Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// 带参构造函数2
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="func"></param>
 public RfidTool(Action <RfidOptions> func)
     reader = new ImpinjReader();
     option = new RfidOptions();
     RedirectStandardOut += Console.WriteLine;
Exemplo n.º 2
        //array to hold the margin test settings
        //public double currentPower = 0;

        public void ConnectReader(ImpinjReader reader, string hostname, double startPower)
            try {
                Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to reader: " + hostname);
                //connected = true;

                Console.WriteLine("Loading Margin Test Settings onto the reader");

                Settings settings = reader.QueryDefaultSettings();

                settings.Report.IncludeAntennaPortNumber = true;
                settings.Report.Mode           = ReportMode.Individual;
                settings.Antennas.TxPowerInDbm = startPower;
                settings.Report.IncludeFastId  = true;
                settings.Session    = 0;
                settings.SearchMode = SearchMode.SingleTarget;

                Console.WriteLine("Successfully connected, settings Applied");
            catch (OctaneSdkException err)
                WriteLine("An Octane Exception has occurred: {0}", err.Message);
            catch (Exception err)
                WriteLine("An Exception has occured: {0}", err.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void OnTagsReported7(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            // We've read the tag we want write to, so
            // we're not interested in tag reports any more.
            // Unsubscribe from the event.
            reader.TagsReported -= OnTagsReported7;

            // Change the EPC of the first tag we read to a random value.
            Tag tag = report.Tags[0];

            TextBox.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
            //string nuevoEPC = tbNEPCSpeedway.Text;
            tbEPCSpeedway.Text = tag.Epc.ToHexString();
            //ProgramEpc(tag.Epc.ToHexString(), tag.PcBits, nuevoEPC);
            //MessageBox.Show("El nuevo tag es:" + tag.Epc.ToHexString());
                if (cbIncSpeedway.Checked == true)
                    tbNEPCSpeedway.Text = (Int64.Parse(tbEPCSpeedway.Text) + Int64.Parse(nuSpeedway.Value.ToString())).ToString().PadLeft(24, '0');
                    tbNEPCSpeedway.Text = tag.Epc.ToHexString();
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void DisplayTag(ImpinjReader reader, TagReport report)
     foreach (Tag tag in report)
         //TODO: добавить метод AsyncEvent.ExternalEvent
Exemplo n.º 5
        // This event handler will be called when tag
        // operations have been executed by the reader.
        static void OnTagOpComplete(ImpinjReader reader, TagOpReport report)
            string userData, tidData, epcData;

            userData = tidData = epcData = "";

            // Loop through all the completed tag operations
            foreach (TagOpResult result in report)
                // Was this completed operation a tag read operation?
                if (result is TagReadOpResult)
                    // Cast it to the correct type.
                    TagReadOpResult readResult = result as TagReadOpResult;

                    // Save the EPC
                    epcData = readResult.Tag.Epc.ToHexString();

                    // Are these the results for User memory or TID?
                    if (readResult.OpId == opIdUser)
                        userData = readResult.Data.ToHexString();
                    else if (readResult.OpId == opIdTid)
                        tidData = readResult.Data.ToHexString();

            // Print out the results after both Optimized Read operations have completed.
            Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0}, TID : {1}, User : {2}", epcData, tidData, userData);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public RealReader()
     _reader = new ImpinjReader();
     _reader.TagsReported      += OnTagsReported;
     _reader.KeepaliveReceived += OnKeepaliveReceived;
     _reader.ConnectionLost    += OnConnectionLost;
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void ConnectAsync(ImpinjReader reader)
                // Assign the ConnectAsyncComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when the connection attempt has completed.
                reader.ConnectAsyncComplete += OnConnectAsyncComplete;

                // Attempt to connect to this reader asynchronously.
                // This method return immediately.
                // An event will be raised when the connect attempt has succeeded or failed.
                Console.WriteLine("Attempting connection to {0}", SolutionConstants.ReaderHostname);

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 8
 // This event handler will be called when tag
 // operations have been executed by the reader.
 static void OnTagOpComplete(ImpinjReader reader, TagOpReport report)
     // Loop through all the completed tag operations
     foreach (TagOpResult result in report)
         if (result is TagWriteOpResult)
             // These are the results of settings the access password.
             // Cast it to the correct type.
             TagWriteOpResult writeResult = result as TagWriteOpResult;
             // Print out the results.
             Console.WriteLine("Set access password complete.");
             Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0}", writeResult.Tag.Epc);
             Console.WriteLine("Status : {0}", writeResult.Result);
             Console.WriteLine("Number of words written : {0}", writeResult.NumWordsWritten);
         else if (result is TagLockOpResult)
             // Cast it to the correct type.
             // These are the results of locking the access password or user memory.
             TagLockOpResult lockResult = result as TagLockOpResult;
             // Print out the results.
             Console.WriteLine("Lock operation complete.");
             Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0}", lockResult.Tag.Epc);
             Console.WriteLine("Status : {0}", lockResult.Result);
Exemplo n.º 9
 static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
     // This event handler is called asynchronously
     // when tag reports are available.
     // Loop through each tag in the report
     // and print the data.
     foreach (Tag tag in report)
         if (tag.IsFastIdPresent)
             // Print the model specific details that can be determined from the TID.
             Console.WriteLine("Antenna : {0}\nEPC : {1}\nTID : {2}\n" +
                               "Model Name : {3}\nEPC memory size (bits) : {4}\n" +
                               "User memory size (bits) : {5}\nSupports QT : {6}\n\n",
             // Fast ID not available.
             // Chip is not a Monza 4 or later.
             Console.WriteLine("Antenna : {0}\nEPC : {1}\nTID : Fast ID not available\n\n",
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Reader       readerObject = new Reader();
            ImpinjReader reader       = new ImpinjReader();
            Stopwatch    s            = new Stopwatch();

             *  ARGUMENTS IN ORDER:
             *  0: Hostname
             *  1: Start Power
             *  2: End Power
             *  3: Step Size
             *  4: Power Duration
             *  5: CSV File name
            // variable initialization
            string hostname     = args[0];
            double startPower   = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]);
            double endPower     = Convert.ToDouble(args[2]);
            double stepSize     = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]);
            int    duration     = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]);
            string tagName      = args[5];
            double currentPower = startPower;

            // start the margin test
            readerObject.ConnectReader(reader, hostname, currentPower);
            // creating event for when a tag is reportedi

            reader.TagsReported += onTagsReported;

            while (currentPower <= endPower)
                if (reader.IsConnected)
                    while (s.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration))
                        //Console.WriteLine("This is a test");
                    WriteFileName(tagsRead, tagName, currentPower);
                    // clearing list contents to make room for the next powerlevel
                    // updating the power setting before running the test again
                    currentPower = readerObject.UpdateSettings(reader, currentPower, stepSize);
                    Console.Write("Reader not connected! ");
                Console.WriteLine("Finished A power cycle");

            Console.WriteLine("Margin test completed. Moving Outputs to /data");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void OnTagsReported10(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            // This event handler is called asynchronously
            // when tag reports are available.
            // Loop through each tag in the report
            // and print the data.
            //reader.TagsReported -= OnTagsReported10;

            foreach (Tag tag in report)
                ListBox.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
                lbSpeedway.Items.Add("Antena: " + tag.AntennaPortNumber + " Tag: " + tag.Epc.ToString());
                    WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(@"" + Regex.Replace(tag.Epc.ToString(), @"\s+", "") + "/" + tbEventoSW.Text);
                    req.Method  = "POST";
                    req.Timeout = 5000;
                    HttpWebResponse resp = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                    AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Tag : " + tag.Epc + " no enviado", "Mensaje", 1000);
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Tag : " + tag.Epc + " no enviado");
Exemplo n.º 12
        static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            string key;

            // This event handler is called asynchronously
            // when tag reports are available.
            // Loop through each tag in the report
            // and print the data.
            foreach (Tag tag in report)
                if (tag.IsFastIdPresent)
                    // If the TID is available through FastID, use it as the key
                    key = tag.Tid.ToHexString();
                    // Otherwise use the EPC
                    key = tag.Epc.ToHexString();

                // If this tag hasn't been read before, print out the EPC and TID
                if (!tagsRead.ContainsKey(key))
                    Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0}, TID : {1}", tag.Epc, tag.Tid);
                    // Add this tag to the list of tags we've read.
                    tagsRead.Add(key, tag);
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void OnConnectAsyncComplete(ImpinjReader reader, ConnectAsyncResult result, string errorMessage)
            // This event handler is called asynchronously
            // when the connection attempt has completed.

            // Check the result of the connection attempt
            if (result == ConnectAsyncResult.Success)
                // Successfully connection to the reader. Now configure  and start it.
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully connected to {0}", reader.Address);
                Console.WriteLine("Starting reader...");
                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                Console.WriteLine("Reader stopped. Press enter to exit.");
                // Failed to connect to the reader
                Console.WriteLine("Failure while connecting to {0} : {1}", reader.Address, errorMessage);
Exemplo n.º 14
        //static string rawTagDisplay = null;

        public static string FormatReaderInfo(ImpinjReader reader, FeatureSet features, Settings settings, Status status)
            string modelName       = features.ModelName;
            string readerIP        = reader.Address;
            string connectedStatus = status.IsConnected.ToString();
            string modelNumber     = features.ModelNumber.ToString();
            string firmwareVersion = features.FirmwareVersion;
            string antennaCount    = features.AntennaCount.ToString();
            string isSingulating   = status.IsSingulating.ToString();
            float  tempCelsius     = status.TemperatureInCelsius;

            string enabledAntennaOne = settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).IsEnabled.ToString();
            string rxSensitivity     = settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).RxSensitivityInDbm.ToString();
            string txPower           = settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).TxPowerInDbm.ToString();
            string currentTime       = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");

            string info =
                "CONNECTED TO READER: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                "Model Name: " + modelName + Environment.NewLine +
                "Address: " + readerIP + Environment.NewLine +
                "Model Number: " + modelNumber + Environment.NewLine +
                "Firmware Version: " + firmwareVersion + Environment.NewLine +
                "Antenna Ports: " + antennaCount + Environment.NewLine +
                "Is Singulating: " + isSingulating + Environment.NewLine +
                "Temp. Celsius: " + tempCelsius + Environment.NewLine +
                "Antenna (1) Enabled: " + enabledAntennaOne + Environment.NewLine +
                "Rx Sensitivity: " + rxSensitivity + Environment.NewLine +
                "txPower: " + txPower + Environment.NewLine +
                "Time: " + currentTime;

Exemplo n.º 15
        // This event handler will be called when tag
        // operations have been executed by the reader.
        static void OnTagOpComplete(ImpinjReader reader, TagOpReport report)
            // Loop through all the completed tag operations
            foreach (TagOpResult result in report)
                // Was this completed operation QT set operation?
                if (result is TagQtSetOpResult)
                    // Cast it to a QT set result.
                    TagQtSetOpResult qtSetResult = result as TagQtSetOpResult;

                    // Print the status.
                    Console.WriteLine("QT set operation complete. Status : {0}", qtSetResult.Result);
                // Was this completed operation QT get operation?
                else if (result is TagQtGetOpResult)
                    // Cast it to a QT get result.
                    TagQtGetOpResult qtGetResult = result as TagQtGetOpResult;

                    // Print the status.
                    Console.WriteLine("QT get operation complete. Status : {0}", qtGetResult.Result);
                    Console.WriteLine("    Data Profile : {0}, Access Range : {1}", qtGetResult.DataProfile, qtGetResult.AccessRange);
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// This event handler is called asynchronously
 /// when tag reports are available.
 /// Loop through each tag in the report
 /// and print the data.
 /// My Output to the file
 /// </summary>
 private void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
     foreach (Tag tag in report)
         if (!ItemString.RFIDControlReaderState)
             //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnTagsReported:RFID 绘制结束stop");
                 //int rId = rFIDDatas.FindIndex(a => a.getID() == tag.Epc.ToString());
                 // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnTagsReported:EPC" + tag.Epc.ToString());
                 if (tag.Epc.ToString() != ItemString.RFIDEPC)
                 int rId = 0;
                 if (rFIDDatas.Count < 1)
                     //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnTagsReported:add data:EPC" + tag.Epc.ToString());
                     rFIDDatas.Add(new RFIDData(Convert.ToString(ItemString.RFIDEPC)));
                 rFIDDatas[rId].addRSSPhaseTime(tag.PeakRssiInDbm, tag.PhaseAngleInRadians, TimeUtil.getReletiveToStartProgramSeconds());
                 addQueue(tag.PeakRssiInDbm, tag.PhaseAngleInRadians);
             catch (Exception e)
                 System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnTagsReported:出现异常 " + e.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void OnTagOpComplete(ImpinjReader reader, TagOpReport report)
            // Loop through all the completed tag operations.
            foreach (TagOpResult result in report)
                // Was this completed operation a tag write operation?
                if (result is TagWriteOpResult)
                    // Cast it to the correct type.
                    TagWriteOpResult writeResult = result as TagWriteOpResult;
                    if (writeResult.OpId == EPC_OP_ID)
                        Console.WriteLine("Write to EPC complete : {0}", writeResult.Result);
                    else if (writeResult.OpId == PC_BITS_OP_ID)
                        Console.WriteLine("Write to PC bits complete : {0}", writeResult.Result);

                    // Print out the number of words written
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of words written : {0}", writeResult.NumWordsWritten);
            reader.TagsReported += EventHandlers.OnTagsReported;
Exemplo n.º 18
        // This event handler will be called when tag
        // operations have been executed by the reader.
        static void OnTagOpComplete(ImpinjReader reader, TagOpReport report)
            // Loop through all the completed tag operations
            foreach (TagOpResult result in report)
                // Was this completed operation a tag read operation?
                if (result is TagReadOpResult)
                    // Cast it to the correct type.
                    TagReadOpResult readResult = result as TagReadOpResult;

                    // Process the read results
                // Was it a tag write operation?
                else if (result is TagWriteOpResult)
                    // Cast it to the correct type.
                    TagWriteOpResult writeResult = result as TagWriteOpResult;

                    // Process the write results
Exemplo n.º 19
        static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            // This event handler is called asynchronously
            // when tag reports are available.
            // Loop through each tag in the report
            // and print the data.
            DataRow workRow = table.NewRow();

            foreach (Tag tag in report)
                /*if (tag.Epc.ToString() == "E200 9366 C6B6 7BF1 9071 BDEF")
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0} Timestamp : {1}", tag.Epc, tag.LastSeenTime);
                 *  //Console.WriteLine("RfDopplerFrequency : {0} ChannelInMhz : {1}", tag.RfDopplerFrequency, tag.ChannelInMhz);
                 *  Console.WriteLine("PeakRssiInDbm : {0} PhaseAngleInRadians : {1}", tag.PeakRssiInDbm, tag.PhaseAngleInRadians);
                 * }*/
                Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0} Timestamp : {1}", tag.Epc, tag.LastSeenTime);
                //Console.WriteLine("RfDopplerFrequency : {0} ChannelInMhz : {1}", tag.RfDopplerFrequency, tag.ChannelInMhz);
                Console.WriteLine("PeakRssiInDbm : {0} PhaseAngleInRadians : {1}", tag.PeakRssiInDbm, tag.PhaseAngleInRadians);
                workRow["EPC"]                 = tag.Epc;
                workRow["Timestamp"]           = tag.LastSeenTime;
                workRow["ChannelInMhz"]        = tag.ChannelInMhz;
                workRow["PeakRssiInDbm"]       = tag.PeakRssiInDbm;
                workRow["PhaseAngleInRadians"] = tag.PhaseAngleInRadians;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void LaunchXArray(ImpinjReader reader, XArray xArray)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
                // to the IP address or hostname of your reader.

                // Assign the LocationReported event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when a location report is available.
                reader.LocationReported += OnLocationReported;
                // Don't forget to define diagnostic method
                reader.DiagnosticsReported += OnDiagnosticsReported;

                // Apply the newly modified settings.
                reader.ApplySettings(GetPrepareSettings(reader, xArray));

                // Start the reader
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void CloseXArray(ImpinjReader reader)
            // Apply the default settings before exiting.

            // Disconnect from the reader.
Exemplo n.º 22
        // The following specifies which methods to call when tags are reported or operations are complete.
        // The TagsReported handler method will handle all new incoming tags
        static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            foreach (Tag tag in report)
                double phaseAngle;
                phaseAngle = tag.PhaseAngleInRadians;

                //DataRow row = DataDS.NewRow();
                //DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

                row["EPC"]               = tag.Epc.ToString();
                row["Doppler Shift"]     = tag.RfDopplerFrequency.ToString("0.00");
                row["Time"]              = tag.FirstSeenTime.ToString();
                row["Antenna"]           = tag.AntennaPortNumber;
                row["Tx Power"]          = txPowerValue;
                row["Current Frequency"] = tag.ChannelInMhz.ToString();
                row["PeakRSSI"]          = tag.PeakRssiInDbm.ToString();
                row["Phase Angle"]       = phaseAngle;//tag.PhaseAngleInRadians.ToString();
                row["Phase"]             = ((tag.PhaseAngleInRadians) / Math.PI) * 180;

                string EPCStr = tag.Epc.ToString();

                string EPCStr = tag.Epc.ToString();
                if (EPCStr.Contains("0093"))
                    IncomingTagNumber93 = IncomingTagNumber93 + 1;
                else if (EPCStr.Contains("0012"))
                    IncomingTagNumber70 = IncomingTagNumber70 + 1;
                else if (EPCStr.Contains("0078"))
                    IncomingTagNumber96 = IncomingTagNumber96 + 1;
                //if (EPCStr.Contains("0093"))
                //    IncomingTagNumber93 = IncomingTagNumber93 + 1;
                //    RSS93.Add(tag.PeakRssiInDbm.ToString());


                //DSForm.updateTaginfo((int)TagsEPC[tag.Epc.ToString()], (float)(tag.RfDopplerFrequency));//, tag.FirstSeenTime.LocalDateTime
Exemplo n.º 23
        // This event handler will be called when a location report is ready.
        void OnLocationReported(ImpinjReader reader, LocationReport report)
            string EpcStr = report.Epc.ToHexString();

            // Compute confidence. Make sure that the first cycle report came in before computing the Weighted averages.
            if (!CycleLengths.ContainsKey(reader.Address) || CycleLengths[reader.Address] == 0)

            // If first time
            if (!TagReadInfo.ContainsKey(EpcStr))
                TagReadInfo.Add(EpcStr, new TagReadInfo());

            double Mult = Math.Floor((double)COMPUTE_WINDOW_SEC * 1000000 / CycleLengths[reader.Address]);

            if (Mult == 0)
                Mult = 1;
            double Confidence = report.ConfidenceFactors.ReadCount / Mult;

            Console.WriteLine(reader.Address + "  " + EpcStr + " x=" + report.LocationXCm + " y=" + report.LocationYCm + " conf=" + Confidence);
            // Weighted X
            double WgtX = Confidence * report.LocationXCm;

            TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedX += WgtX;

            // Weighted Y
            double WgtY = Confidence * report.LocationYCm;

            TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedY += WgtY;

            // TagReadCounts
            TagReadInfo[EpcStr].Confidence += Confidence;

            // Pick a reader to key off the Averaging calculation
            // Let's use the last one.
            if (reader.Address.Equals(xArrays[xArrays.Length - 1].Hostname))
                Console.Write("Weighted: " + EpcStr);
                if (TagReadInfo[EpcStr].Confidence != 0)
                    Console.Write(" x=" + Math.Floor(TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedX / TagReadInfo[EpcStr].Confidence));
                    Console.WriteLine(" y=" + Math.Floor(TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedY / TagReadInfo[EpcStr].Confidence));
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Read. Confidence is 0");
                // Reinitialize variables
                TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedX  = 0;
                TagReadInfo[EpcStr].WeightedY  = 0;
                TagReadInfo[EpcStr].Confidence = 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
 // This event handler is called asynchronously
 // when tag reports are available.
 static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
     // Loop through each tag in the report
     // and print the data.
     foreach (Tag tag in report)
         Console.WriteLine("EPC : {0}", tag.Epc);
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
     // Это событие которое обнавляет информацию в ListBox со считывателя во время считывания.
     //Action action = delegate()(снять)
     //    UpdateListbox(report.Tags);(снять)
     //Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, action);(снять)
Exemplo n.º 26
 * 处理标签报告
        public static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
                foreach (Tag tag in report)
                    if (tag.Epc != null)
                        while (dtLock == true)
                        dtLock = true;
                        DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
                        dr1["EPC"]       = tag.Epc;
                        dr1["RSS"]       = tag.PeakRssiInDbm;
                        dr1["Frequency"] = tag.ChannelInMhz;
                        dr1["Phase"]     = tag.PhaseAngleInRadians;
                        dr1["Reader"]    = sender.Name;
                        //dr1["Address"] = sender.Address;
                        dr1["Antenna"]  = tag.AntennaPortNumber;
                        dr1["SeenTime"] = tag.LastSeenTime;
                        dtLock = false;
                        switch (sender.Name)
                        case "Reader #1":
                        case "1":

                        case "Reader #2":
                        case "2":

                        case "Reader #3":
                        case "3":

                        case "Reader #4":
                        case "4":

            catch (Exception ee)
                MessageBox.Show(ee.Message + ee.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public double UpdateSettings(ImpinjReader reader, double power, double stepSize)
            Settings settings = reader.QuerySettings();

            settings.Antennas.TxPowerInDbm = power + stepSize;
            Console.WriteLine("Power Level successfully changed");

            return(power + stepSize);
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            Action action = delegate()

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, action);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ReaderImpinj()
            impinjReader = new ImpinjReader
                ConnectTimeout = 6000,

            Antennas   = new int[] { 4, 5 };
            _isReading = false;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public FormValidar(string embarque, int anden)
     _embarque = embarque;
     _anden    = anden;
     reader = new ImpinjReader();
     IniciarReader(_embarque, _anden);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void ConnectAndPrepareAllReaders()
            foreach (string readerName in ReaderNames)
                ImpinjReader reader = new ImpinjReader();

                    // Set the reader identity. It can be any object.
                    // This is passed back with events and tag reports.
                    reader.Name = readerName;
                    //reader.ReaderIdentity = readerName;

                    // Change the level of logging detail. The default is Error.
                    //reader.LogLevel = LogLevel.Error;

                    // Attach to events
                    Reader.TagsReported += OnTagsReported;
                    Reader.ReaderStarted += OnReaderStarted;
                    Reader.ReaderStopped += OnReaderStopped;

                    // Connect to the reader. The name is the host name
                    // or IP address.

                    // Clear the reader of any RFID operation and configuration.

                    // Query the default settings for the reader. Settings
                    // include which antennas are enabled, when to report and
                    // optional report fields. Typically you will prepare the
                    // reader by getting the default settings and adjusting them.
                    // This example sets the reader to send a tag report
                    // immediately on every tag observation. Message buffering
                    // improves overall efficiency but introduces a small
                    // delay before the application is notified of a tag.
                    // Message buffering is enabled by default.
                    Settings settings = Reader.QueryDefaultSettings();
                    settings.Report.Mode = ReportMode.Individual;

                    settings.ReaderMode = ReaderMode.AutoSetDenseReader; // Adjust ช่องความถี่
                    settings.SearchMode = SearchMode.TagFocus; //จับสัญญาน ไวขึ้น
                    settings.Session = 1;

                    settings.AutoStart.Mode = AutoStartMode.GpiTrigger;
                    settings.AutoStart.GpiPortNumber = 1;
                    settings.AutoStart.GpiLevel = true;
                    settings.AutoStop.Mode = AutoStopMode.GpiTrigger;
                    settings.AutoStop.GpiPortNumber = 1;
                    settings.AutoStop.GpiLevel = false;
                    settings.Report.IncludeAntennaPortNumber = true;

                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).IsEnabled = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).IsEnabled = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(3).IsEnabled = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(4).IsEnabled = true;

                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).MaxRxSensitivity = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).TxPowerInDbm = 25;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).MaxRxSensitivity = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(2).TxPowerInDbm = 25;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(3).MaxRxSensitivity = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(3).TxPowerInDbm = 25;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(4).MaxRxSensitivity = true;
                    settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(4).TxPowerInDbm = 25;
                    // Add this reader to the list of readers.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Exception {0} for reader {1}", ex, readerName);
                    catch (OctaneSdkException octaneSdkException)
                        //Console.WriteLine("OctaneSdk detected {0}", octaneSdkException);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Exception {0}", exception);
Exemplo n.º 32
 // This event handler gets called when the reader is stopped.
 static void OnReaderStopped(ImpinjReader reader, ReaderStoppedEvent e)
     Console.WriteLine("Reader stopped : {0}", reader.Address);
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Called each time the reader disconnects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The reader that sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Contains information about the event; the reader, timestamp and new
        /// reader state are properties of this object.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Called each time the reader starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The reader that sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Contains information about the event; the reader, timestamp and new
        /// operational state are properties of this object.</param>
        //public void StartedHandler(object sender, StartedEventArgs args)
        //    writeLog("Reader started as of {0} " + args.Timestamp);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called each time the reader stops.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The reader that sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Contains information about the event; the reader, timestamp and news
        /// operational state are properties of this object.</param>
        //public void StoppedHandler(object sender, StoppedEventArgs args)
        //    writeLog("Reader stopped as of {0} " + args.Timestamp);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called each time the reader singulates a tag, or a batch of tags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The reader that sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Contains information about the event; the reader, timestamp and
        /// tag reports are properties of this object.</param>
        public void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            //double RSSI = Convert.ToDouble(ini.IniReadValue("setting", "RSSI"));
            //double RSSI2 = Convert.ToDouble(ini.IniReadValue("setting", "RSSI2"));
            //int portNumber = Convert.ToInt16(ini.IniReadValue("setting", "Port"));
            foreach (Tag tag in report.Tags)

            //    writeLog("Reader saw {0} on ant#{1} " +
            //        tag.Epc + " " + tag.AntennaPortNumber + " " + tag.PeakRssiInDbm);

            //    //TagAll += tag.Epc + '\n';
                    string strData = tag.Epc.ToString().Replace(" ","") + "##" + tag.AntennaPortNumber.ToString() + "##" + tag.PeakRssiInDbm.ToString() + "##" + ReaderSerialNo;
                    if (VariablesENG.list.Contains(tag.Epc.ToString().Replace(" ", "")))

                        VariablesENG.list.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc.ToString().Replace(" ", "")));
                    //VariablesENG.list.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc.ToString().Replace(" ", "")));

            //        string strData2 = "";
            //        string strData3 = "";
            //        string strData4 = "";
            //        //CA.GetData(tag.Epc);
            //        //var va = list.Find(x => x.Split('|')[1] == tag.Epc);
            //        bool blnStatus = false;
            //        if (tag.AntennaPortNumber == 1)
            //        {
            //            if (tag.PeakRssiInDbm >= RSSI)
            //            {
            //                strData = CA.GetData(tag.Epc);

            //                Variables.list.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc));
            //                Variables.list.Add(strData);
            //                //Variables.list2.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc));
            //                //Variables.list2.Add(strData);
            //            }
            //        }
            //        if (tag.AntennaPortNumber == 2)
            //        {
            //            if (tag.PeakRssiInDbm >= RSSI2)
            //            {
            //                strData = CA.GetData(tag.Epc);

            //                Variables.list.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc));
            //                Variables.list.Add(strData);
            //                //strData = CA.GetData(tag.Epc.Substring(0, 8));

            //                //Variables.list2.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc.Substring(0,8)));
            //                //Variables.list2.Add(strData);
            //            }
            //        }
            //        if (tag.AntennaPortNumber == 3)
            //        {
            //            strData3 = CA.GetData(tag.Epc);
            //            Variables.list3.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc.Substring(0, 7)));
            //            Variables.list3.Add(strData);
            //        }
            //        if (tag.AntennaPortNumber == 4)
            //        {
            //            strData4 = CA.GetData(tag.Epc);
            //            Variables.list4.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(tag.Epc.Substring(0, 7)));
            //            Variables.list4.Add(strData);
            //        }

                catch (Exception ex)