Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the contents of a network message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">A reference to the tcp server instance which owns the listener at which this request landed.</param>
        /// <param name="incomingPacket">The packet to handle.</param>
        /// <param name="client">A reference to the client from where this request originated from, for context.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of <see cref="IOutboundPacket"/>s that compose that synchronous response, if any.</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <IOutboundPacket> HandleRequestPacket(ITcpServer server, IInboundPacket incomingPacket, IClient client)

            if (!(incomingPacket is IGameLogInInfo loginInfo))
                this.Logger.LogError($"Expected packet info of type {nameof(IGameLogInInfo)} but got {incomingPacket.GetType().Name}.");


            if (!(client.Connection is ISocketConnection socketConnection))
                this.Logger.LogError($"Expected a {nameof(ISocketConnection)} got a {client.Connection.GetType().Name}.");


            // Associate the xTea key to allow future validate packets from this connection.

            // TODO: possibly a friendly name conversion here. Also, the actual values might change per version, so this really should be set by the packet reader.
            client.Type    = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AgentType), loginInfo.ClientOs) ? (AgentType)loginInfo.ClientOs : AgentType.Windows;
            client.Version = loginInfo.ClientVersion.ToString();

            if (loginInfo.ClientVersion != server.Options.SupportedClientVersion.Numeric)
                this.Logger.LogInformation($"Client attempted to connect with version: {loginInfo.ClientVersion}, OS: {loginInfo.ClientOs}. Expected version: {server.Options.SupportedClientVersion.Numeric}.");

                // TODO: hardcoded messages.
                return(new GameServerDisconnectPacket($"You need client version {server.Options.SupportedClientVersion.Description} to connect to this server.").YieldSingleItem());

            var(playerId, error) = server.RequestPlayerLogIn(loginInfo.AccountIdentifier, loginInfo.Password, loginInfo.CharacterName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))
                return(new GatewayServerDisconnectPacket(error).YieldSingleItem());

            client.PlayerId = playerId;


            // We don't return anything synchronously in this particular case, the game will send out the login notifications when they are ready.