void FixedUpdate()
        if (networkObject == null)

        // Everyone that is not the server or the controlling player will just set the position.
        if (!networkObject.IsServer && !_isOwner)
            transform.position = networkObject.position;

        // We advance one frame in the simulation

        // The controlling player saves this Frame with his last input and action recorded.
        if (_isOwner)

        // The server and the controlling player play the frames they saved.

        // We allow the server to catch up if he is too far behind because of prolonged latency
        if (networkObject.IsServer && _listener.FramesToPlay.Count > _listener.FrameSyncRate)

        // Reconcile frames when the client is too far away from the server-position.
        if (_isOwner)

        // The server updates the position on the network for everyone else.
        if (networkObject.IsServer)
            networkObject.position = transform.position;