Exemplo n.º 1
        protected List <List <Segment2d> > ComputeSegments(GeneralPolygon2d poly, SegmentSet2d polyCache)
            List <List <Segment2d> > PerRaySpans = new List <List <Segment2d> >();

            double   angleRad = AngleDeg * MathUtil.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2d dir      = new Vector2d(Math.Cos(angleRad), Math.Sin(angleRad));

            // compute projection span along axis
            Vector2d   axis         = dir.Perp;
            Interval1d axisInterval = Interval1d.Empty;
            Interval1d dirInterval  = Interval1d.Empty;

            foreach (Vector2d v in poly.Outer.Vertices)
            // [TODO] also check holes? or assume they are contained?

            dirInterval.a -= 10 * ToolWidth;
            dirInterval.b += 10 * ToolWidth;
            double extent = dirInterval.Length;

            axisInterval.a += ToolWidth * 0.1 + PathShift;
            axisInterval.b -= ToolWidth * 0.1;
            if (axisInterval.b < axisInterval.a)
                return(PerRaySpans);                            // [RMS] is this right? I guess so. interval is too small to fill?
            Vector2d startCorner = axisInterval.a * axis + dirInterval.a * dir;
            double   range       = axisInterval.Length;
            int      N           = (int)(range / PathSpacing);

            for (int ti = 0; ti <= N; ++ti)
                double    t   = (double)ti / (double)N;
                Vector2d  o   = startCorner + (t * range) * axis;
                Segment2d ray = new Segment2d(o, o + extent * dir);

                List <Segment2d> spans = compute_polygon_ray_spans(poly, ray, startCorner, axis, t, polyCache);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Slice the meshes and return the slice stack.
        /// </summary>
        public PlanarSliceStack Compute()
            if (Meshes.Count == 0)
                return(new PlanarSliceStack());

            Interval1d zrange = Interval1d.Empty;

            foreach (var meshinfo in Meshes)
            if (SetMinZValue != double.MinValue)
                zrange.a = SetMinZValue;

            // construct layers
            List <PlanarSlice> slice_list = new List <PlanarSlice>();

            double cur_layer_z = zrange.a;
            int    layer_i     = 0;

            while (cur_layer_z < zrange.b)
                double     layer_height = get_layer_height(layer_i);
                double     z            = cur_layer_z;
                Interval1d zspan        = new Interval1d(z, z + layer_height);
                if (SliceLocation == SliceLocations.EpsilonBase)
                    z += 0.01 * layer_height;
                else if (SliceLocation == SliceLocations.MidLine)
                    z += 0.5 * layer_height;

                PlanarSlice slice = SliceFactoryF(zspan, z, layer_i);
                slice.EmbeddedPathWidth = OpenPathDefaultWidthMM;

                cur_layer_z += layer_height;
            int NH = slice_list.Count;

            if (NH > MaxLayerCount)
                throw new Exception("MeshPlanarSlicer.Compute: exceeded layer limit. Increase .MaxLayerCount.");

            PlanarSlice[] slices = slice_list.ToArray();

            // determine if we have crop objects
            bool have_crop_objects = false;

            foreach (var mesh in Meshes)
                if (mesh.options.IsCropRegion)
                    have_crop_objects = true;

            // assume Resolve() takes 2x as long as meshes...
            TotalCompute = (Meshes.Count * NH) + (2 * NH);
            Progress     = 0;

            // compute slices separately for each mesh
            for (int mi = 0; mi < Meshes.Count; ++mi)
                if (Cancelled())

                DMesh3           mesh         = Meshes[mi].mesh;
                PrintMeshOptions mesh_options = Meshes[mi].options;

                // [TODO] should we hang on to this spatial? or should it be part of assembly?
                DMeshAABBTree3   spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds  = Meshes[mi].bounds;

                bool is_cavity   = mesh_options.IsCavity;
                bool is_crop     = mesh_options.IsCropRegion;
                bool is_support  = mesh_options.IsSupport;
                bool is_closed   = (mesh_options.IsOpen) ? false : mesh.IsClosed();
                var  useOpenMode = (mesh_options.OpenPathMode == OpenPathsModes.Default) ?
                                   DefaultOpenPathMode : mesh_options.OpenPathMode;

                // each layer is independent so we can do in parallel
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) =>
                    if (Cancelled())

                    double z = slices[i].Z;
                    if (z < bounds.Min.z || z > bounds.Max.z)

                    // compute cut
                    Polygon2d[] polys; PolyLine2d[] paths;
                    compute_plane_curves(mesh, spatial, z, is_closed, out polys, out paths);

                    // if we didn't hit anything, try again with jittered plane
                    // [TODO] this could be better...
                    if ((is_closed && polys.Length == 0) || (is_closed == false && polys.Length == 0 && paths.Length == 0))
                        double jitterz = slices[i].LayerZSpan.Interpolate(0.75);
                        compute_plane_curves(mesh, spatial, jitterz, is_closed, out polys, out paths);

                    if (is_closed)
                        // construct planar complex and "solids"
                        // (ie outer polys and nested holes)
                        PlanarComplex complex = new PlanarComplex();
                        foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)

                        PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions options
                            = PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions.Default;
                        options.WantCurveSolids            = false;
                        options.SimplifyDeviationTolerance = 0.001;
                        options.TrustOrientations          = true;
                        options.AllowOverlappingHoles      = true;

                        PlanarComplex.SolidRegionInfo solids   = complex.FindSolidRegions(options);
                        List <GeneralPolygon2d> solid_polygons = ApplyValidRegions(solids.Polygons);

                        if (is_support)
                            add_support_polygons(slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);
                        else if (is_cavity)
                            add_cavity_polygons(slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);
                        else if (is_crop)
                            add_crop_region_polygons(slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);
                            add_solid_polygons(slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);
                    else if (useOpenMode != OpenPathsModes.Ignored)
                        // [TODO]
                        //   - does not really handle clipped polygons properly, there will be an extra break somewhere...
                        List <PolyLine2d> all_paths = new List <PolyLine2d>(paths);
                        foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)
                            all_paths.Add(new PolyLine2d(poly, true));

                        List <PolyLine2d> open_polylines = ApplyValidRegions(all_paths);
                        foreach (PolyLine2d pline in open_polylines)
                            if (useOpenMode == OpenPathsModes.Embedded)

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref Progress);
                });  // end of parallel.foreach
            } // end mesh iter

            // resolve planar intersections, etc
            gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) =>
                if (Cancelled())

                if (have_crop_objects && slices[i].InputCropRegions.Count == 0)
                    // don't resolve, we have fully cropped this layer

                Interlocked.Add(ref Progress, 2);

            // discard spurious empty slices
            int last = slices.Length - 1;

            while (slices[last].IsEmpty && last > 0)
            int first = 0;

            if (DiscardEmptyBaseSlices || have_crop_objects)
                while (slices[first].IsEmpty && first < slices.Length)

            PlanarSliceStack stack = SliceStackFactoryF();

            for (int k = first; k <= last; ++k)

            if (SupportMinZTips)
                stack.AddMinZTipSupportPoints(MinZTipMaxDiam, MinZTipExtraLayers);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// shoot parallel set of 2D rays at input polygon, and find portions
        /// of rays that are inside the polygon (we call these "spans"). These
        /// are inserted into the polygon, resulting in a non-manifold 2D graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected DGraph2 ComputeSpanGraph(GeneralPolygon2d poly)
            double   angleRad = AngleDeg * MathUtil.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2d dir      = new Vector2d(Math.Cos(angleRad), Math.Sin(angleRad));

            // compute projection span along axis
            Vector2d   axis         = dir.Perp;
            Interval1d axisInterval = Interval1d.Empty;
            Interval1d dirInterval  = Interval1d.Empty;

            foreach (Vector2d v in poly.Outer.Vertices)
            // [TODO] also check holes? or assume they are contained? should be
            //  classified as outside by winding check anyway...

            // construct interval we will step along to shoot parallel rays
            dirInterval.a -= 10 * ToolWidth;
            dirInterval.b += 10 * ToolWidth;
            double extent = dirInterval.Length;

            // nudge in a very tiny amount so that if poly is a rectangle, first
            // line is not directly on boundary
            axisInterval.a += ToolWidth * 0.01;
            axisInterval.b -= ToolWidth * 0.01;
            axisInterval.a -= PathShift;
            if (axisInterval.b < axisInterval.a)
                return(null);     // [RMS] is this right? I guess so. interval is too small to fill?
            // If we are doing a dense fill, we want to pack as tightly as possible.
            // But if we are doing a sparse fill, then we want layers to stack.
            // So in that case, snap the interval to increments of the spacing
            //  (does this work?)
            bool bIsSparse = (PathSpacing > ToolWidth * 2);

            if (bIsSparse)
                // snap axisInterval.a to grid so that layers are aligned
                double snapped_a = Snapping.SnapToIncrement(axisInterval.a, PathSpacing);
                if (snapped_a > axisInterval.a)
                    snapped_a -= PathSpacing;
                axisInterval.a = snapped_a;

            Vector2d startCorner = axisInterval.a * axis + dirInterval.a * dir;
            double   range       = axisInterval.Length;
            int      N           = (int)(range / PathSpacing) + 1;

            // nudge spacing so that we exactly fill the available space
            double use_spacing = PathSpacing;

            if (bIsSparse == false && AdjustSpacingToMaximizeFill)
                int nn = (int)(range / use_spacing);
                use_spacing = range / (double)nn;
                N           = (int)(range / use_spacing) + 1;

            DGraph2 graph = new DGraph2();

            GraphSplitter2d splitter = new GraphSplitter2d(graph);

            splitter.InsideTestF = poly.Contains;

            // insert sequential rays
            for (int ti = 0; ti <= N; ++ti)
                Vector2d o   = startCorner + (double)ti * use_spacing * axis;
                Line2d   ray = new Line2d(o, dir);
                splitter.InsertLine(ray, ti);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override DeformInfo Apply(Frame3f vNextPos)
            Interval1d edgeRangeSqr = Interval1d.Empty;

            int N = Curve.VertexCount;

            if (N > NewV.Size)
            if (N > ModifiedV.Length)
                ModifiedV = new BitArray(2 * N);

            // clear modified

            bool   bSmooth = (SmoothAlpha > 0 && SmoothIterations > 0);
            double r2      = Radius * Radius;

            // deform pass
            if (DeformF != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    Vector3D v  = Curve[i];
                    double   d2 = (v - vPreviousPos.Origin).LengthSquared;
                    if (d2 < r2)
                        double t = WeightFunc(Math.Sqrt(d2), Radius);

                        Vector3D vNew = DeformF(i, t);

                        if (bSmooth == false)
                            if (i > 0)
                                edgeRangeSqr.Contain(vNew.DistanceSquared(Curve[i - 1]));
                            if (i < N - 1)
                                edgeRangeSqr.Contain(vNew.DistanceSquared(Curve[i + 1]));

                        NewV[i]      = vNew;
                        ModifiedV[i] = true;
                // anything?

            // smooth pass
            if (bSmooth)
                for (int j = 0; j < SmoothIterations; ++j)
                    int iStart = (Curve.Closed) ? 0 : 1;
                    int iEnd   = (Curve.Closed) ? N : N - 1;
                    for (int i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i)
                        Vector3D v  = (ModifiedV[i]) ? NewV[i] : Curve[i];
                        double   d2 = (v - vPreviousPos.Origin).LengthSquared;
                        if (ModifiedV[i] || d2 < r2)            // always smooth any modified verts
                            double a = SmoothAlpha * WeightFunc(Math.Sqrt(d2), Radius);

                            int      iPrev = (i == 0) ? N - 1 : i - 1;
                            int      iNext = (i + 1) % N;
                            Vector3D vPrev = (ModifiedV[iPrev]) ? NewV[iPrev] : Curve[iPrev];
                            Vector3D vNext = (ModifiedV[iNext]) ? NewV[iNext] : Curve[iNext];
                            Vector3D c     = (vPrev + vNext) * 0.5f;
                            NewV[i]      = (1 - a) * v + (a) * c;
                            ModifiedV[i] = true;

                            if (i > 0)
                                edgeRangeSqr.Contain(NewV[i].DistanceSquared(Curve[i - 1]));
                            if (i < N - 1)
                                edgeRangeSqr.Contain(NewV[i].DistanceSquared(Curve[i + 1]));

            // bake
            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                if (ModifiedV[i])
                    Curve[i] = NewV[i];

            return(new DeformInfo()
                minEdgeLenSqr = edgeRangeSqr.a, maxEdgeLenSqr = edgeRangeSqr.b
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Slice the meshes and return the slice stack.
        /// </summary>
        public PlanarSliceStack Compute()
            if (Meshes.Count == 0)
                return(new PlanarSliceStack());

            Interval1d zrange = Interval1d.Empty;

            foreach (var meshinfo in Meshes)
            if (SetMinZValue != double.MinValue)
                zrange.a = SetMinZValue;

            int nLayers = (int)(zrange.Length / LayerHeightMM);

            if (nLayers > MaxLayerCount)
                throw new Exception("MeshPlanarSlicer.Compute: exceeded layer limit. Increase .MaxLayerCount.");

            // make list of slice heights (could be irregular)
            List <double> heights = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nLayers + 1; ++i)
                double t = zrange.a + (double)i * LayerHeightMM;
                if (SliceLocation == SliceLocations.EpsilonBase)
                    t += 0.01 * LayerHeightMM;
                else if (SliceLocation == SliceLocations.MidLine)
                    t += 0.5 * LayerHeightMM;
            int NH = heights.Count;

            // process each *slice* in parallel
            PlanarSlice[] slices = new PlanarSlice[NH];
            for (int i = 0; i < NH; ++i)
                slices[i] = SliceFactoryF(heights[i], i);
                slices[i].EmbeddedPathWidth = OpenPathDefaultWidthMM;

            // assume Resolve() takes 2x as long as meshes...
            TotalCompute = (Meshes.Count * NH) + (2 * NH);
            Progress     = 0;

            // compute slices separately for each mesh
            for (int mi = 0; mi < Meshes.Count; ++mi)
                if (Cancelled())

                DMesh3           mesh         = Meshes[mi].mesh;
                PrintMeshOptions mesh_options = Meshes[mi].options;

                // [TODO] should we hang on to this spatial? or should it be part of assembly?
                DMeshAABBTree3   spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds  = Meshes[mi].bounds;

                bool is_cavity   = mesh_options.IsCavity;
                bool is_crop     = mesh_options.IsCropRegion;
                bool is_support  = mesh_options.IsSupport;
                bool is_closed   = (mesh_options.IsOpen) ? false : mesh.IsClosed();
                var  useOpenMode = (mesh_options.OpenPathMode == PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Default) ?
                                   DefaultOpenPathMode : mesh_options.OpenPathMode;

                // each layer is independent so we can do in parallel
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) => {
                    if (Cancelled())

                    double z = heights[i];
                    if (z < bounds.Min.z || z > bounds.Max.z)

                    // compute cut
                    Polygon2d[] polys; PolyLine2d[] paths;
                    compute_plane_curves(mesh, spatial, z, is_closed, out polys, out paths);

                    // if we didn't hit anything, try again with jittered plane
                    // [TODO] this could be better...
                    if ((is_closed && polys.Length == 0) || (is_closed == false && polys.Length == 0 && paths.Length == 0))
                        compute_plane_curves(mesh, spatial, z + LayerHeightMM * 0.25, is_closed, out polys, out paths);

                    if (is_closed)
                        // construct planar complex and "solids"
                        // (ie outer polys and nested holes)
                        PlanarComplex complex = new PlanarComplex();
                        foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)

                        PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions options
                            = PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions.Default;
                        options.WantCurveSolids            = false;
                        options.SimplifyDeviationTolerance = 0.001;
                        options.TrustOrientations          = true;
                        options.AllowOverlappingHoles      = true;

                        PlanarComplex.SolidRegionInfo solids =

                        if (is_support)
                            add_support_polygons(slices[i], solids.Polygons, mesh_options);
                        else if (is_cavity)
                            add_cavity_polygons(slices[i], solids.Polygons, mesh_options);
                        else if (is_crop)
                            add_crop_region_polygons(slices[i], solids.Polygons, mesh_options);
                            add_solid_polygons(slices[i], solids.Polygons, mesh_options);
                    else if (useOpenMode != PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Ignored)
                        foreach (PolyLine2d pline in paths)
                            if (useOpenMode == PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Embedded)

                        // [TODO]
                        //   - does not really handle clipped polygons properly, there will be an extra break somewhere...
                        foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)
                            PolyLine2d pline = new PolyLine2d(poly, true);
                            if (useOpenMode == PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Embedded)

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref Progress);
                });       // end of parallel.foreach
            }             // end mesh iter

            // resolve planar intersections, etc
            gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) => {
                if (Cancelled())
                Interlocked.Add(ref Progress, 2);

            // discard spurious empty slices
            int last = slices.Length - 1;

            while (slices[last].IsEmpty && last > 0)
            int first = 0;

            if (DiscardEmptyBaseSlices)
                while (slices[first].IsEmpty && first < slices.Length)

            PlanarSliceStack stack = SliceStackFactoryF();

            for (int k = first; k <= last; ++k)

            if (SupportMinZTips)
                stack.AddMinZTipSupportPoints(MinZTipMaxDiam, MinZTipExtraLayers);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Slice the meshes and return the slice stack.
        /// </summary>
        public Result Compute()
            Result result = new Result();

            if (Meshes.Count == 0)

            // find Z interval we want to slice in
            Interval1d zrange = Interval1d.Empty;

            foreach (var meshinfo in Meshes)
            if (SetMinZValue != double.MinValue)
                zrange.a = SetMinZValue;

            result.TopZ  = Math.Round(zrange.b, PrecisionDigits);
            result.BaseZ = Math.Round(zrange.a, PrecisionDigits);

            // [TODO] might be able to make better decisions if we took flat regions
            // into account when constructing initial Z-heights? if we have large flat
            // region just below Zstep, might make sense to do two smaller Z-steps so we
            // can exactly hit it??

            // construct list of clearing Z-heights
            List <double> clearingZLayers = new List <double>();
            double        cur_layer_z     = zrange.b;
            int           layer_i         = 0;

            while (cur_layer_z > zrange.a)
                double layer_height = get_layer_height(layer_i);
                cur_layer_z -= layer_height;
                double z = Math.Round(cur_layer_z, PrecisionDigits);
            if (clearingZLayers.Last() < result.BaseZ)
                clearingZLayers[clearingZLayers.Count - 1] = result.BaseZ;
            if (clearingZLayers.Last() == clearingZLayers[clearingZLayers.Count - 2])
                clearingZLayers.RemoveAt(clearingZLayers.Count - 1);

            // construct layer slices from Z-heights
            List <PlanarSlice> clearing_slice_list = new List <PlanarSlice>();

            layer_i = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < clearingZLayers.Count; ++i)
                double layer_height = (i == clearingZLayers.Count - 1) ?
                                      (result.TopZ - clearingZLayers[i]) : (clearingZLayers[i + 1] - clearingZLayers[i]);
                double     z     = clearingZLayers[i];
                Interval1d zspan = new Interval1d(z, z + layer_height);

                if (SliceLocation == SliceLocations.EpsilonBase)
                    z += 0.001;

                PlanarSlice slice = SliceFactoryF(zspan, z, layer_i);

            int NH = clearing_slice_list.Count;

            if (NH > MaxLayerCount)
                throw new Exception("MeshPlanarSlicer.Compute: exceeded layer limit. Increase .MaxLayerCount.");

            PlanarSlice[] clearing_slices = clearing_slice_list.ToArray();

            // assume Resolve() takes 2x as long as meshes...
            TotalCompute = (Meshes.Count * NH) + (2 * NH);
            Progress     = 0;

            // compute slices separately for each mesh
            for (int mi = 0; mi < Meshes.Count; ++mi)
                if (Cancelled())

                DMesh3           mesh         = Meshes[mi].mesh;
                PrintMeshOptions mesh_options = Meshes[mi].options;

                // [TODO] should we hang on to this spatial? or should it be part of assembly?
                DMeshAABBTree3   spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds  = Meshes[mi].bounds;

                bool is_cavity   = mesh_options.IsCavity;
                bool is_crop     = mesh_options.IsCropRegion;
                bool is_support  = mesh_options.IsSupport;
                bool is_closed   = (mesh_options.IsOpen) ? false : mesh.IsClosed();
                var  useOpenMode = (mesh_options.OpenPathMode == PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Default) ?
                                   DefaultOpenPathMode : mesh_options.OpenPathMode;

                if (is_crop || is_support)
                    throw new Exception("Not supported!");

                // each layer is independent so we can do in parallel
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) => {
                    if (Cancelled())

                    double z = clearing_slices[i].Z;
                    if (z < bounds.Min.z || z > bounds.Max.z)

                    // compute cut
                    Polygon2d[] polys; PolyLine2d[] paths;
                    ComputeSlicePlaneCurves(mesh, spatial, z, is_closed, out polys, out paths);

                    if (is_closed)
                        // construct planar complex and "solids"
                        // (ie outer polys and nested holes)
                        PlanarComplex complex = new PlanarComplex();
                        foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)

                        PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions options
                            = PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions.Default;
                        options.WantCurveSolids            = false;
                        options.SimplifyDeviationTolerance = 0.001;
                        options.TrustOrientations          = true;
                        options.AllowOverlappingHoles      = true;

                        PlanarComplex.SolidRegionInfo solids   = complex.FindSolidRegions(options);
                        List <GeneralPolygon2d> solid_polygons = ApplyValidRegions(solids.Polygons);

                        if (is_cavity)
                            add_cavity_polygons(clearing_slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);
                            if (ExpandStockAmount > 0)
                                solid_polygons = ClipperUtil.MiterOffset(solid_polygons, ExpandStockAmount);
                            add_solid_polygons(clearing_slices[i], solid_polygons, mesh_options);

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref Progress);
                });       // end of parallel.foreach
            }             // end mesh iter

            // resolve planar intersections, etc
            gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NH), (i) => {
                if (Cancelled())
                Interlocked.Add(ref Progress, 2);
            // add to clearing stack
            result.Clearing = SliceStackFactoryF();
            for (int k = 0; k < clearing_slices.Length; ++k)

             * Horizontal planar regions finishing pass.
             * First we find all planar horizontal Z-regions big enough to mill.
             * Then we add slices at the Z's we haven't touched yet.
             * Cannot just 'fill' planar regions because we will miss edges that might
             * be millable. So we grow region and then intersect with full-slice millable area.

            // find set of horizontal flat regions
            Dictionary <double, List <PlanarRegion> > flat_regions = FindPlanarZRegions(ToolDiameter);

            if (flat_regions.Count == 0)
                goto done_slicing;

            // if we have already milled this exact Z-height in clearing pass, then we can skip it
            List <double> doneZ = new List <double>();

            foreach (double z in flat_regions.Keys)
                if (clearingZLayers.Contains(z))
            foreach (var z in doneZ)

            // create slice for each layer
            PlanarSlice[] horz_slices = new PlanarSlice[flat_regions.Count];
            List <double> flatZ       = new List <double>(flat_regions.Keys);

            for (int k = 0; k < horz_slices.Length; ++k)
                double     z     = flatZ[k];
                Interval1d zspan = new Interval1d(z, z + LayerHeightMM);
                horz_slices[k] = SliceFactoryF(zspan, z, k);

                // compute full millable region slightly above this slice.
                PlanarSlice clip_slice = ComputeSolidSliceAtZ(z + 0.0001, false);

                // extract planar polys
                List <Polygon2d> polys   = GetPlanarPolys(flat_regions[z]);
                PlanarComplex    complex = new PlanarComplex();
                foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys)

                // convert to planar solids
                PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions options
                    = PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions.SortPolygons;
                options.SimplifyDeviationTolerance = 0.001;
                options.TrustOrientations          = true;
                options.AllowOverlappingHoles      = true;
                PlanarComplex.SolidRegionInfo solids         = complex.FindSolidRegions(options);
                List <GeneralPolygon2d>       solid_polygons = ApplyValidRegions(solids.Polygons);

                // If planar solid has holes, then when we do inset later, we might lose
                // too-thin parts. Shrink the holes to avoid this case.
                //FilterHoles(solid_polygons, 0.55 * ToolDiameter);

                // ok now we need to expand region and intersect with full region.
                solid_polygons = ClipperUtil.MiterOffset(solid_polygons, ToolDiameter * 0.5, 0.0001);
                solid_polygons = ClipperUtil.Intersection(solid_polygons, clip_slice.Solids, 0.0001);

                // Same idea as above, but if we do after, we keep more of the hole and
                // hence do less extra clearing.
                // Also this could then be done at the slicer level instead of here...
                // (possibly this entire thing should be done at slicer level, except we need clip_slice!)
                FilterHoles(solid_polygons, 1.1 * ToolDiameter);

                add_solid_polygons(horz_slices[k], solid_polygons, PrintMeshOptions.Default());

            // resolve planar intersections, etc
            int NF = horz_slices.Length;

            gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(NF), (i) => {
                if (Cancelled())
                Interlocked.Add(ref Progress, 2);
            // add to clearing stack
            result.HorizontalFinish = SliceStackFactoryF();
            for (int k = 0; k < horz_slices.Length; ++k)

 public void ObserveValue(float value)
     RangeMin = (float)interval.a;
     RangeMax = (float)interval.b;