Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void MovePointWithLine(IFeature pointFeature, List <IFeature> lineFeatures, IPoint targetPoint, double tolerance)
            IPoint linkPoint = pointFeature.Shape as IPoint;

            foreach (IFeature lineFeature in lineFeatures)
                IPolyline linkPolyline = lineFeature.Shape as IPolyline;
                if (linkPolyline == null)
                IPointCollection pointCollection = linkPolyline as IPointCollection;
                if (CommonHelper.GetDistance(linkPolyline.FromPoint, linkPoint) < tolerance)
                    IPoint fromPoint = pointCollection.Point[0];
                    fromPoint.PutCoords(targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(0, fromPoint);
                else if (CommonHelper.GetDistance(linkPolyline.ToPoint, linkPoint) < tolerance)
                    IPoint toPoint = pointCollection.Point[pointCollection.PointCount - 1];
                    toPoint.PutCoords(targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(pointCollection.PointCount - 1, toPoint);
                lineFeature.Shape = pointCollection as IPolyline;

            linkPoint.PutCoords(targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y);
            pointFeature.Shape = linkPoint;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void listView1_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
         IPoint tag = this.listView1.Items[e.Row].Tag as IPoint;
         if (tag != null)
             if (e.Column == 1)
                 tag.X = double.Parse((string)e.NewValue);
             else if (e.Column == 2)
                 tag.Y = double.Parse((string)e.NewValue);
             else if (e.Column == 3)
                 if (this.m_HasZ)
                     tag.Z = double.Parse((string)e.NewValue);
                     tag.M = double.Parse((string)e.NewValue);
             else if (e.Column == 4)
                 tag.M = double.Parse((string)e.NewValue);
             if ((this.m_pGeometry is IPolygon) || (this.m_pGeometry is IPolyline))
                 IPointCollection points =
                     (this.m_pGeometry as IGeometryCollection).get_Geometry(this.listBox1.SelectedIndex) as
                 points.UpdatePoint(e.Row, tag);
                 if ((points as ICurve).IsClosed && (e.Row == 0))
                     points.UpdatePoint(points.PointCount - 1, tag);
             IWorkspaceEdit workspace = (this.m_pEditFeature.Class as IDataset).Workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;
             (this.m_pMap as IActiveView).PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null,
             this.m_pEditFeature.Shape = this.m_pGeometry;
             (this.m_pMap as IActiveView).PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null,
     catch (Exception exception)
         CErrorLog.writeErrorLog(null, exception, "");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnClick()
            frmInputValue1 frmInputValue = new frmInputValue1();

            frmInputValue.Text = "输入偏移值";
            if (frmInputValue.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                double    inputValue  = frmInputValue.InputValue1;
                double    inputValue2 = frmInputValue.InputValue2;
                IGeometry shape       = EditTools.EditFeature.Shape;
                if (shape != null && EditTools.PartIndex != -1 && EditTools.PointIndex != -1 &&
                    (shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline ||
                     shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon))
                    IPointCollection pointCollection =
                        (shape as IGeometryCollection).get_Geometry(EditTools.PartIndex) as IPointCollection;
                    IPoint point = pointCollection.get_Point(EditTools.PointIndex);
                    point.X += inputValue;
                    point.Y += inputValue2;
                    double arg_C5_0 = point.Z;
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(EditTools.PointIndex, point);
                    (shape as IGeometryCollection).GeometriesChanged();
                    EditTools.EditFeature.Shape = shape;
                    (_context.FocusMap as IActiveView).Refresh();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void OnDblClick()
                if (_lineFeedback == null)
                IPolyline polyline = _lineFeedback.Stop();
                _lineFeedback = null;
                if (polyline == null)

                ISnappingResult snappingResult = _pointSnapper.Snap(polyline.ToPoint);
                if (snappingResult != null)
                    IPointCollection pointCollection = polyline as IPointCollection;
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(pointCollection.PointCount - 1, snappingResult.Location);
                CommonHelper.MovePointWithLine(_pointFeature, _lineFeatures, polyline.ToPoint, _tolerance);

                _lineFeedback = null;
                _pointFeature = null;
                _lineFeatures = null;
            catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 为几何形体增加Z值和M值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pGeo">存储几何形体</param>
        /// <param name="pPointArray">用于更新几何形体Z值、M值的点数组</param>
        public static void AddZMValueForGeometry(ref IGeometry pGeo, IArray pPointArray)
            IPointCollection pPointCol = (IPointCollection)pGeo;

            for (int j = 0; j < pPointCol.PointCount; j++)
                IPoint  pPoint = pPointCol.get_Point(j);
                IZAware pZ     = (IZAware)pPoint;
                pZ.ZAware = true;
                pPoint.Z  = 0;
                IMAware pM = (IMAware)pPoint;
                pM.MAware = true;
                pPoint.M  = 0;

                for (int k = 0; k < pPointArray.Count; k++)
                    IPoint pTempPoint = (IPoint)pPointArray.get_Element(k);
                    if (Math.Abs(pPoint.X - pTempPoint.X) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(pPoint.Y - pTempPoint.Y) < 0.001 && pTempPoint.Z != -999)
                        pPoint.Z = pTempPoint.Z;
                        pPoint.M = pTempPoint.M;
                pPointCol.UpdatePoint(j, pPoint);

            IZAware pG = (IZAware)pGeo;

            pG.ZAware = true;
            pGeo      = (IGeometry)pPointCol;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnDblClick()
                if (_lineFeedback == null)
                IPolyline polyline = _lineFeedback.Stop();
                _lineFeedback = null;
                if (polyline == null)

                ISnappingResult snappingResult = _pointSnapper.Snap(polyline.ToPoint);
                if (snappingResult != null)
                    IPointCollection pointCollection = polyline as IPointCollection;
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(pointCollection.PointCount - 1, snappingResult.Location);
                CommonHelper.MovePointWithLine(_pointFeature, _lineFeatures, polyline.ToPoint, _tolerance);
                //IPoint linkPoint = _pointFeature.Shape as IPoint;
                //linkPoint.PutCoords(polyline.ToPoint.X, polyline.ToPoint.Y);
                //_pointFeature.Shape = linkPoint;

                //foreach (IFeature lineFeature in _lineFeatures)
                //    IPolyline linkPolyline = lineFeature.Shape as IPolyline;
                //    if (linkPolyline == null)
                //        continue;
                //    IPointCollection pointCollection = linkPolyline as IPointCollection;
                //    if (CommonHelper.GetDistance(linkPolyline.FromPoint, polyline.FromPoint) < _tolerance)
                //    {
                //        IPoint fromPoint = pointCollection.Point[0];
                //        fromPoint.PutCoords(polyline.ToPoint.X, polyline.ToPoint.Y);
                //        pointCollection.UpdatePoint(0, fromPoint);
                //    }
                //    else if (CommonHelper.GetDistance(linkPolyline.ToPoint, polyline.FromPoint) < _tolerance)
                //    {
                //        IPoint toPoint = pointCollection.Point[pointCollection.PointCount - 1];
                //        toPoint.PutCoords(polyline.ToPoint.X, polyline.ToPoint.Y);
                //        pointCollection.UpdatePoint(pointCollection.PointCount - 1, toPoint);
                //    }
                //    lineFeature.Shape = pointCollection as IPolyline;
                //    lineFeature.Store();
                _lineFeedback = null;
                _pointFeature = null;
                _lineFeatures = null;
            catch (Exception exception)
        public void Update(double newvalue, int row, int column)//x,y一起修改
            IPoint ipoint = (IPoint)pointCollection.Point[row];

            switch (column)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                ipoint.X = newvalue;

            case 2:
                ipoint.Y = newvalue;
            pointCollection.UpdatePoint(row, ipoint);

            IGeometry       polygon        = pointCollection as IGeometry;
            IPolygonElement polygonElement = new PolygonElementClass();
            IElement        polyElement    = polygonElement as IElement;

            polyElement.Geometry = polygon;
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement((IElement)polygonElement, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
                color.Red   = 255;
                color.Green = 0;
                color.Blue  = 0;

                markerSymbol.Size  = 5;
                markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

                IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                ((IMarkerElement)pElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
                pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

                /*IElement pElement=new MarkerElementClass();
                *  pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                *  pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);*/
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void TransCoordiante(IWorkspace pWorkSpace, IFeatureClass pFeatureclass)
            // IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = pWorkSpace as IWorkspaceEdit;
            // workspaceEdit.StartEditOperation();

            IFeatureCursor pOutFCursor = pFeatureclass.Update(null, true);
            IFeature       pFeature    = pOutFCursor.NextFeature();

            while (pFeature != null)
                // IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;
                IPointCollection pPointCollection = pFeature.Shape as IPointCollection;
                if (pPointCollection != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < pPointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                        if (i == pPointCollection.PointCount - 1)
                            if (pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                            //IPoint firstpoint = pPointCollection.get_Point(0);
                            //IPoint lastpoint = pPointCollection.get_Point(pPointCollection.PointCount-1);
                        double tempvalue;
                        IPoint pt = pPointCollection.get_Point(i);
                        tempvalue = pt.Y;
                        pt.Y      = pt.X;
                        pt.X      = tempvalue;
                        pt.Z      = 0 - pt.Z;
                        pPointCollection.UpdatePoint(i, pt);
                    //pFeature.Shape = pPointCollection as IGeometry;
                //不能转为pointcollection 说明是单点
                if (pPointCollection == null)
                    IPoint pt = pFeature.Shape as IPoint;
                    double tempvalue;
                    tempvalue = pt.Y;
                    pt.Y      = pt.X;
                    pt.X      = tempvalue;
                    pt.Z      = 0 - pt.Z;
                    //pFeature.Shape = pt as IGeometry;
                pFeature = pOutFCursor.NextFeature();
            //  workspaceEdit.StopEditing(true);
            //  workspaceEdit.StopEditOperation();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void UpdatePoint(int partIndex, int pointIndex, IPoint newPoint)
            // TODO:  添加 ModifyPoint.WSGRI.DigitalFactory.DFQuery.IUpdatePoint.UpdatePoint 实现
            IPointCollection pColl = (IPointCollection)m_GeoColl.get_Geometry(partIndex);

            if ((pointIndex > -1) && (pointIndex < pColl.PointCount))
                pColl.UpdatePoint(pointIndex, newPoint);
                Feature.Shape = m_GeoColl as IGeometry;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// 鼠标移动实时更新测量线和方位角
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void mapControl_OnMouseMove(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseMoveEvent e)
     if (isMouseDown && !isControl && e.button == 1)
         IPointCollection pointCollection = lineElement.Geometry as IPointCollection;
         IPoint           point           = new PointClass();
         point.PutCoords(e.mapX, e.mapY);
         pointCollection.UpdatePoint(1, point);
         lineElement.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
         angle            = GetAngle(e.mapX, e.mapY);
         textElement.Text = string.Format("角度{0}°", angle);
         mapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void SaveEdit()
         object before  = new object();
         object missing = Type.Missing;
         foreach (LinkArgs args in this._las)
             if (args.PartIndex >= 0)
                 IFeature            feature   = args.feature;
                 IGeometryCollection shapeCopy = feature.ShapeCopy as IGeometryCollection;
                 IPointCollection    points    = shapeCopy.get_Geometry(args.PartIndex) as IPointCollection;
                 for (int i = 0; i < this._editInfoList.Count; i++)
                     EditInfo info  = this._editInfoList[i] as EditInfo;
                     int      index = args.VertexIndex[i];
                     IPoint   p     = (info.NewPoint as IClone).Clone() as IPoint;
                     if (p.SpatialReference != (EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference)
                         p.Project((EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference);
                         p.SpatialReference = (EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference;
                     if (index == 0)
                         points.UpdatePoint(0, p);
                         points.ReplacePoints(index, 1, 1, ref p);
                 shapeCopy.RemoveGeometries(args.PartIndex, 1);
                 before = args.PartIndex;
                 shapeCopy.AddGeometry(points as IGeometry, ref before, ref missing);
                 IGeometry geometry = (IGeometry)shapeCopy;
                 feature.Shape = geometry;
         Editor.UniqueInstance.StopEditOperation("Linkage Edit");
     catch (Exception exception)
         this._mErrOpt.ErrorOperate(this._mSubSysName, "ShapeEdit.LinkageEdit", "SaveEdit", exception.GetHashCode().ToString(), exception.Source, exception.Message, "", "", "");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void buildPolyline(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
            m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
            m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
            m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
            m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
            m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x, y);

                bool add = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);

                object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_workPts.Length; i++)
                    ((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
                    ((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

                    if (m_bM)
                        m_workPts[i].M = i;
                    if (m_bZ)
                        m_workPts[i].Z = i * 100;
                    //add it point by point - .Net IDL limitation to do batch update?
                    if (add)                                                             //pGonColl.AddPoints(5, ref m_workPts[0]);//strange error of type mismatch
                        pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal); //The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.
                        pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

                //Can I user replace point collection or addPointcollection?

            catch (Exception Ex)
            { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Ex.Message); }
            //Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void OnMouseUp(int button, int shift, int x, int y)
     if ((button == 1) && this._isVertexSelected)
         this._endPoint         = this._viewMap.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y);
         this._isVertexSelected = false;
         IPointCollection linageShape = Editor.UniqueInstance.LinageShape as IPointCollection;
         IPoint           point       = linageShape.get_Point(this._vertexIndex);
         linageShape.UpdatePoint(this._vertexIndex, this._endPoint);
         EditInfo info = new EditInfo {
             VertexIndex = this._vertexIndex,
             OldPoint    = point,
             NewPoint    = this._endPoint
         this._viewMap.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewForeground, Editor.UniqueInstance.TargetLayer, this._editBound.Envelope);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static bool ValidateZValue(ref IGeometry pDesGeometry)
            IZAware          pZAware = default(IZAware);
            IPoint           pPnt    = default(IPoint);
            IPointCollection pPntCol = default(IPointCollection);
            int    i            = 0;
            double dZ           = 0;
            int    lValidPntNum = 0;

            pZAware = (IZAware)pDesGeometry;
            if (pZAware.ZAware == true)
                if (pZAware.ZSimple == false)
                    pPntCol = (IPointCollection)pDesGeometry;
                    for (i = 0; i <= pPntCol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                        pPnt    = pPntCol.get_Point(i);
                        pZAware = (IZAware)pPnt;
                        if (pZAware.ZSimple == true)
                            dZ           = dZ + pPnt.Z;
                            lValidPntNum = lValidPntNum + 1;
                    dZ = dZ / lValidPntNum;
                    for (i = 0; i <= pPntCol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                        pPnt    = pPntCol.get_Point(i);
                        pZAware = (IZAware)pPnt;
                        if (pZAware.ZSimple == false)
                            pPnt.Z = dZ;
                            pPntCol.UpdatePoint(i, pPnt);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 编辑点移动事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void editPoint_MarkerMouseMoveEvent(IElement element, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseMoveEvent e)
            IPoint point;

            if (isControlDown)
                IPointCollection pointCollection = polygonElement.Geometry as IPointCollection;
                double           x = currentPoint.X - e.mapX;
                double           y = currentPoint.Y - e.mapY;
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount - 1; i++)
                    point    = pointCollection.get_Point(i);
                    point.X -= x; point.Y -= y;
                    pointCollection.UpdatePoint(i, point);
                foreach (var item in markerList)
                    point    = item.Geometry as IPoint;
                    point.X -= x;
                    point.Y -= y;
                polygonElement.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
                mapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, polygonElement, null);
                IPointCollection pointCollection = polygonElement.Geometry as IPointCollection;

                IPoint newPoint = new PointClass();
                newPoint.PutCoords(e.mapX, e.mapY);
                pointCollection.UpdatePoint(int.Parse(currentMarker.Name), newPoint);

                polygonElement.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
                mapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, polygonElement, null);
            currentPoint = new PointClass();
            currentPoint.PutCoords(e.mapX, e.mapY);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void buildPolygon(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
            m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
            m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
            m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
            m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
            m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
                bool   add        = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);
                object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_workPts.Length; i++)
                    ((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
                    ((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

                    if (m_bM)
                        m_workPts[i].M = i % 4;
                    if (m_bZ)
                        m_workPts[i].Z = (i % 4) * 100;                         //match start and end points
                    if (add)
                        pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal);                                //The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.
                        pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

            catch (Exception Ex)
            { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Ex.Message); }
            //Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void PointCollCoordConvert(double A1, double B1, double C1, double A2, double B2, double C2, double A3, double C3, ref IPointCollection pPointCollection)
            IArray pArray = new ArrayClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < pPointCollection.PointCount; i++)

            double X, Y, Z, M;

            for (int i = 0; i < pPointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                X = (pArray.get_Element(i) as Point).X;
                Y = (pArray.get_Element(i) as Point).Y;
                Z = (pArray.get_Element(i) as Point).Z;
                M = (pArray.get_Element(i) as Point).M;

                IPoint pTempPoint = new PointClass();
                pTempPoint.Y = A1 * Y + B1 * X + C1;
                pTempPoint.X = A2 * Y + B2 * X + C2;

                if (Z == 0)
                    C3 = 0;

                pTempPoint.Z = A3 * Z + C3;
                pTempPoint.M = M;

                pPointCollection.UpdatePoint(i, pTempPoint);

            pArray = null;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void KalibreerVormpuntenOpBasisVanSpoorhartlijn(IFeatureSelection FeatureSelectionMShape)
            #region Bepaal de overlappende extent van raaien en selectie
            IGeoDataset GeoDatasetMShape = flMShape as IGeoDataset;
            IGeoDataset GeodatasetLRS    = fcLRS as IGeoDataset;

            IEnvelope pQueryingGeometryFullExtent = GeoDatasetMShape.Extent;
            pQueryingGeometryFullExtent.Expand(10000, 10000, false);
            #endregion Bepaal de overlappende extent van raaien en selectie

            int featurecount   = FeatureSelectionMShape.SelectionSet.Count;
            int featurecounter = 0;

            ICursor SelectionCursor = null;

            if (featurecount == 0)
                SelectionCursor = ((FeatureSelectionMShape as IFeatureLayer).FeatureClass.Search(null, false)) as ICursor;
                featurecount    = (FeatureSelectionMShape as IFeatureLayer).FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null);
                FeatureSelectionMShape.SelectionSet.Search(null, false, out SelectionCursor);

            IPolyline        Polyline        = null;
            IPolygon         buffer          = null;
            IPointCollection PointCollection = null;

            IList <IPolyline> PolylinesLRS = null;

                IFeature feature = SelectionCursor.NextRow() as IFeature;
                while (feature != null)
                    Polyline        = feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
                    PointCollection = Polyline as IPointCollection;

                    #region lees de begin- en eindkilometrering en het selectie criterium
                    double m_begin  = (Polyline as IPointCollection).get_Point(0).M;
                    double m_eind   = (Polyline as IPointCollection).get_Point((Polyline as IPointCollection).PointCount - 1).M;
                    string sleutel1 = Convert.ToString(feature.get_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(this.mshape_sleutel1)));
                    string sleutel2 = null;
                    if (this.mshape_sleutel2 != "")
                        sleutel2 = Convert.ToString(feature.get_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(this.mshape_sleutel2)));


                    // Selecteer alle LRS lijnen binnen de zoekafstand
                    ISpatialFilter SpatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();
                    IQueryFilter   QueryFilter   = SpatialFilter;

                    buffer = (Polyline as ITopologicalOperator).Buffer(Properties.Settings.Default.mshape_maxafstand) as IPolygon;

                    SpatialFilter.Geometry      = buffer;
                    SpatialFilter.GeometryField = fcLRS.ShapeFieldName;
                    string whereclauseLRS = Properties.Settings.Default.lrs_selectie;
                    SpatialFilter.WhereClause = string.Format(whereclauseLRS, sleutel1, sleutel2);
                    SpatialFilter.SpatialRel  = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects;

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureCursor featureCursor = fcLRS.Search(QueryFilter, false);

                        PolylinesLRS = new List <IPolyline>();
                        IFeature featureLRS = featureCursor.NextFeature();
                        while (featureLRS != null)
                            PolylinesLRS.Add(featureLRS.ShapeCopy as IPolyline);
                            featureLRS = featureCursor.NextFeature();

                    // Controleer of er een spoorhartlijn (LRS) in de buurt ligt. Zo niet, dan evt. markeren
                    if ((PolylinesLRS.Count == 0) && (this.MarkeerLijnBuitenZoekAfstand))
                        _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Polyline, this.KleurLijnBuitenZoekAfstand, this.KleurLijnBuitenZoekAfstand);
                        // Als er geen spoorhartlijn (LRS) in de buurt ligt, dan hoeven ook niet alle vormpunten doorlopen te worden.
                        continue; // while (feature != null)

                    #region Doorloop alle vormpunten en werk de vormpunten bij
                    bool   bUpdated         = false;
                    bool   bNietMonotoon    = false;
                    bool   outPointGevonden = false;
                    double pDistance        = 0;

                    for (int i = 1; i < PointCollection.PointCount - 1; i++) // sla het eerste en het laatste punt over
                        // zoek de dichtstbijzijnde feature, eventueel aangevuld met geocode in een queryfilter
                        IPoint Point    = PointCollection.get_Point(i);
                        IPoint outPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                        outPointGevonden = false;
                        pDistance        = double.PositiveInfinity;
                        bUpdated         = false;

                        this.ZoekPuntOpSpoorhartlijn(Point, PolylinesLRS, m_begin, m_eind, out outPoint, out outPointGevonden, out pDistance);
                        if (this.LogVormpunten)
                            if (outPointGevonden)
                                this._ArcObjectsHelper.LogRecord(logtable, feature.OID, i, Point.X, Point.Y, Point.M, outPoint.X, outPoint.Y, outPoint.M);
                                this._ArcObjectsHelper.LogRecord(logtable, feature.OID, i, Point.X, Point.Y, Point.M, Point.X, Point.Y, Point.M);

                        // Als er een punt gevonden is, binnen de zoekafstand en binnen het kilometerinterval
                        if (outPointGevonden)
                            if (Math.Abs((Point as IPoint).M - outPoint.M) > (this.VerschilVormpuntMetAfwijking / 1000))
                                if (MarkeerVormpuntMetAfwijking)
                                    _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntMetAfwijking, this.KleurVormpuntMetAfwijking);

                            if ((pDistance > this.AfstandVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand) && (this.MarkeerVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand))
                                _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand);

                            Point.M = outPoint.M;

                            PointCollection.UpdatePoint(i, Point);
                            bUpdated = true;
                        else if ((!outPointGevonden) && (outPoint != null)) // er is wel een punt gevonden, maar niet binnen het kilometerinterval.
                            // Als er een punt buiten het kilometerinterval gevonden is, binnen de zoekafstand, markeer het punt dan
                            if ((this.MarkeerVormpuntMetAfwijking) && (Math.Abs((Point as IPoint).M - outPoint.M) > (this.VerschilVormpuntMetAfwijking / 1000)))
                                _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntMetAfwijking, this.KleurVormpuntMetAfwijking);

                            if ((this.MarkeerVormpuntBuitenInterval) && !(between(m_begin, m_eind, outPoint.M, (TolerantieVormpuntBuitenInterval / 1000))))
                                _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenInterval, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenInterval);

                            if ((pDistance > this.AfstandVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand) && (this.MarkeerVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand))
                                _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand);
                        else if (!outPointGevonden) // er is geen punt gevonden binnen de zoekafstand
                            if (this.MarkeerVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand)
                                _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand, this.KleurVormpuntBuitenZoekAfstand);

                        #region Markeer de bijgewerkte en niet bijgewerkte punten
                        if ((bUpdated) && (this.MarkeerVormpuntBijgewerkt))
                            _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntBijgewerkt, this.KleurVormpuntBijgewerkt);
                        if (!(bUpdated) && (this.MarkeerVormpuntNietBijgewerkt))
                            _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, Point, this.KleurVormpuntNietBijgewerkt, this.KleurVormpuntNietBijgewerkt);
                    #endregion // doorloop de vormpunten

                    #region Reset begin- en eindkilometer
                    this.ResetBeginEnEindMeasure(Polyline, m_begin, m_eind, false);

                    #region Controleer of de lijn monotoon oplopend of aflopend is en markeer de lijn.
                    int MMonotonicity = ((PointCollection as IMSegmentation3).MMonotonicity);
                    if (MMonotonicity == 5 || MMonotonicity == 7 || MMonotonicity == 15)
                        bNietMonotoon = true;
                        if (this.MarkeerLijnNietMonotoon)
                            _ArcObjectsHelper.AddGraphicToMap(ArcMap.Document.FocusMap, PointCollection as IPolyline, this.KleurLijnNietMonotoon, this.KleurLijnNietMonotoon);

                    if ((bNietMonotoon) && (this.OpslaanLijnNietMonotoon))
                        feature.Shape = (PointCollection as IGeometry);
                        // UpdateCursor.UpdateFeature(feature);
                    else if (!bNietMonotoon)
                        feature.Shape = (PointCollection as IGeometry);

                    // Voortgang
                    featurecounter += 1;
                    this.progress   = (100 * featurecounter) / featurecount;

                    // Bijwerken

                    // Volgende feature
                    feature = SelectionCursor.NextRow() as IFeature;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden; raadpleeg de logfile: " + ex.Message + ": " + ex.StackTrace, "Foutmelding");
                logger.LogException(LogLevel.Trace, "FOUT", ex);
		private void buildPolyline(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
			m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x, y);

				bool add = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);
					object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
					for (int i = 0; i< m_workPts.Length; i++)
						((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
						((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

						if (m_bM)
							m_workPts[i].M =  i;
						if (m_bZ)
							m_workPts[i].Z = i * 100;
						//add it point by point - .Net IDL limitation to do batch update?
						if (add)	//pGonColl.AddPoints(5, ref m_workPts[0]);//strange error of type mismatch
							pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal);	//The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.	
							pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

				//Can I user replace point collection or addPointcollection?

			catch (Exception Ex)
			//Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.
        private void EditMouseUp(IPoint pPnt)
            IPolygon       pPolyResult;
            IPolyline      pPolylineResult;
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor;
            IFeature       pFeature;
            IFeatureLayer  pFeatLyr = m_EngineEditLayers.TargetLayer;

            if (m_editDispFeed != null)
                switch (m_pHitElem.Geometry.GeometryType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine:
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pPolylineResult = m_polylineMvPtFeed.Stop();
                    if ((pPolylineResult != null))
                        m_pHitElem.Geometry = pPolylineResult;

                        pFeatureCursor = MapManager.GetSelectedFeatures(pFeatLyr);
                        if (pFeatureCursor == null)
                        pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
                        pFeature.Shape = pPolylineResult;

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryEnvelope:
                    pPolyResult = m_polyMvPtFeed.Stop();
                    if (pPolyResult != null)
                        m_pHitElem.Geometry = pPolyResult;
                        pFeatureCursor = MapManager.GetSelectedFeatures(pFeatLyr);
                        if (pFeatureCursor == null)
                        pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
                        pFeature.Shape = pPolyResult;
                        if (pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon ||
                            pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                    IFeature pTempParcel;
                    IPoint pDestPoint;
                    pDestPoint = pPnt;
                    IZAware pZAware = pDestPoint as IZAware;
                    pZAware.ZAware = true;
                    pDestPoint.Z   = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= EditVertexClass.m_featArray.Count - 1; i++)
                        pTempParcel = EditVertexClass.m_featArray.get_Element(i) as IFeature;
                        int pIndex = 0;
                        pIndex = EditVertexClass.GetVertexIndex(m_fromPoint, pTempParcel.Shape);
                        if (!(pIndex == -2))
                            ITopologicalOperator pTopoOpt         = default(ITopologicalOperator);
                            IPolygon             pPolygon         = default(IPolygon);
                            IPointCollection     pPolygonPointCol = default(IPointCollection);
                            pPolygonPointCol = pTempParcel.ShapeCopy as IPointCollection;
                            pPolygonPointCol.UpdatePoint(pIndex, pDestPoint);
                            pPolygon = pPolygonPointCol as IPolygon;
                            pTopoOpt = pPolygon as ITopologicalOperator;
                            pTempParcel.Shape = pPolygon;

                m_polyMvPtFeed     = null;
                m_polylineMvPtFeed = null;
                m_editDispFeed     = null;
                m_pHitElem         = null;
		private void buildPolygon(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
			m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
				bool add = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);
				object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
				for (int i = 0; i< m_workPts.Length; i++)
					((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
					((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

					if (m_bM)
						m_workPts[i].M = i % 4;
					if (m_bZ)
						m_workPts[i].Z = (i % 4) * 100;	//match start and end points
					if (add)
						pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal);	//The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.	
						pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

			catch (Exception Ex)
			//Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.