0; z < size.y; z++) {
                    if(x == 0 || x == size.x - 1 || z == 0 || z == size.y - 1) {
                        //build fences

                    if(x == size.x / 2 && z == size.y / 2) { this.buildStructure(current, rd.Next(0, 100) % 3, new Vector3(location.x + x, location.y, location.z + z)); }
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult Index()
            var islandTileList = db.IslandTile.ToList();

            var playerList = db.Player.ToList();

            var    islandFactory = new IslandFactory();
            Island island        = islandFactory.Create(islandTileList);

Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void populate(Island curr, Random random)
            for(int x = 0; x < curr.getSize().x * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE; x++) {
                for(int z = 0; z < curr.getSize().z * Cst.CHUNK_SIDE; z++) {
                    int y = curr.getSurfaceHeight(x, z);

                    if(y >= 200) {
                        curr.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 23, true);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public VanillaChunk(Vector3 chunkSize, Vector3 location, Island island)
     : base(chunkSize, location, island)
     this.mBlockList = new Block[16, 16, 16];
     for(int x = 0; x < mChunkSize.x; x++) {
         for(int y = 0; y < mChunkSize.y; y++) {
             for(int z = 0; z < mChunkSize.z; z++) {
                 this.mBlockList[x, y, z] = staticBlock["Air"];
Exemplo n.º 32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of plenet");
            string nameOfPlanet = Console.ReadLine();
            Planet planet       = new Planet(nameOfPlanet);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number of continents");
            int numberOfContinents = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContinents; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter name of continent");
                string nameOfContinent = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter area of continent");
                double    areaOfContinent = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                Continent continent       = new Continent(nameOfContinent, areaOfContinent);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number of oceans");
            int numberOfOceans = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOceans; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter name of ocean");
                string nameOfOcean = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter temperature of ocean");
                double temperatureOfOcean = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Enter depth of ocean");
                double depthOfOcean = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                Ocean  ocean        = new Ocean(nameOfOcean, temperatureOfOcean, depthOfOcean);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number of islands");
            int numberOfIslands = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIslands; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter name of island");
                string nameOfIsland = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter population of island");
                double populationOfIsland = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                Island island             = new Island(nameOfIsland, populationOfIsland);

            Console.WriteLine("Name of planet: " + planet.ReturnName() + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine(planet.ReturnInformationOfContinents() + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine(planet.ReturnInformationOfOceans() + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine(planet.ReturnInformationOfIslands() + "\n");
Exemplo n.º 33
    public void Init()
        island        = transform.parent.GetComponent <Island>();
        gridSize      = GameManager.Instance.GridSize;
        gridDivisions = GameManager.Instance.GridDivisions;


        transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        initReady = true;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public char GuessNumber(ref Island orig)
            Island island = new Island(orig);
            char   g      = makeGuess(ref island);

            if (g == ' ')
                island = new Island(orig);
                return(makeGuess(ref island));
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void AddIsland(Island island)
     if (_islands.TryGetValue(island, out int refCount))
         refCount = 1;
     _islands[island] = refCount;
Exemplo n.º 36
    void createStartingIsland()
        Island         island         = world.createNewIsland(new Coordinate(0, 0, 0));
        GameObject     startingIsland = Instantiate(islandObject, island.location.vec3 * World.WORLD_NEXUS_LENGTH * World.BLOCK_SIZE, new Quaternion(), transform);
        IslandRenderer islandRenderer = startingIsland.GetComponent <IslandRenderer>();

        playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().currentRenderer = islandRenderer;
        Player player1 = world.players[0];

Exemplo n.º 37
    public Island getNextIsland(Island currentIsland)
        int indexOld = route.IndexOf(currentIsland);

        if (route.Count < indexOld)
            return(route[indexOld + 1]);
Exemplo n.º 38
    public override void Paint(Island island)
        int count = 0;

        foreach (var section in m_sections)
            UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Painting Forest", "Painting Sections...", (float)count / (float)m_sections.Length);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public PathFinder(Vector3 destination, Vector3 start, Island current)   // dest in abs value, start rel
            this.mOpen           = new NodeList <Node>();
            this.mClosed         = new NodeList <Node>();
            this.mPossibleNodes  = new List <Node>();
            this.mSolutionSize   = 0;
            this.mNbTotIter      = 0;
            this.mAbsDestination = destination;
            this.mRelDestination = MainWorld.getRelativeFromAbsolute(this.mAbsDestination);
            this.mCurrent        = current;

            this.mOpen.Add(new Node(this.mRelDestination, start));
        public IEnumerator AdjustDockTransform(Island island)
            CartographicIsland islandStructure = island.CartographicIsland;
            var         dependencyGraph        = islandStructure.Bundle.OSGiProject.DependencyGraph;
            GraphVertex vertex = islandStructure.DependencyVertex;

            GameObject importDock = island.ImportDock;
            GameObject exportDock = island.ExportDock;

            yield return(FindSuitablePosition2D(island, importDock, exportDock));

            if (vertex == null)
                yield break;

            float importSize = 0.04f * 25f; // Don't hardcode.
            float exportSize = 0.04f * 25f; // Don't hardcode.

            IEnumerable <GraphEdge> outEdges;

            dependencyGraph.TryGetOutEdges(vertex, out outEdges);
            List <GraphEdge> edgeList = outEdges.ToList();

            importDock.transform.localScale = new Vector3(importSize, importSize, importSize);
            DependencyDock dockComponent = importDock.GetComponent <DependencyDock>();


            foreach (GraphEdge e in edgeList)
                GameObject ed = e.Target.Island.IslandGameObject.GetComponent <Island>().ExportDock;
                dockComponent.addDockConnection(ed.GetComponent <DependencyDock>(), e.Weight);

            dependencyGraph.TryGetInEdges(vertex, out outEdges);
            edgeList = outEdges.ToList();

            float eDockWidth = exportDock.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds.size.x *exportSize;
            float iDockWidth = importDock.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds.size.x *importSize;

            exportDock.transform.localScale = new Vector3(exportSize, exportSize, exportSize);
            dockComponent = exportDock.GetComponent <DependencyDock>();

            foreach (GraphEdge e in edgeList)
                GameObject id = e.Source.Island.IslandGameObject.GetComponent <Island>().ImportDock;
                dockComponent.addDockConnection(id.GetComponent <DependencyDock>(), e.Weight);
Exemplo n.º 41
        public ActionResult ChangeName(int id)
            Island island = islandRepository.GetIsland(id);

            if (island.Property.Player.Id != User.Identity.GetUserId())
            ChangeNameViewModel viewModel = new ChangeNameViewModel {
                NameUsed = false, Id = id

Exemplo n.º 42
 public VanillaChunk(Vector3 chunkSize, Vector3 location, Island island) : base(chunkSize, location, island)
     this.mBlockList = new Block[16, 16, 16];
     for (int x = 0; x < mChunkSize.x; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < mChunkSize.y; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < mChunkSize.z; z++)
                 this.mBlockList[x, y, z] = staticBlock["Air"];
Exemplo n.º 43
    private void RevealIsland(Island island)
        currentIsland = island;

        // See if new sector needs to be generated
        int   offSize     = size - 1;
        Point sectorPoint = new Point(island.point.x % offSize, island.point.y % offSize);

        // Negative space offset
        int negativeX = 0;
        int negativeY = 0;

        // Negative sectors
        if (sectorPoint.x < 0)
            sectorPoint.x = offSize + sectorPoint.x;
            negativeX    -= 1;
        if (sectorPoint.y < 0)
            sectorPoint.y = offSize + sectorPoint.y;
            negativeY    -= 1;

        int range = 7;

        // Horizontal
        if (sectorPoint.x <= range)
            Point sector = new Point(island.point.x / offSize - 1 + negativeX, island.point.y / offSize + negativeY);
        else if (sectorPoint.x >= offSize - range)
            Point sector = new Point(island.point.x / offSize + 1 + negativeX, island.point.y / offSize + negativeY);

        // Vertical
        if (sectorPoint.y <= range)
            Point sector = new Point(island.point.x / offSize + negativeX, island.point.y / offSize - 1 + negativeY);
        else if (sectorPoint.y >= offSize - range)
            Point sector = new Point(island.point.x / offSize + negativeX, island.point.y / offSize + 1 + negativeY);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public IActionResult OnGet(int?islandId)
            this.Climates = htmlHelper.GetEnumSelectList <ClimateType>();
            if (islandId.HasValue)
                Island = islandData.GetById(islandId.Value);
                Island = new Island();

Exemplo n.º 45
    public LookMenu(int width, int height, Island world, string hint = null, Func <Entity, bool> select = null, Action <XYZ> selectAt = null) : base(width, height)
        UseKeyboard = true;

        this.world    = world;
        this.hint     = hint ?? "Select an entity to examine";
        this.select   = select ?? (e => false);
        this.selectAt = selectAt ?? (xyz => { });
        cursorVisible = true;
        cursorBlink   = new Timer(0.4, () => {
            cursorVisible = !cursorVisible;
Exemplo n.º 46
        public void DoTurn(IPirateGame state)
            // Initing stuff
            List <Island> islands     = state.NotMyIslands();
            List <Pirate> myPirates   = state.MyPirates();
            List <Pirate> copyPirates = new List <Pirate>(myPirates);
            Dictionary <Pirate, Island> pirateToIsland = new Dictionary <Pirate, Island>();

            for (int i = 0; i < islands.Count; i++)
                Pirate closestPirate = GetClosestPirate(state, islands[i], myPirates);

                //state.Debug($"closest: {closestPirate.Id.ToString()} to island: {islands[i]}");
                if (closestPirate != null)
                    pirateToIsland.Add(closestPirate, islands[i]);

            copyPirates.ForEach(pirate =>
                if (pirateToIsland.ContainsKey(pirate) && pirateToIsland[pirate] != null)
                    Island island = pirateToIsland[pirate];
                    state.Debug($"Pirate {pirate.Id.ToString()} to island {island.Id.ToString()}");
                    List <Direction> movingDirections = state.GetDirections(pirate, island);

                    if (movingDirections.Count > 0 && !pirate.IsLost)
                        state.Debug($"Pirate: {pirate.Id.ToString()}");
                        movingDirections.ForEach(direc =>
                        state.SetSail(pirate, movingDirections[0]);
                else // Bot that has no island
                    state.Debug($"Nothing {pirate.Id.ToString()}");
                    Island closestIsland = GetClosestIsland(state, pirate, state.NotMyIslands());
                    if (closestIsland != null)
                        List <Direction> movingDirections = state.GetDirections(pirate, closestIsland);
                        state.SetSail(pirate, movingDirections[0]);
Exemplo n.º 47
        public void Board_cannot_find_land_from_invalid_coordinate()
            // arrange
            var board = new Island();
            var posX  = _faker.Random.Number(int.MinValue, -1);
            var posY  = _faker.Random.Number(5, int.MaxValue);

            // act
            var success = board.TryGetLand(posX, posY, out var land);

            // assert
Exemplo n.º 48
    void SpawnIsland()
        if (currentIsland != null)

        currentIsland = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(islandPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

        Island isl = currentIsland.GetComponent <Island>();

        isl.islandPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 10000), Random.Range(0, 10000), Random.Range(0, 10000));
Exemplo n.º 49
        public static void Feather(Island island)
            for (var i = island.Pixels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var pixel = island.Pixels[i];
                var x     = pixel.X;
                var y     = pixel.Y;

                TryFeather(island, x - 1, y);
                TryFeather(island, x + 1, y);
                TryFeather(island, x, y - 1);
                TryFeather(island, x, y + 1);
Exemplo n.º 50
        public IEnumerator CanPlaceBlockAtMaximumHeight()
            Island        testCandidate = new Island(64);
            Block         testBlock     = EarthBlock.GetInstance();
            BlockPosition blockPosition = new BlockPosition(63, 255, 63);

            testCandidate.PlaceBlockAt(testBlock, blockPosition);

            Block blockAt = testCandidate.GetBlockAt(blockPosition);

            yield return(null);

            Assert.That(blockAt, Is.SameAs(testBlock));
Exemplo n.º 51
    public Player(Island World, XYZ Position)
        this.World    = World;
        this.Position = Position;
        this.Velocity = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
        Actions       = new HashSet <EntityAction>();
        Equipment     = new Equipment();
        Inventory     = new HashSet <IItem>();
        Watch         = new HashSet <Effect>();

        HistoryLog    = new List <HistoryEntry>();
        HistoryRecent = new List <HistoryEntry>();
        health        = new Health();
Exemplo n.º 52
        public IEnumerator RetrievesPreviouslyPlacedBlock()
            Island        testCandidate = new Island(64);
            Block         testBlock     = GrassyEarthBlock.GetInstance();
            BlockPosition blockPosition = new BlockPosition(63, 0, 63);

            testCandidate.PlaceBlockAt(testBlock, blockPosition);

            Block blockAt = testCandidate.GetBlockAt(blockPosition);

            yield return(null);

            Assert.That(blockAt, Is.SameAs(testBlock));
Exemplo n.º 53
        public IEnumerator BuildIslandHightlight(Island island)
            GameObject highlight = new GameObject("Island Highlight");

            yield return(BuildHighlight(island.gameObject, highlight));

            MeshRenderer renderer     = highlight.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            Interactable interactable = island.GetComponent <Interactable>();

            foreach (Region region in island.Regions)
                yield return(BuildRegionHighlight(region));

            if (true)
                interactable.FocusBehaviour = new Action(() => {
                    if (StateManager.Instance.CurrentState.Name == "main" && interactable.Type == InteractableType.Bundle)


                interactable.DefocusBehaviour = new Action(() => {
                    if (StateManager.Instance.CurrentState.Name == "main" && interactable.Type == InteractableType.Bundle)


                interactable.SelectBehaviour = new Action(() => {

                interactable.DeselectBehaviour = new Action(() => {
Exemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates a list of islands from a list of polygons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygons">The list of polygons to calculate the islands from</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated list of islands</returns>
        private static List <Island> calculateIslandFromPolygons(Polygons polygons)
            List <Island> islandList = new List <Island>();

            //We now need to put the polygons through clipper sothat it can detect holes for us
            //and then make proper islands with the returned data
            PolyTree resultTree = new PolyTree();

            Clipper clipper = new Clipper();

            clipper.AddPaths(polygons, PolyType.ptClip, true);
            clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, resultTree, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);

            List <PolyNode> polyNodeList = moveNodesToSameLevel(resultTree);

            foreach (PolyNode polyNode in polyNodeList)
                if (!polyNode.IsHole)
                    Island temp = new Island();
                else //IsHole
                    bool shouldBreak = false;

                    foreach (Island island in islandList)
                        if (shouldBreak)

                        foreach (Polygon islandPolygon in island.outlinePolygons)
                            if (polyNode.Parent.Contour.Equals(islandPolygon))
                                shouldBreak = true;

            //Lastly we return our list of islands
Exemplo n.º 55
        public void TestBridgeConnecting()
            var level = setupRendering();

            var isl = level.CreateNewIsland(new Vector3(5, 3, 5));

            cameraIsland = isl;

            var isl2 = level.CreateNewIsland(new Vector3(15, 3, 5));

            addBridge(isl, Vector3.UnitX, new Vector3(3, 0, 0));
            addBridge(isl, Vector3.UnitZ, new Vector3(0, 0, 3));
            addBridge(isl2, -Vector3.UnitX, new Vector3(-3, 0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 56
    public void Test_Environment()
        Terrain terrain = Object.FindObjectOfType <Terrain>();

        Assert.NotNull(terrain, "Terrain is missing");

        AreaDamageOverTime lava = Object.FindObjectOfType <AreaDamageOverTime>();

        Assert.NotNull(lava, "Lava is missing");

        Island island = Object.FindObjectOfType <Island>();

        Assert.NotNull(island, "Island is missing");
Exemplo n.º 57
        private string GetDefenderSquadInfo(Island island, int squadCountCount, UnitNames unitNames, int pad)
            List <long>   sc = new List <long>();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Sort the islands with squads so that they display nicely.
            List <long> squadPlans = new List <long>();

            for (int c = 0; c < island.SquadPlans.Count; c++)

            // Add in all tiles with squads on them
            for (int j = 0; j < squadCountCount; j++)
                sc = island.SquadCounts[j];
                int tileNumber = Convert.ToInt32(squadPlans[j]);    // Convert.ToInt32(island.SquadPlans[j][0]);
                // List blockers & bunkers & features (terrain)
                string defenses = island.Defenses;
                string features = island.Features;
                char   defense  = defenses[tileNumber];
                char   feature  = features[tileNumber];
                string blocker  = GetBlockerFromChar(defense);
                string bunkers  = GetBunkersFromChar(defense);
                string terrain  = GetTerrainFromChar(feature);

                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Squad #" + (j + 1).ToString() + " on tile " + tileNumber.ToString() + "  ==> " + terrain + " with " + blocker + " and " + bunkers);

                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.Riflemen.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[0].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.MachineGunners.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[1].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.Bazookamen.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[2].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.LightTanks.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[3].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.MediumTanks.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[4].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.HeavyTanks.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[5].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.LightFighters.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[6].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.MediumFighters.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[7].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));
                sb.AppendLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + unitNames.Bombers.PadRight(pad) + " = " + sc[8].ToString().PadLeft(12, ' '));

            // Add in all the tiles with no squad on them


Exemplo n.º 58
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate columns of blocks at the chunk x, z
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="chunk"></param>
    static void generateChunkColumn(Chunk chunk)
        for (int x = 0; x < Chunk.CHUNK_DIAMETER; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < Chunk.CHUNK_DIAMETER; z++)
                int islandX = chunk.location.x * Chunk.CHUNK_DIAMETER + x;
                int islandZ = chunk.location.z * Chunk.CHUNK_DIAMETER + z;
                generateColumn(chunk, islandX, islandZ);
        Island island = chunk.level as Island;

Exemplo n.º 59
        public void Refuse_move_worker_to_invalid_coordinate()
            // arrange
            var board  = new Island();
            var player = new Player(_faker.Name.FirstName());
            var worker = player.Workers.First();

            board.TryAddPiece(worker, 0, 0);

            // act
            var success = worker.TryMoveTo(-1, 5);

            // assert
Exemplo n.º 60
        public void Worker_cannot_build_at_invalid_coordinate()
            // arrange
            var board  = new Island();
            var player = new Player(_faker.Name.FirstName());
            var worker = player.Workers.First();

            board.TryAddPiece(worker, 0, 0);

            // act
            var success = worker.TryBuildAt(5, -1);

            // assert